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He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

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Posts: 633
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Sonicblaster Robotnik is eggman, , now i know not everyone is found of the fact that Sega's completly Taken away his pride by calling him Eggman 24/7 (I'd go insane.) but yea I don't get how you can replace someone with the same character.

& Lord knows that Amy could never take Sallly's place thats just silly.

But I agree with you a straight foward Revivel would be Nice, but the younger fans probably would have no idea whats going on, I think a show Based on the Current Archie comics would be fine.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

A show based on the Archie would be more confusing than Sonic 2k6. It would be pointless to try and focus on THAT many characters. SatAM was never meant to be Super Friends or The Just League Unlimited.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

I care, TR, because I wanted to know how people here felt about knocking off old characters to put in new ones.

That can be asked without discussing other people who can't/aren't around to defend their opinions.

Dulcy hasn't been seen with the FF's in the comic since #107

Technically, she was with them briefly in #125 and #155. I try to keep tabs on her appearances.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

I care, TR, because I wanted to know how people here felt about knocking off old characters to put in new ones.

That can be asked without discussing other people who can't/aren't around to defend their opinions.

Why should it matter? I was vague enough. The only way you'd know 'who said what' is if you went there and read the discussion yourself.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

A show based on the Archie would be more confusing than Sonic 2k6. It would be pointless to try and focus on THAT many characters. SatAM was never meant to be Super Friends or The Just League Unlimited.

The characterizations had better be worlds above what they had in the original SatAM. The only characters who got any sort of development were Sally and (to a much lesser extent), Sonic and Dulcy. Everyone else in the core group had almost zero characterization.

What did we find out about Tails, other than that he was somehow orphaned, ended up with the FFs, and became buddies with Sonic? What did we find out about Bunnie, other than that she's Southern and was roboticized offscreen? What did we find out about Antoine, other than that he's French and a colossal, cowardly prat? What did we find out about Rotor, other than that he's a techie? What did we find out about their histories, and the like? How did Tails come to be with the FFs, and what happened to cause Sonic to adopt him as a younger sibling? What were the circumstances of Bunnie's roboticization? Why should we like them and care about what happens to them?

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

A show based on the Archie would be more confusing than Sonic 2k6. It would be pointless to try and focus on THAT many characters. SatAM was never meant to be Super Friends or The Just League Unlimited.

The characterizations had better be worlds above what they had in the original SatAM. The only characters who got any sort of development were Sally and (to a much lesser extent), Sonic and Dulcy. Everyone else in the core group had almost zero characterization.

What did we find out about Tails, other than that he was somehow orphaned, ended up with the FFs, and became buddies with Sonic? What did we find out about Bunnie, other than that she's Southern and was roboticized offscreen? What did we find out about Antoine, other than that he's French and a colossal, cowardly prat? What did we find out about Rotor, other than that he's a techie? What did we find out about their histories, and the like? How did Tails come to be with the FFs, and what happened to cause Sonic to adopt him as a younger sibling? What were the circumstances of Bunnie's roboticization? Why should we like them and care about what happens to them?

All of those things were answered in the comics! (Shamless plug)

but, yea depper characterization would be nice.

Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Legionfan, what are you, an apprentice to an Archie editor? 😛 j/k
Backgrounds stories are good and would be helpful. Like some of us said, it would work even if they added a few new characters.
Imagine ALL of the comic characters? I went through the encyclopedia here and its MADNESS!!

Posts: 633
Honorable Member


sorry could'nt resist LOL, & no I'M not an apprintance....yet but I am well versed in all archie-sonic lore, I can answer any qustion's you have about the comic without fail.

(another thing i think i should post is that im bloody insane!)

Posts: 82
Trusted Member

No, it SONIC HQ!!!!
Thanks for the offer, but i'll figure everything things out. 😛
So anyway, is there any news on Matt's progress?

Posts: 136
Estimable Member

Dulcy hasn't been seen with the FF's in the comic since #107

Technically, she was with them briefly in #125 and #155. I try to keep tabs on her appearances.

Yeah, thats right! She was in 125 along with several other characters that haven't been seen in a long time. I forgot I don't even have #155 but I know in issue #156 she's in her own story.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

No, it SONIC HQ!!!!
Thanks for the offer, but i'll figure everything things out. 😛
So anyway, is there any news on Matt's progress?

