I subscribed to Sonic a few months ago and have already received two issues, but #188 hasn't arrived yet. Is anyone else's 188's late? Has anyone else's subscriptions ever been late and should I be worried?
Be patient. I usually get my issues at the beginning of the month after everyone else got thiers.
What Toby said. It depends on where you live as well. Those in the East tend to receive their issues sooner. I'm in the middle and like to pretend my comic is delivers either by tractors or cows since I usually get it about a week or two after everyone's done reading and discussing it.
Fine, I'll try to be patient. Won't be easy... Want comic NNNNOOOWWW!!!
I just now got my issue.
You guys are lucky that you get yours so early. I gotta wait for mine to be internationally shipped. And then transported halfway across the continent. ;P
I got mine today ^_^
*does happy dance*
Yeah finally got mine a few days ago.