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Sonic #180/ Sonic X #24 previews

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Posts: 1127
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Or, you know, Scourge could stick around, and Fiona likes being a bad guy.

Posts: 1567
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So is Zonic officially dead or something? I mean, Scourge has been running around for quite some time, surely that had to catch his attention

Posts: 1127
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If anything, Scourge would stand more of a chance against Zonic now.

Posts: 1402
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So is Zonic officially dead or something? I mean, Scourge has been running around for quite some time, surely that had to catch his attention

so has robotnik, and before anyone can argue, Robo Robotnik jumped zones, which is directly against Zonic's "rules" so if anyone should be taken in, it'd be robotnik first. scourge should come second.

Posts: 133
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I missed all the Enerjak awesomeness. It'll be interesting to see how exactly they take a floating robotic head and bring him back, though.


So is Zonic officially dead or something? I mean, Scourge has been running around for quite some time, surely that had to catch his attention

Apparently Zonic isn't very good at fighting Evil Sonic (112), and would probably get killed trying to face him now.

So, that in mind, if Evil Sonic escaped again, he'd probably take a different approach...which may be where Fiona comes in, though she may very well just be a brat who's fallen into the mix. If she IS a double-agent of sorts, she'd be in prime position to figure out a way to beat him or put him off guard.

Speaking of those two, this makes eight months without an appearance now. Where the heck are they? XD

Posts: 2016
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Speaking of those two, this makes eight months without an appearance now. Where the heck are they? XD

Scourge works for Fini, doesn't he? So we should see him by at least ish 180.

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Well folks, we've all seen the preview for Sonic #180. Enerjak is coming back, and I'll bet a lot of my fellow fans out there are as excited as me. The thing is, what does Enerjak's comeback mean?

Sure, we all know that Eggman and Sonic are going to do a lame temporary alliance because Enerjak is so powerful and evil that he's a bigger threat to both of them than they are to each other. But what kind of threat is he going to present? Will it be him backed by a reunified Dark Legion, complete with Remington and Lien-Da, or will it just be him with the Destructix at his back?

For that matter, how's Enerjak going to look? Does anyone think that he's going to get his full body back, or is he going to return as some kind of functionally omnipotent head? Will he keep the classic Echidna general look from the good old days, or is he going to come back sporting some new threads?

Most importantly, we have the possible battles that are going to take place. I for one am going to kill Archie if they do a repeat of A.D.A.M.'s final battle and have him fighting Sonic; ol' A.D.A.M. was so a Tails villain. As such, Sonic shouldn't have been the one to be throwing all the punches at him. In Enerjak's case, Knuckles had better be the one who ends up fighting him, and it had better be a match to remember. Personally, I'm hoping for a long awaited comeback from none other than Knuckles' ultimate incarnation: Chaos Knuckles!

Anyway, that's just my opinion. What's yours?

Posts: 1583
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No green Knuckles thank you very much. Got enough of that the first time around and I'm not interested in seeing it again until I'm around 80 years old (that's 50+ years away).

Obviously you're assuming that Dimitri is going to be Enerjak. That's not a given for a variety of reasons already mentioned in the topic.

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Well, if you don't like Chaos Knuckles, that's your opinion.

As for Dimitri not being Enerjak, I say that would be just plain stupid. Sure, I've heard some fans say that Finitevus should be the new one, but that just seems lame. Finitevus hasn't even got the chance to demonstrate his power against Sonic, Knuckles, or their friends yet; it would be dumb to make him a new Enerjak. And I really can't think of anyone else good for the job.

Posts: 409
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I say that would be just plain stupid.

I say having a floating head as Enerjak is "just plain stupid."

It's quite obvious that Finitevus has been looking for power, and I don't see why he can't use it now that he has the Master Emerald in his grasp. Dimitri absorbed 11 emeralds back in the day. I don't see why Finitevus, with all of his crazy powers he already has, can't absorb the Master Emerald composed of 14 emeralds. Theoretically, that power would succeed that of the original Enerjak's.

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Yeah, but it would be lame because Finitevus hasn't demonstrated that he's perfectly capable of taking on the Freedom Fighters without a huge Chaos energy powerup. He should do that, or at least try and fail, before trying to rip off Dimitri.

Posts: 1583
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Well, if you don't like Chaos Knuckles, that's your opinion.

