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Fan Reviews STH#154/SX #2--READ first post

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yay, i can finnaly re-subscribe now
Cover: meh, its pretty cool, sonic looks ok, and mina and knuckles are there too 3/5
splash: cooool! 5/5
1st story: pretty cool, exept for sonic looking really weird, and he's too shiny, hes supposed too be furry, great story 3/5
2nd Story: nooo! he's really dead, i cant belive they killed knuckles, but this afterlife thing is interesting, as long as it ends in knuckles being revived -.-, and look, chao! i didnt think they would show up again, great story in all 4/5
3rd story: hm, looks like a love triangle is starting... but i wonder what happend to amy? does she not adore sonic? bleh, they were all drawn great, this one gets a 5/5
Off Panel: funny, and relevant! great cameo of archie comics, too 5/5
total: 20/25

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Back in Action for reviewing, been working so much no time to get the comics let alone review lol. So here we go....

Sonic #121

Cover Art - I think they could keep the news strip style bars but have an actual background. Either way SOnic and Elias are well drawn *yawn*

Inside Splash Page - Axer does SO Rock. Elias as the sexy squirrel/foxything he is 😀

Primary Story: The Prince and the Revolution.
Story- YAY! They're actually getting back to Elias... he disappeared so long ago. Ran away really. Sonic and Sally go after Hersh' n' Geof (and I hate Geof, wouldn't care if he fell off the face of the planet mobius personally but meh, I digress. Blah blah, rescue.... bla, plane crash... bla... SHOCK! Elias is a woodsman and MARRIED now, also expecting a child! Of course Eggman had to show up and ruin the day and sonic save it. So nice to actually find Elias, but I can't help feeling that this has destroyed any chances of Elias becoming a valuable individual, and personally chucks my mina-elias wish pairing down the hole.

Over all I do feel like they handled the story well, and does thin out yet another little-used character to help tighten the core, my only disappointment is my above mentioned statement.

Artwork: Lim's getting better at making characters depioct expression. But he does a very poor job on Elias, especially where his hair is concerned. The part in his hair is so cuuute! ;_;

Secondary Story: Afterlife Part 1
I was honestly waiting through the whole story for Vector to crack the priestess upside the head and go "YO MAN Quit with the sappy lecture, you dudes don't even know my homey!" Honestly I was disappointed in this one, although Knuckles body is red again, even though he's having an out of body experience lol. Can't wait to see how this concludes though as two cute little Chao come to collect Knuckles' Spiritual bod to go before their goddess.

Dawn Best scores another 100% though, brightening this comic up with her artwork ^_^

Final Story: Songbird
The Brightest part of this comic. ^_^ Last issue, Sonic overheard Mina singing, and well, if her conscious attempts to get his attention failed, her natural singing talent looks like it's about to reel him in! Mina is on stage with major stage fright, but egged on by the crowd she starts singing - I wish it had been Tails' theme from SA but oh well. 🙂 Meanwhile, Sally is in the palace reviewing things with Nicole when the music starts... She stops to listen, and Nicole calls the music 'overrated'... After Mina delivers a big hug to Sonic at the end of her performance... sally changes her mind about the music too. Great setup for some sparks to fly ^_^ Coupled with awesome artwork by Steve Butler!

Conclusion: Overall this was a good issue, each story was handled well in its own right.

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Hey all you Sonic-fans out there, it's me hellblazer16 and Im here to give you what you want when you want it, which in this case is a Sonic the Hedgehog Comic review,I hope you like this review and that you keep reading my reviews that are posted on the site.Thanks! And now the review.

Cover Page:
Awsome Cover,very nice detail and color,but there's something I noticed while looking at the page,Prince Elias has a blue cape instead of a red cape and his numb-chuck thingys(the things on his back are silver instead of gold.So the colors are different on the first color page.Is this a mistake or something.We'll, I really don't have the time to write in and ask them, that's your job.
6/10 rings

First Colour Page:
Fantastic First Color Page! (as always) Look at that detail, look at the backround,look at coloring!(Sorry if I got carried away)Anyway a great page none the less.
7.5/10 rings

The Prince & The Revolution: This story starts off when King Max and Queen Alicia explain to Sonic and Sally that they think their son Prince Elias has been away too long and they would like them to find him.They also say that they have sent two other agents to look for him as well known as St.John and Hershey.Then Sonic and Sally race off to find Prince Elias.While this is happening St.John and Hershey are flying in an airplane(I think it's called the tornado or something) and get shot down by Robotnick's Techno Blimps and crash into a village in The Feral Forest.(What I don't get is how they survive the crash)And who happens to be in this village? You guessed it:Prince Elias!All the villagers in the village then go to see what happened.St.John and Hershey then tell all the villagers there if they want to fight Robotnick's forces that are coming and they all agree except Prince Elias.Prince Elias then goes inside his house.St.John and Hershey then go into a house there and find Prince Elias and his wife.Did I mention that Prince Elias is married and his wife is pregnant?St.John then tells Prince Elias to listen to him and Prince Elias gets mad and pushes St.John hardly.Then Robotnick's robots burst threw the houses wall and tell everyone there to surrender.They get taken outside and then suddenly Sonic and Sally arrive and take down a couple of Robots.Robotnick then tells Sonic that there outnumbered but then all the villagers team up with Sonic and fight Robotnick's forces.They win.(What I don't get is how they beat all the robots and no one didn't get killed or even hurt.Is Robotnick really cheap and can't afford any good robots or something?)Sally then huggs Prince Elias(her being his sister and all)and asks him if he would like to return to Knothole Village with them.Prince Elias then says that he would like his child to become a simple woodsperson and stay in the village.Prince Elias' wife then asks Sonic and the rest if they would like to stay for dinner.Sonic then asks if Chilli-Dogs are on the menu.Every one then laughs.
7/10 rings

Afterlife Part One:
This is the on-going story for Knuckles the Echidna which is in my opinion is awsome.I kinda prefere Knuckles for Sonic in some ways.But thats another story.Anyway this story starts off at the funeral of Knuckles the Echidna.The Mitre Kali-ca starts off by saying the things Knuckles has accomplished through out his life and what-not.Then Knuckles appears as a ghost and so do the other dead Guardians.But the rest of the living people can't see them.Then the guardians(Steppenwolf has white rings on this hair and Harlan has a green robe on,is this a mistake or a correction?Again I don't have the time to write in to them, that's your job) start telling Knuckles about The Chaos Force,the plane's,the heralds(also know as chao,if that's what they are) and Aurora.Then after the guardians tell him everything they know the heralds(or chao) come down and choose a guardian to take to the chaos force where Athair,the ancient walkers,(what ever they are,probably deader people(if deader is a word))and Aurora,and mabey Edmund,I don't really know.Anyway who do you think they choose?Steppenwolf?No.Knuckles?Yes.They choose Knuckles to come.Then everyone living leaves the funeral.
8/10 rings

Sonic Fan Art:
Well they all pretty much sucked, except the one Zac Streich made,but thank you drawers for sending in your pictures anyway.
4/10 rings

Song Bird:
Before I start this review I would just like to say, again, that I do think that Mina should be Sonic's girl,not Sally.Don't agree with if you want but I really think that they should be together.Well look at her,she's gourgeous,for a cartoon charecter anyway.This story follows from the last issues's Mina the Mongoose story Anyway now I can start this review.The story starts off with Mina the Mongoose on stage.Sonic put her up there you know? He thinks she has a beutiful voce.So then Mina gets all her courage and starts singing a popular song called:Star Light Star Bright(Completly different from the kid's song)Princess Sally hears Mina's song from the castle and looks out her window to hear it better and see Mina.Everyone likes how she sings and gives her an applause.Mina then hugs Sonic or something and Sonic gives her an adoring look and Sally see's this and got jealous and goes back to her work with Nicole,her laptop PC.
8/10 rings

Funny.As you know these are like "Behind the scences."I'll review this panel anyway.Sonic is reading an Archie comic with this bald guy(sorry if Im making fun of anyone)and then Sally comes in and sees the scirpts for the Mina the Mongoose story and beatds up Sonic.Suppose to be funny when you read it.
6/10 rings

I always love reading what the other Sonic-fans think about the comic.I can't really review this or even give it a mark seeing in reviewing it would be hard to do and take a long time so you'll just have to go buy the comic yourself and read them.

And that was my review on #121 of the Sonic the hedgehog series.I hope you liked and and didn't get too tired from reading it since it is quite long.But that isn't my fault is it, since you could have easily went to the store and bought the comic and read it yourself,right.Anyway like i was saying I hope you liked my review.Catch my next review on issue 122 somewhere before May or after it.See ya next time!
46.5/70 rings

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Okay, time for my #122 review. I advise those who don't have it to back away as this will contain spoilers...of course. Anywho, let's get down to the nitty gritty. :]

Let's see, Nack/Fang, whatever you wanna call him (I'm more used to Fang), is riding on a brand new hoverbike then the one he rode in #40. He puts in that mischievious grin as usual. Sonic gives bunny ears while looking away pretending to not notice what he's doing. Knuckles and Julie-Su graces the bottom. Spaz put in a lot of detail to Nack's vechicle (including that little goblin-looking creature as a keychain). The little smoke thingy in the bottom of the airbike is a nice effect. Of course, for some reason, despite the whole Jenson-style coloring, this cover doesn't really do it for me as #121. It's still nice, but the bland BG still don't do anything for me.

4 weasels standing around like a bunch of immature superheros with Nack in the center. It's a very cute drawing. Nack never looked more adorable in my entire life. Something about the way Axer drew Nack in that frontipiece makes me like it so much. The BG is also a nice touch. Another Axer topper!

Heart Held Hostage Part 1:
It's springtime in Knothole and Sonic is playing his ascostic guitar with guide from his pops. Tails ask why Jules never bother playing guitar again. He's responds, "These roboticized fingers aren't nearly nimble enough to pluck those guitar strings, Tails.", so he ends up being Sonic's coach, not that Sonic needs help as he starts jamming like a pro. Soon, people come crowding around to see Sonic play (including Amy). Mina drops by as well and sees his mad guitar skills and gets all lovey dovey again. Mina starts heading towards Sonic.
Meanwhile, in the royal family's home, Daddy Acorn tells his daughter to be home in time for supper. Mommy dearest ask asks if Sally needs an escort.
As Sally passes one, she refuses one, the royal escort's thoughts, "What, is it my colognes?" Funny. Sally is soon in listening range as we see a worm's eye view of her hearing Sonic's music. She instantly knows that Sonic is playing, so she heads where the crowd is and aso hears a voice. Sounds like an angel, Sally saids...turns out, it's Mina singing while Sonic is playing.
Sally gets upset and leaves, Tails watching by. Bunie goes over to her old friend to see what's up. Bunnie gets Sally to talk about her love problem. Sally explains how she thought she and Sonic would be soulmates, but she ain't so sure anymore. She explains how they are similar to each other. Bunnie tries to cheer her up by saying Sonic does care for her, question is, does he knows Sally feels the same? Before anymore conversations go on involving Sonic's love life, Hoverbikes come. We quick switch to a scene with people applauding Sonic and Mina. Then we switch scenes again as Nack knocks Sally out and Bunnie is hit full frontal by a hoverbike. If she didn't have half a robot body, she'd be in a world of hurt. Another scene switch as Mina comments Sonic's guitar skills. Sonic also comments her singing. Switch scenes again to Bunnie getting knockled by Nack or something like that. Another quick switch (whew) of Mina, ready to ask Sonic something. She doesn't get the chance because Nack's posse arrive with the unconscious Sally in toll. Sonic gets pissed and races after them. He starts running full frontal on one of the hoverbikes and kicks the driver off. Mina gets aimed by a gun by another weasel, but Sonic saves her in time. SOnic sees that even if he is fast, it's still not enough to saver Sally, so he takes the one who he knocked out and takes him inside. Sonic asks why Sally was kidnapped. Easy, because her family are royalty, thus has wads of money. Bunnie grabs ahold of the weasel and treatens to drop him outta the window (he's not scared), though being the "southern belle" she is, she leaves him be. Soon, the royal family comes, all pissed. The weasel makes a grave mistake by laughing at the king. Geez, he's gonna be hanged for sure. King Max orders the FFs to leave and then,he sends in the guards.
The rest of the FFs wonders what Max might be doing. Max comes out and explains the location of Sally, saying she's in a mansion once owned by Nack's ancestors (and this guy's a bounty hunter?) Anywho, before King Max could finish, Sonic races towards the location.
To Be Continued...

This was a nice story and we see some interesting developments. It needed the two parter that #121's main story so needed. We see that Max actually trust Sonic to get Sally back, we see the return of Nack, we see Bunnie's friendship with Sally, it's quite a nice level of development. I cannot wait for the next issue to see what happens. I also liked the fact that they took out the whole chapter thing. Oh. and yes, King Acorn rules in this issue, hands down!

The art, of course, it's good. Always detailed, Axer delievers the good as he usually does. There were so many details I noticed that I like, such as someone lighting a lighter when Sonic was playin guitar like those people did in Woodstock, or the big bulging muscles from the guards, and especially that worm's eye view of Sally. Perfect. Top that with Jenson's awesome coloring and we got ourself a winner! The only minor mistake is Alicia's missing straps and Amy still fully covered in the back, but small mistakes I can easily forgive and forget. Brilliant.

Afterlife Part 2:
In a golden BG, Knuckles wonders where the two Chao creatues are taking him. They remain silent unlike last issue when they talked. Knuckles keeps asking questions to them, but they end up disappearing. Soon, it gets massively bright and he hears Aurora's voice. He sees a pink echidna with a white robe and thinks of her as another ancestor. She explains that she is Aurora and Knuckles is quite surprised she's an echidna. Aurora explains that she is what Knuckles thinks he sees as she is the force, she is all, whether fox, overlander, etc. Aurora explains how she placed that dream Locke had that was first shown in #25 of Knuckles. Aurora explains how Locke and Lara-Le were so in love and how Locke paided great attention to his wife during her pregnancy. Then we see the whole egg getting blasted by the emerald's power, also first seen in #25. Then we see Knuckles born and in his mother's hand and how Locke named him. We then see the marriage struggle as the two parents argue over Knuckles' life. Then lastly, we see Aurora explain how Locke and Knuckles left, leaving a sad Lara-Le. They went through a divorce. Knuckles is eager to know what happens. Sorry, Knux, ya gotta wait about 4 weeks.

Well, for newcomers to the comic, you'll know the a little bit of Knux's history, so it's a plus right there, Longtimers like me might find it unnecessary, but it was an interesting read. I like the whole idea behind Aurora, her being the force (so she could be the one responible behind the whole sword of Acorn thing, source of all thing...possibly), and how she looks depends on how that person view her as. I personally think this is a good read and it might be extrememly useful to newcomers.

Art still delievers the good, Ken helps out a litte, but barely. Anywho, it's still awesome art and very cute as usual. His drawings of little Knuckles is too die for(see his drawing of baby Knuckles and tell me that ain't cute), and I do like Locke's face in panel 3 of the last page. The only mistake is the echidna's eye lashes which are peach and not the color of their fur, but nothing I'm too worked over.

When there was only one Guardian:
Julie-Su is in Knux's home, looking through one of his books. She's amazed at the young echidna's love for literture. She also sees a picture of herself, showing how much he cared for her. Vector then comes, wondering why Julie is in Knux's home. They end up fighting...again. Julie does a leap Matrix-style, but Vector stops her before she gets close. Vector actually tries to give a hand, only to be kicked. Vector and Julie both wonder how Knux saw in them. Vector then goes on how they first met. Vector was lying down on tall grass (sleeping, maybe?), and Knuckles ended up tripping over him. Vector starts to prove he's all that, but Knux lets him know he's taking care of things around him. Vector beats Knux up. Knux ends up doing the same and Vector complains. Vector saids he only wanted to listen to his tunes, so Knux saids it's cool. He also explains how Vector is the first living person he met ever since his father. Vector explains there are more living creatures. He mentions a plane (Robotnik old school version) riding on it. He also mentions a red bird named Catweazle who end sup pooping on Vector's head. Funny. Catweazle and Knux gets along pretty well though. Present day as Vector finishes his story. Julie sees Vector as more a talker then fighter, but Vector says that shouldn't be spread out towards his teammated, Julie promises to keep the promise. They both explain that despite their differences, they both care and miss Knuckles.

These stories are generally weak to me. The Mighty story didn't turn out the way I wanted and this one doesn't really do much for me. It's a bit confusing to me and retains my least fave story of this issue. I also find it a bit unnecessary that Julie ended up kicking Vector's butt when he was trying to help her up, but Julie is still a stubborn gal. The dialogue didn't help much. I mean, it was fine, but Vector overdid his slangs and I swear, at one point, I was massively confused. They need to tone down the slangs a bit, that's all.

The art by Dawn has seriously been different since her first appearance. She's been adding a lot of muscles (unless that's Ken's doing). I personally enjoyed her artwork in the earlier issues when the characters didn't look all bulged up. Not to mention Catweazle is colored wrong, he's white, not red. Perhaps Jenson didn't know Catweazle's color yet. I do like that one pic of Knuckles in the first panel of page 5, especially the eyes. But I'm slowing to not like this style of art.
8/10 is pretty cute. J.Gabrie wants Sonic and Tails to find bobble heads of himself, heh, funny.
The fanart is chucked with Sonic art. There's an art based on Lim's style, a B & W of Sonic and Shadow all muscled up. My fave would be Shadow against what I'm assuming is Biolizard (I never knew what he really looked like, the screenshots were no help), but the coloring is really nicely done. Theletter page is a bit different as they put in letters from all around the world. One that interested me was the one letter for Seoul, Korea, the place of my nationality and my second hometown! Whoo-Hoo!
Well, I'm done. Till next issue.

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I give long rambling reviews. But after the quality of this month's lead story, I had to break it in half or one of the moderators would kill me. Second part coming soon.

Sonic the Hedgehog #122

Cover: Too bad our villain looks so good and our hero looks kinda crummy. The fifth installment of zine style covers features Nack, in his first cover appearance since #40 (I believe) in a totally new, totally redesigned hoverbike that resembles one of the bumpers from the Casino Night Zone in STH 2. Spaz really put some detail into the bike, especially around the handle area. Looks a little cramped in terms of legroom though. Nack looks great overall but Sonic could use a little work. Maybe its just the angle hes got his head tilted at but he looks sort of devoid of spines near the top and his eyes are a bit big. What gets me is the way his cheeks are puffed out to produce that whistle. Looks instead like hes trying to keep from getting sick. Generic Knuckles (but hes RED!) and Julie-Su decorate the bottom, corny catch phrases and bad puns abound.

Frontispiece: Awesomejust..awesome. As with the lead story, Axer really outdid himself this time. Nack is back, baby, and never has he looked so appealing, striking his little pose. And the weasel posse is just sooo much better and realistic a pack of accomplices than Mammoth Moguls cronies, Drago the wolf, and Kodos made way back in the 50s and 60s issues. Poor Nack looks almost too simple when compared with the detail Axer lended to his band of misfitsa pink, long-tail girl (?) weasel packing a mean set of dreads and halter top; the tough guy in the back with his cap and prison-style striped shirt; and my personal fave, the guy on the left with his stubble, open shirt and darn cool hairstyle. The only thing I dislike is I get the impression these are going to be one-time only characters who never even get proper names!

Heart Held Hostage: Part One, written by Karl Bollers, penciled by J. Axer. So..many..good..things..about..lead..storycant hardly..contain..self. Ive been reading this book on and off since issue #5, faithfully since #34, and Ive been waiting a loooong time to see a lead story like this again, folks. This harkens back to the good ole days of Mecha Madness and Endgame. Its got it allgreat plot, good script and, most important to me, PHENOMENAL ART! But first lets review shall we?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp We open on a beautiful spring day in Knothole where the Hedgehog family plus Muttski and Tails are gathered round as Jules gives Sonic some guitar lessons. Even from the get-go we start learning things about characters that adds depth to their personas. For instance, hedgehog senior was apparently quite the musician in his day and wants to pass on some of that legacy to his speedy son. Sonic turns out to be a natural and soon a crowd gathers round including the FF, Rosie, Amy Rose, Wombat Stu and Mrs. Quack.
TIME OUT #1: Look at the detail Axers putting into this. Its just unbelievable! The sprinkling of old characters in the crowd. Even the unknowns each have a personality shining through. The vegetation in the background, the subtle changes in the expressions of Sonic, his family, and Tailstheyre in every scene yet they dont look static! The sweat on the one guys brow, the lighter someones lit up and is waving, differences in clothing styles, leaves flying through the air. This much care and attention to detail has been lacking since Spazs glory days and its a welcome return!
Mina sees Sonic, falling ever more googly-eyed in love with him, and decides he needs a voice to match his music. Meanwhile, at Castle Acorn, Sallys got permission from her parents to step out for the afternoon and refuses a muscle-bound royal escort on the way. Cmon, the girl has kicked so much tail in her day she doesnt need an escort..well, until a few pages later that is. Ahem. Again its nice to see a change in anglesbirds eye in the palace to worms eye outside. Sally making her way through the crowd to the source of the sound also looks good. Still, as enthralled as everyone is, youd think theyd make more room for a princess. When Sal sees whos singing like an angel at Sonics side though, her spirit plummets and she starts heading out with a concerned Bunnie tailing her. Say what you like about this love triangle, I think the way Archie has slowly added more and more to both Sonic and Minas characters to make them seem more and more alike worked for me. You totally feel Sallys despairit really does seem like Mina and Sonic have more in common than he does with Sal anymore. Speaking of which, Bunnies reassuring comments pretty much put the final nail in the coffin for this whole love triangle fiasco. As is evident from next issues cover, Sal wins.
TIME OUT #2: Who am I personally rooting for, Mina or Sally? Answer: neither of em, tho if forced to pick I prefer Sally simply because shes been around so long. But Ill save my comments on Sonics soulmate for another time, another place, and another flame war :)
Again, nice variation on our angles of view. They need to lighten up just a tad on Bunnies southern accent although her cat in a room full o rockin chairs comment is just so darn appropriate! And we see Bunnie in a role we all knew she had but has not acted in for awhileas Sals best friend.
Here he comes to wreck the day!!! OK..everything about Nacks appearance is PERFECT! Its so sudden and his lines (Incoming!, Move it or lose it, chumps!) are completely in character. No long, unrealistic monologue or fight scene eitherthey are kidnapping the kings daughter after all! I love how Axer keeps switching back and forth between our two-tiered dramaNack kidnapping Sally and his cronies taking Bunnie down for the count and Mina trying to tell Sonic how she feels about him. Lots is going on but unlike last issue the format doesnt make it seem compressed. It only intensifies the situation, reaching a peak as Nack zooms in front of Sonic and the hedgehog catches a glimpse of an injured and unconscious Sally being spirited away. The dialogue and whole perspective during the whole chicken scene between Sonic and my favorite weasel is great too.
TIME OUT #3: Note to Archie: I want every action/fight scene EVER AGAIN to be like this! No corny dialogue (Sonic saying, Lets do it to it! is childish and getting old), rapidly shifting perspective and a real sense of danger.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp What I sorta like and yet is also sorta shocking is the fact Sonic doesnt high tail it after the weasels. On the one hand it may seem realistic, like hes got some limitations. On the other, this is the guy who managed to vibrate his molecules through a train a few issues ago. Its Sonic, for cryin out loud! He can take a few weasels on flying Kawasakis. Instead, he settles for an unsuccessful interrogation of weasel boy (who looks SO DAMN CUTEplease excuse mild languageon the top of page nine) while Bunnie gives us some inkling shes familiar with basic English grammar after all. Enter King Max and Alicia. Alicia has never looked better in this comic. You see the resemblance to Sally but theyre not carbon copies with different hairstyles. Shes regal but that expression in the third to the last panel is so knowing and witty also. And for once it seems like Max really cares for one of his offspring. At least Im dying to know what went on behind closed doors! When he comes out with a location for Nacks mansion (the single most unbelievable element of this story) Sonic realizes he acted a bit out of character a few pages ago andhigh tails it after those weasels.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I wont continue pouring on the honey, my comments above are sweet enough. The few miniscule flaws vanish in the overall perfection of this story. Just some closing thoughts:
1.Axer has nosed his way into my Favorite Sonic Artist spot, a position Spaz has held sway over since the late teens in this book. He is to be the lead artist from here and forward. Period. (Pause as people at Archie laugh hysterically at insignificant fan telling them what to do.)
2.Occasional sarcasm and humor in script: good. Corny catch phrases: bad. Read this script many times, commit it to memory, make future scripts like it.
3.See? You dont need convoluted storylines, impossible situations, a new villain of the month and plot twists that come all too frequently to make an entertaining action story.
I rest my case, and my keyboard. Rest of issue to be reviewed later this weekend.

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I finally got in my hands after weeks of hell I finally have it! Now this story was pretty good! I can't wait to see who sonic picks, not only that I can't wait to see the last story the last robian! I wonder what's up with that!

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darn I meant to say 122 review

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No offence, but this topic's for reviews only. There's plenty of room for general comment on the rest of the forum. 🙂

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Ok then ...
Heart held Hostage
The story began at Sonic's hut playing the guitar, while his dad gives him some music lessons or what ever. And as sonic keeps playing a croud soon forms to hear Sonic play. Including Mina and the gang. So Mina joins in and gets ready to sing.Meanwhile back at the castle..Sally is allowed to go spent some time with her friends,and Knowing how her parents are over protective they recomend an escourt but Sally refuses. Next we have her outside listening to Sonic and Mina sing and play or whatever.
And notices the two together and gets pretty sad. Tails, Ant.,Bunnie and Rotor notice this and Bunni goes after her. Sally starts thinking how Sonic and Mina sound great together and which only lowers hers pride or whatever. Bunni cacthes up with her and they both have a talk about Sonic and Mina's friendship and that sally should tell Sonic how she feels, but before she can Nack and his cromedomes come in and attack.back at Sonic's place Mina and sonic both comment on each other.Then they swicthed scenes showing Bunni getting takin out and slamed to the tree. Back with Sonic Mina wants to ask Sonic something( and we all know what she might of asked)But before she can say what Nack and his goon squad come and attack. Sonic notices Sally on the back of Nacks hover bike or whatever and chases after him. Kinda of a wierd pic, I don't see why Mina's hands were on her mouth. Anyways one of Nack's goons comes in and attacks Sonic. Next page we see a cool pic of Sonic kicking some major butt! In another scene we have Mina trying to stop another guy but nearly got killed. Sonic saves her but it was already too late the others goy away.
Sonic takes one of Nack's goons to the castle to be questioned but with no luck. Soon King Max comes in, and Knack's goon starts laughing. King Max got pissed and sends Sonic and the others away and brings in the guards and closed the door.
The others are going what the hell, and eventully King Max comes in and tells Sonic and the gang where Sally is. Now that was really funni when Max said 'Let's just say I made him an offer he couldn't refuse". Finally they showed a scene where King Max cares for his daughter. Anyways King Max tells Sonic to go look for her, but Sonic has already left in search of her leaving the gang behind. Heh, good story overall not what I expected but still great overall. I wonder how Mina cacthes up, I'll review the rest later.

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Ok now for the rest of the review...
Afterlife part 2
Taking off where the story left off, Knuckles is being taking to somewhere. And Knuckles is starting to ask questions like what about the guardians and well u get the point. When knuckles tries touching them they disappear and Knuckles hears a voice and is confronted by an Aurora.And knuckles starts askning why she looks like him, and says that this is what knuckles conprehends and what he sees.She also states that she is the force and te force is all! In other words whoever sees her will see her as they imagine.She also says how his dad saw her a dream( which we all)We all the dream which she is talking about. Anyways we see a flashback and see what Knuckles dad does in order to prevent this, and how laralee and Locke arguing over Knuckles and we all the end result.Anyways in the last scene We have knuckles and his dad side by side and Lara-lee crying and Knuckles asking what's next. Basiclly another flashback i hope this final reward will happen pretty soon. I wonder what's the point of this flasback, and whatever did happen to Mamoth Mogul I thought he would of led to the plot in 125 but now who knows. I'll review the ret later... I'm too tired now.

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I am COMPLETELY taken with this issue.

Cover Art: Of the Magazine style blah background issues, this one gets a 4/5 Rings Spaz does his usual wonderful job and the expressions and poses between Nack and Sonic are wonderful. Coloring is also beautious.

Splash Page: Nack the weasel and his friens(?)/Family(?) It's Axer art, 5 Rings

Main Story: Heart Held Hostage.
Art: AXER *SQUEE* couple that with beautious coloring 5 RINGS! PLUSS FIVE RINGS! PLUSS FIVE RINGS!
Story: Sonic's dad musta been a musician since he's teaching Sonic a few chords on accoustic guitar. Meanwhile Sally is leaving home to join her friends after telling mum and dad where she's going. Mina Singing with Sonic playing seems to be a big hurtle to overcome as she is discouraged yet again by the biggie triangle. Looks like Bunnie's coaching will bring her home when Nack and Co storm through on hover-type bikes and kidnap Sally! There are some wonderful sight gags and quippy writing which give a feel of actual characterization to King Max, Sonic's Parents etc, so that you can see where the FFs came from, their influences. It does end with Sonic running off, and I love every aspect of this story 🙂 5/5

I like the Love triangle between Sally Sonic and Mina, it adds depth to the characters, and I feel the way things are developing are natural given the characters. I feel like Sally is the kind of character who would hide how she really feels deep down, and it's a great detriment to her relation with Sonic especially since they've classically been so close.

Midstory: After Life Pt. 2
Art: 4/5
Story: Knux meets his goddess Aurora and she tells him about how he was born and Why he is teh way he is... Still waiting to see him not green. Story 4/5
I think this is good since it recaps how Knuckles came into being, and retells how and why his parents split up. Good for the newer readers and it also lets Knuckles know that his parents have *always* Cared about him since even before his birth. Don't like the fact he's still dead and still green, must resist urge to kill Aurora.

Finale: When there was only One Guardian

Art: 5/5 Dawn Best makes slight alterations to her artwork giving men a little bit more eyecandy, but that's okay
Story: Julie Su and Vec have heart to heart talking about how Vec met Knuckles. More quips, wonderful visuals... MUST READ 5/5
Julie Su and vec are usually rivals and I've felt their attitudes are frighteningly simmilar. I've also felt that they could patch up their differences and actually be best friensds who's tough guy attitudes are just for show. Sure looks like that's what's going on here as they reminiss about the past 🙂 When Knuckles does come back he may see a difference in his best buds for the better.


Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Reviewing doesn't involve just re-telling the story - it involves telling people your opinion of it. Take a look at the majority of posts in this thread and you'll see what I mean.

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Well i did that once and someone told me not to so make up your mind!

Posts: 122
Estimable Member
Topic starter

Okay, I guess the problem here is I don't care about length--nor too much what the content is as long as there are some opinions involved. I had a feeling what you posted before was supposed to be a review though it was short and as such wasn't thought of as one.

If you look through this thread though, I've accepted close to one-liners as a review as long as it looks relevant.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I can't see anywhere where someone told you not to write your opnions in a review, SPX. Can you show/tell me where?

P.S. And I appreciate that you're probably feeling a bit messed around, but that still doesn't make yelling at the staff a good idea...

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New Member

I just got this comic yesterday, i'll give my thoughts on it.

First of all, I'll get to my first and favorite point, J.Axer's art in HHH Part 1, man, how many times will this guy keep on impressing everyone with his art, all the characters look cute and nicely done with almost perfect expressions (note Sally or Mina when the both see sonic).

Anyways, the story just starts of wicked, with sonic and a guitar, what I find weird is that he's just learning how to play now, but in the one comic with that stupid chinese dragon, Sonic is thinking back about the king telling him to keep an eye out on the princess whilest playing his guitar, I know it's stupid to point out, but felt it might be cool to bring to attention. Either way, Sonic picks up the guitar rather quickly and throws a happy lil shin-dig, deffinitly cool in my books, Mina joins in the mix and Sally sees them and takes off having a discussion with Bunnie about her and Sonics feelings towards each other thats quickly interupted with some violent hit and runs lol.

(fast foward)

Another cool thing I liked was the fact that the weasel that they had taken prisoner was infact missing half his tail, seemed like a weird little addition, or subtraction to the character....Anyways to sum it up, loved this chapter, nicely drawn, nice script, deffinitly worth it.

As for the others, I don't want to go into description cause I just really don't know much about knuckles to begin with, alls I know is that they are pretty good story lines, good to see Dawn best drawing again for the comic, and I can't wait for the next issue (the cover for the next one looks cute).

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Here it is, my review for #123. Now, this contains spoilers, so please turn back if you wish to NOT be spoiled. Okay? Good. Now, on with it.

Another magazine. Good thing this whole thing is almost over though. I perfer the lush and colorful BG. Anywho, it's Sonic and Sally basically looking like they're striking up a conversation. Sonic looks like he just told the world's funniest jokes. The bottom hole holds Knuckles and Jules, looking real nice in that green BG. I think he's the best thing in the cover. Very nicely done. All in all, still not as good as the "magazine" cover of #121.
SCORE: 6/10

Oh, my Gosh! I love this frontipiece. To anyone who has seen my art in Deviant art or anywhere esle, this type of collage is what I usually draw like. Some characters big, some smaller then others. We see a sunset colored BG with Fang and his weasel buddies (including the one from last issue who will NOT be showing this issue), Mina looking startled (though she looks a bit scary with her hair covering most of her eyes), Sally looking kinda angry and surprised at the same time, and Sonic with huge, green eyes. Overall, a very good cover and the fact that it's a nice collage, it adds to the niceness, but this doesn't strike me as one of my faves. Still good though.
SCORE: 8/10

"Heart Held Hostage: Part 2:
Sonic enters a really old mansion. One of those mansionm you see in so many horror moves. Even include the classic full moon, the mansion being on top of the hill, etc. It's nicely details, as is Axer's case. Sonic is about to enter until he spots Mina standing like three feet apart from him, covering her face, hoping he won't see. That really didn't work. Sonic ask why she's here and Mina comes to help, duh. The rest ain't here as Mina came alone by use of her speed. Sonic accepts Mina being with him and decides both can get to work on resucing Sally 101. Mina mentions how much she and Sonic have in common during the page 2. Heh, trying all she can to win his heart.
Inside, we see Sally in a comfy chair with the other weasels close by at watch and listening to Nack playing the piano. Ahh, he has a talent other then being a bounty hunter. Does anyone like those violet eyes on him other then me? Although, I usually put ornage on Fang when I color him, now I'm thinking I should put in gray instead. Hmmm. Anyways, Sally decides to set her plan up by tricking Nack into letting her join her gang. There, she would pretend to be kidnapped while her parents keep paying her money. Nack and the gangs are stumped and shocked and Axer delievers it in such a wonderous way, complete with the sweatdrops! Sally explains how it sucks to have parents that are controlled by wealth. Before Nack could finish explaining his dealing with pain, Sally lets him have on eby knee kicking him in the umm...wacky place. Yea, you read right. Then she pushes Nack off with his gun with a pose I really like on her. The others are ready to give her a taste of their own medicine by getting their gun trady to shoot.
Cut switch to Sonic as he kicks open the door. We see a bird's eye view of Sonic in the mansion who's commenting on how big the place is. It is big and old. Nice bird's eye view. It's as good as last issue when Sally was given a worm's eye view. Anywho, Sonic and Mina split, telling her not to do anything drastic.
We cut to Sally (I like that face on her, a mixture of surprise and unsure, perfect), as she runs with Nack's gun in tow. Gunshots almost got her and both the speedy allies heard it. Sally is in a dead end and the gun she was holding is out of ammo...funny, I never saw her shoot anything.
Just when it feels like it's all doom and gloom, Sonic comes to the rescue by taking away their guns and beating them up. Sally turns up tp Sonic, with her arms open wide! Cue that love song from "Romeo and Juilet". Mina sees her running to him, literally looking like a 7 year old child sniffing her nose, looking clueless at the same time, which I think she is right now. Very cute. Sally and Sonic hug and she confesses her love for him with a teary face. She looks real beaufitul here. Sonic also sheds some tears, too, yea, you read that right. They then kiss, right smack on the lips. Mina sees it all and her world comes shattering...literally.
After all that, the resucing, the kissing, Mina STILL would do anything for Sonic, even if she's upset. Now THAT'S devotion. Sonic and Sally goes out to find Mina, but behind them is Nack, ready to shoot Sally's head. Somehow, his gun is reloaded when it wasn't before. Mina sees this and goes over and takes the shot (not on the head, but the back), geez, Nack, what your aiming for isn't what your aiming for. Sonic looks an awful lot like Crah Bandicoot with the face he's making here. Nack then makes his getaway even thouh he was aiming for Sally and not Mina. Well, I guess he felt happy just shooting someone. Sonic is not happy and Mina finally confesses her love fo Sonic while looking constipated at the same time. all seemed lost...
But Mina is well alive and in the Knothole hospital where Sonic and Sally watch her. Sally ask if she's ok, Mian's responds: "I--I'l get over it..." for Minerva Ifill, I forgot who she was. I think one of the staffs of Archie mentioned her before, but I don't remember what.

STORY: Whoo boy, when I read the first part, I was deeply amazed at how good this was. The one is no exception. I love it. Sally prentending to be in Nack's side was a sly one. This issue proves Sally is more then capable of taking care of herself as she escapes and attacks on her own. I love that aspect a lot. I also liked how Mina, depsite her sadness that she will never be with Sonic, sacrifices herself to protect them. Hmmm, makes me wonder if I should really give boys a chance and date them...nah. Some other time. Anyway, a truely excellent story. The conclusion I like. Mina has vastly matured as she is handling the whole Sonic/Sally thing in a calm matter now. I like that.

ART: it's Axer, so it's real good. Sally's sly face on page 3, panel 3, is real good. The whole weasel gang's stun face on the last panel of page 3 is also priceless. Sally's pose in page 4, panel 5, is just awesome. I like that look on her. Her look and the way she moves in the last panel of page 6 is excellently well done. I also LOVE the whole mirror affect on Mina when she's heartbroken. Beautiful. And the very last panel of Mina closing her eyes, she looks so calm and in peace, yet, she is still heartbroken inside, but it's slowly mending. I believe this is the best Axer has done concerning Sally. Other then the overly big collar on her vest, this is extrememly good.

"Afterlife: Part 3"
We see little Knuckles at about 5 years old (still looking so dang cute), along with Sally at the age of 5. They talk about what it feels like to be lonely and such. Aurora and Knux pops in and talks about tha event. They now see how Knux and his dad worked hard and played hard. Then the whole wall of fire thing. After that, we see little Knuckles crying (awwww, too cute!!!), and he sees Vector for the first time, which, the storyline is drastically different from last issue, REAL different. Perhaps Ken changed it because he didn't like last issue's story? Don't know. Then we see how Knux first met Sonic and Tails, the whole Chaotix thig with the amusement park and stuff, the first meeting of Archimedas, and Enerjak, looking more birdlike then echidna. Then after that, we see Kragok (his claw looks sorta cheap looking here), then we see the meeting of Julie-Su and Knux's mom (who, for some reason, is wearing black when she's suppose to be wearin yellow), and the ending of #8 of Knux when he was literally taken apart by Enerjak. And a small event from #12 of Knux when he was nearly burnt to death, but still alive and unharm. Whew...

STORY: Well, like I said, any newbies wishing to catch up will have some help with this issue. This storyline didn't do it for me as last issues. Maybe it's because of the changing storyline involving Vector and Knux (they still kepy Catweazle though), I just didn't like ti as much.

ART: Art still does some good art. His drawing of kid Knuckles is beyond cute. His Enerjak is slighty off model, which is ironic since he drew him real good on his first appearance. That dude looks more bird-like. Jenson is really new that this. Sure, he got Catweazle colored right, but Lara-Le's outfit wrong. Black is such a DRASTIC difference then yellow. Also on page 2, last panel, why is regular Knux talking to Aurora when he's suppose to be gasping in horror at what his father just did? I'm a bit confused on that part. I only hope it's a coloring mistake. Overall, not as good as last time.

"The Last Robian"
We start off with Sonic wondering where his family are. He sees a pic of his family and his dog's bowl. All gone. As time went by, others were all disapperaing and the FFs try to cope with all this. Sonic later gets word and finds his flesh and blood. All startling, but it true. Others are all derobotized as well and all seems like a happy time, al except Jules...who was later discovered as still a robot. No cure has been found. Sonic somehow shots up in the air for Eggman. He somehow comes up in a big TV screen (I have no clue where the heck they are), but Eggman saids he has no part of the whole derobotiziced thing. Jules feels awfulyl left out, but saids he'll do his best to keep his chin up, but Sonic still nwats to know why.

STORY: I was massively suprised. I really was. I wondered what "The Last Robians" meant, but now I know. I'll stick with the theory that it's the aliens, but why they did it is beyond me. How Jules didn't get it is beyond me, but I'm cooking up theories. I like how it started off, the whole thing being narrated for half of the stories, it was nicely done. The only plothole is where Sonic was when talking to Eggman, but overall, good.

ART: Art also does wonders on this art. Very good, too. Jenson still makes coloring mistakes on Lupe and her family and the two girls they took in. Bernie's hair is white, last I check, it was pink. The only thing Art did wrong was how he made Amy look. Granted, I don't remember him drawing Amy Rose in her SA form. He ended up drawing her in her pre-SA form. What the heck? Not to mention, Sonic's spines is long in page 6, panel 1. Real long, Ron Lim long. Luckily, those are his only mistakes, the rest are pretty fine.

Whew..The off-panel includes the Archie Sonic cast trying to suck up to Gabrie to appear in #125 special issues. Pretty funny. We see the cover for Sonic #124 and that Steven Butler has a newborn baby boy. No pics of him yet. The rest is the letters page which is just one, real long one. No fanart. Instead, it's been replaced by an Archie talent show ad...ok...? Well, whatever. I just hope they have the fanart back in the next issue. Okay, now I'm done.

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New Member

I finally got Sonic #123 today, and I also had to renew my subscription, which I did. I look forward to Shadow's return.

Anyway, this comic issue was totally wonderful! The art is so good in the first story, the coloring is great, and the story is touching. I liked it with two thumbs up, way up. I was so glad to see Sonic and Sally together like that, but I could not help but to feel sorry for Mina. I really felt for her, but I also felt for Sonic and Sally. I'm just glad it turned out okay...

Overall, it was a great one and I enjoyed the ride of reading!

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New Member

This one shocked me!
In this one Sonic and Mina enter an old mansion to try
to rescue Sally from Nack and his boys.Sally tricks Nack and knocks him out.The other two guys don't shoot her because she had Nack at gunpoint.Meanwhile,Sonic
and Mina Split up to try and find Sally.(Back to Sally)
Sally is creeping along when the the other two guys come back and fire waring shots at her to surrender.
Sonic and Mina heard the shots.Sally flees whiles shooting at the other two guys. She reaches a dead end
and is out of ammo. It looks like the green guy is about to take her prisoner when he and the red guy look
down in surprise to find that their guns are gone.It
was Sonic!He beats them up.Sally runs over to Sonic AND
THEY KISS! Mina saw them do it and it breaks her heart.
Well anyway,unknown to Sonic and Sally,Nack returns
and picks up his gun.He takes aim and fires at Sally
to cut his losses.Using her speed, Mina gets in the way and takes the bullet.Nack gets out of there before Sonic can do anything.They take her back to Knothole
and she is fine.

I thought that the Green weasle looked cool in his prison outfit.I'm happier that Sonic chose Sally overMina(probally because Sally wears LESS CLOTHES!GET IT?)

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New Member

Ok I finally got this issue, which I was dying to get but I was disapointed.. well anyways ..
cover: I found the cover alright but it only gave away who Sonic would choose...
Heart held hostage part 2: I found this story shocking.. well anyways the story takes off Sonic finding the mansion or whatever and Mina narrating for the begining of the story and Sonic finnlay notices her being there... Sonic ask if anyone else came with her.. and responed with no... of course Sonic isn't delighted at all that she is here and that she could get hurt... anyways Mina starts mentioning the fact.. that they have alot in common.. of course Sonic really doesn'tt care.. alotough he pointed out the fact that they didn't have any back up... which made Snic kinda cold hearted.. well anyways we swicth scenes with Sally sitting on a chair.. not tied up.. which is pretty stupid in fact well anyways...Sally kinda played as a bad guy for a while and giving them ideas what they should of... of course ther quite surprissed of course it was all in act in order for her to escape...back to sonic.. Sonic and Mina split up in order to find Sally..and basiccly Mina is still hell bent in order to impress Sonic back to Sally she's running off with a gun in her hand and is being chased by nacks goons and both Mina and sonic hear gun shots.. like always Sonic comes to the rescue and Sonic and Sally reunite and Sally and Sonic both tell eacth other how they feel and kiss while Mina is wacthing. Now that was surprissing.. I though Sonic would choose Mina after all they've been through instead of Sally.. it was Sally who caused most of the plot during the 90s but oh well! Mina is heart broken and starts to cry and well it's hard to look at that scene.. Anyways Nack sees Sally and sees a chance to get payback at saly at gets ready to shoot her.. Mina sees this and since she still cares for Sonic she would of done anything for Sonic still for Sonic to see thyat she loved him as well so she took the blow and well she tells Sonic how she felt and passes out... next scene we see Mina alright in the hospital sonc tells Mina that he was impressed what Mina did... and basiccly she gets over it.. and closes her eyes.. Now this part I didn't get In the memory of Minerva Ifill did someone die? Well whatever.. anyways this story was alright altough I wanted Soinc to end up with Mina though.. and I also admire what Mina did that takes alot of guts to take the blow... all for someone you love... quite a shocker.. but with an ending I didn't want oh well they may bring this up again I hope..The art for this story was pretty sweet as always.
Knuckles after life: this whole story was basclly another flash back of Knuckles childhood where Knuckles was in love with Sally.. what Knuckles did usully.. knuckles becoming Guardian.. Locke leaving... his encounter with Victor.. Sonic and tails..there fights as well...Archedes helping Knux.. Enerjak... Krajok.. his meeting with Julie Su.. and of course his family. Next story is one I really don't want to miss beacuse it's Judgement day for Knux and of course it will determine his fate which I think is pretty sweet than these flash backs though I don't mind knowing more about Knux's past..
the last robian: now this is a story I've dying to read ever sice I heard of the spoilors....The story begins Soic looking at a picture of his family... and is wondering what happened to his dog and family. He also finds out that the other Robians were missing as well. They suspected Eggman but he was nowhere to be found( isn't that funny he's usually in the plot and now has nothing to do with it) Sonic and his friends try to confort him and he does the same with Mina. I'm glad they added bher in the story! Eventully Sonic hears word of about Muttski being found. WHen he did find him he was shocked to see Muttski back to normal and no longer robotize. Eventully Sonic finds his familly... and soon all of the robians that were missing are back but not as robians..there was only one robians missing and that was Sonic's dad.. They soon find him but stilla as he always has been.. ANd Sonic is shocked to see him like this! Uncle Chuck does everything in his powere to try to find a cure but to no avail and Jules is feeling left out...Soinic confronts Eggman and demands to know why he did this! Of course Eggman says that he had nothing to do with it and Sonic belives him.
eventully Jules gets over it and Sonic swears that he'll find out who did this! Now I think this story should of been the main one because it leads onto 124 and 125.
Now this was way past wierd I can bet you that the aliens who did the same thing to Eggman and Sniviily did this to the other robians! What I didn't understand was why was Jules left out! Why didn't he get derobotize along with the others?! Now this is preety wierd. Now I'm dying to see what happens next moths issue where Shadow comes in to help against Exorda who I bet are the aliens who did this to the robians! Well anyways gotta juice!

Posts: 0
New Member

Ok I finally got this issue, which I was dying to get but I was disapointed.. well anyways ..
cover: I found the cover alright but it only gave away who Sonic would choose...
Heart held hostage part 2: I found this story shocking.. well anyways the story takes off Sonic finding the mansion or whatever and Mina narrating for the begining of the story and Sonic finnlay notices her being there... Sonic ask if anyone else came with her.. and responed with no... of course Sonic isn't delighted at all that she is here and that she could get hurt... anyways Mina starts mentioning the fact.. that they have alot in common.. of course Sonic really doesn'tt care.. alotough he pointed out the fact that they didn't have any back up... which made Snic kinda cold hearted.. well anyways we swicth scenes with Sally sitting on a chair.. not tied up.. which is pretty stupid in fact well anyways...Sally kinda played as a bad guy for a while and giving them ideas what they should of... of course ther quite surprissed of course it was all in act in order for her to escape...back to sonic.. Sonic and Mina split up in order to find Sally..and basiccly Mina is still hell bent in order to impress Sonic back to Sally she's running off with a gun in her hand and is being chased by nacks goons and both Mina and sonic hear gun shots.. like always Sonic comes to the rescue and Sonic and Sally reunite and Sally and Sonic both tell eacth other how they feel and kiss while Mina is wacthing. Now that was surprissing.. I though Sonic would choose Mina after all they've been through instead of Sally.. it was Sally who caused most of the plot during the 90s but oh well! Mina is heart broken and starts to cry and well it's hard to look at that scene.. Anyways Nack sees Sally and sees a chance to get payback at saly at gets ready to shoot her.. Mina sees this and since she still cares for Sonic she would of done anything for Sonic still for Sonic to see thyat she loved him as well so she took the blow and well she tells Sonic how she felt and passes out... next scene we see Mina alright in the hospital sonc tells Mina that he was impressed what Mina did... and basiccly she gets over it.. and closes her eyes.. Now this part I didn't get In the memory of Minerva Ifill did someone die? Well whatever.. anyways this story was alright altough I wanted Soinc to end up with Mina though.. and I also admire what Mina did that takes alot of guts to take the blow... all for someone you love... quite a shocker.. but with an ending I didn't want oh well they may bring this up again I hope..The art for this story was pretty sweet as always.
Knuckles after life: this whole story was basclly another flash back of Knuckles childhood where Knuckles was in love with Sally.. what Knuckles did usully.. knuckles becoming Guardian.. Locke leaving... his encounter with Victor.. Sonic and tails..there fights as well...Archedes helping Knux.. Enerjak... Krajok.. his meeting with Julie Su.. and of course his family. Next story is one I really don't want to miss beacuse it's Judgement day for Knux and of course it will determine his fate which I think is pretty sweet than these flash backs though I don't mind knowing more about Knux's past..
the last robian: now this is a story I've dying to read ever sice I heard of the spoilors....The story begins Soic looking at a picture of his family... and is wondering what happened to his dog and family. He also finds out that the other Robians were missing as well. They suspected Eggman but he was nowhere to be found( isn't that funny he's usually in the plot and now has nothing to do with it) Sonic and his friends try to confort him and he does the same with Mina. I'm glad they added bher in the story! Eventully Sonic hears word of about Muttski being found. WHen he did find him he was shocked to see Muttski back to normal and no longer robotize. Eventully Sonic finds his familly... and soon all of the robians that were missing are back but not as robians..there was only one robians missing and that was Sonic's dad.. They soon find him but stilla as he always has been.. ANd Sonic is shocked to see him like this! Uncle Chuck does everything in his powere to try to find a cure but to no avail and Jules is feeling left out...Soinic confronts Eggman and demands to know why he did this! Of course Eggman says that he had nothing to do with it and Sonic belives him.
eventully Jules gets over it and Sonic swears that he'll find out who did this! Now I think this story should of been the main one because it leads onto 124 and 125.
Now this was way past wierd I can bet you that the aliens who did the same thing to Eggman and Sniviily did this to the other robians! What I didn't understand was why was Jules left out! Why didn't he get derobotize along with the others?! Now this is preety wierd. Now I'm dying to see what happens next moths issue where Shadow comes in to help against Exorda who I bet are the aliens who did this to the robians! Well anyways gotta juice!

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i know i shouldn't be posting here without a review, so thwap me if you will admins.

but can you guys please use paragraphs in your reviews? i like reading though them, but a solid block of text is nearly impossible to read. ^^;

and i don't think sonic loves sally more simply becuase she wears less clothing. oO;

*ducks shoes and flees* i'll write my review when i have the time!

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Clicx91, like I said further up the page: reviewing isn't about just telling people what happened in the story. It's about telling them what you thought about it.

Its highlights, its low points... That sort of thing. 🙂

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Sonic the Hedgehog #123

Cover: Fifth in the zine cover series has Sonic and Sally..uhinteracting in some fashion. Really, I cant figure out what theyre supposed to be doing. At least Sal has a cute pose although her eyes seem a little off to me and Sonic looks good by himself as well. I think Spaz has finally found a spine length that looks SA-inspired enough for the Sega crowd but not ridiculously long to the pre-SA Sonic and SatAM fans. But what theyre doing together Im not sure. At first I thought it was a high five. Then I noticed Sals one hand is impossibly twisted and resting on Sonics chest. Sonic is either crying tears of joy or laughing hysterically at some joke. The most reasonable thing to me is that Sonic is trying to hug her and Sal is sort of pushing him off. Makes no sense, I know, but that seems most likely. Same old Knuckles in the circle at bottom with Jules Hedgehog looking better than ever in the right circlenice touch with those speakers in his ears. And the wording is ever-so-slightly less corny. Still, I think next months cover is the one Im looking forward to mostSHADOW!!!

Frontispiece: Still a nice piece of art by Axer but a little too busy for my taste. The weasel gang, with Nack extra big, are in the background. Although the gray weasel with the pink nose looks great again, his presence here is a little inappropriate since he was captured last ish. Mina looks good though it must be hard seeing past all that hair. Sonic looks OK but too shiny on the dern forehead again, which is not Axers fault. Sal looks a little oddlike shes standing on a real powerful fan with her hair and vest whipping up like that. Not my favorite Axer picture but still very nice overall.

Heart Held Hostage: Part Two, written by Karl Bollers, penciled by J. Axer. Well, I guess if Nacks family mansion looks like THAT its a little more believable. We open with a cute little narrative by Mina as Sonic approaches a very haunted-looking house only to find Mina has tagged along. Did she honestly think she was going to hide by putting her arms up in front of her face!?! I love how Sonic looks on the top panel of page two as Mina tries to get him to notice everything they have in common while still hesitating to get to the point and tell him how she feelssee, now Sals gonna beat you to the punchline. Maybe someone in the powers-that-be at Archie really did hear one of my comments last month as Sonic says the lets do it to it line in a little more mature context.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp On the next page we find out Nack has a hidden musical talent of his ownhe tries to serenade a rather comfortable-looking (well, except for the one weasel pointing a gun at her) Sally who has just hatched a plan.
--Hey, maybe Nack and Sonic could team up and start a band and notice everything they have in common and fall for each other thus starting another love triangle *is beaten mercilessly by rest of forum*--
Again, note the detail Axer puts into the background such as the cushion Nacks sitting on, the books, tables, carpetsno wonder he doesnt do that many lead stories. He doesnt have time! As Nack spills his game plan to Sal, the princess decides to drop her own bombshell by suggesting she join Nacks gang and share some of the wealth. Kudos to Axer for giving Sally an expression I think were seeing for the first time on her face, that is, a sly one. Nack looks great on panel four of this page as well. The only thing I see as awkward is the sweat drop in the last panel. Wheres that coming from, his hat? I also notice here and on the next page that I made an error last month in calling the red weasel a girl when I see now he has stubble on his chin. Anyways, Sal makes a pretty convincing argument and Nack almost falls for ituntil Sally nails him in a rather sensitive spot. Woo hoo! I think thats a first for this comic as well! She takes Nacks pistol then temporarily takes him hostage and forces the other weasels to drop their guns before ducking out into the hallway.
Meanwhile, Sonic breaks down the door and he and Mina, who is still trying to prove her love rather than just say it, split up to look for the princess. They get about two panels before shots of the pursuing weasels ring out as they chase the princess. Id like to pause here to make note of some nice dialog in this section such as Minas thoughts when Sonic touches her on the arm (I know Ive felt that way at least once in my life) and the weasels dont make us do something stupid line as well as Sallys response. The princess, who has an infallible sense of direction, manages to run herself into a dead end and run out of ammo at the same time, cornered by Nacks goons (again I like the expressions on the bottom of the page). Good thing Sonic managed to make more sense of the building than she does and knocks them out. Sally then runs into Sonics arms and.

GASP!!! SONIC ACTUALLY SHEDS A TEAR! HOLY TOLEDO! (grabs for a paper bag and begins hyperventilating) I NEVER thought this book would get to this point, I never thought this would get past Sega. This is monumental! Stunning! The plot twist of the century! For once, Archie has really caught me off guard. I am shocked, amazed, impressed.

Oh yeah, Sally tells Sonic she loves him and they kiss and Mina breaks down. That too.
Seriously, I dont want to play down the importance of this moment for Sally and Mina fans and the big kiss panel is rather well rendered. Plus, theres plenty of ways you can argue Sonics shown his love for Sally in the past and that his comment is totally in character. But dont you think it IS a bit funny that Sonics answer to Sally pouring her heart out to him is a simple I know. (The raptor goes away cackling having planted the seeds of doubt over Sonic and Sals relationship in readers minds once again.)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp While Mina ducks into the next room for some air, we find out she still does care for Sonic and will still do anything for him. Something she gets to prove a few panels later as she sees Nack about to get his revenge by taking out Sally as she and Sonic turn to walk away. I dont want to sound sadistic but I seriously think that profile of Sally in Nacks gunsight is the cutest picture of her in the story. It almost looks like the classic Sal from back in the day. Mina selflessly throws herself in front of Nacks bullet and goes down for the count and Nack, apparently not caring he didnt hit his intended target (???), runs to bounty hunt another day. Wow, for a second I thought Mina was good as gone and that for once one of my predictions was right. But it looks like Mina and Sally have something in common toosuch as the amazing ability to survive traumatic injuries. Maybe thats what turns Sonic on, eh? Anyways, Sonic tells her he thinks that was a brave thing she did (no duh) and Mina will have to get over more than just her injuries.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I will cover the artwork in this story by saying it is fantastic and see last months review for more oohing and ahhing. Overall, this was probably the finest story arc since Endgame and the ending was a helluva lot more satisfying (even though, as Ive said before, Id rather Sonic not end up with either girl). Loved the script, loved the buildup to it, loved the fact it was not just a mindless damsel in distress plot but something the readers actually cared about and (just look at the messageboard) were REALLY emotionally invested in. Ill end by saying I hope future stories are more along these lines and this is just a glimpse of good things to come.

Afterlife: Part Three, written by Ken Penders, penciled by Art Mawhinney. OK, now Im officially beginning to get bored with this whole afterlife story line. We open with a flashback of Knuckles and Sally spending their childhood summers together and discussing the difficulties of being a guardian and a princess respectively. Which was already covered ad nauseam in Knuckles #29s My Special Friend and SSS #9s My Secret Guardianalthough apparently Knux is now much more interested in Julie-Su than the princess as he tells Aurora while the two of them continue looking in on his past. We review the day Knuckles father vanishes into the forbidden zone, his meeting with Vector the crocodile (note that Art hasnt endowed the juvenile Vector with the shorter, rounded snout as Dawn Best did last issue), and his meeting a certain blue hedgehog. Basically we see snippets from STH #13, Super Sonic vs. Hyper Knuckles Special, The Chaotix Special, the Knuckles Mini-Series, the Dark Legion story arc and his initial encounters with Julie-Su and his mom. I dunnothe art is classic Mawhinney but otherwise theres not much to say about this piece since its basically one big review of what we already know. They advertise next month is judgment day for Knuckles so Im wondering if all this info was tossed out for new readers so theyd have some sort of context for that judgment. Thats all well and good but its still pretty uninteresting for those of us who have been in for the long haul. BTW, speaking of judgment, they spelled it wrong at the bottom of the page.

The Last Robian, written by Karl Bollers, penciled by Art Mawhinney. The Robians vanish one rainy morning and all the FFs searching yields nothing. Man, this issue is a regular sobfest for Sonic. Weve never seen him cry once and now three panels in one issue. Art does a good job portraying emotion though it also looks like hes a little behind when it come to Amy Roses design. Then a bit later the Robians show up but as flesh and blood Mobians including Sonics mom and Uncle Chuck, the wolf pack, Ants father and Minas mom. Unfortunately, Sonics dad is nowhere to be seen until he too turns upbut still roboticized. This is a bit of a shocker for melike everyone else, I thought the Robians would vanish until next issue, certainly not turn up deroboticized. And I was positive it would be Charles, not Jules, who would have the title of Last Robian. Speaking of Charles, Uncle Chuck does all he can to cure Sonics father to no avail while Sonics interrogation of Robotnik leads him to the realization that the good doctor is not behind this at all. Then who is?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Dum, duh, dum, dumSHADOW perhaps? OK, now Im a little bit scared folks. In last months Sonic Grams we were told that it would be revealed how Shadow survived his apparent demise at the end of SA2. Meaning Archie may NOT try to catch up with his death in the upcoming #125. Which means Shadow may NOT be the hero who falls. After all, with the debut of Sonic X Archie might want to keep him around for while. Personally, I think he is a character with enormous potential and already has a huge fan following. We also know Sonic is not the hero to fall (if theyre using fall to mean dies) since hes on the cover of #126 (which, as an aside, I think looks AWESOME!). So then who will die in #125? I began getting a feeling as I read this that it might beJules. I really, REALLY hope Im wrong about that. I dont want to see Jules go. That would just be so horrible for Sonic. But lets not forget as Neo pointed out that Jules was fatally injured in the Great War. Thats why Chuck roboticized in the first place. So maybe Sonics dad will be deroboticized only to die of his old injuries in #125??? Like I said before, I really hope thats not right. Luckily, most of my predictions turn out not to be :)

Sonic Grams: Do Kens shadow of a doubt and Sonic X comments mean anything?

