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Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

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Posts: 1381
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Fly Fly Freddy and Carl Condor are dead, yes? Will wii be seeing every body's favorite cyber-simian, Monkey Khan, anytime soon? What about Isaac, will we be seeing him anytime soon. Finally, out of curiosity, when you submit your stories, do you (e)mail them or do you hand deliever them to the Archie office?

Posts: 207
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Carl and Freddy are debatable. In Freddy's case, I'm pretty sure Sonic said they would rebuild him (I don't have the issue on hand). If they did, and locked him away for his own safety, then the Bem would've deroboticized him. Carl was probably destroyed from a combination of the debris and the fall, although he might have survived.

I don't have any plans for either of them right now, so let's call them quasi-deceased.

I'd like to see more Ken "Monkey" Khan - I've got some neat ideas for him. If we do return to him (in the way I'm thinking) we won't see him until late next year at earliest, and that's very tenative.

We will see Issac again this year. Don't panic =P

And all my material is emailed into the home office. I love the interweb.

Posts: 218
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Now you say you aren't planning on adding any new charcters like Silver in for at least the next 2 years. I also have noticed that to this date Cream has yet to appear in the Archie universe as well(not that I'm complaining mind you). I'm just curious if that means there are some other characters that you simply don't plan on introducing to the comic at all like the Babylon Rogues, or do you have some thoughts on them?

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Aside from Scourge (which is debatable), there will be no new characters in my first two years on Sonic.

Well at least until SEGA forces you to put them in.

Posts: 207
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I'm already digging a hole for myself ^^;

Right now - as far as I've heard - there's been no pressure from Sega to incorperate Silver, Princess Elise or anything from Sonic06/Rivals/WF. I'd prefer to wait until I know everything I can about them all, so in that sense, we won't be seeing them any time soon.

The "Sonic Riders" adaptation is already done, so the Babylon Rogues will be shown, but there aren't any immediate plans to follow up on them. You can expect that story very soon, though.

And if I get my way with Monkey Khan (that sounds....weird) there will be one new character to act as a foil and add to his background. But that's a huge IF that should be disregarded for now.

So besides the Rogues, possible Sega-influenced canon characters, and maybe a supporting-character-to-a-supporting-character, no new characters ^^;

Posts: 1381
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About Cream, Ian, do you have any idea why Sega wants her and Cheese to stay X exclusive, and if you do know, can you say why?

Posts: 1402
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i'm really interested to see how this anonymous thing is going to play out since he/she is an existing character.

if you think about it, it makes quite literally no sense at all.

Posts: 1381
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Actually, it does make sense, and I have an idea of who Anonymous is which I will detail in a thread I'm gonna create. And I believe you will kick yourself when I reveal who I think it is; I'm so sure in my theory that I believe it will be what Ian is going to use. At least, I would use it if I were writer.

Posts: 1402
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i was thinking of making a topic about it too. you make yours. i have a sort of idea about who it could be, but it'd be a long shot.

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Okay! ^_^

Posts: 23
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1. Are we going to see any of the other heroes develop prersonal rivalries with any villains. It irritates me how only the triple threat seem to get personal enemies.

2. Are we going to see any of the good guys get new weapons and or abilities.

3. What is your take on the scene in the Battle Royal special where Antoine supposedly uses a ring to enhance his abilities and slice an eggbot in half. I always so thought as the ring didn't enhance anything other than his self confidence and he did it with his own abilities. I know you didn't write the story but I assume you know about it.

4. Are you going to adress Mammoth Mogul's personal vendetta against Tails. Or are you going to completly ignore it and have him out to get sonic becuase it's his book like with Crocbot.

5. Will we be seeing any other old characters like we saw in the recent issues. It was a real joy to see the paladin from Knuckles Quest .

I read the reviews for Darkest Storm part 1 and it sounds really good kudos to you. I haven't got the issue yet but I look foward to it next week.