Obviously. Overly super powered heroes rarely make interesting battles (re: previous issues with "green" Knuckles and recently Titan Tails) because it no longer makes sense to have one once the "heroes" are more powerful than the villain. The reason Knux vs. Enerjak was so nice was because Knux was the obvious underdog. The reason I love #56 was due to the fact that the villain (re: Mogul) was a zillion times more powerful than everyone else. The characters don't need to do anything more than go to their "super" level at most.


As for Dimitri not being Enerjak, I say that would be just plain stupid.

Which is only your opinion. ;p

I can't see Dimitri being Enerjak considering Finitevus is obviously pulling the strings unless somehow Finitevus was still controlling everything.

Personally, I rather they do something totally radical and acknowledge something no one really ever talks about. Dimitri took the name "Enerjak" in honor of something from echidna lore. How about having the "real" Enerjak instead of the pretenders. ;p

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Well, if you don't like Chaos Knuckles, that's your opinion.

Obviously. Overly super powered heroes rarely make interesting battles (re: previous issues with "green" Knuckles and recently Titan Tails) because it no longer makes sense to have one once the "heroes" are more powerful than the villain. The reason Knux vs. Enerjak was so nice was because Knux was the obvious underdog. The reason I love #56 was due to the fact that the villain (re: Mogul) was a zillion times more powerful than everyone else. The characters don't need to do anything more than go to their "super" level at most.

Well, I would actuallly hope more for a battle where somehow Enerjak and Chaos Knuckles reappear at near equal strength. If it was unclear who was the underdog, then that would make it even more interesting. Sure, we all love it when the guy who's obviously overmatched wins, but I'd like to see what would happen when the characters seem to be virtually equal in strength.

As for Dimitri not being Enerjak, I say that would be just plain stupid.

Which is only your opinion. ;p

I can't see Dimitri being Enerjak considering Finitevus is obviously pulling the strings unless somehow Finitevus was still controlling everything.

Personally, I rather they do something totally radical and acknowledge something no one really ever talks about. Dimitri took the name "Enerjak" in honor of something from echidna lore. How about having the "real" Enerjak instead of the pretenders. ;p

I know it's only my opinion.

You've definitely got a point; maybe Finitevus' origin story that I keep wanting to know about is that he's a minion of whoever Enerjak's namesake is come to find a way to bring his master to Mobius from wherever he's at. That would certainly make an interesting plot. Still, at this point I'm remaining loyal to Dimitri coming back as Enerjak.

Posts: 133
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Dr. Fin is pretty smart...what if he managed to create a clone body for Dimitri, and transferred Enerjak's power to that? I'm sure he'd design the clone to accept him as a master, thus giving him Enerjak at his command.

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Dimitri getting a clone body definitely sounds plausible; I have a friend who actually did that in a fanfic once. Certainly, it sounds better than Finitevus becoming Enerjak or Enerjak coming back as nothing more than a floating head. If Dimitri is Enerjak again, then either the clone thing or Chaos energy regenerating his body sound like the best explanations for how he would be back to his old self.

Posts: 67
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Though Dimintri getting to be Enerjak again seems quite...clique. I think it'd be better if Fin was Enerjak.

By the way, Spectre the H, don't suppose 'Netraptor' rings a bell with you does it?

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The way I see it, Lord Specter, Dimitri getting to be Enerjak again would just be Archie showing loyalty to the golden age of the comics-for once. Virtually everything else has been screwed up, so they might as well give one of their characters some of his dignity back.

Why, yes, yes it does. I happen to be a bigtime fanfic author over on Netraptor. Why, do you like my work?

Posts: 1446
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ersonally, I rather they do something totally radical and acknowledge something no one really ever talks about. Dimitri took the name "Enerjak" in honor of something from echidna lore. How about having the "real" Enerjak instead of the pretenders. ;p

This sounds like a delicious piece of backstory I've somehow missed; care to fill in the details for me? =D

Posts: 462
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I'm rooting for Remmyjak. Dmitri the all powerful was done before and it seemed like he regreted it afterwards. Fini's heritage is unsure, but Remmington is Dmitri's descendant and I think only the Legion bloodline can assume the Enerjak form. So I'm hoping Fini is using poor Remmy as his (perhaps unwilling) vessel. He strikes me more as a behind-the-scenes supervillain anyway.
But hey I've been wrong before and no doubt will be again. I've liked most plot twists (Tommy Turtle notwithstanding) so's it will be cool with me no matter how this one goes down.
p.s. I got a chuckle out of the Archie golden age comments. I half expect Knuckles to start yelling "Shazam!" when fighting the Destructix (soon to be re-renamed the Mobian Society of Evil).

