Does anyone know if Sonic the Hedgehog is Archie comics best selling comic? It's the only book that Archie publishes that I have any interest in.
I wonder if they'd actually cop to it if it were true.
Last time I'd heard the numbers, STH was Archie's #1 32-pager.
Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Sonic X were neck-and-neck for #2. Those who scoff now - shush. Sabrina's an excellent book. Tania del Rio has worked magic - if you'll forgive the joke.
With it's new anime style art, Sabrina does look a little interesting to me, how's the story? Also, is Sonic X any good, it looks like garbage. The show didn't get good till the Metarex arc.
Well are'nt you charmingly blunt.
Some people like the Sonic X comic, others don't, it's a matter of opinion.
Just like your opinion of the Meterex Saga. I consider it complete trash, and enjoy the first season more, but that's just me. =p
I kind of have mixed feelings about hearing that the Sonic comic is Archie's best seller. I am glad it is doing well, but I am concerned about the things Archie might do storyline-wise to keep the comic book going, which is why I wouldn't mind if the comic books ends. Also, it doesn't help to know that the comic book industy seems hostlie, not just Archie, to things that I like and/or value(thinking about what I heard recently happened in "Spiderman").
Sabrina walks a fine-line between fantasy epic and girls' manga. (What's the term? shojo-ai?) It's a light read, but it has some heavy moments. They're curren't 2/3rds through their first really concentrated story arc, "The Turning," so now would be as good a time as ever to jump on.
Exodus666 - I might be shooting myself in the foot here, but you personally may not like "Sonic X." It's meant for an even younger demographic and is very light-hearted. A funny book, proud and true. Nowhere near the level of darkness of the Metarex Saga.
DC - no worries. Archie isn't going to fix what isn't broken.
DC Said:
I am glad it is doing well, but I am concerned about the things Archie might do storyline-wise to keep the comic book going, which is why I wouldn't mind if the comic books ends.
Being the big anime fan that I am, I like stories that have beginnings, middles, and ends. That being said, I hope the book doesn't end, I think Archie is doing a good job story-wise at keeping the book going. In comparison to some of the major labels that spit out year after year of repetitive story-lines ( Ex. Marvel's X-Men Phoenix Sagas).
Also, it doesn't help to know that the comic book industy seems hostlie, not just Archie, to things that I like and/or value(thinking about what I heard recently happened in "Spiderman"
Could you clarified this statement a bit more?
Ian Potto Said:
Sabrina walks a fine-line between fantasy epic and girls' manga. (What's the term? shojo-ai?) It's a light read, but it has some heavy moments. They're curren't 2/3rds through their first really concentrated story arc, "The Turning," so now would be as good a time as ever to jump on.
Not to get of topic but your making Sabrina sound interesting. Without giving too much away, what's going on in it?
And about Sonic X, your probably right. Though I do like humorous comics/manga, I think Sonic works better as a darker story with the occasional light moment. Like Fullmetal Alchemist.
Full Metal Alchemist! Heck yeah! 8D
I think it's great news that StH is doing so well. =]
I wonder where the original Archie comic stands in there. ;D
Ian: Just shoujo. Heh, Sabrina is really taking a different path if it's gone shoujo-ai
Aaand while I'm here I'm just gonna drop a quick personal thanks from both my brother and I for making the comic something we fervently look forward to, rather than something we just pick up out of habit (as the case used to be). Tracy has a big hand in this too, so thanks to you too Tracy, if you're reading this.
CyberKnux: Glad you and your bro' are diggin' things!
Exodus666: A very basic overview of Sabrina since the relaunch: Sabrina lives with her magical aunts in the Mortal World while schooling both there and the Magic Realm. A lot of the story has been the building mysteries about Sabrina's "impossible" powers, a conspiracy involving the Queen of the Magic Realm and the dying Mana Tree, and an evil insurgency group called the Four Blades that might not have been so evil.
Sabrina is caught up in the reformation of the Four Blades and recently lost someone she loved to a mind-wipe due to her actions. She's just found of a couple of magic wands and has since become . . . unpleasant.
Personally, the hook for me was the Four Blades. Once thought of as vile anarchists whose decimation is annually celebrated, through Sabrina's ex-boyfriend Shinji we're finding out that they might have had a noble cause, and that families were destroyed by the events. The fact that it seems like most of the youths of the Magic Realm are gearing up to overthrow their parents bodes ill - and that's not counting the traitor in their ranks.
Seriously - hunt down the whole thing if you can. I can seem slow paced sometimes, but when things tie together it's amazing.
Also, it doesn't help to know that the comic book industy seems hostlie, not just Archie, to things that I like and/or value(thinking about what I heard recently happened in "Spiderman").
well, hopefully archie will wisely observe the uproar with fans due to what the writers did at "Spiderman" did (which do not even get me started on that) and so they'll know not to just flush a couple decades worth of story down the toilet just to give themselves a reason to come up with new stories. if they honestly run out of stories to tell, then i guess it's time to end it.
i'd really like to see the comic stick around for a good while more even though i'm quickly outgrowing it. i usually can't help it once i start actively collecting something
Ian Potto Said:
Seriously - hunt down the whole thing if you can. I can seem slow paced sometimes, but when things tie together it's amazing.
Sounds interesring, how many issues would that be to collect? Also does the revamped comic connect to the old one?
