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Sonic #184/Sonic X #29 previews!

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an may have done quite a bit of good, but he screwed up Sonic and thus has screwed up the story. Not that Sonic didn't have an ego before, but it wasn't as pronounced.

sonic was too busy making out with sally to have an ego. if anything sonic (comic) is more like the actual sonic now then he was then.


I just wish the story could be like it was pre-issue #125: no love triangles,

uhh, yeah right. i seem to remember a rather large love triangle that felt like it took up most of the book at the time.


no feuds between friends,

i dunno, sonic being labeled as a traitor in endgame comes to mind. sonic and tails going at it in horizontal and vertical's universe, sonic and knuckles' uneasy alliance for that short time. yeah i think that might count as a few short lived but still there feuds.


just good old fashioned butt-kicking with a little romance thrown

yeah because i really want to read about how Robotnik didn't do anything for like 30 issues and how they all reacted to it. also i wasn't too fond of the Public displays of affection betweend sonic and sally, it diminishes sonic's character to be tied down (as #134 proved)


supervillains who haven't been diminished by a few years of issues!

hello? Robotnik was the only villain for a very long time, up till the xorda atleast. after ian jumped on the book we had a full rogue cast for our heroes to fight. not just one villain who got beat alot but still tried to think that he was still superior to everybody.

so long story short, if you don't feel like reading my post anyways.
i don't agree with 1 thing you've said spectre.

Posts: 356
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I do agree with you Spectre as to what I would like the Sonic comic to be, for the most part.

Posts: 1446
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I agree with hyper - those of you who say Ian has made Sonic into an egomaniac and is killing the book, care to explain how?

Posts: 622
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Since when has Sonic not had an ego?

His intial appearence was all about slapping people in the face with how much "attitude" he had.

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Look, I'm not saying Sonic's never had an ego; it's just that he wasn't always an attention-stealing jerk. Ever since he broke up with Sally (bad move Archie, I don't care what anyone says) he's been more moody, less considerate of his friends' feelings, and all around a total loser.

Sally and Sonic's breakup strikes me as a bad development. Romance doesn't have to tie a character down, it can give him something more to fight for than friendship, truth, justice, and so on. A guy fighting for his girl is a heck of a lot more impressive and touching than a guy who's just doing it for a thrill.

As for the rogues cast that have come in since Ian took over, sure he's brought in a ton of new villains, but in the latest issues he's been either killing them off or doing the indignity of leaving them in a position where they couldn't be a threat to the gum on the bottom of Sonic's shoe, let alone Sonic himself. Unless Mogul and Naugus get their acts together and become more powerful, A.D.A.M. returns from the dead, Feist starts acting like a real bad guy and Enerjak sticks around in some new form, all we've got is Robotnik, who truth be told is usually a rather unimpressive villain. I mean, the latest thing he came out with was a robotic shellfish, for Pete's sake! They should have left him dead after #50-EndGame was the perfect climax for Sonic and Robotnik's antagonism, and since then it's pretty much gone downhill with a few spikes along the way.

Sure, pre-125 issues had their problems too (I forgot about the Mina thing, that should have gotten the boot) but I'd say they were better than some of the slop we have to read now. I am digging the Enerjak arc, but everyone knows that Enerjak is most likely going to be gone again when it's over with no chance of coming back until we're all in our eighties while the Sonic characters are still in their teens.

Look, we can all find something to dislike about the comics, I'm just putting in my say. Agree with me or not, you can't blame me for wanting to talk about it.

EDIT: That was back when he was incompetent and didn't even know how to waterproof his robots.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


I mean, the latest thing he came out with was a robotic shellfish, for Pete's sake!

Hey, remember Crabmeat?

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


Look, I'm not saying Sonic's never had an ego; it's just that he wasn't always an attention-stealing jerk. Ever since he broke up with Sally (bad move Archie, I don't care what anyone says) he's been more moody, less considerate of his friends' feelings, and all around a total loser.

that wasn't ian's fault, ken was the one who wrote #150. he's the one who started evil sonic flirting with quite literally EVERYONE he came in contact with. then the whole sonic/fiona thing. it was purely damage control on ian's part.


Sally and Sonic's breakup strikes me as a bad development. Romance doesn't have to tie a character down, it can give him something more to fight for than friendship, truth, justice, and so on. A guy fighting for his girl is a heck of a lot more impressive and touching than a guy who's just doing it for a thrill.

The fact is, Romance DID tie him down. i explained this already earlier.


