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Sonic 201 Spoilers!
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Sonic 201 Spoilers!

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We start off where the spoiler pages left us, Sonic and MK battling it out, exchanging barbs and insults. Before Sonic can pay Kahn back for wrecking Mina's concert and MK can play Zeus, Sally steps in, telling them to cut it out! She tells Sonic to stop the fighting and for MK to file a complain civily if he wants to get his point across. He figures he could have handled introductions a bit better...but is utterly confused why they're partying when the Empire is still up and kicking. Sally reminds him that they defeated Eggman but Kahn reminds her that they only changed leadership...opps.

Back at the Eggdome, Snively welcomes ninja cat thingy, who reports that the Yagyu clan has scoured the city and discovered only the Eggdome is operational...well duh! Cue a little flirting between Regina and Snively but the King does not approve. He wonders why they had to come to this deadbeat city when the Iron Dominion was a far better place. He also doesn't like it that Snively only seems to address her and is so familiar with him...uh-oh. She reassures him that this is only temporary and they'll soon move the seatings of the empire to the Dragon Kingdom. He leaves with Conquering Storm (Ninja cat) to find some weapons for their weak army.

Speaking of that weak army, Dimitri appears. He tells the queen of their plight, how the good Doctor rigged them up as a bunch of walking explosives if they tried to revolt and asks if she can remove them so they can have peace of mind. She apologizes, saying the Doctor was real thorough and the only thing she can do is provide him with a microchip which will disable the detonator signal. Dimitri isn't too pleased about this but takes it and thanks them in the most vitrolic way possible. Finally alone, Snively and Regina celebrate their victory. She says soon they can crush those rebels (yea right) and dispose of her oaf of a king (!!) and rule the world with an iron fist...what is with these people and iron?

Back at the Coliseum, MK finishes his explaination, saying that while some of her forces are still in the Iron Dominion (Or whatever), a large group moved here to help cement the takeover. Sally apologizes for the misunderstanding while Elias asks Antoine to gather up the council so they can figure out how to handle this new threat. Kahn is amused at the thought of them handling the threat, like they handled Eggman (Oooooooh) while Sonic notes that their fight may be just beginning. Isn't it always?

Sally tells Sonic to hold his horses while Kahn apologizes for his actions. Sally shruges it off, saying they have the invasion to worry about and also notes that they've had quite a bit of experience with invasions as of late. She suggests they coordinate with the resistance in the Iron Dominion but Kahn says there is no one else...drat

Sonic, in his infinite wisdom, suggests he and Kahn head over there and kick them out right now. Sally thinks that's the most idiotic plan yet (And Sonic's had many!) but Kahn seems eager to show Sonic that these aren't the same jokers they tangled with before. She suggests this be a recon mission but Sonic is expecting to finish up this invasion by dinnertime (Like how they dealt with Enerjak, right?) which causes Sally no end of grief.

MK and Sonic speed off for the Eggdome, exchanging more barbs. Sonic plans to show Kahn how to defeat mad despots while wondering if he gets an apology for all the trouble Kahn has caused him. Kahn agrees if he gets one as well so you know how that goes. He too wonders what the princess sees in him (Becoming a theme here) but Sonic says they aren't together, which intrigues Kahn!

Interrupting the mushy fest between Snively and Regina, Conquering Storm explains that her agent spotted Sonic and Kahn headed toward the city...uh-oh.

Side story! (Remember those?) Espio is speeding toward the coliseum while asking Nicole why there are lightning strikes but realizes there is someone around (ninja senses of course) and tosses a dart at...Lightning Lynx?! He of course catches it and dodges Espio's attacks. Nicole notes that he's alone and Lynx explains he's here on clan business...huh? Lynx explains that the Bride of Four Houses rules them all but Espio is skeptical. Lynx goes on the say that she slew the Bride of Rich Nights and took control of the Yagyu clan while the rest fell in place (Anyone else getting a headache from these names?). Espio doubts the shinobi clan would never do that but Lynx says he has orders from the Bride of Constant Vigil, who entrusted them to him. Espio is still in shock as he reads over the message. Nicole, like the rest of us what to know what the hell is going on but Espio isn't in an explaining mode (Is he ever?). She says maybe the Freedom Fighters can help but he shoots that down too saying he has been summoned to take care of his new duties. He begans to tell her to tell Knux but shoots it down and says toodles. Lynx and Espio speed out of the city while Lynx tells the master (Conquering Storm most likely) that Sonic and the pretender to the throne (?!) are on their way to the city. He also says he made contact with Espio and are on their way to

Well Kahn is back and I'm most pleased but boy do they have a rude surprise coming.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i liked the issue. it was a pretty decent buildup for the next story. conquering storm has to be like the worst name ever though for a flunkey. but hey that's probably a codename, or ninja dohickey name.

