I spent the weekend attending the NYC Comic Con and it was great!
- I met and got the autograph of Alex Ross, artist of Marvels, Kingdom Come, and many more. [*]I met and got the autograph of Gavin Blair, the co-creator of Reboot and he talked about Rainmaker's (formerly Mainframe) plans for a new theatrical Reboot movie series to conclude the series's cliff hanger ending and move into new stories! [*]Saw an extended Hellboy 2 trailer and the cast and creatures from the movie were there. [*]And walked by the Archie stand and got a free comic book day Sonic the Hedgehog comic signed by Spaz! [/list:u:67c34a28c4]
I had a great time and can't wait for next year. Did any one else on this board go?
i didn't go, but it sounds like a blast, did alex say what his next project is?
I hope we get some more Archie talent at the San Deigo con this year.
hypershadow77 Said:
i didn't go, but it sounds like a blast, did alex say what his next project is?
I was too star struck to ask him any intelligent questions. Just told him I was a big fan and took a picture with him. I got to him pretty late so I didn't get much face time with him.
that sucks, either way though i bet the autograph was nice.
I'm gonna kill you.
I ALMOST delayed my flight so I could goto that but I figured I needed a few days downtime before coming back to work.
Toby Underwood said:
I'm gonna kill you.
I ALMOST delayed my flight so I could goto that but I figured I needed a few days downtime before coming back to work.
Well, I guess you should have delayed that flight, lol. Anyway way it was a great experience and can't wait to go next year. Got some good info on how to start my own comic company so now I actually have a plan for after graduation.
I'm going to Anime Next in New Jersey in June, hope that's half as good.
Little to soon for me to recover my finances, that one. Looking at the one in Connecticut in August though. Airfare is not cheap, lol.