As for the rogues cast that have come in since Ian took over, sure he's brought in a ton of new villains, but in the latest issues he's been either killing them off or doing the indignity of leaving them in a position where they couldn't be a threat to the gum on the bottom of Sonic's shoe, let alone Sonic himself.

Versus them not being in the comic at all! I'd rather have ADAM and Tommy dead within a supersonic fight then ADAM being nicole's makeshift boyfriend and Tommy STILL being alive. naugus even though he's depowered now, was trapped in the zone of silence for the umpteenth freaking time. Mogul was off doing god knows what, and the destructix were loosely organized. Feist was still in the zone of silence being non threatening or not helpful at all. and nack wouldn't have been seen for another 50 issues. i'd rather these guys be in jail then them not being there because the author doesn't feel like being creative enough to bring them back.


Sure, pre-125 issues had their problems too (I forgot about the Mina thing, that should have gotten the boot) but I'd say they were better than some of the slop we have to read now. I am digging the Enerjak arc, but everyone knows that Enerjak is most likely going to be gone again when it's over with no chance of coming back until we're all in our eighties while the Sonic characters are still in their teens.

the last few story arcs have not been "slop" we finally have a continuity again.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Okay, guys, cut it out. I come here to read the previews, not see blow after blow of a grudge match taking place.



Witness Lien-Da at her most desperate, making a dark deal to regain her power! But... will there be a dastardly catch?

Anyone have an idea as to what deal she'll make, and with who? I'm gonna guess Robotnik, because ain't he also a player in this game?

Posts: 1402
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it's not even a grudge match, i'm pointing out why ian isn't a bad writer.

on topic: who knows? probably finitevus he seems like the most obvious choice.

Posts: 1694
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Ian wasn't the one who gave us the monstrosity known as Titan Tails, so that gives him a lot of bonus points in my book.

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Okay, okay, so I'm being too opinionated again; I'm sorry. There are just a few elements of the issues since Ian took over that I do not like at all; surely you can all understand that? Let's just leave it be, and we can each hold to our own opinions.

I wonder who Lien-Da is making that desperate deal with? It could be Finitevus, but I seriously doubt she's desperate enough to trust him after he's betrayed her at least once-and that once was a biggie. Then again, who else is she supposed to make a deal with? Hopefully, it won't be Robotnik; I'm sick and tired of characters making deals with Robotnik, and she hates him anyway.

Having a conversation with a friend of mine over on DA, I had a startling thought; what if Archy is the one who's going to pay the ultimate price to save Knuckles? I mean, I hope that he won't, but he was pretty shook up in #181 about Knuckles going bad on his watch.

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

Adding to what I was saying, I don't blame Ian for Sonic's latest fight with Tails, he inheriated that plot point from Ken. It is going to be interesting to watch Lien-Da, maybe she is acting strange because she is desparate, we'll see.

I am only responding to hypershadow(I hope I don't get in trouble). I admit Sonic and Sally making out can be overdone at times, and this is coming from a Sonic and Sally fan. Also, I agree with Spectre that Sonic being in a relationship with Sally(or anyone)does not have to hold Sonic back. In fact I think Sonic not being in a study/stable relationship with a girl(of course I want it to be Sally)has hurt Sonic's image, right or wrong Sonic comes across as kind of cold to some fans. I respect a hero who fights for family, friends, and a love, than one who fights for adventure.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


Also, I agree with Spectre that Sonic being in a relationship with Sally(or anyone)does not have to hold Sonic back. In fact I think Sonic not being in a study/stable relationship with a girl(of course I want it to be Sally)has hurt Sonic's image, right or wrong Sonic comes across as kind of cold to some fans. I respect a hero who fights for family, friends, and a love, than one who fights for adventure.

Ok, i've said this already i believe twice, him being in a relationship DID hold him back.

also, sonic's personality is all about adventure. it's the driving force behind almost all of his actions. that's just who he is.

Posts: 1376
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E<--------------xcept that without the concept of a relationship in the first place, it would have been hard to establish Sally and the other freedom fighters as nothing more than secondary characters. We all know Sonic is really not a team player at heart.

He needs connections to hold himself back-hence his love for Tails, a love interest in Sally, real true friendships with all those he grew up with, all that. It was never holding him back, he was actually just maturing into role he's playing now.

Now, to see if it pays off...

Posts: 337
Reputable Member

And thus, Knuckles 'liberating' the legion of their cybernetic overlooked the simple fact that these guys AREN'T robotocized! They CHOSE to have their body parts replaced! Knux didn't take the violation one step further by brainwashing them into hating technology, which would have actually fixed things.