Posts: 1567
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Remmyjak? Okay I'm going to say I wasn't thinking of that possibility but it does sound plausible.

Yea I really want Dimitri back as Enerjak but he doesn't seem like he'd do it again. I don't know. Fini as a behind the scenes villain seems to be the best description of him...

Posts: 1376
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No green Knuckles thank you very much. Got enough of that the first time around and I'm not interested in seeing it again until I'm around 80 years old (that's 50+ years away).

Lies! ;_; We sat on top of concrete walls in New York discussing our common love for the Chaos imbued Echidna! How dare you take that for granted!

::Goes against Embargo, steals a plushie and some Fries::

As for the true Enerjak-theory, we'll that was already leaked.

We all know its "Aurora" before she became the embodiment of knowledge. 'Sonly way, got bathed into Chaos energy so much she went wracked with power {I say she, it could be a he.)-died and decided to use the power she now had to aid the world. Only now she's sick of the crap and comes back to wreck some CHAOS! {pun intended!)

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Well, I guess Remington could be the new Enerjak, but I have to make the same argument I did with Finitevus. Remington hasn't demonstrated that he's a decent fighting villain-assuming he's actually a villain now-without the aid of some major, omnipotence-esque power up. It would be kind of stupid for Archie to finally "reveal" him as the Frost Legion Grand Master, only to immediately turn him into Enerjak. And in regards to the whole idea of the Enerjak form being passed along the bloodline, I suppose it's possible, but not something that sounds likely.

I don't think Aurora is the original Enerjak. Sure, it sounds kind of cool, but I just don't think Archie is going to go for that whole "villain repents and becomes a deity" idea. If Dimitri took the name from an evil that really existed, I think it more likely that Aurora helped defeat him (yes, him; Enerjak is not a girl name), thus earning her "divine status."

And Amen to you, Darkest Light: Chaos Knuckles rules!

Posts: 173
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*folds arms.* My sister's name is Enerjak. You tryin' to imply something?

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I highly doubt that your sister's name is really Enerjak. I'm not trying to imply anything, I'm just saying that Enerjak doesn't sound at all like a girl's name.

Posts: 1583
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Well, I would actuallly hope more for a battle where somehow Enerjak and Chaos Knuckles reappear at near equal strength.

Chaos Knuckles >>>>>> Enerjak in terms of power. It's not a contest. The only characters in the comic that have been more powerful than Chaos Knuckles are Titan Tails and Mammoth Mogul (who was defeated by Titan Tails). The only thing that could even remotely make it a contest would be to knock Knuckles' IQ down.


This sounds like a delicious piece of backstory I've somehow missed; care to fill in the details for me? =D

It's not really a backstory you'd find in any issue. This is something that Ken Penders had in mind that was discussed on his board (and to some extent here) 5-6 years ago. It got buried when the Ultimate Villain stuff started and no one has mentioned it since. I've never forgotten it though because I loved that idea so much.


::Goes against Embargo, steals a plushie and some Fries::

Go ahead. I've got 2 real ones to keep me company. **pats the Knux plushie by her computer**

So 😛

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Well, True Red, I'd like to see Archie come up with some plot development where Enerjak DOES become equal in power to Chaos Knuckles. Maybe he could absorb the seven fused Chaos Emeralds along with the Master Emerald-I don't know.

In regards to absorbing the Master Emerald, I think there might be a bit of numerical confusion. Since Mogul escaped with his Chaos Emerald, I'm pretty sure the Master only has the power of 13 original Chaos Emeralds. Besides, if Finitevus drains off that power to bring back Enerjak-whether through Dimitri, himself, or someone else-he'd probably only drain 12 of those, given that at least one seems necessary to keep Angel Island from plummeting. As the Dark Legion and Echidnaopolis are situated on the island and would die if it fell, I think Finitevus would want to keep it aloft.

Addressing whoever was talking about Zonic the Zone Cop, he probably hasn't come to Mobius Prime in a while because he feels that Sonic and co. can handle things without him. Besides, he failed to defeat Evil Sonic singlehandedly, so its unlikly he could do any better against the more powerful Scourge. Furthermore, he's probably trying to clean up the mess left by Mammoth Mogul's destruction of so many universes.

Posts: 1583
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In regards to absorbing the Master Emerald, I think there might be a bit of numerical confusion. Since Mogul escaped with his Chaos Emerald, I'm pretty sure the Master only has the power of 13 original Chaos Emeralds.

