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EGGMAN X (Co-Starri...
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UPDATE: Ian has since informed me that the car was from Season 1 ep 2.

(Earliest Review yet! I couldn't wait!!)

"The Return of El Gran Gordo!"

Written by Ian "40 Cakes" Flynn

Art by Tracy "Hole' Friholes!" Yardly

Cover by Patrick "El Fuerte Lapiz" Spazniete

NOTE: Since I don't know how to do spoiler tags on this site. (I always forget), I'm just going to warn you now that this review is full of spoilers.

STORY: The first page is an almost carbon copy of the first page from #26. Chris and Chuck are watching wrestling. Excited as ever as they watch the new wrestling champion Andes. (Cleverly named after both the mountains, and is a close name to Andre the Giant which he resembles.) Sonic could care less of course.

Andes is sick of the lack of competition now that El Gran Gordo is still around, and calls E.G.G. out. Chris gets excited about this, but Sonic reminds him that Eggman was Gordo, and he's not about to wrestle again.

Oh no? It seems Chris is not the only one excited. Eggman's furious at Ande. His bots remind him of what happened last time, But Eggman ignores them, as he has come up with a plan, and it requires the sugar junkie Bokkun.

The next day, Sonic was speeding through town wondering why Chris gets all excited over colorful heroes when he's got him, when he spots Eggman robbing the "Go Ahead, Bake my Day" bakery! He steals forty cakes "and that's terrible!" (Let's see who gets that joke!) As he speeds off to chase him, he spots El Gran Gordo on T.V.. He says that he accepts Ande's challenge and will see him in the ring. "That is, if he isn't Pollo!" Wait a...what the..whozza? Sonic is shocked that Eggman seems to be both on T.V, and getting away in the little hover thingy that he.......shoot. He got away.

Later that night, Sonic is running alongside Chuck and Chris in thier really cool car, that I don't remember them ever owning! Chris and Chuck are going to the fight, while Sonic Looks for Eggman to get some answers.

E.G.G. makes his "Gran" entrance, and explains to the fans that he was not Eggman after all, but that it was a plan to save El Presidente. But before he can finish his speech, he gets his body slammed by Andre..wait no.. Andore?..No that's not it. Andes! Eggman has forgotten that his victories came by cheating with his magnetic nanobots. However, since he DID go toe to toe with Sonic pretty fairly, he figures he can handle Andes.

He figured wrong.

Sonic's watching the match in front of a store window while searching for the other Eggman, and is enjoying seeing Gordo get his Egg-butt handed to him. Just then, he spots the other Eggman flying in his hover craft to a candy store. Hmmmm. Cakes, candy? I think you know who this Eggman is. The fake Egg spots Sonic and tries to fire missles at him but can't figure out the controls. Sonic knocks him off the hover chair, and Eggman immediately tries to grab the candy. Sonic knows only one person who would put candy over escape, and that's Bokkun. Sonic then rips off Eggmans head AND BLOOD FLIES EVERYWHERE OMG!! (just kidding), and finds Bokkun in an Eggbot. Sonic figures out that Eggman was Gordo while Bokkun played fake Eggman to clear Gran Gordo's name with the public.

Meanwhile, Eggman is being whipped into merainge by Andes. He's about to submit when he sees Chris in the crowd. Teary eyed, Chris softly says "I believe in you." This inspires Gordo to never give up, and never surrender!! (Maybe he's watched "Galaxy Quest?" )He then turns the table on Andes and out-wrestles him. Finishing him with the "Flying Gordito Smasher" and is the new champion of sports entertainment.

Downtown, Sonic is about to hand Egg-Bokkun to the police, when Bokkun makes the ultimate sacrifice, and drops his precious candy at the feet of the cops and Sonic. Sonic can't stop slipping, and Bokkun flies away on Eggman's jet-powered Hoveround. (Bokkun DOES have a jet-pack on his back. But, waste-not, want-not.)

Sonic meets up with Chris and Chuck as they park their mega-awesome car in the garage. Chris happily gives Sonic all the details. And is most happy that Gordo isn't Eggman. Sonic is about to tell Chris the truth, but with that innocent look on Chris' face, decides not to.

Just then, there is a knock on the door. It's El Gran Gordo in all his shiny glory! "Um... Buenos Noches. Is Sonic the Hedgehog home? I need his help."

REVIEW: Wow!! What a comeback!! Not just for Gordo, but for Ian after the bomb that was issue #30. This more than makes up for it. Eggman has once again gone the good guy route, and is loving it. I'm really curious to see what he wants from Sonic next ish. Ian was very clever in the writing this issue. From calling the wrestler Andes (after the mountians), to the forty cakes joke. (Even though there's a lot that won't get it.) To "Go ahead, Bake my day!"

Although it's a tiny bit hard for me to believe that Eggman would be inspired by Chris' tears. (I'm just nit-picking but Eggman doesn't really like that kid. But, I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt that's Eggman's good side coming through as Gordo.) I like how Ian has written Chris as the emotional center point. From inspiring Gordo's comeback, to having Sonic not tell him Gordo is still Eggman. It gives Chris a lot more meaning in the book than the anime has ever given him. Still, what's with the cool car? Where'd it come from? If it's been around before, please show me if I'm wrong.

OVERALL: 9.5/10 Better than #26, not quite as good as #27 (it's more LOL than ROTFLMAO) Still, a great issue all around, and heaps better than #30.

EDIT: How stupid of me!! I totally forgot to mention that Sonic Grahms has come to Sonic X!! It's got some some fun letters too. One kid thinks Eggman would be a good choice to take over the world. Frankly, I'm with him! I could really go for some deadly amusement parks.

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shigamado wrote:

He steals forty cakes "and that's terrible!" (Let's see who gets that joke!)

You make Lex Luthor proud.
