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Fiona Fox

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Just wondering what everyones opinion on fiona. *regarding recent events*
has she truly gone bad?
is she working undercover w/ that Zonic guy? *the one dude that manages both mobius and anti-mobius aparentlty, never knew much about that character*

i, myself really wanna believe its all a ploy. But, issue 172 makes me question that.

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The working undercover with Zonic thing was just some fan idea. It has no merit whatsoever.

I don't personally mind her, all the negativety she got from various communities full of rabid Sally fans was always hilarious. The relationship with Sonic certainly came out of left field, but I think Ian handled the whole ordeal rather well.

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wow, i'm so behind. the last thing i knew about fiona was, well...her and nic bein teamed up and they got mighty to help them free ray the squirrel... ><

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I tossed the Zonic idea around a while back...given his failure to beat Scourge before (as Evil Sonic), enlisting help wouldn't be a bad guess. She's certainly in a good position to help bring him down from the inside.

I'll accept her as evil or as a covert agent of sorts...either is legit. I think we'll have a better direction when she shows up again, though man, it looks like it's gonna be a while still...

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I don't understand how she and a Sonic even lamer than the original Evil Sonic could beat the superpowered Scourge. XD

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I was thinking more along the lines of finding a weakness and exploiting it (probably with Sonic's help), more than taking him on. You're quite right that both with get the smackdown trying to take him on themselves. XD

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What's my opinion on Fiona? Apathetic. The book on her should have closed after that Mighty back-up story in the Knuckles series.

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I think the book should have closed on her after Sonic #29. She was never really well-used up until Flynn finally sent her packing, for who knows what reason. But now we're stuck with her, so you can only hope they make the most of it.

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I'm hoping that Ian really does have a better plan than her simply turning evil - or if she genuinely has, that he can do something original with the idea, since this'd be (to the best of my knowledge) the first time that someone with such an apparently intimate knowledge of Sonic's completely changed sides.

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Agreed. There aren't really Mobius-side female enemies either, are there?

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well, there's iron queen. whether or not she's ever used again is the question and i suppose M is/was a female baddie. i'm kinda thinking that she's going to stay dead as long as ian is running things. but she is a robot and there's many ways for a death cheat. (come on, look at ultron and vision)

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I think Fiona's turned completely evil, and I'm happy about it. She messed up Sonic and Tails' relationship, went after Sonic only because she hoped that he'd be able to replace Scourge, and really contributed nothing to the Freedom Fighters that they didn't already have. Her getting together with Scourge is good, because it breaks up the rather preposterous coupling of her and Sonic-that came out of nowhere, and it didn't make sense. Besides, Fiona really is one of the only villainesses in the comics; only Lien-Da, E.V.E., the Iron Queen, and possibly Rouge and Wave also qualify. Rouge is really more of an anti-hero, Wave and Lien-Da are more Tails and Knuckles villainesses than Sonic ones, E.V.E. is dead, and the Iron Queen hasn't been seen in ages (though I'm not unhappy about that; she's creepy).

Zonic wasn't weaker than the original Evil Sonic, in my opinion. Evil Sonic probably just caught him by surprise with an underhanded attack, and aside from one bump on the head Zonic was fine. Zonic strikes me as being a possible equal to Sonic: he presumably has Sonic's speed and has been trained as an interdimensional officer of the law. Of course, we don't know that he has Sonic's speed, nor do we know just how he'd match up to Scourge now.

Fiona working with Zonic doesn't sound likely. She appears to have abandoned being a good guy-as if she ever was one after getting out of Robotnik's prison-and is now working with some of the most dangerous renegade criminals on Mobius. Ignoring that, Zonic and any other Zone Cops are likely still dealing with the mess made by Master Mogul's rampage through the multi-verse, as I stated in the "They should make more Zone Wars stories" thread. As a result, he's probably too busy to worry about what's going on on Mobius Prime. Besides, how would Fiona and Zonic make contact? And why would he choose to work with her when there are so many better candidates available?

