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I wanna spoil #176!
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I wanna spoil #176!

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Holographic Mobotropolis overlay? Wait, Nicole transmuted everyone there...


I'm somewhat confused too, I wish I wasn't. Can somebody explain this to us?

Posts: 2016
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Nicole's been busy.

Posts: 1402
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i don't understand it much myself, to me it just sounds like "OMFG GALACTUS IS ATTACKING WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!"
"don't worry guys, i've got my handy dandy ultimate nullifier." wait how'd you get tha-


Posts: 4607
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Can the OP please edit that giant wall of text into something with paragraphs, please? I want to read it, but not if that's the only format I can get a summary in.

Posts: 58
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i don't understand it much myself, to me it just sounds like "OMFG GALACTUS IS ATTACKING WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!"
"don't worry guys, i've got my handy dandy ultimate nullifier." wait how'd you get tha-

I second that emition.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

I just read #176, annnnnnd, I'm not too happy.

Oh, the dialog is great, (especially between Sonic and Tails) and Nichole's plan (to reverse Eggman's beams to teleport them somewhere else) was good. I was wondering why Sonic was so sure of himself, and let himself get captured.

BUT, I am not happy that everything is wrapped up in a nice little package so fast. It's the "season premiere of Smallville" syndrome, where all the major problems are wrapped up in one episode. Now, with the exception of Eggman on the attack again, things are better than ever. Thanks to the nanites, they have thier old city back with a fresh coat of paint, and furry Nichole is a solid. (BTW let's leave furry Nic out of Sonic's love triangle please? We've already narrowed it down to Amy and Sally, and that's enough. They have a Passive/Aggresive thing going. Like Betty and Veronica, or Akane and Shampoo.)

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ian's a great writer, but his pacing is faster than Sonic himeself. He's too quick to come up with a solution to his problem rather than slowing the pace a little and letting the drama unfold more naturally. Instead of having Nichole come up with a quick fix, how about Sonic and the Sega crew traveling the globe as quick as they can looking for anyone who could help. The Wolfpack, the Downunda's, Shadow, Blaze. All the while Knothole's resident's are slowly having thier lifeforce drained. It could make for some good tension.

Also, the old Satam Sonic used to be sort of about mother nature against a cold technology. Now, the residents of the former Knothole are in a virtual world run by technology. Kinda ironic don't think?

Gah! Enough of this, I'm starting to sound like Dan Drazen. I'm not a mid-50's man obsessed with children's cartoons, I'm a mid-30's man obsessed with video games! Big difference!

P.S. Anyone wanna bet that next month Sonic and crew kick Eggman's butt so bad that he won't be seen for months? How else are they going to keep him from attacking thier new kingdom?

P.P.S. Who want's to bet that the damage on Charmy mysteriously ages him backwards to oh, say, his proper Sega age of 6 or 7? (Might put a little crinkle on his marriage.)

One more bet... by issue 200 Robotnick/Eggman/WackyRobotClownDude will be back and re-reverse engineer the nanites, and turn Mobotropolis new heaven into a living hell. Now, THAT would make a great story. Even with a good moral on how we rely too much on technology.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Shig- I agree completly there. I was pondering the excessive speed this was wrapped up and yes, it may be a mixed blessing {I wasn't even sure HOW nicole made this virtual reality beam thingie...still not..really...) but I'm till wishing the exact same thing, Sonic speeding to Downunda, sees it in ruins...then runs somewhere else. Sand Blast City even. Mercia.. ANYWHERE. That would have been a great 5 issue span.

O well. 176 I'm still getting to read for myself.

Posts: 273
Reputable Member

Seriously, though, I liked this one better than S175 which, in retrospect, felt more like a set-up to this issue than a story in its own right. I had some questions about the details, such as how Nicole could build Neo-Knothole (or maybe it's Kneo-Knothole?) without Robotnik finding out -- short answer, she couldn't. But now we have to wait to see if Ian springs another surprise on us in S177; something tells me he's got one lined up.

