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A Tiny Problem with SatAM's Season 3

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I just noticed something about the writers' plans for the canceled season 3 of SatAM that strikes me as odd. Since Season 3 never happened, if it did it would probably be fixed, but...

Okay, so the eyes at the end are Ixis Naugus and he's free from the Void. But wouldn't that turn him into crystal? In the episode where he appeared he couldn't leave the Void for long, cause he'd been in it too long and if he left he'd be crystallized.

I wonder how they'd fix it. *ponders*

Posts: 308
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The problem is that the finale left us on a cliffhanger. The writers, particularly Ben Hurst, already had a good bit of Season 3 planned out, including an explanation for everything you just asked. Possibly the answer lied in the Journal, which the Freedom Fighters would have found which had a lot of invaluable information, and the only person who really knows what was to be in this journal is Hurst himself.

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If I ever meet Ben Hurst I'll ask him :) Maybe it wore off after a while.

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Better do it while he's still around.

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This is just speculation, since there are no plans-as yet-to finish up season 3. We can deduce, however, that since Naugus escaped immediately after the Doomsday Project was destroyed, that either the project or the Deep Power Stones somehow enabled him to escape the Void without any negative effects. Unlikely as it seems, Hurst stated on the SatAM DVD interview with him that he hopes that someone will come back and do season 3 one day, and I hope that he's right. It would certainly fill in a lot of plot holes and satisfy me-Doomsday would have been cooler if Naugus' cameo had happened before Sonic and Sally kissed, because then you wouldn't have been quite so upset by the cliffhanger.

Here's hoping some schmo comes along and resurrects SatAM!

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Digimon and Star Trek might have come back from the dead, but given how out of date SatAM is now, I doubt we'll see it's resurrection.

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Don't try to crush my dreams! I happen to want to be a writer, and I may be the guy who brings SatAM BACK.

Posts: 1446
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SatAM's not coming back. You'd need Sega's permission, among others, and Sega isn't interested in reviving a show that's been dead for over a decade, especially since it clashes with the current "Sonic X" image of Sonic they're trying to portray.

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Alright, I concede. You're right as usual, MattManic: SatAM is dead, and unless I outlive all the Sega guys there's now way I'm going to bring it back.

Of course, a lot of long time fans will agree that it would be cool.

Posts: 1446
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Oh, absolutely. I only got a chance to see SatAM for the first time this year when the DVD was released, but I think a third season of it would have been fantastic. I just think we have to be realistic about its chances.

Posts: 337
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IF Sat AM did come back, they'd quickly have to show some of the new main liners.

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the main thing is is that it's just sooooo old. it's so incredibly unrealistic that anyone could ever bring it back. i'm actually a little surprised to hear that ben hurst wanted somebody to do a season 3. honestly even he has to realize that it won't ever happen.

Posts: 2116
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I wouldn't mind seeing season three adapted into comic form, like the eighth season of BtVS. I know that Archie and SatAM aren't the exact same universe, but a couple of specials or a miniseries or limited run focusing on a parallel world might be a compromise.

If the rights to the material for it were available, that is.

Posts: 608
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Now that's an idea Sam... I for one would buy the mini series if it cleared once and for all Season 3 of SatAM. I've read what was supposed to happen and it would've made a good storyline. Chances are slim to none though for the reasons already stated.

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That is a good idea, Sam; Archie and SatAM's writers getting together and putting the plot of Season 3 in comic form. Of course, a few changes would have to be made, unless they like did it as another alternate Zone storyline.

If someone were to make an effort to do a television series for season 3, I think they'd first have to revamp the first two seasons. Rewrite them, give them a newer look, take out some dumb plots and put in some new ones, and you could bring the whole thing back. Sadly, SatAM is unlikely to be revived so it can be resolved-it's just like Sonic Underground and Xiaolin Showdown (not a Sonic show, so sue me): cancelled before you saw how it ended.

Posts: 273
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It wouldn't happen as an Archie comic. I don't think Hurst is too keen on Archie, after what happenned between him and Penders.