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Yes, I managed to not re-write it...
Severarl typos, I'm sure...


Cover: Nice drawing, lose the magazine-style (I think they really are, actually).

Title-page-thingy: Cool. Sets you up for a good story.

Main story: Not too shabby. Drawn and colored well, pull it was nice and unpredictable. Sally is victor! Yay! Acutally, I was pretty sure she would be. After all, she's been around since ISSUE ONE and she "died" and came back, and in the all-girls Sonic Super Special, her vision involved her, her husband Sonic, and their two kids. *shrug* SOnicXSally kiss! YESYESYES! Now we jsut need Knux and Julie-su to do that... And Mina did something brave. That was good of her, to be willing to die to save the girl Sonic really loves. Also: "In Memory of Minerva Ifill" Who's that? Is Mina named after her?

"Afterlife Part Three": To be honest, I haven't been too thrilled with the Afterlife series thus far. It's basically a re-cap of things that have already happened. This is good for the new readers, I guess, but this one seemed kinda sloppy. There was at least one time (Likely more) where the speech-bubble was in the wrong place, and while I don't hate Art Mawhinney's style like I do Ron Lim or Chris Allen, it's not my favorite. At least they gave a FEW new details...

"Archie Comics Riverdale Stars Talent Search Application": Teh heck? *blink* That came out of nowhere. If it had something to do with Sonic I would actually care...

"The Last Robian": Same comments about the art, now onto the story... What the heck made Archie want to do that? I mean, it's great that everyone's flesh and blood again, but WHERE does it fit in the current events? I mean, Mina is sitting on some steps looking perfectly healthy! Anyway, I think Archie was out of ideas and needed a filler, and rushed through this one. The drawings seem a little on the sloppy side (Which this guy's art usually does to me, anyway), but coloring is sloppy, too. Especially on Lupe and her wolf-pack! *gags* I mean, come on! It's not like no one would notice how mis-colored they are! Anyway, I feel bad for Sonic, but I'm glad his dad is the kind of guy that won't allow this to get him down.

Off-pannel: Well drawn for once. I'm impressed.

Next Issue: Despite the magazine-style cover, it is graced by Shadow's presence and looks cool. If Knuckles had a decent-sized pic on it, I'd be even happier. *squints* Shadow's mouth looks odd...

There, I'm done! :)

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

The review for #124, like I warned before on other issues, SPOILERS abound, so turn back if you don't wanna be spoiled...

Okay, I'm no fan of the magazine look, but wow! I like this one! The last time I loved a magazine cover was waaaaay back in #121 of "The Prince and the Revolution" featuring Elias. This one is even better. Maybe it's the sparkles on the title or the black lining, but everything seems in here...I love it, depsite it being bland.

STORY: Sonic ADventure 2.5 Alpha
No frontipiece this time, but J.Axer does the first 5 pages of art. The title is...well, quite an interesting one. Anywho, on with the show.
We see Shadow (full decked out in Super gear) as he is ready to approach a spaceship (he's in space...of course). Another spaceship (which I'm guessing are the Bems who saved Shadow's life which is explained further in the story). Anywho, Shadow reminisces about the past where he talks about how he was made by Gerald and lived with Maria (who has a face that remains me of Rikku from FFX), how she was killed, and how Shadow was freed by Eggy. Of course, he sacrificed himself and all. Shadow is about to plummet to Mobius until he was transported in the usual "alien-beams-people-up-in-the-spaceship" routine. There, the Bems (the aliens from #118 ) restored Shadow until he was Super again. Now we get back to the action to where Shadow wishes to make shish ka-bob with the spaceship. He loses, of course and starts to fall down again, this time, no one to help him. Ouch.
We cut to Knothole where Sonic wakes up and Tails ask like the kid he is, 'Are we going on an adventure, Huh, Sonic, huh, Sonic, huh, Sonic?" Wow...I haven't Tails act this youthful since the ending of the first story in #119. It's real cute. Sonic saids he can't cuz' he's got busy, so while Tails is chowing down with Sonic's family, Sonic is off on his "royal" date. For some reason, Bernie looks still like her robot form, but without the metallic details...maybe it's just me, even if she is furry again.
There, Sonic gives another pucker up to Sally. Now, they are ready to pop the question...hmmm...
Cut to Station Square where Corbain (a security guy) drives No-name President to...somewhere. Eggman is talking with him (live from :nn; )and ask for an alliance. Of coruse, we all know that's a "No way, hose." So, Eggy counterattacks by making the limo steer in auto drive, almost hitting a semi-truck, but heading straight for the ocean (since they're on a bridge). Luckily, who should come but Rouge who manages to save the Prez's butt. At least she did something other then fight like in #116. Things turn worse when the fake sky breaks loose and the glass shatters and aims for both Rouge and President Square.
We cut to Acorn castle where...get this...this one shocked me...Sally asks Sonic to be her royal consort so they can marry, that ain't the most surprising part...the most surprising is that...King Max ACTUALLY agrees to let them be consorts! yes, that is right! Not like in #60 when he wanted Sal to be with Antione. I was DEEPLY shocked. King Max must've finally realized Sally's love for Sonic and the fact that Sonic did a lot of good, why wouldn't he be a perfect choice for his little daughter. Well, I was...still, am in deep shock. Wow...what a change.
Anywho, before they can celebrate any longer, they hear a huge noise and goes out to check it out. What do they find? Why, Shadow, of course, who somehow managed to survive a huge fall instead of burning in the atompshere. I'm assuming his Super form saved his hides...Well, he's black in here...and his fur chest is colored wrong, but I'll work over that later. Anywho, Sonic goes over to see the unconscious Shadow, who regains consciousness and gives a fistful to Sonic. Before war can break out, Shadow realizes what he did and apologizes. Heh, such a nice guy. Sonic is less forgiving and is ready to bust him up until Sally steps in SOMEHOW despite the fact Sonic was going in top speed. Geez, maybe Sal gal is used to Sonic's speed.
Sal stops the fight before it begins and recieves a message of Nicole who said there's an urgent signal in Castle Acorn. So, they march over there where Eggy explains how this flying vessels destroyed his city of Megaopolis which I'm assuming is Eggman's new base. Whether it's on where Mobotropolis used to be is beyond me, but dang, did he built that city fast! Heh, I liked it when Eggy mentions about "Poor Snively." Awww, he cares for his little nephew.:] Anywhom King Max isn't all that much of a believer, but Shadow is. Sal also gets another message, this time from Rouge (a hologram message) from Nicole saying that Station Square was also attacked and the Prez is injured...possibly from the fake sky. Heh, cue 50's movie title, "Argh! The Fake Sky is attacking me!"
Then things turn evern more shocking when every single people of Mobius (they show Rob and his wife and child, The Chaotix, The Downunda FFs that also include Wombat Stu, I guess with the Secret Service down, he should return home, and the Wolf Pack). Man, they're REALLY trying to add all the characters. The aliens in the vessel calls the planet "Earth."
Then we see these pink and violet squid-like creatures with one eye called the Xorda. They explain how 3,000 years ago, their kind came to Earth to form an alliance. Instead, they were captured and studied which pissed them off so much that they used a gene-bomb to destroy all life there. Great, I can relax now that I know squid aliens are gonna come here and bomb all life in which our planet will be inhabited by talking animals...thank God this is just a comic. Either way, I guess I should build a bomb shelter. Anywho, since there's still plenty of lives in, the Xorda came to finish what they started. Eggy declares an alliance with Max who cuts him off, taking it as advantage since Eggy is afraid since he's no longer a robot.
Anywho...Max askes Rotor to try to commuicate with the aliens which he's already on. Sonic is pissed, saying this is Mobius and not "Urf." Cute. Soon, Max meets up with the Brotherhoods (still in funeral clothes) through cable TV. They explain the situations and Sonic ask for Knux's help which brings Locke to confess the lost of his only child. NOW, the FFs know and needless to say, they ain't happy and awfully shocked...exept Shadow who has no clue what's going on. Max tells them to grieve later and Sally goes to search the truth of Mobius, the Brotherhood doing the same. The also find out Floating Island is Angel Island.
Sonic asks the question of WHY it took them 3,000 year for them to realize, is full of living creatures and why they didn't blast them earlier...Cue Hope! Yep, she's here and she's got the answer! The vessel of the Xorda spotted the Overlander ships while she was still on it as they headed for Mobius, so they followed them. And YES, Shadow sees Hope looks like Maria. Yes, he does. Sal comes and delievers the bad new...Mobius IS Earth. Cue dramatic music. DUH DU DUUUUUUUUUU!!!

STORY SCORE: Well, needless to say, I AM in shock. I really am! I mean, I didn't know Sonic and Sally would be consorts right after the issue where they kissed (#123), I thought it might be a while. Well, I was even MORE shocked when Max ACTUALLY agreed to it, which he didn't do in #60. I guess Kingy got used to Sonic now. Heh. I really loved how the story played out. Some parts look rush, but I don't care. I loved it and it kept me shocked, surprised, etc. It's very ncie to see Rouge and Hope doing something then being backrounds. I also loved that Amy is there, even though she had no speaking role. I just love this story and I await for #125.

DANG!!! J.Axer does the five page justice! Everything is freakin' good. The way he drawn the Bems are good, increadilbly cute aliens, especially the smiling one.
Steven Butler ALSO does good! Although he does make Bernie look like a metal-less robot...but still. Oh, and out of all the Sally art he has done, this one is his best! I loved her look in panel 2 on page 7. I loved her reaction to Knux's death, and her look in the very last panel. I loved hi Amy Rose drawing, too. Especially when she had tears when hearing of Knux's death. The only complaint I have is Shadow's chest fur is wrongly colored and I'm pretty sure his eyelids were black instead of red...but I haven't played SA2 in a long time, so I don't remember. but still very good.

Knuckles: Afterlife, Part 4
Knuckles askes what's up with the past story reruns. She explains it is himself who determines that. Knux explains he couldn't let Dimiti die. We go to another past reference as we see Knux dumping the Bikers (Knux #14), warping to his mother's apartment (Knux#16), got examined by the D.L (Knux#24), and blowing up Hunter (Knux#32). Seems his powers react when he's life is threaten. Anywho, we see when he turned green (Sonic#92, I think), but for some reason, he's red here.
Aurora explains handling God-like power(and you know it's God like when she compares Knux's powers to the Ancient Walkers) is no easy task. Knux asks why he died if he was so freakin' powerful. she compares him to a supernova explosion which makes sense. Now, she gets to the real deal and forces Knux into the Chaos Force and live out in the Cosmos. Knux ain't too happy since he doesn't have a choice.
"Don't I get to grow up? Go steady with Julie-Su? Any of that Jazz?!!" Jazz? Sounds like something Vector would say. Aurora explains no one gets a second turn, so it's off to the force he goes. Of course, he turns himself red again (FINALLY) before entering.
After that, Aurora has a chat with Althair (decked in white). He asks why Knux couldn't be given a second chance since he was more then worthy enough. Aurora explains how Knuckles has finally found his path. To where and when, I don't know and hopefully, they'll tell next issue.

STORY: I liked it better then last issue. I'm more then curious about where in the world he's going. So...yea, much better then last issue which I couldn't tolerate much.

ARt: Art still does good on the doodle! Although Ken Penders helps in some spots. The only mistake I found were the bunny with no nose (I'm assuming she's Bunnie) in panel 1 of page 3. Not to mention Gala-Na's wrong dress AND fur color and some spots where Knuckles is SUPPOSE to be green. But no big lose. I still love the whole shiny, light colors of Aurora and Knux since he be dead and all. Very good though.

"This just in" just features Sonic #125 and what to expect from it. Man, I can't wait to grab this issue, if not for the cover alone. Whew...I done.

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Yes after months of torture I struglled my lifeless body
to the store and managed to buy it and read it while I'm typing just kidding . lol
ok ...anyways ...
cover: I found the cover looking as sweet as ever especillay considering since Shadow is in it and Sonic looking sweet!
ok on with the story...
Sonic adventure 2.5 alpha: Ok the story takes place in outer space and Shadow in his super form wondering where he's at and why was a ship was leaving. Untill it came back to him evrything cue the flash back..We're we see shadow remebering old memories like who was his creater,memmories of maria and her death and of course eggman, oh and Sonioc showing him the error of is ways when it was amy lol:^^;
and soon his so thought demise ...Than next page they show what happens after when he fell to the earth. Well after he fell he was transported and was saved from doom. By thesame aliens that appeared in 118 called the bems whose ship was in orbit. They healed him and restored him to health though he did not y. Heh how did I know this would happen.. I knew the bems had healed Shadow or something like that! Well anyways..When there computer detected a vessel they woke up SHadow and was in his super form so he could battle a other ship.
Shadow first dobted his abliies and than went off to attack the ship but was than attacked by a beam and was sent back to earth. NExt page we see Sonic just waking up and tails ask if they were going on an adventure today but Sonic had other things planed. Sonic heads off to the breakfast table and they all say goodbai to Sonic and heads off to his royal date. Soon we see Sonic and Sally kissing and Sally ask Sonic if he was going to ask the big question. MAN I cna't belive it's been one issue and there already planning on getting married. Well in the comic it has been like one month or two but oh well.
Next scene we Mr.president talking to eggman and eggman ask if he would make an alliance with him and told hom the possiblities of the alliance.But u knew he would say know. Of course eggman is not too happy with it and tris to kill him but than Rouge comes in and saves his butt. Just before they can say a thing the fale sky breaks.
BAck at the castle Sally and sonic go off and tell her parents and they actullay agree that sonic would make aperfect choice. But that's not much of a shocker though. Than suddelny they hear a noise or something and Sonc goes off to see what it is as well as the other freedom fightersand see a crater and evryone is in disblief that it's Shadow. SOnic gets closer and Shadow wakes up and punches out Sonic. Hsadow sees what he did and appoligizs but Sonic thinks it's a fake and attacks but before he can Sal stops him. And says that it is indeed the real Shadow
and that they have better things to do or whatever.
BAck at Castle Acorn Eggman is talking about some kind of Ufo attaking him and all of his shadow bts were quiclly destroyed. It's funny to see Eggman caring fro his nefhew lol. ANd King Acorn does't belive him at all. Of course Shadow says that he might be telling the truth becuase he had encountered them before. ANd then suddenly they get a message from rouge that the president was injured becuase of the fake sky.
Suddenly out of nowhere the whole planet mobius gets a telapathic message to everywhere on planet mobius. Than we see the Exorda. Wierd though they look like quid or whatever. ANyways they tell there story how they were mistreated and tried ending the human race. But it seems that they were wrong and have come back to earth and have come back to finish the job.
Eggman is waypast scared and tries to talk to king acorn but it ends the tranmission,and tries to figure out a way to get a hold of the Exorda. Everyone is confused aboutwhy the Exorda called Mobius earth and why it took them so long to come back. That's when King acorn talks to Locke aboyu everything has happened. And find out a lot of things has happened since last time they spoke. Esecially how everyone was shocked to find out That Knucks is dead but King Acorn tells them they have other things to worry about.Boy do they have a lot to cacth up on!
Well anyways Sally goes off and reasearches to prove the Exorda wrong. Everyone has a lot of questons on there mind when hope comes in and does what she can to anwser ther questions how they find them. Though I couldn't help but luagh when Shadow though Hope was MAria, and MAria was wondering why he kept on starring at her.That's when Sal comes in with some bad news It turns out Mobius is earth and that there the same planet. Que the music....dun dun dun...
Ok now that was one way past cool story. Altough I didn't get it . How can it be the same planet lol oh well. It's funny how we all thought the bems were the bad guys but were really the good guys and vice versa. Lol I can't wait to see how this plays out. Well I'm much too tired to review the other story so I'll do it later on gotta juice!

Posts: 38
Trusted Member

I just got my comic today. I have to say it was a great issue anyway on with the review:

Cover: I liked the cover at least next issue the covers will be back to the normal style. 9/10

Main Story: I loved this story. Yay! Shadow. I also liked the apperenace of Rouge and the president. It doesn't look to good for the limo driver though.:b I can't believe Sonic and Sally are going to Marry. The king actully gave them consent, thats the wierd part. Mobious is Urf! (You just had to love how Sonic said that.) Probably most of use already suspected this but still it must have been a big shocker to them.
Once again Bernie is colored wrong and Shadows's chest fur just creeped me out. This was a great story. 10/10

Knuckles back up story: Lets just say the knuckles stories are getting better. Finally he's red again. Maybe next issue we will see him alive. 7/10

All together this was a great issue. There will be no reboot. Thats a big no no.:nono

Posts: 7
Active Member

Sonic #124 has by far the best developed storyline since the post SA series by Archie I've seen!

The art was great, and I'm glad to see the return of Spaz and J. Axer. The aliens seem well enough developed to escape that cheesey sci-fi cliches most comics run into (Just think about the movie Mars Attacks!)

The Mobius = Earth thing wasn't a real shocker, I saw that coming ever since I took a close look at that centerfold map of Mobius in Sonic Super Special Brave New World. But Max actually allowing Sonic and Sal to finally hook up, and so quickly like no real thought was put into it, that was unexpected so soon in the story!

Any theorys as to where the Mobians/furries came from and the mutation of the humans into the Overlanders? It's gotta be the jeans...erm, the Genetic-Bombs employed by the Xorda. Must've accelerated the evolution process in the surviving little animals until they became bipedal sentients like us people. And made a few little adjustments to the surviving human race.

Also, if you take a close look at one of the panels telling about the Xorda retribution on the people of Earth, you can see the capital building or White House being pulverized by some sort of explosion cause by the genetic weapons of mass destruction. (Thank god the Iraqi's never did genetic researce, we'd all be screwed) And, not that anyone would really pick this out to begin with, the special forces troops that capture the Xorda Emmissary appear to have USAF pilots' uniforms with flight helmets as opposed to any infantry uniform I've ever seen. Just give 'em rifles and ruck sacks and there you go I guess.

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New Member

Hey, Hey, Hey, all you Sonic fans out there. It's me hellblazer16 and im giving you what you call a "review" but im sure you all know what a review is or you wouldn't be reading this right now, would you? Anyway this time im writing a review on Sonic the Hedgehog #124. It's a pretty good issue since it has Shadow in it and it has a new villain called... well you'll to read on if you want to find out. And now I shall start my review. Hope ya like it!(I'll be doing this review in a step-by-step kind of thing)

Title-Page:I like this Title-Page since it shows Shadow and Sonic in it like there about to fight or something. And look at Shadow's shoes, there pretty awsome looking compared to Sonics. Oh I must say I like the shining Sonic the Hedgehog logo. Oh, and I must say that this is the last time a title page will be in Magazine style. Boo-hoo for some people and Yes! for me since i pretty much hate the magazine style. 6/10 rings

Sonic Adventure 2.5: Alpha: This story starts off with Super Shadow in space near a flying vessel. He starts to remember who he is and starts talking about his life.(You may have to have played Sonic Adventure 2 to understand) I'll say it exaclly like it was in the comic. Okay here I go " -- The Ultimate Life Form. " Bio- Engineered nearly a century ago by Professor Gerlad as a weapon for the Station Square Goverment. " The only friend I made during my brief time aboard his sophisticated space lab, The Ark-- " -- was his granddaughter Maria. She was kind, but then " Tragedy. " I was locked away in Stasis-- "-- Until Gerald's descendant the evil Doctor Robotnik, freed me and I became his ally. " I wanted the world to pay for Maria-- "-- But Sonic the Hedgehog made me see the light-- "-- and I made the ultimate sacrifice to save planet Mobius." " I remember falling toward her surface. " Blacking out. " I was transported. " Saved from doom-- "-- By a group of alien scientists called the Bem whose ship was in orbit. " They restored me to health. I do not know why. " When the Bem detected the approaching vessel-- "-- they awakened me, imbuning me with enough energy to attain Super Shadow form-- -- to battle this new threat while they made their escape.

Okay... I can't believe I wrote all of that. Let me catch my breath for a sec. Okay so tecnicly what happened was Shadow got saved by an alien group called the "Bem" (Remember the aliens from issue 118?)and they restored his health until he became Super Shadow. The "Bem" did this because they wanted Shadow to fight there enemy for them. Anyway back to the story, Shadow is getting shot at by the enimie vessel. He then thinks that with the power of "Chaos Control" he can break through the vessels defences ,but instead he gets shot at and falls toward Mobius. Then the story goes to Sonic's home. Tail's starts to ask if him and Sonic are going on an adventure.Sonic says no but they'll be goinng on one tommorow. Anyway Uncle Chuck then asks Sonic if he would like to have breakfest but Sonic's mother says he dosn't have time to eat since he's going on a royal date. Then Sonic's mom kisses Sonic goodbye and Sonic goes off. Then a scene of Sonic and Sally kisses appeared. And Sally then asks is Sonic is ready to pop the question,and the question is... well. you'll find out later. Then the story goes to the President's limo. Robotnick is asking the president is he would like to join forces with him. The president declines. Robotnick then says "Wrong Answer" and the limo goes in the path of a truck, then goes out of the way of the truck. Robotnick says that he's controlling the limo. Rougue the Bat than comes to the rescue and saves the president from falling into the water and getting killed. Then(well you should know that the Station Square is surronded by a glass dome. Well, it shatters. Then the story goes back to Sonic and Sally. Sally asks her Mom and Dad if Sonic could be her royal consort and someday have her hand in marriage.Marriage! What would Mina the Mongoose say! Anyway Sally's parents say they couldn't see anyone else she'd rather be with. Then they hear a bang outside. They go to investigate and find Shadow lying in a crater. Remember he got shot in space and fell towards Mobius? Anyway Shadow wakes up and hits Sonic by accident because he thought he was still being attacked. Sonic doesn't know this and comes to strike back, until Sally says he didn't know what he was doing. Then Sally's computer, Nicole, says theres an urgent signal coming from Castle Acorn. The team goes there and sees Doctor Robotnick on a big screen. He starts to talk about the flying vessel and how it came down to his city and destroyed it. King Max( Sally's father) asks why he should believe him. Shadow then says that he encountered the same vessel earlier. Then Sally's Computer "Nicole" a holo-transmit of Rougue the Bat pops up. She says that Station Square is being attacked. Then a telepathic message goes out to all the minds of Mobius. Everyone. The message is coming from an alien race called the "Xorda" The Xorda talk about how they came to Earth (Mobius) a very long time ago to offer peace. They sent one of there spaceships to Earth, and it was captured and the Xorda inside were imprisoned, and dissected. The Xorda got mad and used there gene-bombs to kill all life on Earth. They thought they did but they were wrong, and thats why they have come back. Robotnick then asks King Max again that they need to talk about this. But King Max shuts him off. King Max then asks Rotor to find a way to communicate with the Xorda. Sonic then says that this is the planet Mobius not Earth. King Max then gets Locke (Knuckles Father) on the screen to discuss the topic about the Xorda. Sonic says they need all the help they can get and asks Locke, "Wheres Knux?" Locke replies, "Sonic... Knuckles is dead.(He got killed by using the Chaos Emerald to self- descruct himself to kill Mammoth Monguol and save Dimitri) Sonic asks how he got killed. King Max says theres no time right now to answer the question. Sally then goes out to do some historical research on the Xorda topic. Locke said they'll do the same. Sonic asks why it takes the Xorda 3 thousand years to figure out they didn't kill everyone on Earth (Mobius). Then the girl "Hope" says she knows. She says that while she and her family were travelling through space they were attacked by the same alien vessel. They thought they escaped but the Xorda must have found them. Then she sees Shadow starring at her. Shadow thinks that Hope reminds her of Maria. Then Sally comes back and says that the Xorda are right. That Mobius and Earth are the same planet. This story contiunues into Sonic #125.

8/10 rings

Afterlife: Part Four: Okay this story starts off from the last Knuckles story in issue 123. Anyway the story truly starts off with Knuckles talking to Aurora. He's saying that he already lived his life once. SO whats with the little re-run of his life. Aurora then tells Knuckles that he could only determine that. Knuckles then says that he had to do what he had to do to save Dimitri. Then Aurora starts showing him the biological changes that happened to him in his life and how he could wistand ALOT. Then Aurora shows Knuckles a portal to the Chaos Force. Knuckles asks if theres a second life, if he can go back and live on Earth. Aurora says no Knuckles, one life is all one has. So he has no choice but to go into the portal to the chaos force. Then Knuckles asks if he could become his red self again. Aurora says he can do that by himself. So Knuckles then turns himself red again and enters the choas force. Then Athair comes out of no where and says to Aurora that she lives twice. Aurora says that not everyone is worthy of a second chance. Athair says that they knew Knuckles was worthy of a second chance since the start. Aurora then says that Knuckles now finally knows his path.

7/10 rings

Sonic-Grams: NO letters. There was just a letter from JG telling about Sonic #125.

3/5 rings

So I hoped you liked(mabey even loved my review). Well this is hellblazer16 signing off.:)

Posts: 133
Estimable Member

As Sonic The Hedgehog approaches yet another milestone, Archie launches the story an issue early. Does the setup provide the proper punch? Yes indeedy!

Cover: If you actually enjoy the magazine covers, savor this one, cause it's the last. The image of Sonic and Shadow doesn't provide any insight into what the story is about (But since when has it?), but it's nice to see the two going at it again, with Shadow supposedly being dead and all...SCORE: 9

Frontpiece: No frontpiece. No need for a frontpiece. It's ALL story here, man.

MAIN STORY: Sonic Adventure 2.5: Alpha
Written By Karl Bollers, Penciled By J. Axer and Steve Butler

I'm sure a lot of people were groaning at the thought of trying to readapt Sonic Adventure to the Archie comics, but worry not, because this time Archie's in total control this time. We start right off with Super Shadow floating in space, about to engage an enemy ship. He gives a quick (And actually reasonable) explanation to why he's not dead. Back to the engagement, Shadow quickly finds himself overwhelmed, and he's sent plummeting to the planet below. You'll also notice the ARK in the background...this helps prove a point later in the story.

Next we go to Knothole Village, where Sonic is just waking up, and Tails is all over him like a puppy on a caffiene high. (If you don't mind my saying, Tails has turned into quite an airhead the past couple years...). Sonic tells his little buddy that they'll have plenty of time to go adventuring later, after which they enter the kitchen, where the Hedgehog family's eating breakfast. Tails sits down to eat, but Sonic's got a royal date, and he's out the door in no time flat. Soon, he's in the royal palace sucking face with Princess Sally (Looks like he's really forcing it on there), and the two go to "pop the question."

Now it's off to Station Square, where the ship Shadow met up with is now positioned above the Mountain Entrance, and the President is speaking with Robotnik about an alliance (For who knows what reason). The President obviously rejects the offer, after which Robotnik reveals he's in control of the President's limo. Before the limo is sent over the side of the bridge, Rouge swoops in to save the President. Rouge drops the Prez off on a nearby building, but before she can go get the driver, an explosion destroys the Sky-Dome, sending a hail of glass crashing down on the President, Rouge, and the rest of Station Square.

Back at Castle Acorn. Sally and Sonic (Who look ditzy and stoned respectively), finally make it official; She wants him as her consort. Without any debate whatsoever, the King and Queen accept (Apparently forgeting at one point the former nearly disowned her for not taking the Source's pick, Antoine. But since that doesn't exist anymore, who cares?) No sooner has fate been sealed that the ground shakes beneath them, and Sonic is out the door to investigate (Hey, he got the girl, why bother sticking around to celebrate?) Joined by Bunnie and Tails, the three speed off to find the source of the quake. Sure enough, it's our old pal, Shadow the Hedgehog. As Sonic goes down to check on him, the stunned Shadow comes up swinging. After clocking Sonic, he suddenly realizes what's happened, and before Sonic can pay him back, Sally intervenes to tell them they've gotten an emergency call from Castle Acorn.

We're soon treated to one of the more unlikely scenarios of recent Sonic events...Robotnik's called for help. Seems Megaopolis has taken a severe beating from that ship that was over Station Square, and the Doc's army has been wiped out (Snively's vanished too...not that we've seen him in six months anyway). After the King expresses his distrust, Shadow confirms the Eggman's story, as does Rouge the Bat, who has survived the glass shower. Just as Sonic asks who's responsible then, the answer is given: A telepathic message is sent out to every mind on Mobius and Angel Island. It is the Xorda...and they're pissed. Seems they tried to form an alliance with a little mud-planet called Earth (Or as Sonic calls it, "Urf"), but those humans, the curious little daemons that they are, captured, imprisoned, and killed the Xordan emissary. In response, the Xorda committed genocide (They're really protective of their people), then ran off. However, it turns out that not everybody was destroyed, and when the Xorda find out, they come back to finish the job. Robotnik is about to request some form of alliance when Max cuts him off. They then talk to the Brotherhood on Angel Island (And get Island Current Events in a nutshell), and after getting the same answers there (We're all screwed), Sally goes off to prove that Earth and Mobius are two different planets, while Hope (Making her first appearance in a year), informs everyone that her ship also engaged the Xorda a while back, which may have lured them back to the planet. She also notices that Shadow has taken an interest in her (Looking like Maria and all). Afterwards, Sally comes back from what must have been the shortest research study in history, informing everyone that Earth and Mobius are indeed the same planet. And that's where part one ends!

Story: For once, the story has no holes. We have an explanation for everything (Except why Robotnik wanted to ally with Station Square, but that's not really important), and the love triangle, that awful, awful love triangle has put to rest (Sure to rise up again eventually). It's nice to see Bollers covering the main stories nowadays, with Benny Lee struggling to make things work. As of right now, Adventure 2.5 looks good. With any luck, it will end just as well as it started. SCORE: 10

Art: Axer leads off with perfection, and Butler continues with his own excellent but somewhat-distorted artwork (Bernie especially looks messed-up). Jensen's coloring, which has had its ups and downs as of late, doesn't falter here. I hope the next one holds up as well, with Lim being added to the fold. SCORE: 10

BACKUP STORY: Afterlife Part Four
Written By Ken Penders, Penciled By Art Mawhinney

Rather than go into a huge summary about this one, I'll give you the nutshell version (Cause I'm sure we're all getting tired of the flashbacks). Aurora continues to explain Knux's power to him, after which she tells him that he must go into the Chaos Force. After FINALLY returning to his red self, he steps through.

