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Oh shoot, Sonic 181...
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Oh shoot, Sonic 181 Spoilers!

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Okay...we first start off with the Heroic duo making a straight flight for Angel Island...while that is going on, Nicole, Sally and Dimitri are monitoring Enerjak as he zaps the poor Dingoes to the desert! Scary...oh yea and Stryker mounts some sort of argument and promptly gets zapped to parts unknown. Sonic and Tails land in Launch Base and scorch a path across the island, looking for Knux. Sonic is full of jokes but Tails tells him to pipe it down...haha.

Meanwhile the DL is battling its founder with no success at ALL. Remington (Yes good ol Rem. Missed him) is ticked about Enjerjak stealing his birthright or some foolishness and Enerjak responds by transforming the ENTIRE DL into pure fleshies! Goodbye technological features. Oh and he restores Rem's memory back to normal. Meanwhile Dimitri grows impatient with the so called heroes and decides to go find some more powerful help (Eggman?"

Nicole and Sally make contact with G.U.N specifically Rogue who before the signal dies, tells them that they are sending them an agent...Shadow maybe? Sonic and Tails arrive at the Hidden Chamber but no Rad Red. They don't notice Dr. Fini hiding in the shadows however and make feet for Echinaopolis...

...where Enerjak talks and talks...whatever. He does end up teleporting everyone to Albion, saying he's going to make everything right. What? Of course now it gets fun...because it's time for Enerjak to deal with those who have been spying on them. This would qualify as an oh shoot moment folks. He destroys the camera and zaps Nicole in the process. Sonic and Tails are late...AGAIN! Sally tells them to hurry as Enerjak is just outside the city.

Nicole expects the shield to hold up against Enerjak, who calmly peels it away with no effort whatsoever. Oh shoot! Julie Su is ready to gun him down but he removes his helmet to reveal...



I'll post up the back story in a few but...yea.

EDIT: Okay the backup story explains just why Knux is Enerjak. Narrated by the super sappy and teary eyed Archy, we learn that after he arrived, he was attacked by the Destructix and captured by the DL who took him to the Hidden Place where Fini, Rem and Lien-Da where. Fini proceeds to put Knux on full guilt trip mode, blaming him and his Guardians for not saving thousands (Yes thousands) of poor Echidnas...opps. He says he plans to ally with the DL to get the job done but Knux isn't going to have that! He grabs the ME and promply gets zapped with that dark energy that Fini had been pumping into it. Rem and Lien-Da freak out but Fini brainwashes Knuckles into thinking that as Enerjak, he's the one who can set things right, as Dr. Fin guides him of course...Archie Comics, George Lucas wants to speak with you!

Posts: 133
Estimable Member

Man, what's with us posting our recaps almost simultaneously? XD

Posts: 1446
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Not reading the spoilers, not reading the spoilers....

Just a bit of a plea for anyone who's reading this topic - PLEASE don't mention Enerjak's identity outside of this thread. It's a pretty major plot twist from a pretty major story and it a lot of people - obviously myself included - will be quite upset if it gets ruined for us.

Thanks =)

Posts: 1195
Noble Member


Meanwhile the DL is battling its founder with no success at ALL. Remington (Yes good ol Rem. Missed him) is ticked about Enjerjak stealing his birthright or some foolishness and Enerjak responds by transforming the ENTIRE DL into pure fleshies! Goodbye technological features. Oh and he restores Rem's memory back to normal.

Nomally I'd say I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT over and over again, but Remington's dark hair is a pretty dead giveaway. Ahh well, I'll fangirl anways.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

I have to get this issue when it comes out. No, scratch that, I NEED and WILL get this issue when it comes out.

So, do we need to wait a week or so before we actually start discussing it, or what?

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Wait, so we finally get to Remmy and his memory is restored that fast? That could have been a whole storyline itself.

Posts: 608
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YEEEESSSS Enerjak is back....and he's Knux, at least there's a good reason behind it. And we get Remy back. Only down side to this is that I'll probably get my issue next week and I'll be down I San Diego bored to tears at a meeting.

