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Sonic #225 Preview - 20th Anniversary Special! ~Spoilers~

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Courteous of IGN, apparently.

Months back, we debuted Archie's first ever gatefold cover for Sonic the Hedgehog #225, an issue that is finally hitting stands come May 25. Now, we're bringing you the full exclusive preview for the issue, which marks the kick-off for the celebration of Sonic's 20th anniversary.

Issue #255 is a prelude to the epic "Genesis" (get it?) storyline set to change Sonic's world for good.


"One Step Forward..."

Sonic's 25th Anniversary begins HERE with a double-sized, gatefold cover! Dr. Eggman's newest creation threatens all of Mobius, forcing Sonic to team up with the evil Ixis Naugus. It's a race against time with a world-changing ending you won't believe! The prelude to "Genesis" starts now with this awesome anniversary issue.

SCRIPT: Ian Flynn

ART: Tracy Yardley!, Terry Austin, John Workman & Matt Herms

Gatefold Cover by Patrick Spaziante

Shipping Date: 5/18/2011
On Sale at Comic Shops: 6/1/2011
Newsstands: Week of 6/7/2011
Comic, 32 pgs, 40 lb. glossy stock, Full-Color
$2.99 US

Posts: 520
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Death Egg makes for very awkward bedfellows.

Posts: 1191
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I'm suspecting that the Death Egg has a hand to play in the new Genesis story. Especially given Robotnik's lines at the end of #224.

Posts: 30
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I refuse to it the Death Egg.
Since it's really the EggDome, I think that it should be called the Death Dome.

Posts: 1376
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Im so excited it hurts.

Posts: 12
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Again, nothing has been set in stone. Besides, in the newsarama interview that Ian did, it states, not a death, but Life hanging in the Balance.

Now, it's up in the air, it's 50/50.

But let me point out something that I have noticed in the comics since Ian came on board.

When he kills a character (MAJOR OR MINOR) off, he does it on panel, like a character being killed on screen in a movie or tv show. If he was to kill ** off or any major character like them, he would do it on screen and in a heroic sacrifice way, not off panel/off screen (which is why some doubt Hershey's dead.) in a murderous way. So right now, as mentioned above, it's still up in the air.

However, we cannot underesterime Ian, take the recent Sonic Universe issue and the whole Lara-Su/Jani-Ca becoming not only the first female Enerjak, but the first good guy one, not one saw that coming. So we cannot say Ian won't pull the trigger.

Now we also have to look at this, as perhaps Ian's Ultimate Webcomic. Just like Chris Fischer's "Of Mice and Mayhem: Rescue Rangers" webcomic was. For there are simliarites, most importantly the supposed "death" of the main lead, many thought they were dead, but it turns out, they wasn't. So the same, could/can be said for the ** situation right now.

One last thing, if you want to look at it from a another standpoint, perhaps Ian never really wanted to go in this direction yet, but due to the legal actions between Archie Comics and Ken Penders, he may have had no choice, because honestly, this kind of story would have been better for #250. But now we'll never know.

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This storyline would've been cleared for publication a long, long time before the Penders situation started. That's how far in advance Archie works.

Posts: 12
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are you sure? :S

Posts: 1381
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Yes, perfectly, Ian has repeated several times on his board that nothing that has happen thus far has been affected by Penders lawsuit and most likely nothing will because of how far they are ahead; plus, it seems like they are confident that they can and will beat Penders so they are therefore not worried and told to proceed ahead as normal.

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I really doubt that Archie's all that worried about Penders copyrights which are on shaky grounds legally.
Plus a lot of things that Penders has said have been contradicted by court records.

Posts: 2116
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Thanks, guys.

Patterson, I'm genuinely not trying to patronise you, but can I ask how long you genuinely think it takes to prepare a book for publication? Even without the fact that everything needs to be created, the main storylines have to be planned out years in advance to keep the plot flowing and give them all time to be cleared by Sega.

To get something like 225 drafted a few times, cleared by Sega, written, drawn, inked, printed and distributed would take substantially longer than a couple of months, even without Ian having put it on the record that Archie're carrying on regardless.

You haven't just been told this here and now, either, have you? I'm not going to bring other boards' talk here, but I know that this is a cut and paste topic from at least two other boards, and you've had the same reception.

Stop swallowing and parroting whatever Penders says, and actually think about it.

No offence, bw1979/Rosas, but why another change of username?

