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Any Sonic characters you would name your child after

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The morning radio show I listen to was talking about the most popular baby names for last year(Emily, I believe was #1 for girls, Jacob for boys). It got me thinking about names in genernal, and what names I would consider if and/or when I do become a mother(I haven't even found the right guy yet). The only names I could think of from the Sonic comic that would consider are: Sarah Alica, a variation on Sally's name, and I like Nicole too, for a girl, and there isn't any boys names from the comic I like enough. For me, a name just has to sound just right.

Any names from the comic book you would consider?

Posts: 1127
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Nope, I did my daughters justice with the names Boxcar and Heubert.

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i'd totally name my son antoine just to get him beat up in school.

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A play of Bunnie's name: Bonnie
I know at least 2 guys named Antoine
Sally is a pretty name but I wouldn't use Alicia since that my middle name as well.
Nicole is also a nice name

Now getting serious, Maurice is not a bad name but I like the female version (Maureen) if I had a girl.

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Monkey Khan, all the way.

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Whatever you do, don't use Knecapeon Mace. It'll scar the child irrepairably.

As for a suitable boy's name...all I can think of at the moment is Miles. I always liked that name anyway. Makes the kid seem like he's going to grow up to be an intellectual or maybe a businessman.

Posts: 2809
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DC's a girl!:jawdrop I never knew! :eek Anyway, for awhile, I thought Julie-Su would be a good name because I really liked it. Now, however, while I still like it fairly well, I don't think I would ever name my daughter that if I ever have any daughters. As far as name any kids I may have in the future with Sally, etc., I wouldn't name them the regular names I would have to take the unusal ones, Lupe, Hershey, etc., and name them to truly have a recognizable name. I also don't like Miles nor Antoine.

Posts: 2016
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DC's a girl!:jawdrop I never knew!

Screw the whole topic, I didn't know this, either!

Posts: 173
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I wouldn't name any of the characters directly after a Sonic character but one of my top choices for the name of mah future baby is in the comic. My favorite name are variations of Julie/Julia/Julian.

But if my future partner and I do choose Julian we did not name him after Robotnik. : P

Posts: 1567
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I could see myself naming a girl Mina or a boy Miles but that's it. A lot of those other names are just code word for, "Hi, beat me up please."

Posts: 981
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"Come here Maurice, your scheduled 4:00 beating with Bull-E is ready. Step into his office and have the SNOT BEAT OUT OF YOU!"
"Oh, and have a nice day." :)

I always like to name Miles as well. Although, I wouldn't name my kids after some cartoon series because I liked it. You all have to remember the topic about the newly born 'Yuji Naka.'

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I could see myself naming a girl Mina or a boy Miles but that's it. A lot of those other names are just code word for, "Hi, beat me up please."

LOL, and yeah, I forgot about Mina I think that's a pretty name as well.

Posts: 1583
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Well, this topic got me thinking so here are all the ones I can remember that are names used iRL:
Nicole / Nicolette
Julie / Jules / Julian
Jenna (Sabre's wife)
Crystal (Athair's wife)
Su(e) (from Julie-Su/Lara-Su)
Lien (this part of Kommissar's real name comes from Chainspike's real name)
Eve (E.V.E.)
Adam (A.D.A.M.)
Marian (Mari-An)
Larry (the lynx)
Cyril (the eagle I think--he was a substitute FF)
Freddy / Frederick
Theodore (past King)
Emerson (past Prince)
Ken (Monkey Khan's original name)
Erma (Irma is probably more likely as that's what "Erma" makes me think of)
Bernadette (Sonic's mom; though I think she may have been renamed to Bernice--still a "real" name either way)
Janelle (first female Guardian)
Carl (condor from Sonic's Quest)
Ray (usually a nickname for Raymond or some other name though)
Walt (usually from Walter)
Bill (from Duckbill Playtpus)
Stu (from Wombat Stu)
Elizabeth (Dr. Quack's wife)
Horatio (Dr. Quack's first name)
Quentin (Dr. Quack's middle name)

There are probably many others that I have forgotten though.

Edit: Wow, I forgot "Ian," Geoffrey's father; and "Amy" or "Rose" or "Rosie." I'm pretty sure those people Monkey Khan met had real names (though I can't remember them). But I bet if I went through my comic collection that I'd find other "acceptable" names. Many characters in Archie do have something that resembles a "normal" name.

Posts: 462
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Liza. Short version of my name. Valdez is also real. And Armand. And Celia (Sealia). And Barby. And Jack (Rabbit). And Angel(a). Ariel and Athena. Kirby. Harry. Komiko (Remmington's girl). Rory and Sasha (orphans). Arthur and Isabella. And Demina, Salma, Juanita, Lara, Abby, heck most everyone from M25YL. Wow. At this point I'd be more surprised if someone's name wasn't in the comics.
I don't have any kids, but some of my pets have shared names with Sonic characters. Cookies if anyone remembers which ones.

Posts: 7
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Boy: Antoine Henri (named after my gramps from France)

Girl: Cassidy Anne

Um I'm married to a Colin
Who has a crazy uncle Ian ( never met tho, perhaps for good reason, really rough round the edges)

I got a dog named Emily...


Posts: 1583
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Cool, thanks Miss Puar for the additions. Though your mention of Kirby reminded me of the library story. I think the dog's name was Jeremiah... or something like that. Forgot to mention Nate as well.

Yeah, there are a ton of potential names in the comic if one chooses to use them.

Posts: 1127
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Kirby was Jerry's grandpappy, I believe.

Posts: 2809
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Yeah, you're right Toby, Kirby is indeed Jere's grandfather.

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Yes, I am a girl. I have said that before. DC stands for the first and middle initial of my name, that is all I will say about that.

Another name that is in the comic: Alexander(the first Acorn King).

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When you really think about it, the options aren't really there. I mean, all the really cool Sonic characters have bizarre sounding names. Much as I hate to admit it, I couldn't name any of my kids Knuckles. Then again, there are the adaptations, and there are a couple of names that would be okay. For example, I'd probably go with:

Julie-after Julie-Su

Nate-after Nate Morgan

Dimitri-do I even need to say it?

Adam-after A.D.A.M.

Posts: 7
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any sonic characters you would name your child after?

well of course if i have children someday here the name go with.

rosemary-after tails mom.
sally-after the leader of the freedom fighter.
miles-after tails sonic best friend.
amadeus-after tails dad.
charles-after unckle chuck.
merlin-after tails uncle.
nicole-after the holographic computer.
