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Previews for STH #156, SX #3, and SX#4. HUGE SPOILERS!!

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Posts: 61
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I think it would be really cool if the real ant shows up and stops the wedding right before sally and patch show up,resulting in patch and ant mixing it up for a while.and sonic gets locke to send patch back to the he did with evil sonic

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


and sonic gets locke to send patch back to the he did with evil sonic

Locke never did that. Evil Sonic is still on Mobius Prime.

Posts: 1321
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Archie, why?
Archie, why?

Why is Sonic doing everything that anti-Sonic did (apart from kissing amy).

Posts: 61
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huh,i'm a bit fuzzy on that.I remember the issue that sonic and his evil counterpart fighting and locke was trying to figure out which was which and when he discovered that the one holding the rock was the evil sonic ... he did something.for some reason I was thinking that he sent him back to anti mobius.I don't own the issue just scanned it at the store.what did locke do to help sonic again?

Posts: 1381
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what did locke do to help sonic again?

He used his chaos powers to levitate and literally tossed Evil Sonic out of the cave.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


I think it would be really cool if the real ant shows up and stops the wedding right before sally and patch show up,

I'll assume that you don't have #155, because if you had it you'd know that would be impossible.


Why is Sonic doing everything that anti-Sonic did (apart from kissing amy).

Ken has always said that Sonic would be a "ladies' man" and always go after girls. So, that's exactly what he's doing while he's single.

Posts: 61
Trusted Member

sorry I meant that I would want the real ant to show up before the wedding was complete(kiss) as for 155 goes,no the store gets it next week.don't have subscription because fort carson is terrible with mail.

Posts: 61
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Ken has always said that Sonic would be a "ladies' man" and always go after girls. So, that's exactly what he's doing while he's single.

If that's case maybe it isn't such a bad idea for some of the ladies to follow Sally's example and give Sonic a good smack/whack. At least that way would provide a cheap laugh instead of Sonic locking lips the next available single female, right?

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

In the comic, Sonic is now a whore. Or to be more precise, a playa. He loves da virgins!

Posts: 308
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The coolest way to stop the wedding would be for Sonic to be possessed by the Sword of Acorns and the Sword telling Sally to not marry (Evil) Antione. That would ultimately make my day.

Sonic a playa. Now I officially hate Penders.:evil

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Someone explain to me why Sonic, who is single, making out with Fiona, who is also single, makes Sonic a playa?

Insensitive to Tails's feelings? Perhaps. Bad writing? Perhaps. But does it make sonic a "whore," "slut," "playa," or anything of the sort? Not at all.

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

Well, Dirk some people have a high standard of morality and believe things like they should only date(or kiss) the man or woman they are going to marry. Mostly, though I think people are just protective of Sonic and Sally and hate how Archie does things that seem to ruin their relationship. I hope that helps.

Someone, on another thread I think, said it might be a good idea for the comic to take some time off and start over. I agree, I think it would be a good idea. I would not mind if Sonic X was the only Archie comic, the way things are going ,and this is coming from someone who is not interested in Sonic X.

Posts: 1583
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Having high standards or preferring a certain pairing doesn't excuse using terminology incorrectly. ;p

Posts: 2
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I'd love to see the source of all, or whatever it is, intervene. That, or something / someone OTHER THAN SONIC....
And there's also that person who was the "only one who could help."
That could be interesting.

But, somehow I doubt it.:annoyed

Posts: 10
Active Member

Hello, After what's been going on in the comic, I decided to finally subscribe to this board so I can post what I think is going to happen, and what I think should happen (like Archie would ever listen to me)

First, I'm 99% sure Archie isn't going to let the wedding go through; Sonic will interfere, and it will result in the wedding getting cancelled, though he may not be the one who ultimately foils it; Sally would probably tell him that it's for the good of the kingdom and shrug him off.

1. I was thinking the Doctor (I forgot his name) might figure out that Antoine was poisoning the king, but since he's the father of the bride, it's doubtful.

2. Evil Sonic finds out that Evil Antoine is going to marry Sally and ruin the wedding, thinking he's having it too good; but that would lead to everyone finding out about the switch and they would then go get the real Antoine back. Evil Sonic wouldn't want that.

3. Rouge finds out that the Sonic she's with is Evil Sonic, then finds out about Antoine; she then flies off to stop the wedding. The problem, Evil Sonic isn't about to blow his cover; and even if Rouge figures out that Sonic isn't Sonic, he isn't likely to tell her about Antoine.

