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Posts: 24
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Didn't know which to put them in so I figured I'd make a new topic. Can anyone post scans of the covers from the back of #184? I'm eager to see the badnik trio in Tracey's style.:thumbsup

Posts: 77
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Courtesy of Penpen2nd on Ian's forum:

Posts: 80
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The return of Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts is made of win.

Posts: 2232
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Completely and utterly of topic, spank me I'm guilty, but DANG Adamis, I love that Fleetway/Arcie comparison sig.

Though I'm not sure on the last three, Yes Rotor and Porker are both techies, but Porker fits the coward role dominated by Ant better, although Porker had far better reason for it (His physical... uselessness in fights) And his entrapment amonst enimies leading to a nervous breakdown somewhat parralels Ant's experience in the Anti=dimension, although Ant came out somewhat unscathed.

And Johnny simply dosn't deserve to be lumped with Ant. Ever. Jonny is the quiet guy, sure, but he ain't a coward by any means. If he's any Archie guy, he's Geoff.

And Techno/Dulcy is kinda outa whack as well...

I fig that these are mostly for numbers, and that they are screenies from the series, but... heh, I'm bored.

.... Yeah, this post is off topic and off forum. Don't say I didn't warn ye's.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

I wonder if Bean and Bark go from MM's "Fearsome Foursome" featured next issue to the Destructix and if Scratch, Grounder and (possibly?) Cocunuts join too.

If so, the Destructix is gonna be one heckuva group. APPROVED.

EDIT: I hardly even noticed that Nack appears to be in there too.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Scratch and Grounder?!! When the heck did they come back?!!

Posts: 59
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And Coconuts too! Try to look closer. You'll find him

Posts: 286
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I approve of Adamis' sig too, Crimson. I know what you're saying, but seems to be the best comparisons when limiting yourself to the core cast (it's more SatAM than Archie, too).
I also liked one of his past avatars a lot, because it was nice to see a fellow Kingdom Hospital fan (that was you, right, Adamis? Sorry if I'm mistaken) :D

So is that Coconuts behind Simian, or... who is it?
Bark looks cool - it's possibly just because of the size of the image, but it looks like his eyes are a darker color instead of red (I've never liked that choice for his eye color in the comic).

Posts: 77
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Cyberknux: you're right, I had a Kingdom Hospital avatar =)

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Oh bananas. I like the cover for 188.

187 cover is EPIC. See that's what I miss. Sonic jumping headlong into a fight with like EVERY old-school badnik/baddies group that fans actually LIKED!

And holy crap. Summer time next year we'll be at 200 :O. O.o But I haven't seen any large seeds of EPIC-ness about whats gonna happen in 200 yet. They're usually popping up right about now.

Wellll no. Fini's popped up, so that could be a little one. Scourge too...but it's not enough yet.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

I like these covers. it's much more colorful and filled then the last couple of issues which lacked in a lot of details.

Posts: 462
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Scratch and Grounder?


Posts: 173
Estimable Member

It's nice to see Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts again.

I wonder...Do you think Mama Robotnik and Robotnik Jr. are considerd canon? Has anyone asked Ian that yet?

Posts: 419
Honorable Member

I can say without a doubt (and I hope Ian doesnt mind me speaking for him here) that the only things from AoSTH in continuity are Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts - basically anything that appeared in Archie and only Archie (IE the only characters that really matter :p ).

Anything else is apocryphal - Mama Robotnik, Robotnik Junior, that stupid bounty hunnter chick, DA BEARS, or that blue skinned german professor - will most likely never see the light of day.

Posts: 462
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Robotnik Junior, apocryphal and nothing more? What fresh hell is this?

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

The bounty hunter, the canine professor and a couple of others I could actually picture, since they look more like comparatively conventional humans and furries (I dare any artist to slip Caninestein into a flashback with Sir Charles, or Sergeant Doberman into the ranks with the Acorn security detail... ;p), and we've got a history of scientists and bounty hunters.

The exaggerated grotesques, the less easily convertible one joke parodies (Weasley et al) and the eccentric colouring decisions that rely on Sonic being a lot more outrageous or just slapstick level stupid're another matter entirely.

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

How bout making Breezie Sonic's new love interest, and having monthly Sonic Says columns? That'd put an end to the "Ian's making everything SEGASonic" complaints!

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

Well, if Mama Robotnik were to make a return, I think she'd need a visual redesign. One more in leiu with Dr. Eggman's current design -- and she might need to be renamed EggMama. Ooooo. That could be a fun fan art thingy.

And I like the Sonic Says idea. That way the younger readers could learn a little something, too.