In short, Lien-Da and her fellows want to be cyborgs again, because for them, that's who they see themselves as! They see themselves WITHOUT their cybernetics as unnatural!

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Thank you for your support DC, and blow it out your exhaust hypershadow. I will admit that at times being in a relationship has restricted Sonic in some ways, but not in any way that I think hurts his character. Sure, he's all about adventure, but the adventurer needs someone to come home to! I'm not saying Archie has to bring back the big kissie-kissie scenes; a hug here and there, a peck on the cheek every once in a while, maybe a big kiss after they've defeated an apocolyptic threat-is that really too much to ask?

Now, let me point out a lasting relationship in the comics that has worked out: Knuckles and Julie-Su. Now, I will admit that there are some big differences, namely that Julie-Su goes out into the field with Knuckles to make sure he's safe rather than waiting for him to come back like Sally used to with Sonic, but having a girlfriend hasn't tied Knuckles down. If anything, having Julie-Su around gives him a tender chink in his armor that is much better than that stupid gullibility he used to have (one thing Archie did right was getting rid of most of that), but she provides the support he needs to get back up when having friends or family as motivation just isn't enough. Sonic's biggest battles usually involved him pushing himself to his limits because Sally was in danger, and he wasn't about to let her down. Knux and Julie are the same way, except that Julie's almost always right in the thick of it. (Don't you dare insult Knux's romance, hypershadow; you touch Knux and Julie, and you will pay for it.)

Alex makes good points; I find it rather interesting that a number of Dark Legionnaires didn't like being Dark Legionnaires and having their body parts replaced. Really, they only did it to satisfy the edicts of their culture. As for Knux brainwashing them, he probably could have, but he's never had his people's aversion towards advanced technology-not that he uses it-and the new Enerjak is all about helping his people, not forcing his will upon them. Of course, he didn't ask anyone if they wanted to go to Albion, but it's certainly better than the original Enerjak's conquest deal.

Lien-Da and her loyalists are probably the Legion old guard: those who are dedicated body, mind, and soul to the ideals set forth by the original generation of the Legion. Over time, the rest of the Legion has probably lost its conviction (hence their dislike of mechanical parts) and followed the path out of loyalty to their traditions instead of their own personal desires-though it's not like they had much of a choice. The old guard of the Legion see their cyborg parts as a way of making themselves better, of ataining the perfection that lies beyond them as purely biological beings.

Knuckles, by contrast, obviously dislikes any blending of natural and artificial life. He's proved this twice in the series: in Mobius: 25 Years Later, the future Knuckles' reshaping of Mobius began with Julie-Su having her cyborg parts restored to organic form; and in #181, where he turns the Dark Legionnaires into normal Echidnas. I'm wondering if he'll repeat M25YL with Julie-Su, or if he might turn Bunnie and Jules (Sonic's father, of course) back into their normal forms. Nate Morgan and the Bem may not have been able to do it, but if anyone could, it would be Enerjak.

Posts: 337
Reputable Member

And the writers decide to write Bunnie totally out of the picture in spite of her being the golden contradiction.
She's ACCEPTED who and what she is, she doesn't see herself as unnatural. She proves Enerjak's point of view wrong.

Heh. I could make a comparison here, but it's a topic that's been pathetically hyper stimulated in our western culture to the point of always sparking an all out brawl, so I can't.

I just think that Enerjak could have ASKED the Legionars who wanted to stay part machine and who didn't.

Posts: 1127
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Relationship discussions? In MY Sonic forum?!

Posts: 207
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It's more likely than you think.

Posts: 622
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Don't you dare insult Knux's romance, hypershadow; you touch Knux and Julie, and you will pay for it.

I'm sorry... you're threatening someone for potentially expressing an opinion contrary to your own? On the topic of fictional characters, no less? Nice move, there. You're a shining beacon of fairness and maturity.

