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Sonic #178 has arri...
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Sonic #178 has arrived *Spoilers*

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Posts: 208
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For rattrap2000 About that panel of Tails missing his Tails, I noticed that too, but it was more like a coloring error, you can still see the ink shape of his tails, but it was colored like the wall at the back cell, same thing hapened with Elias siting on a bench, his legs where colored blue like he had pants at that moment and as we know, Elias is alwais without pants. I liked how this issue is turning out, It really makes me wonder how it will end, and how im seeing things maybe this problem wont finish yet, even with the upcoming Enerjak rebirth. In my opinion I hope the monarchy do lose its power because like Amadeus said, The freedom fighters where the only ones to cause any real damage against Robotnik. Heh King Max is so alike Locke, really atached and obsesed on their traditions.

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It really does feel like the deck has been stacked against Sonic ever since he came home.

It's his own fault for being such an insensitive jerk on a very high horse.

Woo, 1K ahoy!

Posts: 1127
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Well, Sonic would have a pretty good reason for being on said high horse. Nothing ever gets done unless he's around. The Acorn Monarchy spent an entire year accomplishing nothing in the war until Sonic got back. :crazy

Posts: 1567
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Actually that would have been very interesting if they had won the war while Sonic was gone...THAT may have deflated his ego a bit.

Posts: 82
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I think I've might have figured out what really going on here with this whole Acorn Monarchy thing. I mean it's real clear to me that ol' Max Acorn is still in charge of the kingdom. And I also think that Elias, his Mother already know. (Because of the look on her face kind of tell's ya.) And the Prower's have somehow also have figured this out as well; maybe? Everyone else in the kingdom. Which means even Sonic (Who thinks in his own ego head; that; he sould be more powerful then Tails, Knuckles and Shadow put together) and Sally. Doesn't have a clue what's really going on behind all of their back's!

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Kudos to you, Alex the Teknian. The comparison between Max and Locke is quite brilliant: both of them care more about the duty of their family line and its continuation than they do about their kids. Max didn't give a crap about Sally not wanting to marry Antoine, and Locke doesn't respect Knuckles' feeling that he has a greater duty to Mobius than just to Angel Island at all. If anything, it's those two who could use a few knocks, not Sonic or Tails.

Everyone here has some pretty good points. Sonic and Tails' big fight could ruin their friendship, but it could also be the big thing that puts it back the way it's supposed to be. Those two have a lot of hostility that they've kept bottled up, and releasing it with a fight could be just the way to resolve everything. I've seen several scenarios where two brotherly characters get into a fist fight after holding in their anger at each other at a long time, only to forge stronger bonds of kinship and end up laughing at each other once they're all banged up.

I'm glad to hear that Julie-Su shows some concern about Knuckles going; I'd like to see how she's going to act during the Enerjak arc when Knuckles has disappeared. Were it anyone but Knuckles, she'd probably be stoic about it, but anything that concerns him is perhaps the only way to get her to display emotions that aren't contempt or superiority towards others.

Posts: 1446
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Julie-Su's shown plenty of emotional range besides contempt and superiority. She's not soldier 24/7 or something.

Posts: 208
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Thanks Spectre the Hechidnat. And now I like to compliment Traceys art (if you wonder or already know Yes Im a fan of Tracy yardley I really like his art on the Sonic comic just to let you know), the whole issue looked really cool, the parts I could like to point out is the expressions Tails makes, like when Tails peak from the vent after hearing Sonic talking to his parents in a wrong way about him and then flyes carefully behind Sonic to give him a punch, it really showed how angry he was and that he had enough of Sonics aditude, and then the expression Sonic makes after getting hitted from behind, you can imagine he is thinking What the heck!. Also I like to point out the art of the Data files, Tracy did a good work about the drawings Freedom HQ and New Mobotropolis plus the information.

Posts: 1446
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Just out of curiosity, is the Data File for Freedom HQ the renovated Knothole base, or is there a new Freedom HQ is New Mobotroplis?

Posts: 622
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Julie-Su's shown plenty of emotional range besides contempt and superiority. She's not soldier 24/7 or something.

*nod* I wouldn't even say she shows a lot of contempt and superiority to begin with. I mean, she's self-confident, sure, but that makes her sound arrogant and haughty, which she ain't.


Just out of curiosity, is the Data File for Freedom HQ the renovated Knothole base, or is there a new Freedom HQ is New Mobotroplis?

I don't have the issue on me right now, but I think it's the former.


"Ooh! I got one! What's blue, fuzzy and runny?"
"Sonic the Hedgehog!"
"...I was going to say 'cheese' but that works, too."