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She messed up Sonic and Tails' relationship,

Again, discussing the mechanics rather than the relationship itself (the relationship embargo is the only thing making me leave that "preposterous" comment alone rather than ask for justification"), but...

How was it all her fault that, even when Tails caught them in the act, Sonic tried to white lie his way out of it?

It was Fiona who actually confronted the issue when she had to explain that she didn't like guys Tails' age.

She couldn't control how Tails reacted - we've all dealt with rejection.

We assume that nobody told her about the auto-automaton that Tails met, so she doesn't know where his attraction comes from.

Just what was she supposed to do? Stop seeing someone that she was supposedly attracted to just because the guy's prepubescent not-even-kid-brother had an unrequited crush?

Would you do that?

As the last few issues've proved, it was just another example of an already widening fissure between Sonic and Tails in terms of attitude.

Or do you blame Tails' parents for the fight in 176, since it happened after they showed up?

I'm not saying that Fiona's blameless, but Sonic and Tails were heading for this whether she was there or not.


went after Sonic only because she hoped that he'd be able to replace Scourge,

Again, just correcting. Not looking for a debate.

She said that she was trying to find the same sort of attraction for Sonic that she had for Scourge. That doesn't sound like a straight case of replacement to me - if she hadn't wanted to try going straight for a while, she could've cut Sonic loose there and then. If she wanted to directly replace one, she wouldn't have been messing with both of them at once.

I don't think that she tried to "replace" Scourge any more than one new partner replaces another - she just decided that Scourge was what she preferred.

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Well, she did hit him, didn't she? Or am I just remembering things wrong?

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Backhanded him off his feet when she told him she was evil, but was fine with him until then, and actually quite sweet about letting him down gently. Again, at least she was honest, which is more than his "best friend" was.

But that slap has nothing to do with whether Fiona was responsible for wrecking Sonic and Tails' friendship or not; which was what Spectre was alleging.

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hmm. good point why would fi help zonic??
heck, maybe zonic worked out some sort of deal with her where he'd clear her name of any past offenses, in return she set up scourge to be sent back to anti-mobius.
fiona did some stuff that got her charged right? or am i just assuming that...

anywho, back to my opinion, maybe she had to play a baddie for a while, just to accomplish this task. but still your right based on 172, her slapping tails like that... dont think even anyone undercover would pull something like that.

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People have done some pretty nasty things while undercover. The fact that she didn't do anything permanent leaves the door open, though it's about as close to evil as you get without lighting up a big sign over your head. XD

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Fiona turning evil was seen as the most clear cut way of her and Sonic breaking up.
Personally, I think Fiona isn't evil, just really, -really-, REALLY screwed in the head.

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Okay, I'll admit that my logic has once again been defeated. I guess that my anger should really be directed towards Sonic, since it was him choosing to go out with Fiona that led to the strained relationship between him and Tails, which has been augmented by other disputes between them since.

I still say Fiona's evil, though I admit she could just be insane. After all, she was in Robotnik's prison for a number of years, long enough to go from the 11 or so year old that her Auto-Automaton was to the 16-18 year old she is now. That's bound to have had some psychological effects. However, I still don't see any links between her and Zonic; the only thing that remotely concerns both of them is that Fiona's dating Scourge, who is both an evil counterpart of Sonic/Zonic and a criminal whom Zonic has held prisoner on two occasions-before he managed to escape, anyway.

Really, Tails and Sonic's friendship is in danger because of the same thing that happened between Sonic and Sally, though the Tails one is a lot more extreme. Because Sonic doesn't know how to communicate or admit that he's done something wrong, he keeps screwing up the bonds he's forged with the people who are closest to him. At this rate, the Freedom Fighters will have reformed into the Anti-Sonic League.

