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Is the Sonic The Hedgehog comic dying a slow death?

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Posts: 77
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I don't think so.

But many do.

The reason many believe the end is near for the book, is because in the past few years, some have felt that the stories have become too predictable and too bland. Like for some reason, the stories don't have that certain push about them, like they used too.

Some have even felt that the characters are going thorough the same hoops that they have been put thorough before, but with a different story-arc every 3-5 months.

Another problem that fans see is the misusing of characters, for example, characters made spefically for the comic are not used as much as they used to be, but only when need be, such characters like, Mina Mongoose and Geffory St. John, Rob O' Hedge, just to name a few, have been put in this catogory.

Also, there's the romance, some fans don't mind it, but they do mind the story-arc's that involve triangles, four-ways, and the girl getting between two best friends, nearly ruining their friendship angle, the reason they have a problem with these romance angles is because they feel their not necerressy.

But many would argue that fact, for what's a comic book like Superman, Spiderman, X-Men, or even Batman without it.

Not much some would say.

But the one main problem fans see are the writers, writers like Ken Penders, Karl Bollars, and most recently Ian "Potto" Flynn just to name a few. The Problem some fans have are the fact that they feel the writers are not putting enough of an effort into writing the main and side stories that are seen in almost every issiue of Sonic, and to some readers, making the comic more and more less instesting to read or look forward to every month.

But does this mean the comic is dying a slow death and ending soon?


It just means that to some fans, the comic needs major improvement.

While to others, it's just fine the way it is.

Thank You for reading this.

Please leave comments below.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

I don't think the comic is dying. As long as it makes money for Archie and Sega, they're gonna milk it.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

All things go stale eventually. It's hard coming up with new ideas, especially in comic books, when most of them have been done.

But hey, as long as it's still in publication, it's not dead yet.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Is this one of your standard "I'm going to rebut a point that no one was making" posts? I haven't heard anyone even casually mention anything you claim that "some people" have been saying.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

quotes of what these 'some fans' have been saying exactly would be nice, right now you're just generalising. o.o

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

"The Problem some fans have are the fact that they feel the writers are not putting enough of an effort into writing the main and side stories that are seen in almost every issiue of Sonic, and to some readers, making the comic more and more less instesting to read or look forward to every month. "

do you understand that ken and karl worked really hard on a comic with like 9 other writers? and ian has his constraints too, they put effort into it because it's their job, it's no hobby.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member


Just kidding! STH has been through alot it's had its highs and it's lows (SEE: Romy Chacon)! But I don't think I ever heard of the comic slowly dying from anyone! This even includes that time period not so long ago where turtles were infused with nanomachines, and Shadow can somehow stop an entire army of metal Sonics by just raising his hand! The comic had and still has steady sells! As long as Sonic the Hedgehog exists as a character the comic more than likely will continue onward as well! In the future we will have topics devoted to the good 'ol days when Ken Penders tried to force his failed comic ideas into the Sonic comic, and do you know what? We will laugh like we have never laughed before!

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

It's a comic book: predictability comes with the genre.

Posts: 136
Estimable Member

The comic is no where near dead. I think the majority of the stories have been great over the past 8 years I've been reading the comic. I believe there are still an unlimited amount of stories to be told and a whole life for sonic ahead of him. I hope it will at least last for another 200 issues. That would be about another 16 years.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

Not as long as Ians on the comic...Heck I ccan see sonic lsting to 325 easy...& its not like other publishers would'nt be dieng to pick it up after Archie finished with it....if that ever happens...Id like IDW or Darkhorse to Pick up the liscense to Sonic...Cause DC would Murder it....& Marvel...although a great company...would probably make it a lil to cheesy.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

Comic is still selling in stores and people are still renewing their subscription. IMO, the comic has been getting better since Ian started working on it.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Isn't this like Archie's best selling comic? Perhaps it was something else...

Either way, you're asking for quite a bit. Stories don't have the push they once did because really you can only have so many saving the world plots before they lose their epicness. Characters dealing with the same kind of things over and over again? A lot of comics fall into that pattern. Misusing of characters? That's always a loaded topic. Romance? Not touching that one with a ten foot pole. And just what would be interesting plots, hmmm?

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

I'm fairly certain I remember hearing that Sonic is Archie's best-selling actual comic book. The sales are only exceeded by the Archie digests which from what I hear are sold absolutely EVERYWHERE in the USA.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Yep, the digests are sold in Walgreens, Walmart, actual comic stores, supermarkets... pretty much anywhere. XD

Posts: 398
Reputable Member

I'm fairly certain I remember hearing that Sonic is Archie's best-selling actual comic book. The sales are only exceeded by the Archie digests which from what I hear are sold absolutely EVERYWHERE in the USA.

The Digests are sold everywhere and are the bestselling items, however Sonic is the number one selling Archie comic. Also, Sonic X is battling Sabrina for the number two position.

Also, Sonic isn't dieing and I have no idea where Rosas got this silly idea. As someone else has said, I hardly think that Sonic would be getting a companion comic set in the same universe as the main comic if it were dieing. I think that Ian has helped raise the comic from the slump it was in under Penders' and Boller's time on the comic. For now, I think it's safe to say this comic will be around for a while.

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

Maybe Rosas got the idea that the Sonic comic is dying from hearing a lot of complants about the comic on the net, like at It can be easy to get that impression, depending on where you go on the net. I know I go though my moments of wishing the comic would get canseled. I do agree that while the comic is not perfect, it has gotten better with Ian writing.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Ah, so the most vocal group of people who want the comic cancelled are minority fans who are angry that it doesn't reflect a kid's TV show that's been dead for over fifteen years?

Posts: 398
Reputable Member

Maybe Rosas got the idea that the Sonic comic is dying from hearing a lot of complants about the comic on the net, like at I know I go though my moments of wishing the comic would get canseled. I do agree that while the comic is not perfect, it has gotten better with Ian writing.

What Mattmaniac said. Seriously, if he got the idea from a bunch of people who are upset that the comic doesn't resemble their precious kids show for every little detail and are constantly predicting its doom because they hate Ian, the comics and his stories; then that's obviously a slanted view and hardly counts. They are vocal, and are slanted against Ian and the comic because they don't like how it doesn't resemble SatAm as they wish it did. Seriously though, I think Mattmaniac worded it pretty well. I hardly think their "predictions" of the comics demise are worth counting.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Aye, if "some fans" on some message board are feeding fuel of an apocalyptic cancellation that isn't happening, that's their business. It's a waste of their time, because it's all a load of bull, but what can you do?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Group hug?

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

My response to Rosas: I don't really know if this comic is dying a slow death, and don't know enough to even guess if it actually is, because I don't remember having read the Sonic The Hedgehog comics, since I'm only used too playing the Sonic The Hedgehog videogames, and the Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon T.V. shows, and video clips and advertisements.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Group hug?

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

Nice Freakazoid picture there Toby Barret.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Abso-spiffin-lutely top hole, sah! Wot wot!