HOWEVER, while Knux isn't aware of what he is truly about to undertake, Athair enters the scene, and gives us some clarity on Knux's future. Looks like Rad Red will be coming back to life...but how?

STORY: With the background check over with, we finally move on to the next phase of Knux's evolution. We're left to guess what he's going to go onto, which is, to say the least, the perfect setup for whatever role he might have in the 125 stories. SCORE: 9

ART: Mawhinney's art is great as usual. Jensen has some minor coloring mistakes, plus one major one (When Knux says he feels like he's burning up, he's still red rather than green, which makes it rather hard to figure out what he's talking about if you don't know the history). This concludes three-consecutive issues of near-perfect art. SCORE: 10

CLOSING THOUGHTS: The Archie series has really heated up in preparation for the 125 blowout, with three straight stellar issues. Hopefully, the series will keep its integrity straight through, but we'll have to wait and see. For now, we're happy. OVERALL SCORE: 10

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

*Classical music once again plays in the background as the camera pans to four figures sitting on a chair. The lights shine and there stands the four.*

NEO: Hello, Im Neo Yi, official...well, unofficial Sonic comic reviewer, one among many. Next to me is Knuckles, Guardian of the ME and all around good guy, Remington AKA Mr. Sexy-
SONIC: And Mr. Rude.
NEO:...And of course, Sonic AKA He got pass security again.
SONIC: Well, tis easy when you have super speed, milady.
NEO: Whatever. Any who, were here to review #140 of Sonic as the Angel Island arc comes to a close (and so will this talk show host thing once after #141). Now, lets have a looksee on the cover. Well, boys, what do you think?
REM: Less cluttered then last issue.
SONIC: Man, I look SO awesome in this pose.
REM: At least this time Sonic and Knuckles shares the spotlight instead of the hedgehog hogging it all the time.
SONIC: Hey, my comic, my spotlight, Remmy!
REM: Do not call me Remmy, I have warned you many times!
SONIC: How come I cant call you Remmy yet Cream can?
REM: Well, being that Cream is six, she makes it sound adorable, plus, I like her, you I do not.
SONIC: You are COLD.
KNUX: I like how the dingoes are side to side on the ME, kind of gives it an ironic sense that these guys are guarding it.
NEO: This cover truly is less messier then last issue, not good, but not bad. The one thing that irks me is Lockes face. What the hell happen here? Its like he was beaten by the ugly stick multiple times! His face looks all saggy and his eyebrows just pop RIGHT up there. And unless Im mistaken, WHY is he brown? Oh, SPAZ. *shakes head* Dont reduce yourself down to Jensons level of coloring mistakes!
KNUX: Yeesh, poor Baba, he needs a facelift.
NEO: Ill give this a healthy 7, only because its more cleared then that last issue one and nicely placed, but not enough to impress me. Next page. WHOA!
SONIC: Yea, I know, Kage is such a badass here. Hes ready to kick some ass, even I I can easily beat him.
NEO: No, I meant the mono eyes on that dingodoesnt fit him at all. I still liked last issues frontispiece. Viggo over there was one sexy Dark Legion echidna.
SONIC: Oh, God.
NEO: The coloring is fine, so Ill give this an 8. More impressive then the cover. Now, onwards to the story.

Return to Angel Island: Part 3
How many echidnas does it take to protect a Master Emerald?
WRITER: Karl Bollers
ARTIST: WB/Jon grey
COLORIST: Jason Jenson

REM: Two pages of Knuckles and his brother, Mace.
NEO: Priceless Expression #1 for Knuckles face on his reaction! LOOK AT THAT! ITS SO FUNNY!
SONIC: Man, I didnt think youd be so surprised, you knew your mother was pregnant.
KNUX: Hey, lots of things happened in my life, well, according to this comic (since Im Neo Yis version of Knuckles), so cut me some slack.
REM: I am sure you can relate to this though, you have three little sisters.
KNUX: Yea, but I manage to handle it well when they came into my lives. I guess because I was with mother throughout her pregnancies. Although the time when she had to run from the law and coming back occasionally and other stuff.
NEO: Still working on that story arc.
SONIC: When DID your mom leave you to run from the law (Neos blatant parody of Mother Simpsons from The Simpsons)?
KNUX: I was still a child and only Piper, my sister, was born at the moment.
NEO: Well, you got a brother here and hes got a cute side to him, but damn, I agree with the little tyke on his choice of names. Knecapeon Mace AKA Kneecaps!? What the hell?!
KNUX: I know! WHY is he named Kneecaps!? Thats got to be the WORST name Ive EVER heard on a kid!
SONIC: Oh, Shut up, KNUCKLES the echidna.
NEO: LOL! Look at him getting all pissy. OOOH, look, now Mace is chewing on Knuckles dreads! AWWWW! The last time I saw that in the comic was baby Sonic chewing on his moms spines during the Great War Arc, except this is MUCH cuter because its better drawn.
REM: I notice the little baby seems to enjoy drooling a lot.
SONIC: LOL! Look at that baby whack Knuckles!
KNUX: Ooohjust looking at it makes me feel like I lost brain cells.
NEO: Next page shows the freed echidnas giving the heroes camp, though Knuckles talks about how much he has changed and decides to be alone. Oh, and Sonic mentions Sally.
SONIC: Well, she broke up with me in #138 and grew all PMS. I mean, what was I suppose to do? She changed on ME. But then again, I dont know if I can relate, Sally works for Remingtons family in Neos story and Im pretty much my SegaSonic counterpart.
REM: Knuckles goes to the Master Emerald shrine after briefly chatting with...Lien-Da...evil...BEWITCHIN...USURPER! *takes out a knife to stab the comic*
REM:... *puts knife away* What on earth is she sitting on!? A bean bag chair gone wrong?
NEO: You ask me. Man, the last page of Lien-Da there is simply evil...I likely. And Dr. Finietuvs!

OHHHHHHHHHHH!!! That glossy white fur as pure as the silver moon, the black eyes as potent as the night sky, the glasses that can reflect but a thousand mirrors, that flowing cape of incredible silk, and the smog covering his bottom elegantly flowing besides him...OH, DR. FINIETVUS, FETCH ME A DREAM!

NEO: Awwww, poor Knuckles. So much change in his life. He seriously hates how he is being treated.
SONIC: Man, Knuckles, how can you be so sad? They treat you like a God! Hell, in Neo Yis version, youre a feckin prince! Its a living!
KNUX: Dont you get it? While I may be used to so much respect in Neos version, this Archie version is hurt because he isnt used to it. So much change has evolved into his life that he simply cannot accept it all at once, if at all.
NEO: Who better to understand then Knuckles himself? Awww, hes crying, poor, poor Knuxie. *gives hugs* I also have to add that his speech with Aurora must have been triggered because of so much drastic changes (him being protrayed as the avator, Angel Island ruled by Eggman and the Dingoes), it was so devastating that even Knuckles, who sacrificed his own afterlife in #125 seems to want to change his mind, but he knows he can't and just has to accept it and deal with it in the best way position. *still hugs knuckles*
REM: You havent hugged me like that in a while, is that a good sign?
SONIC: Youre just jealous. *Rem smacks him* REM: SILENCE, HEDGEHOG!
KNUX: Whats the deal with Archy? Is he up to something?
SONIC: Dude, when someone has their hands together Mr. Burns style and has an evil grin, something bad is BOUND to happen.
NEO: Or something good. Even though Archy may have something up his sleeves, it can still be a good thing, despite the evil intentions on his face. Thats why nothing has explained yet, so we readers are left wandering what will happen and truly, I wanna know what Archy IS indeed up to.
REM: Next page has Eggman and Kage talking. Eggman is not happy egg shaped man as Kage did not get Locke-sama to reveal the location of the Master Emerald.
NEO: YAYAYAYAYA!!! Mecha is back! Sure, shes a random new character, but I like her! Shes a kick butt android. Lets hope Karl can put some good character development on her. She has a lot of potential. Anywho, did anyone else notice that Snively thing? I didnt see this until like the third time I read, but look at it. Its like some robot Snively replacement thingy. I wonder if a story will be made of this?
SONIC: Didnt they mention of a Snively story in the making?
KNUX: I dont know.
NEO: Cant remember.
REM: I dont care.
KNUX: Now it looks as though Eggman is sending in someone to fetch the ME and using a control collar as well...I wonder who it is?
NEO: Youll see. Aww, Eggy looks cute when hes happy.
SONIC: Youre weird. How can ANYONE see Eggman as attractive?! I mean, DAMN, now I have images of Live Nude Robotnik, OH, DEAR GOD!
REM: Heh, Next page. Julie-Su wakes up Knuckles and Lien...Lien...Lien...
SONIC: Man, you must REALLY hate her. Just accept it. Shes a good guy here.
REM: Lien...LIEN...
KNUX: Ill continue, Lien-Da gets word from her double agent that he found Locke and the heroes, plus the Dark Legion decides to march off.
NEO: Wheres Liens tail in that one panel down below? I think WB must have forgotten it.
SONIC: Ha! Ha! Remmy doesnt get to fight! HA! HA! You get to stay! AH-HA!
NEO and REM: SILENCE!!!!!!!!!! *smacks Sonic*KNUX: Well, heres Sonic asking how the others will get to where Locke is as Sonic has his speed and he gets his answer in a nice one page panel of Sonic showing off.
NEO: Okay, maybe its my unfathomable obsession with Remington, but Finitivus standing watch over from beyond as Knuckles told Rem to guard the ME has been in pondering mode.
SONIC: Oh, Neo, anything that remotely HAS Remington has you pondering.
NEO: I cant help it, Im SO interested. Youd be surprised how one picture can reveal clues to later issues. Im keeping this one in mind.
KNUX: Im more interested in this one panel of Sonic running around. Its nicely drawn, even if Sonic IS showing off.
REM: ALWAYS showing off.
SONIC: Please shut up and youll live longer.]
KNUX and SONIC:..........?!
NEO: Ladies and gentlemen, Remingtons rare laughter.
REM: Whew...heh..heh.. *gets serious suddenly and glares at Sonic* YOU threatened me.
SONIC: Yea, so?
REM: *hard glare with scary voice* I shall CUT you in two before you can even reach me.
SONIC: .....
KNUX: Ooooookaynext scene shows Harry the Cab driver, now working for the Dingo army, getting Kage his supplements.
NEO: I dont see why it needs to be called nutrient supplements, especially since the next page has Kage saying its his breakfast. Speaking of food, Im hungry.
KNUX: Sonic comes and shows of his ego. Then we see the others fighting the other dingoes outside while Sonic handles Kage inside.
NEO: Sonic uses the ol trip the baddie and make him crash into a wall, all in super speed.
SONIC: YEA! Go me!!! Man, I cant emphasize how much I rule in this one panel!
REM: Then Sonic is about to beat up Harry if not for Locke informing him that he is the double agent.
NEO: Double agent...spy is an easier word to say and type. I also seem to notice that Harry IS in the army. Now, my MAIN theory stands that he was forced to join, because Harry would never do it of his own will. He likes his simple life as a cab driver, except for the occasionally lifts he must give to Rem and the Chaotix. My second theory was that he joined to be a spy , but I seriously go more for the former one. I mean, seriously. I was surprised to see Harry himself was a spy, never pictured the type, but I guess even he was desperate for a chance to be free.
REM: You lazy.
NEO: Oh, I know. And Knuckles and Locke are reunited!
KNUX: What a nice way to reunite with my father...him hanging upside down and still smiling...*sniff*...I havent seen my father smile in YEARS! *sniff*
NEO: There, there.
SONIC: Locke is freed thanks to Harry and then, Kagey boy comes back for more. Of course, me and Knuckles handled him. What a loser.
REM: Eggman comes and announces the person who will help him find the ME.
NEO: Im going to go out on a limb here, but I think hes the hunter from Knuckles #30 to #32. If that is, DAMN, that issue back there did nothing to him. He looks quite NICE here.
KNUX: Wait, isnt he an Overlander? Then why does he have five fingers here?
NEO: Putting five fingers on Overlanders is an common mistake, Knuckles.
SONIC: Well, that was an awesome read. I was awesome here!
NEO: Concerning the storyline, I must perfer it over last issue which was STILL good in their own way. First off, the level of emotions and fight scenes work in such perfect harmony. Knuckles emotions throughout was quite emotional indeed as he had many new changes. His harsh reactions to his brothers, his tears towards his father, his attitude in battle, and of course, the level of tears and drama when he visits the ME. Nice. He even hugs his mother this time. Thank you very much. I gotta say though is that Knuckles has experienced SO much emotions here ranging from angst to cocky to anger to just plained confused. It's a bit overdoing it, but hey, I can understand why.
Second, kudos to Karl for bringing back the Hunter from an old Knuckles story. No, I dont care much for him, but it is simply wonderful that he IS bringing back an old character instead of hastily solving it with new ones. I am now curious as to how he will play a lead on the next part.
And Third, Archy and Harry. DAMN! What IS that ant up to? Either way, it can be good OR bad. Its not given and I dont expect it to. His role in the story leads up to us readers wandering just WHAT Archy is up to and I enjoy the suspense Mr. Bollers has place for us. I already pointed out on Harrys role and my theories above, but once again, happy that the spy isnt some new character, but someone we already know. Although it is hard to believe it IS Harry as a spy, I said it before, he must be desperate. I mean, I bet he took it up wanting that simple life as a cab driver he always contended with. Another masterpiece, Kudo, Bollers a solid 10/10. Oh, yea, and this has ONE of THE best title...EVER.
Artwise, we got another visual masterpiece from the Dubster himself. What I notice the most throughout was his constant use of shadowing. Hes probably one of the BEST shadowers I have ever seen and to see it more emphasized here, yet not overdoing it, is simply riveting. Oh, and his eyes. Whenever a character does not have black eyes, its always outlined thickly surrounding the eye pupil. Its something I notice, but forgot to mention. I WILL say that I LOVE that element and might consider doing I meself. I mean, its so nice and gives great life.
Thirdly, Mace. As a baby alone of his age, he cant talk and in the comic, it certainly shows that. But what he fails on speech, he makes up for in words. My goodness, the child is given his set of speech and emotions through word balloons. Now, I have no clue if WB did this or Bollers did, but I give full kudos to it. We can understand the baby better BECAUSE of these word balloons. We see he hates his baby name (I do, too, even if it was to compare with Knuckles name and Knux himself thinks it sucks, OH, HOW I LOVE IRONY!), his love for his mom, and his evilness to Knuckles as he whacks him with his rattle. Touche. Touche indeed. I am irked that he forgot some of the echidnas tails though.
Jenson still works too much orange and red on random characters and other lazy colors to other characters, though, but its hardly noticeable since there isnt much character group. Too much shines as usual, but WBs art more then makes up for it. Although I haven no clue if its Dub, the inker, or even the colorist, but some of the characters eyes remain black. Example would be Remington who has blue eyes or Mighty who also has the same color eyes. Lara has green, but she ended up with black, you get my drift? It irks me. It irks me badly! And I personally like Lien-Da with her lavender eyes best. Ah well, mistakes are made. Another 9/10.

M25YL: A difference of Opinion
WRITER: Ken Penders
ARTIST: Steven Butler
COLORIST: Jason Jenson

NEO: M25YL starts with Knuckles and Sonic talking in Knuckles backyard. Man, he has a FINE place. I wanna live there!
REM: We get some pointless arguments between the two as well as the wives looking from beyond, hoping they will solve everything, Sally pretty much repeating the same thing Julie-Su just said.
KNUX: Now, they talk about the end of the world dealie and how Knuckles believes Rotor, yet Sonic doesnt.
NEO: I dont understand why he wouldnt? I mean, Sonic has trusted Rotor before, why now? Too ridiculous for him to believe? Did Rotor go too mad in his experiments? What? Id like a reason, please.
REM: Now, they talk of the past and a flashback occurs as we get a history lesson. Eggman steals the Chaos Emerald, Knuckles turns green again, disguised as being called Living Chaos Emerald, destroys Eggman, then recharges Mobius.
NEO: Then Sonic comes with a device (I assume from Rotor) and is about to use it on Knuckles until it was set off prematurely and costs Knuckles his eye.
REM: Any who, they talk some more about their lives and other crap like that.

NEO, KNUX, REM, and SONIC:......................................

NEO: Okay, WHAT...THE...CRAP!?
SONIC: Green Knuckles COMES BACK!? I thought he was history! I mean, isnt the ME SUCKING the powers of Knuckles, NOT enhancing it?
NEO: We dont know if M25YL is the true future or not to the current present. Any who, my review. Its still WHAT THE CRAP!? I was sort of excited to see how Knuckles and Sonic changed, but I didnt get what I promised. We didnt see WHY they changed. All we got to see was how Knuckles recharged Mobius. What the crap? First off, I did NOT like how Green Knuckles came here. It has that affect on me in that he might return to the present day Sonic stories when they nearly were ALL lackluster at best. Green Knuckles not contradicts Boller's as he is charged in Penders with green chaos Emerald power while the present day, his power is being sucked out. Considering Penders will be doing some main storylines in Sonic, I am deeply concerned.
The second would be the rechanging Mobius. WHY did Knuckles wanted to change Mobius? I mean, he took down Eggman, WHAT does he want to change? Couldnt Penders even tell that!? I mean, this is SO cheap. Even the way Julie-Su ended up was cheap as she lost ALL her robotic parts as a result. I mean, they could easily explain that Julie replaced her metallic parts with a fake furry arm or spine or whatever instead of this cheap easy way through.
Thirdy, WHY is Knuckles blaming Sonic on a device he didnt press, but was set off prematurely? Aint hes fault! WHY!? And such a terrible way to lose an eye. I would have been more convinced if Knuckles said, I lost it during a battle I once had from one of Eggmans robots who clawed my eye out, but we get this!
Fourthly, WHAT IS Sonics opinion on Rotor? He didnt believe Rotor when he mentioned about the possible end of the world, but he uses a device that I can ONLY assume Rotor himself made it? Unless of course, Tails did (but hes role as mechanic isnt shown clearly in the comic). See, even I dont even know how the device is made! We all know Sonic himself couldnt have made it, its not in his nature. I mean, couldnt they just added Rotors name next to device in that speech bubble or SOMEONES name to know WHERE he got that kooky device? Geez.
The ONLY good thing is how Knuckles and Sonic act together. I like how they are trying to get along when they pretty much cant stand each other. I like that part at least and keeps me from giving this a fairly low score. Not to mention they mention the end of the world and they dont deal with any sleepover crap that ignores the main flow of the story. Sheesh.
Artwise, Steven Butlers does good job as always, but unfortunately, the shine on characters by Jenson is shown more here then the main story which I hate. Oh, and Knuckles has five fingered gloves on one panel, but thats it.

In Sonic-grams, YESSSSS, the letters are NOT some immature 11 year old shouting hes Sonics NUMBER ONE FAN!!! YES, I AM HAPPY! Thank you! Artwise from fan artists, I liked the fifth one. Nicely colored, nice pose, perfectly modeled, and generally good.
KNUX: They REALLY need to stop accepting art by kids who copy such as the one with a lot of characters. Its obviously he used #138s cover for this.
REM: Are we done?
SONIC: I think so. Wow, that was some powerful rant.
NEO: Yea, and you and Sonic didnt argue as much.
SONIC: Heh! He knows deep down, he can never defeat me, in battle OR by insults.
REM: THATS IT! DIE! *tackles him down*
KNUX: Not again.
NEO:...*sigh* This is Neo Yi, again done with another story, signing off.

*Classical music plays again as Neo and Knuckles once AGAIN tries to pry Rem from stabbing Sonic*


Posts: 42
Trusted Member

Return to Angel Island
Part 4: Ultimate Hero

Page 1 finds Hunter massacring the Hidden Palace Zone with a ZORCH.
Meanwhile in Dingo City on page 2, The Chaotix and the DL haave massacred the dingo army. Lien-Da squabbles with Locke, and Locke tells Sonic to bring Knux along to Hidden Palace Zone.
On page three, Hunter infiltrates the Hidden Palace with another ZORCH. Archimedes pops up and tries to corral Wynmacher, Lara-Le, Kneecaps, Saffron, Remington, and Finitevus into the Master Emerald Shrine. Remington intends to stay and hold up the fort.
The women-folk and baby seem to be safe on page 4 when Hunter blasts his way in. Remington charges, and *sob* gets ZORCHed. Hunter and Finitevus face off and then-
cut to page 5 where Wyn, Lara-Le and Kneecaps, and Saffron find a disconsolate Archimedes. Together they all have a good cry. (Kneecaps' little speech bubble is heartbreaking!) Hunter is about to, presumably, ZORCH them all when Sonic and Knux come to the (supposed) rescue.
Page 6 has Hunter trying to ZORCH the heroes. He traps Sonic bouncing back and forth between spring balls. (Oh how I hate it when that happens!) About to fight back, Knuckles falls to his knees and cries out in agony.
Meanwhile on page 7, Lien-Da, Locke, and The Chaotix have returned to The Hidden Palace Zone to find it in shambles, and they are surrounded by dingoes. Lien-Da rounds on Locke, and Julie can't take any more.
On page 8 Julie-Su hands it to her and the two stare each other down - Kommisar with tears in her eyes. Vector breaks up the imminent cat-fight. Hanging behind for a moment, Lien-Da voices her grudge against Julie-Su because "Father loved her more." Charmy takes Julie-Su to find Saffron and Knux.
On page 9 Lara-Le leans over a bleary eyed Knux. Hunter is about to "collect his trophy" when Knux is overcome by shocking pink electricity and becomes
Super Knuckles on page 10! Sonic says it all - "I gotta admit-- I wasn't expecting that to happen!" And by everyone else's faces, neither were they.
Hunter begins to sweat on page 11. Locke remarks that Archimedes was right, and Super-Knux goes in for the punch.
Outside, on page 12, The Chaotix/Dingo brawl is interrupted by a THOOMing pink blast as Super-Knux drops Hunter into the oceans of Mobius.
On page 13, the Dingos retreat and the crowd drops to their knees chanting "A-VA-TAR!" Lien-Da gets pissed.
Knuckles gracefully lands on page 14, having regained his chaos powers. Archy explains that his powers were merely dormant, and that contact with the Master Emerald reawakened them. A holographic projection of a bulging-eyed Eggman shows up, and is quickly smothered under Sonic's foot.
On page 15 Archimedes delivers the news to them that Remington and Finitevus were casualties of Hunter's chaos spear. Lien-Da remarks that "There's no time to mourn friends...or family." and there's a tribute panel to Remington - in his pre- and post-Return to Angel Island incarnations. The spaceship arrives to bring Sonic and co. back to Mobius below.
On page 16 Locke and Knux wrangle over Knux's leaving Angel Island. Knux bids his mother farewell.
In New Megaopolis on page 17, Eggman comments to M that his plan was not a complete wash and we see numerous pods, each containing a 'casualty' of the chaos spear - including Remington. Each pod-person appears to be having their minds erased, energy drained, and infused with a toxic wash.

I'm not sure how much I liked this story. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything special. I'm glad we haven't seen the last of Rem.

M25YL: Scenario
King Sonic and Knux meet with Rotor and Cobar. Julie-Su talks with Sally. Flashback panels to #11, #50, and #125 where Sonic disrupted the space/time continuum. Kommisar wants to be filled in.

Drek. That's all I have to say about that.

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

Issue 141

Editor in Cheif: Richard Goldwater; Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick; Editor & Janitor: Mike Pellerito; Special Thanks to Robert Leffler and Dyna Lopez at Sega Licensing.

...And the game continues...

Art by Patrick Spaziante

Sonic prepares to charge into battle, with Knuckles, Locke, and Lein-Da as his back up, while Eggman looms over all... Simple, and without any meaning to it, but it looks good.

Drawn by J. Axer, colored by Jason Jensen.

Its Lein-Da, with that insanely evil grin WB introduced us to. Unfortunatly, shes suffering from the same lumpy skin condition as the charecters in the past few frontispeices...

Return to Angel Island Part 4: Ultamate Hero
Written by Karl Bollers, penciled by Jon Gray, inked by Michael Higgins, Jim Amash, & Rich koslowski; lettered by Michael Higgins, John Workman, and Jeff Powell; colored by Jason Jensen.

Summary: Hunter and the Dingoes attack the Hidden Palace Zone, inflicting heavy casualties upon the Echidnas. But, when all hope seems lost, Knuckles regains his powers and saves the day. (This time he turns pink, not green, and goes back to red when the battles over.)

My Rating: Impressive story, awesome art. 8 out of 10

Comments: Hunter is creepy in this story... (He makes a good henchman!)
... Neat touch (but kinda sad) the beat-up teddy bear in the last panel of page one.
... Finitevus looks pretty impressive as hes preparing to fight.
... We finaly find out that Knux felt sick when in the presance of the Master Emerald because it was jump-starting him. (Man, he looks evil when it happens! Reminds me of evil Super Sonic.) Also, aparently Archamedes suspected this before, which is why he thought Knux kryptonite poisoning was a good thing.
... Its funny when even the DL fall down worshiping Knuckles :)
... Finallya hint of the not-so-secret past of Remington, when Lein-Da refers to family in the same panel as a flashback of Remmy
... Wonder what ever happened to the blind girl from a couple issues back.
...And then, another creepy scene, where we see all of Robotniks prisoners, trapped in Egg-Grape pods and undergoing brain-washing.
So, whos in the pods? Lets see... A chameleon, an unamed legionair, a legionair called Simon, an echidna mother & child (in the same pod!), the legionair Rykor, an unammed echidna, an echidna named Kanewisher, an echidna named Bimmy, the council of ants, the one and only Xenin (been a while since we saw him!) ... and, of course, the fan-girl favorite, Remmington.

Mobius 25 Years Later: Scenario
Written by Ken Penders, penciled by Steven Butler, inked by Jim Amash, lettered by John E. Workman, colored by Jason Jensen.

Summary: Knux and King Sonic meet with Rotor and Cobar (Sonics none too pleased to find theyre trusting a legionair) to discuss the end of the world. They learn that its all Sonics fault, and he promises to do whatever he can to help. Then Lein-Da shows up, demanding to know what Cobars up to.

Rating: The story continues to plod along, this time with some noticible errors. First of all, I really cant see the comics version of Sonic (or any other official version, for that matter) understanding the two super-scientists techno-babel.
Second, they blame it all on Sonic -- but none of the events refered to were caused by him.
The first scene is from Issue 19, Night of 1000 Hedgehogs (although the footnote refers to issue 11s The Good, the Bad, and the Hedgehog"). The thing is, he really had no choice in 19 -- if he hadnt acted, Robo-Robotnik would have conqured the multi-verse. (In 11, on the other hand, Sonic entered the Cosmic Interstate of his own accord; but the damage done there couldnt have been any worse than in any other Zone-hopping story, and Cobor was refering to a specific incident.) ...The Ultamate Anihilator incident definintly damaged the multi-verse, but Sonic didnt cause it, he just happend to be at ground-zero. And as for the Quantum Dial, would Cobor really have prefered Sonic let it suck Mobius into a black hole?!
As for the art, its good, solid Butler work... but it just seems to be lacking something...
I give episode a 6.8 out of 10.

Comments: Im still waiting for an explanation as to how Sonic, Sally, Julie-Su, and especially Lein-Da manage to stay so youthfull looking after all these years...

Sonic Grams

"Start" by Mike"
"Off Panel" written by Mike Gallagher, drawn by Dave Manak, and colored by Leonardo DiFinchi. Mike weighs in on the Is M25YL the real future? question.
Letters by Rogelio Hernandez, Jonathan Lee, Austin Watterson, Chris Knux London, and Robert Rodrquez; answered by Mike. I notice the quality of letters chosen is improving... As for Mikes answering style, the change in it is subtle, but it does work a lot better than it did at first.
"Fan Art": A bloated and well colored Robotnik Prime by Bryan Sandman Sanders; a stylish Sonic in motion by Marcus Williams; a kawii pastel colored Mina by Kate Regan; Shadow wearing a scarf and using a portable CD player (?!) by Christy Nakada; and Espio, Vector, Ricky the Snake, and Friller the Lizzard in Reptiles Rule, by Bryson Kaps. Chronos art awards to Sandman, Marcus, and Kate.

Final Thoughts

M25YL is dying, but the main Sonic story has been reborn. With Karl coming up with the ideas, Mike P holding the reigns, and WB providing the eye-candy, the main story is going good. Still, I have a bad feeling the next storyline is going to be a train-wreck along the lines of the first two chapters of the Tommy Trillogy...

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

*Classical music is played as we see four figures in shadows, until the lights from stage shine down upon them...


KNUX: Ummm, Neo, this is the part where you talk?
NEO:...*sniff* I...I know! Its just...this is our last talk show host thingy... *sniff* After that, I go back to my own review.
SONIC:...Ummm, Neoyou are aware that you can do this again if you want.
NEO: *sniff* I know...but I said Ill stop after the last Angel Island Arc saga and I vow to keep it that way. It was so great, you guys. *sniff* Ill miss you all.
REM: For goodness sake, we will still be here, Neo. You created us...well, your version of us. Its not like we will disappear, especially since you draw us almost all the time!
SONIC: Actually, she barely draws me. Shes obsessed with drawing echidnas. Pretty upsetting.
NEO: Sorry, Sonic. *sniff* Tell you what, Ill draw you sometime in the future.
SONIC: Deal.
NEO: Okay...since this is our last review, I want you guys to be civil. No violence, okay? Especially you and you *pointing to Sonic and Rem*. This is a time to be happy...I guess.
REM: Let us just review, shall we?
NEO: Okay...

NEO: Whats your opinion on the cover?
KNUX: It remains me of last issues. Two people stand side to side and something is in the middle, in this case, its not the ME, but Lien-Da.
NEO: Yea, it doesnt exactly thrill me.
SONIC: On the plus side, I look awesome as always.
REM: One thing I wont miss is your ego, Sonic.
SONIC: I wont miss your insults.
NEO: Okay, was Spaz not aware of Lockes design or was he lazy to look it up? Hes pants less and shirtless, which isnt the case in Dubs design.
KNUX: I dont know. I dont like it, but we cant just suddenly change it.
NEO: We should travel back in time and warn Spaz. Whee!
REM: Sit down before you hurt yourself, Neo.
Neo: short, we think the cover is clean and not messy *cough139cough*, but not enough to impress us. I give it a 7/10. Okay, next page.

