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Mina Post #154

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I wonder whatever happened to Mina after her break-up with Sonic in issue 154.

I miss her.

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She went on a tour. Was mentioned in issue #173.

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Never got that one >_<

The point is, after the break up with Sonic, she vanished from the series completely (Well, aside from several mentions, such as yours).

Is it that Karl Bollers took the right to use her with him when he left?

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I'm pretty sure Mina appeared in #174 in one page (at least the back of her head).

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I noticed that

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Bollars does'nt own the rights to Mina, Sega does.

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I just don't expect to see her apart from cameos for a long, long time.

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as of late i dont see how they can add her to any stories really. sad, mina was one of my fave characters.

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toby- Mina is actually owned by archie and not sega.

As far as her lack of appearances goes,I couldn't care less.
She had too much in common with sonic for my taste. Super speed(although not as fast as sonic),family member in eggman's clutches that was publized,musically inclined,etc.

I don't mind if archie wants to focus on other characters than the ff and core characters IF the character is a worth it(something with geoffrey st john,wolf pack,sally's brother,rob o' the hedge,or sonic's parent's are all fine bc none of them scream "rehash" and a bad one at that.mina is not.

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Shay, Sega owns every single character Archie has created, because it's under the Sonic license.

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Mina never broke up with Sonic. She never went out with him, though she was going to attempt it. Ash broke up with her and then the two got back together before she & Sonic could do anything.

As for who owns the characters in Archie, what Toby said. Archie doesn't own anyone in any Sonic-related series even if they created the character for their comics.

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Yeah, just like a writer at Marvel or DC creates a character it automatically becomes owned by the respective company.

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Mina is an ok character, it was a few of her fans that I had a hard time with(and still do). If Ian can't find an interesting use for Mina, that doesn't involved love triangles, it is probably just as well she isn't in the comic much.

Posts: 128
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I hope so too. By the way, that isn't suppose to be Mina in 174. I think that was Tracy's idea to put her in there, not Ian's.

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DC does have a point, seems shes only used for love triangles. :annoyed
no one really cares to develop her character much i guess... :razz

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I liked Mina. It was nice to see a comparatively normal character try to break into the clique of super-powered and/or super-rich kids that we'd had very little characters from outside of.

The problem that she suffers from as far as I'm concerned is that her story arc was self-limiting. We saw her try to use her mongoose speed to be a FF and decide that she didn't want it, and we've seen her decide that she didn't want Sonic after all. That means that unless Robotnik decides to put another contract out on her, then she's moving in different circles to the characters we focus on.

She made the decision that (even with her celebrity lifestyle) she wanted to be a normal Mobian. And normal isn't interesting enough when there're superheroes around.

I won't pretend that I wouldn't like to see a few backstories showing how ordinary Mobians get affected by these wars, royal decrees and suchlike - Mina included. Outside of the monarchy, we've got a very limited view of veryday Mobian society - and a nice opportunity to see it, now that it's finding its feet again and resettling in Neo-Knothole.

I'd like to see her in this upcoming civil war arc, as some sort of voice of the people either spewing propaganda or trying to lead a "Give peace a chance" movement, like pop stars do charity work or get used as recognisable figureheads here.

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Like in SDF Macross

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I get your point about the topic necromancy, Matt - but in terms of actually adding anything to the discussion, was that really any better?

G0079, why're you bumping an entire topic just for one line that you don't even explain? Not everyone here's seen that series or has the first clue about the comparison that you're making.

If you'd explained why the two plots're alike, then you'd have given other posters something to talk about and justified bringing the topic up again. As it is, what was the point?

Posts: 5772
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Apart from Mina's role, there's also the obvious homage to Robotech/Macross's VF fighters in the the Cyclone (Tornado III) and Sonic X's X-Tornado/X-Cyclone. As I recall, the X-Tornado even had a third form in the anime, where it grew Grappler arms* and sported a shield.

* the term Grappler arms is derived from the anime Outlaw Star which also sported flying vehicles with hands and arms that could be directly manipulated by the pilot. REFERENCES ARE FUN!

Posts: 69
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I was just thinking and was confused by the Mina breaking up with Sonic bit. I didn't think her and Sonic ever actually got together.
Shame because I thought they would make a cute couple.
Mina has so much potential too. Even her singing could be made into a rather useful ability, a lot like in the video games where music can be used to heal, or do damage on enemies.
I do feel like a lot of her potential has been wasted.
But perhaps a rite of passage could come along for her, and she'd return.
It would be interesting if she did come back for the Civil war thing.
Hmm...but now that you think about reminds me a bit of the American revolution ^^; ok going off topic a bit there....
But yeah. Great character. Good potential. But the potential was abused....and I think Ash was simply created just to lure her away from the mainstream...just an excuse to dust away a "useless character."
Not that Mina was useless, but she was made out to be such. I did like her. I loved the idea of MinaXSonic...but...
*sigh* oh well...
