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Guhhh...too many ad...
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Guhhh...too many advertisements...

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Posts: 89
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I hate how many ads have been showing up in the comic lately. Whoever decided to run a 5 page "HEROSCAPE" story in the middle of Darkest Storm's climax is a threat to humanity. Another thing-some of the sponsors/products are inappropriate. For example, a Justice League advert in an Archie Adventure comic??? *Major facepalm* Archie needs to rexexamine their priorities. I heard recently they've phased out the letters for MORE ADS! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!! DON'T MAKE ME SUFFER MORE! THE INHUMANITY! I LOVED READING THE LETTERS. USUALLY, I SKIPPED TO THE BACK TO READ THE LETTERS BEFORE READING THE ACTUAL COMIC. ARCHIE, YOU HAVE BROKEN MY HEART AGAIN...the 1st time for the act of separating*censored to avoid modding* was enough. NOW THIS!! GAHHH!!!

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

The only reason why the comic has so many advertisements is because of money. The money IS their priority, because without the income from the combined sales and the money they receive from putting in the adverts is what's keeping the comic going.

So, without the advertisements, it'd die. Understand?

Posts: 409
Reputable Member


I heard recently they've phased out the letters for MORE ADS! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!

You're a couple years late... at least.

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

Yeah, the ads are annoying, but hey, they have a good system going now, putting them on every whole page, front and back. If you're careful, you can rip the pages out without damaging the book, and have an ad-free comic. How's that for no ads, eh?

Posts: 36
Eminent Member

That would totally degrade it's value! [/geek]
Seriously (bax)

Also, cat.

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

Adverts are pretty much the iron lung upon which comics survive. With comic books as an entertainment medium slowly dying out to TV and videogames, how else would the comic industry survive? XP

Posts: 2234
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This is why I much prefer graphic novels. You get the whole comic, back to back page by page without any irritating adverts.

But unfortunately, Archie doesn't bother with graphic novels for Sonic, other than their Archives series, which I dislike for their smaller size and lack at reprinting a sizeable chunk of comics per archive (I'd much prefer a standard graphic novel sized book dimension wise that reprinted about 6 of the original issues rather than 4, even if it costed a bit more).

Posts: 273
Reputable Member

The reason for the ads is simple: A few years ago, I guess Archie made some sort of deal with DC Comics to increase advertising revenue for both publishers. That's why we are seeing so many damn advertisements. That's why Sonic Grams and the Fan Art was phazed out. It sucks. But it's business and we have to deal with it. I don't know when this deal expires or even if it will expire, but it can't come soon enough. I'm paying $2.00 for a comic book, not a catalogue.

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I don't see what the big deal is.It takes only a couple seconds to flip past the ads. Making a post gripping about it takes far longer.:rolleyes

Posts: 981
Noble Member

The problem would be how much one would be getting out of their money. The books cost more than before, and had other extras (the find you name in print page, Sonic-Grams, Sonic Art, and other stuff like the one-page intro). It made it seem longer and more worth it. Now with the heavier price, and all those extras gone and replaced with needless ads., gives you far less content than before. And that's why the ads. are annoying.

Posts: 58
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Me too! I used to read the letters as I stood in line at the bookstore, now, forget it. Unfournately, it's not so much about the readers opinions, more so about MONEY, MONEY, and guess what? MONEY. I'm so darn tired of it which leads me to my next quote...


So, without the advertisements, it'd die. Understand?

Honest opinion held by myself:

LET IT DIE. :evil :evil :evil

I'm dead serious

Here's why, the series has just turned into over-rated, over-hyped crap overnight. It makes me depressed at night. Last good issue,if any, issue 137. That's about 45 issues ago. I mean, yeah, Ian's style is a refreshing change from Penders, but in all honesty, it'll become dust in the wind someday, if not already for me.

Not mention, a man whose only real writing experince prior to Sonic was underground online comics, is the one whom determines the future of the entire comic. It makes me sad. :(

Unless a writer with some experince and (not or) a NOT a fan previously (which in my opinion, makes biased storylines) I'm never touching it again.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member


Honest opinion held by myself:

LET IT DIE. :evil :evil :evil

I'm dead serious

Go and show yourself the door out, please. It's that way.