REM:.... *looks at book again with uncontrollable anger*
NEO: Okay, guys...especially you, Rem, CALM DOWN.
SONIC: *catches breath* Damn...such a evil picture. REALLY evil!
KNUX: *catches breath* Whew...I think my heart just stopped for a brief second.
NEO: Well, considering I like the evilness behind this picture, I give it a nice solid 9/10.SONIC: 9/10? Whats the flaw?
NEO: She kinda looks weird. Must be the way Axer drew her mouth. Its devious, but I dont particularly like it.
REM: *tries to stab the picture*
NEO: Remington, GIVE ME THAT! *takes knife* I said be civil! Next page, the main story.

Return to Angel Island: Part 4: Ultimate Hero
WRITER: Karl Bollers
COLORIST: Jason Jenson

SONIC: Wow, that be a lot of green. Whats with that circle Eggman thing?
KNUX: I think its Eggmans communicator with Hunter, Sonic.
NEO: Man, he was nothing in that Knuckles issue because Hunter is rather find looking in here.
SONIC: *GASP* Neo is into human then us furries, shock!
NEO: Hes an overlander, and besides, I like humans. Viggo Mortensen for one...speaking of Viggo, remember the echidna I named Viggo way back in #139.
REM: I was hoping to forget it, but then you mentioned him.
KNUX: Have you figured out how youre going to work him in your series?
NEO: I was thinking of Brothers action in FFX-2.
KNUX:...........You want to make Viggo a flamboyant, possibly homosexual guy who rides a giant airship, seeking adventure, while shouting out random, flamboyant things?
NEO: Yep. I see Viggo as that, a carefree adventure seeker who poses in a flamboyant way and says flamboyant stuff. And he owns his own airship and he works for the DL while shoutin phrases from the 60's, 70's,and 80's. Maybe 90's.
SONIC, KNUX, and REM:.....................
REM: You are not right in the head.
NEO: Sez you, Rem. Any who, back to the comic, look at him zapping echidnas with his Chaos Spear.
KNUX: DEAR GOD, hes lowering the echidna population! How can one person do that!? Why dont they fight back!? At this rate, Ill be the only one of the species...again!
NEO: *sly look on face* Lets continue the comic and see what REALLY happens, Knuckles.
SONIC: Next scene shows the awesome that is me, Knuckles holding his father, and the rest talking about stuff.
KNUX: It said the heroes have to go back and stop Hunter. And Lien-Da is blaming my Baba, saying if it wasnt for him, the Dark Legion wouldnt have to leave the Master Emerald shrine.
REM: LIEN-DA, YOU BAKA, if you had sent some Dark Legion to stay, then you wouldnt even be blaming him and...*sigh* Forget it, theres no dealing with her.
SONIC: Rest assure, I, Sonic, decides to go, after all. Im fast and awesome.
NEO: And Knuckles also goes, but Sonic tells him to ditch the gears he wears. Good-bye awesome goggles and other stuff. *sniff*
SONIC: Today definitely qualifies as Neos emotional days.
KNUX: Im not comfortable with the last panel with Sonic being a little...uhh...close to me.
SONIC: *teasing* Afraid I might end up smooching you? Hmmmm? *gets close*
NEO: *laughs* Gosh, I needed that.
KNUX: You suck.
SONIC: *smiles*
SONIC: You need to lighten up more, Remington, seriously. Next page, oooh, Hunter be all inside the ME shrine. And Remington has an exclamation point on his head, which means hes aware.
REM: Thank you for stating that, Captain Obvious!
SONIC: Shut up.
KNUX: Everyone, Finietvus (OH, FINNY! FETCH ME A DREAM!), Wynmacher, Safron and her doll, Remington, and Lara-Le and her child is in one of those What can we do?! moments?
NEO: Answer: Enter the Fire ant. Archimedes pops outta nowhere and tells them to split. The next scene shows him in Rems arm and he quotes something that I, KNOW, is just the pinnacle of sexiness

I intend to stay and face whatever threat is about to walk through that door, Archimedes!

WOWWWWWW.....Remington, youre so brave. *glomps him*
KNUX: Finietvus gets angry at Archimedes for ordering him around, then Hunter pops out. Remington leaps after him and-oh-oh, geez.
SONIC:...Yea...that about sums it up. Uhhh...Look, Remington, I know you had a long time in the comic, but Im really sorry it had to end this way. Look, infact, Im sorry for the insults up until now and the ones I had in my head that I didnt say out loud, but might in the future. I REALLY am sorry.
KNUX: Rest assure you, your comic book counterpart wont be forgotten.
KNUX: There, there. *pants Neos back* I know youre probably the one whos hurting the most right now. There, there.
SONIC: So you DID love Remington.
REM: FOR GODS SAKE, I AM RIGHT HERE!!!! *she continues to cry* YOU ARE PATHETIC! Were not even HALFWAY through reviewing this damn comic and you already act like some whiner!
SONIC: Wiener, Remington.
KNUX: Next scene shows Hunter vs. Finietvus. We dont see what happens to him. All we see his massive grin. Wow, hes pretty confidence. Cocky, maybe? Like you, Sonic.
SONIC: Next scene, Archimedes teleports out and tells the others that Rem and Finietvus is gone. Poor Archy. Never realize a tough little guy like him can have such powerful emotions.
KNUX: Safron decides to protect the ME, but Hunter comes up from behind to chaos spear them. Of course, in the nick of time-
SONIC: -Is Knuckles and moi! Two awesome duos! And the first thing we do is...*sees next page*...oh, gets out of the way as he chucks some sorta ninja gear.
KNUX: Looks like the top of his spear, Sonic. Maybe its removable. Any who, I see Archy, gets frustrated some more, Sonic fights the round, egg shaped radio transmitter doohickey, and Im even in MORE pain as Im near the ME.
SONIC: Thats smart.
KNUX: *shudders* Gosh, I dont feel right.
REM: The Chaotix, the DL *shudders at Lien-Da* and Locke sama enter to where Sonic and Knuckles is and sees many chaotic experiences.
SONIC: Chaotic...*sees all the green chaos on the page* Nice pun.
REM: What?
SONIC:.........Moving on. Dingoes are now coming and Lien-Da blames Locke again, so Julie goes up to her stepsister and we get a giant argument before Vector pulls them away.
KNUX: I like it how they made Vector pull Julie-Su, the one person he argues with the most. Its got irony and you love irony, right Neo? Neo?
REM: Neo is out of order right now. *eyes Neo, sad and depressed*
SONIC: Dear God, that girl needs medication.
KNUX: Apparently, Julie makes some good points that Lien probably wanted the ME all for herself, a reason she possibly accepted to guarding it.
REM: I told you I would never trust her. NEVER!
KNUX: A shocker, Lien is very jealous of Julie because apparently, their father loved her more. Ouch! I can understand why Lien hates Julie so much.
SONIC: Mighty asks where Charmy is taking Julie and Locke. They wants to go find Safron and Knuckles.
REM: The next page returns to Knuckles and Sonic. Sonic is still busy with that circle radio thing while Knuckles looks almost dead from the Master Emerald. His mother grows concerned for him. Then Hunter comes with the Chaos Spear ready as well as ready with insults, and just as he was about to flung it at Hunter, out comes Super Knuckles.
SONIC: Geez, as if the only echidna I was freaked out at was Remington, I got you to be scared of, Knux! Well, they took out the Hyper and just placed in Super.
NEO: I like it, the appearance of Super Knuckles. Makes it better that we see him instead of Super Sonic all the time.
KNUX: *smiles* Neo, welcome back.
SONIC: You okay?
NEO: Ill be fine. Ill live.
SONIC: Any who, Super Knuckles goes all postal on Hunter and makes an impression on a lot of people. He then tosses Hunter into the ocean, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay far from Angel Island. Considering he fell in water, theres a chance hell still be alive.
NEO: I dont think well be seeing him anytime soon, though.
SONIC and KNUX: Yea.
SONIC: Now Super Knuckles goes all glowly in pink colors and the echidnas, even the DL, bow down to their avator. Geez.
REM: *grins* It is wonderful to see dearest auntie Lien-Da suffer. It always puts a grin on my face and makes my life much easier.
KNUX: I return back to normal and Im happy! I have my powers back! Archimedes and my Baba explain the power inside me has never left, just lied dormant. After much contact with the ME, I have the power back.
SONIC: Geez, what if you become Green Knuckles again?
NEO: Bollers explains that he has enough power to have his Chaos powers, but not enough to be Green Knuckles. And much rejoice comes.
REM: Eggman threatens the heroes that he has located the Master Emerald and of course, Sonic steps on the device that Eggman speaks in. Locke-sama and Knuckles sees it best to move the Master Emerald.
KNUX: I asked where Remington is and Archimedes answers. Then I cry. Shows prove how much we truly are friends...right, Rem.
REM: Hmmm.
SONIC: Wow, Lien admits Rem is family.
NEO: Which Im eternally grateful for, now that she DID mention it. He better know soon.
SONIC: Dude...hes dead, remember?
NEO:.....*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*
SONIC: AHH! Im sorry! Im sorry! Im sorry! Im sorry!
KNUX: Moments later...what the comic said, the DL is moving the Master Emerald and my Baba is rather shocked at what Im saying. That Freedom Fighter mobile airship S-Mark or whatever has come to pick us up. Im leaving the island, apparently, its not the island I wish to save, but the entire planet. After all, I also made a promise to Sally as well.
SONIC: The Chaotix is going, too. And poor Knuckles, his father isnt all that forgiving.
KNUX:...This is just like at home, neither of us understand each other
REM: It will take time. Locke-sama still values the traditional ways of the Guardian. Next scene shows him returning to speak with the she-devil.
NEO: Touching scene with Knuckles saying good-bye to his mother. *sniff* How sad.
SONIC: Next page.....!!!
KNUX: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
REM: ..........!
KNUX: OH...MY...
REM: ..............
SONIC: Echidnas, other animals, even Dark legions trapped in grape pods of some sort!
KNUX: Apparently, their memories are being sucked out. Theres Rykor, Simon (Julies adopted father), Xenin, even that Binnie guy from an old Knuckles issue, and *GASP* REMINGTON!
SONIC: Hey! Hes alive! Trapped and lack of memory, but alive! Neo...hes alive! HES ALIVE!!! *hugs Remington* YOURE ALIVE!
KNUX: *hugs rem* I knew you could never leave us! Youre much tougher then that!
SONIC and KNUX: Youre one of us, Remington!
SONIC: You can insult us if you want!
KNUX: lets go play soccer after this!
SONIC:HEY, wait a sec...Neos read this comic many times before...SHE KNEW REM WAS ALIVE!
NEO: Well, duh! That dont mean my heart still didnt get ripped and torn! The first time reading this, you wouldnt BELIEVE how my heart was leaping in different rides of emotions! It was a hard time for me.
KNUX and SONIC:[/b.....*goes back to hugging Rem* SEE?! Neo loves you, too!
always best of friends!
SONIC: No matter how many times we insult!
REM: Can we get back to the review?
KNUX and SONIC: Oh, yea.
NEO: Well, basically this was an exciting conclusion with a cliffhanger ending that has us in suspense. What will become of our heroes, as well those in the grape pod is unknown. Considering the editor admits he knows in the editor page, its already written as one can assume, so we wont have to worry about waiting for so long to find the answer. Although months can be a long time. Whatever the case is, its nicely paced, even if it felt a bit like too much was going on. I personally enjoy the little developments, especially the Lien/Julie argument. That was wonderfully done and certainly added a lot. I personally enjoy the emotions place in the end. The Locke/Knuckles had me clutching my heart as well, and obviously, the incident with Remington has had me in different impacts. Stories are suppose to do that and I swear, this was a wonderful arc. I cant believe all thats happen in the pass four months. Amazing. Its such a shame the arc has now ended, especially since Im not too concerned about next issues, which Ill speak more later. 10/10, obviously.

Artwise, wonderful as always, although I was sort of irked on WBs drawing of Hunter, mainly one scene where Hunter has this face on as he tosses the Chaos Spear to Super Knuckles, that, and he has a VERY DBZ-ish look in a couple of places, but those dont truly bother me. Im also slightly irked by WBs drawing of dreadlocks on Knuckles. It usually irks me to see like three pairs of dreadlocks over some echidnas shoulders which I dont like. Dub does it flawlessly, but it irks me bad. The level of details are amazing, but because of that black BG which I normally like and fits well, some detailed scenes were more confusing then amazing. Still, its nothing Im going to throw my weight on. It was a satisfying experience all the way.
KNUX: Next story.

M25YL: Scenario
WRITER: Ken Penders
ARTIST: Steven Butler
COLORIST: Jason Jenson

NEO: We gots Cobar reading some language I dont even know and talking about a mark. Then something about process accelerating. Then Sonic and Knuckles comes. Turns out Cobar is Lien-Das fave scientist. Du Du DUUUUUN!!!
SONIC: Of course, because of that reason, Im not all that pleased.
KNUX: and I say we cut to business. Rotor begins to explain as we see another scene with Julie and Sally unable to sleep, so they talk about Sonic and I arguing and such.
SONIC: Sally said I havent been myself, oh, really. Okay, another scene explaining the...oooh, damn, big science words.
REM: And Sonic, all this is happening because of you. So, they experienced three things that Sonic did that messed up the Space/Time Continuum , all in the comic. The cosmic interstate incident where Sonic finds thousands of himself of alternative universe, the Sonic vs. Robotnik fight with the Ultimate Annihilator, and the recent boutings with the Xordas massive Quantum dial.
SONIC: Sheesh. I check to make sure and Knuckles concludes the DL has done their zone hopping as well as himself.
NEO: Then Cobar explains that Sonics was the one where it occurs the most. Ouch, gotta feel sorry for you there, Sonic.
REM: Basically, in the end, Knuckles and Sonic tells them to get their ass moving and find an answer to their problem.
NEO: Then Lien-Da comes, wondering what the fuss is all about and still looking WAY young for someone 25 years in the future. *coughholywatercough*
KNUX: Ummm...okay.
SONIC: That was confusing.
NEO: It was okay. At least they were talking of the current problems then another freakin sleepover. And while there was a bit of them science words (science huts my head) it was enough in that I understand what the heck is going on. Still slow pace and boring, but with Lien-Da coming in the end, it does spice it up a bit. Frankly, this was is actually pretty darn worth reading, if not just once. Still nothing Im excited about, but its better then nothing, Ill tell you what. Ill give it a rather solid 7/10.

SONIC: Wow, high score.
NEO: Artwise, its not as confusing as the present day story and is generally simple. I like it, but it's generally boring to watch because not much is going on. 9/10
Now, for the editor...

SONIC: Funny off-panel.
NEO: Mike is awesome with them round sunglasses and goatees feckin rule.
SONIC: Neo, stop flirting with him.
NEO: Shut up, I is SO not flirting. The sunglasses is just the type I put on Rem all the time, it adds a lot of sexiness to the already sexy echidna.
NEO: I do find it rather interesting that Mike mentions how the next story might foreshadow the current batch of FF team. Frankly, I am interested in that aspect, but Im still not overall, too excited. I guess we have to see for ourselves. Oh, and he mentions a shadowy figure, any guesses who?
SONIC: Hmm...well, I-
NEO: GOSH! ITS NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT! I still wont say for those who somehow, cannot seem to know the obvious hint, but its so obvious! Am looking forward to Amys story. Any who, letter pages, and fanart wise, I like the second one with Sonic leaping out of some robots attack. The fourth one is colored nicely and I love the scarf, but the legs need work.
SONIC: That first pic of Eggman is scary!
KNUX: And the Mina art is pretty adorable. The last one shows his love for reptiles.
NEO: Well, thats it
SONIC: Thats it? No more? How fast.
KNUX: Yea...
REM: ...I will admit, I will miss this.
NEO:*sniff* Ill miss you all...somehow! We WILL do this again! I promise you all! I dont know when, but well do this again! Ill miss you all! *hugs all three despite their spines hurting me*
SONIC: Hey, why dont we all go play soccer, like Knuckles suggest?
KNUX: Sounds good to me! Me and Sonic can team up, against Neo and Rem!
NEO: Im game.
REM:....*grins* I shall defeat you, Team Sonic or Team Knuckles or whatever you wish to name yourself.
NEO: Before we go, any parting words.
SONIC: Ummm...stay in school, dont do drugs. And buy my video games! INSERT SUBMINIAL MESSAGES!
KNUX: Ummm...always try new things, dont give up.
REM: My name has ONE M, NOT two. Its NOT Remmington, its Remington! Get it right!
NEO: *sweat drops* My good-bye piece...No one is a bigger Rem fan then me!
SONIC: ALRIGHT! Lets go! *runs*
KNUX: HEY! Wait for me!
NEO:...Okay, folks, you can wrap it up. Were done...for today. *walks as the light turns off*
REM:.... *smiles, gently places the comic down, and follows them*
NEO: Until next time...

*Soft music plays or the Sonic 3 Ending song because it's a cool song as the talk show host finally ends. Who knows, maybe well return...*

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

Issue 142

Editor-in-Chief: Richard Goldwater; Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick;
Editor: Mike Pellerito.


Foreground by Patrick Spaziante; background drawn by Steven Butler,
inked by Jim Amash, and colored by Josh D. Ray.

"Freedom Fighters Forever?!" Hope takes notes as sonic tells of the
"original Freedom Fighters".


By J. Axer & J.D. Ray

A shot of the classic Freedom Fighters, in their current incarnations.
(My score: 9/10)

"The Original Freedom Fighters" Part 1

Written by Romy Chacon, penciled by Art Mawhinney, inked by Jim Amash,
lettered by Jeff Powell, colored by Josh D. Ray.

Story: Researching for a report in the Knothole Library, Hope finds
records of the first Freedom Fighters. When she then meets up with
Sonic, she asks him what he knows about them. And so, Sonic launches
into a tale about their origin. It turns out the group led the retreat
to Knothole, and helped get the community up and running, before
beginning a insurgency against Robotnik. (My score: 6.5/10.
Satisfactory, but nothing special.)

Art: It's interesting to see Art Mawhinney back on the job -- he's
great with humans and furries alike, but his work lacks the pizazz of
Axer & Butler, or the extra style of Best & WB. I was impressed
with his work this issue: he seems to be working with more detail, and
after the emotionless work of Ron Lim and the exaggerated work of WB,
it's refreshing to see the subtle play of emotions on the the
characters faces -- there ain't nothing artificial here! If only he
could put a little more work into his backgrounds... (Score: 8/10)


Not exactly enchanted by the designs of the new characters...
(Snakes and Giraffes make strange looking furries!) ...And what sort of
name is "Tig"?!

...At first I thought it strange the soldiers didn't recognize the
Swat-bots -- it's hard to remember that in Archie, the coup was the
first time they were seen. (Unlike SatAM, in which they were
re-programmed "Peace-Bots"...)

I also don't get why Julayla was drawn in her "pseudo-Queen Alicia"
form, rather than her original pink Cat form. I thought the
"pseudo-Queen" form had been abandoned...? Apparently not.

"I Wanna Be a Freedom Fighter!"

Written by Romy Chacon, penciled by Steven Butler, inked by Jim Amash,
lettered by John Workman, colored by Jason Jensen.

Story: Sally tells of how Amy has wanted to be a Freedom Fighter for a
while, and has now earned the right. Amy officially joins the Freedom

...Apparently, someone forgot to tell Romy that the Freedom Fighters
aren't, anymore... and Sally's description of the second wave of robot
forces being deadlier than the one Amy destroyed seemed odd -- I
thought she was supposed to be praising Amy?

Still, I give the story an 8.5/10.

Art: A pleasure to behold. The only quibble? I thought Geoffrey and
Hershey were supposed to be on their honeymoon. My score: 9/10

Comments: I know the Tommy Trilogy was written before "Tossed in
Space"... I wonder about this one? It seems like it would have fit
better earlier on; and that would also allow us to blame Sally's poorly
chosen words, and the fact that we're still talking about "Freedom
Fighter", on the Editors...

Mobius 25 Years Later: "Moment of

Written and inked by Ken Penders, penciled by Steven Butler, lettered
by John E. Workman, colored by Jason Jensen.

Story: Lara-Su bugs Knux about being a guardian, again,
while Rotor and Cobor realize they don't have the time to figure
out a solution to the oncoming destruction. If they could only
start gathering data earlier...

Sonic complains to Sally that he's not fit to be King (again), as he
doesn't want to be making command decisions Sally is better qualified
to make.

Then Sonic and Knuckles get a call from Rotor and Cobor, asking for
access to Robotnik's "Tachyon Displacement Chamber", so they send
someone back in time to collect the needed data. Sonic makes a command
decision Sally would be better qualified to make, and agrees to the
scientists' request. (Now, my only question is, does this Tachyon
chamber have anything to do with the time-machine the FF stole from
Robotnik in issue 12 or the one used by M20YL Rotor to send Nicole back
in time in "In Your Face"? And if not, why not?)

Sonic assumes he and Knux will be the ones to go (even though there's
no assurance the travelers will be able to get back), but as Knux is
walking down a corridor, he overhears Sonia complaining that she'll
never be Queen, and Lara-Su complaining she'll never be Guardian. Knux
suddenly looks thoughtfully.

My rating -- 6.4/10. The repetitiveness of the story is mitigated
somewhat by the fact that something is finally actually happening.

Art: Same odd style Butler's been doing throughout M25YL -- somehow
soft and rigid at the same time. Everything looks like it should look great, but it still
manages to be almost lifeless, in an almost disturbing way. 7.6/10,

Comments: Let me guess -- Lara-Su's going back in time! Yay! Just what
we needed -- another cool character. ...Wait a second...

And we're still waiting for an explanation of the relevance of the
first Lara-Su we saw; not to mention the giant Robotnik Robot seen in
"Sonic Live" and Locke's vision in "Knuckles 25"...


Start: Mike warns us that Shadow's returning soon, to help Sonic
re-enact the battles between Sonic and Knuckles in Sonic 13
through Sonic 50... Or maybe it'll be even more pointless, like in
"Dust Bunnies"? Who knows? Who cares? I sure don't.

Next Issue: The blurb for "The Original Freedom Fighters" Part 2
implies there may be a traitor in Knothole, present day. WTF?!

Off-Panel (written by Mike Gallageher, drawn by Dave Manak, colored by
"Vincent Van Gopher."

Sonic admires Mike's collection of Monkey stuff... Does this mean we'll
be seeing more Monkey Khan? And why no issue of Sonic 17?

Letters from Calvin Monteros, Tristan Flumerfelt, Rachel Cox, and
Edward Kaj (Sonic's 253rd fan). Also, Find Your Name In Print.

Fan-Art: a group shot of playable characters, by Chelsea Hopkins; an
add for the Sonic comics by Kristin Ferra; Sonic and shadow, by Shawn
Richardson; Sonic by Marcus Adamson; Tails on a flying broomstick
(huh?) by Amanda Yanez (I give this picture a "Cool Fan Art
Award".); Sonic by Beth Hershey, and the Chaotix by Nicole Monyoya.

Final Thoughts:

I'm still not particularly impressed, but that was a lot better than
I'd feared.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

SONIC #142
Back to my original format on reviewing the comic. So, lets get started, shall we?

Simple in terms of BG, but despite the massive white surrounding it, its not as unimpressive as those magazine covers from a while back, so thats saying something. As the editor spoke in the Sonic-Grams, the cover is not Spaz exclusive. In fact, he only draws Sonic and Hope, the rest by a different artist (Butler). Not hard to tell. I personally enjoy that the original FF are all different inked and colored then Spazs, it adds a lot in time difference between the two FF periods. It has a very old-timey look. The perspective on the original FF is done well and you see a sense of victory on them, no matter how uninspiring their designs strike me. All on all, a normal, solid effort that doesnt truly strike me as awesome, but definitely not ugly or messy.

Before the frontispiece is a piece of Spyro advertisement. The latest game I played a demo of and disliked. Ill stick with the very first one. It was VERY simple, but thats why I loved it.
A nice pic of Sonic and friends, but how many times have I seen Axer draw that same grin and pose on Sonic? I mean, Ive seen it somewhere, those poses before and Im kinda bored of watching it. The most notable missing is Amy Rose, but seeing shes just became one, I can honestly understand all this. Sallys hair seems to indicate that shes turned all vixen on us and Bunnie has a cute, Goldilocks you-just-wanna-hug type of hair. I dont know, Ive always loved them both with short hair still. I honestly wouldnt stand a mission with long, flowing hair blowing through me. Its still nicely made and the BG (especially the gray top with the Acorn sigma) is nicely done.

WRITER: Romy Chacon
ARTIST: Art Mawhinney

The entire first panel starts with a first person narrative by some teacher Hope has. Who that person is clearly unknown and were definitely not getting an answer in here. Im gonna go with the teacher from #114, but heres hoping itll be solved by next issue. For some odd reason, Art drew the tall buildings in the library despite being located in Knothole Village. Even if it is now called Knothole City, the entire area is completely surrounded by forests and dont have the whole skyscraper deal, so whats up with this?
Scene shows Hope inside, researching for her history report and despite the teacher saying shes one of his/her best student, she likes to do things at the last moment. Yea, I do that, too, and most of the time, I still pass with flying colors, unless its Math, in which Ill fail like live turkey in Thanksgiving. The library have one of them flat screen computer, nice! I dont get it, people can make some nice computers, but it took them till #72 to invent TV? Barring the echidnas in which they have everything technology related to make the Asians drive in jealously.
Hope scans around the computer until she spots an interesting history to write: The Original Freedom Fighters, apparently something that was once forgotten despite only a decade apart. Kids these day have no sense of keeping history alive.
Hope prints the information and wastes ink at the same time. Shes so self absorbed to not see a friend of hers or at least someone who knows her name pass by her and Sonic doesnt know where hes going that his windy speed (Not THAT windy speed) drops Hopes note all the way through. Sonic becomes the good boy scout he is and picks them all up for her. Before Sonic could get away from here, Hope uses her own super speed to quickly tell Sonic about the Original Freedom Fighters.
They head off to the Lake of Rings to have some peace and quiet. There, Sonic names the five original group, which, unfortunately, doesnt have any girls. Kinda sad. But now, the introduction of the original Freedom Fighters:

*Col. Tig No, I am not related to Bubsy the Bobcat or Bonkers Stripe
*Spot I once was the stunt double for the giraffe of Toys R Us Long
*Sir My mother was very vindictive Peckers
*Private Trey My tongue always sticks out of my mouth in annoying manner" Scales
*MP Bull No, the MP doesnt stand for "Magic Points Bones

I dont see why they had to be explained twice name wise. Sonic explains how Col. Stripe was da man with the Master Plan ...Yea, I know, I know, but its a lot better then most of the corny dialogues in M25YL. Any who, he was the man who formed the original FF after the Robotnik takeover. Despite his retirement, he becomes the good citizen he is and ignores the potential for a heart attack by getting the people from invading Swatbots to safety with his friends and companions as well as kick some butt with corny lines (Let me designate your bot-tocks.) Ugh, terrible. Passing a Sly 2 ad (a game which I must play).
In the flashback, five year old Sonic (yay, they kept the gap on his teeth), is scared as he is lost. Col. Stripes ignore proper child treatment by telling Sonic to find Rosie, Julyala, and anyone he can find to go to Knothole via secret entrance in Old Man Gallaghers house. Old Man Gallagers house? When did that occur in the comic? Then again, it IS an in joke...well, I assume. And how on Mobius did Sonic know what Col. Said before he showed up in the flashback? *sigh* Any who, he makes Sonics job rather obsolete by making the others do the same thing he was sent to do.
Sonic continues on how Col. Stripe has created Knothole Village. I swear, wasnt the village made before even that time? I dont have the issue where Penders made a profile of Knothole Village (currently, theyre all packed for moving day), but hasnt those huts been around since King Fredericks time? Then, I ask myself, does it matter anymore? By the second story, Romy has already proven she cant handle simple consistency.
The next scene shows little Sonic and Sally overhearing the original FF in a meeting. MP Bones is pissed and smashes the table in said clich manner, almost knocking a lantern that could have caused the entire village to set fire and probably start a domino effect and have gotten the others and everyone will blame him and hell end up in jail and...errr...any who, Sonic talks of how cool Col. Stripes was. They mainly talk of how to attack and stop Robotnik and so forth and so forth. Skipping pass a Sabrina the Teenage Witch ad (which I STILL think the manga style is mainly to increase sales, and the fact that her eyes and giant lips scare me), Col. Stripes then comes forth and speaks of his plan: get all strategic and become the Freedom Fighters. Everyone agrees, even Sonic and Sally who shows their sign of justice despite their evil eavesdropping little hearts.
So Sonic continues by saying how they did this and did that, even rescuing a 7 year old Sonic who doesnt use his head as he tried to be a big boy and save the world from Robotnik all on his own only to be rescued by them (the original FF), while lampooning how he still thinks Col. Stripes is the coolest thing since sliced bread.
And obviously they become great heroes. Sir Peckers is also used as a carrier pigeon to spread the word of what they are (oh, sure risk him getting roboticized) and to organize FFs everywhere.
Fast forward to the present where Sonic skips a stone, obviously angry about something. Hope asks and we understand why he is angry: Someone in the FF betrayed their own.