Posts: 1402
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sorry for bombarding you with all these questions, but is anonymous' stature close to robotniks? or should we just say that the comment was never supposed to be made?

Posts: 1437
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Just a quick question: Should SSS #7's "Parallel Paradigm" and the character Ian Droid be considered canon?

Posts: 72
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Speaking of regarding stories as canon, is the Sonic Live! special considered canon? I know the giant robot that the alternate Robotniks were working on appears in Locke's vision (I forgot which issue, although I believe it appears more than once). The vision also featured a M:25YL Knuckles. Will that ever be touched upon?

Posts: 85
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That was a scene (In Knux #25) that was supposedly to happen in a Super Special entitled Knuckles: 20 Years Later. When Specials were scrapped, the idea sat around until Ken lame-ified it by creating Mobius:25YL.

I don't think the Giant Borg CAN ever be recreated....Robo-Robotnik had it's arm as part of its body in #75, and that body was blown into space. If the hand still exists, it's loooong gone.

Posts: 207
Estimable Member

Sorry for the backlog, folks. I had a family emergency to attend to. I'm back, though, and ready to go!

Super Rayzor
About Cream, Ian, do you have any idea why Sega wants her and Cheese to stay X exclusive, and if you do know, can you say why?

I'm don't know all the ins and outs of it. I've heard that Cream/Cheese/Vanilla/Emerl/Gemel are all SX-exclusive to help keep it separate from StH. Since StH has more than enough characters to play with, Joe is welcome to them ;)

General Audience
The Anonymous Thread

TDS, which reveals Anonymous, was written last year. There's no worries about me gleaning fan-ideas. I won't comment on the theories, though, so as to ensure the surprise.

1. Are we going to see any of the other heroes develop prersonal rivalries with any villains. It irritates me how only the triple threat seem to get personal enemies.

The main characters are going to get the most attention, first dibs on rivals and villains, etc. If we devote too much time to the supporting characters, they become main characters - and that's no good. That being said, the seeds of a new rivalry that isn't among the Triple Threat will appear early next year.

2. Are we going to see any of the good guys get new weapons and or abilities.


3. What is your take on the scene in the Battle Royal special where Antoine supposedly uses a ring to enhance his abilities and slice an eggbot in half.

I'm pretty sure Antoine himself says he uses the ring energy to oomph his abilities. (I don't have the issue on hand, so I may be wrong) Either way, he used the ring once for a single shot. Sonic and the other more-talented mobians could get more out of their ring use.

4. Are you going to adress Mammoth Mogul's personal vendetta against Tails. Or are you going to completly ignore it and have him out to get sonic becuase it's his book like with Crocbot.

Up until the his last appearance (S#162 notwithstanding), Mogul's beef seemed to be with anyone in his way. He concentrated on the Triple Threat because he knew they were the biggest threat to his goals. That, and building upon such a rivalry would pull Tails from his tech-guru slant, and I don't think I want to do that. We'll see what comes of it.

5. Will we be seeing any other old characters like we saw in the recent issues. It was a real joy to see the paladin from Knuckles Quest .

I don't think there's any within the immediate future, but I'll be using the long-lost cast members whenever I find a place for them.

sorry for bombarding you with all these questions, but is anonymous' stature close to robotniks? or should we just say that the comment was never supposed to be made?

No worries! The stature statement seemed accurate enough, given the information given. That's all I'm sayin' on that.

Dirk Amoeba
Just a quick question: Should SSS #7's "Parallel Paradigm" and the character Ian Droid be considered canon?

Since everything pretty much was reset to pre-cross over status, I don't see the harm in taking it as canon. Ian Droid, from my understanding, was meant to be a "Lost Ones" villain, which is Ken's. Out of that respect, I won't be returning to him.

JoJo B
Speaking of regarding stories as canon, is the Sonic Live! special considered canon?

Again, since the rest of the continuity wouldn't get thrown by it, I don't see why not.