Posts: 12
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First off I lost my password, Second No DEL will happen to Sally, third I think Penders means the backstories he wrote for the characters and the stories (contnuitioe wise, Sorry for the misspell) he wrote for the comic, I think that's what he means.

But now onto this:

You know folks, we can joke all we want and launch fireworks or riot over what's happen at the end of 225.

But what we can't forget, is this, Ian's eyes are watching!

What I mean, is Ian said on his board at Bumbleking, that he's been visiting every Sonic forum since 225 was released, so he sees what many of us are saying. And I think he looks at what the majority of the overall fanbase on these forums are for and against.

Let's not also forget that he has a DA account and probably sees the SatAMForever, SonicxSally, SallyAcorn, SonSal and even yes, the SonAmy groups and clubs there and along with what he sees on the forums he visits, doesn't take that into account for what will occur after 225 and GENESIS, because he does.

Now let's say, for the sake of agurement, he does kill Sally, doesn't mean she's completely dead from the overall franchise, because she will still live on through the SatAM Series and Box Set, as well as through the issues before 225 and GENESIS and most importantly, Fanart and Fanfiction.

And if you want a good example of what I'm saying, look up Jean Grey from X-Men, for you see, she is alive in the 3 animated series that have been made so far, and most recently, in Marvel Vs Capcom 3, but yet she is dead (at most times) in the comics, and dies at the end of X2 and X3 in the movies.

So even if Ian, pulls the trigger and decides to kill Sally, she will still live on in other forms of media, based on the franchise.

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Posts: 2116
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What I mean, is Ian said on his board at Bumbleking, that he's been visiting every Sonic forum since 225 was released, so he sees what many of us are saying. And I think he looks at what the majority of the overall fanbase on these forums are for and against.

Ian's had an account here for literally years.

The only person here who's actually making a big deal out of insisting that Sally lives on seems to be you, though. Are you cutting and pasting again?[/spoiler]

Posts: 12
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Ian's collecting information for future use. He's want to see what will win out for the future as far as said character or characters go.

Plus, if GENESIS has anything to do with 225 and 230 in October, then it's Ian's way of tying and getting rid of plotholes and making one contuniious story to work with for all fans to enjoy.

Posts: 99
Estimable Member

Sonic Genesis and the Return Of The King arcs have been in the works for over a year. It's asinine to suggest Ian intends to base the outcome upon what he reads at message boards. At most he might change how he approaches additional stories and the return of Sally after the story is complete.

However, there is next to no chance Sally is going to be killed. Why would he add her to Sonic Genesis? If he planned to kill her many of the promotional statements would be different then the statements so far.

I'm shocked it was not Nicole. The crashing dome of the alternate cover was a great red herring. The story sounds excellent as well from what spoilers I read. This arc finally truly surprised me and he deserves props.

Posts: 1058
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[spoilers]Sally should pull a Cordelia, get possessed by an awesome evil entity and then remain in a coma.[/spoilers]

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 981
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I got the issue in the mail already!

How I interpreted the scene, Eggman was overall a gigantic, ballsy troll. His weapon, which was pointing at Sally, was pretty much, like the Ultimate Annihilator from Endgame; only it didn't wipe out reality, it was going to change it -- hence this will lead to Genesis as a quasi-reboot.

Sally didn't really "die," she was just the first one hit!

Everyone at Archie did a good job at tricking everybody over how this played off, but I felt like it was a little too precaution in it's execution, especially the first part of the issue which I feel didn't have enough tension. But it was all worth it for the last four glorious panels as the entire world was blinded by a flashing light.

Overall, the issue was fine; but I wouldn't exactly call it as "epic" as Archie has been going on about it in their previews. I'm much more interest in the development on what exactly Eggman's laser actually does, and how Genesis will make it's way back in-continuity when we come back in issue 230. Oh, and the cover is awesome.

Can't wait for Genesis next issue.

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So it's like Chaos Control from Sonic X sorta?

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Yeah, basically.

The catch here is we're not exactly sure how this will affect everything when we come back in issue #230, after Genesis.

Posts: 12
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You know, thinking about it, the more we say Ian won't do it, chances are he just might. Because we are calling his bluff, so he may do it to prove us all wrong.

Then again, maybe not.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

The story has already been written.

The story has already been cleared by Sega months ago.

Why is that so hard to understand?

If you think that Ian's unprofessional enough to let a handful of message board posts pull him in every which way to start with, I'd say that you were just plain wrong anyway, and there's no evidence to suggest otherwise.

