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Sonic #190 brief re...
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Sonic #190 brief review

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I looked and didn't see any #190 topics yet so decided to go ahead. Being I'm not very eliquite with writing this will be a simple review. I'll leave the summery to the better writers on the forum.

As with the previous ish, Scourge and his crew are wiping the floor with our heroes. Unlike slugouts of the past though, Ian paces this one well, with plenty of good dialogue. I for one like where Ian is taking this whole storyline. Scourge has become his baby, and he's taking these past joke characters somewhere amazing. As far as fight stories go, this is one of the best. The match ups are well done, making this head above heels better then throwdowns past (Sonic #24 comes to mind). Scourge hints to some nasty revelations to possibly come, leaving me to wonder if a 'Moebius' story is on the horizon. Step aside Eggman, there's a new main threat coming!

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

do you have any more to say about it? like some of the dialogue in the giant fight?

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

I'm glad that archie is using scourge as much as they are him an fini are some of the best origional characters in the comic in a good long time, anyway I too belive that their will be someupcoming revaltions (After what Dimitri said to knuckles about his alliance with eggman, & scourges even greater ego could lead to trouble for him in the near future, & on another not....I really hope that if any more characters kick the bucket in the comic soon that its fiona, I mean i can forgive her forb breakin both tails & sonic's heats but turning on your own zone man she has to be one heartless you know what to do somthing like that.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Sorry but the last few months didn't really interest me...but it's picking up so...summary time!

First few pages (as the preview spilled for us) Sonic and the King exchange words, while Scourge gets in a few free hits before both groups decide to tear into each other...yes I'm lazy so go read preview pages...=p

Anywho, Knux and the Chaotix still have to deal with Dimitri and the DL. Dimitri talks trash, egging Knux on. He asks why Knux continues to pick a fight with them even though the Floating Isle is free of their influence, while Julie points out that Dimitri sold out the DL to Robot--er Eggman. Dimitri dispenses with the pleasentries and orders the DL to attack. A blast hit the group and Victor tries to argue with Knux, trying to get through his thick skull that they got other things to worry about and need to wrap this up pronto! Knux agrees (Thank goodness) and the fight is on!

Back at the HQ, Sonic nearly knocks Scourge back into the portal but Fiona rescues his pathetic hide. The King is NOT pleased and tears into the group, telling them to get their butts in gear or else they all will be taking a trip back home. The Anti group hesitates for a moment, then rallies to his cause...I guess Scourge really is a king.

Rotor asks Nicole if they can call the Chaotix back but that would be a negative. Rotor decides to make a run for it while Fiona orders someone after him. Anti Tails (Who sports the Stalin do and shall be known as Stalin to me) attempts to but Tails gets to him first. Sally and Alicia tangle...and talk about titles and stuff like that (Obviously Alicia is no longer in charge, duh!)

Antonie thinks its time to get his revenge on Patch (!!!) but Bunnie talks some sense into the hardened swordsman...wait why are they sharing a touching moment in a brouhaha?

...Ahh but Stalin, Patch and Boomer interrupt the moment but before they can do a thing, Sonic arrives, knocking out all three with utter ease. Of course he drops the jokes but gets a super Scourge spin for his efforts. Scourge reminds him that he is king and orders him to kneel before him...though Amy has other ideas. Too bad she announces her presence ever so loudly, allowing Scourge to karate chop Pink. Of course this gives Sonic an opening to attack...who wonders about how the Chaotix are doing...

...obviously they're doing quite good as they are wiping the floor with the DL. Lien-Da demands backup from Sir Nose devoid of Snively. He reminds her that they ARE the Eggman's only forces...opps. The DL retreat while Knux and Dimitri share words...including this little nugget:

Knux: With you as GrandMaster, Eggman's more likely to lose as we push deeper into the city.
Dimitri: Harsh words Guardian. You make it sound like I'm purposefully weakening the greatest evil this world has ever known from within.
Knux: Wait...are you saying...?

OH the possibilities!! Oh that Potto...