The Uber-Borg

I'd like to address it in the future since it's part of the reason Locke messed with Knuckles' DNA/life in general. We'll see if/when I can get to it.

Whoo! Caught up! Thanks for being patient, y'all.

Posts: 1402
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family does come first, so there isn't a reason to apologize.

so TDS does reveal anonymous? that's cool. i thought we'd have to wait way longer for it.

Posts: 1381
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I'm surprised you're saying that TDS reveals who anonymous is, Ian, because I thought you said earlier in the thread that he/she was going to be either revealed late this year or early next. Are we going to see anymore of Mobie the Cave Bear, near or far?

On a final note, if the family problem was a death then sorry to hear that and if it was something else, I hope that all turned out well.^_^ And as hs77 said, no need to apologize because family is more important and causes this forum, comic, fandom, etc. to become very, very trivial.

Posts: 207
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Super Rayzor
I'm surprised you're saying that TDS reveals who anonymous is, Ian, because I thought you said earlier in the thread that he/she was going to be either revealed late this year or early next.

Perhaps I misspoke, or perhaps I was using subtle word-play? Hmmm...

Are we going to see anymore of Mobie the Cave Bear, near or far?

Not likely - near or far.

o need to apologize because family is more important and causes this forum, comic, fandom, etc. to become very, very trivial.

This I know, but I still feel obligated to explain myself at least in part. We're dealing with our loss as best as we can, and the sentiments are appreaciated.

Posts: 1402
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will the characters know who anonymous is or will we or both?

EDIT: this is kind of a fanboyish question, but will we ever see enerjak again?

Posts: 207
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Hypershadow nailed the word-play! No further comment.

Fan-boyish answer: I really liked Enerjak. If only I was the writer of....owait....

Seriously - I'd love to bring him back, but he's nowhere in my proposals for the year 2007. When/If I can, I will. How is an entirely different kettle of fish.

Posts: 1402
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i know, i rock. :p

i don't know how you'd do it either, but it really would be cool. the comic needs way more than just 1 villain active at a time.

Hell, the comic flat out needs more villains.

Posts: 1437
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I don't think it's so much that the comic needs more villains, I htink it needs to put its current villains to better use.

Which seems to be what Ian is trying to do. The Fearsome Foursome were originally Mammoth Mogul's flunkies, but with the formation of the Destructix (who were previously just a ragtag gang of escaped Devil's Gulag inmates) they've organized and become a real team of villains. With the sudden re-entry of Mogul (and soon Naugus) as well as the presence of wild-cards Ivan Kintobor, Dr. Fin, and Anonymous, and finally with the introduction of Bean, Bark, and Scourge as true villains, Ian is apparently shifting villain loyalties and prominence to find a system of villainy that will work.

Posts: 20
Eminent Member

Well I've thought of another question for u Ian.

It's not relevant to anything goin on down in the comics rite now, but it was just something I noticed whilst reading back thru my sonic and knuckles comic collections.

How and when did the Royal Family of Acorn and the Brotherhood establish contact/connection in the first place?

(As seen in one of Knuckles' stories, he is friends with the young princess Sally and King Max was seen alongside some other echidnas i.e. the Brotherhood)

Because from their actions post-Queen Alicia crashing on the isle and all that, it was said specifically that they wanted nothing to do with the Great War.

They always struck me as an isolated civilisation so being all friendly with the Royals to me, doesn't make much sense lol

Sorry if this already been stated elsewhere.

Lookin forward to the next issue! :thumbsup

Posts: 4
New Member

Hello Ian. Kick-arse job you've been doing on the book thus far, dude. I just wanted to ask two questions I know haven't been asked here yet (I've read everything here):

1) How do you pronounce Dr. Finitevus' name? "fi-ni-tuh-vuhs" or "fy-nyt-vuhs" or...?

2)This isn't an actual question per se... butI don't see any way that the two new-gen games for ps3/x360 and "wii" :"> P could work in the Mobius Prime universe, so I don't really think you should worry with adapting them to the comic. Rush could work still, if you decide to expand on the two-part story. Just sayin' is all.


