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Sonic 180...Now in Theaters

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I'm really not up for writing out what going on, so here are some notes.

- Robotnik returns with full intent to destroy Nicole, having been denied his "ultimate victory" by her actions. His plan is to upload a virus into the city and wipe her out completely, but Sonic arrives on the scene, ultimately getting him to stop the attack with warning of Enerjak's return.
Sonic and Robotnik agree to an alliance to stop Enerjak. Robotnik leaves with the indication that he's planning to use egg grapes again, but for what purpose is unknown.

- The Council of Acorn has been assembled (Already!!!). Sir Charles, Rosemary Prower, three of the substitute Freedom Fighters and Rotor make up the Council. Though they are against the Freedom Fighters or Chaotix going to Angel Island to stop Enerjak (or find Knuckles), they vote to give Sally full command of the Freedom Fighters.

- Julie-Su, upon learning the Council is not willing to send them to Angel Island, attempts to fight their way to the island. After punching out the guards (what a useless lot they always seem to be), they're attacked by Sonic, but after Julie-Su accuses him of holding them back instead of working with them (I thought we were your friends, not your pet mercenaries), he leave the decision to them. Sally arrives at the same time, however, and informs them of a compromise, in which the Chaotix will remain in New Mobotropolis, as Enerjak is likely to attack there, while Sonic and Tails will head to the island to find Knuckles.

Meanwhile, on the island, Fiona makes her return to the comic, sporting an almost entirely new look (jet black pants, boots, fingerless gloves and sleeveless shirt, spikier hair, still has the yellow bow XD), joining Scourge to report on the island's situation. Scourge informs Fini that General Stryker is looking to take out the echidnas being protected by the Destructix, while Fiona notes that the Frost and Fire Legions (complete with a very revealing shot of Lien-Da's opposing commander...he does indeed have a shock of jet black hair) have seemingly realized what the doc is doing and have joined forces to stop him. Fini regards neither as a threat compared to what he's planning to unleash, and basically leaves the duo to do whatever they choose until he's ready. Scourge chooses to hang out and "enjoy the show," which he and Fiona are treated to in the form of Fini's finished project being dropped right on them. Ladies and gentlemen...ENERJAK IS BACK.

And with that, a goofy backstory! Anyone interested in the oddball antics of Marine the Raccoon (and what a bizarre little creature she is)...basically, Sonic and Tails crashland on her island, where she recruits them to help fight pirates and protect the "giant, pretty gem" that she found. The gem (a chaos emerald, obviously) is then promptly stolen, and Sonic, Tails and Marine are off on their adventure! Interestingly enough, there will be no conclusion...that's up to you to play the game. Bummer!

Posts: 1376
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Play the game? Wh-OH Sonic Rush Adventure. Durr. Wow I'm special. Ok I'll buy this Friday-Hopefully it'll still be there when I get paid -.-..

Posts: 5772
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Were we expecting a Sonic Rush Adventure adaptation? Because this is the first I've heard of it.

lol @ Marine in before Cream

Posts: 1195
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Scourge informs Fini that General Stryker is looking to take out the echidnas being protected by the Destructix, while Fiona notes that the Frost and Fire Legions (complete with a very revealing shot of Lien-Da's opposing commander...he does indeed have a shock of jet black hair)

*crosses finger* Remington, Remington, Remington, come on, let it be him.

Posts: 22
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*crosses fingers as well* >_< PLEASE BE REMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Haven't they killed off enough of the echidna's XD;?

Posts: 2116
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Can we get a scan of the new-look Fiona, please? 🙂

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From what I can gather, they've got the same fur color, eye color and the distinctive hair. He is, however, now missing an eye, and has that wicked right hook. I'm surprised they just came out and showed it though, without saying "hey, the frost commander is ########"

EDIT: Here is a shot of Fiona and the Frost Commander. To be honest, Fiona's hair looks like they took the bob and just peeled it back. XD

Posts: 2016
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- The Council of Acorn has been assembled (Already!!!). Sir Charles, Rosemary Prower, three of the substitute Freedom Fighters and Rotor make up the Council.

This pleases me. :D

Posts: 2116
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Thank you! 🙂

Yes, the hair's barely been touched (it looks as though she's using a bit of mousse on it these days :)) - but I like that look more than the bodysuit. It just looks more natural, rather than randomly sci-fi.