EDIT: Going back to Fiona having some part in Sonic and Tails' disputes, I really don't think that Tails would have reached the level of antagonism he's had with Sonic for a while had it not been for Fiona and Sonic starting to see each other. Seeing Sonic with a version of a female character he had grown to love appears to have seriously shaken Tails' opinion of Sonic, demoting him from virtually faultless hero to idiot. It was only after Fiona and Sonic's relationship came into the open that Tails and Sonic really began going at it, and Tails was easily swift enough to insult the flaws that he had previously overlookd.

As for Fiona ditching Tails, I'm not saying that she should have left Sonic just because Tails liked her. Of course, she could have talked more with him about why she didn't like him and resolved the issue instead of giving him what was basically the same kind of rejection Sonic gives Amy Rose on a daily basis. This made things worse, because Tails is a lot more sensitive than Amy and not as quick to bounce back.

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In the end, for all the brains in Tails' skull, he's still just a kid. So he refuses to see that the Fiona he loved never existed, it was a performance by an Robotnik Robot.

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The Fiona he loved existed, but it was the robot, not a real thing. That's why you get so many fan author/artist people out there bringing her back somehow. Seeing as how Archie usually uses characters at least twice before permanently getting rid of them, having her brought back might not be too surprising. I could see Tails using his mechanical skills to reprogram/rebuild her, possibly in an attempt to make her more like a real Mobian.

You're right, though, Tails is a kid, and he just doesn't understand that the Fiona robot that he loved-and who loved him back-was based on a much younger Fiona, one who was his age and who shared his affections. If Tails and the real Fiona had been born at the same time and met up...who knows?

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Ironially, if Fiona had never met Scourge, those awful parts of her would have stayed sleeping.

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Not necessarily true. Fiona's dark side could have emerged at any point; Scourge was the catalyst, but something else could have triggered it as well. Who's to say she wouldn't have grown bored with being a Freedom Fighter and ended up becoming a criminal on the scale of Nack the Weasel? I could see her becoming another mercenary willing to work for anyone so long as the price was right.

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She was responding to them, she was a nurse for crying out loud. There's nothing to say she couldn't have realized the world -wasn't- a big chance to be betrayed.

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When was she a nurse? Anyway, the whole thing is speculation: Fiona met Scourge, she turned evil, we move on.

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During the "Home" story arc. #132 I believe is when she brought out a medikit to set Sonic's broken arm in a sling.

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She became a Nurse some time during the year Sonic was gone.

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She was also nurse-like in the Good, Bad, and Unknown arc.

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I think that that Fiona has some good inside her. You never know, She might become good again.:spin

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i think Fiona's just had a rough life and even though she is probably genuinely good deep down, she sees living life the way she does as the easier way to get somewhere. while i too wasn't that into her story when she reappeared, i'd be somewhat curious if she can be redeemed somehow

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Fiona has had a rough life, but nothing she's demonstrated in the past shows that she has the moral fiber to have endured it without being corrupted. Sure, maybe she still has a few morals, but even Rouge wasn't enough of a crook to stay with Scourge once she found out what he was like. Besides, unless you count E.V.E., who was a superintelligent machine capable of realizing the error of her ways, when have any Sonic villains truthfully changed their ways and become good guys? Even Dimitri, who made the big deal about reuniting the Echidna people, appeared to have a hidden agenda of some kind. Certainly he now appears more concerned with keeping himself alive than helping the Echidnas.

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Don't judge Dimitri in this instane too harshly, and I seriously don't think he's Enerjak again, it doesn't fit his personality anymore.

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I doubt that he's the new Enerjak either, but let's not get off topic: this is a Fiona thread, not a Dimitri one. I only brought him up because I could see a comparison between them. Archie just doesn't have a history of villains being sincere in being rehabilitated.

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no its not offtopic because...the new Enerjak = FIONA FOX ZOMG!!


...anyways.. \

edit: fixed the name oops

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saint15, I think you're referring to the new ENERJAK. Whether or not you're joking, Fiona can't be the new Enerjak because Enerjak is a guy, not to mention that he's an Echidna.