Posts: 207
Estimable Member

How and when did the Royal Family of Acorn and the Brotherhood establish contact/connection in the first place?

I'm not sure, actually. I would think the Brotherhood would be more inclined to sympathize with the Kingdom of Acorn after Guardian Aaron's death. I'm not sure how that'd match up with the Acorn line. It may have been as late as King Fedrick and Guardian Sabre.

Kaero Forrenz
1) How do you pronounce Dr. Finitevus' name?

I've always said it "Fin-ih-TEE-vus" but you could also go "Fin-eh-TEH-vus."

2)This isn't an actual question per se... butI don't see any way that the two new-gen games for ps3/x360 and "wii" >: P could work in the Mobius Prime universe

I'm not sure how we can work Sonic06 and SWF in either, but it's a matter of time. Ancient evil beasties and future-hedgehogs wouldn't be too hard to add to the mix.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

will we ever see Tobar or kragok again?

sorry if this has been already asked, but i'm too lazy to go check right now.

Posts: 85
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I've always pronounced it Fin-ih-TAY-vus. Is that close enough?

Please, as much as I love those two characters, let SOMEONE in this comic die and stay dead.:rolleyes

Posts: 23
Eminent Member

Ian let me just say part one of Darkest storm was the best issue of Sonic I've seen in years, now on to the questions.

1. Why did the story inply that Tails knew about the Chosen One two parter. Didn't the story show only Athair and Merlin remembered.

2. About what you suggested earlier about the Kintobor family changing it's name becuase of Gerald, it doesn't really seem to fit seeing as it's been established several times that the intobor name goes back alot farther than 50 years. Could he possibly be Robotnik's maternal grandfather from his mother's side.

3. Hope seem's to be a gifted child herself, with that and the other things they have in common doesn't it seem like she and Tails would be good friends.

4. Are we going to see Patch again, on another note do you find it ironic that even though Scourge was the main characters evil twin; before his change Patch was a far more effective and overall cooler villain than him.

5. You mentioned in your other forum that Antoine's time in Anti-Mobious has left it's scars, this seems to make sense so when will we begin to see them and how will his friends react.

6. I would also like to say that your Snively story was also excellent. I havn't cared for the character this much since ever. How did you get the idea to do this story with so much character development in such limited space.

Posts: 207
Estimable Member

will we ever see Tobar or kragok again?

Kragok is dead as a doornail. Tobor's spirit endures in the Chaos Force, so it might be possible for us to see him again.

I've always pronounced it Fin-ih-TAY-vus. Is that close enough?

Free country, man. Call him "Professor Fexus Fan" for all I care XD

1. Why did the story inply that Tails knew about the Chosen One two parter. Didn't the story show only Athair and Merlin remembered.

Athair and Merlin state there is no evidence of the deed outside of Mogul's emerald. It was never stated anywhere that Tails' memory had been wiped. Sonic, however, apparently doesn't remember the events.

2. About what you suggested earlier about the Kintobor family changing it's name becuase of Gerald, it doesn't really seem to fit seeing as it's been established several times that the intobor name goes back alot farther than 50 years. Could he possibly be Robotnik's maternal grandfather from his mother's side.

That could work too. In the end, it's a detail that doesn't have much impact on the story.

3. Hope seem's to be a gifted child herself, with that and the other things they have in common doesn't it seem like she and Tails would be good friends.

Not a question! But yes, it would seem that way.

4. Are we going to see Patch again, on another note do you find it ironic that even though Scourge was the main characters evil twin; before his change Patch was a far more effective and overall cooler villain than him.

I'd like to return to the AntiFreedom Fighters at some point down the road. And, yes, the Patch vs. E.Sonic issue is a bit ironic. It also makes sense in that Anti-way. Prime-Sonic has always been so much cooler and effective than Prime-Antoine, it only makes sense that Anti-Antoine would be so to Anti-Sonic.