I havn't heard anything, but then again im not really in the loop persay, although I try to sneak in at times, alll I can say is that I really hope Matt's pitch gets accepted so we'll have some good american animation on for once this dacade. (Well Besides Avatar & Family guy that is.)

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

LIke Antoine is a negative stereotype of the French.

Well, yeah.

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

I mean if you add in Shadow then who next? Silver? The Babylon Rouges?

Yes, because Sega will want them in because it's their property.

Silver's hardly going to be hard to fit in - he's a time traveller from the future, nothing in SatAm prevents that; and the Babylon Rogues are a gang of outlaws & speed thieves, having outlaws hardly goes against SatAm (already have the Nasty Hyenas).

That was one of the major things I loved about SU. So many species were showcased, far above anything that SatAM had to offer. They even gave us an anthro sea sponge.

I loved the sponge.

Posts: 71
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I believe I read somewhere that Matt planned to "make the pitch" around sometime late October.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

alll I can say is that I really hope Matt's pitch gets accepted so we'll have some good american animation on for once this dacade. (Well Besides Avatar & Family guy that is.)

Futurama? Justice League? South Park? Codename Kids Next Door? The new Spider-Man _and_ Mainframe's 2003 one? Metalocalypse? Transformers Animated? Batman Beyond? Ben 10?

That's off the top of my head.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

opps forgot about those (although i'd have to disagree with Matalocalypse & Ben 10)
& south park started in the 90's

& you forgot Home movies, Robot chicken, House of mouse & Lilo & Stitch: the series

but i meant ones made in about in the past year or 2. (I agree with you on TF:animated though it ROCKS!!!)

(Now if only we could get a Ghost Rider cartoon, that would be sweet.!)

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

alll I can say is that I really hope Matt's pitch gets accepted so we'll have some good american animation on for once this dacade. (Well Besides Avatar & Family guy that is.)

Futurama? Justice League? South Park? Codename Kids Next Door? The new Spider-Man _and_ Mainframe's 2003 one? Metalocalypse? Transformers Animated? Batman Beyond? Ben 10?

That's off the top of my head.

Yeah too all the REAL work is done in Korea not in America.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

True DB, but who needs technicallities im just saying it would be good to have a cartoon thats serious yet funny & good for all ages & since Avatars over we don't have that anymore. I mean it seems every other good show is either an anime or a cartoon aimed at older teens & adults. I'm just thinkng out loud i guess.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

opps forgot about those (although i'd have to disagree with Matalocalypse & Ben 10)

& south park started in the 90's

& you forgot Home movies, Robot chicken, House of mouse & Lilo & Stitch: the series

but i meant ones made in about in the past year or 2. (I agree with you on TF:animated though it ROCKS!!!)

(Now if only we could get a Ghost Rider cartoon, that would be sweet.!)

I'll agree with you LF44 on Metalocalypse, but I love Ben 10 and it's sequel, Ben 10: Alien Force. And what about Teen Titans; most people liked it didn't they?

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

I myself liked TT well enough but for somereason no one else i knew did, I Think it was one of those shows that you either loved or hated LOL.

As for Ben10 I have nothin against it, it jsut seems Kinda Generic to me compared to other super hero's.

This may make me sound old but i miss the 90's All the cartoons back then were Gold star quality & im not jsut saying that becuase i was younger then, I mean Even going back & watching TV shows from the 60's-the 80's TV shows seemed to have a better quality over all I sometimes fear that the Golden age of TV may never return, but a new sonic show based on SATAM/Archie would be a turn in the right direction.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Why should it matter? I was vague enough. The only way you'd know 'who said what' is if you went there and read the discussion yourself.

Since you asked, that is what actually makes it worse, IMO. No couple of people speak for an entire board, even if by chance every single person you met gave the same opinion. I always got tired of people doing that to members here when they happened to post elsewhere (as well as get tired of seeing it myself when I go all over the corners of the Sonic 'net--though I do get chuckles sometimes when comparing the "opinions" that supposedly represent this board as they are in constant conflict depending on where I am). I don't like it being done to another board either. It's one thing to reference a board when discussing rules, but not anything else as far as I'm concerned.

What did we find out about Tails, other than that he was somehow orphaned, ended up with the FFs, and became buddies with Sonic? What did we find out about Bunnie, other than that she's Southern and was roboticized offscreen? What did we find out about Antoine, other than that he's French and a colossal, cowardly prat? What did we find out about Rotor, other than that he's a techie? What did we find out about their histories, and the like? How did Tails come to be with the FFs, and what happened to cause Sonic to adopt him as a younger sibling? What were the circumstances of Bunnie's roboticization? Why should we like them and care about what happens to them?