Posts: 78
Estimable Member

I didn't like this issue. Beside the ninja baddies, all the new villeins look whack. (Have they been in the comics before?)

I thought the Sonic/ MK fight was unnecessary in this issue. I recently have come to the realization that the less fights in comics, the better. I prefer fewer, higher quality fights in every couple of issues, rather than quick low, quality fights in every issue.

Also, they just took down Robotnik in the "big" #200 issue fight. I like it when writers let the audience see the heroes in peaceful situations as well as in conflicts. Peace time scenes lets the writer develop their characters off the battle field, and I like to see that every once and awhile. From the cover I thought we were going to get one relaxing issue and i thought that would have been nice.

I also hate how Demitri and the DL's have been getting played in the comics for so long, they're 10x the villeins Robotnik and the new guys could ever be! You better fix this Flynn and soon!

Only thing I can remember liking in this issue was the Espio part. (I live ninjas. Ninjas are always cool!) His story looks like it could be interesting, as long as they don't rush it. And the villein that gave him the message (his name escapes me), has he always been a member of a ninja clan or did they just make that up? Cause I've been reading for awhile and don't remember that.

Long post short, not really looking forward to much in the comics for the foreseeable future. Right now the only thing that could make things look better is it turns out that the only people who can stop this new threat are Knuckles and Julie-Su!

Posts: 200
Estimable Member

(Have they been in the comics before?)

Think only Conquering Storm's (shudders) new the Iron Dominion's camp.

has he always been a member of a ninja clan or did they just make that up?

It's more like a change made so certain characters are closer to their SEGA counterparts. Espio being a Ninja was something done for Sonic Heroes. After " Home " (one " year " in space) essentially the three Chaotix members who appeared in that game got their Heroes outfits without explaination. The " Ninja " thing for Espio was only elaborated on recently and didn't exist before SEGA made it so in their infinite power.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Bit of a change from the Penders and post-Penders era. The Chaotix went from being a rapping crocodile, a smart-alec chameleon, and a princely bee; to a detective, a ninja, and a... well, Charmy.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

I still dunno where they pulled detective from. Ninja works, EsPio's a chameleon after all..and Chamrs and the whole egg Grape thing *sigh* I MISS HIM N_N

Read this issue. I'm kinda eh about it. I'm still mad they got the dude from Thundercats to be the Iron King...

Posts: 78
Estimable Member

Lol, I think you mean Silver Hawks. Very true though, dead on comparison.

Posts: 398
Reputable Member

I didn't like this issue. Beside the ninja baddies, all the new villeins look whack. (Have they been in the comics before?)


I also hate how Demitri and the DL's have been getting played in the comics for so long, they're 10x the villeins Robotnik and the new guys could ever be! You better fix this Flynn and soon!

1) No they are not new. All of them (save Conquering Storm) are old. The Yagyu Bat ninjas appeared in SSS #8 and Iron Queen (aka Regina Ferrum) and Iron King appeared in StH #60.

2) I couldn't disagree more. Personally, I like Robotnik a lot more, and so far I'm very much enjoying Iron Queen and her crew. I think they're a nice change of pace. I think making the DEL stick with the Empire makes them a lot more relevant and more likely to appear more often.

I personally liked this issue. I thought it was very interesting, and a nice set-up for things to come.

Shamelessly copy and pasted from Bumbnleking:

Alright! Just got my issue. I must say, I'm very impressed. So far we've had a successful and intriguing start to the Iron Dominion arc. Lots of intrigue and plot developments and twists introduced in this issue.

MK is basically acting like his normal self. Interesting that a new possible love triangle is introduced here. I must say, I wasn't really expecting that. No comments on the prospects of MK's new relationship as of now.

Far more interesting in this issue was the back-up and the villains side of things.

You can tell Dimitri knows he's been duped. We know he's been duped. Those chips probably don't do anything to help his people. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they do more harm than help.