Could you clarified this statement a bit more
i'll give a small summary: after the civil war, aunt may got shot by a sniper *cough*captamerica'sdeath*cough* and no one in the marvel universe could save her, except the demon mafisto, instead of spidey's soul he wanted his marriage. so Spidey and MJ were never married now. but what fans are so upset about is that it's a straight up recon.
not even a very clever one at that. spidey and MJ have been married since the 80's if i remember right so like the last twenty years or so are screwed up.
hypershadow77 Said:
i'll give a small summary: after the civil war, aunt may got shot by a sniper *cough*captamerica'sdeath*cough* and no one in the marvel universe could save her, except the demon mafisto, instead of spidey's soul he wanted his marriage. so Spidey and MJ were never married now. but what fans are so upset about is that it's a straight up recon.
Oh, that's in one more day right? Have those issues, haven't read them yet. I'm glad to here that though, I hate Mary-Jane and Aunt May. They hold Spidy back. With his identity out now he should be on his own without any normal humans who can't protect themselves. Pete needs to date a super heroin, like Black Cat! Love them together.
I think its good the Spidy writers are trying new stuff with the comic. The comic got boring after the clone saga ended. Nothing of any significance happened with Spidy till he joined the Avengers.
Again, that's nothing more than your opinion. Other people may see things differently.
With his identity out now he should be on his own without any normal humans who can't protect themselves.
Spoilers (Select To Read):Part of Mephisto's retcon is that Peter never unmasked, so that argument goes up in smoke for purely plot reasons, anyway.
Spider-Spoilers (Select To Read): Technically, the unmasking still happened. It's just that nobody remembers whose face was under the mask... all traces of his face in media and memory all over the world has been spirited away along with the marriage.
It's MAGIC, they don't have to explain it.
Gah... One More Day.
The worst part about it is that... it may be sloppy. It may be horribly written. It may be impossible to work out what the hell is going on or how it did.
But by golly, they fixed all the problems which were killing the Spidey mythos.
But that's Dan Slott's work, not Joe Q's.
Does OMD need spoilers anymore? It's been out for like a month. If yes, I'll happily edit this post.
If curious to see if Eddie Brock gets retconned. Without MJ married/knowing Pete's identity she has no need or opputurnity to convince him to ditch the black suit in the church, thus Eddie never becomes Venom.
D'ya think he'll have already commited suicide in the new continuity as he originally intended, or will have gone to counseling instead, or did his whole fiasco reporting that 'serial confessor' never happen and his job remain secure? I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how far back they've gone as Joey Q is all 'everything else still stands' yet at least one chara was revived so some arcs had to have changed significantly or not occured. @__@
I ask mostly because Venom has a lotta nostaliga value for me and Eddie (not-ultimate version) was a favorite tragic villain/anti-hero. Other arcs *cough*Ben Reily*cough* they can Mephisto away all they like, but I'd prefer Venom, Carnage, the symbiotes, etc. to still factor in Spidey mythos somehow.
Wow that is what that issue was about? I remember reading that while in Borders and I didn't really understand it...probably wasn't paying attention much either but still...
If curious to see if Eddie Brock gets retconned. Without MJ married/knowing Pete's identity she has no need or opputurnity to convince him to ditch the black suit in the church, thus Eddie never becomes Venom.
Spoilers (Select To Read): It's not that simple, though. MJ remembers everything - she seemingly made a side deal of her own with Mephisto, since he's sort of into the whole soul in torment thing...
Thanks for the correction, Psx. I freely admit that for once, what I know of everything that took place comes from multiple angry fanboys and the occasional scans to confirm a few things, rather than first hand reading.
Spoilers (Select To Read): Ah, yes I remember hearing that if you enlarge the page, MJ's whispered thought bubble reveals that she'll remember everything. Truth be told, I could not make out what her request was from my copy AND the rest of the text says that both would forget the marriage, except for a very small part of the soul, which would ache from the loss. Still...would Pete listen to MJ's worries about the black suit if they weren't married? I guess he MIGHT, which would allow the Venom arc to unfold as it originally did but it worries me that any author could easily decide that Pete WOULD NOT listen and change the whole arc. Sometimes origins get better-- Luthor only loses hair VS Luthor was trying to create life and Supes wrecked experiment-- but most of the time origins are changed for the worst. Granted I see some potential for good stories out of OMD, but right now trying to reason out the past 20+ years of Spidey stories is like shouting "Warning! Warning! Danger, Will Robinson" I know trouble is coming, but I can't look away.
i haven't read it, (prolly should) but didn't it say that MJ and Peter were in a long relationship or something? so maybe she was in most of the story arcs she just wasn't married to him.
What they remasked Spider-Man! Thats so dumb, I knew they'd do something stipid like that sooner or later.
they should've just avoided it in the first place. they could've had iron man unmask himself and it would've been fine
hypershadow77 Said:
they should've just avoided it in the first place. they could've had iron man unmask himself and it would've been fine
I think not, that was a powerful and necessary moment during Civil War. Probably the best moment of the arc. I liked that they changed things up for Spidy. But every time the writers try something new and the majority of fans don't like it right away, marvel stumbles on itself rewriting it. That's why the Clone Saga got so convoluted, they should have kept Ben Rilly as the original and told the fan to just deal with it. Stories that a dictated by fan reaction always suffer.
Don't worry everyone, MJ will be back in no time, if Aunt May can come back from death by NATURAL CAUSES anything can be rewritten into the story. What's the point in reading super hero comics, if there's zero story progression? And when there is progression it is quickly erased.
It's sad that Sonic and younge childrens read has more story progession than the big label books.
i love how the "other" was basically written out after civil war. that was character development if anything, and i'm guessing they aren't going to showcase any of his newer powers at all.