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Fan Reviews STH#154/SX #2--READ first post

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Posts: 1321
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The cover's the same except Sonic's saying, "hello...?", The word ICEsolation is below the Sega logo which haven't been seen since #104.

Cover: 9 out of 10

Sonic, Sally, Rotor, and Bunnie are travelling in a submarine and found an oil pepeline on the ocean floor. Robotnik found the FFs' sub on screen at Robotropolis and gets furious as we threw a wrench at a computer screen.

The robotic electric eel attacks the sub and the FFs escaped by using escape pods.

The FFs found Ice-bots(they look more like the Shadow Bots), an oil well that Rotor's hypnotized herd is building, and computer screens of Eggman. Sonic and Bunnie were smashing bots, Sally uses the sword to free the herd's mind and it works, and Rotor had set up a detenator on the well. BOOM.

Story: It was an ok story. It showed some emoition when Rotor hugged Sketter who hasn't spoken in the comics(not counting Must...Destroy...Rotor... in #32). and his mother. I didn't see Rotor shed a tear.

7 out of 10.

Art: I hate the way he draws the furries. He makes Sonic too skinny(mostly Sonic when he's not in action except when his mouth is open), He improved a little bit on Sally, I hate it how he draws Bunnie's hairstyle. I like the SatAm and Archie(before #94) version better.

There's an easy Sonic crossword puzzle and the answers to Knuckles' family tree.

Note: I think Ken improved a little bit on drawing Sonic.

Here are the answers for the crossword puzzle:

1. Snivley
2. Yaner
3. Zonic
4. Bee(Across), Bernie(Down)
5. Espio
6. Antoine
7. Su
8. Nack
9. Charles
10. Rap
11. Chaos
12. Ivo
13. Lupe
14. Dimitri(Across), Dulcy(Down)
15. Tails
16. Is.(without .)
17. Knuckles
18. St. John(without .)
19. Sally
20. Leigon
21. Nicole
22. Rat(Across), Rosie(Down)
23. Amy
24. Rotor
25. Croc
26. Big
27. Rabbot
28. Egg
29. Overlander
Extra.(1. Down) Sonic

Fan Art:

1. Dad Leithead
2. Marie Schroeder
3. Stefano Cimino
4. Tyler
5. Zak Leithead

"..The Crush!"

Mina saw Sonic and was running towards him till she almost tripped on a rock until Sally saved her from tripping. Sally's saying keeping up with Sonic isn't easy.

Mina tries to get his attention and told Sally that Mina kissed him and seemed more surprised tha pleased.

Sally asked Mina if there not dating. Mina told Sally that she can't keep up with his speed or his rude-boy attitude. Then Mina asked what makes him tick. Sally was telling Mina about him. Sally doesn't think she'll figure him out but she never stopped trying.

After Mina thanked Sally and said their goodbyes, Sally smiled.

Story: 5

Darn it, I'd thought there'd be a fight or something. Axer thinks that neither of them should be Sonic's true love. I think Sally should be his true love mostly because I'm a hardcore SatAm fan. Amy Rose is my second choice.

Art: 10!!!!!!!!!!

Go Axer!!!!!!!!! I loved the way he drew Sonic with the SA Sunglasses.

Reunification: The Conclusion

Lara-Su came in as someone else tried to fire at Dimitri but Mean Green War-Machine saved Dimitri as Knux got shot. Lara-Su stopped Remington from trying to shoot at the killer.

Kommissar didn't see signs of a wound nor detecting the beating of his heart. The shot went off sooner than she excepted. So she's the traitor.

Dimitri wished that he was lying there, not Knux.

Kommisar contaced a DL snipper named Syntar. He found Julie-Su talking to Remington as him and a EST member were taking him to the EST police car.

Kommissar said that she found another one(Lara-Su) and told him to take them both down. Lara-Su took out the snipper before he could do so. She's wondering mabye it wasn't Knux she was supposed to save. Then, all of a sudden she was forced to go back to her time.

Later, Julie-Su's happy to know that Knux is alive. Dimitri was wondering why Knux was pretending that he was dead?

Knuckles took the hit to win his trust. The only worry that Dimitri will have is a traitor in the DL.

20 Years Later...Lara-Su meet up with the future Julie-Su. Lara-Su told her that she failed to save Knuckles when she went back in time. Julie-Su told Lara-Su that Knuckles is alive. Knuckles went berserk upon abosrbing so much chaos energy. Knuckles became the evil that is currently leading the Dark Leigon into conquering Mobius. She wanted Lara-Su to beleive that he's dead.

Now, Lara and Julie now head off to stop him from taking over the Floating Island again.

The next Knux story will continue on #114

Story: 10
I loved it. The more I read the "Reunification" saga, the more I want to see of Lara-Su.

As always, Dawn is my favorite female artist.
Art: 9

Karl Bollers interviews J. Axer.

Dan Drazen's email is in Sonic Grams. His was about Lara-Su. Penders said they might think of a way to bring her back.

#110 Spoilers

As if things coudn't get worse for our heroes. "Station Square Attacks" Robotropolis to get rid of the threat of Dr. Robotnik once and for all. However, it's deing done with nuclear weapons that will surely affect the Kingdom of Knothole. Can Sonic and Tails save Dr. R in time?

There's a weird story about Princess Sally and the Sword of Acorns having a very in-depth conversation.

NEW: Since Knuckles stories will continue at #114, Spaz picks out his favorite Sonic covers he penciled of the year in(1995-2001). Check out his selection without the logos and in B/W.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

*dances around with her copy of #109* ^_^

for some reason, i get the comic before most of america..despite the fact i live in the UK oO;

on to the comic..

what the heck is with the cover?..yes..its nice, but hasn't got much of a connection to the story inside as hes with the others in the entire story..oO;

*skips over the first story as its pretty..blah to her* is it me, or does rotor's head keep changing size? oo; yay, they go to rescue rotor's herd, they wreak their ship-thingy..they fight..sally does the zap glowy thing with the sword..good guys blow up some metal thingy..everyone walks off.

*wonders how sonic and crew will get home without a sub*..o.o;

second story..^^
its all a conversation, which is good..a comic just can't be all mindless action all the time..its nice to see them sit back and talk now and then.

*picks up ron lim ..points him to j.axer and dawn's art* look at how they draw face expressions! oo;

i like the fan art bai marie schroeder, it reminds me of a arguement with a freind who asked how one of my hedgie charas could wear clothes..c.c;

*point* they printed one of dan drazen's letters! guess they do read the stuff he writes then..^^;

uhm..yes..*throws a, uh, candy cane at axer* take THAT! *runs off* oo;

Posts: 0
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i just got mine too! WOOTINI!!!!!

anyways --- back to normal reality...

love the middle story!! :)


the main

the last story : thumbs up!

and thats my cue to scadue -

Posts: 61
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Rating system of rings: 5-excellent, 4-Great, 3-Good/average, 2-Can do better, 1-waste of a tree, 0-KILL THEM)

"I heard it Through the Pipeline"

Story: 3 rings
The story was good but the pacing was off. Benny should off started the story with the freedom fighters already in the sub. Also putting the story in parts and having the Sonic logo at the beginning of each part seemed kinda stupid.

Art: 2 rings
Other than the sub, the swatbots/icebots, and the part where sonic destroys a bot, nothing very spectacular about Ron's Artwork.

"The Crush"
Story: 4 rings
Story was good and I'm glad Karl didn't make Sally and Mina get into a fight over sonic if he had then it would of seem OOC for both them. But did anyone get the feeling that something was off about the story. I can't quite put my finger on it.

Art: 4 rings
More awesome work by Axer but Sally's right eye on page 3 when she was remembering the kiss was off. Also did anyone get the a sense that there was something wrong with the coloring and inking. The inking felt kind of heavy.

"Reunification: Part 4"
Story: 3
Story was...okay but the sequence where all the politic were happening was kinda odd considering there was what they thought was a "dead" body in the same room with the politicians plus it felt more wordy than it needed to be. Also the the part where Julie-su admitted to Lara-su that she was lying to her [Lara-su] didn't add up. Why would Lara think this would be the time that Knuxs died especially considering Lara is suppose to be 15/16 was born when Knux will be in his 20's?

Art: 3
D. Best's (hmm...she's Dee Best, The best) artwork is pretty good. I especially liked the close up of Lara-Su on the bottom left-hand corner on page 3 and her Future Julie-su looks kinda... no is very sexy but everything felt kinda of crowded (guess because of the all the word balloons-Thanks Ken). Also it looks like she did a lot of very loose pencilling or she couldn't draw a few panels throughout the issue because I saw Ken's style more than hers (Don't ask me why but I hate Ken's drawing style. The only time I thought it was good was during the Girls Rule special.)

Overall Score: 3
A good issue overall

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"but Sally's right eye on page 3 when she was remembering the kiss was off. "

Actually, that was the colourist making a mistake. Her right iris wasn't supposed to be showing- that is more of her hair covering her eye. However, the colourist took it as her eye (notice how it has a bold border...?) and coloured it blue so sally looks retarded for a panel. but half my lines were changed or not inked in that issue anyway. bah.

Posts: 61
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Oh okay thanks for the info.

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Dunno if I'm too late or not. Hihi! This is my first post here in KH. I've been collecting the comics since I was 13 starting with issue #16,... So here's my review of 109

Cover: It's a lot of ice, what more can I say?

Main Story - I heard it through the Pipeline.
Sketchy, not meaty, with a certain lack of flavor. I suppose it's like sucking on an ice cube, I give this particular story the cold shoulder. I do like the fact the KH FFs are back in action and actually DOING stuff again, and Sally's sword is awesome. THe art work is not my favorite, though Egg Man/Robotnik is drawn equisitely. Somebody bring back the Bunnie from the Mecha Madness issues PLEASE. On a scale of one to ten, this is a 5.

Mid story - "The Crush"
Mina needs to learn something - do NOT go barking up Sonic's tree, can't you see, Sal's Sonic's his gal?! *kills the Vector Rap* Artwork here is MAGNIFICENT! And it also does something I've been waiting to see for ISSUES since Mina kissed Sonic- Sally Finally understands what happened. Sally's expression at the end is priceless - you can tell she's thinking about Sonic. Wish it was longer, otherwise I give it an 8

Last Story - Reunification the Conclusion!
Drama and disappointment. The Artwork is fine, the character actions are fine, even the end is fine. I want to see more of Lara Su too. I just can't help feeling like this is X-Men and Knux is the neo Appocolypse and Lara Su's taken the role of Cable.... Yeah I like time travels, but nothing really happened, no big showdown, no big hunk o mourning... yeesh. She should have stayed a while longer *le Sigh*
Overall rating 6. (my opinion on the previous editions of Reunification is 9 on all counts)

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Here is my review of 110 (since this topic has been changed to the 110 review topic).

War Games
Cover: 80.8% (Good Cover)

The cover was preety good but thing seemed more dramatic on the cover then in the story though.Thats all I can say.It wasn't really a cover you could say a lot about.

"Station Square Attacks !"

Main Story: 77.3% (Okay Story)

Benny does another story which could've been a great story if it wasn't for his lack of emotion and reaction to things.Though this was one of his better issues ... The O.T.I.S. (Outer City Immobilization System) views Robotnik as an enemy to be eliminated but though Robotropolis will be destroyed it poison the enviroment ... including the people in Knothole.

Want to here Sonic and Tails reaction to this ... "Ouch." [Tails] "Mondo Ouch." [Sonic].Pathetic.But anyway as you problably know the good guys won ... Sonic & Tails go to warn eggman but he doesn't care since he is just going to activate the force field but his plan doesn't work.Sonic keeps Eggman busy while Tails screws with the controls so Robotnik will be forced to shoot the missiles.But Tails doesn't do anything to the sheild.They fly out while out while the missle are in Robotropolis.Silver Snivley activates the sheilds (too late for them but good for the people of Knothole) which traps the blast destroying Robotropolis.

