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Archie Sonic #103: Knuckles Family Tree

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When I was reading issue 103 today, I noticed that they have a Knuckles family tree in it. Out of curiousity, has anyone ever filled this out? I'm thinking of doing it. I'm sure the HQ encyclopedia will help me out if I get stuck. ^^;

Posts: 1694
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Here you go.

Compiled by our very own True Red.

Posts: 1583
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The answers (such as they were) were posted in Sonic #109 if I remember correctly.

I don't mind the plug, but it's better to link to the page than an image. 😉 Also, that particular page details some of the issues with Knuckles' family tree over the years anyway.

Unless someone has been to my site (or is accessing the image from my site), they're probably going to get a 403 error (re: permission denied) because I have a firewall on certain files (images being one of them).

Posts: 136
Estimable Member

What's interesting about knuckles family tree is that knuckles is very very distantly related to Julie-su.

Posts: 1402
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so distant that it's not weird that they are dating.

Posts: 608
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What issue stated that Remington was Krakog's kid? I don't remember that at all... I couldn't just have erased the files in this brain of mine

Posts: 2016
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What issue stated that Remington was Krakog's kid?

I thought that was just fan-speculation. o.o

Posts: 1583
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Ken Penders told us that a long time ago that Remington is Kragok's son. I don't remember exactly when he said it and I'm not looking it up right now. The exact date would be in the Sonic HQ & Knuckles Haven's news archives somewhere between #103 and #125's release if someone is really curious.

The closest the comic has ever gotten to stating it within the story is when Lien-Da commented to herself about "family" being a casualty during Return to Angel Island arc and Remington was the only one in the picture. Supposedly she knows that he's her nephew though Remington doesn't know that Lien-Da & Julie-Su are his aunts (Julie-Su doesn't know either). The only other vague hint again came from Lien-Da back in #118.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member


Well, I kinda missed out between #101-#125, so that explains why I didn't know.

I just wasn't sure that it wasn't actually said within the panels of the comic, tho.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

It was one of the big bombs Ken dropped on the fandom during one of his much-hyped chat sessions.

Though I distinctly remember one of our own (MephitisLotor? Pundit?) discovering the link between Remington and the Dark Legion at least a week before Ken's chat, when people were still trying to piece together who Kragok's offspring was (wasn't there some issue with the empty box in the family tree being colored in the wrong gender?).

Bricks were shat that day, to be sure.

Posts: 462
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Dear Lord, is there ANYONE in his strips that Knuckles isn't related to?!

Posts: 1195
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Though I distinctly remember one of our own (MephitisLotor? Pundit?) discovering the link between Remington and the Dark Legion at least a week before Ken's chat, when people were still trying to piece together who Kragok's offspring was (wasn't there some issue with the empty box in the family tree being colored in the wrong gender?).

You mean someone discovered it before I did? CURSES, foiled again!

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Well, Pravda (the High Councilor that got turned into a vegetable) wasn't shown to be somehow connected to Knuckles' family tree. Does that count?

Posts: 128
Estimable Member

Vegetable as in brain-dead or vegtable as in salad? (sorry if this question sounds silly)

Posts: 1583
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As in brain-dead 😉

Posts: 608
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Ah that's right. I deleted most chat sections. I taught it was only fan speculation until I saw it on the KTE webpage. Makes sense though. Thanx for reminding me ^^

Posts: 981
Noble Member


Well, Pravda (the High Councilor that got turned into a vegetable)

The way you wrote it looked like he turned into a salad. :crazy

Was Mace in the 25 years story arc? And what's going to happen to Kragok with Dr. Finitivus from Sonic #171's story arc. That was a little confusing. They left it with a cliff-hanger. Any news as to when their plan will happen?

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Mace was in the original M:25YL yes.

I think you mean Dimitri. Kragok has been dead since Sonic #100. Finitevus isn't going to be bothering us for awhile so don't worry about it.

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

Didn't K24 also hint at Remmy = Kragok son? I can't imagine what other secret from the past he'd have that could be worthy as blackmail. And as a DL robot, Benedict could well've been programed to know all about Kragok's carryings-on ^_~

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

True, it did as I do think Ken had probably decided on it by then.