The Iron King looks much more like a bull in this issue. Not necessarily a bad thing, just something I noticed. It's obvious he's got a foul temper, and he's more focused on gaining power ASAP. I love how Snively is showing fear of him and is basically ignoring him. Also, the IK isn't that much of a dope, he was a tad suspicious of Sniv and Regina. Good thing Regina is a little more persuasive, or Sniv could've gotten into some trouble.

The SnivelyXRegina relationship is kinda cute and funny in a nauseating way. I hope they stick with each other for a while longer. The way they treat each other, and the way Sniv sits in her lap is too funny. As she kind of indicated while IMing Snivykins, she's not a big fan of the IK, and I'm curious as to what she has in store for him. I thought the shot of Eggman in his asylum was a pretty nice touch too. Just shows that he was a big enough thorn in Regina's side as well as Snively's.

As for the back-up, it's a tad more ambiguous. Lightning looks like he has a bit of a new look update, specifically his shoes. Interesting that Lightning has seemingly abandoned or left the Destructix for now. I'll be curious to see if/for how long that sticks. He certainly came across as more capable and competent here. The dialogue makes it kind of tricky to tell whether he just joined the clans or not. I'm guessing he's at least known of them before, but I'm not sure if he's actually been associated with them before now. The dialogue is a little tricky, but it seems to intimate that either way, Storm sought him out to either join or rejoin their forces. I'm guessing he is associated with Storm and her clan now, but he has been with the Shinobi for some period of time. I'll be curious to see him get development, and kudos to Ian for finally developing a member of the Destructix (Lightning Lynx). They're all long over due. I'm also quite happy that Espio is going to get some development. Anyway, interesting that he refers to Khan as "pretender to the throne". Seems Espio has turned for now (more out of honor and code than by choice).

I'll be interested in seeing the two other living brides, and I'll also be curious to see if we get to see the Bride of Rich Nights at all. Even Lord Yagyu is seemingly gone at the moment, but he might have stayed back in the D. Kingdom. I'm also interested in learning more about the clan wars, and who the last clan is. We've had the Lynxes, Chameleons, and Bats confirmed. We know of a pre-existing Spider Ninja Clan (the Arachne) and based on the teaser in #200, and the fact that they are ninjas, I wouldn't be surprised if they're reveled to be the last clan.

The art in this issue was fantastic. Tracy did a great job, and it stinks that he won't be doing Sonic anymore (for a little while anyway). Oh, and I'd just like to say that I was impressed by his work on Regina. Aside from Eggman and Snively, she might be the best Overlander/Human that he can draw. Herms was phenomenal of course. Of note, Lightning has a bit of a different coloring in this issue, but it doesn't look that bad.

Great issue, introduced enough to keep us hungry for more. It was ambiguous, and yet revealed quite a bit. I'll look forward to future installments. Nice solid start for the new saga/arc overall.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Bats? I dun remember any ninja bats? Lynxes, Chameleons and Spiders (because of Uma and her kids) I remember..When were there bats?

Posts: 398
Reputable Member

Bats? I dun remember any ninja bats? Lynxes, Chameleons and Spiders (because of Uma and her kids) I remember..When were there bats?

That's what the Yagyu are, Bats. It might not seem like it in #200 or 201, but it's more apparent in SSS #8. They have the wings in #200, but that's the biggest indication since their comeback.

Posts: 136
Estimable Member

Man! I love this issue. I'm suprised that Espio has possibly a dark past that no one ever knew about? I'm a reader for life.

Posts: 78
Estimable Member

Dude, that's like a requirement for becoming a ninja!

Posts: 78
Estimable Member

Dude, that's like a requirement for becoming a ninja!

Posts: 78
Estimable Member

Dude, that's like a requirement for becoming a ninja!

Sorry about the double post, computer was acting up.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Man, forget double post, you did a triple post!

Posts: 78
Estimable Member

Dude, that's like a requirement for becoming a ninja!

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Hardy, har, har!

Posts: 78
Estimable Member

Full Metal Rayzor:

Man, forget double post, you did a triple post!

My computer was REALLY having issues. The third post came after I tried to edit the second one. It was crazy, CRAZY I tell ya!

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

I hear that happens all the time! ^_^

Posts: 136
Estimable Member

Yah know, I never thought about how ninjas usually do have a dark past.
