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Oh shoot, Sonic 181...
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Oh shoot, Sonic 181 Spoilers!

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Posts: 1694
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Primus I hope not. After the whole Patch fiasco, I've had enough of alt dimensions for one comic.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Well, considering that the whole point of alt. dimensions are "extra" sets of everything (Sonic, Robotnik, Mobius) but imagined differently, another set of emeralds existing in other dimensions would make sense. Of course, doesn't Faust exist outside reality himself? He was able to reach out and pluck every existing Chaos Emerald in the Prime universe, why not others?

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Do you mean that the Great Harmony could have been happening in one way or another in every dimension at the same time, so all emeralds in every universe went into the Special Zone? Because I could go with that.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Ok time out. You got it all wrong.

Knuckles's power cannot be counted the same way as Dimirti's. I'm going to get to this point in a second.

Now I'm going with Spectre on this in that the reasoning of Enerjak being seen as evil is because this is a superpowered being that is just going to wipe his hand one way, and do what he sees how he plans on doing it.

However, Dimirti's own MADNESS for success drove him to his accident and to the sucking in of that kind of power into his body. What we have learned of Knuckles "plight" is very VERY different.

Knuckles is a living Chaos emerald. He can raise or lower the amount of energy he releases-he can use that power in any way he sees fit NATURALLY. So-for him to go to the master Emerald-which has the power of 14 emeralds...

(not 13, why does everyone keep saying 13, Mogul's emerald didn't leave when he got out the ME again, it stayed there, hence his whole siphon Tails plan until he could get Knux.)

and try to draw MORE power than what he already had was by nature-absurb. However, he-at this point-was MADDENED with trying to fix a problem he created. He was acting on a same impulse level like Dimitri-but if Knux was able to actually draw that power out without any interference. I believe he could have handled it.

Its that spell Fini put on the Chaos energy that is changing everything. I think Knuckles could have done all the things he is displaying now-he just never tried. I mean crap, he went through time for god's sakes! Three times even!

It's that spell. I think that Fini is controlling the energy-and thereby controlling Knuckles-implanting and forcing the change into Enerjak. Then, as long as Knuckles is in this form, Fini knows he has control. Yeah Knuckles is "free" of mind for now, and can do as he pleases, thinking what he's doing is right (which I still think is an implant of a larger plan by Fini..)

but when the biggest players on Mobius are done for-Fini's gonna move and we're gonna possibly be on a rollercaster of a ride until 200 :O.

So now back to my point. Knuckles drew power out of this Emerald, which has the power of 14 Emeralds in it. The island is still up. He possibly can now utilize 14 chaos emeralds worth of power. He can possibly utilize 60 emeralds worth. We can't know for sure just how powerful he is now.

*phew* whoa, I never do long posts.

And yes, I was joking about Hope XD. Though I would have laughed if Snively shot her down. Hard.

Posts: 218
Estimable Member

If Mogul's emerald didn't leave the ME with him when it broke, then how did ADAM remove it from his chest to start the Great Harmony?

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

Great Harmony? I must've missed that issue, since I don't recall anything about a Great Harmony.

Posts: 218
Estimable Member

The Chaos emerald gathering in #168-169. That was prophecied as the Great Harmony.

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Don't know about the Great Harmony deal, but I think I know about Mogul's Emerald. When he got released from the Master Emerald, he retained the Emerald itself, but not the energy it had previously contained. That was why he was sustaining himself on Power Rings and held Turbo Tails hostage for who knows how long so he could absorb some of his energy and go for the big prize: Chaos Knuckles.

The reason I think the most Emerald equivalent of energy Knux absorbed from the Emerald was 13 is because of Angel Island staying in the sky. Unless Knuckles is holding it there through his willpower-which I doubt he's going to waste the time doing-he probably would have left at least one Emerald's worth of power to keep it going, because that' the lowest amount that's ever been needed. Besides, Finitevus is still skulking around the Master, implying either that there's still power in it that needs to be protected or that the Master Emerald could be used against him-most likely to drain Enerjak of his powers to turn him back into Knuckles.