Oh, Bean.

Posts: 1195
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Boy, Ian sure loves his ongoing arcs and To-Be-Continued stories, doesn't he? it gives off a thrilling vibe for obsessed fans wanting to know what will happen, but there are several things wrong about this issue that bugs me.

I've already mentioned the arc plot which aside from Knuckle leaving for #180, everything seemed to drag on--mostly with plot points that made me deliver a hugh sigh. We got former King Acorn on immediate jerk mode which I thought he left behind years ago (sure, he's overprotective of his kingdom, but surely he'd want to reason with his old companion Amadeus first--old age must be catching up to him), we got Elias who's moping on his position as royalty...AGAIN, a plot point I hope to God Ian will solve because I'm tried of him spinning around on which direction he wishes to go, and we got Sonic acting lke a complete jerk towards his opinion on Tails, claiming the "kid practically worships the ground he walks on" (only in early issues, if I remember). I know Sonic's cocky, but for him to think Tails in that manner is just faulty for his behavior in this comic.

All that to get a Sonic vs. Tails battle that isn't gonna conclude till next issue. Don't get me wrong, it has potential and plenty of character as Ian seems to show (even the guys in prison gets like one line a-piece) and Amadeus rebellion for a new government is a manuever that's both new and interesting, showing off potential shaky grounds for the royal family and the possibility of a new governmental force, but this issue just made me impatient.

Posts: 25
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So from hearing these things something just came to me. You guys who have the issue said that Tails attacks Sonic after that comment he made, and while he does this, his parents flee and go to confront Elias? so, they just left they're kid to fight while they ran to talk to the royalty. Um does anybody else think that this is..rather odd? I mean, heck if you had a young kid, who just started real fighting someone wouldnt you try to stop them, or pull them apart, or something not get the heck out of dodge in order to go talk to someone?

Posts: 1694
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I highly doubt Tails would need their help. After all, Sonic taught him almost everything he knows.

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...the issue said that Tails attacks Sonic after that comment he made, and while he does this, his parents flee and go to confront Elias? so, they just left they're kid to fight while they ran to talk to the royalty. Um does anybody else think that this is..rather odd? ...

As that happened, Rosemary didn't like this plan either. Amadeus explained that "he could take care of himself". I could quote that exact conversation if you want, but that's all basically what happened. Tails distracts Sonic so his parents can go confront Elias (possibly without his dad around) and come to an agreement. There is still something wrong with this plan: NICOLE still knows! :O

Posts: 25
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Okay then, if its for Tails to distract Sonic so that is parents can talk to the royalty unhindered then I can understand why noone stopped him.

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Amadeus, as Sonic said, is a tactician: he knows better than to get involved in a battle he can't help in. Sonic's speed makes him more than a match for Amadeus and Rosemary together: only Tails stands a chance. Also, Amadeus has confidence in his son, and it may be that he sees his current efforts to reform the kingdom are more important than any short term injury Tails is likely to suffer.

In regards to Julie-Su's emotions, I guess it's once again my lack of exposure to a lot of the comics. I've only seen Julie in a handful of situations, where she's usually cold and professional-guess that's where I got the contempt and superiority. Just happy to know that her concern for Knuckles, while strong, isn't as bad as Sally's to where she is adamantly against him doing anything without backup. For that matter, Sally could learn a thing or two from her.

Hopefully, everything will be resolved in a way that won't be horrible. With luck, Sonic and Tails' little brawl will help them reconcile their past arguments, Amadeus and Elias will be able to work together to instate reform, and there won't be any loose ends from this internal struggle to screw up the Enerjak arc or anything that comes after it.

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I see where your coming from. But there could and might maybe one small major problem? And that would be Max Acorn!

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Yes, Max is a jerk, isn't he? What Archie really needs to do is kill him off instead of subjecting him to a never ending line of medical conditions. If he dies, the old regime can fall and the House of Acorn can abandon its anachronistic traditions and procedures and actually start ruling the Kingdom like it needs to be run. Really, without Max to bully him, Elias would be forced to come up with his own methods of dealing with crises, meaning that he might prove open to the idea of reform.

Posts: 82
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Yeah I agree cuz the whole time their sit/standing there. What's her name is standing there with a look as if she's trying to say. My god' would some one please shut this old fart up. By belting him in the mouth once and for all!

Better yet push him into the lake.

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In a darker setting, it wouldn't surprise me if Max killed Amadeus. The former king clearly despises the fact that General Prower has led a revolution against the monarchy, and to bring that point home literally would make Max snap for certain.

