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Only For Kids?

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I was thinking about subscribing to the Archie Sonic comics until I found out it was made for kids. I am 14, and I would like to know if it is still enjoyable, even though it's for kids.

Posts: 83
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Okay, I may have vested interest in this, but my feeling is that if you enjoy the comic, you should buy it. Heck, there are a lot of things that are targeted at the "kid's" market that I enjoy, and I haven't been a kid for a long time--"Kim Possible"; "American Dragon, Jake Long"; and "Animaniacs" (coming to DVD soon! Yay! Hooray!); are just a few examples. The best kid's entertainment doesn't talk down to kids, and therefore can be enjoyed by anyone of any age. When I approach "Sonic X," I try to make it work for younger readers, but add gags that will appeal to older readers as well. In fact, when I was writing the "Scooby-Doo" comic, one of my favorite compliments came from parents of pre-schoolers who would tell me they enjoyed reading my stories aloud to their kids because it was fun for them too.

My advice, if you haven't read it and are thinking about subscribing, buy a couple issues on the newstand first to make sure it's to your liking, but don't get hung up on the "it's for kids" thing. Heck, most people out there think ALL comics are just for kids.

--Joe Edkin

Posts: 1381
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Before I get to the topic at hand, I must say: Joe, you like Jake?! That show is awesome!! I wish they would air some new eps of Jake; I'm dying to see what may happen between Jake and Rose now that they know each others' identities!

Anyway, to the topic at hand, don't worry about it being "for kids," I'm 21, and never imagined that I would be grossly interested in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles again, but I am. Also, I watch almost all new Saturday Morning Cartoons, like Ben 10, that I think I would be interested in when I see them being advertised. Finally, from you screenname, I would wager you're a Nintendo fan and you know alot consider it kiddy, yet that doesn't stop you from getting Nintendy does it--neither let it stop you here!

Oh, by the way, Ninguy, welcome to the MoFo, home of insanity. Please know that we will be moving here soon(hopefully), and we hope you move with us. (Same goes for you Joe) Also, if you wish to make an intro topic, please put it here. Well, hope to see you around and have fun. :]

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

When someone says something's for kids, that could mean a lot of things. It could mean five-year-olds, or it could mean 10-year-olds, or 15, or 18, or even 25.

The Sonic comic is aimed at the same age group as most of the games (although Shadow is aimed at maybe a little older). So if you're a fan of the Sonic games, then you already know that age isn't an issue.

I began reading the comics when I was 8, and in a couple months I'll be turning 18. The age appeal is pretty wide.

And a comment on Sonic X. The tone of Joe's writing style in Sonic X is slightly more juvenile than what you'd usually see in Sonic the Hedgehog, but it's just as enjoyable.

As Joe said, if I were you I'd buy a couple issues of each series. I usually find them at Barnes and Noble or Borders or other bookstores, but there's loads of other places to find them. If one or both books catch your interest, subscribe. If not, then that's okay too.

Posts: 218
Estimable Member

When you think for a moment, just about any catchy hobby can be considered something just for kids. But if you like it enough to stick with it, then you're actually contributing to a whole other level of fandom, and that means more depth. Look at me for example, I've been collecting Sonic since issue #10, will be turning 20 this fall, and am an avid Yugioh player with other people my own age. I still collect a few packs here and there when a new booster set comes out, though I still haven't been in any tournaments. The point is though, I do it because I like it and there are others out there like me who appreciate it. So go ahead, buy some issues! If you like them and think you're hooked, then just stick with it!

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

I read STH and Sonic X. I'm 35.

My brother reads all Disney/Gemstone comics. Especially Uncle Scrooge. He's 39.

There are people who read Archie well into thier 60's.

That's why they call it "all ages".

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I guess you guys are right. I'll try it out. But where can I find the comics at Borders. On the newsstands?

Posts: 1437
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At my local bookstores in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, I can usually find them around the newsstand or periodical section. Sometimes these stores have a seperate rack for comic books, and sometimes they occupy a very small space on the magazine stands (youm ight try looking around where the video game and comic magazines are, they can be tough to find or below eye level.

Try calling your local store and asking.

Posts: 378
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I go to a comic store to get my Sonic Comics.

Posts: 409
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I find mine at my local "Polly's Country Market," or a Kroger.

Posts: 1321
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If the Sonic comic was meant just for little kids they wouldn't have complex romances.

Posts: 1381
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I find mine at my local "Polly's Country Market," or a Kroger.

Man, my Kroger stopped selling comics around the middle of 2003. Ninguy, once you find a book, you could also copy the order form found in a book and get a subscription; that's how I get my comics now.

Posts: 2915
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I guess you guys are right. I'll try it out. But where can I find the comics at Borders. On the newsstands?

My Borders used to have them right in the Magazines...but now they have been moved to the "Graphic Novels" section...aka where all the Manga is.

