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Ian, a question con...
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Ian, a question concerning the recently announced Sonic RPG

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Posts: 21
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I'm not quite sure how the communications are handled between Archie and Sega, but according to all the articles I have read Bioware will be making the game. My question was, is there any way possible that, by either their request or your own, that the game could be based (even loosely) off of the comic/SatAM characters? I'm not sure if you would have to contact Bioware, Sega, or both, but I think that it would be a perfect oppurtunity to increase sales in both the gaming and comic markets. I realize that it's possible this has already been thought of, or even better, the plan from the get-go (since it's a sure fire cash cow, that seems likely), and that if that's the case you wouldn't be able to say much about it, but even a slight glimmer of hope of the possibility would be very much appreciated.

BTW, my apologies for inquiring about your previous works... didn't realize it was a sore subject. I am a just a huge fan of your work and really am deeply impressed with how quickly your writing was able to get the comic back on track. I had been saying for years (since the early OM days) how Archie should hire you, and the fact that they did makes me glad that I stuck with collecting every issue.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Only game that ever had an ounce/inch/gram of comic/Satam influence was Spinball and we all know how that turned out. Besides, I don't know if Ian has that kind of clout, which would be some insanely huge clout if he could do such a thing. I'm opposed to it privately for various reasons...

Oh and if you did want to ask him such a question, it might be easier on his forum, Bumbleking Productions.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

What Tornadot said.

You'll find the BKP forums here.

Posts: 207
Estimable Member

The regular BKC Q&A had to be put on hiatus, but thanks for re-directing folks.

As of this very second, to the best of my knowledge, Archie isn't involved with the Sonic RPG. I don't think I should detail it any more than that.

Personally, I don't believe basing it on the Archieverse would be the best course of action. STH's distribution is limited to North America. Folks abroad have to go through some kind of middle-man to get a copy. This makes the Archieverse a very localized facet of the franchise. I wouldn't think that the best thing to try to sell to a global release product.

I'd enjoy seeing small elements tossed in, like a name drop or a town called "Knothole." But the game was announced for release next year, so I'm assuming there's already been at least a year's worth of development on the game already.

At this immediate juncture in time, I would expect us to be adding Sonic RPG elements to the book, not them adding ArchieSonic elements to the game.

And no worries on the OM thing. It happens.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

You're welcome, Ian. 🙂

Bioware's as international a company as Sega - focusing on something that's only really known to the US and Canada doesn't really make any sort of business sense for them, either.

Posts: 273
Reputable Member

I've seen this idea of using SatAM/Archie as a backdrop kicked around various blogs and forums, before, and though personally I would love to see them use it (Reh! Sega sux! Reh!), I don't see it happenning. If Bioware has the writing talent, I'm sure they could craft an adequatte story out of any Sonic continuity, or they more likely just create their own mythos.