Overall it was okay besides the reactions and emotions which is a problem all Benny Lee's storys have had so far.But this one was better then the others (not by much).

Art: 75.5% (Okay Art)

Ron Lim art ... you may think what am I thinking giving him a grade like that but to tell the truth it was actually very good.It is his best yet though it still wasn't very good.Still I gave him a 75.5% since its good for his standards.But it might have been the colorist more : ...
The Best Of Spaz Covers

#33 - 1995
#36 - 1996
#48 - 1997
#61 - 1998
#78 - 1999
#90 - 2000
#95 - 2001

None of my favorites were picked.I still think Knux would've been cooler.

(No Rating)

"One For All"

Sally Back-Up Story: 95.5% (Wonderful Story)

At the beginning Sally is under a trance from the power of the sword.The source is where the royal power originates.Sally rejected the source (SSS#11) but Max said that the source didn't reject Sally.The Sword of Acorns and King Acorn's Crown are forged from the source.They are all thats left of the Source of All since the rest evaporated from the blast.The sword explains that the sword saved her life from the fall (100).Sally says she doesn't want to know what the future holds but the sword says she doesn't have a choice. Alicia grabs her daughter knocking Sally out of her trance that she got in the beginning of the story.Alicia asks whats happening to her and Sally answers ... "Destiny,Mom ... .... I think it's my destiny."

Karl is doing a much better job with these Sally storys.The emotion is just right.The storys are great.I love them.This is my favorite so far.I hope he keeps up the good work.

Art: 99.9% (Perfect)

Fry was my 2nd favorite artist ... but J.Axer has stolen that spot.The art was simply wonderful in all areas.The expression on everyones face was perfect.The art was detailed and Sally actually looked kinda sexy ;) Maybe he'll take the 1st place spot from Spaz as my favorite artist :]
Overall: 88.8% (Good Issue)

The issue overall was good with the exception of the main story.Sure ... it was full of action and we know Robotnik will be back but what are we going to do without Robotropolis,Silver Snivley and all of Robotniks other junk ? Benny Lee better think of something good ... That was the biggest problem of the issue ... The perfect Sally story is what saved this issue really ...

Posts: 91
Estimable Member

REVIEW TIME! I haven't done one in a while...

"Station Square Attacks!"

Sonic and Tails are woken up by Uncle Chuck to go to Castle Acorn. When they get there they find out that station square has launched an attack on Robotropolis with nukes taking everything around the area with it. Sonic & Tails run off to warn Robotnik but then he remembers his protective shields and decides to throw them out. But quickly sonic and tails run to the control panal that opperates it to reset the affects.
After running our of Robotropolis Robotnik sets off the sheilds thinking it will block the attack, but instead it traps the nukes inside the shield causing the city and everything in it to go KAPLOOOWE! So that the rest of Knotwhole and beyond the shield is safe. Sonic and Tails go home as the two-tailed fox says I guess we'll never live in Mobotropolis again as Sonic says that Knowhole is there home NOW.

TiGSiE's views:

WTF? o__o;
Okay let me get this straight so now Robotropolis has been distroyed, the FFs have freed most of Robonik's slaves, AND now most have Robotnik's bots have been K.O. ed with the blast?! I think Eggman his looking kinda pointless for a villian now....he's got NOTHING!!!!!! No robian bots...NOT EVEN A MAIN BASE! This Benny guy better think of something better cause I'm getting pretty sick and tired of these lame goodridance stories and Ron Lim's art. He's like a bad cold that won't go away. ~_~;

"Spaz Cover Art"

This is something I'd use to practice drawing on adobe for...but I wish there was a Knuckles story in it's place. =)

"One For All"

It simply states that Sally rejected the source but the source didn't reject Sally and that the source of all was destroyed by the blast. All that remains are the Sword of Acorns and King Acorn's Crown. It explains that the sword saved her life from the fall. Sally natuarally gets scared. (So would I if I had a sword talking to me and said it could see past, present, and future...) Sally says she doesn't want to know what the future holds but the sword says she doesn't have a choice. Alicia grabs hold of Sally knocking out of her trance that she got in the beginning of the story.

TiGSiE's views:
AGHHH!!!! The Source of All is PURE EVIL! *hides*
I think that the royal family should destroy it now since it's trying to FORCE Sally to do what it wants. That's just plain...creepy....

As for upcomming stuff in GF's letter page:

"The return of Amy Rose and Rob O' tHe Hedge"

Um...yay? Maybe they'll do something cool like go do something in Albion and beat up Gala-Na.

"Uncle Chuck dealing with his guilt"

Guilt? On what from where? @_@ confused....

"Wolfpack Story"

I'm afraid to look at this issue do to all the previews I've read for it.

"Muttski gaining Sonic's speed"

WHAT!!!???? O____o; Ok...I can handle Mina gaining some minimal Sonic speed but MUTTSKI? What is Archie trying to do?! I swear I guess now that all the FF should have Sonic speed now that you look at it....somebody needs to be slapped for this storyline.

"The return for Knuckles' Chaotix"

HORAY! ^___^

"Turbo Tails"

I don't know whether to be pleased by this or just down right hate it.

"Mammoth Magul"

An ok villian...but he talks WAY to much.

"A visit to Megapolis"

Um...where is that? o.o;

"Bunnie Vs. Rouge"

YAY! Rouge is comming to the comic! *dances*

"Dr. Robotnik's New Body"

Did he really need one? Ron is just gonna make it look bad. Maybe they'll make him easier to draw?

"St John and Hershey"

This would have been interesting if the 90s series didn't have to step in and make skunk boy look like a big jerk again.

"Prince Elias"

WAHOO! ^_^


Um...this is going to cause some MAJOR conflict mind me. With all the Shadow died and Chaos control bit fighting going around in SEGA sonic.So I guess he lives?

"Knuckles visiting the echidna afterlife?"

Kick @$$...I really wanna read this one. :D

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

woe be you all, i feel the need to review again..o@;

first off, WHY does ron lim make sally look so dead? i mean, on the last panel of page 3 sally is telling them the dramatic news that this machine thingy has sent missles at robotropolis..and yet she doesn't seem to even care..o.o;

but points to ron for drawing funky swatbots! ^^

anyway..the story goes like this..
sonic and tails are woken at the dead of night only to find out theres some 'bad as in ''not good' bad' news. after sally and co had given the humans the data about robotnik, a special defence system for the city decided that robotnik should be wiped out, and so sent a couple of missles towards his base. while it'd definetly remove the'd also wipe out the surrounding area and kill those in knothole too.
sonic with tails in tow zip off to pay a visit to robotnik..
*found the midnight oil joke kinda funny*
sonic try to call a truce to pursuade robotnik to shoot the missiles before they hit (but wouldn't that mean they'd still poison the air..then eventually damedge the enviroment below..?..oO;..)
robotnik for some reason tells sonic to leave..what? you're not bothering to try to capture or kill sonic any more robotnik? *gasp!* and tell him that the forcefield around the city would protect it.
sonic had forgotten about the forcefield..uh..short term memory there sonic..? o.O;
theres a brief fight..tails does something to a computer..the two run away, escaping from the city just as the missiles shoot down and robotnik reactivates the shield.
the missles hit and explode, wiping out the city with a wonderful 'FWOOMF'..(fwoomf?..oo;..)
the two don't question at all if robotnik and the others i nthe city lived or not..
tails simply said they couldn't live in mobotropois again, sonic seems to also forget the whole battle fight and etc he and his freinds had gone through to win that city back..'don't sweat it bud..knothole's our home now!'
fahlahlahlah..happy-ish ending..?..o.o;

sorry..but that ending just didn't ring right for me..c.c;

then i was surprised at the 7 pages of spaz covers for the sonic..its nice to see his pencils before they're colored..but..its kinda obviously filler stuff..^^;

*turns the page..stares at sally story..cries* you draw sally so well jeff!..;_;
sally has somehow picked up the sword after tails and sonic had zipped off and is doing the glowy thing again, saying that there is a desturbance in the force..uh..source..c.c;..;p
(gandulf is a jedi knight!..o@;..)

it turns out that when sally had rejected the source it hadn't quite given up on her..
i kinda thought something like this would happen as elias had given up on the who else but sally would become the next ruler? ^^
the source, this time in the shape of the sword..basically tell her what happened with sonic, then says the source had acually been destoryed..leaving only the crown and the sword.
sal starts seeing visions of the past and the future as well..she seems to freak out alittle and runs for it. but she can't really escape from her 'destiny' and snaps out of her glowy-sword-trance as her mum shakes her.

poor sally..oo;

*glances at the fan art* look so cute on sonic cotumes..^^

aand..thats it for me..*picks up her copy of super manga blast* anime! ^.^

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first off - on the splash page ( very well done i think ) it has ablurb about -

what does a
talking blue hedgehog
two tailed fox
five nuclear
armed missles
have in common?

well, unless i missed sumthing there were only THREE missles in the story, :annoyed

ok, got my copy,

main story - i think the reason they didnt celebrate there victory over robotnik is that they know he will be back jus tlike last time.

spaz covers : meh..... . knuckles woud have been better - and these arent even many of my favorites.

last story: WOW :eek ! MAN AXER NEEDS TO BE PUT ON AS THE MAIN ARTIST!!! great story, greater art - on fer the books i say - right up there with bunny's upgrade story :)

cover of the book - meh.... spaz must be running out of creative juices lol. i mean its better then the first cover they showed off before it was finalized - but this is pretty boring

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The Cover Art: Nothing less than Awesome. Despite the "War Games" Written on it, and I generally despise war - the whole thing looks very slick

Main Story- Station Square Attacks
Artwork is... I love the SA style characters don't get me wrong, and the Humans are fab... but the Artwork is a little too... pointed, sharp. There's no feeling to it, at least for the mobians. I agree about Sally basically being drawn like a zombie here.
Story: I like that they got a little, albeit corny, humor in here about burning the midnight oil. Back in the ol Cartoon's days the Swat bots did ocassionally seem to have a sense of humor or mind oftheir own. Egg man is 100% on par for the course. Sonic and Tails outsmarting him was also quite excellent ^^ However... I must protest to the destruction of any and all Robians that were in Mobotropolis - however I can see Chuck having a back-up plan some point soon perhaps. On a scale of 1-10, this gets a 6. Past but not Way past

Bonus! - The best of Spaz. Black and white pin ups or coloring book pages of some of the coolest Comic covers ever. Five Star!

Second Story - One for All
Sentient Sword? Cool. Sally spazzing over knowing what happens tomorrow? Cool. Sword rnning Sally's life, Uncool. The Source needs to just accept it's about to go extinct and content itself in being a sword and crown. Artwork is good, Sally does look real now and has emotions, very well done. I'm not sure if I like it or not. I wish it had been a page or two longer for more dramatic effect. Otherwise it hits a 7 overall :)

Previews of what's to come rub me the right way save for Muttskigettin' his master's speed. What are these people smoking? I want some. :D

~Sonic the Rose~

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SONIC#111 -

"kids of the spider woman "

art is ok, ive seen him do worse lol, story wise, i liked it a cool turn around at the end, didnt see it coming ( course ive all but stopped thinking of this comic lol )

peevs - on page 7 bottom panel, sonic's quils are on miracle grow or something.... almost looks like knuckles :S

" i'll shoot the sheriff! "

art is awsome as always! ( way to go axer! )

story- woo!! ive been waiting for this one for awhile. not exactly huge on a biblical sence, but its good readin ^.^ no peevs for this one -


"trouble with girls "

ART - HEY!! butler is back!!!! the art looks straight out of sonic adventure ( infact a few of the poses look like they were taken right from the charecter art )

story - weve needed this story for a long time, finally get some insight on how sonic feels about girls and girlfreinds,
tails works well as his companion in this one too, offering advice in his own inocent childish views -

also we see that sonic is still thinking about the sally/mina thing

my fav part : sonic explaining why he doesnt want a girlfreind right now.

all in all: MAN WHAT AN ISSUE!! i havnt liked an issue this much since, ... the dragon issue ( # 98? )
and im gald they fixed the cover


-- lol , sorry had to ;) ---

Posts: 917
Noble Member

announcing my first ever review of a STH issue. Hokay here goes.

