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Should they bring back Roboticization?

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Posts: 1694
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Technically, it isn't robotization, since the animals stayed as flesh and blood.

I think Sonic X portrayed it best. I can't recall the episode, but it showed the animals being placed in small glass spheres, then implanted into the robot shell.

Posts: 981
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You're right Sailor Unicorn. They did do that in Sonic X. Can't recall the episode either.

Posts: 1127
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Episode 27, I believe. The first of the Sonic Adventure eps.

Posts: 981
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Wow. Only 26 episodes of TRYING to come up with stories before they swiched to the games' story-arcs.

Posts: 41
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BLARG! Roboticization was something interesting when I was younger, but by now it seems old. Granted I think the whole thing being ended by the Bem was a bit,... anticlimatic, to say the least. The Egg Grapes is interesting though. Alas, I'd have to agree with it being a bit too "Matrixish".

Posts: 337
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The Egg Grapes just seem, blay. I mean, nothing ever really been done -cool- with them. And their purpose and meaning changes from issue to issue.

Robotocization was clear cut, and NASTY!

Bring on the tin-platedness!

Posts: 136
Estimable Member

"See what Toby Barret said. I always hated roboticization not only for the nonsense factor but I thought it was too dark for Sonic..."

What?? Roboticization is too dark for sonic? I think the darker the better for Sonic. I think these egg grape things are a good change from roboticization.

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

Perhaps it would be liked more if the process were a bit more developed. I mean, we've seen a lot of now-I'm-here-now-I'm-a-robot scenes, but I dun think there have been any actual Egg Grape implantation scenes at all...

I dunno. Personally, I think the Egg Grape thing is pretty much over, anyways.

Posts: 462
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Personally, I think the Egg Grape thing is pretty much over, anyways.

Spoilers for #175 (Select To Read): They're brought up in #175, so they should be around for at least another issue.

Posts: 1437
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Please use spoiler tags, especially with an issue that isn't even on newsstands yet!

Posts: 337
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The egg grapes just don't have the same chance for design creativity that roboticization has. It was COOL seeing the different ways artists drew the roboticized characters.

Posts: 34
Eminent Member

Roboticizing was such a scary, greusome concept and that's what made it so cool. They should bring it back. Not sure how they would but I liked the old comics with that.

Posts: 141
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Isn't having your soul sucked out of your body just as scary and gruesome? Whatever the case, Robotnik still has Roboticization as an option, unless whatever force that deroboticized all those Robians rendered roboticizers useless.

Posts: 1127
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Eggman has said several times that he's lost the ability to use roboticization.

Posts: 141
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Really? He did? Huh. I must have missed that... Dx... Ah, well. Can you give me an instance?

Posts: 337
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It was where he blabbed that the robot Destructix he was given were fakes, and how he hadn't been able to robotocize since the Bem screwed things up.

Bring back ROBOTnik's trade mark evilness already!

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

He makes robots. Sounds good to me.

Posts: 337
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""He makes robots. Sounds good to me.""

Sounds good that he makes robots, or since he makes robots, it sounds good to bring back roboticization?

Posts: 1127
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He makes robots. That's where the name Robotnik would come from. He does'nt need to turn furballs into rideculous looking robots, he can build them himself.

Posts: 337
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Rideculous looking?
Have you seen his Sonic X henchbots and the Archie Sub-Boss OctoCroc? To say that all robians are rideculous looking is a stereo type and imply that Robotnik's OTHER robots can't be silly looking too!

The original SWAT bots from the early days of the comics had PERSONALITIES and lamented daily about their poor working conditions. The emotionless death machines moaned about their jobs. That too is rideculous.

And a lot of Robotnik's Robian sub bosses looked more nasty than silly. And like I said before, the different designs people kept coming up for them were COOL.

The original term for Badnik entrapment was "mechanization" in the original game.

Besides, robotization was such a nice death metaphor to get around the comic code and censors of the day.

Plus... when watching SAT-AM, Roboticization was just part of the fun. And since our chances of getting another season of SAT-AM are the same as snow ball in hades, Archie might as well try to stay a little faithful to the formula.

Besides, the egg grapes just don't create the same sense of fear and dread that roboticization does.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Roboticization: You turn into a walking trashcan, and can be turned back to normal, which happened too often.

Egg Grapes: You die.

I'd say the Egg Grapes would be more frightening.

Posts: 337
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I agree that ANTI-Roboticization got cheap and way too easy to come by. It was like in the DC comics were Kryptonite got so common that even lowly street thugs began to pocket some just in case Superman showed up, the writers solved this by a science experiment that turned any Kryptonite that was on EARTH at the time into lead. So if Eggman figured a way to counter act any ANTI-Roboticization, like fatally injure someone JUST before zapping them, they COULDN'T be de-roboticized without dying. (Like Julius and to some extent, Bunnie.) And it's just evil enough that Robotnik MK II WOULD do it.