Oh, and relationshiptalktaboo.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

As you can see, this is why we have the "relationship" rule for this forum. It almost always ends badly and tends to derail topics into emotional chaos.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

In an attempt to steer this back ontopic so it doesn't get locked, I'm sure that there's gonna be hell that Knuckles is gonna have to pay. I'm sure that the FFs and Chaotix will be understanding if he was manipulated, but I don't think the Dark Legion is going to be that understand.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


(Don't you dare insult Knux's romance, hypershadow; you touch Knux and Julie, and you will pay for it.)

i never insulted anyone. but if i wanted to, i would and there's nothing you could do to stop me. btw, i'm all in favor of knuxXjuliesu so don't make assumptions like that if you don't know the other person's feelings on it.

on to alex's post: why would enerjak ask the legionaires if they wanted there cybernetics gone? the whole point was that he did it because he thinks it's the right thing to do, regardless of who cares.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

This si true. And see, he's gonna do it to Bunnie and Bunnie is gonna go all N'awleans on his butt, and get a hit in and Kux is gonan go " RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR" for 20 pages adn then we'll pick up 182 zand Knuxjak is gonna go "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR IM POWERING UP"

Sonic: Jeesz, what's his power level.
Tail: ITS OVER 9000!!!
Sonic: What? Over 9000!
Shadow: AAAAUGH *angsty* I'll kill him for stealing my power level!

and then their gonna fight for about 3 panels...

and that'll leave Super Sonic to power up in 183 for about 10 pages...Knuxjak'll power up a bit more...

then 184 :o. Where it'll be Goku vs Cell.

(Do note the whole scenario posted was a joke. Those that did get it, thank you.)

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


then 184 :o. Where it'll be Goku vs Cell.

oh please, it's obviously going to be titan tails versus knuxerjak.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

But it doesn't make a bit of difference, since the mean, the emeralds are most likely gonna be inert.

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Don't even joke about Titan Tails fighting Enerjak, hypershadow; it's too horrible to imagine. And I'm sorry for threatening you, and I'm sorry for breaking the relationship taboo-you guys all know how I get, I'm a little too into this whole thing. Again, my bad.

Knuckles is definitely going to have to go through crap; that almost always happens when a good guy is turned bad but then turns good again. Sure, some of his friends might know that he wasn't acting of his own will, but some people aren't going to care. Plus, Knux will probably blame himself, going with the whole "all that happened was that something that's always been there inside of me got out" thing, no doubt leading to an issue or two of blaming himself for nothing. Afterwards, he'll probably get right back to work setting things right.

Now that I think about it, the writers will most likely not have Enerjak put Bunnie or Jules back to normal, but it's just something I could see him doing. Of course, it would mean taking away the only claim to fame those two really have, but on the flip side they could be normal again. Besides-trying not to violate relationship rule again-I'm sure that despite Bunnie's acceptance of what she is, she wants to be able to have kids someday, and the only way she can do that is if she gets made a full blown Mobian again. As for Jules...the last Robian thing is just plain old. Sure, it's a healthy dose of reality that not everyone gets a fairytale ending, but by this point his role in the comics is probably so inconsequential that making him normal again would just be a final sendoff to him having anything but the occassional cameo.

I do understand how the relationship rule works, and I apologize for trying to flirt with it and failing miserably. Then again, this is what sometimes happens when you get into a discussion and two people have very different opinions: cordiality and maturity are cast aside and they start going at each other like rowdy toddlers. Of all of us, I'm probably the most guilty of that, and I'll do my best to improve.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Let's all remember why we have that rule about relationship talk, shall we?

I'll freely admit that I skirt it now and again, but that's only where I think it's relevant to the plot of an issue and I might not be able to discuss something otherwise, and I don't think I cross a line. If anyone else ever thinks I do, they're welcome to challenge me on it.

This was a textbook illustration of why that rule's there in the first place.


The apology's appreciated, but we've already had "the talk" regarding your temper and attitude more than once. If your only explanation for your behaviour is "you know how I get", then please - for your own sake if nobody else's, since you do genuinely want to post here and I genuinely don't like doing this - stay off the subjects concerned until you can actually cope with them.

Threats aren't tolerated here.

Coupled with your blatant flouting of the relationship rule and your multiple torrent links (plus the anti-gay comments and the number of times people talked to you off the record rather than rack warnings up because they wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt for inexperience's sake), that's three strikes.

Temp ban. One week.

Posts: 12
Active Member

i must say im liking how non Sonic adventure style these covers are :D . i mean i had nothing against the sonic adventure style, its always fun to see different characters and what they would look like in the SA style but i think this style is more true to the archie comic style : )

Posts: 89
Estimable Member

Hm...hope Knux doesn't die...

Posts: 1446
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He can't. No canon Sega character can.

Posts: 1402
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he did once before, and even though it was just a setup to bring him back, it doesn't change the fact that he did die.

Posts: 1446
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He was dead for like six issues, we saw him frequently in the afterlife, and it was clear it was just a convoluted way to end the Green Knux saga and he'd be back soon. It doesn't really count as a proper death.