"Kids of the Spider Woman"

art - you will never ever ever here me criticize the art in a
comic book unless it looks like I could've drawn it. The day that happens hasn't been scheduled yet as pigs will need to fly first.

story - Lets go page by pageof criticism and comments(NO ONE WILL EVER READ THIS)

first page has Amy and Rob o' racing back to Knothole and Amy tripping into some spider webs. I like the way this introduces not only the plot of this story, but also sets up the second story.

Page 3 - Tails is sent out as a messenger boy to round up the FF's. King Acorn, time to divert the money from Knothole High school to get a hotline to the FF's. Doesn't make sense really how long Tails takes. Also I'd like to say once again how ridiculous the royal guard look. Why? I don't know.

Page 5 - I really like the positioning in this shot. The ninjas are up in the try looking very loud, yet the guards are remarking how quiet it is. Shows you how serious these guys are.

Page 7 - Sonic hears something "Big Time" I'm sorry but the whole issue has been building on the ninjas stealth, I really don't think Sonic heard something "Big Time" .

Page 9 - I like here how Sonic gets the snot beat out of him. It shows how much he realies on his speed and really doesn't have many fighting skills that don't involve running very fast.

Page 10 -Why does Sally call them children. Even if she knows who they are why would SHE call them children.

Page 11 - I don't buy how easily she gives away the sword. Even more so I don't buy how easily the sword gives up. "Please don't give me away" seems kinda short since the Source is all hyped up on Sally really.

"I'll shoot the Sheriff"

Art - Notice I didn't criticize the last story. Allow me to complement this one. I love the expression, particularely on Rob o'. I also love the detail Axer puts on characters in the distance rather than just an outline.

Story: Didn't love it, actually I hated it the first time through but on a second reading it gets better. Three stories in one ish kinda brings down the quality of the others though IMHO.

Only a few probs with this one.

Page 3 - first of all, who are the muscle bound bodies in the second panel down here? They look like the royal guard on massive massive massive steroids. Second, wouldn't he electrecuote if he's a robot and he takes a shower.

Page 4 - Some people may have noticed I'm not too found of anime. Thus its no big surprise that I wasn't crazy about the rising sun around Rob as he won the card game. The scenery up until then had been magnificient. Why hide it behind a silly wild take like that?

Page 5 - another thing I don't like from anime. I really don't need snot bubbles to tell a person is snoring. In fact it wouldn't bother me if I never had to look at snot ever.

"Trouble with grrrls"

art - I hear that the artist on this story is an old time Sonic artist. Well I like it. Yeah it does look like segasonic, but I never had trouble with the segasonic art. Also, and excuse me for being blunt, he drew Sally with a huge rack in the pond reflection. Just pointing out an observation.

Story - cute and really captures Sonic's attitude correctly for once. I Like.

A pleasent read all in all, particularely on the LIRR. I Like.

Ok, I'm done, throw your stones.

Posts: 98
Estimable Member

Well even though I haven't been really reading Archie in a long time, I did manage to pick up a copy of #111 today and I felt I should at least voice my opinion.


Always a great cover by Spaz and others.

Story #1:

Story: Though I don't know the whole story on what's going on lately, this story just seems dull and boring and so much like the writer was high when they wrote it. It's just so predicatable and so boring that I almost wanted to skip it.

Art: Blah, is really the only thing that won't be censored. Lim in my opinion is a horrible artist and shouldn't be allowed to draw the comics. Sonic looks like he hasn't eaten in a year and Tails is horrible. Sorry, but I just don't like his style at all.

General: The side-stories are really what this issue is about as the main one isn't worth anything.

Rating: 2 out of 10.

Story #2:

Story: A short story with a decent plot. Even though it moves fast it just gives the nice background that is usually needed in stories to fill in the gaps and this does it very good. It may be short, but it's decent.

Art: Axer 'nuff said. ^^

General: Worth checking out, if not for the story, then for the artwork. Very good and very nicely drawn and written.

Rating 8.9 out of 10.

Story #3:

Story: A general classic Sonic-like story that's very funny and something to get you cracked up. It's predictable, but it's very decent and provides a great comic relief.

Art: I love Butler and I'm glad to see that he's working for Archie again. He does a great job and it looks SOOO classic-like. Very nice job.

General: Worth reading as it ligthens up the comic and gives a feeling of the classic Sonic comics that a lot of people miss. It's nicely written and is drawn great.

Rating: 9 out of 10.

Overall rating: 7.8 out of 10. While the main story kills the comic the two extra stories greatly make up for it.


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Sonic #111

Cover Art: Very Awesome. Nice angles, yay yay. ^_^ Coloring good pwa no gripes here ^_^ Although I like fullscreen shots of the Blue Blur and larger than life upward angles, it's nice to see smaller more artsy things like this.

Inside Splash Page: Way to go Axer ^_^ this rivals' Spaz's Cover art for the last Arachinis story.

Main Story:Kids of the Spider Woman

Storyline: 8 ^^ Short, sweet. The twist ending where Sal entrusts the sword to the Ninjas is A-okay in my book. :) I would have liked to have seen a little more life-threatening menacing situation ion the woods rather than the palace, otherwise here we go ^^

Artwork: Nice. I give it a 6. It's better than some things I've seen but Tails looks like one of those dipping birds and Sonic's too.... angled and Sally's hair looked like a rat died on it.

Mid Story: I'll Shoot the Sheriff!

Storyline: 10 ^_^ Why Ten? Because Robians and distrust go hand in hand. And It has such comic potential when two former rivals have to team up. Although this was not manditory like some stories, The thought of Rob and Ummm zee Sheriff hanging out together is cool ^^ Because it fleshes out the characters more. It also saw the return of Amy Rose who also deserves fleshing out ^_^ If I have any complaint it's "Too short" but considering there's 3 stories in one comic, kudos.

Artwork: 10 Axer strikes again causing emotion from metal, cuteness but not complete sugar from Amy, and a Personality to the barely explored Rob o' Hedgehog ^_^

Finale: Trouble With Grrrls!

Story: 7 It's one of those telltales and all Sonic, showing his fandom following, and his old attitude edge. ^_^ Sonic has Real friends, and seeing Tails again also makes me feel very happy ^_^ Good job!

Art: 10 Mm! SA style applied well. Sally looks like Sally too in her brief appearance.

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Noble Member

Whoa, I got the first fan review on my second try. Hooray for me!

Just a little side note, I'm normally very positive about the comic. I'm normally always searching for good while others are searching for bad. Unfortunately, I couldn't find much good in this issue.

Anyway, no reason not to do a review, Onward and Upward.

Cover: I must say, looking at the cover when I first got it, it was a delight. An assault on your eyes filled with vibrant colors and action, not to mention a neat perspective. Antoine's looking all bad@$$, what more could Crimson Kitty want :) .

Seriously though, open closer inspection I found some flaws. Like I always say, I refuse to critisize art's quality. But I found some inconsistincies. First of all, despite the fact that she's not in the issue, Bunnie is off to the side waving hello. Don't really have a problem with that except she seems to be planning on joining the circus, I've seen clowns with a whiter face. Why?? I guess because she loves us. Also, why the heck is there a plane in the top right and who the heck is that hanging from it?(I actually started a whole thread on that if you wanna discuss).

Overall, I'll give the cover 8 outta 10 chaos emeralds.

Main Story: Mistaken Identity Crisis

Summary: General D'Collete and Antoine are strollin along when who should fall outta da sky then your friendly neighborhood zone cop, Zonic, and he's out cold. Sonic is there to rush Zonic off to dr. Quack. While Zonic is recovering, General D'Collette takes time out of his busy schedule to compliment Sonic, which gets Antoine's panties in a bind. So Sonic and Antoine arange for a little demonstration of antoine's bravery. Then, while Sonic goes to tend to Zonic's woes, Antoine and General D'Collette finds the cause of Zonic's woes, Evil Sonic(remember him?). Ant, thinking its Sonic in disguise, knocks him out with a judo chop. Zonic then comes and disposes of Evil Sonic as Antoine does an anime fall when realizing he didn't knock out the real Sonic(Two sonics! We've never seen that before!).

Art: Yes, that's right, Art. Specifically Art Mawhinney. Usual spiel, no criticisms, and no quibbles. Just a comment. Considering the amount of control Sega's had on the comic recently, I don't think they will be too happy when they find out that Archie is regressing to pre-Sonic Adventure style drawings. But I personally found it a little refreshing. So long as it doesn't keep up forever.

Plot: Hoo boy, got a few days. I'm going to break this down into sections, dealing with what I feel is the severity of the plothole.

Nit picks -

Page 10 - Where the heck did Evil Sonic come from? pretty self explanitory. How did he oust Zonic, How did he cross into Zonic's zone in the first place, and how did he manage to force Zonic out, and why upon forcing Zonic out, did he decide to FOLLOW HIM to accost Antoine and his daddyoo for cash! Please by Benny Lee the book, "What motivates Characters." because I have NO idea what was motivating Evil Sonic.

Also, was Antoine planning on knocking Sonic unconscious, or does he just not know his own strength. Because that's what he did with Evil Sonic.

whole issue - No FF's other than Sonic and Ant. Not so much a nitpick as a dissapointment.

Page 11 - I'm sorry, but its very unbelievable that Antione would faint from seeing two Sonics. Like that's never happened before.

Huge gaping disturbances.

Get ready for a tirade.

This story suffers from what I like to call "Star Trek Voyager" syndrome. Anyone who watched the old show will be familiar with it. They spend so much time building up to a climax, with limited space that there is no room for an ending that can match the begggining. I mean, I was loving this Ish up until about page 9, then it falls to pieces. Really, this was such a great beggining. Seeing Zonic again, finally getting a chance to see General D'Collette do something besides get beat up by Knuckles and chill with Rob o', and I really thought, despite the AoSTH's of it all, the whole "Antoine saves the Day" would be enjoyable. The great cover instilled that in me. Then they wrapped the whole thing up in two pages. Benny Lee, after working all this time had only two pages so he decided to just throw evil Sonic there, have Antoine knock him out, then faint. The end. Pathetic. This comic was really looking good, but if Benny Lee doesn't recover from Star Trek Voyager syndrom, we could be in for some rough times ahead.


2 outta 10 Chaos Emeralds

Sega Data Files: If this is the reason the previous story was cut short, I'd be really mad. Otherwise, they're fun. Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and Amy plus the Brotherhood of Guardians. That one was a special treat with a pic of all the guardians in order.

Backup story: Forgiven

Summary: Uncle Chuck is doing some research when Sonic invites him to a party honoring Lupe's going away(remember her). Uncle CHuck says he's swamped, so Sonic, that sly devil, brings the party to Uncle Chuck. Uncle Chuck tries to sneak out, but Lupe catches him. After a little chat about guilt and whatnot, everybodies hapy and theres a little family hug.

Art: Wow, much better than the first issue. Yet both were by art. This one just had more detail. There was something else to it as well. Something that just made Sonic look....better than he did in the first one. I checked it out but I still can't put my finger on it.

I'l say this, Lupe didn't take roboticization very well. I spent half the story trying to figure out if that was really her. But kudos to Art for puttin a lot of emotion into her face.

Interesting side not, no one's seemed to tell Art that things have changed a bit around Knothole, on page 2, he draws Bunnie with her old hairstyle. One thing I REALLY liked is that he drew Tails with his old face, but they put the newer colors on him. It looks much nicer than when he was brown and drawn like that.

Also Tails doesn't have any Tails in that page, but that's a common mistake.

Uncle Chuck's lips are in the exact same position the entire issue. It looks like someone froze while he was going, "Whaaaa".

Some great backgrounds for Art, who I always remembered as being not to great on the backgrounds. On Page 5, in the middle panel, sally is doing her best impression of Lup as her nose is being stretched out like a wolf's. But below that, it is pure vintage Sally. Haven't seen something like that for a while.