But refusing to drop the idea that Ian writes everything on the back of a napkin three weeks in advance according to the reaction to the previous issue is making you look more than a bit silly, BW.

Posts: 12
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Look I understand what you saying, and you're right, but get a load of what Ian said at his boards:

es, he said this at the message boards at Bumbleking, that:

For the folks complaining about the lack of "on screen" death:

If he had shown it, we wouldn't be an all-ages book anymore. What happened to Sally was unfit for the eyes of small children and people of weak constitutions

Seriously, is he throwing that at us?! Please! That's just for the more recent and newer readers who have come to like Sally. Hello, clues are in his typing: (small children and people of weak constitutions). I mean why would he say that?, huh. Again if he does go and kill her, that's his decsion, but saying that at Bumbleking, Who does Ian think he's really fooling, the new readers, the long-time readers or himself. Just asking.

Posts: 99
Estimable Member

Adding a Sally tease as the lead to a 4 episode SEGA reboot has to be the most incredible troll of the Sally whine brigade ever. My kudos. I was going to make a joke spoiler of this happening but then it did. The Sally fans who aren't spamming boards about shipping, kissypics, or worse, know what is up.

And what you just said Patterson makes no sense. He said it was a violent scene and thus off screen. I can't even comprehend how you interpret it as offensive.

Posts: 12
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Adding a Sally tease as the lead to a 4 episode SEGA reboot has to be the most incredible troll of the Sally whine brigade ever. My kudos. I was going to make a joke spoiler of this happening but then it did. The Sally fans who aren't spamming boards about shipping, kissypics, or worse, know what is up.

And what you just said Patterson makes no sense. He said it was a violent scene and thus off screen. I can't even comprehend how you interpret it as offensive.

The small children I understand, but people with weak constitutions? I don't buy that. Remember Sonic's dad died violently on panel, remember?

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Even if it was said in jest, the level of violence is different from person to person. Someone can stomach a head being chopped off with the blood flowing and other people get squeamish at a simple prick of a needle. Just like how some people are okay with a little harsh language and some find it is nails on chalkboard bad when even a few curse words are spoken.

Posts: 1191
Noble Member

Are you forgetting this book is made for children? Because otherwise I don't see the point in you bringing this up other than your obvious distaste for Ian.

Posts: 12
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Well one person who seems to be a member of Ian's BK forums said this to me on the YT:

I've heard some people on the forum say that Ian confirmed that no one died/wounded/injured/whatever. I don't think that's true. And If Sally does die explain to me why 25 Years and 30 Years Later exists.

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Since when were the 25YL and the 30YL confirmed to be canon?

Posts: 2116
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What she said.

And you'll have to do better than "I heard some random person who I'm not even sure's on a message board say that Ian said it" when you come up with an answer, as well. Ian's a friend of mine, and I'm pretty confident he's said nothing of the sort.

Even if he had, Archie disagree and their word is final. That's what Penders failed to get through his skull in the first place, which is one of many reasons he ended up out on his ear.

This horse is dead, BW. Kindly stop beating it.

Posts: 12
Active Member

What she said.

And you'll have to do better than "I heard some random person who I'm not even sure's on a message board say that Ian said it" when you come up with an answer, as well. Ian's a friend of mine, and I'm pretty confident he's said nothing of the sort.

Even if he had, Archie disagree and their word is final. That's what Penders failed to get through his skull in the first place, which is one of many reasons he ended up out on his ear.

This horse is dead, BW. Kindly stop beating it.

Ok I get what you're saying. But do You Think Ian would give you a straight answer when it comes to something as big as 225 and GENESIS? Just asking.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

If you didn't blatantly ask him to spoil the future storyline for everyone else, yes.

If you want to call Ian Flynn a liar, please come out and say it.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

:/ Im guessing people have this issue already. :/ Granted, spoilers are up.

I dun care who dies. I just wanna know, is there a view of the Great Hill Zone after Eggman uses his Chaos Laser :/ I'm gonna be waiting 2 weeks for this issue, at least satiate me with that. (Newstands 6/7 right?)

Posts: 99
Estimable Member

I just wanna know, is there a view of the Great Hill Zone after Eggman uses his Chaos Laser :/


Posts: 12
Active Member

Oh God! I just the issue today folks. And from what I read and saw, the hints are there, if you take time to see them.