Then again, I'd have liked to see a bit more of Dub's design from 134, which looked as though she was wearing something like that outfit under her trenchcoat. She definitely had finger gloves and something with a tight top and large belt, anyway. The only obvious difference (other than the coat) is that Dub put her in cargo pants rather than a mini-skirt. 🙂

The open-ended backup story's no real surprise - the original Rush adaptation ended in the same way.

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Actually, I have no idea what those loops are supposed to be, but based on their appearance the page before, they're not a skirt (though it definitely looks like on on the scanned page). To be honest, that's as clean a shot of her outfit as there is in this issue, despite a few full-body shots, as they're mostly distorted due to the size. Gotta love those inexplicable accessories.

I would've liked to see Dub's design return as well, though the new look is certainly an improvement over the bodysuit.

EDIT: Were there any other issues with Dub's design other than 134, or was it just the bodysuit after that?

Posts: 22
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*stares at scan* Okay either thats Remmy or Archie is just messing with our heads now ;_;.....THIS ISN'T FAIR I WANNA KNOW XD;...okay I'll be mature now. I just really wanna know if it is or not XD;...

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

This is me hoping Rem's back. Goos plot line so far. I'm happy about the members of the council. Wasn't Rotor a council member 25 yr later? I don't recall. Fiona looks like a teenager gone wild. This look suits her better, but her hair...can't put my finger on it *yellow bow and all*. I'll add more when I get my copy XD

Posts: 2116
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Fiona looks like a teenager gone wild.

Well, she is still only around seventeen - and it's not as though she had much fun in the rest of her teens (and if Sonic can still be immature, she's entitled to her moments, too).

I have a theory, which'll most likely be me completely over-analysing, but which I wouldn't like to air before having read the issue anyway.

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Don't know why Fiona needed a new look-I guess the white and yellow suit didn't go with the whole villainess idea. I admit, she looks better now, though the bow isn't helping her look dangerous. Still, you can definitely tell that she and Scourge are on the same wavelength; if there's an Anti-Fiona who's as evil as her Prime self, we know what she's wearing.

Okay, that scan just tells me one thing: Remington is back, and he's the Frost Legion Grandmaster. There is no way that another Echidna could look that much like Remmy. I like the new style of bionic eye, though his new look just recycles too much from Kragok-I don't care that the guy was Remington's father, I want to see some new and improved Legion attire. You'd figure that regimental Remington would be the guy who changed the Legion from black cloaks to black military uniforms.

At long last, Enerjak returns: it's about bloody time! Seriously, he's been gone since somewhere between issues #50 and #75 (I think) and now he's finally come back in #180! What took Archie so long to bring back one of the most powerful villains in the series, not to mention the one Archie villain who's never been out-muscled, only out-thought? Either way, I'm glad he's back, and with Finitevus and the rest on his side, Mobius is in for the ride of its life!

Posts: 1446
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Was the Chaos Emerald in the Rush adaptation one of the new, multicoloured emeralds? Or the old school green ones?

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Old school green. I got a laugh out of Sonic and Marine's exchange regarding it, but I won't spoil the chuckles.

Posts: 356
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It sounds ok so far. I am not totally surprised about who is on the counsel and have no objections. As the leader of the Freedom Fighters, it looks like that Sally is going to have to deal with the counsel. Already it seems that Sally is having to deal with the poltics, although I understand why the counsel would want all their forces around to meet the threat. I hope the counsel doesn't get too much like Congress. I like to think, however, that this counsel will not be that hard to work with, most of them have served in the wars aganist Robotnic in some way.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i thought remmy had brown fur? that echidna's fur is very red. o.o fiona's new look is nice, especially the change to her hair.

the loops on her outfit look like one of those fancy skirt-belt things attached to her top.

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i thought remmy had brown fur?

Yeah, I've noticed that too...there are some issues where his fur matches, and others where it obviously doesn't. On the other hand. Lien-Da has varied between solid red and the color she has here as well. It really comes down to us meeting this guy and getting a name, I guess. XD

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or staring intently at the colourists until they get the colours right. :p

Posts: 1376
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Man, did'nt ya get the memo. It's Remmy's twin brother that no one's mentioned until now :D ! Ba-dum bish!


Posts: 128
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I love Fiona's new look, especialy her hair!