The best we could hope for is getting Hurst to publish his roughly scripted "Season 3" on the web.

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that's just what happens to bad shows though. they get cancelled. it happens alot.

Posts: 28
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I realize that there isn't anything more I can possibly say than has already been said regarding S3, but it's certainly disappointing that ABC chose to throw the show under the bus the way they did, and not let the show come to a proper conclusion.

If they wanted to do a comic book adaptation, I would eagerly look forward to it. The only thing I would want is that Ben Hurst oversees the whole process, for quality and continuity purposes.

Posts: 273
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that's just what happens to bad shows though. they get cancelled. it happens alot.

I'll make a deal with you: I'll stop ragging on Sega if you don't rip SatAM. Deal?

Posts: 2116
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Well put, Erinaceus.

Hypershadow, don't bash - if you think it's "bad", at least explain why.

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i'm not so much bashing as i am making a statement. but i understand what you mean.

to elaborate, look at the fall seasons of any tv channel. there's always new shows that come on the air for a few episodes and then are promptly taken off without a conclusion due to poor ratings. Satam didn't have good ratings hence it was cancelled. it just happens it's how television works.

and erinaceus, the only problem i ever had with you is the fact that for awhile, you were changing every topic into a sega sucks topic. almost every time you posted. i don't care if you hate sega, by all means hate them. but since you toned it down it hasn't bothered me once. i'll try not to rip on satam too much, but most of the time i just point out facts like:

1)it's over a decade old. what's more to talk about? the deep power stones affect on sally apparently.

2)it did get cancelled. meaning it just wasn't popular. and it didn't matter if die hard fans still love the show.

3)Season 3 is near impossible. meaning it would be a waste of time and money for anyone to ever try to bring it back because again, it's over a decade old and it does clash with sonic x.

that's not bashing. it's just as true as your arguements that everything after sonic adventure sucked.

Posts: 72
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Agreed, hypershadow.

It's not like SatAM or any of the other animated Sonic series (American and Japanese) were landmarks in animation.

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Thanks for understanding, guys. 🙂

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Well, as Ben Hurst has said, SatAM is kind of like the original Star Trek-not quite as popular, but similar in how it turned out. Originally, most people didn't watch it because it was sharing time slots with Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, which most people thought was a better show. It was only after new episodes stopped airing that most people looked back on it and realized that it was a pretty great show.

Congratulations to you all: you've deflated my dreams of Season 3 appearing as anything more than fanfiction. Still, I don't blame any of you; I should have realized that the odds of SatAM coming back were highly improbable-not impossible; we've all seen enough movies that say nothing is impossible, and they're right. Of course, I'm not holding my breath.

Posts: 273
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and erinaceus, the only problem i ever had with you is the fact that for awhile, you were changing every topic into a sega sucks topic. almost every time you posted. i don't care if you hate sega, by all means hate them. but since you toned it down it hasn't bothered me once. i'll try not to rip on satam too much, but most of the time i just point out facts like:

1)it's over a decade old. what's more to talk about? the deep power stones affect on sally apparently.

2)it did get cancelled. meaning it just wasn't popular. and it didn't matter if die hard fans still love the show.

3)Season 3 is near impossible. meaning it would be a waste of time and money for anyone to ever try to bring it back because again, it's over a decade old and it does clash with sonic x.

that's not bashing. it's just as true as your arguements that everything after sonic adventure sucked.

Well...if there's one thing I can add that keeps SatAM fans' hopes afloat, its that I've observed recently that older shows seem to be getting a lot of revisiting lately...Transformers....TMNT...and now even ReBoot is getting (pardon the pun) rebooted. As Ben Hurst says, anything can happen with just a simple phone call...

Why would it clash with Sonic X? There's no reason two different continuities can't exist. Heck, Sega started this mess when they encouraged SoA and SoE to localize the stories of the original games. It would be unwise and less profitable to ignore the other storylines...I bet Sega doesn't care what sort of story any liscensee uses, just as long as they keep Sonic "cool", and as long as the liscensee keeps paying the liscensing fee on time.

