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Sonic 180...Now in Theaters

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Posts: 1127
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We noticed that in the Return to Angel Island arc. He's Von Stryker's son.

Posts: 1376
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That's cause Cyril is dead :o. Right? i mean I know everyone got deroboticized but he got SMASHED by Sonic way back when Sonic was badass and going to stop the Death Egg...O man--o wait, was that Carl Condor?

..I forgot. And Larry Lynx probably had good luck and died -.- Seriously >> I didn't like him. I dun like most luck-based chars EXCEPT Longshot.

Umm Ok Spec, you got me. I concdede that its not Wyn.

Its Locke of course. Why so? Fini tricked Locke into taking that Warp wing, but really, he just made Locke warp into a trap, where he was shackled down and forced to ingest Chaos Energy by the boatload. Why not use the closest relative to Knux :O-Who already augmented his body- Surely he can handle a bit more?

Fini tested Locke's compatibility with his plan when Locke and him helped to ensure the Master Emerald was not taken away by A.D.A.M. You saw the evil in his eyes, and that wittly lil statement.

"You just...keep up on your end"

>> Yeah he was scoping Locke out like a new pair of L.A. lights.

Locke went to extremes before, I'm sure that by the end of this Arc, he will have FINALLY seen what listening to the other side will entail-and he may not be so hasty to just up and fight for his one-sided views all the time.

Posts: 36
Eminent Member

While it's a good idea, it CAN'T be Locke.
Why? The #183 preview summary;

"Desperate Times": Sonic and Julie-Su have been abducted by Knuckles' father, Locke, who wants them to find the one weapon that will destroy Enerjak. But why don't our heroes want to use it? And can they even get a shot in edgewise as Enerjak and Dr. Eggman's army square off? It's a clash of the villainous titans that's sure to rock Sonic's world! "Ashes and Dust": This is it, the answers you've been waiting for! Learn the dark secrets behind Enerjak, Angel Island, the Guardians, the Dark Legion and more!

Posts: 1376
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EDIT: Maybe it is Locke, cause its like a split personality issue :O? Maybe its an issue of releasing the evil any Echidna can have.

Posts: 1402
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We noticed that in the Return to Angel Island arc. He's Von Stryker's son.

i'm almost positive that even though we all noticed it, but it wasn't made official till Dub said it.

Posts: 1127
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There's a sign in one of the issues that says Kage is his son...

Posts: 1402
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i must not have noticed it. granted i haven't read Rtai for awhile..

Posts: 128
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I noticed that Kage son thing when I was looking at Jon Gray's website before this discussion came out. I just kept it to myself because I didn't know if it was misleading or not and I didn't know how guys would respond.

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I just thought I'd bring up the absence of those two; I like complete information, and someone said that there were only four Sub Freedom Fighters when there were really six. Not to sound know-it-allish, but there you go.

Locke as Enerjak could be possible with the split personality thing; maybe he wants Julie and Sonic to find the weapon so it can't be used against him. But I'm pretty sure he was nowhere near Angel Island-due to Finitevus himself-and I figure that if Finitevus had wanted to make Locke Enerjak, he could have just had the Destructix knock him out and done it then. All signs point to Finitevus wanting Locke out of the way, and Knuckles' enhanced abilities make him a better candidate for the new Enerjak anyway.

Posts: 337
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That bow in Fiona's hair... while she's very willingly and eagerly thrown her lot in with the bad guys... I wonder if that bow represents the last little bit of good inside she's trying to stamp out.

Posts: 1567
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I'm guessing she had just grown attached to it...though it looks really awkward.

Posts: 981
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You might be on to something, Alex. But maybe torn is also right. She's probably attached to it because the bow is what little good she still has remained inside her.

Posts: 1127
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You're all wrong! I think the bow is glued to her hair! 😮

Posts: 5772
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'Tis some alien beast festering in her locks, says I!

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I don't really get the bow either; maybe it's symbolic, maybe it's not. All I know is that it definitely clashes with the villainess look, which otherwise she pulls off very well; spiky hair, black clothes-that Fox could give Lien-Da a run for her money as the most alluring female villain in the series...which isn't saying much, as with E.V.E.'s death in the Tossed in Space arc, they're virtually the only female villains in the series.

Posts: 1446
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I dunno, that Iron Queen was pretty sexy...

Posts: 273
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I just got my issue today...just in time as it seems I'm always late in joining these conversations. So, what's new that's either surprising me or interesting me? Not a whole heckuva lot. The only thing I ponder over is the identity of that second Dark Legion leader. It could be Remington, it could not be Remington. I'm all but apathetic at this point.

As for that new ballyhooed Knothole acts slower than Congress. It was nice to see Dylan again, but Tracey's iteration of him was not the Dylan I knew. And isn't he kinda young to be on the council? I always figured he was on par in age with the rest of the FFs.