Old school Robotnik is the only real exception, and Archie/Sega made a deal on that one.

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

This issue is proof of something I have always beleived: Knuckles is tougher than Sonic. I mean, just read that summary: Super Sonic, the ever so high-and-mighty powered up version of Sonic, can't handle Knuckles in Enerjak form. The fact that the original Enerjak was Knuckles' nemesis indicates to me that only Knux was tough enough to stand against him-until that jerk Shadow moved in-while Sonic obviously wasn't. Even Super Sonic, the guy who beats everything thrown at him, can't handle Enerjak, but I'll bet Super Knuckles could if he weren't Enerjak!

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Hey Enerjak #3. I didn't welcome you. SO Welcome. :O

Now I'm attacking your post.

Sonic, Knuckles and Tails are equal. They wouldn't be a Triple threat if they weren't equal. I am gonna hate this analogy-but Sonic Heroes comes to mind here. Sure, each excels are something different, but at the end of the day, I think it would be a three way tie.

Now. let's throw in Enerjak. We're talking living Chaos Force in a being who's body was specifically designed to endorse, utilize and exple this force.

NO-Shadow was NOT designed specifically to use Chaos energy in any ambient form. He was designed to use that energy as a offensive tool. You never see him using Chaos energy to fly. Cause he can't. You never see him using Chaos energy for anything else except some cornball attacks and Chaos Control-which we know Sonic/Scourge and Knuckles can do.

So now we have Enerjak, using this kind of power freely, not needing to "tap" into it-he IS it. He needs no moment. No way in heck can any "Stage one" Super Form can hold.

Now out of everyone-Sonic has the most experience as a Super Form. Shadow's done it what, twice? Scourge hasn't even done it (that I know of). Enerjak again, wins though because the energies Super Sonic needs are powered by what he is-Chaos.

He's gonna know the enhancements Sonic has now and stomp the living room clean with Sonic.

That and Knux fought Sonic superized before. Twice I believe.

Now, if Ian was to push the gauntlet and let Sonic go Hyper Mode-which is total legit since Sonic went Element Modes/Ultra Mode in that Super Emerald arc >>.....I think then he could stomp toe-to-toe with Enerjak 😮

But since Enerjak is that coveted power Sonic needs, you think he's just gonna hand it over, hellz no. So, Super Sonic it is, and he's gonna get trounced.

All the more fun. 😮

Now let Super Shadow and Super Scourge get into this. n_n That would be fun.

Posts: 28
Eminent Member

Is Enerjak pure chaos power? I figured he was just a guy who absorbed a lot of chaos power into himself and can permenantly maintain a chaos-powered form, but he doesn't control all chaos power everywhere.

I mean, Mamoth Mogul stopped Enerjak easily enough with the Sword of Acorns, unfortunately there's nothing like that around anymore.

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

Enerjak is infused with so much raw Chaos energy that he's basically a living Chaos Emerald. Unlike Shadow, who has a LINK to the Chaos Force, Enerjak can tap directly into it because it's part of him. As a result, he doesn't have the standard Guardian weakness of someone being able to render him powerless by cutting off his connection to the Master Emerald or the Chaos Force, but that power can be drained from him. That's how Enerjak was created the first time, by absorbing energy from Chaos Emeralds into himself; that's how Mammoth Mogul beat him, by draining his energies using the Sword of Acorns; that's how the Master Emerald was created, by Tails and the Brotherhood draining Mogul's ambient energy; and that's how the new Enerjak came to be, as Knuckles made the Master Emerald's power a part of himself.

Now, Darkest Light, I reply to your argument with one put forth by the comics. Tails is supposed to be a greater hero than either Sonic or Knuckles; who's to say that those guys don't have a determined place? While it's my opinion, and I won't try to persuade anyone to agree with me, I feel that Knuckles' wider range of non-Super abilities makes him superior to Sonic. Not to mention that in terms of Super abilities, Knuckles has-or had-the permanent form of Chaos Knuckles, while Sonic's Ultra Sonic form only lasted for a few minutes on both occasions that he used it.

At any rate, I will admit that you're right about Enerjak having an advantage over Super Sonic and Shadow that they really can't contend with by themselves. Super Sonic and Super Shadow together against Enerjak would be an awesome fight, and I could actually see them having a chance since multiple Supers worked against Master Mogul's ambient powers. I'd actually like to see Super Shadow fight Enerjak, because Sonic gets to fight way too many of the major villains by himself. I also know that if Sonic, Tails, or Shadow could attain Ultra/Hyper/Chaos state, Enerjak wouldn't stand a chance-but that's not liable to happen anytime soon.