Yeah...that's why I'm also lukewarm about this issue (I just got it today)...everyone getting located into a brand-new Mobotropolis located practically right under Eggman's nose seems just a little too, uh, fortuitously convenient. There was no hint at all before now that Nicole was working on such a project. None...they're just there at the time they needed to be after the destruction of their former home. And while I like the occasional untelegraphed plot twist for the purpose of keeping things exciting and interesting, this one seems more like it was pulled out of Ian's butt to satisfy the circumstances. Maybe it'll be explained later when the FFs have time to breathe...I dunno.

Oh...I almost forgot. I gotta get into character...Rah! Rah! Sega sucks! Rah...:fist

Posts: 4
New Member

P.S. Anyone wanna bet that next month Sonic and crew kick Eggman's butt so bad that he won't be seen for months? How else are they going to keep him from attacking thier new kingdom?

Yeah, that's what I'm expecting. I have a feeling this arc, since it began in 175, a "25" issue, this arc will bring some sort of change. I think Eggman will be defeated until 200 and in the meantime the Freedom Fighters will deal with their other enemies, Scourge, Finetevus, and Mogul in the meantime.
I also knowticed Mammoth Mogul was one of the guys rescued and fleeing with the others. Nice touch by Ian.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

What's this? People practically begging for another World Tour? Asking for story threads to be stretched out among many an issue, instead of decrying them?

Is this Bizarro Knothole forum I've stumbled into? Where's Rad Blue the forum troll? 🙂

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

I've got to say though, that by the descriptions it sounds rather anticlimactic due to, basically, a deus ex machina. Teleporting them to some distant spot to escape is one thing, but to a Mobotropolis built by Nicole in secret while we have no hint of it?

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


People practically begging for another World Tour?

for the record, i was always for another world tour. ( i can't quite remember, but didn't i make a topic about it? it might've been someone else, i can't remember.)

EDIT: ok found the link


turns out EE was the one who made the topic but i gave him the idea.

Posts: 273
Reputable Member

What's this? People practically begging for another World Tour? Asking for story threads to be stretched out among many an issue, instead of decrying them?

While I wouldn't want to see a new world tour, per se, I would've preferred a story arc where Sonic & Co. lead the citizens on an odyssey in search of a suitable place to build a new hometown, with Eggman's army on their tails for much of the way. It's not the most creative idea, but I feel it is better than being teleported to an idyllic new home, thus practically nullifying the losses sustained in #175. Of course the crisis is not over yet, so we'll see...

Posts: 0
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Let's not forget Nicole has inflitraed Eggman's Pc's perhaps that how she knew that a new home would be soon needed and maybe and this is only my own personal opnion, that in 174 perhaps Espio sent the info on the upcoming attack to her..

Posts: 409
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HOLY! That thread is over 2 years old! It's almost embarassing to read the ideas that were going through my mind back then...

Posts: 1402
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yeah thems were crazy times energy ring.


Posts: 273
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Let's not forget Nicole has inflitraed Eggman's Pc's perhaps that how she knew that a new home would be soon needed and maybe and this is only my own personal opnion, that in 174 perhaps Espio sent the info on the upcoming attack to her..

Perhaps, but I'd think Nicole would have told someone that Knothole was soon to be invaded, thus allowing them to mount a defense, or aid in the planning of the new town.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

remember that she was tired? rotor and tails mentioned it, after she ran a diagnostic, then she realized it. so technically that's the only hint that she made the new mobotropolis.

Posts: 58
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BUT, I am not happy that everything is wrapped up in a nice little package so fast. It's the "season premiere of Smallville" syndrome, where all the major problems are wrapped up in one episode. Now, with the exception of Eggman on the attack again, things are better than ever. Thanks to the nanites, they have thier old city back with a fresh coat of paint, and furry Nichole is a solid.

Yeah, that was my problem with M25YL, and many other stories of Ian's. It's so fast-paced, and undramatic, its not even funny.

What I'd like to see is a story where there seems to be a heart, effort and thought put into it, like it wasn't put together last minute.

I know it wasn't, but it sure seems like it.

Posts: 41
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As said before, I'd have been more impressed with the story if they were homeless for a while. Not like I want it to become akin to neoBSG (the new Battlestar Galactica series), but a little more dramatic effort, some drawn out tension and desperation, a sense of them surviving at the razor's edge, oh, it could have opened up some very interesting possibilities!

