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Sonic 191 Spoilers
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Sonic 191 Spoilers

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First 3 pages consists of what we've seen already...Metal Sonic and Scourge meet while Sonic bickers with the Council, who votes to leave Freedom HQ alone and push into Eggman's city...well except for Rotor and Chuck. Sonic tries to get Knux to join him in defying the Council but Knux doesn't seem too eager to join. When Sonic keeps pushing, Knux snaps, harking back to what happened in the Enerjak arc (That won't be going away for a while, glad to see the impact is that great).

Sonic makes tracks for Freedom HQ where he finds Scourge and Metal Sonic fighting it out, choosing to interrupt Eggman's monologue with a Sonic spin. He offers Scourge a chance at a temp alliance so they can trash Metallix but Scourge will have none of that. Woohoo Battle Royal!

While this is going on, we cut back to Knux, who's chilling on a bench with a warp ring in hand (Where do these come from? Is it the same one?). Julie arrives and asks where's Sonic, while Knux lets her know that Sonic does what Sonic does best. Julie is pretty pleased about that and wonders why he's such a lone wolf. Knux seems to admire Sonic, wondering if maybe he should go with everyone else. Julie reminds him that he did that little choice...

...which causes Knux to snap, who still continues to be emo and angst about what happened in the Enerjak arc (We really aren't going to forget that one). Julie tells him to stop thinking about himself all the time, reminding him that it impacted everyone. Ol' Hardhead won't have anything with that and runs off to the Angel Island to pout like a little baby.

We leave that to return to the tussle of hogs, where everyone is getting their tails handed to them. Eggman notifies Metal that his reinforcement is almost finished (Uh-oh) while Sonic and Scourge bicker, again. Sonic reminds Scourge that he is him and that he could be a hero, while Scourge argues that heroism never got Sonic anything, while being a conquerer got Scourge control of an entire planet. The tables turned and in a reversal from their last big tussle (172), Scourge tells Sonic he's got plenty of untapped potential and that they could conquer the universe, together. This causes Sonic to pause BUT Metal interrupts it before it gets good.

We return to Knux, who's still in pout mode, sat atop the emerald with Archy and Charmy. Charmy asks why Knux is so grumpy while Archy reminds him (And us again about the Enerjak arc). Charmy spouts something or another which basically amounts to: Life goes on. Knux seems to be a bit better while Archy reassures him everything is cool on the island.

(I'll post what he said later)

Knux returns in time for the meeting. He and Julie apologize to each other and all is well...for now. Julie wonders if they should push to go after Sonic but Knux waves it off, figuring Sonic has it under control.

Yea right, Sonic is still having issues with the duo. He dodges a stomach blast from Metal, which knocks away Scourge before throwing Metal away. However a new foe enters the fray, Metal Scourge! Looks like Sonic and the King may need to team up anyways!

Side story is about the upcoming Sonic Chronicles, I'll summarize it later after work.

Posts: 80
Trusted Member

So Metal Scourge IS the newcomer. I'm a little surprised that Eggman built a robot that fast, though. Also, I'm guessing the Sonic Chronicles back-up is yet another "play the game to find out what happens next"-type adaption?

Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Just got the issue myself. To be honest I think the suprise character is the villainess from Chronicles, considering the blurb for the story wasn't even on the preview covers just the release. Anyway, LOVE the story! This is why Scourge is totally Ian's. He's added a dimension to the relationship between these two that no other writer ever even considered. Scourge truley is Sonic's dark side, the hedgehog he COULD have been if he hadn't stuck to that moral code he upholds. When Sonic paused at Scourge's offer, that alone showed more character building then over 100 issues of Sonic's run before Ian's writing. I can't wait to see how this pans out. Also, luv Metal Scourge's design. Altered just enough that he's his own bot without taking away he fact he's an altered Metal Sonic model. Keep it up Flynn!

Posts: 80
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Can you tell us about the Chronicles back story, Max?

Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Well from the opening it seems based not in the Archieverse but the game universe. Tails and Knuckles try to set a trap for a group of theives who have stolen all but 1 of the emeralds. The trap fails and Knuckles is forced to do what he does best, hit first ask questions later. The leader, our villainess, manages to take him down with little effort and the group vanishes with the stone and Knuckles, leaving Tails to race off to find help from Sonic, Amy, G.U.N., and whoever else he can find. So yes another of those 'Find out what happens by playing' things.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

Well from the opening it seems based not in the Archieverse but the game universe. Tails and Knuckles try to set a trap for a group of theives who have stolen all but 1 of the emeralds. The trap fails and Knuckles is forced to do what he does best, hit first ask questions later. The leader, our villainess, manages to take him down with little effort and the group vanishes with the stone and Knuckles, leaving Tails to race off to find help from Sonic, Amy, G.U.N., and whoever else he can find. So yes another of those 'Find out what happens by playing' things.

