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Ken Penders claims rights issues to some major Archie Sonic characters.

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Posts: 2438
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The sisters are the reason there's a "no relationship discussions" rule in this forum.  And in general they are unable to accept that there are any other viewpoints besides their own (or those that agree with them) - a severe handicap in the arena of intelligent debate.

I appreciate that Ian has been diplomatic about the situation; I knew him back when he was "just another fan" and was working on the Other-M comic (I wrote reviews for it), and it's good that the prominent position hasn't gone to his head.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

The sisters are the reason there's a "no relationship discussions" rule in this forum.  And in general they are unable to accept that there are any other viewpoints besides their own (or those that agree with them) - a severe handicap in the arena of intelligent debate.

I appreciate that Ian has been diplomatic about the situation; I knew him back when he was "just another fan" and was working on the Other-M comic (I wrote reviews for it), and it's good that the prominent position hasn't gone to his head.

Ah, so it was because of them, eh? I think I started to explore Knothole shortly after the dust settled from the relationship ban, though I know I have no idea about them at all let alone the actual discussions.

Posts: 1702
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Oh yeah, I remember them unfortunately.

The threads they appeared in were like a train wreck. So horrible, but you just couldn't look away.

Posts: 1195
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Three sisters who were permanently banned from here and most of the Sonic community. I'll leave it at that...

Oh, god, I'm having Vietnam flashbacks...

Posts: 1055
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I'm glad I didn't hang around here when they were doing their thing. D: At least all that was probably lost in the Great EzHack.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

Sadly, I have had the displeasure of meeting Mixo on the SEGA forums, guy/gal is rather critical of Ians work for no reason it would seem. And BOT: I just sit & wait for this whole thing to blow over.

Posts: 1446
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Miko seems a bit insane.

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I dunno, I find some comfort in knowing that some things never change. 😛  That said, I thought Miko was against Ken's move too at least in one point of the thread.  Not that I've really read that much of it, I'm just fine sitting here on the sidelines.  I know what the drama tastes like.

I'm assuming that Ian isn't releasing a public statement every time that Ken is.  As much as the work of minions may titillate, it doesn't really impact the outcome as far as Archie is concerned legally.

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Posts: 1702
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While I think Ken is blowing the character situation out of proportion, if the allegations of Archie not paying royalties for reprinted stories are true, I won't be purchasing any more Archie comics.

While it is true that Archie isn't obligated to do so, it's really bad form IMO to gain money from reprints without giving the original author a portion of the profits. It's too much like the debacle with Pat Lee and Dreamwave Comics.

Posts: 2438
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As long as Archie wasn't actually cheating anyone out of any money that they promised in their contracts, then I don't see a problem with them not recompensing their writers like bigger companies with more money can afford to do.  Just because DC and Marvel do so doesn't make it evil that Archie doesn't do the same; they do so because that's the agreement they wrote for their contracts, or they came to agreements later on with those writers that afforded them that chance.  That said, I agree it would be better if they did so; being a writer myself, I'm somewhat inclined to support ideas that will get me more money later on in my life.

If Archie's lawyers are paid by the hour, Penders's efforts are mainly causing Archie to spend money and time on the lawyers.  The fact that someone can cause drama that literally drains those resources is somewhat disturbing, if not necessarily unprecedented, when he's been reduced to essentially a fanfic writer.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Fair enough. It still bothers me, so I don't think I'll be supporting Archie anymore.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

well thats a silly reason to drop a book ms kayla.

anywho BOT: It seems Ken actually does have the rights to 1 character. Hershey!

(Coming soon from Ken Penders, Hershey the cat: Femme Fatale! LOL.)

but yea, all of that and all he gets is more hatred from the community & a female cat.....HEZ A WINNERZ! LOL!

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Oh, I had already dropped the book long before this started. It's just reaffirmed by opinion that Archie isn't worth supporting.

Why should I support a company whose business practices I don't agree with?