Personally, I see Amadeus as expendable in producing the desired effect. I think Rosemary is smart and bold enough to join whatever government is formed in his place, and Tails would bounce back quick enough if his father is indirectly killed (as opposed to being blatantly executed, in which case things would get REALLY ugly). I doubt Rosemary's death, no matter how it came to be, would result in anything less than war, and Tails would react very badly to losing his mother.

Of course, I'm not a psychologist, so bleah.

Posts: 1694
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Oh, I agree. If one of his parents did happen to die, Tails would most likely pick up where they left off. And there would be nothing that Sonic or the other FF's could do to stop him.

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If anyone should die, it's Max, not Amadeus. Of course, if both of them got killed in the impending conflict, it would serve as a wake up call to both sides that reform needs to take place. If they wound up killing each other, everyone else would realize that conflict is no way to solve the internal problems of the kingdom; they would realize that fighting amongst themselves would result in both sides being destroyed. From there, they could find a way to make peace and change the leadership policies of the kingdom.

Losing either of his parents would have a major impact on Tails' psyche. Given that he's already been "betrayed" by his best friend and found out that the one girl he's ever been in love with not only doesn't return his affections, but is on the side of evil, a blow like that could drive him off the deep end. He might end up seeking to take over the Kingdom not in search of reform but to seize the power to avenge either of them.

Posts: 82
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On the funny side of all that, Fiona would dump Scourge in a heartbeat just to be with Tails I bet. In fact I could just see it now.

Scourge: Oh please let join your gang Tailz as your new sidekick.

Tailz: Well what do think Fiona.

Fiona: He may be a stupid green jerk, but he can be real useful though.

Plus I can maybe seeing these guys as a part of Tailz gang the [N.M.O] aka the FoxPac!

Big Foxy Tailz (Formly known as Miles Tails Prower)
and Scourge

Posts: 337
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The problem Sonic has with the General's idea seems to come down to that the General -doesn't- voice the majority, but on the flip side, neither does Max (the King actually appears to WANT to repair things). Which is why Sonic isn't siding with either. The whole reason Sonic was against the break out was because he knew it would just fan the flames.

Ultimately, his friendship with Tails aside, Sonic has a clearer view of things than Tails.

I know it's an impossible dream, but I wish Sally could storm in and set them both straight.
Sally might love her people more than she loves Sonic, but seriously, that can't be, SHOULDN'T be, all she is. And Tails, IMHO was like a son to her, or maybe that's just fanfiction talking. All the same, if anyone can save Sonic and Tails from themselves right now, it's her.

Posts: 2116
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He might end up seeking to take over the Kingdom not in search of reform but to seize the power to avenge either of them.

Well, his destiny as The Chosen One is supposed to be to bring balance...

I don't think that Sally views him as a son, though. Sally's not even legal herself in most states yet - and she isn't mature enough to realise what feeling like that about someone means.

He's a little brother to her, if that.

Posts: 356
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Alex, I think it is likely that Sally will try to help settle things between Sonic and Tails, she does care about both of them. Sally does have a heart, though she does need to open it up more and get better at expressing it. Also, I agree with what others are saying; I would like to see Sally become the kind of creature, while worrying(which would be only natural) about Sonic when he goes out on missions, doesn't let herself become paranoid. For Sonic's part, he needs to not have so much if an attitude/ego, and be so selfish if he wants to patch things up with Tails and Sally, so their friendships can get back to where they should be and ulimately get even stronger.

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If nothing else, she can't afford to have two of the FFs foremost members - the figurehead and the brains - fighting at the moment. There're enough problems externally.

Posts: 337
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Oh and to note: The Xorda won't keep the Black Arms busy forever.

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Sally stepping in would be a great idea, especially since it would be a sign to her that she needs to balance her love for her people and her love for her friends. If she puts everything she has into what's good for the kingdom, she'll end up miserable and married to some guy she probably loathes. It would also be a great opportunity to rebuild and even strengthen the friendships she, Tails, and Sonic have established amongst themselves. Plus, it would be nice if Sally turned out to be on Amadeus' side, which would give Elias more motivation to tell his father to stick his ego where the sun don't shine.

Max needs to step off. He's in a wheelchair (for the umpteenth time, it seems like), and Elias is the king. As such, he needs to stop acting like he's still top dog and let Elias rule as he sees fit. Really, you'd think that Max would have the sense to realize that his actions haven't really benefitted the Kingdom at all-he's been about as much help to the Kingdom as Sonic was to Tails when Tails fought Master Mogul again. Him killing off Amadeus sounds stupid-they should be old friends, from what I've gathered, and if Amadeus is willing to rebel and land himself in prison then Max ought to realize that maybe some changes are needed.

