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Sonic 210 Spoilers!
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Sonic 210 Spoilers!

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Posts: 520
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...hopefully I can get back to doing these...

Anywho, we start with Amy and Antonie running like mad from the Legion. Ant is kind of wishing Sally, Sonic and co. were still here to help but Amy is optimistic that things are going well on their end. Unfortunately they run into more trouble and are surrounded but in a hail of arrows, they are saved by Bon---er Secret Agent Geoffery! While Amy and Ant run for cover, Geoff covers for them, taking care of a few more ninjas and Legionnaires with a flash bomb.

Amy leads them to a secret base via an old tree stump, where they find Bunnie. She of course has heard back from Knux and co. who are doing just fine and chilling on Angel Island (Shouldn't they be hauling tail to help kick out Regina?) and Geoffery expresses surprise that she isn't helping out in the fight. Bunnie reminds him that she's a liability and speaking of liabilities, Nicole appears. Geoffery obviously didn't get the memo about her instant heel turn (And we do meant instant) but the rest fill him in. Nicole informs them that they're moving more prisoners to the coliseum to be legionized...*cue dramatic music*

Geoffery wonders if being legionized is as bad as being roboticize. Amy says it's even worse and describes it in express detail. And since the Freedom Fighters are split up and the Chaotix guarding Angel Island, there isn't many to go heroing around. Amy of course insists on going to rescue them, while Geoff pauses to think before tagging along. What could go wrong??

Meanwhile Snively makes his daily visit to Robotnik, to feed his ego I suppose but when he arrives, it seems the good doctor is thinking clearly now. He explains to Snively why he can never beat Sonic, saying that for every beautiful, brilliant plan there is always the key thing that can kill it, chaos. And seeing as Sonic has been bathing in the chaotic energy more than anyone (A certain echidna may have an objection), he sees him as the embodiment of chaos and the reason why he can't beat him. He urges Sniv to free him so they can get back to work but Snively laughs him out of the cell.

Sir Nose explains that he's got power, he has authority and has found love so why does he need the good doctor again? Robotnik takes this chance to laugh Sniv out of the cell. He explains that Snively is a tool, that's right a tool. A tool to be tweaked and used by the Iron Queen. He also explains that Snively can't love anyone because he loves himself too much. Everything he does is for his own benefit...Snively won't hear anymore of it but Robotnik knows he'll be back. And so do we (Or rather me because the ID isn't as enjoyable as villains as opposed to Robotnik but I digress)...

Meanwhile at the Coliseum, Snively is preparing the operation to legionize the poor saps. Amy and co. can only watch in horror...Jun Kun is annoyed about this, as all he wants to do is HULK SMASH! Regina tells him to have patience as she's figured that the resistance has somehow tapped into their communications and has set this up, knowing that they just can't ignore it. So it's a trap so Jun Kun can HULK SMASH!!

The first victim is Rotor, fresh out of the Big Metal Container with the Yellow Button. (Aka end of level thing you open to free stuff from the games) but he's not just going to go down. He knocks away several Legionnaires with ease but before he can bring out the can of you know what, his back gives out. Of course. Snively regains his composure and has him hauled to the table for who knows what. Amy wants to charge out there but Geoffery thinks its mad considering their outnumbered 30 to one. Of course don't mention odds to the Freedom Fighters! Or bloody common sense! So with cries of Love, peace and honor, for king and country and we're so going to die, they charge out. You see it's all inevitability Mr. Anderson...

Amy smashes up things while Geoffery avoids countless throwing stars while stooting up a storm. Obviously these guys took a class from the stormtroopers in aiming! Antoine frees the others and tells them to run for safety. Geoffery is having quite the easy time with the bolt fodder and wonders just how Sonic lost to these guys when the REAL reason why Sonic loses to these guys appears (Okay one of the reasons). Jun Kun swats Geoffery away with ease and is prepared to smash him for good but Amy appears to hold him back (What is that hammer made of?) while Geoffery goes to help out the others. Geoffery is still a bit fuzzy from the smackdown he got and before he can help, mechanical hands emerge to start snatching up the peeps. Regina announces that she's the one behind it, explaining that she controls the entire city (So what is Nicole doing?) and asks him just who can oppose her with everything she controls. Well...the roof of the dome is broken, light pours in and the angels come down to sing...errr...well just Sonic and co. arrive to serve up the eviction notice. And probably to explain to Regina that she isn't in control of the four clans now but we're getting ahead of ourselves!