Plot: Hey, you take these backup stories for what they are, fluff. I really think this is the wrong time to bring up Uncle Chuck's guilt personall, seeing how we've known about the robotisizer for about 100 issues or so, but like I said, its just fluff.


Yes, Easter Eggs galore....two actually.

on Page 4, we see a shot of Uncle Chuck's lab. On the floor is a box with the label TRASH. Under neath it, you can make out the words, "Beastwars" Ouch, that's gotta hurt.

Also in the same panel of Page 4 is a clipboard with the words, "Armada Stinks" written on it......I don't get it either, but hopefully someone does.

Also, not really an easter egg, but Hope Kintobar finally puts in an appearence since moving in to stay since 109. She's in the background on two pages, just beaming her little smile.


Score: 5 outta 10 Chaos Emeralds

Total Score 4 outta 10 Chaos Emeralds


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lemme clarify the easter eggs -

#1 - beastwars (my fav) looks lke we gotta case of " trukk not munky "

#2 - armada is the new upcoming transformers series and its shaping up to be... a little diferent .

as for #112 -

it wqasnt anything that ill remembe 3 months from now, the transformers references help some lol. but in terms of story - it could have been good... it just wasnt.

overall not he worst isue i ever read, not the best either.

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Cover Art: Five Rings ^_~
Although it features Antoine instead of Sonic, everything is 100% on target art wise. Astal also makes yet another cameo appearance, clinging to the bottom of the Biplane, thank you Spaz.

The SPlash Page gets another 10, is that Axer's Art?

Main Story: Mistaken Identy Crisis
Rating: 5 Rings
This story Shows that Sonic is or has become more perceptive over time. The background is littered with SatAM type background chatracters and art by well.. Art Mawhinny. I always considered his art pretty average. (I edited this because I was getting him confused with Pat and Spaz after some research, and issue #21 is what I was thinking of) However, he's improved and as a SatAM puritan, I completely endorse the style ^_^

While the story itself involves Zonic, who shows a rare glimpse of Sonic without gloves on, the story for once doesn't have Sonic bolting off to take care of another world twin. Instead, Sonic and Antoine work together on a plan to impress Ant's Father, the Sherrif. In the Process, Antoine does a one hit wonder to the real Evil Sonic - which is why Zonic was there in the first place. Cute Plot twist to a masterfully executed story. The runt really isn't bad when he has his courage up - even if he didn't realize that wasn't the real Sonic.

Second Story: Forgiven
Rating: 2 Rings

Welp, This is a wonderful idea, of Chuck dredging up his old pains over the Roboticizer, and Lupe's condition because of him. The transitions I didn't feel were that well done, but I'll admit here that I'm openly biased. I just wrote a depressing Sonic guilt trip story, so I'm probably comparing this too much. Otherwise it'd deserve at least a 3 or 4. Artwork is consistant though i don't like how Uncle Chuck is drawn.

Bonus: Sega Files, character files. Nice move guys ^_^

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The Curmudgeon Reviews:

Sonic #112 (with special bonus mini-review of Sonic #113)

Cover (Patrick Spaziante, Nelson Ribeiro, Josh D. Ray)

While a little cluttered with background characters (and the General's improbably-large cape, which is nowhere to be seen in the story itself), the basic composition of the cover is terrific: Sonic falling back as Antoine pushes him out of the way, striking a heroic pose, sword pointed towards the viewer (to be exact, a little to the viewer's left). Very nice, and as a bonus, it's actually accurate in depicting the story inside.

Grade: A

Frontispiece (J.Axer, possibly others inking or coloring; no credits available)

General D'Coolette (again wearing a purple cape) laughs as Sonic, apparently in the middle of one of his tales of derring-do, strikes an unusual pose; in the foreground, Antoine is obviously upset, though here his expression seems to be closer to anger than sadness. Very well executed, but Sonic's pose and Antoine's expression just don't seem quite right.

Grade: B

Lead story: "Mistaken Identity Crisis!" (writer: Benny Lee; penciller: Art Mawhinney; inkers: Andrew Pepoy & Pam Eklund; letterer: Jeff Powell; colorists: Josh & Aimee Ray; editor/art director: J. F. Gabrie; managing editor: Victor Gorelick; editor in chief: Richard Goldwater)

Plot synopsis: While Antoine and his father are engaging in some father-son bonding, Zonic literally drops in on Knothole, unconscious; Sonic catches him and takes him to the hospital. After watching Sonic in action, General D'Coolette praises the his courage and heroism; this saddens Antoine, who thinks he has done nothing for his father to be proud of. Sonic, noticing this, tells the General that Antoine is a "real hero," and then plots with Antoine before walking off. At this point, Zonic regains consciousness, bearing troubling news: one of Sonic's "worst enemies" is loose. The story then switches to Antoine bragging to his father about fighting Robotnik, but just when General D'Coolette asks an awkward question, they're interrupted by what looks like Evil Sonic, complete with black leather and sunglasses. Antoine, thinking it's actually Sonic in disguise, takes him down with one well-placed karate chop. Sonic and Zonic then arrive on the scene; as Zonic takes Evil Sonic into custody, Sonic congratulates Antoine on capturing the villain. Only then does Antoine realize he was facing the real Evil Sonic, and promptly faints.

Writing: This, I think, is a perfect example of going "back to basics": the story focused on members of the Freedom Fighters while involving some supporting characters, was very much character-driven, and was resolved in a clear, straightforward manner. One can argue that Antoine's displays of cowardice were inappropriate, considering his behavior since Endgame; also, his complete fabrication of an encounter with Robotnik doesn't reflect well on him, especially since he has had some heroic exploits he could regale his father with (his part in Endgame, for example). Still, these are nitpicks on what is, in the end, a satisfying story. The dialog fits the characters (Sonic's crack about "I've seen this special effect before" was especially appreciated), and the writing showcases their personalities and relationships, rather than just plugging them into a generic action plot. Grade: A-

Art: After an absence of nearly 3 years, Art Mawhinney returns, and better than ever. His knack for staging and storytelling is as strong as ever, and his drawings of the regular characters are on-model and full of life. What's improved are his character proportions; they're no longer quite so short and 'cute' in the stereotypical 'bigfeet' funny-animal style, but fit in quite well with Spaz's and J. Axer's renditions. The inking team of Pepoy and Eklund do a fine job in preserving Art's distinctive style, and the Rays' coloring is excellent, providing just enough shading to add realism to the drawings without going overboard in special effects (except for the gratuitous Photoshop blurring of the foreground characters in the middle of page 5). Even taking into account the inconsistencies in how Zonic was handled (why was he able to lie down, and later sit down, on a bed like an ordinary Mobian?), this is some of the best art the comic has ever seen. Antoine's expression and posture on the bottom of page 3 are especially effective, as is his walking behind his father on page 5 when they walk side-by-side elsewhere in the issue. (On a personal note, I much prefer the rustic-looking hospital shown on page 5 to the modern one depicted in Sonic #94.) Grade: A+

Overall grade: A

Sega Data Files (7 pages' worth!): This month we're provided with files on Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Amy Rose, and the Brotherhood of the Guardians. Someone else has actually converted the characters' height and weight to English measurements and discovered that there's no way to have them make sense, so don't take them too seriously; one can hope that the dates are reliable, at least. There are a few points mentioned in the Data Files that are worth noting: (1) The Data Files confirm that the doppelganger Tails took the place of the one true Tails during the extended fight scene that was Sonic #56 ("Immortality Is Forever, and So Is Mammoth Mogul's Dialog"). (2) Amy's physical age is now 16, even though it's chornologically (and mentally) 10. (3) Contrary to what was said before, the Data File for the Brotherhood establishes Thunderhawk as Sojourner's father, instead of the other way around. There's also a couple of minor mistakes: (1) Sonic and the rest of the kids were taken to Knothole when Robotnik staged his coup, not during the Great War. (2) The text of Amy's Data File specify that Rob O' the Hedge is her uncle, but he's listed as her cousin under "Known Family".

[EDIT: In issue #114, it's established that the Tails switcheroo happened not during S#56, as claimed in this issue's Data File, but in #94! Freddy Mendez, where are you?]

Fan Art: A drawing of Sonic traced from the cover of the Issue-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named by Sarah Phillips, a nice head-shot of Rouge by Samantha Moro, and a dynamic drawing by Alina Velazquez of someone who looks a lot like Rouge except for her long black hair and bushy white tail; however, the prize this issue goes to Kristi Hagadone, who draws Lara-Su with a big head-shot of Dimitri in the background, and smaller head-shots of Knuckles and Julie-Su in two corners, with Lara-Le and Wynmacher in another corner.

Backup story: "Forgiven" (writer: Karl Bollers; penciller: Art Mawhinney; inker: Nelson Ribeiro; colorist: Josh D. Ray; letterer: Jeff Powell; editor: J. F. Gabrie)

Plot synopsis: Sonic invites Uncle Chuck to Lupe's going-away party, but Uncle Chuck begs off, claiming he's "swamped with research". Sonic decides to handle the problem by bringing the party to Uncle Chuck instead, but after a few minutes of observing the high spirits of the people at the party, and exchanging greetings with Lupe, Chuck leaves the party and goes outside. Lupe follows, observing that he has been avoiding her and her family, and guessing it's because of his guilt over roboticizing them. Chuck confirms her guess, and she tries to convince him that it wasn't his fault because he was being controlled by Robotnik. Uncle Chuck then gets to the core of the problem: his guilt over inventing the Roboticizer in the first place. "All I want is to be forgiven", he says quietly, to which Lupe responds, "How can we do that if you won't do it yourself?" By this time, all the others at the party have followed the two outside, and Lupe calls for the party to honor not just her family's journey, but Uncle Chuck as well. The story closes on a shot of the two of them embracing, with Uncle Chuck thanking Lupe.

Writing: Karl Bollers seems to have really hit his stride in these short 5-pagers, and this one is arguably his best yet. He portrays Charles's guilt very poignantly, without overdoing it, and develops a very plausible story that leads to his not only being forgiven by Lupe, arguably the one person his actions have harmed the most, but also to his being led towards self-forgiveness by her and all of his friends. And all of it done in a very clear, understated manner in just 5 pages. Grade: A+

Art: My praise for Art Mawhinney's work in the lead story also applies here. I've had harsh words for Nelson Ribeiro's artwork in the past; in my opinion, as an inker he has a tendency to be overly-detailed for the sake of being overly-detailed, obscuring the penciller's work to the detriment of the story. In this story, though, he gets it just right; I'm not sure if it's because the focus is on roboticized characters who benefit from the extra detail, or if his style just meshes well with Art's clean animation-influenced pencilling, but I actually liked his inking for this story. The coloring for the story isn't quite as well-done as the lead story, but it's good enough. Grade: A

Overall grade: A+

Off-Panel: How many kids are going to get the "Godfather" reference?

This Just In!: J. F. Gabrie talks about how Star Wars influenced him.

Sonic-Grams: Lots of praise for Dawn Best and J. Axer, mild criticism for Ron Lim and the "mangafication" of the artwork in the comic, and Ken Penders corrects some errors that had been made in the Knuckles family tree in the past.

Overall grade for the issue: A. Even though it had only 16 story pages, I honestly think this was the strongest Sonic issue since SSS #11 (Girls Rule!). Now if only Art Mawhinney could be the regular artist for the main story, instead of Ron Lim...

Bonus! A mini-review of Sonic #113: I saw it in the comic store, I flipped through the pages, I noticed the artwork, I put it back unpurchased.

Posts: 9
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Yah, sure.

I didn't like the main story because it was boring and had nothing to do whatsoever with the Sonic universe. That's it in a nutshell.


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Artwork overall is decent. Cover and inside pages awesome as usual.