But I can't totally complain about the Nicole deus Ex (since its akin to what I did in NWO, a year or so ago) without being a creative hypocrite, but I will note that this "New Mobotropolis" looks like a Sudanese village hit by a care bear beam. I mean, I know most don't want them living in a "human" city like Station Square, but it doesn't have to be so... ugh. Planet of the Apes like.

As for:
"Also, the old Satam Sonic used to be sort of about mother nature against a cold technology. Now, the residents of the former Knothole are in a virtual world run by technology. Kinda ironic don't think?"

That's an anachronistic thinking with little relevance, in my opinion. The fight is (or should clearly be) about free will (or freedom in general), and the preservation of it in the face of thought-destroying technology. I never liked the luddite angle of "tech is unnatural and evil; let's all throw our computers away and live in the jungle and eat tree frogs! (and die of dysentery before we're 30)"

Frankly, I'd welcome an embrace of technology among the cast, and I hope Ian eases things in that direction.

But the tech-rant aside, this is an interesting and positive-leaning turn for the comics. Very interesting to see where things go from here
(Libert, Egalit, Fraternit! Where's a National Assembly when you need one?)

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

I was hoping more characters were going to die... D=

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Really? I thought you said you were more into the easy-going, cartoony stuff, not the drama.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Believe me, many of the characters in Sonic dieing would be most hilarious. >=D

Posts: 58
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Believe me, many of the characters in Sonic dieing would be most hilarious.

Umm...Hold that thought *runs and hides under desk*

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

It is possible that Sonic and company still could end up homeless for awhile. If the Prower's end, or Robotnik(who could take advantage of things), up in control after the rebellion aganist the Acorn family, I could see Sonic and others being forced to flee or being exiled. Maybe that is why things ended up being wraped up perfectly in this issue, we'll see.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Dun have RB pop up now.. Always smashing me with objects for NO reason at all.

I dun need that -.- Annoying twit she is >> <<....


Aside: The World Tour DONE RIGHT would be fantastic. Someone statyed before me the odyssey archtype-which would work, and kinda like how the Lost Tribe worked-have people splinter off and what not. That would have rocked.

Though,,I need 176. Someone said Mogul got away. How much you wanna be he's not de-powered that much anymore.

And is ANYONE gonna explain what's up with the Brotherhood -.-...Any..year now. Since all the Egg Grapes are freed now...Finetivus...anyone...I'm waitin.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

They fell off the island. Like Monk and Hunter. That is how they died.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Oh that's right, she does have a Rad Blue account! I completely forgot, it's been so long since I've seen it used. But, she's no forum troll. She's just... crazy. oo;


Not like I want it to become akin to neoBSG (the new Battlestar Galactica series)

... why not? It's a great premise: their home nuked by what they once thought were pacified enemies, the survivors band together and flee en masse to look for a new home. Constantly on the run, they manage to string together a working community while they continue to evade the ever present threat of annihilation. Soon, their society is breached by robotic duplicates ... distrust runs rampant with no one knowing who's real and who's a Skrull robot. Anyone is a potential enemy in disguise.

Enemies on the outside, enemies on the inside. Great drama. But... maybe that's not for us.

P.S. Dr. Baltar = Dr. Quack

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

<< >> ::Gets his defenses up::

Oh that's right, she does have a Rad Blue account! I completely forgot, it's been so long since I've seen it used. But, she's no forum troll. She's just... crazy. oo;

Couldn't say it better myself.

Anyway, I just woke up, and I just thought about this.

Nicole just transported everyone that lived in Knothole-err wait no, everyone still caught in the Egg Grapes to this Neo-Knothole Matrix.

You telling me everyone just LEFT THE REST OF THE PLANET? TO FEND FOR ITSELF?!?!? If/When Eggman realizes this, he's gonna REALLY take over the planet. I mean yeah Eggman made massive headway while Sonic was gone-but this would be the nail in the coffin for planet takeover.

Yeah-NOW I got interested in how this turns out. I really don't care for the conflict in power and Tails vs Sonic anymore, I need to know what the heck's going on with the outside world.

And wait, how can Eggman's fleet follow? Did they zap themselves? Yeah, see, I'm greatly confused x_X!!! This Post wil be edited whence I understand the issue.

Posts: 207
Estimable Member

You telling me everyone just LEFT THE REST OF THE PLANET? TO FEND FOR ITSELF?!?!?