Everyone whos anyone whos knowledgeable of the Archie Sonic comic know full well Romy Chacon was a gifted writer way back when she first made her debut. Sometime in #129, she made her first flunker and unfortunately, only gradually went down the tube to the point where she was responsible for the irritating and uninspiring Tommy Turtle Trilogy. In such a way is it surprising to see a story from Romy Chacon that handles in a solid effort. The concept of original Freedom Fighters is an exceptional interesting work and does add a lot to Sonic and Sally to continue their work. It is rather nice to see Sonics role model is actually someone he knew and interacted from the past. It seems he is rather passionate about these guys and how their lives affected him in such a way that he continues to work as a Freedom Fighter today (or soldiers or whatever). The story tends to jump around in places, but generally its straightforward, so its nothing bad. And that the fact that she made SOME use for Hope, even thought its little, is a good sign, although her bumping in between the story might have further emphasized her character.
Despite the good, theres still the bad in which continuity errors a plenty, namely on the history of Knothole Village. The story indicates that the original FF has made it and yet, there have been other scenes where that wasnt the case. The one that pops into my head is Sonic #57 where we see young Sonic with young Sally speeding off to an already built Knothole Village. In honestly, after reading the second story stuffed in here, continuity error with Romy is an all knowing point. The other problem is we get little personality from the original FF themselves, which is kind of sad, especially if they affected Sonic so greatly. Even if theyre stuck for two parts, more then likely, Id have love to see more of their personality. It also doesnt help that the original FF had corny names. I mean, Sir Peckers? MP Bull Bones? Theyre obvious puns on their names, even worse off then Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. I mean, at least their names match well with their abilities, the originals just have names that match with what species that are. Shame.
And of course, even if its a straightforward story in general, it jumps into different stories, making it less of a story and more of a documentary. *Yawn*
The main question now lies in what will await us in Part 2. Despite being a filler, its a solid one, nonetheless, and it does makes us wonder, what will happen to the original FF? Who betrayed them to the point where they are seemingly forgotten by so many (which is kinda unknown at this point with their lack of personality)? I assume that their fates would have been an uneasy one because of their absence in the main time period. But most importantly (and this is the one that makes me want to know) is how will this affect the current Freedom Fighters. The editor in last issue stated that the original FFs history could be a foreshadowing of the current. If that is the case, will someone close to the FF betray them as well? A question that bothers me as all the characters we know in FF we grew up and loved for the past 10 years. Such a tempting answer that awaits and its further prove of that at least Romy did something right, which is saying something nowadays.

With all the super details and hoo-has with WB, its nice to see simple artworks from Art. Case in point, he delivers, even on Hope who looked awkward at first, but gradually gets better art wise. The shadowing is some nice work, which kind of makes up for the little flaws in the comic. I mean, in the last panel, Tails looks the same age as the current FF when hes suppose to be a baby.
Id also like to say, whoever designed the original FF (whether it be Art or someone else), its insanely lacking something. It doesnt have that oomph to it. I mean Col. Stripes looks like what he is suppose to look like but how many times have we seen that blue army outfit? Ive seen it on Antoine, Ive seen it on the commander in Knuckles #19-#21 (I forgot his name), and so forth. Spot Long has an uninspired vest and turtleneck, Sir Peckers has the typical pilot gear because hes a bird, obviously, and so forth. Its so lacking and unoriginal, it yawns me. Im sorry, but Im not impressed by it. And apparently, Art draws Julayla in her squirrel form or something instead of cat form. Considering hes drawn her as a cat form until today, this seems to be Julaylas official look.
At least the coloring is simple and NOT shiny like Jenson usually puts on. And I do like how Hope seems to have different outfit attires, ranging from spacesuit to sweats to ugly suspenders to her current wear now.

WRITER: Romy Chacon
ARTIST: Steven Butler
COLORIST: Jason Jenson

Skipping past an Archie ad for a brand new show (is Archie that popular enough to guarantee a new cartoon?), we see 10 year old Amy screaming that she wants to be a Freedom Fighters. Sally emphasizes she cant and Tails can because he is experienced despite their same age. No offense, but thats a load of bull (and Ill explain in the review). Amy runs off with thunderclouds in her head, the same thing she did in the first issue of the SA adaptation.
Turns out this was all a flashback that Sally is talking to as she makes an announcement to the other FF with Amy watching and listening in embarrassment. Its okay, Amy, were all embarrassed. Sally explains how that was her first inclination of wanting to be an FF, the second using the billionth ring to be older. Okay, hang on, time out, rewind, go back, stop, zero, zip, slow down.
The last time that ring was mentioned was WAY long ago. I dont have the issue of said ring, but from what I heard, it was a now on a plaque now located in Sonics house. If ANYONE has a copy of the first and second issue of the SA adaptation (#79 and #80), take a look. Last I heard, she used the RING OF ACORN and the shape was definitely a ROUND CRYSTAL BALL form then a magic donut shaped ring. No, just no. Its truly not hard to tell the difference between the two, even by physical appearance. Ones white, the others yellow. Simple, no? Sheesh.
Any who, Sally continues on how Amy was still immature and young mentally despite aging, but now shes grown to be a beautiful young lady, inside and out. Oooh, Sally be flirting with Amy! Fanfic writers rejoice! Of course, Amy nervously gives her gratitude.
Basically, Sally talks of Amy on what she did, including her destroying thousands of Swatbots which even Amy herself couldnt do, no matter how magically she is, before she interrupts, gets a stern look from Sally, whom she apologizes to. With the wind seemingly blowing in her hair, she speaks of nothing of it and awards Amy with a medal to which Amy is getting choked about. Then Sally asks to join the FF and Amy is more then pleased. She makes it known in the last panel which is just screaming cuteness.

The good can stem from the fact that this is an Amy Rose story showing how she came to be an FF, the bad can be all the little flaws I see.
Aside from the Ring of Acorns mistake, the story suffers from the lack of Amy Rose for half the story. It seems more like Sally is trying to scooch over and explain what Amy did then herself. I find it more affective if Amy herself told of what she did and some inspiring speech that makes her cry more then Oscar winning stars. Certainly would have emphasize that it IS an Amy Rose story. This is much about Sally pulling a Chris Thorndyke in this story with Amy just seen in the background for half the story. Not good considering this story centers around Amy.
The other flaw lies in Amys age. She cries and cries to join when she was 10, but was constantly shot down because of her age, even though Tails, the same age as her, has joined. Now, an interesting note stems from Psx who explained that the current FF were FF training since they were five. They had no choice but to fight and by declining Amy, they were protecting her. What I dont get, however good that reason was, if they were declining her, why did they take Tails so easily? Remember he was just a baby when the start of Robotniks tyranny began and five when he joined. Were they THAT desperate for people that they had him when Im sure there were other survivors as well in the village that could be more potentially used then a little baby who joined when he was FIVE? Granted, I dont have SSS#5 which explains Tails role in the FF, but if they trained Tails at half the age Amy begged to join, why is Amy left out? Yes, she was completely helpless back then, but proper training and shed have been a great FF as she is now. Its a load of bull that I sincerely dont see as a major excuse, especially since Tails trained MUCH younger then they did. Given the choice, wouldnt Sally and Sonic rather have Tails kept safe in the same manner they do Amy then just let him join? I dont blame Romy on this matter as this was already pointed out in the SA adaptation, but its rant that needs to be said, and I do blame her for using this age restriction in this story. I dont like it. I wish this actually mattered more, but it doesnt anymore due to her aging and maturing (which, while not as well emphasized in the series as I liked, at least she did mature). The entire age thing is such a moot point now. What a major disappointment.
The third and final flaw is basically the concept of the FF. One of the workers in Archie (I forgot who) has mentioned the FF are no more. They are now soldiers to the Acorn royal, yet they feel compelled to still be called the Freedom Fighters. So, which is it? Either Romy is lacking yet another step in inconsistencies or even the people in Archie has yet to figure out WHAT theyre suppose to be called as they fight. My theory lies in the fact that as soon as Sally took charge in #138, The FF name came back again or the FF are reserved for special fighters. Whatever it is, its making me have a splitting headache now.


Steven Butler delivers the goods with detailed artwork. Ive always admired his drawing of Amy Rose, keeping rather well close to her Sega counterpart. Im truly impressed by it all, but it still irks me that the Piko Piko Hammer still isnt the same as it should be, last I check, anyways. It also seems Rob O the Hedge has now joined the FF army, or he came to see Amy Rose get her medal. I wish Dulcy would been shown, especially since she and Amy sprked some interesting friendship together. Other then the shininess of it all, nice artwork. Although I swear, there is something about that tutu on young Amy Rose that kinda scares me.

WRITER: Ken Penders
ARTIST: Steven Butler
COLORIST: Jason Jenson

The events of previous M25YL is giving Knuckles the biggest headache of his life, which actually and ironically relates with most of the readers in here already impatient with this story as it is. As Knuckles heads down, he thinks of breakfast instead of the current disaster he has. Geez, nice to know how calm he can be during a time where the VERY rip of time and space is falling apart. Hes thoughts on whether hed have bacon or eggs are cut short when Lara mentions how she wants to be a Guardian again, a plot point which wasnt mentioned since #131, thats over 10 issues ago.
Scene changes to the scientists who discuss on how to solve this problem and what better way then further ruining space and time by going back in time? Cobar points it out best, Have you gone mad? As if zone hopping and others that rip the space/time continuum was bad enough, we must ironically make it suffer more so by traveling through time. And why are you two scientists again? Even if it means saving the world, would it cause more harm then good? Only one way to find out, wait for the issue that explains all this.
Scene change to Sonic complaining yet again on how he sucks as a King and how he wants to quit his job, but cant due to him married to Sally. Honestly, you love the girl and you became King because of her. Either deal with it and hush up or just divorce her. Knuckles calls Sonic over and the two head over to the scientists where they explain on the concept of time traveling with the catch being that it is possible theyll be stuck there. Sheesh, talk about breaking time travel, especially if their older counterpart meant their younger selves. In Back to the Future: Part 2, seeing ones selves can trigger a paradox that could wipe out the entire universe. The main exception is if their reactions tends to be different, such is the case when Jennifer meat her older counterpart and they both fainted, possible making them both think this was all a dream so that the whole universe blowing up thing is left unhinged. Then again, I've seen many time traveling shows where past and present has met before. Oh, yea...and where's Lien-Da? She show sup unexpectively last issue and we get no sign of her in this one? Wassup with that?

The story is actually getting to the point where its actually going to DO something about the durn End of the World thing and I say, ABOUT TIME! Im not gonna 100% praise this unless I actually DO see them travel through time, but this is actually a step up considering the full year this plot has been lacking in M25YL.
The other nice thing is the return of Laras wish to be Guardian, but unfortunately, they had to wait over 10 issues for Lara to bring this up again. 10! Its such a shame that she takes little spotlight as it is, considering how much of an anticipated character she was. Stuck with sleepovers and little cute chats with her mother, Lara was basically stuck in second base then being further emphasized on, especially considering this IS a future based story. I admit its better late then never to host Laras interest in the Guardian, but 10 issues?! We could have Lara arguing with her father on how she wants to be a Guardian all the while as he was in the middle of a meeting trying to save the world, but he cant concentrate with his daughter annoying him.
Whatever the case is, the story is somewhat turning for the best in that its doing something and even reviving Laras interest in Guardianship which is a good sign, so heres hoping for SOME sort of miracle.
On the other, unrelated matter, does anyone see how Manic is chosen to be King instead of Sonia because he is a male? Its kind of confusing considering Sally was more then willing to take over as ranging Queen and her father was more then willing for his daughter to do so. WHY would Sally choose Manic over Sonia? At the current moment, Manic shows no signs of wanting to be King, let alone prince, while Sonia does. Wassup with that, Sal?

Beautiful artwork from Butlers as always. Really hard to point out much flaws other then Jensons shininess. His drawing of Sally here is particularly intriguing in this issue which saids a lot since I dont like her long hair (its probably because it was stylish that I love it here).

Mike mentions Shadow (not interested), reprints of all the Super Specials from #1 to #10, answers letters such as Cream/Cheeses appearance as well as Metal Sonic, and even a Rouge story which I certainly would like to see. Fanart wise, some nice group pics of the characters I like as well as broomstick Tails which is kinda not needed as Tails can fly without the use of a magic broom, but eh. Last, but not least, some Neopets ad (I never saw the hype behind those things), and Shrek 2 twinkles which I avoid (dislike sugary foods in general).

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

Sonic #139. An issue I've reviewed after 140. It answers some of my questions
I had about 140. My subscription is renewed and I can finally continue this
long-as-heck delay in reviews.

"Return to Angel Island Part 2: Avatar"
LAVA REEF ZONE- ANGEL ISLAND. As you remember, Sonic and crew were about to
attack the Dark Legion in the shadows. Sonic avoids one leigonaire and kicks
their fire sword loose. He uses it on another leigonaire's sword. They both
short-circuit and knock Sonic and the leigonaire across the field. Knuckles,
"kittened" or not, is just itching to bash the DL. Mighty knocks 2
leigonaires' heads together, Espio confuses one by xooming past them, Ray
continues to trip =P, Julie-Su pulls one's hood down, making them miss, and
Charmy tornadoes one. They were doing well, except for Vector, unable to take
the heat. All of a sudden, Lara-Le cuts everyone off, saying that they're all
on the same side. Knuckles notices and gets a hug from her. Wynmacher welcomes
him as "Avatar." Lara claims they've both missed Knux. As you mighta guessed,
he's curious as to why er'rbody else's hangin' widda Dark Leagion. They're the
Island's resistance agains the Dingoes according to Wyn, who won't quit calling
Knuckles "Avatar". Lara-Le invites everyone to a bath and a rest. They take a
giant ring to the ~Hidden Palace Zone~ and find a whole crowd worshiping
Knuckles. Ugh! I hate idolization, but here is a nice dialogue between
Sonic and Knuckles. Sonic states that he didn't get such a reception upon
returning from the dead, which makes Knux wanna hurt Sonic. Nice one there.^_^
Knuckles is confused why all of the echidnas are here. This white echidna with
either a horn or a third eye on his forehead(it's impossible to tell since he's
facing the front on this and the next page) says they be living in freedom now
that the DL's liberated them from Eggman's prison camps. As previously
mentioned, I reviewed this issue after I did 140, so it left some questions in
mind like who this echidna is. His name is Finitevus. He prefers to be called
a "Doctor." This place is a sanctuary where the ecidna spicies can live
without oppression of the Dingoes. He leads Sonic and Knuckles to the Hidden
Palace Zone, now on top of a mountain in an area surroundes by cliffs. It's
now a shrine. Once there, Finitevus informs none other than Kommisiar(is still
used to saying "Lien-Da") sporting a new outfit that I'm not very fond of. Can
you say "Rouge"? Kinda similar, except it's black. She now has a whip. I think
of whips as evil devices. There's a moniter of Ristar in the background if
you look hard enough. What it's for, I have no idea.
Knuckles asks if this
is a joke because the garbled message he recieved told him to come here to
rescue his dad. Lara-Le says she contacted Knux to tell him that Locke
wasn't there. Lien-Da says after the dingoes' Leader, General Kage,
caught Locke, Lara-Le used the telecommunications port to breach Eggman's
jamming signal to contact Knuckles. He cares only about seeing the Master
Emerald. Sonic and Knuckles follow Lein-Da to the hall where that painting of
the Death Egg and Super Sonic was in Sonic & Knuckles was. It's funny seeing
as how I was just studying this painting on the actual game the very
day before I read this issue. Knuckles wantsta know who made the painting.
According to Lien-Da, nobody knows since it's ancient. She leads the two to
the end of the hall, which contains the Master Emerald in a HUGE shrine!
When Robo-warp's forces invades Echidnaopolis, the Brotherhood fought to ensure
that the M.E. wouldn't fall into his possession. They succeeded, but they're
still mussung. A day and a half ago, while the dingoes approached Haven, Locke
entrusted the DL to care for the Emerald while he was it's Gaurdian. He
decided to dace the dingoes. Lien-Da claims that the Dark Liegon is now hers
since Dimitri's not available but at least he's not dead as M:25YL proves. As
Knuckles is about to continue, he gets zapp-drained by the M.E. and Lien-Da
states that he might not be as invincible as the others believe he is.

~LATER...~ Sonic and Knuckles are outside of the shrine wondering why Knuckles
was weakened by the M.E. He remembers what Aurora told him. There'd be serious
concequences if he chose to return from the afterlife. The ME does the opposite
of what it used to do. It's draining him instead of strengthening him. Julie-Su
still has faith in him even though he can't fo a thing about it. Mighty gets
bored from doing nothing and gets the urge to beat up more dingoes. Finetivus
says then need to wait until their double agent cantacts them and tells them
where Kage and I-won't-say-his-name-in-order-to-avoid-a-spoiler are.
Just then an echidna couple, Pollu and Meri-Ca family comes in with their
daughter, Desi-Ca, who's had her eyes sealed shut during the dingo invasion.
They couldn't accept the DL's cybernetic implants when they could see one of
the Avatar's miracles(why you...!!! I hope they're not trying to make a Jesus
rip-off! I can only think of it as blaspheny! I hope it's not!). I totally
agree with Finetivus, who's ticked to hear that. They shoulda acepted the DL's
offer instead of believing Knuckles could do it. They just missed out on their
only chance to restore their daughter's sight and can't get another. I
don't, however, agree that Knuckles didn't care about the Island just
'cause he wasn't on it for a year. He just didn't have a way to get back.
Knuckles tells the echidna family that he's not the one the prophecy speaks of.
Vector wonders if that's confirmed or not since they don't have any proof.
Julie-Su believes what Finetivus says: the prophecy is a piece of junk. Vector
believes that she'll believe anything the DL says. As they continue to argue
(I thought they settled this in Sonic#122), Knux stops 'em, angry at how this
mission's been turning out. It's been surprise after surprise with no progress,
but wait. There's one last surprise. Lara-Le instoduces Knuckles to...
his baby brother! TO BE CONTINUED!

I wish I could have finished this review alot earlier. It's been delayed for 3
and a half months! This first story is well worth it. I like how WB draws
everyone here but I don't get some of his Easter Eggs(including the Ristar
one). He still rules, though. Whoever wrote the story must have been thinking
of Jeus at the time because He's the real Miracle Man. Any
others come to my mind as a blasphemy, and I can't forgive it because there are
tons of blasphemizers at GameFAQs's Message Boards. I hope it doesn't
go to their heads. Besides that, this was an almost percect story that deserves
4 1/2 rings. Brace yo'selves 'cuz this next one's got a bit of evil in it as

MOBIUS: 25 YEARS LATER: "Slumber Party"
Dinner is over and the women focus on the kids. Abby repares a snack for the
girls, while Julie-Su "carries up the frutello"(what's a "frutello"?). Queen
Sally is left with nothing to do but be a guest since Abby don't want nobody
messin' widda kitchen. Julie-Su expected Manik to be in the Game Room because
she don't think he'd hand out with girls. He's with the girls playing a Spin
the Bottle Game. It's his spin since he's the only male in the room. Nobody
trusts him. When the women arrive in the room, Lara-Su tries to change Manik's
mind about his offer to let them join the game. He makes an excuse that he has
to see his dad and rushes off. More on this later. Julie-Su asks Lara-Su to
explain what happened. Lara-Su says she was thinking of Salma when Queen Sally
was talking about just talking about how "boys are hard to firuge out"(which
I left out on purpose for a reason explained later on. Lara-Su asks is Salma's
been out dating without permission. She's snitchin, saying that Salma was
dating Rutan, whose mom doesn't know. As Salm ais about to blow a fuse,
Julie-Su promisses not to say anything unless Salma's mom does, which could
kill Salma.
Abby offers the food mentioned before and Sonia orders the jellystars. Lara-Le
switches the game of choice to Situation. Meanwhile, King Sonic is playing a
game of Pool when Manik steps in, surprised to see him doing so. The King
doesn't get the chance to show Manik, but now isn't one of those times. Sonic's
willing to show Manik how to play. Lara-Su and Sonia've been thinking what the
deal with everyone's dads is. They don't get along as fine with each other as
the women do. They have alot in common but don't see eye-to-eye, like when
Knuckles first men Julie-Su. She says she's loved him from the start. Knuckles
is staring outside the window at the moon still trying to figure out a
solution to the waether problem. TO BE CONTINUED!

To get this out, I HATE SEXISM!!! It's too common in this planet wether it be
male or female, it shouldn't exist! They should get ridda Barbie, Bratz,
Hotweels, Tyco RC, etc! That's what I meant by "Evil" earlier. Anyway, this
sin takes a rating off of the rings count as I can't believe Ken would allow
it to exist here. Besides that, it gets better next issue, and there's no
sexism, thank you very much. 3 1/2 rings. The fanart section is up and I elect
Scoggins', Rivera's, and Guzman Jr.'s th winners. It's glad to finally get done
with this review after over 3 months!

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

Guess I'm outta things to say for an intro so I'll just start the review.

As the first page comes up, we get a picture of a really freaky-looking
Lien-Da. It's kinda funny but still freaky.

"RETURN TO ANGEL ISLAND PART 3: Ultimate Hero" Hunter, someone I haven't been
introduced to way back when, has located the DL's hiding place and is ordered
to swipe the M.E.
~DINGO CITY~ Locke is aware that Hunter is looking for the Emerald. Ko believes
that is everyone didn't waste time and power trying to rescue Locke, Hunter
wouldn't be there. Sonic agrees to take Knuckles with him according to Locke.
Knuckles claims that without his Chaos powers, he can only cheer. Sonic
advises Knuckles to lose the gear to prevent slowdown.
~THE HIDDEN PALACE~ As Komissiar predicted, Hunter's now at the HP. He captures
Fr. Finetivus and Wynmacher. They order Lara-LE to safegaurd the ME. Just then,
Archimedes pops up and orders everyone to the Master Emerald shrine. Locke
entrusted Archy to keep an eye on the ME while he was away so he's in charge.
Remmington step up to attack but doesn't stand a chance between Hunter. In
just one zap, Remmington is vanished info thin air. Next up in Dr. Finetivus,
but they had to cut his scene out. Whyyyyyy?! What happened?!!! *ahem* Now it's
up to Saffron, Archy, Wyn, and Lara-Le(does Kneecaps count?) to succeed. But
Sonic and Knuckles enter the hood and get ready to rumble. Hunter throuw his
"dagger"(is it a dagger?), just narrowly missing the two. Knuckles is
surprised to see Archy here. Just then, Hunter cooks up a little something
using his bumper: a bouncing game. It's almost like the tradition of pinball
levels, but I wish the did more than just bouncing because I love pinball!
This'll delay Sonic from stopping Hunter. Just then, something happens to
Knuckles as he's about to attack.
~MEANWHILE~ The Chaotix and the rest return to find Locke and the dingoes in
the house. Komissiar is still mad that it's Locke's "fault" for letting the
secret base be discovered. Julie-Su butts in to say that that Komissiar wasn't
forced to accept the Emrerald but chose to do it because of the power it
contains. She's been complaining about how she wanted to be entrusted with the
M.E., taunting Knuckles for how it zapped him of energy and complained about
her responsibilities. Julie-Su says if Ko wantsta be a real leader, she should
grow up and start acting like one. Can't argue with that one. Ju and Vec ain't
got time to stick around for this so they head on out, leaving Lien-Da to take
care of her own problems in her head. Charmy takes Julie-Su and sets off to
find Saffron and Knux.
~BACK TO THE HOOD AGAIN~ Knuckles is worn out, givin Hunter the perfec chance
to attack. Knuckles then begins to glow beserk and then evolves into...
Hyper Knucles!!! For some reason, he's called "Super Knuckles". He grabs
Hunter and carries him hig into the sky and throws him away to drown in the
water. Just then, the dingoes retreat while the echidna crowd hails avatar's
"name", which, of course, ticks Lien-Da off to no limit. Knuckles reverts
back to normal, no, REALLY normal, as it turns out his Chaos powers have
returned! Knuckles doesn't know how. According to Archy, they've been sleeping
since resurrection. It doesn't matter to Doctor Robotnik now that he's got the
location of the M.E. an dhis Egg Pawns are ready to swipe it. Locke and
Knuckles agree to move the Master Emerald to a new location. Knuckles asks
where Remmington is. According to Archimedes, him and the Doc are gone due to
Hunter's Chaos Spear. But isn't that the name of Shadow's attack?
~MOMENTS LATER~ Knux hands his title of Gaurdian to Locke as he promissed the
Princess he'd return when he's finished since if he takes over Mobius, then
the planet, including Angel Island, would fall. Knuckles takes the time to say
goodbye to his parents before he leaves them, probabally forever. He's got a
new home now. And thus ends RETURN TO ANGEL ISLAND.
but Robotnik's plan isn't. He's in a big room with all of the captured echidnas
from Hunter. Among them is Remmy, havin ghis brain and energy drained.

Yeah! The end of the rescue plan for Angel Island babayy! Besides more
outstanding art from John Gray, I liked this one, but not as much as the last.
I dunno why. MAybe because it was funnier. Anyway, it's good to see the good
ol' pinball reference in the Sonic genre as well as Hyper Knuckles! I haven't
seen him since 1998 when I saw issue 56 on the shelves. It was one of the first
Sonic comics I saw and awaited more info on Hyper Knuckles. I got it and now,
he's finally back!!! This time, forever! Anytime he knows how to awaken his
powers, he can count on... someone to fly him up there Since he won't be able
to glide if he don't got 'em. This was a wonderful story and I'm glad to see
ot all the way through.

MOBIUS: 25 YEARS LATER: "Scenario"

As the story opens, Cobar is busy readind a paper that shows the weather
diagrams of the planet. According to it, the process is speeding up. Sonic and
Knuckles arrive in an unknown way. After Knuckles' explaination, Sonic is
surprised that Rotor didn't tell him that Knux is Lien-da's chief scientist.
Back to business. As they're discussing what's going on, Julie-Su can't stay
asleep. Same goes wih Sally downstairs. They discuss it there. Sally thinks
Sonic and Knuckles are outside just to duke it. Julie-Su knows that's not
Knuckles on the inside, but it's Sonic Sally's worried about. He hasn't been
himself for a couple of days. I think it's been one evening and one night
since the Hedgehogs arrived at the Echidnas'.

Back at the lab again, Cobar isn't able to explain this enrtopic buildup on the
planet but Rotor is. The space/time continuom is breakin gup on the sub-quantum
level. It would usually be natural for this to happen, but thanks to Sonic it
isn't. Now pay attention 'cause this is just awsome! The King was involved in
3 time/space interrupting events: 1) When he entered the Cosmic
Interstate way back in the day of Sonic#11. 2) When Robotnik fired the
Ultimate Annihilator in his final minute in Sonic#50 and SSS#6. 3 And
when Sonic destroyed the Quantum Dial in Sonic#125. But since Zone jumping is
normal, it mightn't be Sonic's fault. The Dark Leigon's messed with the
continuom for centuries as did Knuckles, but not nearly as long. So Unless
everyone and all available recources are around, they're done for. Sonic and
Knuckles are ready. Lien-Da overhears the conversation and steps in wanting to
know what she missed. Since Sonic and Knuckles have important roles, she
figures that what's to be heard is important as well. TO BE CONTINUED!

I'm finally up-to dated with reviews again. I thought I'd never get back but I
am! This story is about to get very interesting. I can feel it! It was pure
genius to use the old issues of Sonic to plot an event that'd eventually mean
disaster if not treated. I've always loved that. They probabally haven't been
plannig that for the past decade, though. 5 rings! As for the fanart, I like
all of them and congratulate their artists. If only I could get
mine in...

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

Issue 143

Editor-in-Chief: Richard Goldwater; Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick; Editor: Mike Pellerito

Sonic by Patrick Spaziante; Scroll penciled by Steve Butler, inked by Jim Amash, and colored by J.D. Ray.

Sonic is shocked to discover there might be trouble for him, as he stands in front of a scroll depicting a deformed Robotnik laughing at the OFF...

Art Score: 5/10. This pic just doesn't do anything for me...

Drawn by J. Axer, colored by Jason Jensen.

The OFF aren't feeling too well (except for Scales, who has the snout of an alligator...)

"The Original Freedom Fighters" Part 2
Written by Romy Chacon, penciled by Art Mawhinney, inked by Jim Amash, lettered by Jeff Powell, colored by J. &. A Ray.

Story: Hope's teacher tells the readers about how Sonic told Hope about how Private Scales betrayed the Original Freedom Fighters, and (known only to Uncle Chuck until he got his free will back) how Robotnik robotized the OFF and sent them into the "Void" (read "Zone of Silence").

First of all, stories within stories are always hard to handle -- I can't believe we were given a narration of Sonic telling his tale!

Secondly, I now admit it-- Romy is way too SatAM orientated. I mean, hello? The King was trapped in the Zone of Silence in Archie, not the Void! The Void only showed up in one issue, in which it was shown to be just that-- empty.

Oh, and was having Scales be the traitor ridiculously obvious type-casting, or what? (I'm also getting quite bored with the "I betrayed you to join Robotnik-- hey, why is Robotnik roboticizing me?!" thing. Been there, done that...)

Connecting things in with the origin of the Freedom Fighters in Super Special 5 was a nice touch, though. Same goes for having Hope's teacher be Stripe's wife. (I don't call her his widow, as presumably they're still alive in the Zone.)

It's interesting that Rosie seemed to have a crush on Stripe, considering that he is and was married. If he hadn't been roboticized and exiled, we might have seen a very different side to these supposed paragons of virtue...

Oh, and that present-day traitor the previews were hinting about? Unless they were referring to Hope leaving Sonic to watch the Power Ring Pool when she'd promised to do it, there's nary a hint of such a thing.

Story Score: Major points off for the mistakes listed above. Otherwise, okay. 6/10.

Art: There are two major styles in this story-- one for the scenes with Sonic and Hope, another for the flashbacks. Oddly, though, coloring is the only thing credited with more than one artist... The art in the Sonic/Hope scenes are a bit too cartoony for my tastes (my guess is Aimee Ray colored them, while the inking in the flashback scenes clashes with Art's art...

I can't help but wonder if Peckers was supposed to look so tired and depressed? It's an interesting characterization.

After all that time the colorists couldn't remember that Eggman has a pink nose, now we're given a pink nosed Robotnik Prime. *shakes head*

Art Score: 7/10

Overall Score for "OFF Pt2": 6.5/10

"Mobius 25 Years Later": "Father's Day"
Script, art, & lettering by Ken Penders, colors by Jason Jensen.

Story: Knuckles reminisces about Locke's death from cancer (no doubt brought on by the radiation he exposed himself to in preparation for conceiving Knuckles), and decides to allow Lara-Su to decide whether or not to be Guardian. (Uh, hasn't she already made her choice obvious?)

The story takes up two chapters instead of the usual one-- which allows Ken to actually get a chapter's worth of story done for once. (I can't believe he still hasn't gotten used to telling short stories again-- it's been several years since Knuckles folded!)

Story Score: 7.4/10

Art: Ken's back in the drawing groove, and Jensen's colors compliment his drawings perfectly. (Although things are still a little too shiny...) ...Of course, as Drazen is sure to point out, there's no sign of the terrible weather we've been hearing about...!

I especially liked the lighting in the forest.

Art Score: 8.5/10

Overall Score for "M25YL": 7.95/10

The art and Editorial page are switched. As I can see no reason for this, I'm assuming it's a layout/printing error. Sloppy, folks...