Mogul didn't escape with his chaos emerald. He used power rings to keep himself going until he was able to siphon off power from Tails (re: Sonic #95-114) and Knuckles (Sonic #117-118).

Posts: 1127
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Actually, I believe he did keep his emerald, as he attacked Sonic with it in issue #114, and was then trapped inside of it in issue #151.

Posts: 1583
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If you mean that he had a "rock in his chest"--then yes. But that's not what I consider having a chaos emerald because it had to be powerless or else he wouldn't have needed power rings to keep himself alive. He could've stayed alive on just the one chaos emerald as he has for thousands/millions of years (depending the issue).

Posts: 1376
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It looked more like a cancer lump, really. XD A REALLY bad case of cancer. And poo @ u having a Knux plushie finally. Taking all the fun outta it. Must think of counter plan.

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True Red, don't take this the wrong way, but it seems as though your purpose on this website is to shoot down everything I thought I knew about the comics. Okay, so I guess your right about the Chaos Emerald in Mogul's chest; that doesn't mean that Finitevus still can't drain all the Master Emerald's power unless he wants to send the island plummeting. Assuming that at least one Emerald's power is necessary-and since they've never tried using less, I'd bet they'd be cautious-to keep Angel Island aloft, then Enerjak would only be possessed of the power of 13 Chaos Emeralds. Of course, that's one more than Master Mogul's original appearance featured, so that's still pretty powerful.

Posts: 462
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I don't think she's doing it to be mean. TR is the owner/founder of a gigantic Knuckles fansite (among other credentials), she can probly trump us all on Echidna trivia.
The purpose of the forum is debate and discussion. People come up with ideas all the time. If they can be disproven, someone will point it out. It's not like we're all on a quest for some Badge of Rightness and must slay 100 newbie ideas to get it, we're in it for a fun time.
Keep throwing your ideas around, one day you may hit pay dirt. But don't take it too hard if someone notices a flaw. ^__^

Posts: 2116
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For the record: she's also an Admin and has SHQ webmaster experience, as well as running one of the larger Knuckles sites. I know that it doesn't make her better than anyone else, but it does mean that she's got a lot of knowledge, experience and archives to fall back on.

Like Miss Puar said: don't take it personal if someone doesn't agree or has a counter-argument. People aren't here scalp-hunting, but their own opinions mean that if they see something that they see as an inconsistency, you might be called on to defend things occasionally.

Posts: 1583
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What Miss Puar said. When it comes to the Archie series, I have a vast knowledge of Knuckes-related trivia (because I'm obsessed with it) that I know from memory recall and a lot of Sonic-related trivia from what I own (Sonic #29 to most of the present). I, as do plenty of others here, "correct" everyone, new or old. I get corrected myself sometimes, especially on stuff I don't know about because I don't own the issue or I had a faulty recall. No one knows everything. I have a ton of posts here (spread out on about 4 major accounts & several minor ones) because I'm not shy about sharing my opinion most of the time. 😉

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Well, TR, I'm not shy about sharing my opinion either. I will admit that your knowledge exceeds mine; it's my curse for not having any of the Sonic comics at my disposal. If I did, then you and I would be contending for the Archie trivia master title. As it is, I'm also obsessed with Knuckles-related trivia; he's my favorite character, and I enjoy learning more about him. My compliments to you on spreading the facts about our favorite Echidna.

Posts: 1446
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it's my curse for not having any of the Sonic comics at my disposal.

Thanks not trivia, it's looking up the answers. :nono

You're gonna find there's lots of people on this forum who have quite an in-depth knowledge of the comic; it really doesn't need to be turned into a competition.

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MattManic, has it ever occurred to you that all the trivia is likely located in the comics? I'd read them to find stuff out, not just look in them whenever I needed a little fact. That's not "looking up the answer"; that's "committing the answer to memory."

Posts: 1127
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Posts: 1446
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it's my curse for not having any of the Sonic comics at my disposal. If I did, then you and I would be contending for the Archie trivia master title

Either you're saying you don't have the comics with you ("at my disposal") and that if you did you'd be able to answer more trivia questions given to you; or you're saying you don't have any Sonic comics, period ("not having any of"), so your claim seems a bit heavy-handed, to put it mildly.

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Well if you have to get technical, MattManic, I don't have any Sonic comics period. However, I would like to attest that if I did, then I would have absorbed a good many facts from them-I have a very good memory.

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