Back at HQ, Sonic and Tails realize that this fight isn't going anywhere, and the only thing suffering is the HQ. Sonic asks Sal for a plan, who tells everyone to retreat for now. In the Control Room (With Bunnie holding the baddies back with an energy wall), Sal drops her plan: They will retreat all the way back to New Mobotropolis (!!). Sonic doesn't care much for that plan but Sal points out they are evenly matched and they had the element of surprise. Scourge and his group break through but Sonic and co. decide to book. They run into the Chaotix (Calvary NEVER arrives in time), a bit concerned that the HQ under the control of Scourge but Sonic reminds them it's only temporary and that they'll be back...hasta la...okay I'm done.

Anyone wants a page scan (A=one or two at most), let me know.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

Yep 190 was a great issue, I just wish archie would put up their preview for 193 already i mean after reading the summaries for 191 & 192 im stoked i really wanna know where all of this is headed.

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

This does sound like a good issue, a tactical reteat seems clever. Hopefully, it will eventually work, like I think it will. In away I am surprised, but not really, that there seems to have been nothing but cold silence between Sally and Patch, but I guess Antione and Amy did the talking and fighting aganist Patch for everyone.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Whoa @ that nugget. If Dimitri is THAT good, and if that storyline evolves that way, Eggman G-O-N-E by 200 7 issues of breaking Eggman down, or at least making him a minor presence-as they vy for best evil villian.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

The DL retreat while Knux and Dimitri share words...including this little nugget:

Knux: With you as GrandMaster, Eggman's more likely to lose as we push deeper
into the city.

Dimitri: Harsh words Guardian. You make it sound like I'm purposefully weakening
the greatest evil this world has ever known from within.

Knux: Wait...are you saying...?

OH the possibilities!! Oh that Potto

*squeals and clap hands*Oh man, that is sooo cool; this seems like it's gonna be great!!!!!!!!!!!! Dimitri still has a change of heart and truly is repentant of his evil ways; man, that is one smooth move on the part of Dimitri and I for one am glad that he doesn't want to join with the likes of either Eggy, Mogul, or Fini!! And yes, that Ian is something ain't he?

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Ah, but Ray, what if Dimitri has alterior motives behind his plan? Perhaps this is all simply a set up for a really big powerplay, a la Robotnik's original coup?

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

You forget the possibility of Eggman installing leashes on his new dogs.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Nah, I really believe that Dimitri is actually good especially with what he said about Eggy being the biggest evil ever known. To Toby, yeah, I could see Eggman doing that, but that sounds just a little too cliche to me.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

well in the summarry for sonic 192, it said somthing like & learn the dark secret of how robotnik is controlling the Legion (& i dooubt its blackmail or embarrisng christmas photos.)

Im thinkin somthing leashish like a computor chip in the neck that shocks em when ever they over step there bounds, somthing like that., & if thats the case even if Dimitri were to take somthing like that from robotnik, lets face it lien-da & the rest of the legion would still be screwed, unless dimitri really is a good guy & smashed the bloody thing, but i wouldnt bet on it.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

If Dimitri were to grab it, I could see him use it on the DL to insure that they would calm down (Lien-da, I'm lookin' at you, girl), but as to use it for evil purposes, I don't see him doing it.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

Action packed! At least that's how it seems until I get my hands on my own copy.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

So did anyone notice that ad that says "please recycle this magazine when you're done reading it."?

So how about it how many here recycled it?

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

I ate mine. Does that count?

Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Sorry, environmentalists. "It's a keeper!"

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

Sorry, environmentalists. "It's a keeper!"

Yep, i mean im all for saving the planet but hwo in their right mind would recycle (or throw away) a sonic comic, now thats just silly, i would'nt mind recycling the new spider-man comics though Brand new day sux.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

we all know that in some double wammy decision, they'll make spidey a skrull at the last second and everything will be back to normal. except for the excuse this time is gonna be "it's science. we don't have to explain it."

Posts: 136
Estimable Member

Don't forget that #190 marks the 15th anniversary of the comic!!