And for the love of all that is...shrink Robotnik's nose! AUGH

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

I want this issue now. Right now. No, that write-up seemed crazy epic-but that key component you wrote Tiger...with the bathing in Chaos (certain emo hedgehog thing may also have a issue with that) is something that makes me feel closer to the comic. Just knowing its more than just dumb Hero Luck-its a key element of good vs evil-Chaos vs Order..

Eggman realizing that and regaining his sanity...I REALLY wanna see where that leads.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Eggman realizing that and regaining his sanity...I REALLY wanna see where that leads.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

^ Needs to occur. NAO!

Posts: 520
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What you NEED to see, and what I plan to scan in a couple of hours is the page where Eggman is BACK.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Fun issue. But if Sonic's back for the big
finale already, it'll be pretty weird reading the Dragon Kingdom arc
after we already see the ultimate conclusion to all of this. I wonder
if the next issue will go out of it's way to avoid referencing things
we haven't seen yet, in that case.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I thought that St. John was supposed to have a British accent/speech pattern (even if it wasn't Queen's English, which confused a few people), not Australian. Since when did he feel the need to start saying "G'day" and "Crikey!"?

Whilst anyone who's seen Danger Mouse knows that you can possibly get away with "Crikey!" in that context, "G'day" is definitely not Londoner parlance.

P.S. Yes, I've already been to the discussion on Bumbleking.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Yeah, Geoffrey as an Aussie is a bit of a weird turnabout. I always assumed he was British, what with being a bit of a Bond knockoff.

Mind you, if Ian ties this into Geoffrey being part of the "Downunda Orphans" crowd, that'd be rather cool.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I seem to recall a Word of God pronouncement of the subject correcting people who mistook him for an Australian - the pronunciation of his name's more of an old-fashioned "Geoffrey Sinjin", too.

Has he been spending a lot of time with the Downunda FFs recently or something?

Otherwise, it's nice to see Amy showing some mature leadership skills, but the stand-out scene for me was Robotnik and Snively. I instantly had flashbacks whilst reading it to the scene between Snively and Hope when Hope called him out on his betrayal, and I'm wondering if we're going to see that referenced at some point. 

Posts: 77
Estimable Member

And What's harder to believe, is that this arc, has been going nearly a year.

The Sally/Kahn situation has gone on for nearly half a year (not counting the remaining JTTW arc in SU), and yet we see in on the cover of #213, what Sally's decision is going to be. Making this relationship short and sweet (yeah reminds me of what I saw in the New Justice League Movie).

As well as we have Eggman/Robotnik returning to power soon afterwards, with Snivley back helping him.

And the Iron Queen, will probably lose all her power and be imprisoned at the detention center or in the Dragon Kingdom.

And I wouldn't be surprised if Ian does a short story similar to what he did with Sally, by having NICOLE be put on trail by Hamlin.

Nor would I be surprised if he does decide to a Amy Vs Sally for the love of Sonic short story arc as well, after everything said and done with this arc.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

As well as we have Eggman/Robotnik returning to power soon afterwards, with Snivley back helping him.

God, I hope not. Snively too much of a Karma Houdini as it is.

Nor would I be surprised if he does decide to a Amy Vs Sally for the love of Sonic short story arc as well, after everything said and done with this arc.

Ergh. I don't want this either. The last ones were bad enough.

Posts: 520
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Why do you keep going with this Amy vs. Sally angle?

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

For some reason, I do see Snively going back to Eggman/Robotnik after the Iron Dominion is over.

Posts: 77
Estimable Member

Why do you keep going with this Amy vs. Sally angle?

I'm just saying, knowing how Ian's story writing has been lately, I wouldn't put it past him to do so.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

From the spoiler I've been reading on the past couple of issues, there's not even a reason to do a Sally vs Amy in a "Sonic's heart on a Pole" match.

I just think it's wishful thinking on your end.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Why do you keep going with this Amy vs. Sally angle?

I'm just saying, knowing how Ian's story writing has been lately, I wouldn't put it past him to do so.

Knowing Ian writing? What writing has Ian done lately that makes you think he would make a love triangle fight with Amy vs. Sally? I mean I could maybe see one with Ken and Sonic, but even that is a very minor chance. What I know from reading Ian's comments on his forums, I don't think Ian's the type to do a love triangle fight especially one that seems as arbitrary as one with Sally against Amy; plus, I don't think Ian's really that fond of such things. Also, Ian is really trying to make the things between Sonic and Khan in the background more than anything else.