4. The real Antoine shows up. Sadly, I think this is what Archie has planned, have the real Antoine show up and foil Evil Antoine. It's just too easy and foils the wedding plot and the whole Antoine is lost in Anti-Mobius plot.

5. Zonic the Zone cop. Again, this is too easy; just another Deus Ex Machina ending.

6. Gen. D'Coolette. This is what I'd like to see. Antoine's father knows that his son is acting strangely and stops the wedding, forbidding him to marry Sally, saying that he is unsuitable to be King. This leads to a confrontation between the two, and a fight ensues; Evil Antoine has the upper hand and kills Antoine's father. Having just committed murder, Sally denounces Antoine and cancels the wedding, while Gen. D'Coolette dies not knowing what really happened to his son.

Now, here is what would happen if I were in charge:

Despite Sonic's interference, they get married anyway. Several months down the road, Antoine is being a rather harsh king, but Sally still doesn't realize that he's the Evil Antoine. One day, the real Antoine shows up, and all hell breaks loose. A lot of fighting, big revelations, yadda yadda whatever...

It ends with Evil Antoine defeated. Yay! The whole ordeal leaves Sally a total mess; she married a man thinking it was in the best interest of her kingdom, but it really put her kingdom at great risk; unable to bear this, her mind snaps. What's worse is that after being married to Evil Antoine, she's now pregnant. Having the baby causes irreparable damage and Sally is left a shadow of herself.

The real Antoine, who is trying to restart his relationship with Bunnie, adopts the child as his own, taking responsibility for his doppelganger, showing how he is the honorable one.

After a while, with the help of Sonic and co. Sally begins to regain her sanity, but she is a totally different person. She is no longer "Queen Sally", the part of her that once cared more for her people than herself is gone, and she has become a more independent and selfish person. Her relationship with Sonic improves, but it comes with the price that she becomes very unregal. Eventually something drastic happens--say an attack from Robotnik--and forces Sally to retake her position as a leader. After all is said and done, she learns that she has to balance her duties as queen and her own needs and desires in order to be a balanced person.

So, what do you think? Provided you were able to stay awake long enough to read all that.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

hmmmm. . . . . i like 5 & 6 the most. i would like it with gen col sort of dieing thing. maybe Sonic tries to heal max with an chaos emerald? but i think it should be a little of each so for example.

Sonic objects
Evil S dont like it
both Sonics (or 3 if Zonic comes along) and tries to stop wedding

Even though i dont want the marrige to happen(who does?) if it had to happen it would be the way you said.

Hope this issue comes out very soon!

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Shendu the Hedgehog, where are your manners!?!

Let me be the first to welcome you to the Mobius Forum VJda!

I really like your idea #6, with General D'Coolette, it almost reminds me of Shakespeare (along the lines of King Lear...). I can see two problems with this though...1) I doubt Archie would just kill off someone like that...seems a little cruel; 2) Even if Archie did kill him off, they would probably bring him back to life in some stupid plot twist...I haven't recieved 155 yet, so I have no clue what to expect for 156...other than what I have heard from the others...

Once again, welcome and enjoy your new home!

Posts: 10
Active Member

This comic needs more death, preferably the Fire Emblem kind--PERMANENT! Death can be something really dramatic, if it's done properly, and if it's not cheapened by having the character return. i.e. Shadow and Tommy, the later of whom definitely should've stayed dead.

Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, said it best: "I need to give them what they need (heart wrenching drama), not what they want (cheery happy endings)."

But I realize that this comic is marketed to all ages, so Archie isn't going to start slaughtering characters, or put anyone through any real psychological trauma; although there are times when Bunnie's depression seems borderline suicidal. (Maybe that's just me hoping for more drama than whats really there.)

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

I hope you aren't taking my statement that Archie would bring a dead character back to life as me saying that I agree with it...I mean come on, bringing back the Double'm...gonna...kill...aarrrghhh!!!

Peter: Oh God, you're hyperventalating...Chris get me a bag...Okay Cleveland, breath into the bag, it will calm you down
Lois: Um peter, I'm not sure that that's...!
Peter: Not now Lois! O...k..a.a...Okay, Cleveland, Cleveland relax! Relax! Relax! Relax! Relax! There you go, There you go. Okay. Sh Sh Sh SH. It's okay, it's okay, it's all going to be okay.

Yeah, it's kinda like that...thank you Family Guy!