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Where'd you hear that info, Legionfan?  I haven't been actively keeping up with the situation, so maybe it's right there in one of the other boards' threads or something, but it wouldn't hurt to provide a link if there was an article about it.  Gotta get my fix of pointless drama.

Hershey...wasn't she practically just introduced into the series for the sake of being the one who wore the Snively mask during Endgame, and to be the patsy for Draco, at least originally?  She kind of pops up out of nowhere along with a number of other characters for Endgame.  At least a catgirl character is so far removed from the Sonic world that it matters little in the long run if it's true that Penders owns that character.

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

At least a catgirl character is so far removed from the Sonic world that it matters little in the long run if it's true that Penders owns that character.

Blaze wants a word with you. ;p

Posts: 2438
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Lolz you got me.

Okay, a black and white cat with no apparent powers and who was never too closely associated with the main cast to begin with.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

This is good entertainment. At this point i care less what he thinks is legal. I'm enjoying the antics of his fellow groupies. I really love how Miko & co. essentially blame everything on Ian and stating that it would ultimately work in Ian's favor because he is brewing up some conspiracy to kill off all of Ken's characters. Oh and that EVIL DUB is also in on the scheme. Miko doesn't hate Ian's work because his work is bad (though there are one's there that truely believe that), Miko just hates Ian, period. They still belive it was Ian and Dub's fault that they got kicked off this forum which was like what 8 years ago? talk about holding grudges.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Where'd you hear that info, Legionfan?  I haven't been actively keeping up with the situation, so maybe it's right there in one of the other boards' threads or something, but it wouldn't hurt to provide a link if there was an article about it.  Gotta get my fix of pointless drama.

Hershey...wasn't she practically just introduced into the series for the sake of being the one who wore the Snively mask during Endgame, and to be the patsy for Draco, at least originally?  She kind of pops up out of nowhere along with a number of other characters for Endgame.  At least a catgirl character is so far removed from the Sonic world that it matters little in the long run if it's true that Penders owns that character.

Here ya go, Tergo!

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Well, here's a funny story about why they think Dubs is in on the conspiracy: It was only a few years ago that the last of the three sisters was finally banned, and WB was involved in the last argument that she was having.  However, that was around the time when EZboard was transitioning to Yuku; and I think most of us will remember that some posts got eaten during that.  So guess what; some posts in the argument disappeared, the sisters collectively threw a fit through their remaining sibling, and she was finally banned - though would later claim, through screenshots they had taken, that Dubs or other Admins on this board had deleted their posts because they had made points that could not be refuted, so the evidence was "erased."  They tried to use these screenshots as "proof" of this claim, though all the screenshots show is that there were posts that had disappeared.  So the real "conspirator" proved to be the entire Yuku message board system.

Okay, maybe that isn't all the reason why; that's just what I remember from that incident, and when I hounded the sisters across the Internet to their "Anti-MoFo" site and then to another message board they had holed up in and were currently in a debate with one of the residents there about the "conspiracy."  I eventually gave it up when I realized there was absolutely no way to convince them that they are wrong; in my naivete I did not realize this much, much earlier when it was already so painfully obvious.

Thanks for the link, Rayzor!  Boy, I was right about how he was wording those copyright claims.  Careful to the point where he's hardly even making a grab for any of his own characters.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I think I had a run in with those sisters but it wasn't here. I'm embarrassed by this.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Ha, I can only barely remeber them here, but I never really paid them any mind. Still all of THIS is quite a riot. Man oh man. Some people just need to grow up!

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

No, problem, Tergy. I don't know if this is in bad taste to ask, but what, pray tell, were these sisters' screennames?

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

I don't know if it's been in bad taste to tell about all this, but eh, not like they'll come here anyway. 😛 There's Miko, Shorty-chan, other, I don't remember her so much.  It's been literally years since I've had to deal with any of them at all, it's amazing I remember as much as I do.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I seem to remember Shorty-chan, at least the name, and even more vaguely so of Miko, who I think Legionfan said was on the Sega forums which I think I saw too. It's a shame that people get so tied up in knots over a fictional world that doesn't actually exists. It's also sad when people get tied into knots over sports, too.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

^ everything!

