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most dissapointing issue ever!

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Posts: 1437
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Just because it's a milestone issue and Mike Pellerito was hyping it for the LAST 10 issues before it came out doesn't mean it has to be more than a set-up.

Mr. Wright, are you prepared to back that accusation up with decisive evidence?

Posts: 67
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Issue 98 was a bit disapointing. As I recall, the only two stories were pretty much a opener of Sonic Adventure 2. And no Archie ralated story. So I just thought it was a bit of a waste of time.

Posts: 4
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I actually enjoyed #98, because Spaz actually pencilled the issue, it was quite amazing looking. I really think they should've had spaz illustrate #100, that would've been special. Frankly, I despise Ron Lim's pencilling, it is quite horrendous, to put it nicely. #100 was my dissappointing issue, as the artwork was terrible, but the story was ok, but it was still a letdown. Ron Lim was the reason I stopped being a suscriber, as they were letting him draw for sonic too much. 131 was my last issue, as it seemed they were running out of ideas, and Ron was taking over the world.

Posts: 89
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1. Most- Battle Royal- THE ART WAS TERRIBLE! I COULD DO BETTER! And the plot was confusing...

2. Sonic #108- Loved the "Life with Robotnik" segment, but other than that, it disappointed be. I wished he would stick around for a few issues.

Posts: 133
Estimable Member

Good point...Benny Lee's writing was really grating (rapid fire scenes, abrupt ending), and to bring Robotnik back after five years and subject the opportunity to that kind of slapstick pointlessness was just...bleah. Robotnik needs another comeback, plain and simple.

So 108 was probably the most disappointing of the ones I've read. Since this thread's been resurrected anyway, anybody's list change now that we've got another couple-dozen issues?

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

The only thing Ian's written that disappointed me was the M:25YL followup, and only because I thought it was a bit of a rush-job. (Not in the sense that he was hurrying to meet deadlines, just in the sense that it seemed to be a "we can't be bothered with M:25YL anymore, let's give it a quick send off."

I completely agree with Benny Lee too. He didn't write a single good story on his entire run, excepting maybe "Welcome to Wheelword" from #129. Anyone have any idea if it's true Benny was just a pseudonym for Karl?

Posts: 462
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rapid fire scenes

When you've got 11 pages, rapid fire scenes are sort of a necessity.

Posts: 2116
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Definitely. Fleetway made do with seven pages per issue for the main story and four or five for the rest. As the old saying goes: it's not what you've got - it's what you do with it that counts.

Posts: 133
Estimable Member


When you've got 11 pages, rapid fire scenes are sort of a necessity.

That's true...I suppose that's more the fault of trying to jam that much into a small space.

Still, the endings...108, 109, 119 and 121 (which was pretty much a rehash of 109) immediately come to mind. They were awkward, abrupt, dumb or a combination of all three. I'd attribute 108 to space, but a whole page to Tails being confused about Sonic's joke? Using the same chili dogs for dinner gag twice? If it weren't for the subsequent arcs and Axer replacing Lim for the next two issues, I probably would've quit on that ridiculous final panel in 121, complete with stoned Sally. XD

Posts: 462
Honorable Member


That's true...I suppose that's more the fault of trying to jam that much into a small space.

Well, better than doing too little.


I'd attribute 108 to space, but a whole page to Tails being confused about Sonic's joke?

...okay, that's daft.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

I have to agree with Dan on Super Sonic Comic #15, more so on Sonic Spin City.

Quick question: Was "New Order" the one where the Freedom Fighters were forced to go back to school, giving Bunnie that ridiculous outfit?

Posts: 462
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That's the one.

Posts: 356
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For me, I have to look up the number, but it was the "Line of Sucession" story; the ending totally ruined the story for me.

Posts: 462
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That'd be issues 155 and 156.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i sorta remember the "go back to school" thing, i stopped collecting from i think #85 to #98, so i never really got those issues. i missed out on most of the mina thing, which i think was kinda lucky on my part.

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

I have two categories:

In terms of artwork, Knuckles #28. The style in that one was pathetic.

Storyline wise, it'd have to be Sonic #134, for reasons that I can't mention without risking being banned from this forum.

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

Gotta give it to issue 100.

Sure, there were plenty of worse issues out there, but when it comes to most disappointing...considering it was issue flippin' 100, I expected...well, something halfway interesting. It was just your average issue with a fancy 100 slapped on the cover.

Not to mention that the issue was put out when the comic was arguably at it's lowest point. The sword of acorns storyline was mind-numbingly dull, and the artwork was just as blah.

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