I'd highly recomend getting a subscription. You save so much money it isn't funny.

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I want to buy an issue to see if it is any good first. I think I may be losing interest in Sonic because I found out about a week ago that Sonic Team will only listen to kids...and that Sonic is only for kids...

Maybe the comic will suck me back in...

Posts: 218
Estimable Member

Well forget them! Who needs them anyway? As long as people like Ian Potto will listen to us and address our concerns as well as he does, then that's all that really matters in the comic fanbase. You should really checkout his "Ask Ian" topic link. The stuff he's been throwing at us for his plans for the comic have been making me dance with joy at the anticipation of them.:spin

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


I want to buy an issue to see if it is any good first. I think I may be losing interest in Sonic because I found out about a week ago that Sonic Team will only listen to kids...and that Sonic is only for kids...

You make this sound like a fact. Care to point out where on any Sonic product it says "For Kids Only" or gives any age-range targeted for children?

Posts: 526
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I don't think many kids could beat Sonic Rider's story mode.8)

Posts: 1381
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Heck, I'm 21 and I could hardly get as far into story mode as I have so far! *shudders*

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It was said in an interview with Yuji Naka at a 2004 E3 interview. But he has left so maybe they'll be open ended to all ages of Sonic fans.

Posts: 218
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Technically they already are pretty open-ended with the games they make. Granted Shadow's game went off on a tangent, but that still seems to be selling well. The only two issues hat I really wish they would address would be voice talent and more importantly, camera control. Otherwise I'm good.

Posts: 2
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I'm 26 and a fan of the Archie Sonic comics. I just simply ignore the advertisements, since they're aimed at Bobby Hill's age group.

Posts: 136
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I've been getting it since I was 13 and I'm now 17 and love it just as much as I did when I was 13. There is no age limit on this comic although the majority of the ads in it are focused twards kids aged 7-15 in my opinion.:cackle

Posts: 136
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I used to be able to get it at the grocery store across the street from me but they slowly stopped carrying it!!:( :annoyed Oh well, I now get it by mail subscription also.

Posts: 4607
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Please use the edit button. Thanks.

Posts: 5
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I don't even see issues of the regular Sonic the Hedgehog series in stores anymore. They've been replaced with the Sonic X series because it sells better now. Then again, I was getting bored with the original Archie series, anyway. They just keep dragging out the same plot and changing the Enemy of the Week.

Posts: 356
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I do see the regular Sonic series at my local bookstore, though when I went there last weekend I only saw Sonic X. I think they might have sold out, plus it was almost time for the new issues to come in.

Posts: 15
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I'm sixteen, but I have no clue where they're might be A Sonic Comic Vendor anywhere in Indianapolis, (if anyone knows, let me know), but I am fan of Archie Comics.

Posts: 1583
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It's a comic shop locator by Diamond Comics. You'd have to ask the individual comic shops that you find though. I'm not from your area, so that's the best I can do for you.

Posts: 10
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The Sonic series is definately for all ages. I'm 24 and I gotten in to the Sonic series (games, comics, ect.) when I was 21.

Posts: 80
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The most of the subscribers, a few years ago, were between 7 and 12 years old. I suppose it didn't change. But even a American comic book for children is more mature than a French comic book for children.

'cause of our damned law of 1949 about the publications destined to the childhood (no weapons in the stories, no love stories, no kisses...). Eventually, it was at a time when the French communist party represented 25% of the votes and wanted to resist against the American comic books which were invading France.

Posts: 980
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Heck, I ENVY those who can just pick up a copy of the Archie comics...being the UK guy I am, I don't have that immediate access and thus can't enjoy the pictorial delights therein. :crazy

Go, abuse your right to ignore all those who tell you stupid things like 'Its for kids' - because really, most of the time people who say that have serious envy for those who can still enjoy the childhood pleasures of comics, blue hedgehogs, and video games...:thumbsup

{ and besides...who wants to grow up THAT quickly? :spin }

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I'm 26 in three months. Personally, I find the term "for kids" to apply to anything that involves talking animals and/or a lack of sex, graphic violence, bad language and whatnot misleading.

Some adults don't like that sort of thing, either. 🙂

Posts: 1437
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I've always found it frighteningly ironic that media involving gratuitous violence or sex is termed "mature."

Posts: 91
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For the love of spagghetti! WHY do people think they need to stop buying something just because other people "THINK" it's for kids?! Geeze, if you wanna buy something, regardless of who it's for, go ahead and get it. Do what makes you happy, man! :D I actually think that Archie Sonic could go a lot farther with mature plot if it didn't have such a humongous kid audience, but that doesn't mean the stories are bad. There's plently of adult stuff one can notice that doesn't even have to be texted. (Just read the fanfiction okay? Hehehe...)

Now you know! So give it a shot! You'll be surpirsed! ^__~