"One of my greatest pleasure was that I turned your family into oil drums with eye-brows." -- Robotnik MK II to Sonic.

And some would argue, spending a lifetime inside your body watching as it goes through the motions unable to do a thing about it, is WORSE than death.

EDIT: I just think it added to the story-verse.

Posts: 462
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Egg Grapes: You die.

And in death you get to power up Robotnik's toaster, which just adds to the nastiness.

Posts: 337
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And with Roboticization, you ARE the toaster!

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

I'd also say that sitting co-pilot as your body does the bidding of Robotnik (which, in some cases, does include murder) for eternity is a fate worse than death. Whatever the case, the Egg Grape Project really wasn't all too publicized or widely used by Robotnik. Perhaps if Archie made what I like to call a "Kurotsuchi's Human Bomb" story, perhaps where we actually saw a good or renowned character sealed into an Egg Grape, it would be more widely liked.

Posts: 34
Eminent Member

No doubt roboticization was cool. It also sort of made you fear that one of the FF would become roboticized. I also like the old days when Most mobians were roboticized. It was a good story to lean off of.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

But honestly? Would it still be interesting if it was still going on this very day? No, I can't see it not getting stale.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member


It also sort of made you fear that one of the FF would become roboticized.

But then it happens to Sally and Sonic and they get cured at the end, which sort of undermines the threat.

Posts: 337
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Actually, I felt those stories were kinda cool.

Posts: 1694
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But then it happens to Sally and Sonic and they get cured at the end, which sort of undermines the threat.

In the same issue and one issue later, respectively, no less.

It makes you wonder though, considering how quickly Sonic, Sally, and Knuckles were so quickly deroboticized, why it took the Bem to ultimately deroboticize every other Robians. They must've not had any more deus ex's lying around.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

And didn't they also deroboticise a whole bunch of Robians in the 30s issue with an earthquake?

It's like the Freedom Fighters were deliberately withholding the process from the masses for some evil purpose...

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

LOL, I don't think it was the earthquake that cause all the Mobians to be deroboticized, but rather, some kind of explosion that Chuck did. If that was the case, why not completely blow up Robotropolis? It'd take care of everything, destroy Eggmna/Robotnik, AND turn all the Mobians back to normal.

Could have saved a lot of time.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

So if Knothole hadn't bothered to shield themselves from Station Square's nuking of Robotropolis, all the Robians would've been cured early?

Posts: 2116
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It was the Bem who were responsible for the mass derobotocisation, remember?

And since they also granted immunity to re-robotocisation, I should imagine that any sort of army that Robotnik could rustle up from what was left wouldn't be all that impressive.

That's why I've been trying to stay out of this discussion - even if someone pulled a ret-con or made Robotnik suddenly manage the scientific equivalent of pulling a Chaos Emerald out of his *ahem* to get around it, it feels like a moot point.

Posts: 1694
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I was about to say that it wouldn't surprise me if someone tried to do that, but then I remembered that Ian's writing now.

Posts: 337
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Eggman is a big cheat... he'll find a way to cheat around the Bem's immunity.

Posts: 1127
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With Ian behind the writing? No.

Posts: 337
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True, Ian wouldn't use a cliche ex machina method to give Eggman his robotocizer back.

But.... what if the data he got from the mobians who were going to be his fuel source end up giving him the data he needs to get the nasty little toy to work again?

Posts: 462
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He has to kill them to get the fuel... to make skeletal robots? It's one thing to like Death Metal, but only the hardcore take it literally.

Posts: 337
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All the same, the robotocizer was part of the FUN of the Sonic universe.

And reading through the Archive volumes, it's STUNNING that Ken Penders used to be so much fun, back when the comic was light hearted and not taking itself so seriously.

I wish someone would retcon the chemical bath thing about Sally's fur however.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

The roboticizer was NOT the source of fun reading the comic. In fact, it was a stupid, out of place symobolizm for the "OMG eval docter". Without it, the comic would have been more or less the same, only we would'nt have these lamely designed animal robots getting thier free will back each and every issue.

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Roboticization is old, folks. It's been used countless times before, and in all honesty, the coolest part of it was when Mecha Sonic and Mecha Knuckles duked it out. Now that they've eliminated it from the story, they shouldn't bring it back. Robotnik's Egg Grapes are a much better alternative, and now we don't get the lame angst of the stories in which a Roboticized friend/family member is used against the Freedom Fighters. Roboticization is gone, and it should stay gone.

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

It also sort of made you fear that one of the FF would become roboticized.