Loved how Tails told Sonic to can it XD

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Linking to Aldran's 181 topic, since the two were posted simultaneously, we only need one and this seems to be the one that's actually taken.

Posts: 2016
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Knux as Enerjak?

Remington has actually returned?




Posts: 1402
Noble Member

okay, i know there was an amazingly large amount of speculation going around by enerjak's identity. but honestly who was actually surprised by knux being enerjak?

i can't wait for the issue, but does anyone feel like ian is just wrapping up some loose plotlines again? the whole dark legion civil war thing could've been it's own storyline. i have a bad feeling that enerjak is going to "Shake the status quo" but in the end everyone affected will end up better than when the storyline started out. the whole knothole destroyed thing comes to mind, sure it got blasted away, that lasted for one whole issue, then with just a few pages they have a brand new knothole out of basically thin air.

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Man, i just read through this issue and it is great! Kind of disappointing to hear about Lien-Da being reduced from high and mighty villainess to whining brat, but the action is still cool! The Dark Legionnaires and Remington are restored to normal, Remington gets his memories back (kind of a bummer; I wanted to see more of him in action as a Dark Legionnaire), the Dingoes get the axe, and Knuckles pulls off a classic Archie cliffhanger by removing his helmet and revealing himself as the new Enerjak!

I feel bad for poor Archy; he tried so hard, but now all his hard work appears to have come to naught. I will admit, though, there's more of Knuckles in the new Enerjak than I would have thought. He shows compassion on the Echidna people, clearly still cares for Julie-Su, and he even still has a bit of that wit I love so much-just with a hint of medieval speech thrown in.

Bring on #182! EDIT: Speaking of which, that GUN agent is obviously Shadow.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

...K seriously...

I'm getting he issue tomorrow when I'm allowed to walk....and when I do, I'll rant Just wanted to make this post now so as to secure a spot.

Posts: 273
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It's going to happen again...I just know it...I'm going to get the issue when this topic has died down and people have moved before that happens, I'll put my two cents in and judge the issue on the spoilers...

Knux is the new Enerjak...(not)...SURPRISE! Who didn't see that coming?

The DL losing their one defining characteristic, the not needed involvement of G.U.N. (Shadow) and Rouge, and Sonic and Tails landing in the Launch Base Zone...I could whine about these being further evidence of the Segaization agenda, but I would be preaching to the wrong choir, and it would serve no purpose. But I will say that the demechinization of the DL is disappointing, 'cause they just lost their single edge over the Eggman and the dingoes. The helpless echidnas may as well just live in Knothole now and become good little Acorn subjects.

Nicole expects the shield to hold up...she should know better...

And the back-up origin story narrated by shouldn't have been a back-up origin story with a narrator. It should have been strung out as a sub-plot with "House of Cards" and the first part of this arc. It wouldn't have killed any surprise, because there really was no surprise to kill. Like I said, we all guessed who it was.

All I can say is the only thing that is really intriguing me is der furher Remington and his twisted memory, and that book was closed rather quckly. And Lien-da's going through some character derailment to boot...I guess those developments put more fond memories of the Knuckles comic out to pasture.

I can already see how this is all going to unfold...Enerjak will somehow be defeated, by trump card Super Sonic with Shadow's aid, sooner rather than later, so that silly Knuckles can return to Knothole and everyone can turn their attention back towards Eggman and his pawn army. What should've been a mobius-shaking story arc with lasting repricussions ends with an unsatisfying conclsion that restores the tired status quo of Sonic and Co.=good and Eggman=bad.