Yes, Alex, we know that the Xorda won't keep the Black Arms busy forever; Shadow's last appearance culminated with him learning that he was created to fight the Black Arms upon their return. Unless the comic series gets cancelled before that little plot hole can be resolved (highly unlikely), the Black Arms will be returning to Mobius soon enough. Especially since, unless it's been destroyed, there's a giant wormhole right next to where they were fighting the Xorda over Argentium.

Posts: 622
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Yes, Alex, we know that the Xorda won't keep the Black Arms busy forever; Shadow's last appearance culminated with him learning that he was created to fight the Black Arms upon their return. Unless the comic series gets cancelled before that little plot hole can be resolved (highly unlikely)

What plot hole?

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unless in a surprising upset, the xorda defeat the black arms.

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Or... join forces?


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xorda+black arms vs. civil war rattled kingdom of acorn/ eggman empire/rest of mobius....:eek

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I guess that plot hole is inaccurate, CCL. What I really meant is plot, and that refers to the Black Arms coming back to Mobius and Shadow fighting them.

The Xorda and the Black Arms don't seem like they'd join forces to me, unless forced to do so by a greater power than both of them. Black Doom seems to see all non-Black Arms life as inferior, and therefore not worthy of joining up with him, while the Xorda have shown that they refuse to settle for anything less than total genocide of their enemies. Them teaming up would be like Robotnik and Ixis Naugus becoming friends: ludicrous and virtually impossible.

Hopefully, everything will work out so that if either of them comes back, the Kingdom of Acorn will be united so that they can take them on and drive them off. Just hope that it doesn't turn into another "everyone on Mobius pitches in" battle-once was awesome, twice is cliche. Not to mention that the Kingdom of Acorn declaring a truce with Robotnik has been done so many times that it's stupid, especially since they're just going to go right back to fighting when it's over.

Posts: 1694
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It would be very bad for all parties involved if Eggman decided to take advantage of all the chaos.

Posts: 1402
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then enerjak comes back and lays the smackdown on everybody

Posts: 2928
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I'm wondering when someone is going to use the "Evil will always triumph because good is dumb" line?

... Well, guess that question got answered.


Posts: 337
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Evil loses because while Evil is busy making it's "I am so great" speech, Good has time to move the really big cannon into position behind it.

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Both sides are dumb if you ask me.

Posts: 462
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I'm wondering when someone is going to use the "Evil will always triumph because good is dumb" line?

"I will go where you will not. That is why you'll lose." - Wilson Fisk

(Of course, the writers being too lazy to come up with a different crimelord character might have something to do with the Kingpin always coming back too...)

Posts: 2116
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Having mused on this for a while: Sally stepping in could be an interesting development. If she told them to put their personal feelings aside, suck it up and get back to fighting Robotnik, she'd basically be admitting that she'd learned fro 134 in putting learning that you can't always put your own feelings first.

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Unless the schism gets resolved soon, you can bet that Robotnik or Enerjak will capitalize on the division. It'll be the Dark Legion rebellion all over again, only this time there's no virtually omnipotent leader who can be recreated and brought forth to end the fighting-incidentally, I just realized that Enerjak's return sounds a lot like the multi-part series finale of Justice League Unlimited, where Darkseid returns from the dead and returns to Apokolips, instantly ending the fighting. The only hope is that the two sides will either stop beating on each other long enough to deal with their real enemies, or that they'll resolve it all before Enerjak's big comeback.

Sally stepping in would be a good thing, but I would like to argue with Samanfur about Sally putting her own feelings first. In case you haven't noticed, that's what Sally hasn't been doing since she and Sonic broke up; matter of fact, I think that's the big problem. Because Sally's letting herself get caught up in her father's right to rule mania, she feels that her responsibility to her people completely overrides any of her own desires. Loving your people is all well and good, but people wouldn't want a leader who's so focused on serving them that she ends up burning herself out.

Sally's real problem with feelings is that she has trouble understanding the feelings of others when she's dealing with her own. Out of fear that Sonic would get hurt and she would lose him again, this time with no miracle reappearance, Sally asked him to leave the fight with Robotnik to others and help her rule in her parents' brief absence. Sonic demonstrated dedication-egotistical dedication, but dedication still-to fighting Robotnik. He can't stand the idea of not having a bad guy to fight, and the idea of sitting around making laws while Robotnik is at large didn't appeal to him.