It seems rather obvious that Finitevus brainwashed Knuckles into becoming Enerjak. After all, Knuckles did absorb some of Finitevus' power at the same time he drew in some from the Master Emerald, and for one panel he had this repeat-what-my-master-says-in-a-dull-monotone thing going before he actually started turning into Enerjak. Besides that, Knuckles in his right mind would realize that Enerjak isn't the only guy to have mastered the Emeralds' powers, and in fact he didn't; the Ancient Walkers are the only ones who have, and Enerjak is merely a runner up. Finitevus probably could have convinced Knuckles that Mammoth Mogul was the only guy who had ever mastered the Emeralds, and Knux would have ended up turning into a duplicate of him-not an image I like to have floating around my brain, I can tell you-if he'd wanted to, but of course he wanted Enerjak.

Knuckles and Dimitri both became Enerjak because they acted recklessly out of what they perceived to be right. The main difference is that Dimitri was mad with rage that his proposal and work had been rejected because of one politician's ego and the rest of the Echidna High Council denouncing it as heresy. He took things into his own hands and ended up becoming convinced-while Enerjak-that he was so strong and so smart that everybody should be listening to him, whether they want to or not. Knuckles, by contrast, went for the Master Emerald because he knew it could provide him with immense power to help the Echidnas, and Finitevus' brainwashing made him into a mirror image of Enerjak. Both Enerjaks have become convinced of the maxim "Might makes right"; it's just that Dimitri felt that everyone should answer to his authority, while Knux thinks it's his job to see that peace is restored on Mobius through whatever means he deems necessary.

I'm just going to give up on the Knuckles/Enerjak meets Mammoth Mogul deal; none of you guys are even commenting on it.

Posts: 218
Estimable Member

Dimitri's plan wasn't rejected because it was herasy. The council nixed it because they thought the plan wasn't safe. The reason for their decision was justified when Knuckles went back in time and manipulated events to give Dimitri the okay to proceed.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

o.O Spec-that's cause at this moment, MM is piddlysticks. Sure, he's prolly thinking up a plan to get some power from Knux, but he's small cranberries right now.

And about the Great Harmony-Yeah see, there's another issue. I'm having with this now. Yeah ok Adam and TT and whoever else (Shadow?) got all the emeralds together somehow blah blah blah.

Did the Emerald in Mogul's staff also go into the Master Emerald? Or was that a fragment? I totally don't remember and I'm really tired so I'm not looking for that issue when they had to find all those Emeralds.

Secondly, Yes Spec-I kinda slide with the whole it was still there...but empty ideal-only didn't we see a hole in Mogul's chest in 134? My memory's deteriorating faster than an old mans gumline x_x.

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

After witnessing the de-cyberization of the Dark Legion and Lien-Da's negative reaction it it, I thought back to the back-story preview for #184:

"Anything": Witness Lien-Da at her most desperate, making a dark deal to regain her power! But... will there be a dastardly catch?

Now, sounds like the power she'd want to regain would be the body-enhancing cybernetics. Now then, who do we know has the resources, the know-how, and most importantly the inclination to enhance mobians with cybernetic bodyparts?

"Paging Dr Robotnik!"

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Yeah, i was thinking that. Dimitri went there for help, and now Lien-Da follows suit, only to sell her soul. Mind control implants?

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

so i got the issue, it's not too bad. i'm confused as to how knuckles still maintains his individuality while still being slightly brainwashed. i'm not seeing where finitevus is going with this honestly, but i did like the coloring of the back up story, it's nice to have something different every now and then without being bad.

Posts: 84
Trusted Member

okay... knuckles is enerjak. at least it happened in the only way i would accept it though.

the DL de-techno'ed though? did not see that coming. that's kinda huge!

can't say much more cuz i have yet to read it for myself, but i couldn't contain my curiosity anymore. sounds like a great issue

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Just got it today. Liked the ending view of a smug Knuckles with Angel Island in the back.

So, with the dingo city reduced to literally nothing, and Echidnaopolis apparently now a bunch of huts, I take it there's no more giant cities on AI that weren't in a videogame? Speaking of such, loved the inclusion of Launch Base. It even looked like it, barring the lake.

Liked seeing an artist other than Yardley too. Not that I don't like his artwork (it's fantabulous) but one of the main reasons I liked this comic was its wide variety of artists.