I hope I'm wrong. I wish to be wrong so that I can get at least some excitement out of these stories.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


I can already see how this is all going to unfold...Enerjak will somehow be defeated, by trump card Super Sonic with Shadow's aid, sooner rather than later, so that silly Knuckles can return to Knothole and everyone can turn their attention back towards Eggman and his pawn army. What should've been a mobius-shaking story arc with lasting repricussions ends with an unsatisfying conclsion that restores the tired status quo of Sonic and Co.=good and Eggman=bad.

basically covers most of the same points i made, but i'm definitely glad someone else noticed this.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


The DL losing their one defining characteristic, the not needed involvement of G.U.N. (Shadow) and Rouge, and Sonic and Tails landing in the Launch Base Zone...I could whine about these being further evidence of the Segaization agenda, but I would be preaching to the wrong choir, and it would serve no purpose.


I can already see how this is all going to unfold...Enerjak will somehow be defeated, by trump card Super Sonic with Shadow's aid, sooner rather than later, so that silly Knuckles can return to Knothole and everyone can turn their attention back towards Eggman and his pawn army. What should've been a mobius-shaking story arc with lasting repricussions ends with an unsatisfying conclsion that restores the tired status quo of Sonic and Co.=good and Eggman=bad.

Remember when Sonic, Tails, Amy and Knuckles (oh, with Nicole, but she doesn't count) were the only ones left and all the Knothole cast was taken out in favour of this Sega-based group and all stories thereafter focused on these four and completely deserted non-Sega aspects like Mobotropolis, Sally, Bunnie (including her old desire to be Sally's hairdresser), Antoine and Elias?

Oh, wait, that didn't happen. I seem to remember you were certain that that was going to the be case, though, and used it as "evidence" about this supposed pro-Sega agenda.

Don't be so quick to jump the gun with your assumptions. You set yourself up to hate something before you've even experienced it.

Posts: 0
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Actually, the #184 preview seems to indicate that Super Sonic isn't going to be beating Enerjak/Knux at all (proof that Knuckles is better both in terms of strength and because the original Enerjak, Knuckles' arch-nemesis, was just as out of Super Sonic's league as the new guy so obviously Knuckles had to be tougher to take him on). Besides, there are other factors to be considered: the Echidnas moving the Albion, the return of the Brotherhood, Lien-Da's efforts to regain power (again, see #184 preveiw), not to mention all the angst and such likely to result from Knuckles transformation (anyone here remember Mecha Madness?). Even if nobody blames Knuckles for what he's going to do as Enerjak, he's sure to blame himself for being so stupid as to fall into Finitevus' trap. Aw, Finitevus; another factor that could keep this story from being a total washout.

Posts: 133
Estimable Member

I'm curious what exactly Fin wants to do with Enerjak's power. Looks like we might get a really good look at it in the next issue, what with a backstory.

Also, anybody catch the giveaway to Enerjak's identity that Yardley cleverly hid until the end? (Besides his face).

Also, a second take on Lien-Da's fit:

Posts: 4607
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Third take

Posts: 356
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No surprise about who is Enerjak, he was at the top of people's list. I wouldn't mind a return to the statis quo, I loved Knothole but New Metotropolis has some charm. It would be a shame to lose it so soon after it being created.

Posts: 72
Trusted Member

If you haven't seen your copy yet, don't be surprised if the artwork for the back story strikes you as UGLY!!! I haven't seen a coloring job this hideous since the infamous oversaturation episode with Sonic Quest #2, and that was an ACCIDENT! This looks just plain horrible!

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

... I colord that story. ;_;

I loved this issue to death, and anyone who knows me and my hateful outlook on life, ESPECIALLY on a child's comic book, knows that that is quite a compliment!

I can't wait to see Albion's ruins.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Yes Toby my dearest. Your colorful outlook on hateful storybooks compliment life indeed.

I want to see Sally's ruins, IF'N YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!

Posts: 273
Reputable Member

Remember when Sonic, Tails, Amy and Knuckles (oh, with Nicole, but she doesn't count) were the only ones left and all the Knothole cast was taken out in favour of this Sega-based group and all stories thereafter focused on these four and completely deserted non-Sega aspects like Mobotropolis, Sally, Bunnie (including her old desire to be Sally's hairdresser), Antoine and Elias?

Oh, wait, that didn't happen. I seem to remember you were certain that that was going to the be case, though, and used it as "evidence" about this supposed pro-Sega agenda.