And on one last note...never have I said that everything after Sonic Adventure sucks...that's making me out to be some sorta 2D purist, and there is nothing I hate more than a 2D purist. For the record, SA is still my all-time favorite Sonic game. And I liked SA2. Heck...I even enjoyed Heroes, which only seems to be hated by the fan community because its fashionable to hate it. No...I think that Sega's gaming and narrative nosedive started with Shadow the Hedgehog...which I only see as their cynical attempt to cash-in on the more risque games currently reigning over the market. And then the bottom fell out with StH 2006, with its laughable attemps to emulate a JRPG with its story, and failure to rekindle the zeitgist of Sonic Adventure. Secret Rings was the proverbial band-aid on a broken leg, and the handheld games on the GBA and DS, while decent, are no saviors either. I would personally trade them all back for just one high-quality 3D console Sonic.

Well...that's my "Sega sux" rant of the day...sorry to change the topic...I just wanted to set the record straight.

Posts: 2116
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Yes, Sega started it. And they've learned from their mistakes by, having let most continuities die off naturally, getting their weight unified behind SX and tying the games continuities together since SA.

I know that they're revenue-driven, but I find it hard to believe that they'd open up that particular can of worms again after that decision.

Posts: 462
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I've observed recently that older shows seem to be getting a lot of revisiting lately...Transformers....TMNT...and now even ReBoot is getting (pardon the pun) rebooted

Transformers isn't being "revisited" at all - it never actually left, Transformers toylines have been available in the US for every year bar a three-year stretch since 1984 and on TV every year since 1997. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles got revived in 2003 after just five years of not being on the telly. ReBoot's the only one here that fits into the same situation as SatAm, and even that's a slightly iffy comparison as it got revived for new seasons twice.

Posts: 1402
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what charles said basically.

also i agree with sam, sonic X is just accessable for new fans to jump into the series. whereas satam was targeted at children 10 years ago. most of the people that sega would want to watch it weren't even BORN yet. so that really says something.

Posts: 273
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Yes, Sega started it. And they've learned from their mistakes by, having let most continuities die off naturally, getting their weight unified behind SX and tying the games continuities together since SA.

I know that they're revenue-driven, but I find it hard to believe that they'd open up that particular can of worms again after that decision.

It wasn't a mistake to encourage localization, thus spawning these multiple was more profitable localize to get Americans and Euopeans to embrace a Japanese product. The decision to universalize the continuity stemmed from the onset of the Dreamcast. Sega just wanted to start anew, and wipe away their checkered past, streamlining things in preparation for the DC. That included universalizing Sonic. If Sega were really so cold to the idea of another continuity forming and enduring, then they probably wouldn't have let Archie keep going as long as they have.

So my observations regarding other properties is somewhat point remains valid: There is a recent trend where what is old and has spent years out of the mainstream spotlight is being made new again and brought back into the limelight.

sonic X is just accessable for new fans to jump into the series. whereas satam was targeted at children 10 years ago. most of the people that sega would want to watch it weren't even BORN yet. so that really says something.

Y'know...when SatAM first aired, it, along with AoStH, was also a way of getting new fans to jump into the series. And if there were to be a relaunch, I doubt very much that it would be a straight-up season 3, picked right up where the old series left off. A more likely scenario is that, they would take the same core cast and story, update the animation, inject some modern game elements, as well as some stuff from Archie, and try their best to cater to the current audience. To be totally honest, I would actually prefer that scenario. I'm not such a blind fanboy of the old show that I would object to any sort of tinkering done.