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Well, Rotor's on there. And I guess the people figure if the kids could run Knothole without them, they could probably run New Mobotropolis as well (albeit with adults in the mix, now XD)

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It's like the situation with the U.S. and lowering the voting age to 18. People started complaining that if an 18-year old could go to war, then they should be able to vote. In this case, the Kingdom figures that if Dylan and the other Freedom Fighters are old enough to fight Robotnik, they're old enough to lead the Kingdom. Admittedly, they're somewhat slow, but they've just been instated. This is a new system that only a few of them have experience with, and it'll be a while before they iron out most of the kinks.

Unless I hear some strong evidence against, I say that the Frost Legion leader is Remington. Granted, there is the possiblity that he might not be, but they're virtually identical in appearance, and Remington is the only Grand Master who hasn't been killed or otherwise removed from power as well as the only guy who would have reason to imitate Kragok. Besides, along with the Grandmaster thing, would the Legion follow him if they didn't know he was a Grandmaster? That's always been their requirement before; they may follow the new Enerjak simply because they think he's Dimitri.

I hope that was a joke about the Iron Queen; she's freaky. By the way, has any mention been made of her or the Iron King since Sonic, Tails, and Monkey Khan beat them during the whole Nate Morgan/Ixis Naugus arc? Sonic HQ posted a page of proposed future plot developments where she came back and brainwashed Knuckles so she could steal the power of a Master Emerald-esque gem called the Master Geode, but by all appearances it appears to have fallen through. I mean, don't most villains in the mainstream comics at least get one additional appearance after their debut struggle with the heroes?

Just in case anyone hasn't heard of that page I mentioned or doubts that I'm telling the truth, here's a link:

Posts: 36
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I had a dream last night where Enerjak was a freakin' Egg Pawn. Those generic red robots from Sonic Heroes.

Posts: 1127
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That would be the most hilariously awesome thing to happen in the history of forever...

Posts: 2116
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You might be on to something, Alex. But maybe torn is also right. She's probably attached to it because the bow is what little good she still has remained inside her.

I wondered about that, too - but I didn't want to say anything until I'd actually read 180.

I still haven't. :-/

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Maybe she just, y'know, likes the bow. She wore it for a long time, stopped for a bit, decided she wanted it again. I do the same thing with my hairbands and such.

I think it's a fun accessory given her new look. Instead of being another villain in all black (Lien-Da), she's got a nice, bright accessory - a little odd juxtaposition can make things interesting visually.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


I wondered about that, too - but I didn't want to say anything until I'd actually read 180.

id it makes you feel any better, my comic shop didn't even get #179, it was the first time i think i've missed an issue.

Posts: 981
Noble Member


I wondered about that, too - but I didn't want to say anything until I'd actually read 180

The issue didn't give too much limelite on Fiona. So her actions wern't that simbolic to what the bow might represent.

Posts: 1127
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It represents that she likes to wear a bow. D:<

Posts: 1376
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I concur with the above statement.

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Gotta go with DL and Toby on this one; Fiona probably just likes wearing that thing. Maybe it has some symbolism-a momento of her lost innocence, a representation of whatever good might still be within her-but overall I think she just wants to wear it. Don't know why: it has no practical purpose and it really clashes with the rest of the outfit.

That must have been one seriously messed up dream...the idea of Finitevus rejecting Dimitri or Knuckles or any other Echidna for one of Robotnik's tin-plated toys is ridiculous, to say the least, not that anyone's actually saying this is true. Though it might be rather interesting if they'd actually had Metal Knuckles in the series and it turned out to be him...

Posts: 141
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Indeed. The whole bow issue could simply be, in a completely metaphorical sense, a poem that was really just talking about two paths or a frog getting run over by a lawnmower, instead about individualism or some vague testament about life and existentialism.

Whatever the case, it makes me wonder what Robotnik's little modifications to the Egg Grapes are. I swear, I'm growing more attached to those things with every passing issue... >_>;;

As for the SRA adaptation, I thought it was pretty good (although I imagine Sonic Team is slowly dying on the creativity sector; I mean, 'Johnny'? I mean, he DOES remind me of a certain Chrono Trigger figure, but...). I mean, isn't being thrown into some random crazy adventure in medias res the signature of Sonic and the gang in this kinda thing? xP

Posts: 1127
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Johnny's a pirate name... and he's a pirate.

It works.

Posts: 141
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*Shrugs* Well, yes I suppose so (If you stick 'Depp' on the end; Johnny just seems to bring a '60s dude with a pompadour to mind more than a pirate xP). And it is better than ... I dunno... Something like [Insert Adjective Here][Insert Noun Here] the [Insert Second Adjective here] (i.e. Bluebeard the Strong, Steelfang the Witty, etc.)

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Who else wonders when Archie is going to start wrapping up these game adapts that they've come out with? I mean, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Rush, and now Sonic Rush Adventure; who knows when we're going to see these things again?