Posts: 22
Eminent Member

I don't know if it's been in bad taste to tell about all this, but eh, not like they'll come here anyway. 😛 There's Miko, Shorty-chan, other, I don't remember her so much.  It's been literally years since I've had to deal with any of them at all, it's amazing I remember as much as I do.

Ah yes, the Miko sisters XD. I had no idea they had such far reaching influence, haha!

I've had to deal with them on numerous occasions as as mod and a members :P. They are still a "group mind" of sorts, and they've been banned from Bumbleking and Sonic Stadium due to their trollish tendencies. They still go to the SEGA boards on occasion, though I immediately shoot down any discussion that begins to get out of hand so they don't cause too much trouble anymore.

But man, their time on BK.....they are a set of members I'll never miss. Completely unreasonable, turned one of my topics into a pointless round about "debate" of fan theories vs fan theories. Apparently anything I came up with that actually used the comic as evidence was "fanon", and anything cockamamie theory they came up with was "irrefutable proof".

I think Ken is blowing the character situation out of proportion, if
the allegations of Archie not paying royalties for reprinted stories are
true, I won't be purchasing any more Archie comics.

While it is true that Archie isn't obligated to do so, it's really bad
form IMO to gain money from reprints without giving the original author a
portion of the profits. It's too much like the debacle with Pat Lee
and Dreamwave Comics.

Well, actually, according to my friend who actually knows people in the industry, DC and Marvel DON'T pay their writers for reprints, because they work under many of the same policies Archie does. That friend is Jason Berry, the guy who did the Ken Penders interview on Sonic Stadium and has a brother who works in a comic book store. Both of them have talked to and befriended numerous creators, including Penders before this whole thing.

Besides, Kayla, Ian does get paid for the main book. If you don't buy it and the comic somehow fails another creator will be out of a job . Though that said, I don't think the comic will be failing anytime soon...

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Besides, Kayla, Ian does get paid for the main book. If you don't buy it and the comic somehow fails another creator will be out of a job.

That would suck indeed, but again, I don't care to support Archie. Not only do I not care for their business practices, whether or not DC and Marvel have the same practices, I've also grown rather bored of the comic.

Of course, I've been bored with the Sonic franchise as a whole for a while now.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

That would suck indeed, but again, I don't care to support Archie. Not only do I not care for their business practices, whether or not DC and Marvel have the same practices, I've also grown rather bored of the comic.

lawl @ ironic fact of Ian being the best writer on the book in years.
Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Ian may be the best writer the comic's had, but the stories still bore me.

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

KaylatheHedgehog, I agree you have the right not to buy the book, even if the reason is silly(not saying your reason is silly). You're not obligated to buy the book. I have been though the same thing, not buying the book or thinking about not buying the book because I didn't like the direction of the comic book and being called silly for doing it, so I just thought I offer my support.  

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

I appreciate that, DC.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

As someone who looks through the so-called 'claims', I just have two words.

Nice try.

Notice that that he does not even mention Sega in any part of his copyright claims? That's a big problem, because he's basically claiming he's come up with the stories on his own, for his own use. Which, given the way commissions of this type tend to work, it's not true at all. Especially since Sega's own copyright supersedes Penders' on just about everything he writes, and he even mentions the title of the comics several times - though of course, he doesn't mention in the actual application title. Which, under scrutiny - just to give you an example, Childhood's End. Knuckles #25. He claims the story is his. But the story's about a character already trademarked and copyrighted by Sega - and it's even on the cover.

So, basically, we're to believe that either Ken allowed Sega and Archie to use his characters based on their characters for a commission of their work...and he's only now retroactively copyrighting his 'claims' for money because he decided to take a stance against 'no royalties', as he claims...

...Or maybe he's trying to bilk money out of Archie and Sega, who basically made him leave because of the bull he pulled on them, to asset false claims (which by the way, can be revoked once it's proven he signed away his rights or, at the least, allowed Sega and Archie to profit from 'his' characters without repercussion, which is very suspicious in itself) over characters that no belongs to someone else - because he needs the money and spent so much of it on funding two movies (one which, by the way, just
happens to be based on that Lost Ones comic with only
one issue that hasn't been released in over a decade) that he has no other recourse.