Posts: 218
Estimable Member

You know, I whole-heartedly agree with you (except for the part about the general dying). This comic does need more charcter depth in it and I believe that the relationship scenarios right now are Archie's attempt at it. Next to Bunnie's personal struggle, I think that "Love and Loss" was one of the most moving stories I read because it let readers see what really was going on in a number of charcters' hearts and minds. I also don't mean to be cynical, but I really wish Tommy stayed dead. After his sacrifice in #117 I felt a pang of guilt and couldn't help but like him for what he did. That disappeared ever since Archie decided that he would miraculously survive the explosion by landing in some nearby lake.

Posts: 10
Active Member

I hope you aren't taking my statement that Archie would bring a dead character back to life as me saying that I agree with it.

I didn't think that at all. I'm sorry if you thought my mini rant was aimed at you.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


This comic does need more charcter depth in it

Character depth? The writers mishandle even the simplest characters. Give them deeper characters to work with and they'll mishandle them to a deeper extent.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member


What elements does this comic/story need. What needs to be done to make this 155/156 good?

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


what needs to be done to make this 155/156 good?

naturally a kickass fight, maybe E.Antoine becoming the king. something to change the comic permanently.

by the way welcome to the boards :newbie !
hope you stick around for awhile.

also, best episode of family guy ever.
Palpatine:Good, let your anger flow threw you.
*lois shoves him out of the way*
lois: You're not helping!

Posts: 108
Estimable Member


So, what do you think? Provided you were able to stay awake long enough to read all that.

No offense, but your story idea would never fly.. Sally becoming pregnant by Anti-Antoine and stuff? WAAAYYY too mature for the Sonic comic.

And frankly, I'd go with Option #4: Antoine coming back and helping Sonic save the day. Poor dude DESERVES a good comeback.

...Although I'd love to see Bunnie kick Anti-Antoine's butt as payback for the abuse..

Posts: 10
Active Member


No offense, but your story idea would never fly.. Sally becoming pregnant by Anti-Antoine and stuff? WAAAYYY too mature for the Sonic comic.

I know, I know. I just wanted to hear what people thought of the idea, not the chance (virtually zero) that Archie would actually use it.


And frankly, I'd go with Option #4: Antoine coming back and helping Sonic save the day. Poor dude DESERVES a good comeback.

I also want to see Antoine come back, and to see how much Anti-Mobius has changed him, though his brief appearance in #151 suggests not a lot. I'm guessing that's what Archie will do, have the real Antoine return to defeat the Evil Antoine; it reminds me of when Sonic reappeared in #130 to save Geoffrey and Hershey at their wedding. The only problem I have is that it's almost too convienient, to solve both problems in one swoop, when there's so much they could do if they stretched it out a bit.

Posts: 218
Estimable Member

Ok this is going to take some time for me to write so listen up. Before I start, I just want to say that part of my outline comes from the link of what the comic might've been like a year later if Karl Bollers stayed around. Also, there are a few areas with plot holes as I haven't gotten the whole thing ironed out yet. Now General D'Coolette has stated that Antione is no longer a suitable suitor for Sally right? Let's say he somehow recovers enough to stumble into the weeding ceremony and tries to physically separate Sally and Patch. Patch, furious at the idea that his "father" is not only still alive, but strong enough to get in the way, attempts to force him back, but in the process ends up stabbing him with his sword. Panic breaks out and Patch realizes the wedding is off and makes his escape in the confusion. Though no one may still realize "Antione" is really Patch, he is declared a traitor and to be apprehended on sight for attempted murder and treason to the kingdom. Anyway, the general's wounds are so serious that (combined with poisoning?) the only way to save him is to have him roboticized again. I can't say if the brain trust builds another roboticizer or its time for a mission to the remains of Robotropolis, but the end result is that the general gets roboticized and doesn't die. However, an unfortunate consequence is that the general once again is robbed of his free will. This means that the Sword of Acorns must be recovered to restore his mind. Sally, being of the Acorn line, is naturally in tune with the sword's sentience. I'm again not sure how it would be done, but Sally would use her connection to it to home in on the sword and the FF's take off in the direction of it in an air ship and take the restrained general with them. Patch, hoping for some vengeance against certain persons like Sally, stows aboard. They land in a mountainous area not seen before and begin to explore the extensive network of tunnels detected by their sensors. Eventually, they get ambushed by the Strand spider clan, including Arachnis' children, and are brought to their leader. The leader turns out to be the Source of All and brings forth the Sword of Acorns to place in Sally's hands. Once in her possession, Sally acts as though she is possessed herself and a freakish light comes from the sword. Once the light vanishes we see none other than Ixis Naugus who tampered the Source when he was last on Mobus when Sonic freed him in Tundaria and needed a member of the royal family to act as a conductor when holding the Sword to springboard him out of the Zone of Silence. Sonic, in a heroic fashion, attempts to stop Naugus. The other FF's do battle with him and the Strand and it's an all out melee. With Naugus out, Sally becomes herself again and uses the sword on the general before anything else happens and his becomes himself again. Suddenly, Patch comes onto the scene and knocks Sally aside in order to take the sword and harness it's power. However, the Source senses how easily Patch can be manipulated to its will and effortlessly takes over his mind. Patch is now a complete slave to the Source which is also under Naugus' control. Throughout this, Naugus is more or less winning the fight with Sonic, sees the Strand basically has the upper hand on the other FF's, and now that Patch has bonded to the sword and ultimately the Source. At this point Naugus decides to quit while obviously ahead and the whole area fills with a magical light. When the light clears, the only ones left are the FF's and the restored general. Realizing what a disaster this mission's been they have no choice but to leave and ponder on the way back, what to do now that a super powerful lunatic wizard is free and armed not only with arcane arts, but also an army of skilled & mindless ninja spiders, a power-hungry anarchist of a pawn that's possessed by a magic sword & filled with an unquenchable lust for vengeance and a primordial force whose origins are unknown, but powerful enough to possibly have controlled all the events that made Mobius what it is today since it was called Earth. Told you this would take some time. It would make for some really good twists, I'll say. Not only that, but it would use some of Bollers' ideas and make a lot of disappointed fans happy. So... any takers?

