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If they could talk....
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If they could talk...

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Posts: 981
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Sorry if this thread has been has been done before. But I am kind of sick with the 181 explosion lately that there really haven't been too many threads here. Time to kick this up.

Back during the SatAM days of 93, the cast has been given a set of Voice Actors. Of course, Jaleel White played Sonic, but what did you think of him? What about the others? Did you enjoy them?

Also, many other characters that haven't even gotten the chance to appear on the show didn't have voices. Now, when you read them, do you inact to yourself a certain voice for each character, or is that just me? o.o Would you like those Archie only characters to have one, and if so, what do you think they would sound like?

Posts: 899
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Umm... Ron Perlman as Dimitri! lol Well, he'd sound cool as Enerjak, anyway.

I don't know... usually I read too fast to really give a voice to many characters. I guess I'd just give them the appropriate anime dub voices that I'm used too, heh.

Posts: 2016
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Now, when you read them, do you inact to yourself a certain voice for each character, or is that just me?

Turns out you're not the only one there, buddy. For me, giving them voices adds more to them as characters.

Posts: 1694
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I know I was so happy when the Sonic OVA made it to the USA. I could finally put a voice to Knuckles.

Posts: 4607
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How about this.

Sonic: William Shatner
Tails: Patrick Stewart
Knuckles: Stephen Colbert
Amy: Microsoft Sam
Eggman: James Earl Jones
Sally: Bob Peterson

I think you can't see where I'm going with this.

Posts: 2016
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Oh God, SH. It's as if you're making the greatest movie that man has ever known!

Posts: 419
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Sonic: Eartha Kitt
Knuckles: Richard Simmons
Tails: Harvey Fierstien
Amy: Barbra Striesand
Eggman: Woody Allen
Sally: Adam West

You know you want it.

Posts: 1100
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I would have Knuckles voiced by Jay Manuel. Much more endering to the character and lets face it, TRUMPS Richard Simmions anyday of the WEEK!

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I kind of picture Julie-Su's voice by Jennifer Hale, and Locke's voice; Keith David

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oh, oh, Lewis Black as Locke, totally. "Son of a ** Knuckles, get your back to the island!"

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As much as I like Dub's list, Harvey Fierstein is a nobody. I still say Patrick Stewart is the ultimate Tails.

He thinks Sonic is number one and that his idol should make it so!

Posts: 2398
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Sonic: Ready to warp it, little buddy?
Tails: ... Make it so.

As for Dubs list... My god, there is too much material there to hope to ever compile a list of it all. I think we need to call his boss and shorten his lunch hour.


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Nack the Weasel = Sean Schimmel (the guy who plays Goku from Dragonball Z. He has a cool Austrillain voice using Goku's voice.

Posts: 419
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Seriously - next time you read the comics, imagine every word Sally says being voiced by Adam West. The book becomes COMEDY GOLD.

Posts: 207
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....blast it all, Dubs! Now that's going to be in my head with every issue I write!

Posts: 2016
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Seriously - next time you read the comics, imagine every word Sally says being voiced by Adam West. The book becomes COMEDY GOLD.

Dubs, I think you've just found out the meaning to life. It wasn't 42 after all!

Posts: 419
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....blast it all, Dubs! Now that's going to be in my head with every issue I write!

Then my job, sir, is done. ^__^

Posts: 2398
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Oh this can't be good. If Sally starts refering to Knothole as The Bathole... wow. Is Rouge even in this comic? :D

*Awaits Sam's whip for that one*


Posts: 419
Honorable Member

Rouge needs to be Catwoman.

Preferably the Eartha Kitt version.

At random intervals she needs to rub up against random nanite based stripper poles that appear out of nowhere, gyrate against them for no apparent reason, and go "PUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRFECT."


oh gawd what the hell is wrong with me? XD

Posts: 5772
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I don't know, but dammit... KEEP GOING.

Posts: 1694
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Dubs, never change. Ever. Rouge does already have the sex appeal there, so it's not much of a stretch...

Posts: 8
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LOL! Adam West! Watch out for the exploding Octobot!

