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Please make a case for Sally being a FF

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Posts: 356
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Now that I think about it, Sally is still a Freedom Fighter. In the "Brian Trust" story(I think) Rotor still spoke of her as one and that she still gives leadership, she is just more behind the scenes. Still, I would like to think the Freedom Fighters can still need her on missions. Sally did feel the need to make the Freedom Fighter go though some training exercises recently. I also like to think that it is, or could be again, in the best interest of the kingdom for Sally to be a freedom fighter again. In accient times, it was a rulers job to go to war.

I know there are those that agree with me, and maybe could explain good reasons for Sally to be a freedom fighter better then I can. So, please help me on this. Lately, I have been feeling dumb.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

This is remembering that the "Freedom Fighters" are now the special task force of the Royals or whatever the official name for it is. The person they answer to is the monarch, who was Sally during the time between Max's world tour and Elias being sworn in.

I doubt she'd disband the group due to her personal feelings towards one member, so of course she'd keep them trained and going out on missions.

Way it's seemed is that aside from Romy's issue in the Tommy Trilogy, she's been serving her role in the group as leader since the war against Eggman began while Sonic was in space.

Now that her brother is the monarch, and thusly "leader" of the group, I'm sure Elias will delegate it to Sally and she'll take a floor role in proceedings so we actually see her interacting with the cast, rather than being referenced.

Afterall, Ken's said he's trying to get the status quo back after the continuity reset, so perhaps this is just the first step to having Sally be a field agent again.

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I feel that the problem with making Sally Freedom Fight again is that she'd be technically useless. The other Freedom Fighters have adapted well without her role as a tactician. Besides, although Elias is king, I'd expect that she'd at least try to take the time to help him rule (after looking at what just happened). As much as people wanna see her as the "kick butt warrior princess" she was in the past, she'd be more benifitial to the government she tried so hard to re-establish.

I could see Sally doing something like relaying a mission, but not much more than that.

And anyway. Ken doesn't plan to make Elias a long-term king. He even admitted it on his Message Board. Meg and Elias aren't going to have any kids together, and any kids they do get will probably not get the throne because Elias doesn't want them to have that kind of life in #121; after Elias steps down, Sal's next in line(read here: ) . He's more than likely just buying SonSal some time before the previous issues (in #134) come up again. Unfortunately, that still doesn't solve the obstacles in the SonSal relationship. Its just delaying the inevitable.

I know Ken wants to return the classic status quo. But if one wants to the the characters from being OOC, one can only go but so far in doing that.

Posts: 72
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If "Ken wants to return the classic status quo," he's got a funny way of showing it.

For me, the Freedom Fighter dynamic was lost a LONG time ago, right around "New Order" (S94). Before you had a small band of furries engaged in a guerrilla war with the technically-superior forces of Robotnik. The objective was also a lot simpler: liberate their roboticized family members and friends. They were all in it together, sometimes going solo to play up to someone's strengths but basically watching each other's backs.

Even without dragging space aliens into the continuity to screw things up, you can't recognize the dynamic anymore. There's been the useless division of labor that divided the group ("arbitrarily," I want to say) into Admin/Tech/Ops. Sally was pretty much segregated in the front office with her hair grown down to her butt while ciphers such as Fiona and Tommy Turtle were folded into the batter.

When the artists decide to give Sally a haircut, I'll know they're serious about trying to "return the classic status quo" but when your impending story arc has the titles "System Shutdown", "System Reconfiguration", and "System Reboot" (which leave the impression that Isaac from the G/B/U arc came up with the titles), I might as well give up.