Main story - Kinds ailly but remember people IT IS A COMIC! The best thiog Sonic could have done though is Wished 1 - Reverse the spell so Miutts n' Sonic have their old speeds back. 2 - Deroboticize everyone who was roboticized. 3 - Back to the bottle with you! Wouldn't that have been awesome? I mean it was a clever story and kinda cool in its own way but a bit too short.

Side story - Okay now things are heating up in the Sonic Timeline... Will Lien-Da be a good witch or a bad witch? Will Dimitri resign himself to death? Will Mammoth maintain that expansive vocabulary?

Overall I like this issue, it's worth owning but not so hoot. :) I'd say it deserves a 6 on the 1-10 scale.

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After two years of being out of the loop.....guess who's back!!! 😀

Its my turn.... >:)


ALL RIGHT!! This is a great little cover. Sonic is sturggling more than he ever has. And the little Knuckles/ Julie-Su pic on the right an't so bad either. OVERALL: 8/10

Meanie in a Bottle

Sonic and Muttski play fetch. Sonic and Muttski fall into water to get stick. Sonic finds bottle. Sonic opens bottle. Genie comes out. Whee!

But genie switches everything around on Mutt and Sonic, giving Muttski Sonic's speed. Boo! It isn't so bad, but Sonic and Muttski aren't exactly too keen on it. But fortunately they find the freed genie again and trap him! Woo! Then they wish him back in the bottle. Right-o!

PROS: This story was somewhat good; it doesn't use fifty million puns like Mike Gallagher does, and Art is a generally decent artist. Not only that, but Muttski gets some air time, something that doesn't happen too often, and he's actually doing good things! The fact, also, that it appears that Muttski doesn't want his speed (or otherwise he probably would have not trapped the genie for Sonic), and the fact that he stops the thief shows that Muttski is a bit more than the lovable dog with no brain.

CONS: A little short. And....since when does a genie do that? Its a new spin on the genie, but they way it was pulled off - as the genie didn't get much air time - was a little off.


Spaz Skethbook

This is the sketchbook edition we were all waiting for. Knuckles: 20 Years Later, Alternate Storyline pics for both Giant Robotno and the never seen "Manga" (which could have been the "big project" Ken wanted to use to prove his loyalty to the series - the Manga Snively is quite frightening), Combots, Mecha Knuckles, Caterkiller (I'm guessing!) and Julie-Su's family.

And then there's three of the Fearsome Foursome, Sonic and Tails, as well as a mysterious group of beings.......MECHANIZED!!!!! I don't know about you guys, but what do you think the chances are that there's a new, multi-issue "Mecha-plot" on the horizon starting in the next several issues and cumulates in Sonic #125?! It makes perfect sense, and its possible!

This sketchbook has whetted my appetite, and I want more, man, more!!!!

OVERALL: 10/10

Ultimate Power, Pt. 2

Then we go to Martian Man, written by the Ken Pen!, I mean Knuckles. Mogul has captured Dimitri, and is eyeing Knuckles as a new source to replenish his power (as he lost Tails last isssue).

PROS: I found the little dialogue between the Chaotix and Knuckles to be a refresher from all the isolation hes had the past twenty issues; of course, you can tell that the wedge placed between them with this whole mess is still there. Not only that, but it appears as if Knuckles is clamoring for some answers - answers he might not get, or maybe he will get them in next issue's "Mid-prologue", or whatever it is called. :p Anyways, its a good set-up, and Dawn Best does a good job with the art. Let's hope that we are not let down in later issues!

CONS: Too short.....



It's gooooooooooooooood to be back!!!!!! 😀

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First off, I must say that the cover is awesome, thanks to Spaz, in Star Wars form. Exceptional Work.
Twice Told Tails by Benny Lee and Ron Lim
Starts off with Tails trying to find shelter from the oncoming rain. But, when he peers into the cave, he sees some red glowing eyes. Tails wakes up with a scream. This dream has been reaccuring for a week. Tails takes off in the Tornado, closely followed by Sonic. Tails lands at the cave in his dreams. Seems he just...flew there. Sonic and Tails walk into the cave, to find... Tails with a red cape, inside a green ball of energy? Things start to get bad, when Mammoth Mogul appears. Seems he had intercepted Tails and made a duplicate. This duplicate is supposedly the 'chosen one' and by feeding it small amounts of chaos energy from his embedded emerald, has plans of evil things... Tails doubts himself. If Mogul is telling the truth...then he's a fake. Beating up on Mogul causes the energy around the duplicate to disappear, and it fall to the ground. Mammoth Mogul disappears...and so does Tails. Tails assimilates (becomes one with) the duplicate. hmmmm....
Good story, but it seems it needed something more...Ron draws a good Sonic, but as for Tails... I give it a 3.
Ultimate Power part one by Ken Penders and Dawn Best
Knuckles is off showing Julie-Su and her step-parents their new apartment. Elsewhere, Dimitri is in rough shape. And who comes to visit but Lien-Da. They don't know how much longer Dimitri may hold out. They talk about how they need Knuckles to save him, but if that should fail, Lien-Da is to take Dimitri's place. Then, a familiar mammoth shows up asking for a taxi ride to find a group of echidnas with some state-of-the-art bio-technology...and outside of the apartments are none other than the Chaotix! After Julie-Su giving the K.O to Vector, they hope for the best. If Lien-Da was to take command of the Dark Legion, things could go from bad to worse!
I liked the story. Plenty of action, without all the fighting. Art was awesome. I enjoyed it, ready to build up the action! I give it a 4.
Young at Heart. by Karl Bollers and J. Axer
Now with Robotnik disposed of, things can start to become semi-normal. Some lovable Freedom Fighters are off to school! Namely, Amy Rose and Tails Prower! But...with Amy Rose sitting next to Tails, things start to get hairy. Show off after show off, leads to an all out war! After plenty of funny faces, it's detention time!
Awesome story! It was a break from freedom fighting, which I enjoyed. Awesome art, what else from J. Axer? Story line was great. Only problem...I want more! I give it a 5.
Overall I give Sonic #114 a 4/5!

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Ah yes! Very nice. And it does justice to ALL of Rouge's assets.... :p

OVERALL: 10/10 (because Rouge just looks awesome!)

Operation Off Switch

Yes, yes, a somewhat generic story....Station Square deploys Sonic and Bunnie to stop Robo from making himself a new body. They get there, find the body, and destroy it.

Now, despite the fact that this is a so-so story, what was shocking is that Lim did a GOOD job on Bunnie! O___O Not so good a job on most of the other characters - with the exception of the President.....whom, I might add, might be starting to reveal his hidden agenda with Sonic.....what exactly does he want with him? You know he's not pleading for forgiveness for calling the two FF here (Sonic cut him off), and we know that he's interested in the way Sonic operates......a shade of things to come?


Bat Fight

Ok, I know I'll get fried for saying this........VERY fried.........but I HATED HOW AXER DREW ROUGE.

That said, the fighting was still pretty good......but I just hated how Axer drew the bat. It just didn't click. And the ending? Uh, no.


UP: Midlogue

We go, once again, to Knuckles uncontrollable powers taking him to the a time he doesn't remember. One day, his father actually used the power of the Emerald against three intruders, presumably sent by Robotnik. Knuckles sees that he doesn't remember because he was knocked out by the robots! But he does realize the lesson taught to him that day: with power comes resonsibility.

Anyways, Ron shows that he can differentiate between Sonic and Knuckles (unlike the jokes that has been said - "Lim makes Sonic look like Knuckles!!") And does another decent job....though its obvious he doesn't do Knuckles much.



ISSUE OVERALL: 32/40 = 8/10

The cover saved it, Lim improved and Axer just did a not so great job on Rouge. What can I say? :p

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Heys Guys its Hellblazer16 here telling you that I think issue 115 of sonic comics was,was well lets just say i think i could read it again and again!The Menanie in a bottle story was awsome!But what i don't understand is i thought Sonic couldn't swim at all,but mabey im wrong.Anyway Spaz's Scetchbook was awsome!All those behind the scences pictures where sweet and im dying to figure out who those charecters that say CAUTION:SPOLIER INFO!Also the continuing Knuckles story is awsome, and Mammoth Monguel capturing Dimitri!Im bouncing off the wall waiting for issue 116 to come out so i can see what happens next!

Well till issue 116 its time its Hellblazer16 to sign out!

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Don't worry about getting fried for your opinion, I happen to agree in full. That's the least time I ever spent on a story (basically cuz I had too much else to do at the time so I hadta pull it outta my butt over night) So it looks like crap IMO. So no worries bout saying so =)
So since this is a review topic, I do agree ron is getting better and I think I mucked up that story pretty good. It's all good.

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Well, if I recall, Sonic COULDN'T swim. He sank like a brick. But when he grabbed the bottle, it somehow launched him to the surface.

Anyways, I really liked how that one turned out. I especially liked the Knuckles story.

Vector: Check out this move! Vector is definitely in the GROOVE!
Mighty: Vector is definitely SOMETHING!
Espio: We just don't know WHAT!

I cracked up when I read that. I can't wait to see 116.

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Sonick13's #116 Review

Sonick13 : Hey everyone. I could review this issue by saying "It was so bad I enjoyed the ads more than the comic" (which is REALLY saying something) but here's something a little funner. We're going to Archie HQ to see what the "talents" behind this issue have brought us!

At Archie HQ...

Benny Lee, Karl Bollers, Ken Penders, and Ron Lim are sitting at a little beat-up table discussing what they're going to do for Sonic the Hedgehog #116.

Benny : Hahaha! Let's have a funny pointless story for the main story! We want the kiddies to laugh at the silly stories! Let's not have ANY character development or clever plot points! We don't want to confuse new readers, like SOME people here want to do!
Ken : At least I think about my stories, you second-grader!
Karl : Shuddup both of ya. Sega wants us to have Roguoe or however you spell it to be in the comic.
Benny : Oh! Oh! Rouge the Bat!
Karl : Shuddup. Make a story with EggRobotnik Robo 2Man in a new body I want Lim to design in the next few minutes. Speaking of which, have you practiced drawing Rouge, Lim?
Lim : No.
Karl : You have been taking Sonic drawing lessons though, right?
Lim : I dun need lessons. I'm a pro picture maker.
Karl : ... Right.
Lim : I wanna draw Knuckles.
Karl : Done.
Ken : But I've got Best drawing the Knux stories.
Karl : She can't draw fast enough. We need people who can crank out 30 pages a day so we can make the next 75 issues in the next few months.
Ken : What if we get the Knux comic back?
Karl : Shuddup. Now, Ken, is Knux going to be red next issue? Fred's getting impatient.
Ken : No... he'll be red again in issue #143 if all goes well. But he'd be red again three years ago if I had the Knux comic back.
Karl : Shuddup.
Lee : Ohh! Knuckles and Angel Island! Let's have Eggman attack Angel Island and Knuckles and Tikal save the day!!! I got some more great puns too! Just lose all that Dark Legion and echidna junk so that new readers can understand the comic!
Karl and Ken : (in head) What am I doing here?
Lim : I need to get back to drawing.
Ken : You need to finish going through your mail first!
Lim : I couldn't find any that commented on my art being good.
Ken : Ugh... I'll write one for ya. Just a second (grabs paper and writes...) "Dear Amazing, Wonderful Ken Penders and Lim, I love Sonic comics. The stories are cool! Lim's art is so great - I wish I could draw so well! I love it when Sonic almost got shot by that robot! That's edge-of-my-seat thriller there! Lee should get a Pulitzer Prize for his awesome stories! And I love it when Sonic says 'Hasta-la-vista-mistah EVERY FREAKING ISSUE, and how FREAKING CORNY LEE'S GARBAGE IS! AND I THINK LIM IS OF THE DEVIL! AND I WANT MY KNUCKLES COMIC BACK NOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!! Sincerely, Sonic's biggest fan, Bobby." (Ken runs out crying)
Karl : Not again...
Benny : Can I write Knuckles comics now?
Karl : NO!
Lim : Roguoe is a mouse, right?
Karl : Shuddup!