What? Nicole says it's the redesigned Nanite City. She's says she's a hologram. It's a change of address, not a new plane of reality.

Posts: 48
Trusted Member

I think that DarkestLight means...

Sure, now all the former Knothole dudes are all packed up safe, what does that mean for the rest of the planet who isn't? Would Eggman go on a rampage and take over everyone else? (not that he hasn't already)

I mean, what's to stop him from waltzing over to Downunda and "Egg Graping" everyone there? Now he has his fuel, all of Downunda is dead, and he made his impact on the world AND on Sonic and the gang. Or even better, mind-control the Iron Queen like he did with Hunter, and send her to "Egg Grape" all of Mercia, or Sand Blast City, or the Wolf Pack, or ANYWHERE HE WANTS! He can just keep around this New Mobotropolis for kicks, and nuke it whenever he's bored.

Basically, I think that with this new Egg Grape thing, which is pretty much a death sentence (unlike Roboticization was), Eggman is too powerful. And now with his new "ooo I'm ruthless" persona that Ian's trying to restore, I'm a little nervous about what he's gonna do.

Of course, I wouldn't mind if a LOT of the unneeded characters were "egg graped." But when does this whole character mass destruction get old? And how many useless characters have to be killed before an important one is actually in danger?

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Like I said in my review, I think Eggman's gonna get knocked for such a loop, that he'll be a threat to no one for awhile.

At least until he learns how to take control of the nanites again.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

2 things.

1) I haven't ever heard of this Nanite City before- mainly cause I haven't read a substantial number of comics in the interim. So I had no idea the Nanites got so sentient that they made a city.

2) Jerboa put my words into more legible text. Thank you Jerboa.

3) To continue on the same vein again...I think that in a odd way, that would be another World Tour....just one of destruction with a purpose-to finally seize full control.

...Do it Ian. Do it. Have Eggman bite bats heads off anD take names :D

Posts: 48
Trusted Member

No problem, DL!

FYI: The Nanite City first appeared in 152. The Nanites were unleashed by ADAM without Eggman's knowledge. I don't really understand how they work.. but ADAM set them loose starting in Megaopolis and they started growing in every direction into a huge mechanical city/environment.

The FF's set out to stop it... and I don't really get what exactly happened. The nanites attacked Bunnie, Sonic used some of his "logic" and the nanites stopped and then Bunnie kissed him... it was a big mess (Al Bigley's art too). But hey, it was written by Kenny boy, no surprise there.

Yeah, that wasn't too enlightening I guess. Maybe someone else will try to explain them.

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

I loved 176. Ian's packed more action and fun into the comic in his 16-issue run than the comic has seen in the last 5 years.

I'm guessing the "Egg Beater", as Ian affectionately calls Eggman's battle armor, will be destroyed next issue. A shame, since I find it to be his coolest creation in a long, long time, but I suppose it's served it's purpose in this 3-issue story arc.

I hope the armada sticks around, as well, though I don't see how even all of New Mobotropolis combined could destroy all of those ships...unless Nicole has built a "Super Special Awesome Cannon Thingy," which would certainly be cool, but rather anticlimactic.

The only way I shall accept the Armada being taken out is in an all out war with a "certain other armada". Oh, how amazing that would be.

Posts: 4
New Member

It is possible that Sonic and company still could end up homeless for awhile. If the Prower's end, or Robotnik(who could take advantage of things), up in control after the rebellion aganist the Acorn family, I could see Sonic and others being forced to flee or being exiled. Maybe that is why things ended up being wraped up perfectly in this issue, we'll see.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that Civil War thing. That'll probably go on for a couple of issues.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

So basically, everyone here mostly believes that #176 was resolved a bit too quickly. I also agree. Nicole has a plan, and then Sonic and co. run to the Egg Grapes, bust everybody out in one panel, then escape. Eggman comes and zaps everyone to The newly Nicole created Nanite City which has been renamed: New Mobotropolis, without his knowlege. Whoo-hoo, hanky dory, whoop de do, Horrah, Horrah. They escaped; but with the price of a very pissed off Eggman. That's #176 in a nutshell now isin't it?