Fan Art: A badly drawn Super Sonic vs a blue turkey called "Metal Sonic (Perfect Mode)" by Alex Olson (nice lettering, though!); A huge eyed Sally by Kit Reagan; a crouching Tails following a butterfly by Mark Teo; a chipmunk-cheeked Tails by Michael Hanlon; a brown Sonic with a blue mohawk running through what looks like night, by Jacob Tench; Sonic standing on a wall (is it Zonic? or did they put the picture sideways?) by Mat Lippiello; and Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow by Melissa Ramirez. My fan-art awards go to Kit Reagan, Mark Teo, and Melissa Ramirez.

Letters: Letters from Mat Bently (Sonic's # 1.5 fan), Tim Moore (Sonic's #100 fan), Garet Lang (Sonic's #1 #1 fan), and Mike Durkin (Sonic's #1 fan). Also, Sonic's #1 "Find Your Name in Print" section.

Start: Coming Summer 2005: Sonic X the Comic! Of course, they're waiting for the popularity of the show to die down before they do a comic... Still, it's interesting they think the Sonic franchise can support two comic series! I wonder if Archie'll be publishing it? It wouldn't hurt to get some of the Archie Sonic artists on board, but they'll need a new writer or two... hopefully a good one... (And how can they truly adapt the show without just copying it? It can be done, but it's tricky... We'll have to see.)

Next Issue: M25YL takes center stage, as Ken performs his most astonishing feat yet: with almost an entire issue to play with, he'll make less than nothing happen! ...Also, Romy Chacon gives us a tale of the SatAM cast's explanation for what happened to the cast of "Archie-Sonic: One Year Later" in Karl Boller's "Home" saga...

Off Panel
Written by Mike Gallagher, drawn by Dave Manak, colored by "Claude Monape".
A bug complains about how few bugs made it into the cast of Sonic. (He forgot about Arachnis and the Termite-nator, though!)

Final Thoughts
I was not impressed. However, it could have been a lot worse... Now, we just need to get through 144, and maybe we can see what Mike P. can really do...

Overall Score for Issue 143: 6.5/10

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

Issue 144
Editor in Grief: Richard Goldwater; (Not Amused) Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick; (Kind of Amused) Editor: Mike "Grandpappy" Pellerito; special thanks to Robert Leffler & Dyna Lopez at SEGA Licensing. Additional jokes by Tito "The Prune" Pena.

Well, this issue we wrap up M25YL, the longest pointless story the series has seen, with a chapter even longer and more pointless than usual. We also get a story from Romy Chacon that's part really, really good, and part weird.

In other words, more of the same, only more-so...

Cover & Frontis:
Penciled by Steven "Get the" Butler, Inked by Ken "Codger" Penders, Colored by Jason "Geriatric" Jensen.

On the cover, future Sonic leaps through time at the reader, to a green Queen Sally's dismay. (She looks good in green, unlike Knuckles. She should keep the look. :)

In the Frontis, We see shattering glass with reflections of M25YL characters.

Eh, whatever.

Score: Cover-- 6/10; Frontis-- 7/10; over-all-- 6.5/10

M25YL: "The Die is Cast"
Written by Ken Penders, Penciled by Steven Butler, Inked by Jim Amash, lettered by John E. Workman, colored by Jason Jensen.

Summary: Knux tells Lara-Su she can be Guardian, and to keep an eye on things while he's gone. Instead, she stows away on the ship taking Rotor, Cobor, Sonic, & Knux to the Badlands, where Robotnik's time-device awaits. Sonic goes first, but something goes wrong, and the future ceases to exist. The End.

Art: Butler at his best; Jensen at his normal level of shininess...

Comments: There's a scene in Ghostbusters II where Ray says to the Ghostbusters' lawyer, Lewis Tully, "Thanks. That was short but... pointless." Well, this was long but pointless.

Score: story-- 6/10; art-- 7/10; overall-- 6.5/10

"Love and Loss"
Written by "the One and Only" Romy Chacon, penciled by "Getting the Lead Out" Jonathan Gray, inked by "Brushes with Destiny" Michael Higgins, colored by "Over the Rainbow" Josh Ray.

Summary: Various Knothole females write letters to an advice column in the "Knothole News", written by "Aly"-- who turns out to be Princess Sally. (I always suspected these advice columns were written by people who really aren't qualified to be answering the questions they're asked!)

Art: Dubs is back, and as good as ever! With solid character designs, plenty of Manga-esque expressions, and more in-jokes than you can shake a Power Ring at, this story is worth a look at for the art alone.

(The jokes, in or otherwise, include:
*A place for Sonic comics on the newsstand;
*On the cover of a news magazine-- "Larry Lynx: Bad Luck is Good For You"
*On the cover of "The Knothole News"-- A mention of Monkey Khan and "Green Gibbon" (the latter the "name" of a real-life Sonic fan)
*A flyer for "Sonic Underground: Interdimensional Tour")

Only one prob with the art-- hey, Dubs, since when does Nicole have or need an antenna?!

Comments: I thought it was neat, and rather touching, until the twist at the end. I mean, how can Sally deal with other peoples love problems when she's so clueless regarding her own...? I know, it is possible; it just doesn't sound right...

Score: story-- 7.8/10; art-- 9/10; overall-- 8.4/10

"The Acorn Royal Family" Data-File
We avoid inaccuracies by sticking to generalities about what we've already seen.
Megan (Elias's wife) is given a cute new outfit; while Elias needs to "shave" (trim his facial hair to match his fur-length).

Score: 7/10

Sonic Fan-Art
Sonic at the pool by Scott Moore (not bad); Tails by Edward Richman (also not bad); Sonic & Shadow by Isabel Melendez; Sonic, Shadow, Super Sonic, and another Shadow, by Jack Chilcott; Sonic by Jenna de Vries; Sonic, Tails, Knux, and Amy in weird outfits, by Jessica Malanowski.

Newbies, Shameless Plugs, and "Find Your Name In Print" (oh, my!)

Sonic-Grams-- "Start"
New news regarding the Sonic X comic. Mike'll be editing it, and Spaz'll be doing the covers. (He has time for that?!)

Sonic-Grams-- "Off-Panel"
Written by Mike Gallagher, drawn by Dave Manak, colored by "Henri Ratisse".
Mike wiles away his time sticking sharp objects in the ceiling.

Final Thoughts:

Final Score: 7.1/10

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

With my computer lacking in internet and me being busy writing Crash Bandicoot and Jak fanfics, I honestly neglected my duty as one of the million and one Archie Sonic comic reviewers, so without further ado, the latest review I have up my sleeve, #143 of Archie Sonic.

The same ol same ol stuff that was used in last issue. Naturally, I feel the same way. Nicely done, but not awesome enough to keep me on the edge of my feet. I can only assume its my personal taste with the use of a white background. I hardly ever use white as a background color anymore because to me, it just feels plain, so its one of the reason why I think this cover is so plain. At least the character poses and reactions are nicely done, especially for Sonic, despite him not actually being there face to face.

The original FF team in all their glory. In truth, at the current moment, the giraffe looks more evil and uninspired by his own work then Snakey over there. And the giant bubbles behind Pecker seems to be created from him as if he passed gas...yea. Okay, Ill stop there. It's still nice and seems to show more emotions and expression then then ones inside the main story.

Writer: Romy Chacon
Artist: Art Mawhinney
Inker: Jim Amash
Colorist: J & A Ray

No name narrator pops out for the first page to give you a flashback to the previous issue on what the deal is with Hope and Sonic. Second page shows no named Lake Ring guardian old dog dude catching a ring while Sonic and Hope watches, the latter spouting cuter, bambi eyes then all the Powerpuff Girls combined. No named dog man disappears, never to be seen again while Sonic continues the story after three pages wasted of doing absolutely nothing relating to the actual story.
Flashback appears with paler colors to indicate it is a flashback. Col. Stripes is bouncing Sally on his knees and making little jokes and other cutesy-ness to make any macho-infested person puke their little lungs out. Pecker interrupts the cute fest with an important message or something. Sally, Julayla, and Rosie decides best to leave (not before Col. Stripes kisses Rosies hand which makes me go hmmm even though I shouldnt care since the original FF will all be gone by the time this story ends). Of course, Pecker decides its too urgent to wait and immediately tells Col. Stripes that the mission team knows where the King was exiled to. Sally, hearing all this, immediately cries for Col. Stripes help to save her daddy which Col. Stripes swears he would, then he accuses Pecker for speaking this in front of Sally when he didnt realize they were within earshot. With the way the panel was drawn when Sally listened, it certainly seemed she was within earshot, not to mention not all that hard to miss.
So, the original FF makes their plans and sneak into Robotniks headquarters. Everything seems honky dory, but of course, fate hates them and Robotnik is just two steps closer. Oh, yea and the traitor is the Snake dude. And Neo Yi is not surprised in the least. After all, its a snake, its in their nature, as poetically put by Snake man himself and all because he gets power and control. Dang, cant get any clich then that. Of course, more clich comes when Robotnik not only traps the original FF, but Snake man himself. So, the betrayer ended up being betrayed himself. Well, I gotta love the irony because I like irony. Robotnik proves his genius once more by roboticizing the entire FF and blasting them away to the Zone of Silence or Exile Zone or whatever incase they do return. Smart. I bet anyone whos a Robotnik fan is dancing in glee.
Now the question Im sure everyone has is how Sonic knew all this? Simple plot point, Robotnik got then roboticized Uncle Chuck to watch over the Void sending machine. Uncle Chuck, seeing the whole thing has had it recorded and since it was years later before Chucky regained control of himself and showed that footage, everyone naturally assumed the original FF were dead. So they made with the memorial services and all. Man, that sucks. Even poor little Sonic was gravely upset and actually sheds some tears before running off and later forming his own band of FF.
Hope is satisfied enough and runs off to do her report, leaving Sonic to wait until old dog man comes back and we know what an impatient little blue fuzz ball he is. The next day, Hope gives her report and gets an A+. Oh, yea, and the narrator with no name turned out to be Mrs. Stripes, Hopes teacher and obviously, Col. Stripes wife turned widow.

In the same way that Kill Bill 1 lacked enough story until it explained much more in Kill Bill 2, the same applied to the original FF. The first part was just Original FF: A documentary as told through Sonic, now on Video and DVD for 14. 95! Part 2 was more clear and actually HAD a storyline instead of random things put together. It made more sense and it was simple enough for kids the comic book is targeted to to understand (as well as simple minded losers like me as well). I wouldnt say the storyline is still the best, the entire plot centering around what happen to the original FF was clich at best. I mean, even shortly after part 1 came out, more then half of the people in this message board alone though it was the snake dude and they were right. Whats even more clich is Robotnik betraying the one who betrayed in the first place. Its a plot thats been done before and have been seen so many times, so its nothing fairly new and exciting in my opinion. I would have honestly loved it if there was more of a twist, like maybe Col. Stripes ended up being a traitor. Ya know, he being all good and heartwarming, but BAM! Instead bad guys. Id feel more convinced, more so then others who lack any real personality. Pecker could work as a spy for Robotnik, with him flying around pretending to be messenger and all, but no Romy, took the clich route.
And I honestly think that Hope calling her Mrs. Stripe was evidence enough to support who she is, the wife of Col. Stripes. I didnt think she kinda had to repeat or emphasize who she is, we kids arent THAT dumb. I think a more silent approach where shes all calm and smiling would have worked best and gave it a more emotional support. Not to mention the whole Zone of Silence, while it explains their absence, its like what Mr. Drazen said, felt more like an easy way out and cheaply used. It seemed Romy is using that a lot, the cheap method way out.
But ya know what, despite all the clich written here, despite it all, it still was a solid plot. It explained what happen to them from beginning to end, it showed Sonics inspirational and how much he looked up to them, and ultimately, it had enough heart to make it a solid effort. Even the cheap way out using the Zone of Silence is brilliantly handled. I mean, it does explain it and considering we might never see them again, it works. Kudos to Romy for writing a story, a filler story, thats actually good.

Again, Art delievers SO well with his cute approach and the colorings arent so exotic and complicated. Its simple and easy on the eye. Complicated can be good, but at times, it can be overdoing it which tires me out. Although I still dont appreciate the use of the flashbacks inking and coloring. Still feels flat to me. And Arts Hope isnt all that convincing. I think he was trying to make her extra cute and it ended up causing her eyes to look insanely scary and doed up.

Writer/Artist/Inker: Ken Penders
Colorist: Jason Jenson

Ahh, the infamous Locke story. The sole reason why Penders didnt wanted Locke to be killed off by any writers mainly because he kills him off himself. Such an irony.
The story starts with Lara-Su waking up and being greeted by Abby whos NOT acting rather angry,but unusually pleasant...somethings definitely up. Lara asks the suspiciously sweet Abby where her parents are and she answers: the patio. Lara heads there and sees Julie and Sally speak up a storm. There, Lara asks for her father, but Julie replies what day it is and Lara soon gets her memory cap on as she remember.
Next scene shows Knuckles walking a golden wooden path filled with butterflies and pretty flowers and little leprechauns dancing on top of mushrooms. Suddenly, Disneys Pocahontas shows up with John Smith and she sings the Colors of the Wind song before disappearing. Knuckles is officially weirded out and Im getting off topic. Knuckles is heading for someplace and as he does, he gets a visit to flashback city starring him.
The flashback starts with Knuckles in his normal, teenage form we all know and love walking with Archemedias on his hand to the original site of where Angel Island once was. For some unknown reason, Archy is no longer the size of Knuckles hand as more as hes the size of Tom Thumb. Easier to go squish now. Archy is expressing how much hell miss Knuckles considering he has decided the Guardianship will end with him and thats final, so Archy packs his bag, because hes out of a job. Archy expresses how proud he is of Knuckles before he BAMF! for what he thinks is the final time. Neo Yi just wishes Knuckles was a bit more sadder to see Archy leave and thinks when Archy was changed to Archi? Whatever.
Knuckles uses the Guidng Star Gem which he got a LOOOOOOOOONG time ago in the comic to where Lara-le, his mom is. Instead of worrying over his own mom, he wonders where his brother is. He starts to notice, however, his ma aint doing so good and he asks. She answers that poor Locke is not doing so well with Knuckles FINALLY with a worried look repeats what she said in a questionable manner. Lara cant seem to bring herself up to answer said question, so Wyn gets his butt in gear, calls a taxi, and drives all three of them to the hopsital. While riding the taxi, Wyn explains the whole deal and ultimately explains that no one knows whats wrong with him. Knuckles retaliates saying his pop was fine the last time he saw himand WHEN was that last time Knuckles?
In the hopsital, they meet Doctor Shockra whos impossibly terrible name is making me laugh when Im not surppose to concerning this story. After a rather lengthy, if not slightly pointless explantation, Doc Shock...ra explains that Locke is dying. The Locke fans cry now. In the end, it was up to Knuckles to decide on the fate of Locke: Surgery or more tests to see what will happen. Oh, yea, and Locke has carcinogenic pancreas which, judging by Locke dying, aint a good thing. He has about 9 months left at best. Knuckles is now wondering how this came to be and the doctors only theory is that he was exposed to toxic substance sometime ago. Geez, Locke, how many times have we told you not to play in the nuclear power plant?! I keep getting a call from Mr. Burns on you.
Knuckles asks to see his pop and they do. Once inside, Lara would leave him and Knuckles alone, but Locke prefers her company as well. Mainly because he explains the guilt hes felt on what he did to Knuckles. In short, hes basically apologizing for what he has done, no matter how much Knuckles denies it. This is the turning point in the entire comic and despite Locke and his belief in the Brotherhoods, in the end, he does what he wants to do, he repents to both Lara and Knuckles. Now, he could rest in peace.
We cut back to older Knuckles who is visiting his fathers grave located far from city civilization. He understands how he was acting the same that his pop did in forcing Lara-Su not to be a Guardian as Locke forced Knuckles into accepting his duties. In the end, he decides to let Lara-Su decide what she truly wants. And with that said, the soul of Locke (with Aurora next to him) watches over his on. And we see Ken Penders making his wishes to his own father in a similar manner with Karl Bollers Grandma.

REVIEW: The ENTIRE M25YL took a GIANT leap with this story alone. In all honestly, this story could easily have worked as a stand along without the help of M25YL dangling along. The story is pure emotions, so action not be needed and it does well in the emotional department. Perhaps the most important aspect of this story is Locke speaking his mind before dying. Like I said above, hes basically apologizing to Lara, Knuckles, and ultimately himself. The important lesson dealt in this entire story is how Knuckles has learned from his fathers mistake and realize he was basically repeating what hes father did to him: The use of Force. Because of this force, Knuckles ended up as a Guardian at an extremely young age and because of this force, Knuckles forbad his own child to become a Guardian. In the end, he learned his lesson and realized how wrong he was to used the power of force. A powerful lesson and ultimately convincing. In ways I dont like how M25YL is being dragged on, but this story is strong enough to have been handled alone and well made, I dont mind.

The downside is the art. I was never a fan of Penders style; he draws the characters eyes too round and wide, his mouth placements seem awkward at best and feels like hes added a lump in the chin area, some few bits of anatomy on characters that dont really require otherwise theyd look weird. I was cringing as I turned each page and while he was very appriorate in many scenes, in the end, some just didnt do it for me. Example would be the last page where older Knuckles said he cried hard after the funeral. A scene showing that I would have liked, would have added more emotions or I would have loved Knuckles to be a bit sadder when saying his good-bye to Archy then look kinda serious and angry. Solid effort, but not enough to make me convinced.

Lots of Sonic fanart, more Im Sonics #1 fan letters, and a talk of the new Sonic X comic (God save us all from Chris Thorndyke), off-panel, and shameless plugs on other Sonic merchandises. Oh, yea and a preview of Sonic #144. Well, on to review #144.
~Neo Yi

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Sonic #144 Review

After a brief short wave of SegaSonic-ish art from SPAZ (a direction getting a handful of mixed opinions on by the fans), we get a little bit of an original art piece coming from Mr. Butler of Sonic either coming towards us or being thrown back from a bubby, fizzy soda pink lemonade background. Sally is squeezed into the bottom right corner bathe in neon green colors while Knuckles is pushed back even further to the point where his only recognizably trait is his freaky metal eye and dreadlocks, and Lara-Su is completely red just below Sonics right show. The red border located on the top and bottom of the comic cover doesnt exactly fit well with the overall color. Then again, neither does the neon green with Sonics blue. The cover would have been better with some color changes that actually doesnt make it so horribly ugly. I can only cringe with the characters being the only appeal, notably ONLY Sonic as the rest are squished out anyways. An ugly cover, thats all I can say.

Ingenious use of shattering glass with some of the main characters of M25YL dwelling in it. Butler does an impressive job with the glass, but the coloring feels flat and not as vibrant as I had hope for. The blue/violet BG is only an eh addition, possibly because Ive been seeing one too many blue/violent-ish colors surrounding this comic series for some time now.

WRITER: Ken Penders
ARTIST: Steven Butler
INKER: Jim Amash
COLORIST: Jason Jenson
LETTERER: John E. Workman

As Knuckles repositions his discolored hat (a full year and nobody has yet to fix this error?!), he gets a visit from a rather nervous Lara whom Knuckles was expecting. Knuckles decides to give his ego a rest and finally give Lara the ultimate present thatll last till her next birthday and Christmas: a chance for her to be a Guardian. Lara shows her expression and gratitude by leaping into her fathers arms and quickly berates him with questions (Archimedes is still alive and kickin, but possibly insanely old now). Knuckles tells her to calm down and be patient as he has a mission to fulfill first. Incase he doesnt make it back, Knuckles already has Julie-Su handle all the Guardianship stuff. Lara is a bit concerned about her perfect plan to be a guardian that she doesnt seem to give a damn that her father might possibly die. She does want to go, but Julie-Su seemingly pops out of nowhere, having heard of what Knuckles would be doing. Julie is pretty durn pissed on his leaving, but he works that ol echidna charm and she falls for it, hook, line, and sinker. Oh, Julie-Su, what happen to ya, girl? You used to be so resistance.
Julie points out to Harry whos conveniently parked out near the house. As we pass a Spyro ad, Sally tells Knuckles to keep an eye on Sonic and Knuckles can only give an Ill try attitude. Knuckles then wonders where his daughter split off to. She pulled a Houdini and split, possibly upset she isnt coming along for the ride. If anyone should have figured out from all the previews of a stowaway and clichs with the adults' kids always tagging along for the adventure by hiding out in secret, then you know where shed be.
Knuckles boards Harrys ride, Harry complains, and they make it to an airport where we see some thunder and lightning as the heroes leave Angel Island (about time we gots some bad weather!). They have a talk with the old timers of science before Knuckles interrupts, gasping that theyre in the Mobius Badlands which took a major bad turn for the worst. Donning space age radiation suits, the heroes go down a tunnel and into another video game ad, this time for Sly 2 (I recently played a demo and the game exceeds my expectations, considering the first game was so good, Ill be buying this sometime in my life), and to a neon colored shelter Eggy built some years back from enemies/weapons. Convenient. Does it come with free cable TV and the internet? Eggman never seem to have the chance to use the device the heroes will use to travel back in time. Shame, he could have done some real damage. Rotor makes it clear that hes 99.9% sure that the machine will work, but points out that the heroes might not have a chance to return back. Sonic doesnt give a crap and being the usual act-before-think type, decides to go, no question. Thats an order, soldier!
Meanwhile, back in the airship, someone climbs out of a futuristic box that looks like it could be good use for a time capsule...or storing house cleaning mops and brooms, either ones. So, any guesses who should pop out of that capsule? If you didnt say Lara-Su, you obviously havent seen many TV shows, read many comic books, etc. One of the oldest clich where the heroes children come along for the ride in secret. She gets out of the time capsule box and starts to disappear much like her pops did in Knuckles #8. Sucks.
Meanwhile, Sonic is also disappearing as the machine goes haywire. Sucks once more. We get the traditional big flash of light and soon cut to the with teenager Sonic skipping stones with Tails with another panel for Knuckles and the Chaotix, all of them predictably thinking of the future.

When I read this entire story, the entire time the word clich floated in my head to the point where I wondered if I had to shoot it in order to make it sink to the bottom of the sea. Lets recap:

*Daughter unable to go on parents expedition.
*Daughter sneaking and ending up on parents expedition.
*Giant flashing light before hero end up in destined area
*Scene of heroes in their past form, added bonus: talking about the future.

Its a been there, done that, so theres nothing new to report sans the overall story. So, after an entire year of M25YL, the entire arc could have easily been done in about 6 issues time then some 13+ plus issues with over 50 zillion chapters. The sleepovers, the little kids arguing, the table manner, and other bouts of emotions that wasnt Fathers Day still remained pointless. If this was a stand alone paperback, it would have worked fine, but even then, if they followed that same story pattern, the entire thing would have been too jumbled up and dragged on. It seems now theyre actually getting to the point and by that time, the saga ends briefly and goes on hiatus. If they hadnt done those pointless little sleepovers or dinner manners, the M25YL saga up to this point could have possibly finished, but Penders seems to enjoy dragging on plots that doesnt relate to the overall story. Overall, M25YL was an insane disappointed only worth reading when it was still speculated and overrated by fans who was hungry for more. And this story alone, with its clich filled plots and general discontinuity because of the extended pointless plot makes this a cliffhanger I dont care for at all.

Butler delivers the good as usual, but Jensons puke green neon colors hurts my eyes. Oh, and theres just too much blue around. I like blue, but dang, Im getting so sick and tired of it, it makes me want to actually read more black and white comic books.

WRITER: Romy Chacon
ARTIST: John Gray
INKER: Michael Higgins
LETTERER:...Ummm, Im not so sure

After much waiting, we FINALYY get an issue that substantially ends the love triangle/square/googolplex, if not temporarily for a long time. Ill talk further down the review.
Dusk settles in Knothole City and the bear in the local newspaper stand is having a nice warm drink until he gets the latest batch of newspaper. Shouting like a newsies member, the newspaper sell like hotcakes from screaming fan girls who has nothing better to do then obsess over the love column. The poor bear man is scarred for life and questions why the newspaper is so damn popular. Little cute kid Sasha explains how the newspaper is famous for the Love and Loss section made by a girl named Aly. She then makes her leave, skipping a beat with lollipop and cute dress and all (while the bear talks behind her back as the bird on top of his hat might be building a nest or pooping on it as I type), making her way to Rosie who also has her hand on a Love and Loss Column.
Inside, she asks Rosie about the love column and she makes it a womans night and read the column together, and so they do.
First letter comes from Bunnie Rabbot who basically explains how much pain shes in. The poor girl is literally in pain, true pain. The picture emphasizes a lot of what shes feeling. Right now, shes bursting in hysterical tears and she just cant seem to pull herself together. Its insanely understandably as her relationship with Antoine was one of the tightest and strongest bond in the Archie Sonic comic. A successful couple now taken up the lead so far with Knuckles and Julie-Su (although I wouldnt be surprised if she wrote a letter about being slightly jealous whenever Rouge is around him). Aly responds by doing the opposite of what both Bunnie and Antoine are doing: Talk, if not by force. Although its a moot point for the time being considering Anty is away with the King and Queen on their world tour. Aly ultimately in the end tells her to be strong, but the way Bunnie is handling it, not even her physical strengths can help her now.
Next letter is Songbird Mina. Her basic problem is that while she tries to move on with life, her mind still is stuck with Sonic. It seems she was with Ash mainly as a sort of gap to feel her broken wound when Sonic and Sal kissed all the way back in #123, but with Sonic single, Mina would like to try and win him back, but of course, she cant because guilt is holding her back, Yea, that guilt, always holds us back. And common sense and decent morals, etc. Aly basically responds back by saying be honest and give Ash more chance to grow and develop. Barring that in mind, Mina calls Ash (interrupting his sleep, the nerve!), and asks for a night out with the two. Ash, NOT looking like he wants to kill somebody and actually looking quite cute (every time I see Ash, I either see the Remington I always draw or my friend at school, Ryan who looks exactly like him, its scary) and content.
Third letter is none other then Amy Rose who talks of her crush on Sonic and how she has matured greatly, possible enough to try and win his heart, Aly sez, You still needs to do some growin, kiddo. Amy takes this with a grain of salt and basketball shoots the newspaper after crumbling it. A reaction Id expect Amy to do.
The fourth letter has all the previous girls reading it and instantly knowing its Sallys letter. Her basic problem is how Sonic and her jobs are too different, different to the point that they broke up as a result. She wonders whos more selfish, Sonic or herself. Aly responds by merely saying she doesnt have the answer, both with valid points. Just have fun, be strong, and live, talk, etc.
We now cut to Sally inside her castle home where she chats with Nicole who explains that no more decoy letters be used. Sal merely used it as a cover up of some sorts. If you havent figured it out, Aly is Sally, the started of the Love and Loss column. And apparently very good at keeping her identity a secret. I was stumped on who Aly was until the end, thinking she was some random Archie character wed never see again despite that Aly and Sally rhymes. Yes, Im either too dumb or just getting bad at noticing the little stuff anymore.
Sally, chatting with Nicole explains of her love for Sonic. She loves him, yes, but she ultimately decides to move on forth as she loves her people more. And thats the end of that story. Oh, yea, and that last letter for those who dont know is Rosie talking about Uncle Chuck. Awwww.

REVIEW: I was amazed at this story. First off, Romy herself risked life and limb to create a story based on something the fans are tearing apart like no tomorrow, and WB takes it one step further with the many rewrites. Yes, for those who dont know, Job Gray has taken it upon himself to add on to the story and helped create what you see today. I recommend you go to his website and hear from the mouth himself and might I say, quite a story indeed. For such a story like this with four leading ladies, I give each of them a review of what I think concerning their love life:
For Bunnie, shes the character Im least interested in out of the four, but when it comes to the power of love, I honestly saw nothing more stronger then the bond between Antoine and her, so it came to be a GIANT shock when she and Ant split and turned sour like last weeks milk. I truly felt upset for Bunnie, just seeing her lie down, breaking down, not able to handle herself. I doubt Sally should send her on any missions anytime soon. The poor girl is devastated and the letter expresses well. Unfortunately, out of the three letters, this one is the one least solved. Not a definite answer is given on what Bunnie will do with Ant. She could take Alys advice, but I felt more questioned on how Bunnies romance will be then anyone elses. So, I guess to me, its only a matter of waiting and finding out.
With Minas letter, I got a satisfying answer. Mina is a superbly designed character and wonderful personality. She certainly has gotten popular over the short time shes been in the comic. Her love was defined greatly. Shes getting over Sonic and giving Ash a better chance.
Amy Rose is the only letter in which I have to disagree with Aly. This is coming from a girl who started off as a 10 year stuck in a 12 year old body and acted in that manner. Throughout the appearance of her comic, however, Ive seen her mature greatly and handle things in a sensible, mature manner while still retaining that cute charm. For Aly to say she still has more growing up to do is kinda upsetting, especially since Amy has tried SO hard, too. Id praise her then ask her to grow up. True, shes still only 12 and thusly not as mature as Sonic and Sally is, but shes struggled a lot to get what she has and I have to give credit where its due. Likewise, her reaction on Alys letter was perfect. Just what Id expect her to do. Id be pretty offended if someone thought I wasnt mature enough, no matter how hard I tried. In a sense, I dont see Amy being with Sonic in this comic, if not at all. Their bond romantically isnt as well expressed as it is in the games and current anime, and unless Archie Sonic plays out a potential Sonic/Amy, I honestly do not see a relationship between the two at all, which is what the comic seems to be implying at the moment.
As for Sallys letter...well, I must say, this was pretty darn clever approach. Make Sal write a decoy letter so no one suspects that Aly is the princess herself. I dont know if it fooled many, but dang, it sure fooled me. I mean, Aly rhymed with Sally, that should have been a dead give away there, but I didnt even see it. This is coming from someone who thought the first story in this issue was a dead clich right off the bat. How I never manage to figure it out could partially be because of a video game called Jak II.
Now, I must remain you that the following paragraphs WILL contain spoilers for Jak II, do please skip it or turn back for those not wishing to be spoiled:
There are several scenes in the game where the leading male meets with an old man and a young boy. The young boy is an important character, hes the prince of his kingdom and needs to be protected from the evil trying to get him. What I didnt know at the time was that the young boy was the younger self of the main leading male. It took me nearly 2/3 of the way before I started to have suspicious and ALL the way to the final boss before I finally found out (and gasped) that the young boy and the leading hero was the same. Yes, I didnt figure it out and this is clich thats actually been in use before. I guess because the story is captivating. Love and Loss does exactly that. It kept me on the edge of my seat and even surprised me in the end with Alys true identity. Not to mention the story does what Ive been waiting for since nearly 50 issues back: The end of that darn love triangle. We got the sensible thing: Neither girls, by which I mean Mina and Sally, gets Sonic. None. Hes single. For that matter, Amy doesnt get him either. Its both a lose/lose situation and win/win. I doubt the love issue will go away, but considering this story, I doubt well be seeing it for some time. After so many empty promises of the love triangle ending, I am finally and officially convinced that we wont be seeing it for some time and for that, Im grateful. I shall now do the dance of happiness.