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It's odd, but with the hair peeled back, all you'd have to do is give her an extra tail and she'd look like a red, female version of Tails. That's all I could think of when I looked at her. XD

Posts: 36
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On the topic of Rem;
Everything says it SHOULD be Rem. The hair, the likeness to Kragok, the sheer awesomeness of the possibility;
The fur color has me in doubt. He's the same coour as Lien-Da in that shot. Surely the colourist would have remembered to colour Rem the darker brown he always has been?

His eye creeps me out.. it looks like a mini green gemstone...

Posts: 48
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I am in LOVE with Fiona's new design. I think it's a brilliant compromise between Dub's rendering of her and the original Fiona automaton. Her trademark yellow bow against the black is genius.

I think I will die of happiness if she uses her bow as a shuriken.

Posts: 36
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Ah. RED gemstone. That is what I meant...

Am I the only one who noticed that it looks asthough the Frostmaster has a Guardian white ring?

Posts: 622
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Surely the colourist would have remembered to colour Rem the darker brown he always has been?

Remember when Gala-Na was red instead of lilac?
Or Shadow's gold chest fur?
Sally's eyes ended up green at a point in this issue, and Nicole's are apparently now blue despite having been green for several issues.
Then there's Bernie-coloured-as-Amy, and did anyone even recognise Lara-Le and Wyn the last time they appeared?

I find it kind of sad that while Ian and Tracy have been improving things, Jensen doesn't seem to be trying very hard. All the gradient (looking especially bad on Julie's hair) and dodge tool use just look kinda lazy. The colouring in the backup story looks much more solid, and that was done by someone else.

But yeah, liking Fiona's new look (especially with the bow remaining) - it looks a bit more SegaSonic-ish without rehauling her too heavily. The backlit shot of Eggman was fun, too, as was Sonic's dialogue following their handshake.

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I noticed that too, but I wasn't sure if that was an undershirt or something.

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Well, it could be that the designers finally gave Remington the white Guardian family ring that even the Grand Masters have, if you believe a quote of Ian that someone posted in the Dr. Finitevus topic.

I hate how these days Archie's game adapts are totally left incomplete; they could at least finish the plot line of the game! Then again, since the upcoming issues are all about the conflict with Enerjak and the back stories behind the Echidnas, I suppose they had to cut the Sonic Rush Adventure thing short.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

o.O. I just saw that swoop. Its Remmy :O. No more jokes here. That'S Remmy. Wonder what made him turn. Maybe he decided to fight fire Kung Fu master GRIP!

And uhh umm crap. forgot my other point. oh well Pishaw, I'll buy this issue tomorrow and revel in its reveality.

Posts: 84
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i would just be curious to know how remington wound up being with the Frost Legion when last i saw he was trapped in an egg grape that got lost, unless he somehow escaped before then and rejoined the legion

Posts: 36
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Just to clarify for anyone;
During the 'Darkest storm' (#162/#163/#164) plot, all those in the egg grapes got sent ot the Zone of Silence, thanks to the Sword of Acorns and soemthing involving the children of Arachnis and Ixis Naugus or something.
So chances are, Rem escaped from the Zone of Silence (maybe with the help of Finitevus? no idea) and somehow perhaps found out who his father was (Kragok) and decided to take action and control half the DL, we now know as the Frost Legion.

If you're wondering how our lovely, polite gentleman Remington turned evil, you might notice in #141, when it shows Remington (and DL members such as Xenin and Rykor) in the egg grapes, there's something on the grapes that says "Energy Drain" as well as "Mind Eraser"
(thus, Charmy's mild amnesia when he was subjected to the grapes in #176)

I'm sorry fangirls, this new Remington isn't the old Rem we all knew and loved. Dx

Posts: 1694
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I doubt our resident Remington fangirls will care whether he's good or evil.

Posts: 1567
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I love the Kragok look he's sporting...augh...the worst part of this issue is the last page. it just me or do Enerjak's hands look a bit small on the last page? I think I need to stop reading these late at night.

Posts: 22
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For anyone who missed it in the comics ((issue 141 I think?)) heres the pic of Remmy in the Egg Grape and it says his memory wipe is over half finished XP!

Posts: 80
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Perhaps Remmington's Egg Grape experience unearthed his memories as an infant and he recognized his father as Kragok?

Also, assuming that Remmington is the Forst Legion Grandmaster, I highly doubt Finitevus freed him. I mean, it was Remmington who basically shattered the DL, and Finitevus wants to reunify it.

Posts: 218
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Although at this point it seems more like Finitevus is intent on eliminating both sides. Or at least those who might make trouble for reunification (ie. Remmy and Lien-da).

