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A Tiny Problem with SatAM's Season 3

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Right you are, Erinaceus. The games have been going downhill lately, mainly because new characters keep showing up, appearing in one game, and then either fade into obscurity or die or wind up appearing in a minor role in the next game.

Ron Paul may have a chance, if he just appears on the Colbert Report another 49 times. Think about it: Colbert Bump=2%x50=100%.

Correct again, Erinaceus, and that's exactly what saddens me about the Internet these days. Worst of all is the fact that some of that porn is apparently based on Sonic characters (just read the description of the Sonic the Pervert games on Newgrounds). That's one of the big reasons why I freak out at people who suggest anything like that when it comes to the Sonic franchise. Seriously, what happened to the days when something innocent didn't end up getting corrupted by some of the more disturbed fans?

I think that there are quite a few SatAM fans out there, but the series' cancellation leaves little for them to do except watch the DVDs and create fan media about it. As an avid fan, I actually do play the games, though I agree that they are going downhill. Myself, I keep tabs on most of the Sonic continuities, although it's difficult since all the cartoons are currently over, I don't own any of the comics, and I don't have a new console to play any of the new games on. Other than those problems-and a few things that the games and comics are doing that I don't approve of-I enjoy much of the Sonic multiverse, with the following exceptions:

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (too cheezy even for a cartoon from the 90s)

Sonic OVA (looks weird)

Fleetway Comics (see parantheses next to Sonic OVA)

Other than that, they're all good with me.

Posts: 273
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Right you are, Erinaceus. The games have been going downhill lately, mainly because new characters keep showing up, appearing in one game, and then either fade into obscurity or die or wind up appearing in a minor role in the next game.

Ron Paul may have a chance, if he just appears on the Colbert Report another 49 times. Think about it: Colbert Bump=2%x50=100%.

Correct again, Erinaceus, and that's exactly what saddens me about the Internet these days. Worst of all is the fact that some of that porn is apparently based on Sonic characters (just read the description of the Sonic the Pervert games on Newgrounds). That's one of the big reasons why I freak out at people who suggest anything like that when it comes to the Sonic franchise. Seriously, what happened to the days when something innocent didn't end up getting corrupted by some of the more disturbed fans?

Personally, I like Ron's libertarian views of foreign policy, but his hatred of all beauraracies and belief that the free market should control health care and other social services keeps me from joining his camp...I'd like to see either Bloomberg run as an Independent, or see Gore join the Democratic race. I may be a Democrat, but I just can't bring myself to vote for 'em should their nominee turn out to be Bill's wife...

...Anyway...back to topic...I hate how a lot of mainstream gamers think that the only adults who still play Sonic games are the furries. The mature Sonic pics one sees on sites like DeviantART and Tails.Kicks-ass aren't exactly making arguments against that idea, either. That's what happens, though, when someone goes through adolescance being a little too attached to a cartoon character. They'll start drawing that character in not-so PG-rated pics. But I'd be lying if I said I don't scope out some of those pictures. I like to see how good an artist I am compared to other Sonic fans in my age group. Sadly, it looks like I'm not one of the better seems the more obsessive fans turn out to be some of the best artists.

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Sonic OVA (looks weird)

Fleetway Comics (see parantheses next to Sonic OVA)

What's weird about them?

Try looking them up rather than judging by appearances - they might surprise you.

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...Anyway...back to topic...I hate how a lot of mainstream gamers think that the only adults who still play Sonic games are the furries. The mature Sonic pics one sees on sites like DeviantART and Tails.Kicks-ass aren't exactly making arguments against that idea, either. That's what happens, though, when someone goes through adolescance being a little too attached to a cartoon character. They'll start drawing that character in not-so PG-rated pics. But I'd be lying if I said I don't scope out some of those pictures. I like to see how good an artist I am compared to other Sonic fans in my age group. Sadly, it looks like I'm not one of the better seems the more obsessive fans turn out to be some of the best artists.

yeah it is quite disturbing. i flagged one of BW's videos on youtube because it was sexually explicit with sonic characters.

back on topic (i'm really not sure how we got off onto that tangent.) spectre, don't let STC's art fool you, it may seem weird but they have some really good stories that you might like.

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Yeah, I don't like anything explicit to do with any fiction that I like.

Thanks for the recommendation, hypershadow, but I'll stick with Archie.

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I'm saying that series that have been medically declared dead have crawled their way out of the ground before.

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Are these other series also nearly fifteen years old and based on a licensed character, whose creators don't want to let the series resurface?

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Robotech was 20 years old and wasn't even originally one cartoon but three that were cut and paste together to make one story. If THAT can be resurrected, little can't be.

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Enough with the Robotech, we've already gone over this. It's not a good comparison; Robotech was a unique property - it's no different to all of the old TV classics that are now getting movie adaptations (Chipmunks, Underdog, etc.)