Later that day, each 'talent' is busy on their work.
In Benny Lee's room...

Benny : Oh boy another thrilling Sonic the Hedgehog story by me! Let's have... "The story begins with the President I won't take the time to name acting like those cartoon shows! That'll be funny! Ooh, let's have Eggman be a spider robot without arms! And it's all mysterious and intriguing. Let's have him be at Megapolis, which is actually New York City! That's cool! It'll be just like Planet of the Apes! That's funny! The kiddies will love it! Let's have Sonic say APPLE for no apparent reason, because it's a hilarious pun! I crack myself up just thinking about it! HAHAHA! Let's see... how do you spell Rouge? Well, Sonic then says 'But where's Rogue?' That'll show my way-past cool writing powers! OOH! Then missiles come! And BOOM! YEAH! Sonic makes it! The kids won't believe it - it'll be the greatest action scene ever! Then Sonic fights Eggman, and - get this - this is the big-time conclusion : Sonic defeats him! Isn't that cool? And it caught everyone by surprise! HAHAHA!

At Ron Lim's shack...

Lim : (mumbling) Stupid comic I have to draw for 5 bucks an hour... Okay... draw Roguoe. (draws the most hideous depiction of Rouge on the face of this planet in two minutes) Got that over with. I don't have time to draw Bunnie's jets from her shoes, so I'll just have her fly like she's Superman. Let's see... Sonic has gigantic eyes, 6-foot spikes and a two-inch stomach, and millimeter-wide legs and arms. Got it.
A half hour later...
Lim : Done. Next issue.

At Karl Boller's place...

Karl : Let's have Rouge and Bunnie fight. (faxes story to J.Axer)

At J.Axer's dorm...

J.Axer : Okay, I only have seven finals to study for. (fax beeps) What's this? (Reads it) "Have Rouge and Bunnie fight" (A Post-it note says) "You have 3 days" (J.Axer spends the next 72 hours drawing as well as he can, and forgets Bunnie has a robotic arm in one panel. The colorists go color blind and we get this middle story)

At Ken Pender's place...

Ken : I want my Knuckles comic back. Great... I gotta make a story for LIM to draw?!? I'll make up a flashback so that he doesn't have to draw the real story I'm having Best draw (Benny : Since she's the best! Hahahaha, get it?).

The Colorists, as I said, went color blind so half the comic was colored incorrectly.

Sonick13 : Now you know how this issue happened. Well... that's two poor issues in a row, Archie. And strangely, future issues don't sound that much better...
- Sonick13

Edit : (On a serious note, I really wouldn't know how comic-making goes, but I used this to make a point that they need to try to do a little better. And J.Axer, I heard you were in college - I'm not sure on that - so make fun of me if you're not, okay? ;) But you did say you were in a rush and that you have other projects, so I went off that. Lastly, I don't really hate these guys... I only want the Sonic comic to be a little better than it has been lately. That's what MBs are for, right?)

Posts: 13
Eminent Member

Sonic #116

The cover is REALLY cool. I dunno why, but I just like it.

First story~The scene with the president,I just didn't seem to like. Something didn't seem good there. Once they left,it all seemed good.I like how they split up, Sonic taking on Eggman, and Bunnie going to find Rouge.

Sonic and Eggman fighting was pretty cool. It, in my opinion, was an ok fight. The whole dynamite thing was corny, in my opinion.

Second Story~I LOVED IT.

The way Rouge was drawn was cool. It had a ton of detail, which made for a good entrance. The fight sequences were some of the better ones I've seen in awhile. I also liked at the end, when Sonic showed up, and the whole "My bad" thing. It was kinda funny.

Knuckles:Personally, whoever is drawing Knuckles now should keep drawing him. IMO, Knuckles looks better in the anime style than sonic.

Anywho, the story was cool. Seems Knux's power is getting strong.

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New Member

Just got the comic today, and I must say I'm impressed, not with the whole thing mind you but please allow me to talk trash about Ron Lim's Artwork over the course of this review while I wipe tears out of my eyes at such a tragety.

Cover Art: 100% Spaz and co never fail to give dazzling Eye Candy. The only critique I can make about it is that Rouge uses her feet not her hands.

Inside Splash Page: 100% I give Axer much kudos for being able to draw a huge junk pile of separate parts rather than just some lump of things. Representations of Rouge and Bunnie are enough to make a Marvel Super Hero look all wet.

Main Story: Opperation Off Switch

Hit the off switch somebody, please? Lim' bad artwork strikes again. And what are they trying to do? The Sonic Anime? With a rundown New York Setting I feel like they've been watching too much Spider Man, my Spider sense is tingling with ill omens at this. The new robotnik is the only decent piece of art and the president, who is a complete sniveling moron, can we say Snively's new body someone? The one panel shot of Rouge makes me want to force this issue into the shredder and Sonic's attitude goes to new heights - the top of skyscrapers. I know this is a comic, but Egg Man is not going to sit still for 5 minutes with a stick of Dynamite in his mouth that levels a decrepid [The Ancient Relics in the Sonic Anime] city [New York]. And he never rondezvoued with Bunnie and Rouge to get the heck outta dodge at the end either. 20% satisfaction.

Secondary Story: BAT FIGHT!

Ahh Jeff Axer to save the day ^_^ Using minimal words, a plasuable encounter comes into play where two girls just beat the snot out of each other. (by the way "Beating the snot" out of someone is a line in Astal) And Sonic eventually breaks it up. Sonic could too, Rouge knows Sonic's on the up and up so he says settle down, you settle down. 95% satisfied, I would have like to see this story extended a bit to distract from the horridness of the rest of this comic.

Final Story: Ultimate Power: Mid Logue
???? What is this? A completely out of place, random, poorly illustrated, does not make sense piece drawn (I use the term losely) by Ron Lim.I could point out many problems with this story but at the risk of sounding like a Lamer I'll say "This Sucks" end of story. But saddly, that's not the worst of it. I fear they are watching the Spider Man DVD too much as on the last Page recides words of wisdom told to him by his dad (in what issue? try never) where he says "With Great Power, comes Great Responsibility". *cough* Hello? I mean, I know the green suit gives that impression but phrase it some other WAY man! ...Please? Like "I can't abuse my powers.." or something. Come on people... Satisfaction 0%

Overall rating: 63%

Moral of this Story: A great story needs not great artwork to support it. Niether will a terrible story stand with great artwork. Bat Fight is an expressive minimal dialogue story which stands tall and proud. The rest of this is niether a great story nor great Artwork. aka. Bat Fight saves it from falling into the shredder, but be not deceived - the rest of this issue sucks.

E=MC2 (Echidnas = Much Chaos Squared)

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ah yes, i guess i should give my 3.7 1/2 cents about this.

well, i gota agree with sonic rose for the most part, first story was bad, the art was ..passable and at least it connects into the middle ( main) story of this issue, bat fight. great stuff. goes up with mechamaddness and upgrade as one of my fave bits of this comic ( ge.. im not a bunie fan or anything ) ^^

the last story.... ick -

i could go into a lengthy rant and say harsh things about ppl that would never read this almost meningless post on a ( to them ) probably complelty unkown board of fans.... but na.. got to much homework to do ^^

* thinks about tearing the first and last stories out of the comic and just having the cover and middle story ^^ *

oh and worst parts of teh comic :

1. ron lim's rouge
2.the use of the famous spidey line
3. ron lim's echidnas

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Well, all I've seen is the scans on this page. And I actually liked how Rouge and Bunnie were drawn there. But GOD DAMN IT, Sonic looks stupid! What the heck is with the tiny stomach? #113 and #114 Lim art was better than that!

So... art 6/10

That's all that I can review... because I... (goes to custom signature)

Posts: 9
Active Member

Well, at least it was better than 115. That's about all you can say for it though. For review:

MAIN STORY: Very disappointing. I thought it had promise with Robotnik's new body, but they had to ruin it with stupid puns and dumb cartoon humor.

MAIN ART: Two words: FIRE LIM!!!!

Middle story: The only redeeming factor of the whole book. (but only because of art.) Story was kind of lacking in dialogue.

Middle art: Very well done for the most part.

Knuckles story: Rather disjointed. The plaigerism of Knuckles saying the classic Spidey line is outrageous. Can't they think of their own lines for crying out loud??!???!? Also disappointing. Leaves you hanging at the exact spot the last issue did. Unforgivable.

Knux art: See Main art.

Posts: 9
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By the way, Sonik13, I thought your post was totally hilarious!! That is probably pretty close to the truth, too. (which, sadly, is why it's so funny)


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Don't forget that you can edit a post if you want to add something later.

Posts: 133
Estimable Member

After a couple good issues, we slip back into the abyss...

I was always calling her by the former, anyway...

I don't know why, but images of Neelix from Star Trek pop into my head when I see those tufts of fur jetting out from the sides of Bunnie's for Sonic, he may need to watch where he's running, because with legs like those, one trip and they'll snap like a twig...Rouge is very well drawn.

Not one of Spaz's best covers, but it's far better than most of the art you'll see when you start flippin the pages. SCORE: 7

SPLASH: Another Axer masterpiece. Don't you wish everything looked this good? Yeah, it hasn't paid to dream much, has it? SCORE: 10

MAIN STORY: "Operation: Off Switch"
Written by Benny Lee, Penciled by Ron Lim. Nobody should WANT to claim responsibility for this one, but oh well...

Sonic and Bunnie (With another unexplained, unmentioned restyling) are sent to the ruins of New York City (Oh, I'm sorry...Old Megaopolis) to destroy the ugly, pathetic excuse of a new body that is Dr. Robotnik's. I'd also like to mention the fact the the President's pleading was...well...dumb. What kind of President gets down on his hands and knees to beg small animals for help destroying a giant hunk of metal capable of nothing but self-defense? Doesn't he have his own military forces? Where's Commander Brass? Where're the N'Sync rejects? Bleah...Might as well nuke em again, and get a little more of the "FWOOMF" action on (Worst nuclear explosion sound effect EVER).
Also, notice the concern in the President's eyes as he says he "fears the worst" for his missing agent, Rouge. No wonder Sonic's giving him the puzzled eye in the following panel (I think it's a puzzled eye...I see no other hint of emotion to back that, unfortunately).

PLOT: With Robotnik coming back through the next two, this was a pointless story. I can't begin to describe its pointlessness in detail. I need to eat and sleep sometime... SCORE: 5

ART: I'll give Lim sympathy points for drawing TWO comics in this issue, but I would've settled for one decently drawn comic rather than two sloppy ones. Better luck next time, Lim. At least you're improving! SCORE: 4

Written by Karl Bollers, Penciled by J. Axer

Another pointless story, though watching Rouge and Bunnie duke it out was entertaining...I think. How did Bunnie forget Rouge was on her side? Dang, having a writer's mind can make one so nit-picky...

PLOT: Plot? What plot? SCORE: 1

ART: Axer admitted it wasn't his best work, and it isn't (Not that that says much). I think we can let it slip this time ;) SCORE: 9

Written by Ken Penders, Penciled by Ron Lim

Another story which serves no obvious purpose to the story at hand. I really hope they expand on this in the next issue (Not for the entire issue, mind you), because right now this story did nothing for anyone, especially Lim, who could've used the time for something better, like practicing his Sonic models.

PLOT: Stand-alone, there's nothing really wrong with this. It looks to have been thought out start to finish...however, this ISN'T considered stand-alone, as the title indicates. They've got some 'splainin' to do. SCORE: 6

ART: It's...okay. But why couldn't Ron draw his own Dimitri? SCORE: 5

OVERALL: Not one of the comic's finer moments...maybe not even a decent one. I look to #117 with high hopes, Tommy Turtle be darned. SCORE: 4

SONICK13: Good call on the Bunnie arm. Lessee, how to cover that up...GOT IT! We're watching the action through a mirror...yeah, that's it...a big ol' mirror...

Posts: 216
Reputable Member

I just want to comment on the art quickly...

Cover- Totally Spaz, awesome as always

Splash- Mogul vs. Knux by Axer, one word: Spectacular.