You are saying that the only way to care about or develop a character is to know a lot about their past. That's not hardly the case or else just about every single Sonic fan would praise Archie and despise all other Sonic universes, except perhaps Fleetway. Sonic, in the games, would be the most hated character instead of the most popular if that was the only criteria as Sonic Team has done nothing to discuss Sonic's past whereas just about every other popular Sonic-related video game character has had some part of their past delved into no matter how small.

Besides, knowing someone's past is not the only way to develop a character. Development also takes into account how a character starts and how they change (by growing or shrinking) as things happen. Tails is one of the most developed characters in SatAM in part because it was rare that he ever had an appearance that wasn't noteworthy or important. Just about each time he appeared he grew in some way. Bunnie's development mostly dealt with her coming to grips with her robotic limbs, especially how she fluctuated between accepting them and then getting a chance to be "normal" and having that ripped away from her. Chuck is actually one of the most developed characters in the show as well, especially if using the "learning about their past"-thing as a guide. Antoine is more than coward, and even SatAM showed that as Antoine was used (I felt) to point out that everyone can be worthwhile even if they don't look like it. He has several moments to shine--some minor, and one particularly major when his jealously of Sonic caused him to make a potentially grave mistake. Yeah, Rotor was a techie, but he could help if he had to do so. He got all his development in season 1 though, and he did more than just be a weapons/machine-creator in that season. Personally, I don't see Dulcy as someone who got that much development, just a little back story to partially explain why she seemingly appeared out of nowhere as she wasn't in season 1 at all and never had her appearance with the main group explicitly explained though you can put some pieces together between her dedicated episode & Blast to the Past.

Anyway, yes, some characters were developed more than others--but that happens in every form of fiction. That would be like me complaining that Luna was not developed as much as Hermione in Harry Potter when one was a main character and the other was a secondary one.

Everyone knows Sonic & Sally were the main characters in SatAM. Tails & Uncle Chuck (IMO) were the most developed of the secondary characters (Snively could be added here too though I admit I usually ignore the development that he & Robotnik got just due to them being villains), though I don't think any true recurring character truly suffered from a total lack of development in the series at all. Obviously everyone has their personal faves and may wish that they got more development or whatever, but that's not the same as having "no development."

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Well, knowing a character's background helps me like them. It's no fun if the characters are like cardboard.

I could never tell if there was character development in SatAM, so perhaps it's a personal thing. It always seemed that Sally was getting all the attention, especially since her dad was the only parent shown in Blast to the Past. I know that she was established the main character and all, but they really had no excuse for not giving Tails a larger roll, considering that he was already an established character in the game canon, which SatAM was supposed to be an adaptation of. It also seemed as if Sonic were there for Sally to berate, and he was supposed to be the main character, not DiC's made-for-SatAM princess.

Sally's influence on the show was so bad that Sega of America actually replaced Amy's name with hers in one of the US Sonic CD game manual.

Posts: 136
Estimable Member

alll I can say is that I really hope Matt's pitch gets accepted so we'll have some good american animation on for once this dacade. (Well Besides Avatar & Family guy that is.)

Futurama? Justice League? South Park? Codename Kids Next Door? The new Spider-Man _and_ Mainframe's 2003 one? Metalocalypse? Transformers Animated? Batman Beyond? Ben 10?

That's off the top of my head.

What about Teen Titans? That was probably the best cartoon in my opinion from this decade.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

Yeah too all the REAL work is done in Korea not in America.

American cartoons have been outsourcing work to foreign countries like Korea and Japan for years, because it's cheaper. It's not a new development. (That said, not all of the listed shows have outsourced their animation - South Park's done in the States)

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

CharlesRocketboy -American cartoons have been outsourcing work to foreign countries like Korea and Japan for years, because it's cheaper. It's not a new development. (That said, not all of the listed shows have outsourced their animation - South Park's done in the States)

You say that like its a compliment. Its a flash animation. Of course its done in the U.S. thats all our animators are good for.

Posts: 4
New Member

Yeah too all the REAL work is done in Korea not in America.