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Paragraphs. Please. I can't read that.

Posts: 10
Active Member

I like it, but I agree with Dirk Amoeba, you need paragraphs.

The only problem I have is that Naugus was only free for a few minutes when Sonic released him in Tundaria; if I recall correctly, I can't keep track of everything that's happened, way too many issues...

Posts: 0
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When it come to Sonic and girl being togheter:

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

Dude, CREEPY. seriously.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I smell a relationship discussion coming on. If that's the case, somebody squish it with a falling tank. Now.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

no relationship disscussion from me. i just think that was a little freaky.

Posts: 218
Estimable Member

Okay, I'll try again. This time, I should have paragraphs. Also, according to the link with Bollers' ideas, it states that Naugus tampered with the Source at the same time he fought Sonic and all he needed was a few brief moments. If I remember correctly that is.

Now General D'Coolette has stated that Antione is no longer a suitable suitor for Sally right? Let's say he somehow recovers enough to stumble into the weeding ceremony and tries to physically separate Sally and Patch. Patch, furious at the idea that his "father" is not only still alive, but strong enough to get in the way, attempts to force him back, but in the process ends up stabbing him with his sword. Panic breaks out and Patch realizes the wedding is off and makes his escape in the confusion. Though no one may still realize "Antione" is really Patch, he is declared a traitor and to be apprehended on sight for attempted murder and treason to the kingdom.

Anyway, the general's wounds are so serious that (combined with poisoning?) the only way to save him is to have him roboticized again. I can't say if the brain trust builds another roboticizer or its time for a mission to the remains of Robotropolis, but the end result is that the general gets roboticized and doesn't die. However, an unfortunate consequence is that the general once again is robbed of his free will. This means that the Sword of Acorns must be recovered to restore his mind. Sally, being of the Acorn line, is naturally in tune with the sword's sentience. I'm again not sure how it would be done, but Sally would use her connection to it to home in on the sword and the FF's take off in the direction of it in an air ship and take the restrained general with them. Patch, hoping for some vengeance against certain persons like Sally, stows aboard.

They land in a mountainous area not seen before and begin to explore the extensive network of tunnels detected by their sensors. Eventually, they get ambushed by the Strand spider clan, including Arachnis' children, and are brought to their leader. The leader turns out to be the Source of All and brings forth the Sword of Acorns to place in Sally's hands. Once in her possession, Sally acts as though she is possessed herself and a freakish light comes from the sword. Once the light vanishes we see none other than Ixis Naugus who tampered the Source when he was last on Mobus when Sonic freed him in Tundaria and needed a member of the royal family to act as a conductor when holding the Sword to springboard him out of the Zone of Silence. Sonic, in a heroic fashion, attempts to stop Naugus. The other FF's do battle with him and the Strand and it's an all out melee.

With Naugus out, Sally becomes herself again and uses the sword on the general before anything else happens and his becomes himself again. Suddenly, Patch comes onto the scene and knocks Sally aside in order to take the sword and harness it's power. However, the Source senses how easily Patch can be manipulated to its will and effortlessly takes over his mind. Patch is now a complete slave to the Source which is also under Naugus' control. Throughout this, Naugus is more or less winning the fight with Sonic, sees the Strand basically has the upper hand on the other FF's, and now that Patch has bonded to the sword and ultimately the Source. At this point Naugus decides to quit while obviously ahead and the whole area fills with a magical light.