Lead Story- Butler, nice as always

Middle- Art Mawhinny is really getting Sonic's new model down pat.

Last- Dawn Best is the Knuckles Queen. Ken Pender, however, is not.

The art for this issue is fantastic...every great artist for the book shows up somewhere. And no Ron Lim in sight. Art Score: 10.

AS for everything else, I'll leave that up to the other reviewers.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

(I will edit this as I go along. I wrote a HUGE review for this issue, but EZBoard erased it..._;;;;)



I thought this cover was.....ok......yes, just ok. I didn't like the background. The #116 cover it was not.



Knuckles. Mogul. Fighting. Now.....I must ask...WHY WAS THIS NOT THE COVER?!?!?!?!?!? This is gorgeous. VERY much improved from the work in #116. There are no words to describe its beauty....

OVERALL: 11/10 (Iago - "on a scale of 1-10, you are an eleven.")


Snively and Robotnik plot their return to normal bodies once more, but Snively gets back first, getting a beautiful least until Robotnik returns and turns his body back.

This was a good story, no denying. And Butler does a pretty good job. But I have one question....Karl, did you really have to make that "highway - exit" joke? I didn't like it that much, and it sort of ruined it for me.....



I'm not going to spoil it by blatently telling you the plot. No, to do that would ruin the surprise for you. The Aesop moral is shown in an unusual new light, however. And in a VERY GOOD WAY. 🙂

And dare I forget.....Drago. Sleuth. The Fearsome Foursome. All here. For one last hurrah (except for Sleuth, whom I think is much smarter than people might think, even if he is roboticiized and possibly dead). And let's not forget that boy named "Juice the Rabbit"........

OVERALL: 10/10


Well, its all come down to the wire. Knuckles' next action will do something very incredible........and I anticipate it greatly.


(Don't go down if you don't wish to know)


We just don't know how yet. :p

OVERALL: 10/10


Bravo! Near perfect. *smacks Spaz and Boller for being screw-ups!*

Posts: 216
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Now.....I must ask...WHY WAS THIS NOT THE COVER?!?!?!?!?!?

Because Sega would flip out if Sonic wasn't featured on the cover of the book. I dont think they're overly thrilled with Geenie boy, either.

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What was that supposed to mean?

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The forum rules are here, and we take them seriously.

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Sonic #120

Cover: These covers just don't make my day. Spaz does his best with the new setup, but what exactly is Sonic doing? SCORE: 7

Splash: There's really never a time you can look at the splash and not love it. Now with Jensen adding his elite coloring skills to Axer's elite artwork, the splash is the greatest eye candy you could ask for in a Sonic comic! SCORE: 10!

"She's Gotta Have Him!" Written by Karl Bollers, Penciled by Stephen Butler

PLOT: The love triangle seems to be restoring itself in preparation for the next few issues as this story is all about Mina making her biggest run at Sonic yet. Believe it or not, this is an impressive story. We finally see Mina's mother (Gotta wonder where all these Robians have been), and after just missing an opportunity to catch Sonic's attention with a very nice getup, she decideds to join the Freedom Fighters. She just wants to be near Sonic, of course, but in the end she proves that she's not such an lovestruck airhead after all when she realizes she's not cut out to be a Freedom Fighter and quits. The story ends with Sonic and Tails passing Mina's hut and hearing her singing, which Sonic hears and decides to chill (Indicating he may have feelings for Mina after all?) All in all, it was very well done, though its funny that Robotnik is launching all these giant robots on Knothole lately. I wonder what inspired this latest creation... SCORE: 10

ART: Stephen Butler's art is some of the best to grace the comic's pages, though there are quite a few problems. First of all, there's Sally. What's up with the naval and long hair, neither of which have ever been a part of her model? I suppose it can be excused, but if you'll notice, Bunnie's left arm is organic TWICE, though the second time isn't quite as apparent (Bottom of page 6). Other than that, the art is great...though poor Amy is reduced to an old pose in the background as her only appearance (Why bother?) SCORE: 8

"Those Were the Days" Written by Ken Penders, Penciled by Dawn Best (Assisted by Penders)

PLOT: A Knux story to tide us over until Rad Red himself returns to the fold, we're given a blast to the past as Mighty tells Julie-Su of how he and Knux first met. Nothing incredibly exciting, though it's always nice to know how characters find each other and become what we all know and love (or hate) them as. No incredible significance otherwise. SCORE: 7

ART: Best is great, but Penders' work doesn't sit well with me. Something about the physique and facial features he give the characters that I don't really like all that much. Despite some bad spots, the art overall is very nice, and there is far worse out there. SCORE: 7

"The Royal Signet" Written by Romy Chacon, Penciled by Art Mawhinney

PLOT: Just brushing up on some old plotpoints. Sally and her mother the Queen are out picking tulips when Sally gives her mother her vest to avoid catching a cold (Makes you wonder how our scantily clad heroine handles temperature extremes). The Queen finds the Royal Signet in the vest pocket, and when she asks Sally about it (In a rather rude manner, if I do say so), she remembers it's the birthday of her late teacher, Julayla. They then go to see Rosie, after which they all go to visit Julayla's grave. Sally remembers back to Julayla's final days, how she managed to gather the strength to become the leader of the Freedom Fighters, and finally offers her thanks and best wishes. The Queen follows up with her own praise, after which they all leave, with the outline of Julayla looking down from the heavens. All in all, it was a very touching piece, and it got its point across effecitvely. Romy Chacon strikes again. SCORE: 9

ART: Mawhinney brings his usual performance to the issue's final story, and there's no complaining about it. Very nice, and even nicer with Jensen's coloring (As with the other two stories as well). SCORE: 10

FAN ART: Only one thing to say about this; Robyn Garbacz has some mad skill, man.

OFF PANEL: Yeah, a lot of people are getting roboticized lately, aren't they?

OVERALL: Very nice issue, with the first story setting up for the next few issues, and the other two providing decent entertainment as backup. Could the comics be on the right track again?


Posts: 1195
Noble Member

I guess I'm the one to make the first review of #121 of Sonic the hedgehog here. Ahem...let's begin.

COVER: Well, I have to admit, as I live and breathe, out of all the magazine covers I saw thus far, this one is myfave, why? Because it looks like Jenson colored it (I feel he did), because the cover shows massive shadings, shadows on the characters, shining hair, etc. It's absolutely stunning...for a magazine cover. Mina in the bottom corner is just adorable there. She is one of the best ones in the cover due to the colorist making her look so alive in that cover. It's like they took a screenshot out of an anime because that is what Mina looks like right there.

Score: 9/10 (Would have gotten a full 10 if not for the bland cover)

Frontipiece: J.Axer delievers another batch of goodies as he drew a pic of Elias sitting ona cliff, looking like he's disgusted at something or someone (coughgeoffreycough). Very nicely done. The sky is beautfitul with it's mix of blue, orange,red, and yellow.
Score: 10/10 (No duh)

First Story: The Prince and the Revolution Part 1
Okay, the King and Queen are impatient that Elias stil haven't come home (since #102) that the King sends Sonic and Sally after him. He also explains how Geoffrey and his new mate, Hershey left eariler (#119). So, SOnic (carrying Sally), speeds off. The scene changes to see Geoffrey and Hershey on a red bi-plane (have no clue if it's Tails, but I doubt it is) as Robotnik's missiles are after them. Of course, the missiles hit the plane and they make an emereancy landing. Oh, and they mispelled Miles calling him, "Myles". Anywho, we see a small village where some mouse dude ask a neighbor how his daughter is doing and her unborn child. The father, Joss is explaining his daughter, but the rest of the villagers of Feral Forest (geez, wonder where that is on the map) runs off to see the plane crash. Joss also goes with his daughter, Meg staying behind (hey's she pregnant, of course). Meg sounds worried cu'z of the plane crash and decides to tel her husband who is busy cutting woods. We find out that her dear husband is none other then Elias himself, going by Eli. Possibly to the fact he's a prince, that of Meg calls that as his nickname instead of Elias.
The Prince and the Revolution Part 2
Okaie Dokie, part 2...the chapters still unnessacary. Elais and Geoffrey (still in the James Bond suit and cat suit respectively), have a talk with the citizens atop a tree stump. While it's not a speech to start a strike or protest, Geoffrey informs them of Robotnik coming to invade Feral Forest. He ask if they (the residents) are ready to fight. Elias, needless to say, is none to happy as a result of him appearing. The people are ready to fight, but not Elias. he starts heading back home, pondering along the way of how Geoffrey makes stink-o ideads. Meg grows curious and Elias explains how he wants the politics and wars to stop which gets Meg to think of how Elias knew of such things and thinks about the past of Elias, which was never reviewd to her. Elias thinks back to when he ranaway, also knowing that his duty as prince would come back to haunt him and unfortunately, it came in the fomr of a skunk and his kitty friend. Does this couple remind you of Pep Lepew and that kitty (forgot her name) he always mistaken for another skunk? Anywjo, Meg comes in, as those the two agents (hey, you two should knock next time) and they are surprised to see Elias and bow down before him.
The Prince and the Revolution Part 3
Elias starts to pack up so he and Meg can leave. Geoffrey tries to get Elias to listen to him, but he gets a facefull of Elias as the squirrel formely knows as prince gets ready to beat the living crap outta Geoffrey. But before we have WWF, the E-105 robots and Robotnik come bustling through their doors (geez, these people don't knock at all) and take them out to the forest where Eggman -er-Robotnik is quite happy with his latest catch, namely Elias, Meg, and the unborn child. Of course, his happiness is cut short when something gets the E-105's. Sonic and Sally, duh. Eggman...Robotnik...he tells SOnic he's outnumbered, Geoffrey agreeing. Sonic, however, has the village people and they fight...which isn't shown at all dur to space constrait. Remains me of one comic in Hsu and Chan in EGM where Hsu an E-sak fough a wrestler (the umm...devil himself, who looked like some dude in a cheap red costume, literally), but didn't show thw actually fight, but Hsu won anyways. Anywho, the robots are ruined and Ol' Eggy runs off again with his infamous catchphrase of "I hate that hedgehog", just add "really' in the sentence. Sally is overjoy to be an aunt and is excited for Elias' return. Elias, however, doesn't wish to return and wants to stay as a simple woodcutter in feral Forest. Meg invites them for dinner and Sonic's request: Chili Dogs. Sally gives a "You're so pathetic" face, though she looks more like she's either drunk or hit over a head with a bat and is now dazed. The End.

Hmmm, well, I gotta admit. When I read this, I first had mixed feelings, but it was pretty good. This is just prove that Archie doesn't just kill off characters that some of you feel they do. Elias was handled in none-death way as he decides to live life as a peasant. I was quite surprised when Elias had a wife (and pregnant to boot). The coloring by Jenson is fab as usual,but Ron Lim's art also had m in mix. It isn't as good as #119 when his art was at his best. Elias still has "Sally" hair, but a mistake I don't really care about. I did like how he drew Sally on the first panel on the first page, she didn't look so messy as she does in the other pages. But in all seriousness, Lim's getting better and this art is passable enough.
Story: 8/10 (Well, I'm more mied, but this is the score for now, I guess).
Art: 7/10 (the coloring kept it higher, but some drawings of Lim, like Sally in page 1 was pretty good).