Most TV animation is outsourced, yes, but American animators could do it just as well, if not better. It's simply a matter of cost ( according to our mighty executives )
All the pre-production, designs, storyboard, voice acting, background design and editing is done in America. All the Koreans do is animate it and send it back, often with so many mistakes we send it back and ask for retakes.

I draw storyboards mostly, but I was trained as an animator. If a studio wanted to make animation in America, I ( and a thousand unemployed animator friends ) would say "Hey, sign me up!" But it won't happen. Unless of course, the dollar's value continues to drop. Then it wouldn't make any sense to send the work overseas.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

It also seemed as if Sonic were there for Sally to berate, and he was supposed to be the main character, not DiC's made-for-SatAM princess.

I think it's the other way around. Sally was the check on Sonic--particularly his ego, which needed to have a check as SatAM wasn't a flat out slapstick series where checking his ego wouldn't have mattered at all. Tails, Bunnie, and Rotor couldn't do that consistently due to their personalities and be believable. It would've required taking away some of their sweetness or kindness and would've changed their roles entirely. Of course, Antoine tried, but wasn't any good at it and he wasn't meant to be. Again, if he was good at it, it would've required adding more competency to him and that would've killed his set role. It just so happened that because of the fact that Sally could believably be a check on Sonic, he could check hers--and he did.

Personally, I don't see a problem with another character (main or otherwise) berating the main character unless the main character is overly shy/sweet/kind/etc. (which Sonic most definitely is not; Usagi in the Sailor Moon anime is one who springs to mind off the top of my head in terms of being overly sweet/kind though not shy) and I'm meant to take offense. Otherwise, I just see it as a necessary service. Both Sonic & Sally needed each other to keep themselves in check in that series as no one else really could. It usually takes an alpha to deal with another alpha. There are just so many guilt-trips a non-alpha can do to get through to an alpha.

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

It also seemed as if Sonic were there for Sally to berate, and he was supposed to be the main character, not DiC's made-for-SatAM princess.

I think it's the other way around. Sally was the check on Sonic--particularly his ego, which needed to have a check as SatAM wasn't a flat out slapstick series where checking his ego wouldn't have mattered at all. Tails, Bunnie, and Rotor couldn't do that consistently due to their personalities and be believable. It would've required taking away some of their sweetness or kindness and would've changed their roles entirely. Of course, Antoine tried, but wasn't any good at it and he wasn't meant to be. Again, if he was good at it, it would've required adding more competency to him and that would've killed his set role. It just so happened that because of the fact that Sally could believably be a check on Sonic, he could check hers--and he did.

Personally, I don't see a problem with another character (main or otherwise) berating the main character unless the main character is overly shy/sweet/kind/etc. (which Sonic most definitely is not; Usagi in the Sailor Moon anime is one who springs to mind off the top of my head in terms of being overly sweet/kind though not shy) and I'm meant to take offense. Otherwise, I just see it as a necessary service. Both Sonic & Sally needed each other to keep themselves in check in that series as no one else really could. It usually takes an alpha to deal with another alpha. There are just so many guilt-trips a non-alpha can do to get through to an alpha.

Exactly True Red, that is why I didn't mind(and even liked) Sonic and Sally's banter.

As for knowing a character's past, I do find it interesting to find out the background of character's I like. One of the things I have liked about Archie is learning a little more of Sonic, and some of the other Freedom Fighters families, though I don't find it necessary for me to know about a character's past for me to have sympathy. I look at other things, like the characters' good qualities for me to have sympathy.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

I got a "what If" question.

Let's just say that the show is green lighted. What network would you or think should air this revival?

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

It also seemed as if Sonic were there for Sally to berate, and he was supposed to be the main character, not DiC's made-for-SatAM princess.

I think it's the other way around. Sally was the check on Sonic--particularly his ego, which needed to have a check as SatAM wasn't a flat out slapstick series where checking his ego wouldn't have mattered at all. Tails, Bunnie, and Rotor couldn't do that consistently due to their personalities and be believable. It would've required taking away some of their sweetness or kindness and would've changed their roles entirely. Of course, Antoine tried, but wasn't any good at it and he wasn't meant to be. Again, if he was good at it, it would've required adding more competency to him and that would've killed his set role. It just so happened that because of the fact that Sally could believably be a check on Sonic, he could check hers--and he did.

