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Question: what do you think Ian should tackle next (storywis

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I hoping for something along the lines of maybe Tails be considered by Sonic to someday take his place as leader of the freedom fighters (if their still around :#)

But what do think?

ps. 3OOTH POST!!! ;)

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

One storyline that I would be interested in seeing eventually, that does not have to do with fixing the relationship mess, is a revoluation that changes the monarchy forever. There needs to be some reforms IMO.

Posts: 58
Trusted Member

When I agree with Tails leading the FF being cool, it just doesn't seem likely to happen.

What I'd like to see?
Nack being put to the position( sp?) of a main character
More Chaotix stories!!!:]
Destruction of the big, the bad, the ugly SONIC LOVE POLYGON!!!
The reappearance of Nic

I can't think of anything else right now. Sorry

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Sonic Live 2: Sonic travels through another warp into the real world, runs into his now grown up "fans" and, distraught, does the only honorable thing and commits hara-kiri.

Just throwing that out there.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

I'd agree with more Chaotix, more Nack (not a regular though, just an occasional villain), and an overturning or reform of the monarchy.

Posts: 273
Reputable Member

I want to see Eggman become a more evil villain. When he arose in #76, he was the cream of the bad guy crop. But since then, he's devolved into his game counterpart, a cardboard bad guy. I want bigger, nastier deadlier robot enemies, more ruthlessness out of the ol' doc, and for him to find a way around the Bem's roboticization block. Roboticization was one of the things that drew me to the comics and cartoons. It felt more evil than any other aspect of the Sonic universe.

Posts: 247
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If you ask me, what you just described of what you wanted is more of a cardboard cutout villain than Eggman is.

Posts: 273
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Hmm...that bit with the bigger robot baddies...kinda does come across like that, doesn't it?

The point I was trying to make was that I wanted roboticization to return.

Posts: 91
Estimable Member

1) Where did the Brotherhood go?! In fact, where did DIMITRI go?! ;__;

2) Knuckles solving the whole deal with Ablion wanting him dead for being so "dangerous."

3) See what Finitevus is up to, and perhaps develop more of his relationship with Locke...

4) See mroe of KNUCKLES and the CHAOTIX period? You sure are doing a lot of helping out on Mobius, Knuckles??? Sure you couldn't be doing a better job on Angel Island? XD

5) Sally given more of a role than just being a pretty princess.

6) See more of the Freedom Fighters in action. Perhaps an individual story with each team member could help solve that craving.

Posts: 207
Estimable Member

What kills me is I can't confirm, deny, or even hint at how much of this has already been touched upon or is being planned already.

...or am I just saying that to toss out a red herring?

.......or am I just saying that to throw y'all off the trail?

I need to stop reading these kinds of threads. It's too much fun to tease you guys XD

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Now that's mean, Ian >>

I stopped reading the comic because I (was broke) ran into a real problem keeping up with everything. However, with your current work, I'm getting intrigued into buying the whole 34 issue gap I have missed, and working my way up again.

That said, The only real thing I'm looking for in terms of plot tackling...

is for j0o to please PLEASE do something about Spectre (though I still have my suspicions...} (and the rest of the Brotherhood as well} because...they're not dead, they're not captured, and they're not in the Zone ofSilence....

-.- So yeah. Little explanation there, and I'll be happy to seek these guys down every month again.

:;Goes now to see what issues he need...knows its over 20::

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

Uh, why reform the monarchy when that subplot's finally been resolved? Elias is now King, Max is now retired, and Sally is free to do whatever she wants now.

And personally, I think Sally needs a new direction in terms of character development. She's no longer Sonic's girlfriend, nor the heir to the throne, nor even really leader of the Freedom Fighters. I think she deserves a chance to become at least a tactical command position, even if it's just "Home Base Control" for Freedom Fighter missions...

Posts: 89
Estimable Member

Tackle the Brotherhood issue, and tell Spectre's origins.

Posts: 84
Trusted Member

The Brotherhood is at the top of my wants list. and just seeing more of Knux and the Chaotix in general would be great, but I understand it's sonic's comic. That being said, I would like to see a focus (if only temporary) placed back on the FF. Maybe something like offering a backstory for a string of comics that spotlights Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, Tails, and Rotor. I guess Sally and Rotor are in more critical condition in terms of story right now so we can start there.


Posts: 2232
Noble Member

I think that the next storyline Ian should tackle should be to stage an Infinate Crisis and have the StC gang pop in ;P

*Wolf-boy AWAY!*

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


have the StC gang pop in

I seem to remember Jon Gray working in a couple of cameos only to have people whine and cry that Archie was "ripping off" the British comic.

Posts: 6
Active Member

1. if it's possible, bring Kragok back from the dead, just like one of the other writers did Tommy. like Tigsie said to me once, if Tommy could be cheaply brought back to life, so can Kragok.

2. you could also show some interesting side-stories or "historic" ones, like the history of Mammoth Mogul, or the mystery of how Julie-Su's biological mother died.

3. what about the Chaotix? or the Downunda Freedom Fighters? don't they deserve to have their own stories every once in a while?

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

The Chaotix have been getting their own stories. Two recent backup stories have been Chaotix-centric and it's not uncommon to see them appear in other stories. Perhaps this is because of their recent game exposure.

As for the Downunda FFs, they aren't quite as major. They've already gotten more use than some other groups (for instance, the Forty Fathoms Freedom Fighters) and I think there are already plenty of more important good guys who have to compete for space in the book. I say Ian ought to work on getting more "screen time" for the underused Knothole characters.

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

In answer to your question LoneWolf23, true much has been done, though I figured the kingdom could use even more reforms.

As for Sally, as someone else here pointed out, she still is heir to the throne, and it sounds like Sally and Sonic will get back together(thankfully). Also, I have always seen Sally as the leader of the Freedom Fighters, along with Sonic, it is just that Sonic has been more in charge since Sally couldn't go out into the field as much as she used to. I believe Sally is slowly, but surely, getting more involved with the FF's again, which I glad about.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


1. if it's possible, bring Kragok back from the dead, just like one of the other writers did Tommy. like Tigsie said to me once, if Tommy could be cheaply brought back to life, so can Kragok.

Something to consider; most people actually liked Tommy in his first appearance. This pulled a total 180 after he came back from the dead.

As an aside, why do I get the feeling that some of these requests are being made without knowing what's been happening in the series as of late...?

Posts: 6
Active Member

what i posted weren't really requests; they were just suggestions. it seems i haven't been caught up with the latest issues as of yet, for financial reasons. also, i guess online references and comic scans are not entirely enough evidence. ^^; whenever possible, though, i'll get myself subscribed for a year's worth and hope the comics change for the better.

Posts: 378
Reputable Member

More Nack!

Nack's past

Nic's return

Whatever happened to Mina

Ash finally dying *is wishfully thinking*

Ash and Mina... Can't say the rest...:">

Showing Sonic and friends what happened when Nack escaped AKA Nack killing Jack, Zack, and Mac (or at least that's what I call them, or, as you probobaly call them, Jeff, Connor, and Karl)

But whatever, I'm not even reading the comic any more, at least not after M25L P2's ending...