I never said that. I was complaining about the Sega cast being the only ones left in that particular story. I do not remember flatly predicting that all stories thereafter would be concentrating on them.

And like I said, complaining about it isn't going to do any good...what I'm really complaining about is what looks to be the quick takedown of the new Enerjak. A powerful villain whose been missing for 130 issues and his return long hinted at should reapper with a bang, and his reappearance should affect at least the next dozen issues. He shouldn't be so quickly defeated in a three to four story arc just so everyone can turn their attentions back towards tired old Dr. Eggman.

Like I said, I hope I'm wrong. I hope his return actually has a lasting effect on the story direction.

Oh, and I just reread the #184 preview. I guess Super Sonic is "not going to be enough". Good to know. But I'm going to also predict that the one who makes that "ultimate sacrifice" is going to be Locke. But I welcome a surprise.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Wasn't Enerjak taken out within three issues in his last two appearances?

I think a year is a bit much. Look how tiresome Green Knuckles got.


I was complaining about the Sega cast being the only ones left in that particular story. I do not remember flatly predicting that all stories thereafter would be concentrating on them.

The point is that you keep complaining about Sega stuff being pushed in and go on about favoritism and some "agenda" despite that the non-Sega stuff still gets plenty of attention. So what if Launch Base is mentioned? Sandopolis was a big part of the first Enerjak arc. Lava Reef was visited during Enerjak's second appearance. Why is the brief mention of a game-based area a big deal now?

Go in with a pessimistic view and you'll never let youself be satisfied.

Posts: 273
Reputable Member

Wasn't Enerjak taken out within three issues in his last two appearances?

I think a year is a bit much. Look how tiresome Green Knuckles got.

Yes he was...point taken about Green Knuckles...but Enerak's first appearance had a lasting impact. After Enerjak came the DL, we read a little more about the history of Knux's family, and it also led to the introduction of Julie-Su. That was a six issue arc. As for his second appearance, coming right on the heels of his first, it made Mogul a big bad, and the drained Enerjak became a cyberized Dimitri obsessed with Knuckles and reclaiming the FL for the DL and reuniting Echidna society. That is what I mean by "lasting impact". What I don't want to see is Enerjak quickly dealt with for the sole purpose of reestablishing Dr. Eggdope as the big bad. Because right now, he is a stale big bad.

The point is that you keep complaining about Sega stuff being pushed in and go on about favoritism and some "agenda" despite that the non-Sega stuff still gets plenty of attention. So what if Launch Base is mentioned? Sandopolis was a big part of the first Enerjak arc. Lava Reef was visited during Enerjak's second appearance. Why is the brief mention of a game-based area a big deal now?

I wasn't complaining. I brought it briefly to attention, then promptly moved on. But, c'mon...Launch Base? I would've preferred Mushroom Hill.

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Wouldn't it be kind of hard to land in a mushroom forest?

Posts: 526
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So Toby, are you saying your Jason Jensen? Somehow, I doubt that.

Posts: 1127
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I can be a lot of things, Shigg! I just gotta believe! =D

Posts: 622
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What I don't want to see is Enerjak quickly dealt with for the sole purpose of reestablishing Dr. Eggdope as the big bad.

I doubt it's the "sole purpose." I mean, were that the case, then why use him at all? You don't know how any of this might change things in the future.


I wasn't complaining. I brought it briefly to attention, then promptly moved on. But, c'mon...Launch Base? I would've preferred Mushroom Hill.

Launch Base isn't appropriate for an airplane landing? =P

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Geography issues aside, I agree that all the hype about bringing Enerjak aback is too much for a 4-5 issue story. Sure, you may argue that one villain isn't good enough for a year's worth of issues (though in Enerjak's case I strongly disagree) but if he's going out this early, he should at least leave behind some big aftereffects. Certainly, it looks that way: he's banished the Dingoes to Sandopolis, wiped out their leader and their technology, restored the Echidna people to their non-cyborg forms and sent all but Lien-Da and a few others to Albion, and he hasn't even started working on New Mobotropolis or Eggman yet! Not to mention all the psychological reprecussions this could have, not just on Knux himself and poor Archy, but Julie-Su, Sally, Sonic, and everyone else. We saw in Mecha Madness how being temporarily turned evil can ruin your rep.

