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Ian Flynn @ SAGE '0...
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Ian Flynn @ SAGE '07

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Prolly should've mentioned that there was gonna be a live chat this past Thursday. Sorry!

Editing in some (heavily-edited) highlights:


<BlazeHedgehog> In the most recent issue of Sonic on newstands (I believe - haven't had a chance to read it myself) you seem to put Sonic against Tails, and the question was: Is this a nod to Marvel's Civil War?
<Ian_Flynn> It wasn't intentional, no. Ever since the (Old) Mobotropolis civil war-that-wasn't, I've wanted to revisit the idea of an internal struggle.
<Ian_Flynn> That, and Sonic vs. Tails has been a long time coming. It made for a better personal core to the story.


<Kiddo|loldell> Since the last time you were here we've had a few more Sonic games and a few more introduced characters, and the announcement of the upcoming "Mario and Sonic at the Olymipics"
<Kiddo|loldell> Are there any plans to do things inspired by the new content?... not that I expect Mario to pop up or anything...
<Ian_Flynn> We have a tie-in story to Sonic Rush Adventure coming up in STH#180, but for right now that's it.
<Ian_Flynn> There are certainly elements and characters I want to work in over time, but there's only so much you can do and keep things stable.
<Ian_Flynn> That's why you haven't seen Silver running around just yet.
<BlazeHedgehog> "yet"? 😉 hoho
<Ian_Flynn> If Sega mandates we do a tie-in, we'll do one. But for the most part they're letting us take our time.
<Smidge204> "only so much you can do and keep things stable." never stopped Ken Pe*shot*


<Yousorrymon> I'm just wondering if you've met any of the people associated with the creators of the games and whether or not anyone from sega leading the comic or giving ideas or anything.
<Ian_Flynn> Sadly no. All interaction with SoJ is handled through our liason at SoA. I send my stuff to editor Mike Pellerito. He sends it to liasons in SoA, who run it by SoJ, and then it makes its way back to us.
<Yousorrymon> Would you like to meet them?
<Ian_Flynn> Sure! I'd like to know what long-term ideas they have for Sonic, or if it's more of a game-by-game descision. I'd need a translator, though. My Japanese is. . . well, isn't.


<Bartman> To Ian There wouldnt happen to be another way to get that comic that was bundled with certain copies of Sonic and the Secret Rings, would there?
<Ian_Flynn> Outside of eBay or perhaps Amazon, no, I'm afraid not. Well, not legally anyway.
<Ian_Flynn> You could maybe see if Target still has them, but I'm sure they're all sold by now.
<Bartman> How did that decision come about though? Was it Sega's?
<PaperH_Hog> It's a shame, really. Us Euroregioners never had a chance to get it in the first place.
<Ian_Flynn> That was Sega's call. I didn't know about it myself.


<Furyhunter> I'm actually interested in the Sonic RPG.
<Ian_Flynn> I can't wait for/dread the RPG
<Ian_Flynn> Positive - Yay! Sonci RPG!
<Ian_Flynn> Negative - oh lord, how much stuff is there going to be to put into the comic?


<jman2050> as long s we don' have Danny Devitoplaying Robotnik
<TobyBarrett> I'd rather Christopher Lloyd play Eggman
<Nytetrayn> Toby> No way, Chris Lloyd is Wily.
<Ian_Flynn> Chrisopher Walken as Eggman?
<Nytetrayn> Bob Hoskins as Eggman.
<jman2050> Joe Pesci as Robotnik
<Nytetrayn> Dennis Hopper as Shadow.
<Jetstreamx> Vin Diesel as Eggman I say.
<Nytetrayn> Vin Diesel as Knuckles.
* H_Hog imagines Robotnik as various celebrity actors, among which such weird extremes like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Carrey and Jack Nicholson


<Kulock> Fine, if no one else is going, I have a question for the guest:
<Kulock> dear sonicgrams, is sonic as way past cool in real life as he is in the comic? 😮
<Ian_Flynn> Dear Kulock, Thanks for reading and writing in to us! You better believe Sonic is way past cool! You can see just how cool in your latest Sonic comic! Thanks for reading! Sonic Grams


<Don_Flairio> Why does Sonic have the name of an obese female Danish opera singer? "Olgilvie" Does this still seem like a good idea?
<Ian_Flynn> "Olgilvie" is not canon
<Ian_Flynn> It will never be canon


<Nytetrayn> All we need now is for him to kill a Tails from an AU, and no more Titan Tails.
<Ian_Flynn> Three words, Nytetrayn...
<Ian_Flynn> ...well, four.
<Ian_Flynn> No. More. Titan. Tails.


<EHH123> You got anything for Rotor?
<Ian_Flynn> EHH123 - Yep, you'll see my plans for Rotor in STH#180
<EHH123> good
<Gryvon> You aren't going to kill him off, are you? 🙁
<Kiddo|loldell> That'd be spoilerific if he said, Gryvon.
<H_Hog> "Poor Rotor! This is a definite coded message that he sleeps with the fishies!"
<Bartman> Rotor goes off and gets a spin-off series =P

There's more (and a lot of these quotes are interspersed inside each other, hence my editing), so just read the thing. I might edit some more in later.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

sonic's first name is sonic! THANK YOU IAN!!!!!!

Posts: 462
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Sleuth Doggy Dogg wishes he had a cool name like Oglivie.

Posts: 1127
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Sleuth?! This whole time I've been calling him "Snoop" Doggy Dog, which I thought was short for "Snoopy" D:

Posts: 82
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Even though Sonic and Tails may be fighting with each other right now. That's the one thing I think they could agree on, and that is they both dislike their real/birth names.

By the way does Tails real name have a middle name because I've heard that it starts with the letter A, (And no it's not the same name as his dad's first name!) or something like that?

Oglivie M. Hedgehog


Miles Prower

Posts: 1127
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Oglivie is'nt Sonic's canon name. Maurice as his middle name is, I suppose, but not Oglivie.

Posts: 1402
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i remember maurice mentioned in the comic, but oglivie was one of kenders' "stuff i plan to make canon" on his messageboard right?

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Yea, his middle name being Maurice was mentioned twice in the series. Once in issue #0 of the mini-series, and in another issue in the 50s.
I believe Kenders did intend to make it canon, just another reason the be glad he's gone.

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Actually, I felt that the Olgilvie (or however you spell it) idea sounded logical-it explains where Sonic got his name. Come on, it's not like his parents would have known when he was a baby that he'd grow up to be super fast and name him for the speed of sound. Most of the other characters with unusual names that they go by have explanations (in the comics, anyway):

Tails-his real name, sounded out, is "Miles Per Hour"

Knuckles-named after a clan of Echidna warriors, not his super macho spikes

Bunnie Rabbot-she's half robot, half rabbit: Rabbot. Bunnie just goes off of that old kids name "bunny rabbit"

By contrast Rotor, Vector, and Mighty really have no explanations behind their names. Either way, I don't care if Sonic's given name isn't Sonic-that's what he goes by, and that's good enough for me.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

I can't believe this, I just stumbled upon this. @_@

"Prolly should've mentioned that there was gonna be a live chat this past Thursday. Sorry!"

Old now, but a reminder would have been nice. Another one like this should should be handled better. Then again, maybe it was better that way. Prevents all the clutter of obsessies that want to spam it up with Ian.