You know, if the egg-grapes somehow unlocked part Remmington's repressed memories, after escaping, he might have tried to track down Simon and Floren-ca. As Julie-su's foster parents, they would most likely have kept track of the activities of her usurping siblings, especially anything concerning family affairs.

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No idea how Remington might have escaped the Zone of Silence, but I bet that the memory drain might have had something to do with him becoming evil. Maybe he was rescued by a member of the Dark Legion loyal to the Grandmasters but not to Lien-Da who knew who he was and told him, and he adopted Kragok's look out of respect for his father. The infant memory thing is a possiblity, of course, but if Remington had lost more than half his memories there's no telling that he would even remember Kragok, let alone being his son. Still, since Charmy's exposure didn't seem to have any real pattern, I suppose it's possible.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

This issue seemed more like a filler, but at least they summed up a few things.

Quote:Spinner Storm

Quote:Dark Aldran

-The Council of Acorn has been assembled (Already!!!). Sir Charles, Rosemary Prower, three of the substitute Freedom Fighters and Rotor make up the Council.

This pleases me.

Quotes whithin quotes disgust me. I'm not putting what was in bold. >_<

Anyway, if you wern't sure who the three sub. Freedom Fighters were, they were Dylan the Porcupine, Penelope Playtapus, and Hamlin the Pig. Arlo was conspicuosly absent; along with a skinnier Hamlin. Dylan also looked off, and Penelope din't receive any limelite at all. Glad that they are back, though (well, at least 3 out of 4 are).

I also agree with the somewhat lacking job of Jason Jenson. Turn back to issue 160 and compare it with this one. It's been let down quite a bit, and not as glossy. The fact the Yardly doesn't draw much background artwork (they are mostly in space) sort of lags a bit as well. I would also like the point out that Bean's webbed feet haven't been drawn in lately. Although, Julie's three fingered hand came back.

And it seems that Knuckles is going to be Enerjak, just as expected. Enerjak's hands/fists were pretty huge (If anybody can scan the last page where Enerjak is there, I would appreciate that). It's not easy to explain in words, but they look like Knuckles's fists. They were nothing more than a ball of fist around a thumb. Just the same way Knuckles's are.

Posts: 80
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If anybody can scan the last page where Enerjak is there, I would appreciate that

I second this.

Posts: 36
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Proud to deliver! =D

And yar, I defiantely see what you mean about the hands.

Posts: 128
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Posts: 1694
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Ooh la la!

I like.

Posts: 1376
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..S'not Knux >>

Dun even look like him. At all. Totally Wyn right there.

Posts: 36
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(Totally Wyn right there.)

HAHAHAHHA. Yeah, 'cuz Wyn is powerful/important/likely enough to be Enerjak.

Posts: 84
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still can't say for sure. i see how they cleverly obscure the fists again... and we can't judge on Enerjak's appearance alone. Dimitri looked different after his transformation into Enerjak. who's to say it is or isn't knux yet

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I am still of the opinion that it's Knux, but time will tell.

Actually, there was more than one member of the Sub. Freedom Fighters missing-in addition to Arlo, I didn't see Larry Lynx or Cyril the Eagle. Now, I haven't read all the comics yet and don't know about all the little plot developments, so feel free to correct me if those two got taken out or something. Otherwise, just thought I'd bring it up.

And while I know that it was probably a joke, I have to ask: Wynmacher? Why would Finitevus pick Wynmacher to be the next Enerjak when there are numerous better candidates? Wynmacher is just an average Echidna with no ambition that we've seen; there are plenty of other Echidnas who'd make a better choice. Again, I know that it was a joke, but I just had to get that off my chest.

Yes, clever fist who could Enerjak be that they would have to do that? (See first paragraph)

Posts: 22
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Its Sabre! *bricked* x_x

All kidding aside though the suspense is killing me >_>; I wanna know who it is XD;...

Posts: 1402
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And while I know that it was probably a joke, I have to ask: Wynmacher? Why would Finitevus pick Wynmacher to be the next Enerjak when there are numerous better candidates? Wynmacher is just an average Echidna with no ambition that we've seen; there are plenty of other Echidnas who'd make a better choice. Again, I know that it was a joke, but I just had to get that off my chest.

wyn being an average echidna was the joke spectre, there's no reason as to why he'd be a candidate.

Posts: 80
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I'm surprised that no one's noticed that Kage's last name is "Von Stryker" yet...

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