There's such a thing about being too negative and cynical, and those things are unwanted, nor appreciated. You've already made a thread about this, so keep it all in one place.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Knuxfreak you are a mental midget.

Who cares(beside you,of course) what experiance Ian has prior to Sonic. Everyone has to start somewhere. Judging from people's opinions,you are in the minority.

I know plenty of "experianced" writers that just fail.........HARD. So experiance doesn't mean that they are going to be good on every comic. If you dislike it so much than don't bother even wasting space on this site. Your opinions show rationlization that is more shallow than a kiddy pool with a few won't be missed.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member


Last good issue,if any, issue 137.

Yes, because the Tommy Trilogy is universally accepted as a paradigm of creativity and the series' all time high-point.


I mean, yeah, Ian's style is a refreshing change from Penders, but in all honesty, it'll become dust in the wind someday, if not already for me.

Course it will. Nothing lasts forever. But I'd be incredibly surprised if the comic was dead anytime in the next five years; and I'm expecting it to last a lot longer than that.


Not mention, a man whose only real writing experince prior to Sonic was underground online comics, is the one whom determines the future of the entire comic. It makes me sad.

Experience does not imply quality. Ken Penders had years in the comic industry before he'd even heard of Sonic, and after ten years his stories were almost painful to read. JK Rowling had barely put pen to paper before, and look at how well Harry Potter has sold. It's not like Archie just hired Ian right off the bat; he's got a college-level writing degree and had like three years of experience working on the comic before any of his stories ever saw print.

Anyway, who cares? If the story is good, it's good; doesn't matter if it's Stan Lee or a ten-year old.


Unless a writer with some experince and (not or) a NOT a fan previously (which in my opinion, makes biased storylines) I'm never touching it again.

On the flip side, a fan of the comic also knows what the fans want. If Ken was still the main writer, no doubt we'd still be dealing with backup stories starring Tommy and the Nanobots; and M25YL would be in the middle of an epic fondue party, or something. Ian may be biased by being a fan of the comic, but at least he can understand it from both a professional and fan perspective, until Karl or Ken.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


Knuxfreak you are a mental midget.

Shay, petty personal insults are not accepted here. Please read the rules.


Honest opinion held by myself:


Knuxfreak, you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but keep it to that topic instead of derailing this one to go in the same direction.

In any case, the ads are annoying but they don't really upset me. Television ads on the other hand... don't get me started.

If the ads are really necessary to support the book then I suppose I'm for them, as long as they continue running ads that are relevant to fans, which they didn't always used to do.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Thank you, Dirk.

Shay, the next one of those gets you a warning.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


Television ads on the other hand...

...make the Superbowl worth watching.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

@#%$ off dirk and saman......I don't care if I'm banned.:lol

A scary........

This site is dead almost all the time and when there is a new post it is often a rehash or "wish" post. Funny,.................most mods's post lack any kind of real intelligence behind their posts.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Fine. I don't like doing this, but... Second warning.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Your reading comprehension and rationalization are severly lacking............

I mentioned that I don't care if I'm banned.......

What's the point of a second warning?

You also posted a link to the rules. That makes no sense whatsoever since I've clearly demonstated that I don't care what rules are in place. Are you that stupid? Nevermind,don't answer. You have already proven it. Piss off you old nerd.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

If you don't care, what're you doing here in the first place other than wasting your time and everyone else's here by getting your rocks off causing trouble? I don't think that that makes me the one who's lacking.

I'd rather be an "old nerd" than a troll - and I think that you'll find that I'm not the one who'll be going anywhere. Now run along back to which ever kindergarten sandbox you crawled out of, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Third strike. You're banned, as desired. Have a nice day.

Posts: 58
Trusted Member


Go and show yourself the door out, please. It's that way.

I argee. That was negative. But does anyone argee? Honestly?


Knuxfreak you are a mental midget.

The mental part is probably true. :cackle


If you dislike it so much than don't bother even wasting space on this site.

I'm here to attempt others to think critically about the comics path. Sure. The current chages may make you happy, but not me. I'm here to provide a different opinion. Nothing is sunshine and flowers all the time.


you won't be missed.