I miss Knothole too, but New Mobotropolis looks kind of cool. It's definitely an interesting location, and I just hope that it's not going to be one of the casualties of Knuckles' time as Enerjak as well. If not, then I hope that Eggman's not going to make another half-dozen attempts to break through the defenses before he finally manages it.

Anyone remember me asking about what would happen if the new Enerjak ran into Mammoth Mogul? I thought it would be hilarious if he had the original Enerjak's memories and turned vengeful, but instead he has Knuckles' memorie-which could make it all the more delicious.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Loved this issue. Loved loved loved it. Quite possibly the best one Ian's done since he's come on board.

Glad that Remington is still alive. It was a pretty safe bet to say he was the other Dark Legion leader, but it's nice to have it absolutely set in stone. I agree too that Shadow is GUN's new agent; wasn't it the same way in the Sonic 2006 game?

My guess for next month and "Albion's Shameful Secret" - Albion hasn't actually been destroyed. Finitevus was tasked during the Year Gap to infiltrate the Dark Legion, tap Knuckles' chaos potential and turn him into Enerak, and prey on his anger (over the alleged 90% echidna casualties) in order to cause a forced echidna unity.


Also, anybody catch the giveaway to Enerjak's identity that Yardley cleverly hid until the end? (Besides his face).

Keeping his knuckles obscured by the green energy? I thought that was a great touch too.


If you haven't seen your copy yet, don't be surprised if the artwork for the back story strikes you as UGLY!!! I haven't seen a coloring job this hideous since the infamous oversaturation episode with Sonic Quest #2, and that was an ACCIDENT! This looks just plain horrible!

Dude. It's a flashback. The colours are *supposed* to be off-kilter a bit.

Posts: 273
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Launch Base isn't appropriate for an airplane landing? =P

I was making a joke. Not a very good joke, admittedly, but it was a joke.

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"Albion's Shameful Secret" in relation to Finitevus' origin doesn't make it sound like he was sent by them as an agent. I think that for once Dr. Finitevus is telling the truth about the Echidnas being reduced to 10% of their previous numbers-though as long as all the cool ones are still alive, that's cool by me. Finitevus' description of Albion might not be entirely accurate, because if it were I seriously doubt that Knux/Enerjak would send all the Echidnas there. If it's a totally lifeless wasteland, they'd all die before they could rebuild their race. Still, I suppose that anything is possible, and I like to be open to other people's theories.

The backs of Enerjak's hands were always obscured during the issue, either by that Chaos corona or because he has his palms facing whatever angle you happen to be looking from. It was definitely an obvious sign that he was Knuckles, though I wish they could have done something more original with revealing who he was. I mean, the old villain-unmasks-himself-to-reveal-missing-hero thing is cliche beyond words. Still, they really couldn't have done it any differently I suppose.

And as for the Launch Base deal? I don't really think it matters all that much. It appeared in two panels just to show that they actually landed on the friggin' island, and they probably could have landed anywhere. Unless the location has something vital to contribute to the story, I don't really care about it.

Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Damn, and I thought Enerjak was Kneecaps....

In all seriousness though, as much as I'm glad to have Remington back [yet another shameless fangirl Dx], I'm a little disappointed that the whole 'Flame vs Frost' thing is over before we really got a chance to see it, or experience the effects of it.
Otherwise, a nice issue over all. It made me really feel for Julie-Su. Knuckles' revelation was rather cute, and I enjoyed the backup story, too. Just a little dissappointed that between the two different artists, they couldn't get a consistent design for Frostmaster!Remington.