Now it just makes you fewar that one of the FF would become D-E-D dead. xP (Hur, Ai kan spel 8D)

But, whatever the case, It really is just the choice of Archie's team of writers if they'll ever create a De-Deroboticizer or something (I mean, what are alternate dimensions for?). Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they stuck with the Egg Grapes, though I'd be looking back longingly at those Roboticizer issues for the rest of the life of the comics unless something more interesting comes along, as long as they stay at least somewhat interesting or come into play in several arcs... I swear, I feel like I'm growing more attached to those things with each passing issue...;>>

(*Camera pans out to see Byakko with his PDA's internet connection, standing in what appears to be a giant translucent glass sphere among a number of other translucent glass spheres which could be described as arranged like bunches of non-climateric fruit that grows on deciduous woody vines*)

Then again, it makes me curious how one breathes inside an Egg Grape. Yes, I know, it's tagential, but I'm curious. I mean, considering Dulcy's size and apparent cramped-ness inside her Egg Grape during that previous arc, wouldn't she have suffocated quite quickly? Or at least suffer from carbon dioxide poisoning...

Posts: 337
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The writers created the Egggrapes with no clear direction. The Robotocizer always had a clear direction. And those robian designs are always just so cool!!!

Posts: 1694
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Even though the majority of them looked just like themselves, only with metal instead of skin?

Posts: 337
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Posts: 2116
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I wouldn't say that the writers had no sense of direction - I'd say that the writer whose idea they were (Bollers) was constantly being undermined by the writer who didn't think that they fitted in with his bloated ego child of a possible future (Penders), to the point where he got pushed into a corner and it's having to be tied up by a third party (Flynn).

Posts: 2
New Member


Roboticization: You turn into a walking trashcan, and can be turned back to normal, which happened too often.

Which is why bringing back Roboticization would be useless. Once Sonic and Sally were Roboticized then De-Roboticized the "illusion" was dead no longer making it the 'death sentence' that it was once protrayed to be.

The one sure threat the Egg Grapes has done was almost killing Charmy which seens preety dangerous to me.

... Which reminds me. What ever happened to his family, weren't they taken by Eggman or something?

Posts: 396
Reputable Member

I think they should, but only if they did it appropriately.

Fist off, forget this waiting for hours while they set things up for a robotosization, of course giving the heros just enough time to set up and execute some elaborate escape scheme.

Rule one people; when you capture an enemy General dont sit around waiting for the rescue party. Just cut out the brain, keep it alive while you suck it dry for info on the resistance and then splatter it all over the laboratory walls. Meanwhile you can slice up the body at your leisure and stick it on display in the town square.

Any serious Overlord should have at least one or two public executions of insubordinates every few months anyway; Slay one enemy to dissuade a thousand as it were. Dealing with a leader in this way just frees up a slot for something other then loathful public appearances.

The way I see it, Robotosization is a thing that should be reserved for the plebs. The peons. The workhorses and cannon fodder that have no value to either yourself or the resistance.

For one thing the mere threat of such an atrocious fate is always a good deterrent and keeps the citizens at large in check. And should the petty resistance brake them out just before they are led to the chambers, what exactly have they gained except extra baggage? Baggage that is also rather difcult to hide.

Heck, you could even Allow an escape every now and again. Just tag the 'baggage' so you can root out the resistance hidey holes. Trimming the herd as it were while at the same time giving the populous just enough hope that the more free spirited of them might step into rank with the resistance, keeping them neatly all in once place.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Doing this backwards

Heck, you could even Allow an escape every now and again. Just tag the 'baggage' so you can root out the resistance hidey holes. Trimming the herd as it were while at the same time giving the populous just enough hope that the more free spirited of them might step into rank with the resistance, keeping them neatly all in once place.

Issue 47, 93, 102 amongst others comes to mind with this point. I only really clearly remember Heavy and Bomb doing that one time.

For one thing the mere threat of such an atrocious fate is always a good deterrent and keeps the citizens at large in check. And should the petty resistance brake them out just before they are led to the chambers, what exactly have they gained except extra baggage? Baggage that is also rather difcult to hide.

Except the fact that since this is such a big threat, you get those people that are willing to put their necks out as far as possible, to end it. (ie Uncle Chuck and Sally in 37 doing that Blanket Derobotization while Robotropolis was undergoing that e-quake)

Yes, they got baggage, but they also got helping hands.

And then , they were able to get every last Robian free with the Swords help, what was that, like Issue 101 even?

Immense baggage, but immense victory cause Eggman couldn't do jack about it. :o.

See, the ideas you state have all been done-with both sides having success at one point or another. What we need now is something really sinister to occur. We had the complete decimation of Knothole, which was fantastic. But Nicole then gets New Mobo online. So, we need something else too occur. AT THIS POINT, roboticization is NOT it. It's not going to do anything but be a burden to both Eggman and Sonic-and they're both gonna figure out a way past the baggage aspect.

I'd say why doesn't he just throw an Modified to hurt Nicole+Nanites Emp at New Mobo. Fritz the whole city out. Then do Knothole part Deux. That would rock.

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