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

Just got it recently. While the misty-eyed, long-haired, 'give peace a chance' hippie side of me is feeling downright sorry for the echidnas AND the dingoes (Or, at least, a certain percentage of them >>), and the tea-drinking, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" reading, chess player side of me is shaking his head and groaning at Knuckles' plans and actions (Though I know it MIGHT not be all his ideas), the dice-rolling, LARPing Lv. 21 Black Mage Final Fantasy addict in me is waving his arms and going "That's so COOOOOOL!!!" xP

Posts: 78
Estimable Member

It's funny, when I started reading the issue I was asking my self, "When are they ganna say what happened to Rimington?" From the start of the issue it was pretty obvious Knux was Enerjek. Hopfully this will continue to be an interesting, well devoloped story. Didn't like that they wrapped up the DL civil war before we got to see any of it.:razz

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

Personally, I'm wondering who'll be the Mobian Moses who'll lead the Dingoes back to civilization for revenge, now that Kage is gone... Gerbil?

I'm also wondering what'll happen to the DL as well, aside from run to Robotnik or start putting cybernetic parts back into themselves...

Posts: 218
Estimable Member

Did anyone else notice the first General Stryker at the start of Archmedes' flashback?

Also, now that I think about it, wasn't Archimedes' father in that flasback too? I could've sworn he was among the Council of Ants trapped in the Egg Grapes at the end of RTAI.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

..How come Archimedes gets away all the time. Punk -.-

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Speaking of the Dingoes, I wonder if poor Harry was among them seeing as he was always a fairly decent dingo even if he was a coward.

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

I'm calling it now... Next time we see the Dingoes, they'll be running around the wasteland, all decked out in Mad Max-style roadpunk gear...

Posts: 12
Active Member

when i heard that knux was enerjak i was like OMG that sux! probably cause i was psyched up to get dimi back. but thanks to this spoiler i can see the reason behind knux and i think its pretty damn cool!.

i think the coolest part is the dark energy fini put into the master emerald lashed out at knux.

this also explain why dimi says he was dissapointed with fini in the future one tho :) .

ps Would SOOOOOOO love to have seen Kragok without his metal implants : p ah well.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

He... would have looked exactly like Knuckles. :crazy

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Komi-Ko would have made an interesting Enerjak. The dreads would be covered in flowers.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member


I can see that.

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

I'm calling it now... Next time we see the Dingoes, they'll be running around the wasteland, all decked out in Mad Max-style roadpunk gear...

No, no, I'd say that that would be Jack Rabbit and his Sandopolis crew...

And anyways, we're talking about the entirety of Dingo City (Or Canis... something. The name escapes me right now) here. There ought to have been quite a few women/children/elderly/handicapped dingoes mixed in there too. I'd say it'll be a very VERY short Moses sequence... or we'll never ever hear from the Dingoes again. *sniff*

Posts: 12
Active Member

to toby LOL! yeah he would, and judging the sort of character he is and how much he hates knuckles he would really hate it.

now Komiko being enerjak thats a interesting idea :D

Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Yeah, I too have to agree with what Byakko said about Jack Rabbit and his crew! Being all Mad Max styled like. Plus I also think that this copy cat with in the outfit's thing is kind of already getting somewhat old looking?

Posts: 77
Estimable Member

Review for Sonic#181

So far this Enerjak saga is turing out pretty good.

To me it seems Enerjak aka Knuckles is trying to do what he feels is right, although Finitevus lying to him didn't help much, Knuckles seems to think and believe that by using the power he can sent everything right finally.

Starting with punishing the dingos for the crimes and mistreatment againest the Enchidna's, and thus also removing the cybernetics from both legions, in which some are grateful for, except for Lien-da and restoring Remingtion's memory and body to their natural state.

Julie-Su's recation thoughout the issiue is done very well, as she is showing more emotion then usual, well considing the Echidna she loves is missing and later discovered to be in fact Knuckles.

Dimitri's protrayal here is done very well too, because one, he has no idea that the New Enerjak is Knuckles, for if he did he wouldn't be to hasty to want to see Enerjak destoryed or to possibly side with a certain Doctor.

