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I don't anyone has mentioned this yet, but here it goes:

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would say What I'm about to say in audio or video, but I'm not.

Now let me explain something.

What Sally went though at the time was emotionally stress.

What I mean is after Sonic was blasted away for a year, Sally like everyone thought he was dead, although she may have made herself believe that Sonic was still alive somewhere, but as time went on, she too started to believe Sonic was dead.

And remember what the King said in #134, he mentioned that Sally had/was working with Dr. Quack, to help her out emotionally.

But when the love of your life returns from the grave sort of speak after being away for a year, and then gets thrust into a battle that you have to watch on a moniter, and you see your love get injured again, then how do you think your going to react?

What I'm saying is Sally was going though a lot emotionally, she wasn't thinking straight, and that allowed her to be malpuated at times, and put into situations she didn't want to be put into.

But it was #173, along with #'s 176-177 that in my opnion turned Sally around and made her realize where her true place was needed at the time, and that was with friends defending their freedom from tyanny.

Sure she knows someday she may have to take the throne as the next queen, but right now that's possibly the last thing on her mind.

Remember what she told Sonic at the end of #177, that her new hair do (orgianl SatAM hair do) was a symbol that her heart and mind was back on the right track.

I hope that clears a little of what you guys have been saying up.

If not, At least I tried " src="">

Posts: 1100
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... I-I have no idea what you are talking about let alone what triggered you to post... THIS? o0

Posts: 1127
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What does this have to do with anything that's been talked about here lately? 0o;

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It's a statement "copy and pasted" from another discussion, from another website. I do believe that the relevance to his post is lost between the two boards.

Posts: 1127
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Oh, that topic. XD

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This deals with Sally transtion.

Posts: 1694
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Still not much of an excuse for why she went from a strong, capable leader to a weak, stereotypical princess.

Posts: 5772
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Now... I know we've gone over all this already back in the relevant topics. Sally was a wreck, people used the "she missed Sonic and doesn't want to lose him again" excuse to explain her mood swings, and it's been made clear in recent issues that her head's on straight again and back in the game.

No one here has brought up this particular Sally issue recently to my knowledge, so I can't fathom why this thread needs to exist except to satisfy Rosas's ego. Especially since this is more of a reply to some other thread on another board.

I don't anyone has mentioned this yet, but here it goes:

It hasn't been mentioned recently because it's been debated already and relegated to the "over and done with" pile of Archie Sonic discussions.

Posts: 1402
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... I-I have no idea what you are talking about let alone what triggered you to post... THIS? o0

it's BW, does that answer your question?

Posts: 356
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Yes, Rosas(BW) was responding on another board to certain people(who I think have been banned here) who don't like Sally, don't want her to have a signifant role in the comic, and want her to be weak. He probably should have post this on the #187 thread, because this does relate to Sally's talk with Sonic in #187. Personally, I am glad that Sally is back to her stronger self, and I hope it stays that way. If she ever has to go back to focusing more on royal duties, I hope it is done in away that doesn't effect her friendships/relationships with others in a bad way like last time.

Posts: 82
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I'm sorry but I don't think Sally's long hair had nothing to do with the way she was acting. If anyone is to blame, it would have to her father Max Acorn for the way she was acting towards Sonic and the rest of the FF. In fact this is just one of many reason's, why I think the STH comic is dying, (Even if the sales are doing real good.) the stories are being watered down to much, with the way characters are being killed off, for one thing! It is really taking away at least a good 25 to 33 percent of the STH story plot?

Posts: 1127
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I dunno. Is it?

Posts: 1402
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i don't think ian killing characters is a problem. the only thing that i don't like about it is that he's killing off minor characters and making it seem like they were a bigger deal then they were before.

Posts: 96
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well, any detail basically that gets missed or spotted, they normally would sum it up in a one of those back-up stories. i don't know if that makes sense or not.

Posts: 1100
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If the matter has been rectified, then is there any reason to keep this topic open?

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