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Mike Perillito proves me right. Plus, FCBD Sonic scans!

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Posts: 526
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When talking about Tracy's quick penciling, Mike says: "Now mind you this (the FCBD project) was in the middle of drawing huge wedding parties, giant robots, battle armadas, civil war and everything else we could throw at him.

Told ya guys a civil war was coming! (yea, others said so to, but I wuz first so nyaahh!) Another interesting bit, Mike said that #174 would be Sonic's last happy moment for months!!

BTW, I should have a review of the FCBD issue by thursday morning.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member



So it is canon, and it's placed before Sonic #174. Righto gents. It's another Free Comic Book Day gone mad, so, murder and mayhem, standard procedure.

Posts: 526
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Looks like I won't be doing an early review after all. My brother didn't pick up any FCBD issues from the store he works at yet. I may have top wait till saturday like the rest of you. However, I'll be posting the latest Sonic X review right away. This issues' as funny as it's cover. One of the best yet.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Considering the comic is free, I see no reason why it shouldn't just be put up for download. I mean... it's free. You can't really steal something that was free to begin with, last I checked.

But then, I'm not the policy maker here, so.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

It's "free" on Saturday. It may not be "free" later.

The story in Super Special #12 where Sonic/Knuckles switch bodies was originally "free" if you got it when it ran in CSN. However, once Archie chose to sell it in a special it was no longer "free."

Unless Archie says definitively that they aren't ever going to attempt to sell it, I don't really consider it free.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Shoot now this is canon? I guess I'll be rushing down to a bookstore ASAP once my math final is in the books.

Speaking of selling, I hope they sell that Sonic and the Secret Rings comic that came in certain game boxes...

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Wasn't that thing supposedly only 7 pages or something? They could just put it in as a back-up story once instead of Off-Panel. ;p

Anyway, I got (over the phone) confirmation that Jim Hanley's will have the free Archie Sonic comic. So I will definitely be making the trip to Manhattan tomorrow and making the rounds between Jim Hanley's & possibly Midtown Comics. ^_~

Posts: 981
Noble Member

Anybody have any idea about what's in the Secret Rings comic?
