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bw1979's Video Reviews and Input on the comic book

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This where you'll be able to see them

From now on, without any confusion, this will be the ONLY place you''ll be able to see and hear my personal reviews and thoughts on the comic book.

And I start it out with this:

Enjoy, there will be more to come.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

You've been warned repeatedly about starting new topics for your videos. However, since you said you will keep it to this topic, I will keep this one open, but DO NOT make more.

Posts: 128
Estimable Member

You make a good point.

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Thank You, it sure takes a while to learn a lesson doesn't it ;D, and who makes the piont me or Veckums?

Posts: 128
Estimable Member

Your video made a point.

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It did, well how do you see that my friend ;)

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Well then here's another that might make a good piont, it concerns 4 certian Sonic Girls:

Posts: 208
Estimable Member

I completely Agree with you bw1979, I personaly really like how they are puting game elements in the comic. The part with Bark and Bean on Extreme Gears was very cool =)

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Well my latest Video Review is up ,and it's in 9 parts, so here ya go: , just look at the front all nine are there.

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This is important:

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

No, it's not important in the least. There's nothing there that you couldn't have typed in one paragraph.

Having a video review of a comic is fine, but your making your own threads and constantly advertising your site. It makes you look like your acting all self important (especially with that last link.) No one person's review should be put above anyone elses. (This goes for Dan Drazen too.)

The best way to handle it is to link to your reviews only when it's on the thread for that issues discussion, and if you have any other video discussion bits, link them in your signature. That way, your not constantly focusing on yourself.

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

I subscribed to you, Brian!

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No trouble here please, I'm not acting all important, just trying to make sense of things.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

but that's what we do all the time, it's the whole purpose of our messageboard.

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

Oy. Is 9 reviews topic really necessary. They're short enough I'm sure you could have posted it as one clip and still run under 10 min. Two to three parts at most, I don't much like clicking that many links.
I still it would be a good idea if you typed the review out first. Then you could memorize it and say it to the camera but people who have trouble hearing and/or don't like youtube can understand where your coming from. Keep in mind it is easier to respond on the messageboard.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

And that's what Did With my newest review on 176, you see the reason that was in nine parts is because I didn't have the full Replay Convetor program, but anyway Miss Puar here is the new one:

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June edition of a new monthly Colummen

Please reply.

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and you don't see me, but you hear my voice.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Couldn't you just edit the last post?

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

We gave up on suggesting that a while ago. This way was a compromise, so that at least BW only spams his own thread, rather than the entire forum - which gives people a choice whether to read it or not, and takes up less space.

Which is fair enough. I don't see why it needs more than one post, either - but at least this isn't disrupting anyone else.