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This is very likely just me, but Princess Daisy and Fiona Fox remind me of each other. It's probably the hairstyle and personality (up to their alignments, anyway...I don't think Daisy is evil)

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oops meant to say enerjak, and well archie is unpredictable :/
i wouldnt be suprised if they did something like that.

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I don't think Daisy is evil


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I don't know where Princess Daisy fits into this, but unless I'm mistaken she's not evil. Fiona, on the other hand...

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You're right that Archie doesn't have bad guys learning from this mistakes all that often. With the semi-except of Eggman's dear Nephew, who shows signs once again of regretting his choice to rejoin his Alternate Reality Uncle on the quest to rule the world.

Fiona, has shown signs of being both wicked and kind-hearted. You can't save everyone, and no one can make that choice for her, but there HAS to be some good in her, or she would have nevered joined the FFs to begin with.

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What Alex said. Scourge even said himself that evil's a lifestyle choice for Fiona rather than a fact.

I suppose that, if it's what she learned to survive on after escaping from Robotnik, it's what she knows. And it's easier to stick with what you know than work to change - so when Scourge reminded her of where she came from, maybe she fell back into old habits.

The FFs were like any form of rehab - temptation to slip back into doing things the cheap and easy way was always there, and she had to stay on the wagon. It doesn't necessarily make her evil.

Besides, Scourge said that he reckoned that he actually liked her, and we never saw either Sonic or Scourge really having a private moment with her.

Maybe, for all he's a complete git, he's a sincere git. As I said when I was talking about a Fiona/Sally story in the team-up thread - I have images in my head of Scourge risking himself for Fiona or something she wants, Scourge asking Sonic and Sally for help because if it's that or her getting hurt, then he'll ask (again, there's only one decision between the two of them, after all...) and Fiona holding him afterwards. And genuine tears from both of them.

We've seen even Robotnik develop apparently paternal feeling for Mecha, but there's never been a villainous couple. There's nothing to say that bad guys can't fall in love, too - and maybe what we haven't seen is that they work.

I'm reminded of what Sonic said when Fiona asked "Where does that leave us?" after squaring things with Tails:

"We're young and there's no rush."

Hardly a mind-blowing affirmation (even if it made a lot of sense), and her response didn't seem exactly thrilled. If Scourge actually said that she was special, she was hot and he genuinely wanted her - gave her that stability and sense of belonging that she'd been lacking for years (which the FFs'd been giving on a less intimate level) - it makes sense that she'd bite.

On the other side of the fourth wall, I'm not sure that we'll ever be able to theorise out one writer throwing all of the groundwork of another out of the window (since Karl had originally intended for Fiona to be just a normal FF in a flat share with Bunnie).

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there's never been a villainous couple

Bark and Bean? =D

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speakin of barkin n bean... *not trying to get off topic, which is my own topic i started lol*
why doesnt bark ever talk? he never says anything!

also a thought on fiona w/ the whole enerjak ordeal. is she gonna be sitting on the sidelines for that arc? or is she helping out dr. finitievus? *spelling?*

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That is because Bark is too cool for all of you! :toocool

and if she sits out I will be mad.

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there has been a villianous couple..
...luger + merin-da/mari-su *is shot for rediculous obscurity*

er, anyways... hopefully with this new writer whom i have heard has been fixing things up... wont forget about fiona, but who knows, archie has so many random characters now that just disappear into a plothole..

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wait, ians still a writer right?

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Writer and Editor now.

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What do you mean, "and editor"? o_O

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Yeah - editor? I may plot the course of the comic, but everything still has to be okay'd by Mike Pellerito and Sega.

And there are definitely plans for Fiona down the line. As in - what part does she play in Enerjak's return?

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Ooh, you can be so mean sometimes, Ian.

As if I need any more reasons to be impatient for the upcoming Enerjak arc.

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