Unfortunately, because Sonic didn't have his priorities straight, Sally was offended. She couldn't accept the fact that Sonic would choose defeating Robotnik over being in love with her, and so she left him. Hopefully, she'll eventually realize why Sonic has to fight Robotnik and they'll make up, hopefully getting back together.

I agree, however, that Sonic and Tails need to balance out their priorities as well. Both of them have let personal feelings widen the chasm between them until finally they're at each others' throats. While a good brawl might knock some sense into both of them, it wouldn't hurt if Sally reminded them that a greater problem than their feud threatens everyone. Either they should make up and get back to fighting the real enemy, or at least put the anger aside for a while-when Robotnik's either beaten or in bad enough shape that it'll be awhile before he can attack, then they can go back to kicking the snot out of each other.

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Assuming Robotnik knows about this war? True, he's no doubt keeping a big eye on what Mobotropolis is up to, but since the fact remains that he can't break through the shield, so he can't use any of this to his advantage.

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True, very true. I suppose that's why Enerjak's resurgence is going to be such a big deal: Robotnik's weaponry can't get through NICOLE's shields, but undoubtedly the power of about 13 Chaos Emeralds can.

Posts: 337
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Thankfully this new Enerjak won't have nearly the experience Dimitri did using Chaos Force to bend reality.

Posts: 25
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I just got my copy in the mail today. I'm sorry but Sonic has this buttwooping coming. By the second page I wanted to smack him around too. First that insult to tails father, IN FRONT of him, then, when NICOLE calls him on it, and mentions that things have gotten tense between the two Sonic says, and I quote: "If your talking about the blow-up at freedom HQ that was nothing! we were all under a lot of stress" um, hello, it wasnt "nothing" to Tails! Then NICOLE says that he may want to talk with him and Sonic replies: "we're practically brothers, NICOLE! we're fine!" all I can say is "wow". A good thing is that Sonic at least doesnt seem to agree with the former king Max, if his expression has anything to say about it. As for the fight scene at the end oooh, bad bad move sonic, you should have kept your mouth shut. The fight scene rocked by the way, espeically with 'encouragement' from the peanut gallery hehe. I cant wait until the next comic.

Posts: 2116
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I've only seen the preview scans at BKP, but I could've slapped Sonic by just the end of page two.

Spoilers (Select To Read): It's little wonder that Tails has been able to get so attached to his parents so fast when Sonic's as ready to disregard any attempt to deal with anything he doesn't want to or anyone who doesn't think that he's "it" as he ever was - if not worse.

That look of puzzlement when Rosemary takes the crying Tails outside for some air - either just not understanding why Tails would be upset about Amadeus or apparently wondering why Rosemary would be a better person to console him than Mr. Big Hog himself - just speaks volumes.

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Actually Alex, that statement might not be entirely true. I've been thinking: what if, during his work in keeping Dimitri alive, Finitevus made a copy of his Enerjak memories just in case? Were he capable of doing so, he could theoretically download it into the new guy's mind, thus giving him all the knowledge Enerjak had of how to use his Chaos powers.

Plus, let's not forget that the new Enerjak is going to be somewhat more powerful. Enerjak 1 was fueled by the power of 11 Chaos Emeralds: the energy of about 14 currently resides in the Master Emerald, but I think that Finitevus would probably leave the equivalent of one in there just to be sure that Angel Island won't fall. That means that Enerjak 2 could have the power of 13 Chaos Emeralds as opposed to Enerjak 1's 11; my theory could be wrong, and he could be even stronger.

Sonic is the major source of grief in the problems he's had with other Freedom Fighters. Recurring hero of Mobius or not, the Blue Blur is not Mr. Sensitivity. He lacks judgement of other people's feelings, which is why he's messed up in his relationships with both Tails and Sally. Of course, in Tails' case he really screwed up by not telling Tails about his involvement with Fiona before Tails caught them at it. Because of this error, Tails grew to loathe him more and more, particularly after that rude remark about Amadeus. Really, Sonic does have anything Tails is going to give him coming, and if either of them wins I hope it's the Chosen One-Aurora willing, he'll shove a couple Humble Pies down Sonic's throat.

Posts: 82
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Well I also hope Tails wins the fight with Sonic too! Because he is going to be more powerful then Sonic and Knuckles, in fact I think Tails is going to be more powerful then even Shadow himself or about as powerful as Shadow one day?

Posts: 356
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I agree totally with Spectre about Sally balancing her loves, and about Sonic and Tails both balaning out their priorities; he(or she)explained his(or her reasons)well. Also, after reading the data files on Castle Acorn I am convinced, unless Archie is trying to throw us, that there will be a compromise/deal reached, probably in the next issue.

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