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

I definitely want to read this comic, not just because it looks awesome, but because there are a few questions I'd like answered:

1. How is Sonic going to go Super Sonic? The Master Emerald is being watched by Finitevus, six of the Chaos Emeralds are in the Zone of Silence, and the last one is being used to support King Max's recurringly frail health. (Seriously, why don't they just kill the guy and get it over with?)

2. Who could Lien-Da make a deal with who could help her put the Dark Legion back together? I'm thinking possibly Finitevus, though why he'd want to help her do that when it looks like he wanted the Legion broken up is a mystery to me. And do you think that "dastardly catch" could be related to the old fan theory that Finny is Rutan's father?

3. Ultimate sacrifice? Great; who's going to "die" this time? The ultimate sacrifice thing implies that someone is going to die, but with the history of the Archie comics it'd be a wonder if, in the event that someone were to die, they'd remain dead for more than 10 or so issues.

Anyway, I won't be reading this issue for three months and I already like it: we're gonna see Super Sonic get his butt kicked by my personal favorite Archie villain!

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Nah, Super Sonic's going to win. Enerjak is nowhere to be found in issue #185.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member


3. Ultimate sacrifice? Great; who's going to "die" this time? The ultimate sacrifice thing implies that someone is going to die, but with the history of the Archie comics it'd be a wonder if, in the event that someone were to die, they'd remain dead for more than 10 or so issues.

I'm crossing my fingers that it's Locke and he'll stay that way. It'd not only fit with the way that the echidna mythology's being pruned, but it'd be a sign that M25YL really was just an object of Penders' fevered ego.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Amen to that.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Is there really anyone else it could be apart from Locke, Archimedes, or Dimitri? I really doubt Julie-Su would get killed, and Dimitri has far too much potential; but Archimedes has been a background character since Knuckles' own series ended, and the way Ian has built Locke up certainly seems like he's coming to an end with him...

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

I hope not. Despite his faults, I like Locke.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Tails did his job as a greater hero. He stopped Master Mogul from fully destroying the Zone 'verses. He's done. Tails is now a backburner.

Posts: 2116
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Is there really anyone else it could be apart from Locke, Archimedes, or Dimitri?

Since we saw the Council of Ants in the Egg Grapes in RtAI, it wouldn't have surprised me if Archimedes'd just remained MIA.

Posts: 35
Eminent Member


I hope not. Despite his faults, I like Locke.

I second that, though Locke's death is looking increasingly likely to me as well. It appears to be shaping up to be an "adapt or die" sort of scenario, and I don't think Ian considers Locke capable of adapting, so....

Plus there's the fact that he appears to have been consistently villifying Locke for quite a while, and it's actually gotten to the point where he apparently has Locke bent on murdering his own son in cold-blood. I'm not sure what further depths of depravity Ian could take him to after that, unless to actually have him go through with it.

Could this be a deliberate attempt at getting that portion of the fanbase still attached to Locke to disengage with him? If so, I don't like Locke's chances.

And we've already had "a sign that M25YL really was just an object of Penders' fevered ego." Dimitri was taken apart by Finitevus rather than Eggman, as was shown in M25YL. Plus there's the fact that Ian has consistently said that M25YL is only an alternate future/universe/whatever.

How much more proof are people going to need? Unless they're people who just aren't paying attention in the first place, and then what good will more proof do them?

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

Hate to disappoint you, Toby, but the preview itself says that Super Sonic isn't going to be able to beat Enerjak. More likely, Super'll get the crap kicked out of him, and then Enerjak will be put back to normal some other way-probably due to the "ultimate sacrifice". Personally, I hope that's Locke, though if any father character had to die, I'd want it to be Max-as if he's ever going to sacrifice himself to save anyone else.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

Max is more of a bastard than Locke ever was.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member


Hate to disappoint you, Toby, but the preview itself says--

I learned a long time ago that the majority of the time, the previews have no idea what they're talking about.

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

Locke being the one that dies, I think, is a possibitiy. Although, the way things are now, it would be a dramatic change, Locke's parential feelings kicking in, but I think it could be done well. Also, if Locke ends up being the one dying, it can be an emotional ending to a storyline that so far IMO has been so so. How/when Locke dies is one departure from M25LY that I would be fine with.

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