Personally, I don't see a problem with another character (main or otherwise) berating the main character unless the main character is overly shy/sweet/kind/etc. (which Sonic most definitely is not; Usagi in the Sailor Moon anime is one who springs to mind off the top of my head in terms of being overly sweet/kind though not shy) and I'm meant to take offense. Otherwise, I just see it as a necessary service. Both Sonic & Sally needed each other to keep themselves in check in that series as no one else really could. It usually takes an alpha to deal with another alpha. There are just so many guilt-trips a non-alpha can do to get through to an alpha.

Okay, I understand where you're coming from, and I agree that Sonic needed a check, considering the somewhat dimwitted personality he was given.

What I can't understand is why she received so much focus as a check for Sonic, and poor Tails got relegated to a cheerleader. If anything, Tails should've at least been co-second-in-command, right up there with Sonic since he was second only to Sonic in the games, but I guess they didn't want a kid to upstage the teenagers. Even though said kid was supposed to be Robotnik's equal in IQ.

Posts: 72
Trusted Member

Let's just say that the show is green lighted. What network would you or think should air this revival?

An even better question: which animation studio would be interested to work on it? Disney? TMS Entertainment?

Posts: 5772
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Topic starter


Oh yeah, I went there.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member


Oh yeah, I went there.

And here I though you'd say Gonzo.

Oh Yes, I went there!

Posts: 71
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Posts: 633
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I say nevevla or DIC or mabye Fox.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

If anything, Tails should've at least been co-second-in-command, right up there with Sonic since he was second only to Sonic in the games, but I guess they didn't want a kid to upstage the teenagers.

Don't quote me on this, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that Tails wasn't actually in the initial drafts of SatAM and was more or less shoehorned in to coincide with the games, hence his minor tag-a-long role.

Posts: 72
Trusted Member

It also seemed as if Sonic were there for Sally to berate, and he was supposed to be the main character, not DiC's made-for-SatAM princess.

I think it's the other way around. Sally was the check on Sonic--particularly his ego, which needed to have a check as SatAM wasn't a flat out slapstick series where checking his ego wouldn't have mattered at all. Tails, Bunnie, and Rotor couldn't do that consistently due to their personalities and be believable. It would've required taking away some of their sweetness or kindness and would've changed their roles entirely. Of course, Antoine tried, but wasn't any good at it and he wasn't meant to be. Again, if he was good at it, it would've required adding more competency to him and that would've killed his set role. It just so happened that because of the fact that Sally could believably be a check on Sonic, he could check hers--and he did.

Personally, I don't see a problem with another character (main or otherwise) berating the main character unless the main character is overly shy/sweet/kind/etc. (which Sonic most definitely is not; Usagi in the Sailor Moon anime is one who springs to mind off the top of my head in terms of being overly sweet/kind though not shy) and I'm meant to take offense. Otherwise, I just see it as a necessary service. Both Sonic & Sally needed each other to keep themselves in check in that series as no one else really could. It usually takes an alpha to deal with another alpha. There are just so many guilt-trips a non-alpha can do to get through to an alpha.

Yeah, I liked that kind of dynamic between Sonic & Sally. While very playful with each other, they were not afraid to give constructive criticism when it was needed. For the most part they were character foils for the other, giving them a lot of potential character development if the show had continued on (and if executed properly). I wouldn't have been surprised if Sonic eventually used his brain more and Sally became more spontaneous. And compared to all the friendly rivalries and puppy love relationships that have come in the game franchise, it probably wouldn't hurt to have a deeper relationship (I think...). However, within the Archie comics universe, I guess everything I just said is a moot point since many of the characters and relationships there are oddly similar (Knuckles & Julie-Su, etc.).

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

If anything, Tails should've at least been co-second-in-command, right up there with Sonic since he was second only to Sonic in the games, but I guess they didn't want a kid to upstage the teenagers.

Don't quote me on this, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that Tails wasn't actually in the initial drafts of SatAM and was more or less shoehorned in to coincide with the games, hence his minor tag-a-long role.

If that was the case, I'd have rather them have gone the SU route and left Tails out then put in that Tails-in-name-only fox kid in. AoStH did a far better job.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

If anything, Tails should've at least been co-second-in-command, right up there with Sonic since he was second only to Sonic in the games, but I guess they didn't want a kid to upstage the teenagers.

Don't quote me on this, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that Tails wasn't actually in the initial drafts of SatAM and was more or less shoehorned in to coincide with the games, hence his minor tag-a-long role.