1. Why is NICOLE featured after Sonic and Sally you open the gatefold, instead of the other freedom fighters?

2. Why does Sally say, they will use Eggman's Egostim to their advantage.

3. Why does Sally have a concerned look on her face, when NICOLE tells her, she's wants to focus on the mission.

4. Why was Eggman worried about Nagus at first.

and finally

5. On the "Sonic Spin" page, why ask if Sally is toast? Did Eggman win? Why is the world turning white? And then say the answers await in "GENESIS"

Ladies and Gents, say what you will over this past week. But you to admit Ian's throwing a bunch of Red herrings to try and throw long time readers and most noteably newer readers off.

The answers to the questions are already there folks in 225, if you keep a good eye out for them.

Posts: 1191
Noble Member


1. What the hell are you even trying to get at here? Maybe it's because NICOLE is, oh I don't know IMPORTANT TO THE STORY AT HAND!

2. Because Eggman's egotism is one of his biggest weaknesses.

3. Again what are you getting at, maybe Sally's worried for her friend.

4. Because Nagus is a pretty powerful dude, if you were attempting to recreate reality and you realized a powerful magician was against you, wouldn't you be a bit worried.

5. Because those are the questions on most people's minds (apparently not yours) and it would make sense that the questions be answered in the next storyline.

But all joking aside, we get your point, if you're going to keep hashing out the same idea every time you post you might as well just post the phrase "I don't like Ian" and copy and paste it every time you feel like saying something, because that's all I'm getting from you.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Agreed. This is a forum for discussing the comic, not a personal hatred of Ian that you don't even have the decency to come out and be straight about.

Stop trying to justify it with feigned ignorance of how narratives work and unsupported pseudo-mysteriuous babble, and don't bring your petty little vendetta and your one-man fake conspiracy theory here.

You've been banned from here before, so it's not as though you shouldn't know what you're doing, which is why I'm being this direct.

What you are doing is posting flame-bait.

You don't like Ian. We get it. You made your point. It's written down here for anyone to read in future. You can drop it now.

But if you can't have this discussion decently, please have enough respect for the people on this forum who actually want to see a reasoned debate to take it to one of the other places you've cut and pasted it onto that haven't already banned you.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

If sally comes out of this dead, i will be ecstatic. It's people like bw that made me hate the character due to fanaticism. i actually wanted her dead so everyone would shut up. for all the character development she's gotten over the years, she's never evolved passed a mary-sue to me. now other characters will be allowed to step up and sonic can just do what he does with little to no romantic involvement with another character. which is just fine with me.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

I got this issue, and I love it. However, I do have a nail biting question.

Where'd Eggman get the rings from? Certainty not from Naugus's hoard. (side note-What number does that put Sonic at now, 1 billion and what, 200?)

Posts: 981
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However, I do have a nail biting question.

Where'd Eggman get the rings from? Certainty not from Naugus's hoard.

Since Lien-da works under him now, it's implied through dialogue in this issue that her Dark Egg Legion sought out for them. How though? I don't think it was clear. It can be pointed that Eggman was really intensive on his plan succeeding, so my theory would be that they actually went though that portal that he built to get them into the Special Zone* to risk their live to get them. :O

*(EDITOR'S NOTE): The same type of zones you find in Sonic games!

Posts: 5772
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*(EDITOR'S NOTE): The same type of zones you find in Sonic games!

[As seen in StH #219! -J.G.]

Posts: 1402
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*shameless plug*

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

However, I do have a nail biting question.

Where'd Eggman get the rings from? Certainty not from Naugus's hoard.

Since Lien-da works under him now, it's implied through dialogue in this issue that her Dark Egg Legion sought out for them. How though? I don't think it was clear. It can be pointed that Eggman was really intensive on his plan succeeding, so my theory would be that they actually went though that portal that he built to get them into the Special Zone* to risk their live to get them. :O

*(EDITOR'S NOTE): The same type of zones you find in Sonic games!

LOL at Editor Note

Ok, I guess I can accept that. I'm now wondering if Sonic's gonna be able to rock them in 2...30? Cause he's gonna have his hands full trying to restore reality. Ha, in reality-it would be the Triple threat that would survive the change Eggman is inducing. Oh and Shadow. I wanna know how they explain him not knowing about a reality changing ray.

Or maybe it'll be a reconstruct of Nicole, like they did a long time ago with all the Freedom fighters captured in the tubes-and Sonic finally breaks free and labedah, Death Egg Destruction :/.

226 I want now.