Posts: 1402
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Y'know...when SatAM first aired, it, along with AoStH, was also a way of getting new fans to jump into the series. And if there were to be a relaunch, I doubt very much that it would be a straight-up season 3, picked right up where the old series left off. A more likely scenario is that, they would take the same core cast and story, update the animation, inject some modern game elements, as well as some stuff from Archie, and try their best to cater to the current audience. To be totally honest, I would actually prefer that scenario. I'm not such a blind fanboy of the old show that I wouldn object to any sort of tinkering done.

if they made a cartoon that was more heavily archie based, i wouldn't have a problem really. but just bringing out a season 3 wouldn't work as you said. but the likelihood (sp?) of that happening is still nill regardless.

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Double post sorry.

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You know, there's one thing that I really don't get with everyone saying that a new season of SatAM would clash with Sonic X: Sonic X is OVER. The series ended with the stupid human kid going home and the Metarex being defeated, they're not coming back. Since it may be decades before they come up with another decent idea, why not bring back SatAM, rewrite it so it's better suited to kids who are around these days, and produce the third season?

I would definitely love to see a series based on Archie, though I think I'd just want one based on Knuckles. Penders was going to do that at some point, I believe, but he couldn't get permission for the characters and it never went through. Shame; I would have liked to see Enerjak, the Dark Legion, the Brotherhood, and Julie-Su on the screen.

Posts: 1694
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If they did bring back SatAM, they'd have to have a recast for the characters.

Jaleel White and Bradley Pierce are probably too old for their roles, I'm certain the latter definitely is. Kath Soucie (I can never remember her last name) and Rob Paulson may be able to reprise their roles as Sally and Antoine, though.

Posts: 1446
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You know, there's one thing that I really don't get with everyone saying that a new season of SatAM would clash with Sonic X: Sonic X is OVER. The series ended with the stupid human kid going home and the Metarex being defeated, they're not coming back. Since it may be decades before they come up with another decent idea, why not bring back SatAM, rewrite it so it's better suited to kids who are around these days, and produce the third season?

It's not so much about the actual cartoon as it is about the image Sega is trying to portray. Sonic X reflects their most recent reimagining of Sonic, and it's the first time they've has a tight continuity in the series. They can't resurface SatAM because those characters and that world aren't how they want Sonic to be marketed anymore.

Posts: 28
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I believe Sega missed a golden opportunity with SatAM; they could've marketed it and its characters more than they did (little to none at all). SatAM's characters, IMO, are better than many of Sega's characters, because I feel they have more depth; they seem genuine and real, almost to the point where you can actually identify with them. I believe people could have come to like these characters more if Sega had chosen to play it out like that (marketing SatAM more than they did).

Although if they had gone that route, it is possible that the characters I like so much may have ceased to be the characters I appreciate so much, and instead become something that I don't like, so who knows if it would actually be better if they had taken a different approach.

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Good point, gb Supernova. While a lot of fans would have liked-or would like-to see SatAM revived or at least the use of its characters in the games, they might have ended up going from the beloved characters loved by so many to second rate sidekicks as a result. Of course, it would be better to bring them back into the picture than to keep throwing in a new character every game who's likely to end up being killed off anyway. The Freedom Fighters would make great additions to the games cast, although Sonic has so many teammates already in the games that they'd have to do a whole new game storyline without Knuckles or any of the other supporting characters except Tails to fit them in decently.

As for clashing with Sonic X as the last portrayal of Sonic the Hedgehog and co., why can't Sega move on? Sonic X was okay, but there's nothing saying they can't change the franchise's image. It might actually be nice to get games and cartoons that hail back to the glory days of SatAM, when Sonic and his friends were war orphans fighting against a virtually insurmountable evil instead of a bunch of teenagers wandering around the world and just happening to wind up in just the right place at just the right time to save everyone.

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While a lot of fans

you see that's another problem. not alot of fans would like to see it come back Satam's fanbase is undoubtibly one of the smallest of any sonic continuity.

Posts: 1127
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The Freedom Fighters would make great additions to the games cast

See, that may be true in your opinion, but in mine, they were annoying, badly designed Warner Bros rejects who had no place being associated with the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise in the 90s, and still don't now.