What confuses me, is how Sally and the rest of the FFs have made the conclusion that Enerjak is a bad guy this time? All they really had was Dimitri's word for it, and they go into panic mode, despite the fact that all Knuckles/Enerjak has done since rising to power was giving the dingoes what was coming to them, de-cyberneticked the Flamies and Frosties, and sent the Echidnas into better living conditions, far away where it's safer. At what point did he attack anyone innocent, or destroy cities? He came to New Megaopolis, stating that he wouldn't cause anyone any harm. And yet everyone still seems conviced that Enerjak is this big, bad, evil, threatening super-villian. The hell?

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

They also had Julie-Su and the Chaotix's accounts, too. If Osama bin Laden popped up from somewhere and started adopting homeless puppies and feeding the hungry; would you immediately accept him as a good guy and welcome him with open arms?

Posts: 24
Eminent Member

But it certainly makes you wonder what could possibly happen in the next issues to make eggman, shadow, sonic, and super sonic want to fight him when he still hasnt done anything wrong. Maybe Doc Fin is gonna exert his will over knuckles, or for some reason knuckles does do something bad coming up...

Posts: 218
Estimable Member

Let's see here.... I'd have to say loving this issue is hardly an adequate description for how I feel. Now for a few thoughts:

1.Since Lien-da's having such an episode over losing her metal pieces(:] ), then perhaps she and any still following her are going to hook up with Robotnik to try and restore their powered enhancements to some degree.

2.How could Albion be reduced to ruins? As the echidna homeland it probably had tech to defend itself that couldn't even be found in the DL.

3.You want some ground shaking event? Ok, how about Knuckles putting AI back in the crater in Dowunda and taking the ME to Albion for protection (best I can come up with right now).

4.For those of you who still believe there's a pro-Sega movement in the comic, take a look at the nanite probe. It looks excatly like the spybots the original Robotnik used in SatAM.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

>> Yeah I totally missed the whole "O SNAP ALBION IS ROXXORED" issue set. Anyone care to direct me?

And HA at DL losing everything that makes them the DL. Putting them on not so equal footing will be awesome-but at the same time, will Knuckles then bring an end to the guardian line? That would be awesome to see as well :O

Knux putting down AI..yeah, I'd wanna see that. HAHA At Nicole like "Egg fleet can't get us, why should he"

Knux: *Fwip*

Nicole: -.- Ok that's bull...

4) No. I think that's just cause those are the easiest bots to use as spybots, the ones that HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AROUND.

5) No, new agent of G.U.N=HOPE!

::Flees FAST::

Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Eh... I'm pretty sure that the G.U.N agent is Shadow. I'm pretty sure Rouge referred to the agent as 'he' or 'him' before losing her signal....

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Er, tamkins, I'm pretty sure that DL was making a joke, just in case ya didn't know.

Posts: 337
Reputable Member

Stupid Nicole! I guess Nicole is still hardwired with Acorn Kingdom's dated bane on fire arms. Get a clue! "I will not devote any of this city's nanites to weapons" screams the difference between peaceful, and 'peaceful stupid!'

You're dealing with an insane with power newbie deity!! Not fluffy little bunnies minding their own business!

This proves just one thing: General Prowler's revolution WAS a waste of time! The city's policies are exactly the same as before!! They're still clinging to that arcanic taboo born from an Acorn prince who was killed blocking the bullet meant for an non-intelligent wild animal!

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

On the other hand - it's a comic, not life and death. Don't get too excited.

Posts: 337
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It's a lousy comic if you don't get excited.

Posts: 82
Trusted Member

This is what alot of us are talking about. Tails dad or someone that's one of the good guys really needs to kick the Acorns out of ruling the kingdom forever. Becuase this no gun/weapon rule thing hasn't gotten them anywhere for 100's of years. When is Archie Comics really going to get someone that won't screw every thing up in STH, I mean first it was Ken, Karl other names that I don't remember and now it's Ian that's messing things up to the point where I never thought I'd have to say this, but they need to get rid of Ian and bring somebody else in yet again. Because if Ian is around too much longer, then STH will be dead somewhere between STH issue's #200 and #250!?