Sally and Nicole are written very well here too, for both are trying to gain contact with various Freedom Fighter groups and allies, and only to be sucessful (barely) in gaining contact with Rouge at G.U.N. who is sending their newest agent to Knothole to help, (gee I wonder who that could be? ;) ).

But at this same time Enerjak/Knuckles has teleported his family and fellow Echidna's to Albion and has discovered Nicole's spy orb which he destorys with ease causing Nicole to cry out in pain, in which she alerts Sally that Enerjak is heading their way and informs Sonic and Tails as well, who just saw Enerjak on the island and now are hauling ass to get back to the city.

Now while this is happening, Sally is having everyone from the Freedom Fighters, the Chaotix to the Royal Guard to perpare for Enerjak's arrival, who as he arrives informs them that he has not come to harm but to make things right, but they want none of it and suggest that if he leaves things won't get violent, but Julie-Su says that it's too late for her and that she make Enerjak pay for destorying Knuckles, and that's he reveals that both Enerjak and he are one and the same and that he could never hurt herm nor destory himself.

As far as the back story on how Knuckles became Enerjak is done very well, and the artwork gives it a the right and apporiate dark needed to tell how the New Enerjak came to be, with Archimedes at the center of it, blaming himself for what has happen.

From Knuckles being ambushed by The Destructix and handed over to the legions, to seeing and hearing Finitevus lying to just to Knuckles but also to Lien-da and Remingtion and thus witenssing Knuckles transformation into Enerjak, with him believing there is nothing now he can do.

Overall a very good contution of the saga, I give it. 9.5/10 Stars.


Many of you may see inspritaions from Ian's Other-M webcomic in this issiue, espeically with Knuckles/Enerjak setting everything right as he sees it.

Some of you who have the issiue already feel as though you're seeing the events depicted in Mobius 25 Years Later taking place in some other shape or form.

Well don't be surpised, because acorrding to writers like Ian amongest others M25YL is the future in someway, just getting to that in time may require a different crossing of the roads.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


Well don't be surpised, because acorrding to writers like Ian amongest others M25YL is the future in someway

This again? Le sigh.

It'd be amazing to see the end result if everything anyone claimed "the writers sed!!11!" came true, regardless of conflict. Nicole would be a cruel organic virtual dead viral goddess in love with Tails.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

That...would be kinda cool.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


Well don't be surpised, because acorrding to writers like Ian amongest others M25YL is the future in someway, just getting to that in time may require a different crossing of the roads.

i've never heard anything like that. *point's to sticky*

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

I believe this is what he's talking about:


Question #2 wrote:
In the original M25YL arc, Dimitri had a small flashback wherein his current head-in-a-fishbowl state was (sort of) explained-- that being that it had something to do with Robotnik. Now we see that Finitevus took him apart. Was this change in origin 1)due to oversight, 2)to make it fit into the new Enerjak storyline, 3)have to do with King Sonic altering the future, or 4)some other reason I haven't state

IAN: "M25YL" is an alternate future. There will be elements of its past that coincide with the present day Prime Zone, but it is its own story. This is especially true due to King Sonic running around in the time stream.


Question #12 wrote:
Is the Enerjak saga a parallel to the events leading to the previous M25YL? (Chaos Knuckles going crazy, removing the mechanical things on Julie-Su, Sonic confronting him with some alien stuff...)

IAN: No. I consider M25YL to be its own universe; its own continuity. It does stem from the Prime Zone, though, so there will be correlations (i.e. the Dimitri/Finitevus connection previously mentioned). Youll just have to wait and see what ends up connecting.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Thank you.

Personally, I wish people'd stop beating that particular dead horse. The only creative it ever was anything more than an alternate/possible future to was Penders - even Gabrie said so.

In the (given the current team and the seemingly underwhelming reaction to Echidnas: 25 Freakin' Issues Later) unlikely event that it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, talk to Penders about why his ego needed to get your hopes up.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

I actually suspect Kenders wasn't actually an actual physical person more than a gaseous ball of sentient ego that somehow manifested itself and had the misfortune to waft under Archie Comic's door.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Especially considering both Ian and Mike have said they regard it as nothing more than a "possible" future, which is really all the opinion we need on it.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Penders' future needed more GIGAWATTS.

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