AfterLife Part 1
We see Knuckles' body on some mantle, flowers and all (didn't know guys held flowers like that as well). Anywho Mitre Kali-Ca (who looks like she's part of the Dark Legion or at least one of KISS' grandmother) gives out the eugoly as Knux's closest friends and families mourn. Vector start choking up while looking weird at the same time. The next page, we see how the others deal with it, Julie-Su looks nice in that second page, Remington (with Komi-Ko who hasn't appeared since SSS#14), keeps blaming himself for Knux's death, Lara-Le cries as Wyn tries to comfor him, and Espio explains how the Chaotix wouldn't be the same without him.
Now, Knux's soul (who is still green even though his body is red) is quite freake dout at seeing his own funeral. His other ancestors (nicely drawn) explain they have evolved into a higher plane. They are all connected to the Chaos Force which binds them together, as explain by Harlan who has a green robe then his usual light blue. Knux ask why he can't make his grandpa Sabre see him, then Hawking (hatless) explains thaty Sabre is in a different plane (the living one, obviously) and explains who are in The Force itself, which is Athair and the Ancient Walkers. Tobor (with the hat) explains that Aurora is in the center of The Force and sends her heralds to claim a final reward. Knux seems a little weary from all info he just recieved, saying this might be something his mother would have taught him. Janelle-Li comes out to speak that Knux's father was one to not explain thses things since he felt best that knux should find out for himself. Knux then ask why his pop's is listening to Miter Kali-Ca and not hanging here with the rest of the deceased. Janelle-Li explains how Locke wasn't prepared for the evolution. Now, a blinding light comes to Knuckles (I can see that phrases now, "Knuckles, don't run into the light!!!!!!"), ahem..anywho two red Chao creatures (wow, haven't seen these guys since the SA Arc) comes down from the light by order of Aurora herself to choose who is chosen t go to the Chaos Force. The hao have picke Knuckles (no surprise)and Knux is more then surprised. The funeral is completed and as the light shines down on Knux's body, the people leave. I see Snow White remake, just different gender and species.
The story...okay, I was surprised and amazed. I was expecting differently in the the AFterlife arc, but it doesn't matter, it was handled well. There's so much I wish to know about the Chaos Force and to see if they will show us what Aurora looks like. The artwork is wonderful. The coloring is also also well done as always, but Jenso still makes Julie-Su with blue eyes and Remmy isn't brown, they made him red...well, something close to it. Brown, it ain't. Anywho, I seriously loved this story. Upon seeing Knuckles body on the mantle, lifeless, sound pathetic, but I was in tears. Double the fact that I was listening to Aerith's theme while reading this that made the story more emotional to me. I couldn't help it, even if I know he'll return, I just cried.
Story and Art: 10/10 (I'm glad Ken didn't interfer in this artwork as much as last issue, not that I;m saying he sucks which he doesn't).

Mina is nervous as she is on stage (thanks to Sonic), but she tried to gain courage as the band behind her "The Knothole Knuts" get ready to perform for her. So, basically, we got a concert, complete with people, especially Sonic and Tails who's way in the back. Sonic encourages her and Mina starts to sing really good, everyone's cheering. Tails (looking really cute on page 3, panel 3) comments with Sonic following. In the distance, Sally can hear Mina singing and is amazed at her talent. In fact, she likes it so much, she sits right through it while Nicole keeps telling her it's overrated. Mina is finish singing and Sonic, tails, they all clapped for her. Her mother is also in the audience, proud of her daughter. we also find out Arthur is Mina's father's name. Mina runs to Sonic and gives him a hug. Sonic looks like he's ready to kiss her and poor Sally sees this and takes Nicoles's advice of the song being too overrated. Ahh, jealously.
The artwork and story works brillantly together. This is possibly a foreshadow of #122 and #123 as this story was from the #120. The art is fabolous as usual with Jenson brining Butler's art to life. Honestly, I fell in love with Butler's art when Jensos started coloring it because it feels more fluid and lush. Sally's jealousl is quite interesting as she always knew of Mina's crush for Sonic and it seemed okay to her. Perhaps it's the fact that Sonic might be returning that love back as seen in panel 5 on the last page. I can't wait to see how the next issue turns out.
Story and Art: 10/10 (Dang, Romy Chacon is an excellent writer).

Off Panel, Sally is pissed at Sonic because of Mina and beats him up with Mina closely following behind. Funny.

I mus say, never has a Sonic issue gotten me to want the next issue so badly as this one, especially the Knuckles story which had me excited. Hopefully, 4 weeks will go by faster then I hope.
-Neo :]

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Sickeningly long review again, enjoy ;)

Sonic the Hedgehog #121

Cover: This cover doesnt look as bland as the others. Maybe its just the orange-red highlights. It features a grinning Sonic offering his hand to a rather suspicious Prince Elias, which pretty well matches his attitude in the story. The prince looks OK, though I like Axers rendition better. Sonic could do without that spine closest to his left cheek, it gives him an almost Amy Rose-type hairdo. Knux looks pretty ordinary but Mina was drawn very alive and vibrant. The coloring, as Neo has already mentioned, is fabulous and very intense which may help explain why I dont think its such a ho-hum cover. The corny catch phrases HAVE to go, however. And is mongeese really the plural of mongoose?

Frontispiece: Last issue, I preferred Spazs rendition of Mina over Axers. This month its the opposite. Axers pic of Elias is the best depiction of the prince so far in the comic. He appears to be pensive and troubled and the pose looks so naturalhed better be careful though, thats an awfully steep cliff! There are some discrepancies between the coloring here and on the cover (and they missed Elias one eyebrow) but again a great job, especially the background. By the way, what exactly are those two rope-covered sticks hanging from Elias belt? Im assuming theyre some sort of weapon but I cant tell.

The Prince and the Revolution, written by Benny Lee, penciled by Ron Lim. Prince Elias has been away too long in King Maxs opinion so he sends Sonic and Sal to see whats holding up Geoffrey and Hershey who were sent to find him a while back. Youd think during the long run out to Feral Forest, Sonic and Sally would find some time to discuss the whole Mina thing"...Anyways, we switch to Geoffrey the pilot who fails miserably at evading Dr. Rs missiles, sending him and Hershey tumbling into the heart of Feral Forest. Now who let that horrible misspelling of Tails name get printed??? We then pan to the Feral Forest and a woodcutter named Joss whos daughter, Meg, is expecting any day now. The villagers run off to investigate a plane crash and Joss leaves his daughter to ponder the seriousness of the situation. She decides to inform her husband who turns out to be none other than Prince Eli Cheesecake Acorn. And so 3-page part one ends (the whole business about dividing already small stories into multiple parts is getting out of hand).
TIME-OUT: An observation. Elias first appeared in Mobo-Knothole on Sonics sixteenth birthday #68, right? So lets review, shall we:
*Some time went by between the whole fiasco with Kudos, the events up to and including Sonic #75, the SA tie-in, and the Sword of Acorns story arc
*According to Sonic, six and half weeks pass between #93 and #94
*More time goes by between #94 and #102 (Im too lazy to look exactly how much)
*Elias, who ran away in #102, has a wife who is due to give birth any day now
Assuming a pregnancy on Mobius lasts the regular 9 months (Im almost POSITIVE Knuckles mom said something to that effect though I dont remember what issue) shouldnt Sonic and the whole gang be a year older by now? And can Archie come out and say that or would it be against the whole Sega continuity? Just a thought
As part 2 begins, Geoffrey and Hershey, looking ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS in those outfits, address the Feral Forest crowd, warning them the time will soon come to stand up and fight Dr. Rs invasion. The dialog is a little hard to follow between panels one and two (Whos techno-blimps exactly? Oh, Robotniks!). Cheesecake boy is not pleased with Geoffreys presence and talk of war and decides to go home. It becomes obvious hes left his wife out of the loop in regards to his royal past and as he ponders that past an unexpected and unwelcome pair in the form of Men in Black-style Geoffrey and Hershey come knocking. Geoffrey tries to get the prince to listen to his twisted form of reason and then comes the part of this story I like bestElias finally shows some guts and lets Geoffrey have it! Its almost a shame hes no longer heir to the throne, Ive been waiting sooo long for this outburst. Sadly, the fight is interrupted by Dr. Rs E-105 army. Just as it looks as its all over for the four, Sonic and Sally, with the rest of Feral Forests residents in tow, appear. Once again we skip the fight scene and cut to the end. Sally is overjoyed about the prospects of becoming an aunt but Elias has no intention of returning to Knothole, preferring to live out his life as a simple woodsman. But of course all are welcomed to dinner.
OK, some comments and thoughts about this story. First off, the negative. This is probably the most compressed story ever in the Sonic continuity. So much happens and, especially near the beginning, it just seems so rushed with all the skipping from scene to scene. As previously mentioned some of the dialog's a little awkward and Dr. Rs lines are as corny as they get. Now on to the art. A lot of people in the forum have been talking about how Ron Lims art is getting better. Maybe, but its still VERY FAR from being good. Elias looks like Sally minus eyelashes and plus cape and tail. Look at Spazs or Axers depictionshe is supposed to look distinctly different. Sonics spines are WAAY too long (see first panel) and toward the end his eyes become a single rectangle. Hershey and Geoffrey look bedraggledtheir hair really looks as if theyve been flying around in a plane without a closed cockpit all day. And Geoff in particular looks so scrawnylook at the buff Geoff on the cover #89. Also, and this is not Lims fault, I am pleading that Archie gets Hershey and Geoffrey out of those clothes and back into their normal SS duds ASAP. Finally, take a gander at Lims rendition of Sally in the last panel...eww. Maybe Sonic should dump her for Mina, jk. The one positive note about Lims art is that he is far better at drawing the supporting cast of Feral Forest residents than the main characters.
Now the good points. This is getting a bit repetitive, I know, but the coloring is phenomenal (except that glare off Sonics forehead but thats a minor detail). Also, it really was nice to see the prince stand up to St. John, it just added a lot to what was always a weak personality. And as Neo mentioned, its nice to see Archie get rid of a minor character like Elias in a way that doesnt involve death and is much more believableElias always lived in a more rural setting on Floating Island without royal responsibilities so it doesnt seem odd he wants to return to that life. And the pregnant wife added a bit of surprise. The only other thought I have, however, is that it may be possible that in the FAAAAR distant future Elias child might not be content with his/her fathers provincial life and want a little something more. Possible conflict? Anyways, I think thats too far down the road for Archie to be considering at this point.

Afterlife: Part One, written by Ken Penders, penciled by Art Mawhinney. Knuckles funeral and, man, does that lady know how to talk, telling the audience and readers more good things about Knuckles than we may have wanted to know. Vec is on the verge of a breakdown, Julie-Su and Lara-Le need some major comforting and Remington is feeling guilty he couldnt prevent Knuckles death. Meanwhile, Knux and the, evolved...members of the brotherhood look on. Steppenworlf and Harlan take turns explaining that those of the brotherhood do not die but evolve to successively higher planes until they reach Aurora at the center of the Chaos force. BTW, where is Hawkings and why is Tobor wearing his hat? Suddenly there's a bright flash of light and the heralds that escort members of the brotherhood to successively higher planes appear to take Knuckles for the ride of his afterlife. Art did a good job depicting the denizens of Floating Island but the story confuses me a bit. Knux WILL be back...I know this because, I-I just DO, ok? So does he have to get to the highest plane in order to come back? Basically, I dont where the story is going which is bad because its frustrating and confusing but also good because it lends a little mystery to the story and REALLY makes you anticipate the next issue, which is what its all about when it comes down to it.

Song Bird, written by Romy Chacon, penciled by Steven Butler. Butler is still not among my favorite artists. His Sonic looks off to me and his Sally looks like she needs a haircut. But I have to hand it to him, hes got Mina down tight. She looks adorable in the first panel. Poor Minas been forced up on stage by Sonic who heard her singing at the end of last weeks main story...again, as I stated before, its nice to see a little continuity. She freezes up but, realizing Sonic believes in her and not wanting to let him down, starts singing her heart out. High up in Castle Acorn, Sally takes time out from her busy schedule to tune in. Mina finishes up (and we get a hint from Robo-Momgoose that her dad is no longer around) then runs straight into Sonics arms to thank him, a gesture Sals not all that comfortable with. Setting the stage for next issue...Nice story (Romy nails it once again) and again we get a nice setup for next months lead story.

Sonic Grams: Hey all you out there who think the series is ending with #125. Not to fear, JG tells us how theyre already working on #131. Hakuna Matata!

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Is #120 still available?

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No offence, but this thread's for reviews of the comic, not general questions. 🙂

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