So, the two possibilities after this are: Penders will settle out of court for chump change, or he'll try to go to court and will potentially lose a great deal of money as a result. My money is on the former, but it'll likely be the very last bit of money he'll ever get out of comics.

Also, hi, new here. RIP Ben Hurst, I only found out yesterday.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Also, hi, new here.


Did I go back in time? Is it 2001 again?

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Did I go back in time? Is it 2001 again?

Yup. You did.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

::Agrees with Psx:: Geez, I didn't even THINK it was possible to do such a thing, but I guess we have.

2001, how I miss ye..

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

2001? Does that mean hope in the Sonic franchise has been blindingly restored?

Also, lol, silly Ken! Lawlsuits are for adults!

Posts: 140
Estimable Member

More from Penders. Apparently, "My actions have always been more than just about me..."

Heh.  If ya believe that, there's a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell ya...

I think Penders does NOT realize that those copyrights won't accomplish what he thinks they will.  He's been very wrong about copyright law before; I recall a very old discussion in which he (mis)interpreted the implications of Fair Use...I'll see if I can find a copy of that.

*follows Rayzor's link & reads the article*
*sees comment by "chaos_controller" & laughs*

Penderpass...*laughs*  I just -had- to draw that!

*wonders what his move set is*
Probably "Block", "Taunt", "Swagger", and "Snore".
(I would have suggested "Disable", but Probopass can't learn that )

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

A little late to the party, eh, MoKat, lol? Anyway, yeah, I really believe this lawsuit isn't about himself /sarcasm but what did this comment by chaos_controller say cuz I couldn't find it?

Posts: 140
Estimable Member

A little late to the party, eh, MoKat, lol?

*shrugs*  Real Life stuff keeps getting in my way...

As for what chaos_controller said, it was in the "Comments" section below the article.  I'll paste the text here:

chaos_controller on
July 13th, 2010 7.26 pm

Futile Penderpass is futile.

Yes, I will be calling Penders “Penderpass” from now on account of
him reminding me of Probopass.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Okay, I'm Pokemon illiterate so how does this fit with Pender's idiocy?

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

It doesn't, exactly.  The guy's just commenting on Kender's features reminding him of the Pokemon Probopass.

Let's see if we can do some comparisons here:

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

My goodness, they could pass for twins, lol!!!

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

I sense a new meme. I approve. 

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Just an update:

It's over. No, really.

~ It took one phone call...~

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

LolPenders! 😛

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

And of course his net PR guy Bob Repas is vehemently (and absurdly) denying it, so there may yet be more entertainment to come.

In the meantime, I will be in San Diego attending Comic-Con while promoting my film THE REPUBLIC as well as the forthcoming BROTHERHOOD OF THE GUARDIANS: LOCKE graphic novel. I will also be selling a special limited edition poster available only at Comic-Con featuring Julie-Su, Lara-Su, Lien-Da and the rest of the clan from the Dark Legion. My attorney Michael Lovitz will also be in attendance, providing a seminar on Copyrights and related matter.

He probably won't get more hilarious than that quote though. Generally great PR and a sign of obvious legal strength to run a comic con booth with your lawyer in attendance to provide a 'copyright seminar.'

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

I really would not call Bob a PR guy. If that's how a PR guy responds, I would not want him as my PR guy. He's the sysop of the online forum and Ken's white knight, no more, no less.

Also I'd like to know what happened at this 'seminar'. I really hope someone called Penders' lawyer out on his stuff - if it even happened.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

I really would not call Bob a PR guy. If that's how a PR guy responds, I would not want him as my PR guy. He's the sysop of the online forum and Ken's white knight, no more, no less.

I was trying to come up with the least rude word I could think of. :B

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Oh, believe me, I'm sure there are plenty of other, ruder, things people could call him.

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