Archie comics are going to start subscriptions for overseas fans! Rejoice any UKians, or fans from other countries, now you won't have to go through the hassle of going through Forbidden Planet or other comic shop!
"In less than five weeks we'll reach optimal distribution and Archie Comics will be released in every territory, ensuring...
...Nice! 8D
I've had the same subscription provider for the last twelve years, and they haven't done anything wrong yet. I'll bear this in mind, but I'm happy enough not changing until I need to.
Thanks for sharing! I wonder how much demand Archie've had that this finally happened.
If this had happened ten years ago I'd be over the moon, but shipping to Australia would mean a two month delay and my local store gets them in on release date... so cheers Archie, but no thanks.
Same as Matt, I get mine pretty much on time, and I go through a privately-owned business to get my fix.
Too little too late, Archie Comics. GG, though.
I've finally chipped up the dough and am now a subscriber - it may not be the glory years, but I picked up some issues in September when I visited the states...seemed to be entertaining enough, and I'm too 'unknowing' in what I've missed to compare the new comics to the old to make an 'issue' of it! XD;
I guess I'll be visiting here in this section more often - I look forward to reading regularly with ya'alls! :3
It doesn't explicitly state, but you should check if the Yearly Collector's Sets are available for International subscribers as well to get you caught up.
Most of the discussion here seems to have died down here in favor of Bumbleking, though.
Oooh, I might have to check that! XD