I usually imagine the original voices for SatAm and the voices of the video game characters who never appeared in the cartoons. Robotnik Mach 2 it depends. In comical moments, I think Mike Pollock should speak but moments like #175, his SatAm voice fits better.

Robotnik - David Kaye (well known for the voice of Beast Wars Megatron)

Scratch - whoever voices Roy Rooster in Garfield and friends
Coconuts - whoever voices Meowth in Pokemon
Nicole - Whoever plays Eva in Command & Conquer Red Alert 2
Mammoth Mogul - Hugo Weaving
Iron Queen - whoever plays Rita Repulsa of Power Rangers
Knuckles - voice of Ken from Street Fighter 2 V
Shadow - Pro wrestler New Jack
Big - Fat Albert
Nate Morgon - Bill Cosby

Posts: 1100
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Nate Morgon - Bill Cosby

Cosby would probably discet the character for being a racial sterotype who is the sole reason for the ignorant plight within today's black children.

... Or channel the fat animated corpse of Fat Albert, whichever comes to him first?

Posts: 419
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I should totally draw a picture of Nate Morgan peddling Super Emeralds like they were pudding pops and speaking in some crazy black man moon language while jazz scatting uncontrollably.

Posts: 1446
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Iron Queen - whoever plays Rita Repulsa of Power Rangers

Magic wand, make my monster GROW!

Posts: 1694
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Robotnik - David Kaye (well known for the voice of Beast Wars Megatron)

That'd be kinda cool, since Sonic Underground Robotnik was voiced by Gary Chalk, aka Optimus Primal.


I should totally draw a picture of Nate Morgan peddling Super Emeralds like they were pudding pops and speaking in some crazy black man moon language while jazz scatting uncontrollably.

Go on. I dare you.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member


I should totally draw a picture of Nate Morgan peddling Super Emeralds like they were pudding pops and speaking in some crazy black man moon language while jazz scatting uncontrollably.

"Cosbyness is next to Godlyness..."

Posts: 981
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Topic starter


Rouge needs to be Catwoman.

Someone disagrees.

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

For some reason, I usually hear Japanese seiyuus speaking perfect English rather than American voice actors. For instance, I see Sugita Tomokazu (Sirius de Alisia in Aquarion) as Elias, and Katsuki Masako (Yoshino-BLEACH, Alexandria-Busou Renkin) for Mecha...

Posts: 28
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Well, there had been a similar topic on the imdb forums for who they could get to voice the Archie chars, and I thought they were good choices:

Mina Mongoose: Gabrielle Jeru or Ashley Johnson
Constable Remington: Travis Willingham (Colonel Mustang from FMA)
Locke: Dorian Harewood (Dr. Tenma from Astro Boy 2003)
Julie-Su: Kara Edwards (Videl from Funimation DBZ)
Lien-Da/Kommisar: Colleen Wheeler (Mystique from X-Men Evolution)
Dimitri/Enerjak: David Kaye (Megatron from Beast Wars and Beast Machines)
Mammoth Mogul: Roscoe Lee Browne (if he wasn't dead)
Geoffrey St John: Paul Dobson (Matrix from Reboot)
Bean the Dynamite: Greg Cipes (Beast Boy)
Nack the Weasel: Josh Keaton
Mighty the Armadillo: Johnny Yong Bosch (Ichigo from Bleach)
Nate Morgan: Morgan Freeman
Elias: Ian Corlett
Fiona Fox: Lauren Tom
Ash Mongoose: Will Friedle (Batman Beyond)
Scourge/Evil Sonic: Jaleel White
Queen Alicia: Finola Hughes (Lara from Superman TAS)

Posts: 1446
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Nate Morgan: Morgan Freeman

It'll be a career-defining role.

Posts: 28
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Well, I mostly copy-and-pasted that list, except a few of my own ideas.

I should've replaced Morgan Freeman with James Avery. That would fit better.

Posts: 89
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Dmitri/Enerjak:Mark Hamill
Sonic: Ryan Drummond
Knuckles:SA VA
Sally: Tara Strong
Amy: Same as above
Julie-Su:Grey Delisle
Robotnik:Jim Cummings

Posts: 4607
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Ew, no. I don't like that actor (and I'm pretty sure they actually used a child actor, so it'd be completely impossible by this point).