Tails's tails are sticking out on end like a cat on page 3 after his rant. Is this the first time he has actually been angry at someting? I'm surprised about how Eggman captured Rouge and didn't comment on that. She was Eggman's acomplice once, and can sometimes be in the future. I also wonder about where all the villans from "Round Up" are. They were all in the Egg Grapes and escaped with everyone; but did they follow suit, or did they run in another direction? And now, I conclude with my comment on Nicole. It seems as if she planed on making "New Mobotropolis" before the whole fiasco in #175. Her comments didn't say that she created it in one sitting. (Don't know about that. It's just speculation.)

Posts: 2016
Noble Member


I'm surprised about how Eggman captured Rouge and didn't comment on that. She was Eggman's acomplice once, and can sometimes be in the future.

Actually, I'd say after her capture, she'd be less inclined to work for the good doctor.

Posts: 72
Trusted Member

The point is, S176 was not a resolution of any kind. It felt like a huge set-up when I was done reading it, as if Neo-Knothole was actually some kind of trap for Buttnik and the Egg Fleet and the Mobians just happen to be the bait. That could be why Neo-Nicole shined off answering everyone's questions about the place.

And as for the possibility of another World Tour, if they ever do THAT again they'd better have a darn good reason. And they'd better NOT bring back any more annoying garden gnomes like Nate Morgan as souvenirs [for those of you who are relative noobs and don't understand the reference, just thank the deity of your choice and move along].

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Actually, I'd say after her capture, she'd be less inclined to work for the good doctor.

At least not without a good backup plan, in case of betrayal. She does get a bit flustered when it comes to valuable jewels, she could conceivably use Eggman for her own devices if she can stay one step ahead of him.

Sort of a reverse game Knuckles situation. But that's just my take on a possible 'alliance'. She'd most likely keep to trying to impress Knux by playing the good girl around him and stay away from the jolly megalomaniacal fat man.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

After a full year, I'm back to reading this comic...for now. I left a while ago because I realized by the time I got my last subscribled issue before this, I had stopped caring so long ago. I decided then that the only way I'll ever considered reading it, let along subscrible is if Ian Potto was all that he was cracked up to be. I manage to receive my first copy of #176 in the mail today after having read the fan's year long reactions to the comic which from what I gather is doing a better job with apparent mixed results. So thus, my lengthy review on #176.

First things first, I love the cover. Sonic's expression already looks awesome and well expressed, emphasized even more with the flag of Acorn. I also enjoy his blueness surrounded by all the fiery oranges. Add in with some grassy green at the bottom and I'm pleased with the eye candy and dramatic results.

Story wise? Well, I had to basically do some researching throughout this message board, Wikipedia, whatever to understand what generally happened between #159 (the last issue I got before this) and now. I was also lucky enough to read #175 at my local bookstore a month ago to better understand the impact this issue set forth from the previous, so forgive me if I miss out on a few things.

As I expected, Sonic and his team of buddies ended up saving the day from Eggman's latest threat, though I did appreciate only four characters and a computer managing to save hundreds of people in a rather desperate, but planned struggle. It's a rewarding effort, even though the main four were all from the video games, making me wonder if Ian wanted to put in that element--if not for one issue or something. I don't have a glaring problem (I fully admit to missing the Sonic video game days when it was just Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy Rose--with a Big the Cat on the side), though I wish Knuckles and Amy Rose did a bit more then beat the crap out of Eggman's cannon fodders (though I did enjoy Sonic's never give up spirit).

Drama was generally as nice as it could be (nice touch on making Amy weepy at the beginning, Eggman badmouthing Elias, Tails/Sonic fight--which I heard their strained relationship has been around for a bit, and other good dialogues, etc.), even though it doesn't really come close to the front cover with an angry, frustrated "I'll-kill-Eggman" Sonic. In my opinion I rather Eggman chose a lesser known character and have them be zapped of their memories or whatnot then Charmy so that we actually see a price that pays (though I heard Ian did a lot of killing characters to clean up, so I suppose I can't blame him if he didn't wanted to do that again).

And as for the new rebuilt city. I didn't really research a lot of what Nicole did in previous issues to know if any event foreshadowed this, so for the time, I felt this to be a random, sorta deus ex machina-ish scene. I can only wonder if Dan Drazen's comments on this city being bait for Eggman is what Ian intended. In short, with all the goods of this story, I have a mixed feeling towards it, making this review somewhat of a paradox. I've just learn over the years to never raise my expectations high.