When the light clears, the only ones left are the FF's and the restored general. Realizing what a disaster this mission's been they have no choice but to leave and ponder on the way back, what to do now that a super powerful lunatic wizard is free and armed not only with arcane arts, but also an army of skilled & mindless ninja spiders, a power-hungry anarchist of a pawn that's possessed by a magic sword & filled with an unquenchable lust for vengeance and a primordial force whose origins are unknown, but powerful enough to possibly have controlled all the events that made Mobius what it is today since it was called Earth.

Told you this would take some time. It would make for some really good twists, I'll say. Not only that, but it would use some of Bollers' ideas and make a lot of disappointed fans happy. So... any takers?

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Whoa! A bit adventurous. And a bit long and sort off story (you know what i mean) still good idea. It will be very good for a SSS #16. But a bit too 'big'. But hey it will be also good for a story

Posts: 5
Active Member

It does not matter what happens, its been written since the beginning that Sally would marry Antoine.
I do belive though that this Antoine is Anti-Antoine from evil Sonic world way back when.
I have a theory that someone has pulled some strings and somehow forced the good Antoine into the evil dimension just like STH #150's plot in fact I believe it happens in the same story its just behind the scenes.
In STH #150-155 is this the good Sonic or the Evil Sonic thats going out with all the STH girls?
Anyways if saomeone could answer this I'd appreciate it very much, and btw its what Sonic gets (although Sally was the one who "split-up" with Sonic in the first place).|I

Posts: 0
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The wedding will not happen, but one (not royal) will happen, between Bunnie and The Real Antione (who some feel will come back next issiue), Sally will once again become good (best) friends with Sonic and change her family history by making her own descions and following her own destiny and not one set up for her, The King will come out his coma and General D' Coolette will get better.

But like I said that's just off the top of my head.:read

God Bless


Posts: 1446
Noble Member

BobR said that Sally's either gonna be married or get killed, and I think we can rule her death out...

Posts: 356
Reputable Member


BobR said that Sally's either goona be married or get killed, and I think we can rule her death out...

BobR said that, when? This is awful, I don't want either to happen. I am hoping this was changed. Could someone please give some real encouragement?

Posts: 0
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If she does get married, no doubt, that since Ken doesn't want to get in trouble like the last time he tried to kill her off, she'll get married to Sonic. Of course I could be wrong, but we need something that leads into M25YL don't we.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

I kinda hope that it WILL NOT become M:25yl because of twist ending and Sonic and Tails not being friends but everything else is good.

Sally and anti ant/ant marring would be God's (or the writer's) cluel joke.

I wonder whos going to be right?

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

This might shed some light on whats going on currently.

(read the center of the page)

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

1. M25YL is not a definite future.
2. Discussing relationships is just asking for trouble.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

If the only thing that is going to be discussed is relationship issues, I will start handing out bannings. You've already received a topic warning.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member


BobR said that, when? This is awful, I don't want either to happen. I am hoping this was changed. Could someone please give some real encouragement?

Remember, there's no rule saying she *has* to stay married. And since Ken seems to think that, despite all evidence to the contrary, M:25YL is canon, I doubt he's gonna muck his own timeline up.

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

Sorry if I caused any trouble True Red. I understand and agree with the "no relationship threads" rule, I didn't like the flaming that went on before the rule. Still, when an issue like this happens it is hard to keep slient here. Mattmanic, please check your ezboard inbox, I sent you a message.

Posts: 78
Estimable Member

Is it just me or is anyone else rooting for evil Antione? Sonic's been acting like a player for the last few issues, he's kissed Bunny, Fiona, and I think Amy. I thought it was hilarious that evil Antione beat Sonic in is #155.:cackle

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

All this Fighting...
Why cant it all be peace and paper planes?

quote: he's kissed Bunnie.
Yes and No

quote: Fiona

quote: Amy
You Wish!

Don't worry TR it is the Shadow Trilogy next.

Posts: 82
Trusted Member

I find that somewhat kind of funny that both Sonic Prime and Evil Sonic didn't or will not kiss Amy Prime witch tells me that Evil Amy must be as much of a pain to Evil Sonic as Amy Prime is to Sonic Prime.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Ahhh... but Amy might not be in evil mobius, like Bunnie has not got any robotic parts.

Evil Sonic DID kiss prime Amy.

100th post! Woo Hoo!

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