5. You mentioned in your other forum that Antoine's time in Anti-Mobious has left it's scars, this seems to make sense so when will we begin to see them and how will his friends react.

There's a story about the post-Patch effects on Antoine down the road.

6. I would also like to say that your Snively story was also excellent. I havn't cared for the character this much since ever. How did you get the idea to do this story with so much character development in such limited space.

A-thankya, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'll save the details of the story's coming-in-being when we get to is Script Bits! debute. Suffice to say it was a joint effort between Mike and myself to hammer out the concept and a number of revisions to get it just right. That, and the characters involved made the whole thing fit together nicely.

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

Not a question really, but if we have to see the Anti-Freedom Fighters again I hope it is in the Anti-Universe. After last time, I rather not see them in the Prime Universe ever again.

Posts: 218
Estimable Member

Now I know that the original Dr. Robotnik is and forever shall be dead(issue #108 notwithstanding). Is there any chance though, that the Doctor Robotnik being used right now may ever take on the form of the original? Pretty-please with a cherry on top? Or is that too close to violating your "dead character" policy?

Posts: 1402
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are you asking for robotnik to accidently roboticize parts of himself, and gain 374 pounds? that wouldn't make any sense at all.

Posts: 207
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No, Prime-Robotnik dragged his SatAM design into the grave with him. This doesn't bar Otherverse Robotniks from looking like that, though.

As a general announcement - I am officially not answering any more questions on Anonymous. We're closing in on the reveal, and I've spoken enough on the topic. Just a heads-up ;)

Posts: 1402
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when's the next issue coming out? i'm tempted to ask ONE more question, but i'll lay off.

Posts: 85
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I think it comes out about two weeks from today, but it depends on when you get your issue.

If you subscribe, it's almost exactly four weeks (normally) from the day you got the previous issue, but add two days or so for Memorial Day weekend. If you buy newsstand, it'll probably be longer.

That's my unofficial answer, based on lots of inquiries with people about their comic-recieving habits. :cackle

Posts: 207
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The Sonic books are wonderfully staggered so you only have to wait two weeks to get a new dose Blue. Memorial Day means SX#9 hits shelves on Thursday (6/1). This, in turn, means StH#163 should hit the stands on Wednesday, June 14th.

Posts: 85
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Oh, yeah. I forgot about SX, I don't read it.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Actually, Ian, isn't it true that SX ships a mere 10 per year versus StH's 13? Meaning the stagger doesn't always work, and there must be three skips during which fans must wait a whole 4 weeks for their Sonic fix.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i'm just packed full of questions, but one i've just thought about is the team aspect of the freedom fighters and the chaotix.

1. will we see more of knuckles and the chaotix solo stories?

2. teams like the avengers and the JLA often go through roster changes, the avengers mostly did it over the years because they wrote up rosters with only so many people in it. other reasons would be like The New avengers assembled because the scarlet witch basically destroyed the old team.

the new avengers had many new faces to the team like luke cage and spider woman.
the JLA also went through things like that, rather they had major heroes leave for some reason or other.

so basically my question is, will we ever see the core-freedom fighters split up? will we ever see a new team of freedom fighters or chaotix?

Posts: 207
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Dirk Amoeba
Actually, Ian, isn't it true that SX ships a mere 10 per year versus StH's 13? Meaning the stagger doesn't always work, and there must be three skips during which fans must wait a whole 4 weeks for their Sonic fix.

...y'know, that would make a whole lotta sense and solve some confusion on my end. I stand (...well, sit) corrected.

1. will we see more of knuckles and the chaotix solo stories?

Whenever I get the chance, I'll have them doing their own awesome thing. Knuckles has a story coming up in S#165, and there's a Chaotix story not long after that, I believe.

2. basically my question is, will we ever see the core-freedom fighters split up? will we ever see a new team of freedom fighters or chaotix?