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Oh, the drama. "Ian's going to be personally reponsible for getting Sonic cancelled because he won't put guns in the comic!" Keep in mind that not only is this a kid's comic, but it's a kid's comic about a hedgehog who can move at the speed of sound versus a genius scientist with a never-ending supply of robots, among others. Why do we even NEED guns? I'm getting so sick of all this irrational "get rid of Ian!" stuff just because one tiny aspect of the comic is not exactly the way people want it.

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The reason Enerjak is considered a threat is because his actions, while rather noble, are radical and extreme. I mean, he undid the Dark Legion cyborg situation, teleported a vast population from Angel Island to Albion, exiled the Dingoes into a desert where death is almost guaranteed, vaporized their home city and their leader, and blocked communications between New Mobotropolis and the rest of Mobius. Personally, I'd say that qualifies him as a villain, plus the accounts of the Chaotix and Dimitri.

As for how Enerjak ends up going on a destructive rampage, I think that'll be pretty obvious. He's going to try to do the same thing to the rest of Mobius that he did on Angel Island-namely, bring peace and administer "justice" however he sees fit-and unlike the defenseless Echidnas and reluctant Dark Legionnaires, the inhabitants of the surface aren't going to take that without a fight. While it's possible that Finitevus could somehow influence Knuckles into attacking, I think it more likely that the Freedom Fighters and co. are just going to tick him off by refusing his "generous" gift of peace and order. If watching Justice League taught me anything, it's that few people appreciate it when a super-powered entity takes enforcement of justice into their own hands.

I did notice that NICOLE's probe looked like Robotnik's from SatAM, and I'm rather happy about it-it's a tribute, however small, to the series that basically gave the comics their earliest main characters and concepts. Sure, the games contributed too, but there was a lot of SatAM involved. NICOLE's confidence in her shields against Enerjak is, I must admit, rather amusing; it seems to me that she believes herself to possess more power than she does in comparison to other forces on Mobius. While within New Mobotropolis, NICOLE ordinarily seems virtually omnipotent (with a few exceptions), but against Enerjak she's outmatched.

The reason the Prowers' revolution and the formation of the Council of Acorn doesn't appear to have changed anything is because it's still taking effect and they're in the middle of a crisis. While they do want to change their operating tactics, political reform isn't something to be done when world annihilation is threatening. After Enerjak gets beaten (sadly, we all know he will be), then the Council will probably start really changing things.

You know, that remark about putting Angel Island back in the Great Crater does sound like something the new Enerjak would do, but from the looks of things he's setting up Angel Island to be somewhere to dump anyone he doesn't want to be bothered with. I mean, he's left the technology-less Dingoes and Lien-Da's loyalists stuck there, so he clearly no longer regards it as a place to live, and it would be more convenient to keep it up there. Sure, there are a few more pleasant natives still trapped up there, but Enerjak's main focus right now is the Echidnas and the surface of Mobius.

Okay, just a few more questions:

How many old-style Chaos Emeralds worth of energy do you think Enerjak has?

What do you think Finitevus is planning to do with the rest of the energy? (If he doesn't have plans for it, then I don't see why he'd still be hanging out in the Chaos Chamber.)

And doesn't anyone besides me think that a new Enerjak/Mammoth Mogul confrontation might be funny?

Posts: 337
Reputable Member

He only has the master emerald's power, yet seems to have the power of 13 emeralds like the first Enerjak.

Pity that Archie has grown alergic to doing long term game cross overs. Cause to match a being as powerful as the first Enerjak would require the power of 14 emeralds. And there's only one place else in the universes to find another seven.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I thought Faust consolidated them all into the 7 servers? There are no "extra" emeralds anymore.

Posts: 218
Estimable Member

What about chaos emeralds from alternate realities? Atlantinopolis in Scourge's homeworld (#44) needed a few to keep its air shield working, so surely there still are others elsewhere.

Posts: 337
Reputable Member

Not the alt universe I was thinking of but yeah.

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