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most dissapointing issue ever!

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what is the most dissapointing issue ever. for me it must be #150. yes,yes i know it has been said but for arggghh that was awful. i mean what happened, was Zonic on vacation or something ' you're fired! ' anyway what was the most dissapointing issue ever.

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for me it was 100

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yep so true and lets not forget the rubbish art in that issue too :evil :evil :evil

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The closest thing in memory would be "Afterlife" storyline, but that was because I was expecting a story--not a recap of the Knuckles storyline (and that wasn't an issue, just the back-ups for several issues).

You can only be dissappointed if you are expecting something major and don't get it. Usually, if I'm expecting something major, I get it. However, I rarely expect something major so I'm rarely disappointed. I haven't like the comic much recently, but I haven't expected much either so I don't classify it as "disappointment."

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what!!!!!!! did you see the rubbish artwork this is a animated comic and they go off and make it into a 80's horror comic and the drawing of sally it was so weird i thought she was bloody mina! dont say any smart sasses.
shut your sasshole boy!

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It's just Ron Lim's art. He's not my favorite artist by any stretch of the imagination, but I don't find him that horrible, even back when #100 was being drawn. I was not disappointed by #100. I liked that particular issue a whole lot. I enjoyed #100 much more than I did #150, but I wasn't disappointed by #150 because I wasn't expecting much out of it in the first place.

Artwork is not something that usually makes or breaks my enjoyment of an issue or story. It's the writing/story that I care about the most. If I like the art, that's even better. But if I don't like the art, it's not going to matter all that much unless I do consider it really horrible. The only issue I can think of where I didn't like Ron Lim's art was in #121 with the Elias story. Otherwise, his work hasn't turned me off that much.

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actally i got to be honest here i dont really care about the artwork but i still think #100's storyline was just plain wrong. but heres vote for #175. do you think it will be rubbish, okay or awesome(yeah right with the way the writers are going with their latest issues):evil .

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I won't cast judgment on an issue that's 20+ issues away. There's no telling what will be going on by then.

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well the pattern has been going like this.
#25 bad #50 good #75 good #100 bad #125(star)very good #150 bad......there is no pattern oh well but i mean a guess sonics going to improve or is going to kick the bucket.:rolleyes GUESS

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never mind just get back too the topic wat is the most dissapointing issue ever.

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In the future, please use the Edit button if you have something to add instead of double-posting. Sometimes you may need to wait awhile for a response.
I am curious- why didn't you like #40?

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i'm also curious, as i rather liked 40.

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well i didnt like it because it the chapter after mecha madness & #39 i just thought it was a disapointing ending to a good story rating ok;) but peur and crayon whats your issue:idea

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Ah.... I have many issues on my hate list... but I think #92 still hits rock bottom. (Take a good look at the main story art... The conversation between Alicia and Sally IS FRY's conversation between Elias and Sally from issue #89. It's practically traced. There's other copies, at least one Tails from a Butler-drawn pic (ICON part 2, remember Sand Blast City?)

Then Lim and the Shuffle "adaptation". The only plus is that Knuckles was RED. Even then I was sick of his greenness.

Posts: 72
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No contest: Sonic Super Special #15 which featured not only the infamous "Naugus Games" but also the wretched "Sonic Spin City."

"Naugus Games" hit a new low: of the 25 pages for the story, the artist "Many Hands" cheaped it out with 4 pages of eyeballs in darkness and 6 pages of Dialogue Balloons In Snow. You had to see this monstrosity to believe it. And the Gallagher/Manak attempt to riff/goof on Frank Miller was a total waste of trees.

Posts: 218
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Let's see... I would have to say my biggest letdown spans from #108-121 simply because of the comic trying to adapt a "magazine style" as Archie put it which really cut down on the length of stories not to mention the overall quality. Besides that, it probably would have to be #51 because all of us were left hanging in mid-air while wondering who booby-trapped Sonic's medal as the subject was never pursued.

Posts: 33
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... Too many to name, sorry.

Okay, I'm not sure if it's number 1 on my list, but Sonic #108's "Robotnik Times 2 Equals Trouble" ranks pretty high.

I can remember being very excited about Julian being brought back to life, mopping the floor with Eggman, and once again claiming the seat of power. Instead, the story was some of the most insulting drivel I've ever witnessed. A pathetic "comedy" issue where Robotnik acts like a moron, is allowed to spend a week in Knothole (!!!) and vanishes on the last page. It was more than just a waste, it was downright horrible. I stopped buying the comics for good shortly after.