Gray delivers solid work here. His Amy Rose and Ash are the top highlights of the issue. The emotions are perfectly used as well and while I think his cry happy Bunnie is a bit on the ugly side, it gets the job done. Im extremely grateful that Josh Ray colored this then Jenson. Considering Grays artwork mixed with Jenson creates eye candy, but enough details to make me dizzy, I enjoyed the simplistic approach. The coloring is still vibrant, spot-on, and nice. Its simple, but sports great lighting and vibrant feel and that makes me happy to look at this artwork from time to time.

We get a Data File of the Acorn family first (eh), some bunch of fan arts (the only one I like is the last one with the four leading Sonic characters from the video game), bunches of letters (not much of Im Sonics #1 fan, thank goodness), and a preview of the next issue Sonic with Shadow (Dont care). Thats it, good night folks.
~Neo Yi

Posts: 122
Estimable Member
Topic starter

Thanks to all who've kept submitting reviews despite my lack of updating. My main reason for not updating is over, but now I have a cold so I'm not in the mood to update yet. Within the next 2 weeks, things should start being posted. I'll probably end up putting everything directly into archives though with the exception of #144 or #145 reviews depending on how many there are of either one and when I exactly update the section.

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

Archie decided to do something different this time. Is it a filler for a much
bigger event? Apparently. They could finally be going back to doing random
stories. Judging by the preview cover for 145, I'd say it's just a filler.

"The Original Freedom Fighters Part 1"
history report for her school and during a search, accidentally comes across
a list of the original Freedom Fighters, FF's she never heard about, and prints
it. According to it, the original FF's were lead by Colonel Tig Stripe, now
retired from the Great War. Sonic zips by Hope, accidentally blowing her papers
away but manages to recollect them. Before he leaves, hope asks him if he knows
about the original FF's. Definetely! He remembers it way back in the day.
Sonic has time to do it. Stripe planned the escape to Knothole the day
Robitnik took over and he also started the first group of Freedom Fighters.
They were as follows: Col. Tig Stripe, Spot Long, Sir Peckers, Private Trey
Scales, and MP Bull Bones. At their tome, Sonic was 5 and it was the very day
Robotnik and his wrath were born. Robo-new was raiding the castle while the
SWATbots were rounding er'bodeh up to be roboticized. Col. Stripe successfully
got into routine and tried to get everyone to safety. It didn't matter if he
was retired or not. Peckers reported in that the bots've taken over the city.
Bones discovers that the now-extinct Julian's captured the King. It don't
surprise Stripe, who knows Julian can't be trusted. After Bones and Scales take
down a bot in a giant walker, the FF's head back to the city. Young Sonic
arrives not knowing what to do. Stripe gives him orders to find Jukayla, Sally,
and as many other kids as he can and tell them to go into Knothole's secret
access as Old Man Gallagher(, Michael?!!)'s house. The FF's priority is to
save all the other Mobians and reclaim Mobotropolis. Stripe, abandoning his
homeplace, succeeded in getting the Mobians to safetey. He led the construction
of Knothole, turning it into a residable village. Everyone cooperated like a
family to get the job done.
Then one night, Sonic and Sally overheard the FF's conversating.
Sonic was admiring Col. Stripe, while the FF's were planning their attack on
Robotnik. Attacking without any plan or knowledge is foolish, but in Stripe's
eyes, it's a sin to allow such an attack to take place with no atempt to stop
it. The FF's have each other as their army to use Robotnik's resources against
him. The Col. plans to form hit-and-run operatives to attack Robo's "infra-
structure"(whatever that is) until they find a way to defeat him. In
a group agreement, Col. Stripe thus forms the first group of Freedom Fighters!
This is how Sonic and Sally got their inspiration to follow in their footsteps.
The FF's traveled to Robotnik's land and damaged his plans in all possible
ways. They raided factories of their supplies and shut the facs down and even
bothered to rescue Sonic 2 years later. Sonic met them in person for the "2nd"
time. Seeing his heroes in action upped his inspiration. Sir Peckers could
spread warnings and commands to eyeryone so they could also form future Freedom
Fighters worldwide. They'd fight together to gefeat Robotnik once and for all!
They'd 'a succeeded if not for 2 certain betrayals... TO BE CONTINUED!

This, like most other issues I've read is very enjoyable. It took me 2 times to
read it to like it better than the first time. I believe this was a useful
filler some fans might enjoy. I enjoyed Sonic's story(even though it's halfway
done) alot and will treasure it for furute use but something in my mind says
this might have created a plothole in the series. Then again, the Sonic comic
has a HUGE story! A Very good one, but [b[HUGE! Since I have a
headache, my brain ain't workin' so I can't think that far back right now!

I'll continue this review soon.

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

Issue 145

Editor in Chief: Richard Goldwater; Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick; Editor: Mike Pellerito.


By Spaz.

"Shadow Returns... And Sonic doesn't stand a chance!" Right...

Sonic and Tails look up (Tails in shock) as the shadow of Shadow looms over them.

The color on the grass is really pretty... but the "Shadow's shadow" thing doesn't work very well.



By Ken Penders and Amber Greenlee.

Very nice art -- the pencils/inking are good, and the colors are great. However, whose bright idea was it to refer to Shadow as an "it"?!

"Shadows of Hope"

Written by Ken Penders, penciled by Ron Lim, Inked by Al Milgrom, lettered by John Workman, colored by Jason Jensen. Special thanks to Robert Leffler and Dyna Lopez at Sega Licensing.

Summary: Shadow's stalking of Hope is interrupted when he's kidnapped by Locke. Hope follows them, and stops them from fighting. "Realizing" thanks to this that she isn't Maria, Shadow leaves.

Critique: A waste of paper. Although, the art is surprisingly good for Lim. 5/10

"Training Day"

Written by Karl Bollers, penciled by Al Bigley, inked and lettered by Michael Higgins, colored by Jason Jensen.

Summary: Eggman gives a primer on the main heroes from the Sonic Games -- Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy.

Critique: The only people who would be in need of the info in this story is people new to the Sonic fandom in general. Pointless. As for the art, I stand by my earlier statement that Al Bigley has potential. The art in this one is far more bearable than that in "One Part Treachery", but it still leaves a lot to be desired... Maybe after a few more issues... 4/10.


Written by Ken Penders, penciled by Dawn Best, inked by jim Amash, lettered by Jeff Powell, colored by Jason Jensen

Summary: Everybody's hanging out, until Rotor detects a seismic disturbance. The Freedom Fighters head off to investigate.

Critique: It's been too long since Best drew the cast -- they're "a little" off model. Other than that, the art's pretty good, although I have to wonder how that shot of Bunnie's rear made it past the editors... :p

The story was a general "what the characters are up to between adventures" story. This wasn't the best of those I've seen, but it's still nice to see a bit of their ordinary lives... (Of course, there is such a thing as too much ordinary life, as M25YL proved...)



Letters: Blah, blah, blah...

Start: Shadow returns, in "GBU", and Sonic doesn't know something in Sonic X.

Off Panel, written by Mike Gallagher, drawn by Dave Manak, colored by "Henri Ratisse": Celebrating the letterers.

Final thoughts:

They're trying, but frankly, I got more enjoyment out of (and got more "into") a Sonic fan-fic I was reading the other day...

Final Score: 5.5/10

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

Issue 146

Editor-in-Chief: Richard Goldwater; Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick; Editor: Mike Pellerito


by Spaz

Shadow, in the shadows... Looks pretty cool, actually. And this is the first issue in quite a long time without Sonic on the cover... 8.5/10

"The Good, the Bad, & the Unknown" Part One: "Prototype"

Written and inked by Ken Penders, penciled by Steven Butler, lettered by John Workman, colored by Jason Jensen.

Summary: Sonic and Shadow fight, then Shadow runs off to meet with his new friend, Isaac. (A robot created by Clarke and Niven... Ha, ha, very funny...) Shadow reminisces about how he found Isaac, while Bunnie, Tommy, Tails, Rotor, and Fiona (who's latest fashion experiment is boots and a corset...) search for Sonic. Meanwhile, Eggman unleashes the latest model of Metal-Sonic...

Critique: The art is Butler's usual above-par work, but I don't know what to make of the story. Not only are Sonic and Shadow still replaying the old Sonic/Knuckles fights, but what are Rotor and Tommy doing on the mission?! And why does a 10,000 year old robot have the same design as Eggman's "E" series?! (Speaking of "ten millennia", I see Ken has begun the latest Chronology revamp...)

Score: 7/10

"Out of Your Shell"

Written by Romy Chacon, penciled by Ron Lim, inked by Rich Koslowski, lettered by Vickie Williams, colored by Jason Jensen.

Summary: We discover that Rotor and Tommy are roommates, and that Rotor's room is a mess. Tommy cleans it up. (This takes place before the previous issue's "Harbringer".)

Critique: Ron spent too much time on the art last issue, so he skimped this ish... The story is another good "not much happening" story.

Score: 6.5/10

"Circuit Me"

Written by Romy Chacon, penciled by Al Bigley, inked by Michael Higgins, lettered by Vickie williams, colored by Jason Jensen.

Summary: Sally and Nicole switch "bodies", but it wears off after a few moments.

Critique: This story had a lot of potential... but if the lack of an explanation for the switch weren't bad enough, it ends just when things were getting interesting. Oh, and Bigley's art is absolutely beautiful -- except for his pathetic attempt at Sally...

Score: 4.5/10


Letters: Feedback on "Love & Loss" and the end of "M25YL: Part One"

Fan-Art: Pics from Evan and Zach Zimmerman, Brittany Wolfe, and Sarah Davies. The pic by Sarah is quite good.

Start: People loved M25YL & L&L, and M25YL will be back. In the mean time, there's plenty of Shadow goin' round...

Off-Panel, by Mike Gallagher (writer), Dave Manak (drawings), and Eugene Delecrow: Commentary on Mike P.'s letter answering habits...

Final Thoughts

The first story was about what I've come to expect from Archie. The second was pointless, and badly drawn, but an okay read. The third was a confusing mess of good and bad art, and good and bad storytelling. Oh, and the cover is cool.

Final Score: 6.625/10

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

I got a lot of catching up to do, including reviewing this and #146-#148. Ugh...

My gosh, what an ugly, lazy cover. 2005s first Archie Sonic aint exactly the icing on the cake. Sonic and Tails is nicely designed enough, its the giant which more resembles a freakin palm tree and the craptacular ugly, 3D grass with plain white BG that doesnt match color wise that makes this cover look like Spaz ran out of creative juice. The caption Shadow returns and Sonic doesnt stand a chance is misleading at best since neither Sonic nor Tails fights Shadow in this issue...AT ALL. So fans expecting an all out brawl with Sonic and Shadow will only cry in disappointment. Ugly cover. I definitely have a candidate for worse cover of 2005.

Shadow in a glass rube looking back at something like hes suspecting someone is watching him. From what I remember, it was done by a fan and colored and inked by Penders (which explains the bump below his mouth which is pure Penders, something I dont like of his artwork). It also basically explains what any angst based character is: deep philosophical thinking involving life and death and all that jazz. Impressive coloring, overall.

Shadows of Hope
Writer: Ken Penders
Artist/Inker: Ron Lim/Al Milgrom
Colorist: Jason Jenso
Letterer: John Workman
The scene starts off with Shadow on (anybody notice Rosie and Chuck talking with each other?) whos rather happy with the book she has. Hes obsession towards that dead girl (you know who) is cut short when a hooded figure distracts him. Shadow demands to know who the hell said robed person is or being considered a foe. Neither friend or foe, the hooded man merely wants the black hedgehogs skills while the first person narrative plays out. It took me until the end of this story to figure out who that first person narrative was (more which I explain in my review).
Hope witnesses the entire hooded figure/Shadow squabble, remembering the black hedgehog. Shadow declines whatever offer the hooded figure gives, but mysterious man gives him no choice and lassoes his feet. Shadow merely snaps the rope, thinking the hooded guy is a joke for pulling off something like that. Just as hes about to lay the smack on hooded dude, a blue energy field of some sort causes both Shadow and hooded man to be teleported. Hope is displeased with Shadow disappearing out of nowhere and ends up getting teleported from the reminding blue mists. She ends up in some technology where she meets an advertisement with the Teen Titans Lost Episode for Postopia. It also reminds me I must buy some postopia product just to see that TT episode. Hmmm, Ill give in and go for the Fruity Pebbles. Then she goes past a W.I.T.C.H ad and ends up seeing Shadow strangling hooded man. Of course hooded man does his own thang against Shadow and pushes a button when Shadow is down for the count.
Shadow is shocked hes in a chamber similar to the one Gerald had him on, just without the warmth, he sez. Now he has memories of the death of his beloved Maria which makes me groan once again. As if Ive seen that enough times already on video games/fanfics/comics/etc. based on Shadow. He also briefly mentions the Bem that anyone whos read Archie Sonic from that far back will know.
Locke reveals himself as the hooded man when Shadow asks who he is. If you guys couldnt figure out he was Locke, let alone an echidna, then you obviously ignored the credits where it states Penders as a writer. That man cant help keep his hands off of echidnas. Looking burly and sporting monotone eyes (GAH!), Locke asks him the question if hes lost anything. Shadow lies and sez he hadnt had anything. Oh, suddenly Maria is not important to you?!
Locke explains that Shadow is the key to finding his family whom he believes as dead. Just how Shadow can be of any help isnt explained and I doubt well get a chance to know now that Hope has decided to interrupt. Locke is rather shocked and we get answers that hes responsible for the teleportation. I assume its a Guardian power thing. Hope merely just argues for Shadow while the black wonder starts to have memories of Maria arguing with, I assume, A GUN member. Shadow takes this memory as motivation and breaks the glass, knocking Locke and starting to beat the crap outta him. Gosh, Shadow, didnt Maria tell you to respect your elders?! So, we basically get a battle with Shadow and Locke as the first person narrative starts up again where it finally has one evidence that it is, indeed, Locke, who is speaking (last I check, Shadow has no son).
Hope decides to act more Maria-like and stop Shadow from killing Locke, saying hes better then that. As she poetically puts it, Right now, Im more scared of you then I am of him!
Shadow retorts with a Youre not Maria (which with his face expression either could mean that Hope isnt Maria and never will be or Shadow thinks she was Maria, but finds out she isnt, which would contradict the earlier part of this story) and flies off saying typical angst crap, I dont need any friends. Locke explains how things didnt go well (well, duh), and decides for now to get Hope home.

I really dislike Shadow. I dislike all these angst crap that has taken the world by storm nowadays. They usually just whine and talk about their pathetically sad life in order for us to feel sorry for them. Some works more so then others. Shadows past worked well enough that hes entire storyline began in SA2 and could have ended with SA2. For some reason, however, people decided that Shadow should come back, whether hes a robot, clone, real dude, etc. to fulfill whatever purpose he has left.
In this issue, all he did was fight and mumble on further of Maria. Despite her being dead for a good 50 years, he cant help but think of her. Poor guy has yet to move on and I have no clue if I should pity him or think hes some pathetic git. In the end, Shadow was merely acting the way he was suppose to act: angry, obsessive over Maria, angst, and all that other antihero business. So, Ill give Penders a plus for keeping Shadows personality intact, although thats also bad news for me.
Hope in generally was pretty durn useless for a while, but Penders finally decided to make her do something, which is much better then standing like some useless statue. By putting an end to Shadow bickering over his fight with Locke, the old echidna survived another day, but the Shadow saga has much to go.
The main flaw I have with this story is mostly the first person narrative. I had major trouble deciding who was speaking in first person: Locke or Shadow. It was written in that it could be either of them and only when it was near the ending did I figure out Locke was the one narrating. Its a serious problem if a first person narrative doesnt work out. Its right up there at making things look too obvious as was the case in #143 when Hopes teacher was revealed as Stripes wife when we could have figured it out ourselves.
The story also didnt help out why Locke needed Shadow. He never explained what Shadow has that would help him find whoever hes looking for. We can generally assume its his chaos power, but thats only an assumption. Id like an answer.
In short, a rather surprisingly solid story with flaws.

Lim has VASTLY improved in so many areas. His characters are more on model and they no longer look stick figured. The only major flaw he still needs to work out is his tendency to mono-eye the echidnas. Not to mention his drawing of Lockes face is a bit off and burly. The mono-eyes REALLY dont help. Hope is drawn fine, but several scenes looked as though she possessed a womans face on a childs body. Making her hair look fugly 80s style doesnt help either.

Training Day
Writer: Karl Bollers
Artist/Inker: Al Bigley/Michael Higgins
Colorist: Jason Jenson
Letterer: Michael Higgins

Well, we all knew someday Mr. Bollers would make a terribly bad story. What we have here is Eggman generally depicting the four main heroes of SegaSonic to his robot minions. Thats it...thats all there is. Oh, and theres an ad for Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, one of the worst mascot designs Ive ever seen in video game history (his games aint that hot either).

Did anyone smell Sega shameless plug everywhere? Its insanely obvious that something similar like this was given when writing this story. Anyone who knows their way around Sonic will immediately know everything that Eggman wrote and since the majority of who reads the Sonic comic are fans, Im pretty durn sure they do know.
Its funny he never mentioned Bunnie or Rotor who are both members of the fightin team which also leads me to see this as a Sega shameless plug.
The most interesting part, however, is the mention of Amys tarot card abilities which was a no go in the comic before. Quite a shock, Id say. One wonders if itll actually turn up in the comic, however. With that said, while a quite a bit of info for newbies of the Sonic world, for majority of use, its just useless filler that could have been better spent on something else.

Bigleys improving, but he still has problems with keeping most of the characters on model. The anthros legs are small and saggy, Knuxs dreads are too long, and Amy lacks mono-eyes. On the plus side, I do like how he draws the characters personal side, mainly Sonic and Tails hugging each other and Amys love for shopping.


Writer: Ken Penders
Artist/Inker: Dawn Best/Jim Amash
Colorist: Jason Jenson
Letterer: Keff Powell

Its a nice day in Knothole, but Tails takes this time to read instead of playing out in the sun like other little boys do.
That boy aint right sez Hank Hill. Elsewhere, at the same time, however, occurs an explosion of some sort. But that doesnt matter right now. Right now, we get to a scene switch with Sonic, Bunnie, Mina, and Ash.
Ash thinks Sonic wouldnt be able to hit the dart board which holds a pic of Eggman and naturally, it doesnt. Sonics dart ricochets of the board causing a shocked blue hedgehog. He immediately pisses off to Ash and declares if hes any better. Ash decides to show off his skills while Mina looks like she needs to go potty. Ash misses instead and the two are pretty much even.
Tails, meanwhile, seems to have gotten a spider sense feel and quickly flies over to Rotor and Tommy freakin Turtle whos busy cleaning up Rotors beakers and whatnot. Rotor is busy explaining how something caused a grand amount of energy to possibly hurt Knothole. Tails suggest the Tornado, but Rotor dismisses it and ultimately explains that they need Sonic and Bunnie. Tails gets angry, thinking they (as in Rotor, himself, and Tommy) could handle it on their own, and even brings up the Freedom Fighters which is a term that Im still confused with (I thought they were Acorns army), but Rotor explains theyre the Brain Trust, people who think logically for the more action-y team.
He soon notices Ash and Mina. Ash is quite upset and angry over arrogant Sonic while Mina tries to calm him down. Tails enters to see Bunnie still playing pool and Sally with her who seemed to have appeared outta nowhere. Sonic explains where Tails was, as he kept knocking on his door with Tails guessing he was too into his book to answer. Tails then gets ready to explain to Sonic on their next mission.
Sonic is seen packing up in the next scene, including his A-Pod (definitely an I-Pod wannabe, a device I still don't know much about and how it's used). They then head to their airship with Sally ready to bring about a wave of good-bye to him. Both Sonic and Sallys thought, however, indicate their mutual feelings for each other which sorta contradicts (sorta) Sallys love for her people more then Sonic. Then as Sonic leaves, Sallys love for Sonic remains intact which REALLY contradicts (sorta) #144s Love and Loss.
In the airship, Tails ask if something is wrong to his best buddy, but Sonic doesnt really let it be a big deal and thinks a bit.
Meanwhile, in the place where Sonic and friends are heading for, we see Shadow (which is obviously him) who found a prototype of Geralds data file, but hes confused on what to do next.

I like this story. For once, it centers on Tails whos been shoved back in the back more times then Tails of the Sonic X world. The story is very nicely paced and instead of actions, we get the heroes acting like regular kids. Its rather relaxing and I enjoyed it immensely. My only flaw with it generally with Sally still showing signs of her love for Sonic which slightly contradicts (sorta) #144s Love and Loss. Although Sally DID say she will always love Sonic and we are talking two separate writers, so its not too big a deal. Brilliant story, overall. Nicely handled.

Its nice to see Dawn Bests work again. Her characters pose adds a definite level of charisma the comic lacks. There isnt too much of a flaw except one scene in the beginning panel where Ash doesnt look cocky like his words imply, and Dawn adding muscles and proper anatomy to characters like Sonic who only looks weird with it and Princes Thunder Thighs in page 7, second panel. But generally, she is on-model, makes hair look good, and like I said, general feel of charisma to make her the best artist of this issue.

General letters and editorials which explains more Shadow and Sonic X comic. Oh, and another off-panel which is pretty funny.

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

Issue 148

Editor in chief: Richard Goldwater (the guy who gets payed the most for the least work). Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick (the guy who's probably done the actual editing, since issue #4). Editor: Mike Pellerito (the series true villain!)

Special thanks to Robert Leffler and Dyna Lopez at Sega Licensing.


By Patrick Spaziante

Very sketchy looking... reminds me of a not-too-skilled online artist...

4 out of 10

The Good, The Bad & The Unknown Part 3: Genesis

Written by Ken Penders with technical advice from Robert BobR Repas Jr., penciled by Steven Butler, inked by Jim Amash, lettered by John Workman, colored by Jason Jensen.

Story: Tommy rescues Bunnie, Rotor, and Fiona, while Tails listens in on a history lesson courtesy of Isaac & BobR. Meanwhile, Sonic rides a train, then fights Shadow some more. Oh, and they find a big rocket about to launch.

Basically, more of the same. Entertaining, but not something to show all your friends.

6 out of 10

Art: More of what we got in M25YL. It looks great compared to a lot of the old Sonic artists, and a few of the new, but it seems somewhat lifeless, somehow.

7 out of 10

Playing Around

Written and drawn by Nelson Rebeiro, colored by Jason Jenson.

Rebeiro has a unique art style. It doesn't work too well with a lot of stories, but it does occasionally work. In this case, it serves the story well. Unfortunately, the story didn't need any help to do it's job suck.

3 out of 10

Destiny's Child

Written by Ken Penders, penciled by Tim Smith 3, inked and lettered by Michael Higgins, colored by Jason Jensen.

Tails is suddenly upset about his parents being stuck with the Bem. Then Athair (who has inexplicably grown whiskers) shows up to taunt Tails about how Tails is being left in the dark. This give Tails the opportunity to fill the new readers in on all the hints over the years about his role as Chosen One... but while Tails is rambling, Athair heads back to the Walkers.

If this was supposed to be a stand-alone story, I'd be annoyed. Obviously, though, the intent was to recap things, for the newer readers. I'll be lenient and give it a 6 out of 10.

Art: Aside from Athair's whiskers, the penciling is pretty good. Unfortunately, the inking and coloring don't fit with it. 7 out of 10.


Not here. Not even a note from the editor about the next issue. The first time this has ever happened, to my knowledge. The only issue that comes close is issue 15, in which there was no letters page or next issue ad but even that had a brief statement about the upcoming issue, and Sonic in Your Face, written across the bottom of the final pages of the final story.

Final Thoughts:

I wanted to like Mike P, I really did. But this... I'm starting to wonder if the lame stories prior to Justin's departure were Mike's fault, rather than the lame ones after it being Justin's fault...

I mean, out of the stories since the switch, the only good ones have been Say You Will and Return to Angel Island. I mean, he can't still be working his way through the stories paid for under Justin, can he?! And if he is, couldn't he space them out even more? I'm getting tired of this constant barrage of lame stories! At any rate, although there's been a mood-shift since he took over, it seems like much of what was ruining the series for me under JG is still there...

Then again, it's not like the writers have changed! Perhaps that's the real problem here both Ken and Karl seem to have told their best Sonic stories a while back... Maybe, they just don't have anything more to say... In which case, we've really gotta get a fan writer on the book!

Final Score: 5.5 out of 10

Posts: 462
Reputable Member


Mainstory- The Good, The Bad, & The Unknown Part 4: Armageddon
Story by Penders, Art by Butler/Amash

Once again, no frontispiece as the story opens with Uncle Chuck waiting for Jules' shuttle to arrive. Chuck is a bit reluctant to leave his tour duties with the Acorns, but Jules assures him that he really needs his help to rescue Sonic and friends. They blast off (but not before buckling up!) and we cut to Sonic "in a world of deep-doo" as he stares down Isaac, Shadow, and Metal. Sonic attempts to reason with his enemies and Isaac demonstrates his phenomenal math skills by saying that there's a 93% chance that Sonic is telling the truth and a 74% chance that he's not. Riiight. Sonic then decides to play to his strength by batling. He spindashes into Isaac, then races alongside the walls with Metal and his rocket-feet in hot pursuit. They zigzag past a nuclear missile (called the Titan X) and the ever-observant Isaac remarks that Sonic outperforms the average "sentient life form". Shadow agrees and they continue to watch as Sonic bodyslams Metal. Shadow starts to tell Isaac his analysis of Sonic's abilities when Metal crashes into him.
Meanwhile, Tails is showing the control room to the other Freedom Fighters. He points out the missile in the background and Rotor decides that they had better find Sonic and leave before it detonates. As the run through the corridor, Fiona spies a futuristic gun and starts talking about putting it to use blasting robots.
Cut to Shadow grabbing a hold of Sonic's ankles. Sonic asks him what his problem is, and Shadow responds that he senses Sonic is an enemy, but isn't sure why. He swings at Sonic and misses, Sonic puts him in a choke hold, makes a flippant remark, and is elbowed in the stomach.
Back to the FFs, where Fiona is informed that using guns is taboo. (Anyone who remembers Sally's ancestor Emerson will know why) Cut to Isaac. He notices that the FFs are inside the armory and activates some laser cannons to prevent their escape. Cut to Shad and Sonic. Sonic has fallen to his knes and Shadow seems very proud of himself. His victory party is cut short however, because the room is filling up with steam. Sonic notices that Isaac has disappeared and Shadow wonders where he went. Sonic says that he probably left to avoid the missiles that the hedgehog has only just not realized are a threat. He and Shadow call a (temporary?) truce and decide to look for a way out together. Back to FFs. Tails has dowloaded a copy of the floorplans some how and printed them out. For some reason, they're using this map instead of the monitors to locate Sonic.
Cut to the hedgehogs. Sonic has been eating a few too many chili dogs lately and has gotten short of breath. Shadow hasn't even broken a sweat. Cut to the shuttle. Jules stay onboard while Chuck enter the base and immediately zeroes in on the FFs. Chuck tells the teens to get onboard the shuttle NOW but Tails is worried about Sonic. Cut to Shad and Sonic. They've found an exit. Sonic can see the shuttle in the distance, but isn't sure he can make it in time because suddenly his ankle is hurting (guess Shadow gripped it a little too hard...) Shadow tells him to go into ball mode and expertly tosses him towards the shuttle. (Why he didn't use Chaos Control here is beyond me) Everyone but Shadow climbs into the shuttle. Rotor comments on how he wishes they could have brought Isaac back for study. And where is the gold-plated Gamma knock-off. Inside the bunker, staring at someone who's being held in a statis chamber. Isaac says that "The bunker still stands, all systems are go, and I await your next orders, doctors."

Backstory- The Chosen One, Part 1
Story by Romy Chacon, Art by Mawhinney/Pepoy

Hard to tell when this story takes place, so I'm not even gonna try. In one of the alternate Mobiuses (Mobius-17 to be precise) a superhero Sonic is ready to square off against Professor Egg, when a giant hand blots out first the sun and then the entire galaxy. Meanwhile, on Mobius Prime (the zone where Sonic & co. live) Tails is playing hide-and-seek with Sonic. Despite the fact that Sonic's blue fur is clearly visible in the branches, Tails is unable to locate him. There's a bright flast of light- enter Zonic, the Zone Cop. And even though he's got a genius IQ, in Chacon's story, Tails can't even remember Zonic's name or pronounce "perpendicular". Zonic isn't faring any better with the English language, he has "no time to stay and chop it up" because he's on a big mission and needs help... from TAILS! The little fox is all excited and asks where they're going. Zonic hands Sonic and Tails special wristwratches that will keep them perpindicular while they visit the Perpindicular Zone (and to make the artwork easier to follow). Zonic shows off his HQ where he monitors all the Zones. Sonic asks why some of the screens are black out and Zonic informs him that those Zones no longer exist. Sonic asks how that's possible, and once again we see the huge hand crush a Zone. Sonic and Tails wonder how they can stop a creature so powerful. Zonic zooms the camera in for a closer look and reveals that the enemy is someone we're all too familair with- Mammoth Mogul. But in case you're a newbie, Zonic summarizes MM's history with the comic- MM has a chaos emerald embedded in his chest that make him almost immortal, he wants to absorb more power from emeralds to take over the world, he would have it done it if that meddling Turbo Tails hadn't trapped him in the Master Emerald, the Emerald broke and MM was free to attack Knux and add Knux's chaos powers to his own thereby making him strong enough to destroy a zone with his bare hands. Once all the Zones are gone, Zonic guesses that MM will create his own world in which he reigns supreme. Unfortunately, it took a while for Zonic to explain all that, and now only Sonic's Zone and the Perpindicular Zone are left. Zonic says they've got to act now if they want to stop him and sends his Zone Cops to battle MM. Sonic asks what happens if the cops aren't up to the task and Zonic says that's where Tails comes in. Mammoth Mogul is afraid of the Chosen One- and the prophecies stated the Chosen One is Tails (possibly because Tails in Turbo form nearly defeated MM once before?). Zonic's only problem is he's not sure which Tails is the one for the job so he's brought one from every zone and stored them in a room for safe keeping.

This Issue's Overall Grade: C-

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