I can't answer some of that, but I can say that Vector, Espio and Charmy will always be Chaotix. With so many active heroes, though, we've toyed with the idea of doing a "JLAnimated" thing with a mix of "heroes" for each story.

Your thoughts?

Posts: 1195
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I can't answer some of that, but I can say that Vector, Espio and Charmy will always be Chaotix. With so many active heroes, though, we've toyed with the idea of doing a "JLAnimated" thing with a mix of "heroes" for each story.

Your thoughts?

Frankly, I'm all for the JLU animated thing. It'll do well to show the spotlight on other characters (especially as one as huge as Archie Sonic's). And hey, JLU did it successfully, why can the comic, ey?

Posts: 1402
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my problem with JLU was that Batman, superman and wonder woman were like Justice Generals. instead of using all of the awesome characters in that series they focused almost solely on the big 3.

IMO they should have ended the show with Flash Vs Luthor/braniac, you couldn't have asked for a better ending.

back on topic, ian shouldn't you include Mighty with espio charmy and vector? unless you have something different planned.

Posts: 1437
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Not being familiar with JL/JLU, I have no idea what you mean.

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back on topic, ian shouldn't you include Mighty with espio charmy and vector? unless you have something different planned.

Not really. Remember, at it's basest form the comic mirrors the games, and right now, as far as the games are concerned-Vec,Espy, and Charms are the only members of the Chaotix, unless Mighty's been on vacation in Heroes and Shadow.

This means that Ian is free to do with Mighty as he pleases while Sega is wanting V.E.C to be the Chaotix whether Mighty, Ray, Julie, or Archy (who I don't think was ever a true Chaotix rather more of a Fire Ant Guardian) aren't. Course I could be wrong.

Ian, I don't know if you have enough statistics or not, but if it were green lighted, do you think a revival of the Knux book could have enough momentum to actually do well?

Posts: 207
Estimable Member

SuperRayzor nailed the question about the Chaotix, so we move onto Dirk's non-Sonic "question"...

Dirk Amoeba
Not being familiar with JL/JLU, I have no idea what you mean.

Justice League had seven of DC's big heroes right wrongs and doing good in hour-long episodes and epic stories. I thought it was the weakest offering in the DC Animated line-up. Things were shaken up in Justice League Unlimited which continued the continuity, cut down on the episode size, and allowed for just about any DC character to pop up. I felt this series was spectacular and I hate I missed alot of it.

So the idea would be to not always have the "core" Freedom Fighters on every single mission, but switch it up with interchanging the Chaotix some. The idea that is.

Super Rayzor
Ian, I don't know if you have enough statistics or not, but if it were green lighted, do you think a revival of the Knux book could have enough momentum to actually do well?

Right now, there's zero possibility for a mini-series or special, let alone the revival of "Knuckles." StH and SX are both selling well, however, and Mike is very eager to reviving some of the old goodies of the past. So don't lose hope. There just might be a chance for "Knuckles" to ten, twenty years =P (twenty-five years later? lol har har har)

Posts: 218
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Got something for you that you might have to stretch your brain over a bit Ian. The "Darkest Storm" story arc has for the first time in a long while made mention of the Zone of Silence to any degree. (Relatively)Many years ago, way back in issues #43&66, we saw some images of the Zone's interior based on the memories of King Acorn and Naugus. In both individuals' memories, we saw them encounter a powerful-seeming being that appeared in the form of a giant skunk and called himself Feist, if I remember correctly. That is all anyone ever learned about this character as no more was said and he was not seen again, even when Naugus escaped the Zone of Silence and brought Kodos and Arachnis with him. Since we're back at the Zone now, do you have any considerations for this character, or is he a queation better left unanswered?

Posts: 207
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Feist will be dealt with the end of this year/early next year.


Posts: 85
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......(I've said before that I think Feist could be Anonymous... and I still stick by that thought.)

Posts: 218
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Yes... at this point my money is on Anonymous being either him or Nate.

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