Yep...the the Rush adventure adaption are just basically self-promotion strips, not in continuity...It's said but I guess sonic Rush & Riders wers the last In continuity back storys....Kinda makes me wonder what there gonna do for unleahsed...surly the'll make it part of continuity!

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Rush Adventure was part of the continuity.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i don't think so, the SA2 adaption was in continuity, but it seemed pretty stand-alone until they mentioned it in #124. so you could be right, but i guess it's up to ian whether or not to even use the plots or characters again.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Sonic Rush - canon
Sonic Riders - canon (didn't show the end, but suffice to say, the Babylon Rogues got beaten away)
Sonic Rush Adventure - canon (we'll be getting to that soon-ish)
Sonic Chronicles - NOT canon
Sonic Unleashed - I don't know if I can say yet. It's a minor point, but I don't think I can say anything before it's released.

If a tie-in isn't going to be canon, I'll mark it somehow. If you see "In another time, in another place" you can bet it's not being considered canon.

EDIT: URGH. Still not used to yuku. Copy and paste the link since I don't know how to post them obviously.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

ohhh, gotcha. well problem solved then.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

..ahh..i see, anywho back tp the main story..did anyone else find the part with Knux, archie & cahrmy on angel island funny, I mean the way the 2 reacted to charmy little..... I guess the word would be pep-talk....well its just priceless

if only i could find a scan of that page to post...(Sadly my printer don't got no scanner!!!!) (Yay incorrect grammer)

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

I understand it takes time, but I hope eventually Knux will be able to get past his father's death and not feel responible. It makes sense that Knux would act like this, but I wouldn't want Knux to stay this way forever.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Finally got the issue in the mail. The Knuckles part of the story was good. Loved how he made up with Julie-Su.

However, the Sonic vs. Scourge vs. Metal fight didn't really hold my attention. I just didn't find it that interesting. I mean, Scourge's little speech to Sonic was there, but this really felt like the fight was put into this issue just for the sake of having a fight going on. Hopefully Metal Scourge will make things interesting, but it really felt like we didn't need this fight except for action while Knux dealt with his thing. But Scourge's speech set things up for later issues, so hopefully that will make up for it.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Picked up my issue today. Was totally digging the story, but was only really bummed out by Metal Scourge's appearance, because his optics just look so... odd.

Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Issue received. Knuckles story actually had me interested. The Hog-Fight Dog-Fight was decent, could've been better. Definatly was reminded of issues 146-149. Also, Sonic looked a bit like Scourage from issue 172 after Scourage made his proposition to him.
Both had that same look of immediate realization. Interesting...

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

My Thoughts on the issue:

* The thing with Metal Sonic nad Scourge on the first two pages had an absurdist quality to it I loved.
* Charmy's brain is still scrambled from #176/177
* This is the second instance of Knuckles hiding in the leaves on Angel Island...A la the cover to Sonic 3
* This is the biggest emotional outburst from Knuckles I've ever seen...and probably one of the series' most honest ones.
* I wonder if Sonic breifly considered himself as the King of Mobious...a virtious one.
* I bet Dr. Robotnik was already building a second Metal Sonic, and thought to himself, "You know, I could give this one a different paint job..."

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

I could totally see Eggman hopping around his workshop, happily putting together his new robot.

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

There's only one thing I dislike in the comics more than a game adapt that ends with the suggestion "Buy the game to find out more", which usually indicates that any cool characters featured in the adapt will most likely never show up again. And that's the idea of some newbie showing up and beating Knuckles like it's nothing. If Shade can beat Knuckles, who has held his own in a number of fights with Sonic, then what's to stop her from beating Sonic? When I heard about Knuckles' kidnapping, I expected him to get mobbed by Zoah, not beat down by some alien Chameleon.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Well, it has always been said that the Maruders were the ones who kidnapped Knuckles not the Zoah. As to the question of why could she not beat Sonic, one thing, Sonic's super speed could ensure that she couldn't beat him. And even if she can, that's why Sonic gets help in this adventure.

Posts: 398
Reputable Member

There's only one thing I dislike in the comics more than a game adapt that ends with the suggestion "Buy the game to find out more", which usually indicates that any cool characters featured in the adapt will most likely never show up again. And that's the idea of some newbie showing up and beating Knuckles like it's nothing. If Shade can beat Knuckles, who has held his own in a number of fights with Sonic, then what's to stop her from beating Sonic? When I heard about Knuckles' kidnapping, I expected him to get mobbed by Zoah, not beat down by some alien Chameleon.

He was getting beaten up and overwhelmed by the Marauders. It looked like he was having a hard time. Shade came along, fought against a tired Knuckles, and defeated him easily. She might have special powers or be more tactical than Knuckles, you'll have to buy the game to find out. Also Shade is a Marauder. As for Chronicles getting adapted, Ian has made a statement about that here: .

Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Wait a tick... just noticed.
How is Sonic able to dodge a punch from behind, but not fast enough to dodge a slap coming from the side?