Besides, Patrick Stewart is the best option. Patrick Stewart is the only option. Patrick Stewart is a way of life.


Sally: Tara Strong

We've already decided on Adam West.

Making that change, I guess I'll leave Amy's "Same as above" alone. More than enough Adam West to go around!


Robotnik:Jim Cummings

With his current goofy build? You're kidding, right?

Posts: 94
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I've got a few ideas as to who should voice some Sonic characters if they made the comics audio:

Knuckles-Scott McNeil (Dinobot/Silverbolt/Rattrap/Waspinator from Beast Wars, Piccolo from Dragonball Z)
Sonic-Jaleel White
Tails-Haley Joel Osment
Enerjak/Dimitri-Frank Welker (the original Megatron)
Mammoth Mogul-Ricardo Montelbon (known to Star Trek fans as Khan)
Sally-Kath Soucie
Ixis Naugus-Ian McDiarmid (Darth Sidious)
Scourge the Hedgehog-Ryan Drummond (Sonic Adventure voice of Sonic)

More later; I need to think about this.

Nate Morgan-Morgan Freeman
Dr. Finitevus-Christopher Lee (Saruman, Count Dooku, whatever)

Posts: 28
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I think either David Kaye or Mark Hamill would be a good Dimitri/Enerjak, and maybe Powers Boothe or Phil Morris would be a good Mogul.

We can keep Tim Curry as King Acorn, but this raises the question of giving Elias and Alicia british voices as well since Sall doesn't have one.

Posts: 89
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Moritori Rex/Kragok: Richard Steven Horvitz in his Orthopox/Zim voice

Posts: 2016
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Kragok: I shall rule the world with an iron fist! Obey the fist!

You want that to be Kragok?

Posts: 89
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I dunno, I always "heard" him with that voice!:^^ :^^ :crazy :crazy

Posts: 28
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Someone suggested to me that Dameon Clarke (Scar from Fullmetal Alchemist) would fit Kragok, guess it must be because of them and their arms.

Posts: 128
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Amy Rose:Tress MacNeille
Amy is kind of like Dot from Animaniacs if you think about it. "Call me Dottie and you die". I can also imagine Amy singing "I'm Cute".

Posts: 28
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Nah, her "little boy/girl" voice is still too old. Lisa Ortiz (or whoever it is who does her voice in Sonic X) is okay, at least for the Sonic Adventure teenage Amy. I dunno who should be her pre-Adventure voice.

Posts: 2016
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C'mon. Hillary Haag is obviously the best suited for Amy.

Posts: 2116
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How and why?

Posts: 2016
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Might be because I'm bias towards her.

Posts: 356
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I said before I could picture Lea Salonga as either the voice of Alica or Bernie, I am not sure which one would be better for her though. For those that are more familiar with her work, besides Jasmine and Mulan, what do you think? I think she can sound queen like, and she has played some strong women on stage, both Fantine and Eponine in "Les Miserables" for example, which is how I see Bernie particluarly during the "Tails of the Great War" stories. Interesting fact, if you kept Tim Curry as the King and Lea was Alica, you would have two musical theater actors as the royals.

Posts: 28
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I thought of havng FinolaHughes as the voice of Queen Alicia, she did the voice of Lara, Superman's mom, in the Bruce Timm Superman series. She has a classy and regal presence to her voice, and I think she'd fit in well with Tim Curry's King Acorn.

Of course, the question is then should Elias also have a British accent as well, since Sally never had one.

Posts: 2116
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Might be because I'm bias towards her.

Why? Who the heck is she? 🙂

Posts: 2016
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Blah, stop that. You're making me elaborate. >>

She's an anime voice actress, and most of the roles she does is the "cute, annoying" type, thus suitable for Amy. Examples of past roles he's been include:

Hilary Haag:
Chrono Crusade as Rosette Christopher
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 as Nene Romanova
Full Metal Panic! as Teletha Testarossa

She's also done quite a variety of shows, so looking her up and having a look for a name you recognise that she's done wouldn't hurt, either.

Posts: 2116
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I recognise that name from Slayers Great. I see your point. 🙂

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