Neither will you be with the attitude you've displayed. I currently have no intent on leaving. I am breaking no rules and I'm perfectly entitled to my opinion, so yeah.


Course it will. Nothing lasts forever. But I'd be incredibly surprised if the comic was dead anytime in the next five years; and I'm expecting it to last a lot longer than that.

Are you kidding? Sonic went down the drain for me after the return of M:25YL. I just gave up on it, literally. What am I missing that's so good about the series?


Experience does not imply quality. Ken Penders had years in the comic industry before he'd even heard of Sonic, and after ten years his stories were almost painful to read. JK Rowling had barely put pen to paper before, and look at how well Harry Potter has sold. It's not like Archie just hired Ian right off the bat; he's got a college-level writing degree and had like three years of experience working on the comic before any of his stories ever saw print.

Anyway, who cares? If the story is good, it's good; doesn't matter if it's Stan Lee or a ten-year old.

I think I'd like to pretend the stories were good, but they just don't reach my fancy anymore. Oh, and JK Rowling has wrote for years, ever since she was about 8. She created the HP series in her 30's. If that isn't experince or you put it, "putting pen on paper" I don't know what is.

I argee, experince doesn't always imply quality, but it helps bunches.


On the flip side, a fan of the comic also knows what the fans want. If Ken was still the main writer, no doubt we'd still be dealing with backup stories starring Tommy and the Nanobots; and M25YL would be in the middle of an epic fondue party, or something. Ian may be biased by being a fan of the comic, but at least he can understand it from both a professional and fan perspective, unlike Karl or Ken.

Which is bad. I've never been a stereotypical fan, but everyone else is enjoying the stories while I fight to stay awake. Indeed, Ian is talented, but his storylines don't catch my interest.


Television ads on the other hand...

...make the Superbowl worth watching.



@#%$ off dirk and saman......I don't care if I'm banned.

Then go, the door is open.


If you don't care, what're you doing here in the first place other than wasting your time and everyone else's here by getting your rocks off causing trouble? I don't think that that makes me the one who's lacking.

I'd rather be an "old nerd" than a troll - and I think that you'll find that I'm not the one who'll be going anywhere. Now run along back to which ever kindergarten sandbox you crawled out of, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Third strike. You're banned, as desired. Have a nice day.

*holds out hand for high five* Nice serve.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Dude, you don't need to do a running commentary on someone being banned. o_o

Also, Harry Potter is Rowling's first published work. If you're going to count the "stories she's been writing since she was 8" as experience, then you've got to count Ian's previous work - unofficial comics and the like - as just as relevant. Probably even more so.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

I could start writing prose for each banning, but that would get boring pretty fast so I save it for special occasions.

*edit* Aw what the hey. There once was a Shay from China, whose face was shaped like a- *drug off by Sam*


Posts: 1437
Noble Member

A Haiku might be more appropriate:

Shay wants to be banned?
I'm sure that Sam will oblige.
So how 'bout those ads?

Posts: 58
Trusted Member


Also, Harry Potter is Rowling's first published work. If you're going to count the "stories she's been writing since she was 8" as experience, then you've got to count Ian's previous work - unofficial comics and the like - as just as relevant. Probably even more so.

Alright, I will count that as experience for Ian.

Those guys with the proses and haikus, funny. Oh, and sorry.

Posts: 113
Estimable Member

I used to think the ads were annoying..I sorta do now since there seems to be more and more than actual content! Comics here in Australia are expensive and when I'm paying around $6 for a comic and it's full of ads I get ughy about since comics don't take that long to read.

However, I have learnt to deal with them..The company does need to make money...But how did they survive in the early days then? They didn't have as many ads and there was more content..Now it's like open page story-ad-story-ad..etc.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

I am kinda tired of the ads to. That's a second reason why I don't really get all excited to buy the comics anymore. Seriously, I picked up one of the Darkest Storm issues last week, and thought this issue was like awesome cause it felt so heavy

I get to the glossier part, and its a whole nother frickin comic!I'm bleeding from the eyes here, ready to see like some special insert I missed last year, and I get that? No, I'm sorry, just no. Keep full page ads, fine. Dun give me giant 6 page ad.