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First of all, Toby, if you don't like them, don't be a jerk about it. I'm okay if you hate the Freedom Fighters, just don't insult them so blatantly to those who do. And to hypershadow, I wasn't aware that SatAM had the smallest fan following around; I was under the impression that it was among the largest. If I was wrong, I apologize, though I'm not entirely sure I agree with your opinion that not a lot of fans would like to see it come back. Still, I apologize that you're being congenial about it, unlike the rude individual who posted immediately after you.

Posts: 337
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As a matter of fact, I loved SatAM, and still do. It was a wonderful series was cut down before it could even rightfully complete it's life cycle. (like the first StarTrek).

My only regret is that the Sonic series of cartoons have moved on since then. SU, SX. Still, it would be fun to see Sally animated again, considering how many art upgrades she's gone through since then along with the rest of the cast.

I'd watch the third season if it had come out. I'd BUY the third season if it was reduced to an OVA.

But Sega doesn't seem to realize what a cash cow it has in it's lap.

Posts: 2116
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Toby, I actually agree with you (reasons here) - but there's no need to bash about it.

Spectre, in terms of the Sonic fanbase, the SatAM contingent is small.

Sonic fandom doesn't just mean the West - it's worldwide, including countries who've never seen the show. And the target demographic is less than half the age of the average person who remembers SatAM being broadcast.

The target demographic of the driving force of the franchise - the games - is vastly larger than the SatAM fanbase. So is the SX fanbase.

Proportionally speaking, SatAM has a very small fanbase, no matter how dedicated.

I'm reminded of a quote that I read recently (although it's not mine, I found it as the trigger for a debate, with the original author uncredited):

"The problem with using the Web as a model for what's really going on is that on the Web, Ron Paul is a presidential front runner and Serenity is the greatest science fiction movie ever made."

Posts: 1446
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LOL @ Serenity. I love me some Firefly, but it does not deserve to be winning "best show ever" awards.

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Toby, I actually agree with you (reasons here) - but there's no need to bash about it.

i agree as well.

and yes spectre, as sam said, Satam is one of the smallest. this board is probably the second most populated board with satam members next to the satam bible. and honestly not trying to be offensive to them or anything. they need lives. desperately.


But Sega doesn't seem to realize what a cash cow it has in it's lap.

is no one actually listening to what we're saying? it's not a cash cow. it's a very bad investment.

Posts: 337
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I betting someone said the same thing about Robotech.

Posts: 1127
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No, I always knew Robotech would come back. It's timeless. Yea.

Posts: 2116
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I need to look the history of this Robotech up - I don't think that it's been shown in the UK.

Posts: 462
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Robotech was a cartoon from the 80s made from dubbing together three seperate anime series to make it seem like they had a unified plotline.

Posts: 1402
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I betting someone said the same thing about Robotech.

no idea what it is/was. satam's still a bad investment anyone with any sense could tell you that.

*goes to look up robotech with sam*

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Yeah, we're not really here to talk about Robotech.

Once again, you guys have convinced me of my flawed opinions. Still, while SatAM may never come back, the truly dedicated fans will remember it always. As both I and Alex Warlorn have said, it was phased out before it ever really became popular, rather like the original Star Trek.

Even if they don't wrap up SatAM (or SU, for that matter) would it kill Sega to revamp the characters for a new cartoon or game that isn't like SatAM? I'd be quite happy if I could just see Sally, the other Freedom Fighters, or Ixis Naugus in some form of animation besides SatAM on DVD.

Posts: 273
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"The problem with using the Web as a model for what's really going on is that on the Web, Ron Paul is a presidential front runner and Serenity is the greatest science fiction movie ever made."

I dunno...I think Ron Paul may surprise everyone when the primaries finally come along...;)

But're right, the internet is sometimes a good indicator of the goings on of modern society, but more often, it just serves as a place to find porn. I think there are more SatAM fans out there, they just don't voice their support as vocally. Most of the SatAM fans I know don't even play Sonic games anymore, as they are so sick of where Sega's been taking the series.

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