If that was the case, I'd have rather them have gone the SU route and left Tails out then put in that Tails-in-name-only fox kid in. AoStH did a far better job.

True AOSTH was a much better show for taills fans...but back in topic, I'm sure that if this revivel see the light of day that X will give tails a bigger role...I mean it would be kinda hard not to, since most likely sega will get involved. (& demand certian things.) but im sure that X will have enough freedom to make his vision of sonic....hopefully.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

I hope so.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Do you think new people would like Nack if he were in the show? Or is he too 'old school' to register on younger sonic fans?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

Do you think new people would like Nack if he were in the show? Or is he too 'old school' to register on younger sonic fans?

That question is slightly mentally hilarious. SatAM started September 1993 and Nack debuted in November 1994.

If Nack is too old school for young fans. SatAM is a dusty fossil in comparrison.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Possible stuff new characters could add to the show. This is what I've come up with.

Knuckles: -Rival material, can start conflicts with Sonic
-possible minor villian material (temporary)
-possible useage of mysterious and forbidden knowlege (via the Master Emerald).
-Robotnik finding out about the Master Emerald and trying to steal it from Knuckles and Knuckles going completely sick house on Robotnik's ass.
-OR Robotnik over powers Knuckles leaving him injured for the freedom fighters to find, revive, and form a temporary partnership to stop Robotnik from tapping into M.E.'s power.
-OR Sonic and Co. find out about the M.E. and use Dulcy or plane to go to Angel island and almost get eaten, buried alive, or killed in some haphazard way by the Island's 'magic' or booby traps set by the sociopathic Guardian and THEN having to deal with Knuckles himself when they run into him!
- The epic battle between strength and speed. The clashing of egos?(Sonic and Knuckles)
- Or maybe Knuckles is more of the pacifist sort who only goes into rage mode when somebody is trying to swipe the Emerald.
-Unlikely but flirtatious banter between Sally and Knuckles which would anger Sonic. Probably wouldn't be anything romantic its just that they have certain simularities that Sonic doesn't have with Sally.

- Minor villian material (long term)
- kidnapping/abduction.
-Possible partnerships with Robotnik
- assasination attempts against Sally's life
-Sally's perfect moral view of Mobians never siding with Robotnik shattering into a thousand pieces when she finds out that Nack is working for him.
-Betrayl if Nack acts like a good guy then stabs the FF's in the back when they aren't looking.
-Clash of Egos. (Sonic and Nack)
- Possible theft of the M.E. done by Nack
-Leader of a band of rouges?
- Can quite possibly devistatingly injure any of the main cast save Sonic (but you never know. Nack COULD if Sonic isn't on his toes or focused. And Nack plays dirty)
-Possible double betrayl if Robotnik decides to kill/robotisize Nack if he "learns too much"

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Rouge could pretty much do anything you have Fang doing, AND be well recognized in the process.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

But.....I don't like Rouge.

Well thats a lie, I like Rouge. But if Rouge is there then why not Shadow! Or Cream! Or Big!

Dammit give Nack a chance. Rouge has had her day with Sonic X. Nack is classic. If anybody deserves to resurface from obscurity its him.

and Metal Sonic...

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

I agree with DB Rouge had here 15 minutes in SonicX Now its Nack's turn...after all nothing Beats a fanged sniper!

(well except the Dark Legion or Daleks.)

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Does Sega even know who Nack is anymore?

I personally want Metal Knuckles and Tails Doll before Nack. Nack's had his fifteen minutes in the comics. Where's the Metal Knuckles and Tails Doll love? They only have one game to their names, and Metal Knuckles only had a slight roll in Fleetway. In fact, we need more robots. Bring back the classic Badniks.

Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Who should be re-introduced?
How about Metal Sonic, Nack (Fang could be his nickname or something), and the most badass dynamic duo to appear in the Sonicverse: BARK and BEAN!!!!!!!!! (cue in WWE Smackdown entrance music)

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Bean the Dynamite Duck!

Hm. If Mina were in the show. What would she do?

Posts: 82
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HELL YEAH! DB knows what's up! Oh, Mighty can come too.

Posts: 72
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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

Hm. If Mina were in the show. What would she do?

Maybe become a singer or another Freedom Fighter with super speed. If Sally and Amy are there too, it could become a love square for Sonic, or something close to a harem show.

Sorry, I might be reading too much Power Rings .

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