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153. They made a fool of Nack:">

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this is a animated comic and they go off and make it into a 80's horror comic

80's horror comic? I've read 80s horror comics. Ron Lim's art doesn't look like them.

Posts: 276
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I love that pic of Nack ude. I also love Axer. I found his DA site, I think. It looks just like Axer's art.

For me, any issue that Art Mawhinney does, I don't enjoy as much, but my absolute least favorite would have to be 100. That's the one where everything keeps changing on poor Sonic, right? And didn't Rad Red(Rad...Green at the time)cause that whole mess through some sort of Time Paradox? If that isn't issue 100, then that's still the most disappointing one for me. I didn't understand what the hell was going on in half of that. First I thought it was Sonic loking back on the past, but I'm not sure anymore. While we're on the topic, can anybody explain it to me?

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Please dont get me started.


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For me, any issue that Art Mawhinney does, I don't enjoy as much, but my absolute least favorite would have to be 100. That's the one where everything keeps changing on poor Sonic, right? And didn't Rad Red(Rad...Green at the time)cause that whole mess through some sort of Time Paradox? If that isn't issue 100, then that's still the most disappointing one for me. I didn't understand what the hell was going on in half of that. First I thought it was Sonic loking back on the past, but I'm not sure anymore. While we're on the topic, can anybody explain it to me?

That was #101. What happened was that Knuckles was meddling with the past, and it kept changing things in the present - eg. Sally was really dead, Robotnik had never taken over, Sonic and Tails lived on Planet Freedom, Robotnik had never been defeated. Eventually it all returned back to the proper timeline though.

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supershadow70, you're thinking of issue 101...actually, that was one of my favorites... Sonic was witnessing what could have been the present if certain events in the past were changed. If you really wanted to understand it, you had to read the Knuckles story first...Knux was traveling back in time to change key events in "mobius'" history (for example the raising/lowering of the floating island and Edmund's death...). Each time he tried to change something for the better, something else would go wrong, and somehow things would return to normal, only to have Knux go back and try to stop something else. That is why in the main story Sonic kept witnessing all those different versions of reality. They were a glimpse of what could have been...I thought it proved a pretty strong point...the past is done and over. The only thing that we can do is learn from the past and strive to create a better future. That's why it's important to live every minute to its fullest. Every second has an impact on the future...

o...kay...back on track...Only one dissapointing issue?!? What about this whole past year...Okay, 150 was a total letdown for me. I was expecting something BIG...instead I got part one of a series that hasn't been resolved in 4 issues...I guess I was looking for something, I don't know, monumental. All the other big milestone issues had something special about them, 50, 75, 100, and 125 (I haven't read 25 yet...). All of them, in some way, had an issue (or 3) to build up the suspense. They also resolved the main plot points. With 150, we were left with Evil Sonic running free...Maybe I just set my expectations too high...

Posts: 462
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I'm a bit surprised nobody's mentioned this one yet, but for me the most disappointing issue was #113. After two issues in a row that I really enjoyed, I was looking forward to the adaptation of Cry Of The Wolf. Unfortunately, the frantic pace and uneven art quality paled in comparison to the SatAM episode it was based off of.

Posts: 1402
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For me, Any issue with either Lupe and the wolf pack or art mawhinney.

i've always hated the wolf pack because they were given so many stories that were just worthless.
and i think everyone knows why i hate Mawhinney by now, so i won't even go into detail.

Posts: 127
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Bleh.... I lost interest about the time when the comics started going all SA-ish... I've gotten random issues in the 100's, but never liked them as much as the classics. But MAN that Axer pic of Fang rocks! And Frankly, I LOVE Art Mawhinney's art. Too many of the artists are too anime-ish, but at least art uses SatAM style. >P Then again, I'm not too big on current Sonic artstyle.

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I forgot about #113... it was so bad that I must have forced it from my memory...

Posts: 61
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another disappointing issue was 152 i was excited about this issue because I thought there was going to be a big confrontation between the girls and sonic like the cover showed but nothing like that even happened.I'm starting to get sick of the covers showing something totally different from the story like the issue that has sonic up to his neck in water on the cover.

Posts: 1402
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that problem's been around forever.

if you ever want to see how bad it got go find "Superman is a D**K."

it advertises all of these old covers of action comics where superman would pretty much be a total jackass on the covers but that isn't what really happened in the book.