As I just explained, none of these other properties that are revived were simply marketing for video games, they were cartoons in and out of themselves, and that was all they existed for. Every Sonic cartoon has been made with the aim of kids seeing the show, liking it, discovering there are games, and buying them - Sega doesn't say "wow, Sonic, is so cool, we really ought to make a cartoon out of him and have some great stories and we hope everyone likes Princess Sally!"

SatAM is not going to be revived because Sega does not want it revived. They do not want it revived because a). it does not correlate with the continuity they have for Sonic at the moment, and b). Sega of Japan does not care about a tv show that ended fifteen years ago and whose only fanbase is the same audience who saw it fifteen years ago when it was on TV.

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I only saw 10 seconds of the end of an episode when it was on as a kid and I'm a big fan now :)

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you're not really getting the point. think realisticly, it's not coming back. EVER.

there's plenty of reasons why, but alex you're just being stubborn by making comparisons to Satam and completely different shows.

Posts: 337
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That does leave me with one question though. Why has the comic lasted this long then? When it was based ON Sat-AM.

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because the comic is good. different writers, different stories, game elements, adaptions, better characterization, many potential storylines. the comic is better by far, and it's lasted longer because it doesn't appeal to just the satam fans, there's something there for every fan of sonic.

basically, it's lasted so long because it ISN'T Satam.

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It's lasted this long because, unlike SatAM, it actually focuses on Sonic, the main protagonist of the series.

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realistically, if Sat-Am WAS revived, you know it would evolve as well.

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While Archie did take a number of plot elements and characters from SatAM, as has been said, it has a lot of other stuff in it and that's why it's been around so long.

While I admit that SatAM's revival is unlikely, I won't deny that I wouldn't like it if it were-even if it evolved as you've said, Alex. If Sega won't let it be brought back, can they at least try bringing back some of its characters for new media? Sure, they're all in Archie, but I'd love to see an SatAM game-or for that matter, a new game or cartoon with the Freedom Fighters and anyone else decent from that show in it.

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realistically, if Sat-Am WAS revived, you know it would evolve as well.

you can throw around what ifs all day (hell marvel made a comic out of it) but it doesn't change the fact that satam isn't coming back.

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We know, hypershadow; just give it a rest, please. Everyone knows logically that SatAM isn't going to be coming back-it's just that the die-hard fans of the series all wish that it would or already had. But again, that's all what ifs, so there's no point in discussing it. To all my fellow die-hard SatAM fans:

Adieu...until some other topic like this comes up again.

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If "ifs and buts" were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas.

I'm not even sure why we're still discussing this, to tell the truth XD

Posts: 1402
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We know, hypershadow; just give it a rest, please. Everyone knows logically that SatAM isn't going to be coming back-it's just that the die-hard fans of the series all wish that it would or already had.

and they are extremely vocal about it.


so there's no point in discussing it.



I'm not even sure why we're still discussing this, to tell the truth XD

neither am i.

Posts: 28
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Fans discuss it, because they are dedicated to it. We like to reminisce once in a while, and share the fond memories that we have about SatAM. We should try not to let it rule our lives and make it an unhealthy obsession, but there will always be a little piece of everyone's heart that continually hurts when we consider what could have been. But I understand that there has to be a time where you just need to move on.

Sure, it would be nice if S3 could be adapted in some form, but it probably won't happen. But SatAM will always carry a special place in my heart.

To me, SatAM will never die.

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Amen, gb supernova. SatAM will never die in the hearts of true fans, but that doesn't mean we're going to be obsessed with it. We know it'll most likely never be back, but we can always dream of what might have been. Besides, that's the fun of being a fan: you can make up what you think would have happened.

I agree that it would have been nice to see season 3 brought to life somehow, but it's never going to happen.

Now, I think we've pretty much got this whole thing in the bag; what do you say we call it good?

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Sonic Sat a.m. is still very much alive to me, in my memory and what little elments of the show that are in Archie. Of course it is unlikely to ever come back, but it is fun to talk about the show.

Sometimes, I like to think about who would be good voices for characters, that are in Archie if they appeared in Sonic Sat a.m. One person I would want to see be a voice actor in Sonic is Lea Salonga. She is probably best known as the singing voice of Jasmine and Mulan, and as a musical theater actress, but Lea has such a good speaking voice, I would love to see her do more speaking voice actor roles. I believe I could see Lea as either Queen Alica or Bernie.

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I'm sure we'd all like to see some of our favorite celebrities voicing some Sonic characters-of course, I think that Jaleel White is still a great voice for Sonic. SatAM will never die, even if they're not coming out with new episodes or the comics have distanced themselves so heavily from the cartoon, which the early issues were based heavily on.

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