I've already seen Tracey's artwork through scans and/or sneak peeks of past issues and in general, I tolerate it. It seems like a mix of his own stuff and the official Sonic artwork. I personally enjoy the facial expressions (especially whenever a character is angry), though I am irked by a few others such as Julie-Su's sudden desire to wear five fingered gloves instead of her three--then again, WHEN did echidnas sported five fingers in Archie, let along Sally (and Bunnie, Antoine, etc.) herself? Maybe I'm just being nitpicky.

I'm not eagerly jumping for joy waiting for the next issue to arrive in the mail, but I desire to see what the dealio will happen. In short, I'm mixed, but intrigued. I'll see how the other nine issues I subscribled will take me to by end and ultimately see if it's worth subscribling for year two. Game on, Ian.D">

Whew, that took me back.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

I remember something to the effect of Tracey mentioning that the inconsistancy of four to five fingers was annoying, so he draws everyone with five like the game characters when asked about it on Ian's board. I for one, am glad.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

So he draws the ones who originally had four fingers with an extra finger inconsistently to be consistent? What a paradox, though I suppose I can take a consistent approach then constant back and forth mistakes. I'm just being nitpicky because it's in my nature. :]

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Aye, I understand. Also:

Tails: Five fingers?! Like me and Sonic?

Nate: True, as unbelievable as it sounds.

If it keeps dialouge like that from ever returning to the comic, how could it be a bad thing?

Posts: 128
Estimable Member

As for the Julie-Su, Tracy did do her unique gloves in 173. I think he will keep in mind of that in future issues.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

*checks back for # of fingers on each character*

Woah. You're right. But what they should really do is STAY consistent. Meaning that the original FF's (excluding S&T), and Echidnas should have a different amount of fingers like they always had. I also remember Archie saying that Overlanders only had four. But why do Eggy and Sniv always have five?

But let's change the topic. They are only fingers, err, paws. Let's not go too mucn into detail on someting so minimal.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Well, Eggy has five because his body was originally robotic but turned organic by the Bem; plus, he has to have five because he's in his SegaSonic form. Snively also had his conscientiousness downloaded to other forms like Eggman.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Spaz gave Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, and Rotor five fingers on Sonic Archives vol 1's cover, and Robotnik and Snively five fingers on Sonic Archives vol 2's cover, and no one has made a big deal about that.

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

I have a theory on how Neo-Mobotropolis was constructed. We all know what Nanites are, right? They're microscopic robots that go about doing tasks. A pop-can could could hold hundreds of thousands of nanites, to maybe even millions; Depending on how the math plays out. So Theoretically they could go into a person's body and beat up invading blood-cells, if you were to use them for medical purposes.

Well, they were released in #152 and they went and built this city. They also had some sort of collective mentality, and could infect other robotic/metalic creatures. They called themselves the Totallity or something like that...Well, this is parrelel to Star Trek's the Borg, who would absorb lifeforms into their own Borg Collective -- by using nanites!

I think what has happened is that Nicole was able to contact this Totality and ask them to build a replica of Old Mobotropolis for her and her freinds. Since Nicole is a computer the Totality might of seen her as one of their own kin -- and Nicole probably managed to convince them that Sonic and the other animals are actually pretty nice people. Then, for issues on end, the Nanites had been building up the city nearly molecule by molecule. There's billions of nanites, but that would still take awhile since it's such a grand scale of a project.

Some of this might be fuzzy, because it's been a long time since I read #152. I have to say, though, this is probably the most creative handling of a dangling plot-thread I've ever seen. I'm not certain if I feel it's too convient or not -- and it might get trashed next episode anyway. But it's a very creative solution.

Oh, and the issue itself? I thought it rocked. : )

Posts: 1195
Noble Member


Spaz gave Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, and Rotor five fingers on Sonic Archives vol 1's cover, and Robotnik and Snively five fingers on Sonic Archives vol 2's cover, and no one has made a big deal about that.

Hey, in my defense, I didn't know. I only own the very first archive and haven't bothered reading it in a while, so I either probably forgot or didn't notice.

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