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101 cover Edit: 151 cover sry. dld have to do with the story because evil sonic and co threw good sonic in water.

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must of missed that part.I skimmed through the comic at the store(couldn't buy it right then because my friends where in a hurry to leave.curse them:fist )lol

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IMO, the Sonic Adventure tie-in. That was so convoluted it wasn't even funny... granted, Sega absolutely refused to give Archie ANY information. Yes... they had to rely on Spaz (bless his heart) doing translations of the Japanese version... but still. It scootered the regular monthly stuff for way too long & got a 48 page special. Just... eew.

Also, any issue where Many Hands did the ''art''. Oh, and that one guy who made a couple of SatAM adaptations (Ghostbusted and Cry of the Wolf, I think). Even Ron Lim could do a better job than thoes jokers. I mean that. Lim is a GOD compared to Many Hands and that one guy (I can't remember his name, nor to I want to).

Posts: 61
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lol not trying to bring up bad memories of bad art but was it al bigly?I think he did the second part for 152,and I've come to the conclusion that ron lim isn't the worst out there.In fact if he could make the heads smaller and try not to make sonic look like he has one eyeball with two pupils when he is suprised or just opens his eyes real wide,I wouldn't mind him so much.

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Shendu, do you mean 151?

Otherwise, that didn't make any sense. O.o


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no mate yous just stupid:crazy btw i think i said 101

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Stupid, eh?

Right, you did say #101, and that's exactly why your post doesn't make sense. Evil Sonic was associated with issue 151, not 101.


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opps....typo sorry:jester

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Most disappointing issue?

Sonic Super Special:
Triple Trouble.

The only tie-in was one #^ck*ing 2-page spread encompassing the levels of the game.

Come on, they could have done better.

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Any issue where Ron Lim does the art. Man, I hate his "work"...

Posts: 36
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The one's I can think of off the bad are 124 and 125. 124 made you think Shadow was going to play a HUGE role, but he ended up taking a back seat after only a few pages. They made up for it with the Shadow four parter earlier this year, and should be doing it even more with the Shadow the Hedgehog/Sonic Heroes semi tie-in (it looks a little like one to me...)

Also, Super Sonic vs. Hyper Knuckles was disappointing. So was the Image/Sonic crossover (they should have ditched the Image influence, made the Mulder and Scully knockoff the real deal, and made it an X-Files/Sonic crossover... at least, that's my opinion.)

Battle Royal was interesting... The art wasn't the greatest, but the main stories plot was good (if not a little confusing.)

Posts: 26
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150 was discraseful!><; they called that a milestone issue?!How dare they?!

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I don't recall them calling it a milestone issue.

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Traditionally, everything dividable by 50 is supposed to be good or something.

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Right, but Archie never hailed it as a milestone issue (as far as I recall), despite having done so for issues 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125.

Speaking of which, Ian seems to be building up hype for issue 175, which is less than a year off.

Posts: 378
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As bad as 153 was, I have a new least favorite now. 154. Ash gets Mina, even after he yelled at her and hates Sonic. Plus, Ian says that he never even SAW a Sonic/Mina connection. And he's going to have Ash mellow out, which is totally out of character, because Ash is a mean jerk who hates Sonic as much as I hate him. Let's have Nack try to kill Mina again, but kill Ash instead, who foolishly gets in the way. Plus, he reminds me of the kid from Pokemon. Let's have him say, "Yay! I got porkamog named PakaChao! I am the ultimate porkamog winner! Wheeeeeee:spin "... :ohbrother

Posts: 1619
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I'm a bit surprised nobody's mentioned this one yet, but for me the most disappointing issue was #113. After two issues in a row that I really enjoyed, I was looking forward to the adaptation of Cry Of The Wolf. Unfortunately, the frantic pace and uneven art quality paled in comparison to the SatAM episode it was based off of.

I was surprised no one mentioned it on the first page. :p

Posts: 26
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Oh, I thought it was... -_-; XD

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Yeah, I dont think too much of the non-traditional art style.The story was good the cover was awesome,but the art on the inside just didnt have that "Sonic"feeling to it.

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Well it's not like #150 didn't live up to standards or anything like that:rolleyes Just because it's a milestone issue and Mike Pellerito was hyping it for the LAST 10 issues before it came out doesn't mean it has to be more than a set-up.

All sarcasm aside, #150 wasn't as bad as #156. For once I thought they were going to do something.......not boring and un-interesting. Then again, You expect ALOT when reading others idea's on this forum =P

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