Posts: 141
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Well, a lot of them were "Wanna see what happens next? Play the game to find out!!" Even though, some of them didn't really have all that much to do with the storylines of the games themselves *koffsonicriderskoff* xP

Anyways, I guess it's really a nod to the team who got the comic book started in the first place. I mean, no Sonic Team = no Archie Sonic = a number of artists, writers, editors, etc. either working somewhere else or sitting with paper cups filled with change in some intersection in NY or something. xP

Posts: 1446
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From Ian:


We usually work six months ahead of the current issue. While you all are enjoying STH#180 at the end of September, I'm already finishing up the script that will be running in March. The short time I've been on the book, we're typically given advance material from the games three months before release (if we do a tie-in). This leaves us with very little room to change plans and produce a story. So we could throw the entire continuity off by a few month and try to rush out lead stories, or we can do a back-up that brings in some of the game elements and allows us plenty of room to make things mesh down the road. On top of that, a 5-6 page back-up is much easier to produce quickly and accurate to the game's elements. It's the path of least resistance and the greatest rewards.

There is nothing "snotty" about the final tag lines encouraging you to play the games. If you're going to play the game, why would you want to lose a month or more of story to something you already know? If you're not going to play the games, you either hit up Wikipedia or wait for us to weave it into our universe.

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

Well there ya go. From Ian. End of discussion, eh? xP

Well, yes, getting what the programmers and such three months before release doesn't give very much of a finalized storyline, doesn't it (Depending on the game and whether or not there are any significant bugs)?

But like I said, it's really a homage to Sonic Team, as well as the possibility of brining in new characters and peoples. (I wonder how Black Arms vs. Xorda is going...)

Back to 180...>>;

Posts: 1376
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>> There was a war between Black Arms and Xorda? What? I never knew this.

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Posts: 1376
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Ian..I'm sorry you felt like you had to answer that. I was being totally sarcastic with that response.

Still doesn't let me off the hook for not reading the last 30 issues though, dosen't it. lol

Posts: 173
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Well, I finally managed to get ahold of the issue last Thursday although I didn't get the time to say anything about it until now.

I really felt bad for the Chaotix. What were the Knothole Council thinking? I don't remember exactly if Angel Island was the original home of all of the Chaotix memebers but they spent enough time on it to become deeply connected to it. Then add to that the disappearance of their best friend Knuckles and how do you expect them to stay behind? Grr. I hope they sneak off to Angel Island on their own.

I was not a really big fan of the Knuckles' series as a whole, or of the Echidna world. I liked Knuckles' original mini-series but I stopped subscribing to his main series after the first 3 issues. I do, however, fondly remember the original Enerjak storyline. I remember how long that month was between Knuckles Mini #1 and Mini #2 -- What's Knux going to do? Enerjak just bashed the crap out of them and now he's stuck in a wasteland! So I am very excited for this plotline.

This issue didn't have alot going on in it, but I'm guessing that it did all of the required build-up so that the next issue can really jump into the heat of things so I'm willing to go along with it.

Also, I liked Ian's interpretation of Marine. After palying Sonic Rush Adventure I'm actually pretty fond of her. Even if she crossed over dimensions she probably wouldn't be that great of an addition to hte Archie class since she literally does nothing but annoy the other characters anyway. But I'm still fond of her.

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I doubt the Chaotix will be sneaking off to Angel Island; not only have they agreed to stay in New Mobotropolis, but Enerjak's going to be heading their way soon enough and I doubt that they'll even have the chance. Sonic and Tails have gone to see about Knuckles, though the evidence seems to indicate that both of those problems are intimately connected-namely, that Knux is Enerjak, and he's not gonna be happy to see the Chaotix again at any rate. Still, hasn't been confirmed, so I'll shut up about it.

I like the Knuckles series, both the mini-series and the 32 issue one. I just wish it could have gone longer. Enerjak's three part appearances in the past have been awesome, and the four-part (five if you count #180) run he's on now looks to be a landmark series approaching the epicness of EndGame!

Yeah, this was a buildup issue; no real action, and it just informs you where everyone's going to be in #181. Marine looks like a fun character; I just wonder how many years it'll be before she shows up in another issue.

(Heh, that last one was one of my jokes; I doubt it'll be that long).

Posts: 2116
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Am I the only person who reads 180 and thinks that now that Fiona's got Scourge full-time, she's starting to realise what she's gotten herself into?

Sonic's not exactly a gentleman, but the amount of bickering going on there suggests that life on the dark side may not be as much fun as she was expecting.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

Go to bed with the devil, and you'll wake up in hell.

Of course, since it's a children's comic, I expect that she'll have some sort of change of heart, apologize, and be accepted back as if nothing even happened.

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I think it more likely that Fiona would be upset with who Scourge is working with; she doesn't like Finitevus, but she's willing to put up with him for Scourge. She's not like Rouge, who left Finitevus not long after "joining" him because she realized he was completely evil. Fiona knows that about Finitevus, or at least thinks he's "creepy", but I'll doubt she'll leave on that count. Of course, if she were thinking about it, I'll doubt she'll take the chance now that Enerjak's come to the party.

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