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Sonic Comic Association 2005!

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Posts: 48
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Alright, another comicassociation, starting from issue #1! You can do Knuckles, Sonic, Super Specials, mini series, etc.

* Please wait AT LEAST one day after posting post again.
* All content of the previews should be as in the comic. That means NOTHING over PG.
* Try not to purposely destroy the flow of the stories, even if you don't like someone's plot twist. Just deal with it.
* If someone spams the thread or does something blatantly wrong, first tell them what they did wrong (especially if they are new). If the person doesn't listen, then alert a mod/admin.
* Use this template for all stories:
Comic Name #?
Story Name (Or Part)
Description here

Example of a SCA thread:


Let's get started!

Sonic the Hedgehog #1
Defenders Of Mobius! Part 1/3
Sonic the Hedgehog and the Freedom Fighters are introduced in this first issue! After Sonic's family was turned into robots by the evil Dr. Robotnik, he teams up with other victims of the docor's take over to put an end to his evil reign! But can they?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Aw! I followed all the linkage to see if my original thread was still around, and it would appear it was eaten by the great phantom beast Hack-Or the Ez, destroyer of threads!

Now there was a great example of what an association should be.


Sonic the Hedgehog #2
Defenders Of Mobius! Part 2/3

10 years after Robotnik's takeover of Mobotropolis, the Freedom Fighters led by the valiant, speedy blue hedgehog Sonic and Princess Sally Acorn make a daring raid into the depths of the rechristened Robotropolis to put an end to Robotnik's one true desire-- to learn the location of their forest haven, Knothole. Once inside the main citadel, they're shocked to discover one of their own has betrayed them! Will the Freedom Fighters discover the identity of their sabateur, or will Dr. Robotnik and Snively finally have Knothole razed asunder!?

Posts: 48
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Sonic The Hedgehog #3
Defenders of Mobius! Part 3/3

In a team effort to defeat Robotnik, Robotnik vanishes into the darkness in mid battle, along with Snivley. The Freedom Fighters know that this is some kind of trick, but attend to the traitor, who was completely under Robotnik's control. They leave, not knowing that Robotnik is watching them every step they take...

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Sonic The Hedgehog #4

Amy Rose's mind was nearly destroyed by the Mental Memory Module Robotnik used to try to extract Knothole's location. Now Sonic, feeling responsible, takes it upon himself to restore her memories by taking Amy Rose on a whirlwaind tour around Knothole, the Great Forest and beyond!

Midnight Bandit

Another day, another battle with Robotnik. The Freedom Fighters call it a day after their latest small victory to rest their minds and their bodies. But the night brings trouble in the form of a rollickin' weasel bent on obtaining one of Sonic's Power Rings for his own selfish plans. Only the restless Miles "Tails" Prower senses something is amiss...

Posts: 3
New Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #5
Heavy Metal Part 1
Tails is captured by Nack the Weasel and delivered to Doctor Robotnik who had hired him to steal one of Sonic's power rings in the first place, only failing. He schedules Tails to be roboticized, and it is up to Sonic and co. to save him...but is it to late?

(Sorry, I dunno how to use bold and itallics, I don't use this forum much ^^; )

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

This was a good thread in ye olde days.

Let's try and get it back up.

Sonic the Hedgehog #5

Heavy Metal Part 2 (of 3)

Sonic and the Freedom Fighters are nearly inside Robotnik's main citadel, when they recieve word from Knothole that Robotnik has sent an army of SWATbots toward the Great Forest. The reason? A hunt for the Freedom Fighters' hidden home: Knothole! The rescue party splits apart to deal with the problem; now only Sonic is left to rescue Tails, while everyone else hurries to redirect and ward off the army of metal...and as it ends, Sonic enters the Roboticization Lab...

Nothing like a Chili Dog...

A simple little tale about how Sonic the Hedgehog met his first love: the tantalizing chili dog.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #6
Heavy Metal Part 3 (of 3)
Robotnik's SWATbot army are confronted by the Freedom Fighters, minus Sonic and Tails, and a few volunteers from Knothole who have taken up arms to protect their home. Sonic, has broken into Robotnik's Roboticization Lab, where Robotnik had Snively are personally overseeing the roboticization of Tails. Is Sonic too late to save his friend?

Just Another Day...
Rotor is building a strange device in his workshop to help the Freedom Fighters. Antoine disturbs Rotor while making it though, and Rotor's creation goes haywire in Knothole, before he's forced to stop it and lose all his progress on the work. Just another crazy day in Knothole Village.

Posts: 4336
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Sonic the Hedgehog #7

Southern Belle

In the aftermath of the Heavy Metal arc, Sonic returns to a successfully defended Knothole from Robotropolis, having rescued Tails from the Roboticizer. However, when he returns home with a partially roboticized bunny (who was inside the Roboticization Lab when Sonic arrived), we are introduced to the newest member of the Freedom Fighters: Bunnie Rabbot!

Hell Hath No Fury

When giving advice to Tails, Sonic recounts a time where a little accident got Sally really angry...and why it's not a good idea to make women angry.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

Sonic The Hedgehog #8

Mean Streets part 1

Someone is running a protection racket to exploit Knothole's population of refugees - and when Sonic tries to stop it, he finds the corruption goes up even to Knothole's authorities! Now his only option is to go undercover in the bad side of town, with a little help from the Chaotix Detective Agency...

Posts: 4336
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Sonic the Hedgehog #9

Mean Streets Part 2 (Of 2)

The CDA's investigation concludes in this issue. Princess Sally tries her hardest to maintain order in Knothole, which has been swelling as refugees from Robotropolis arrive from all over. Meanwhile, Sonic and the CDA - a rough n' rumble group consisting of Charmy the Bee, Mighty the Armadillo, and Espio the Chameleon - finally pen the culprit responsible for the racketeering within Knothole's Police Force. Will corruption rife within the Police Force force Princess Sally to use her royal authority to shut down an organization that has been protecting Mobotropolis for over a century?

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #10

Invasion part 1 (1 of 4)

It started two days ago, with the sighting an unknown comet entering Mobius' solar system. Now, Robotropolis is in Siege Mode and Robotnik is leading a frantic excavation of ancient echidna ruins. The last member of the Thieves' Guild, the street-hedgehog Manic, has stolen vital data and is being hunted down by Nack - and only Sonic can save him in time. Antoine has been abducted by a clan of ninja spiders, who proclaim him to be the Champion of the Source and the prophesised saviour of Mobius. All these events have a connection - and Sonic is going to learn there are worse evils than Robotnik!

Sonic Riders Super Special

High Speed At High Noon!

Sonic and the gang expected trouble when they tried to steal data from one of Robotnik's city-bases, but not from a rival band of Freedom Fighters! Jet, Wave, and Storm are the Babylon Rogues, and Sonic thinks their methods are just too extreme - worse yet, they got to the data first! Looks like Sonic's going to have to challenge them to a race, with winner-takes-all rules... Unfortunately for him, he's got to learn to race on an airboard and not his feet! Will Sonic finally be left behind?

Posts: 4336
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Sonic the Hedgehog #11

Invasion Part 2 (2 of 4)

The data that Manic stole points to a hidden location in the echidna ruins, regarding a 'Hidden Palace'. Leaving Manic behind in Knothole, Sonic goes to investigate, only to find that Robotnik and his SWATbots are poring over the ruins in great numbers! However, SWATbots are being destroyed by ancient traps...and someone who lurks among the old ruins...someone who Sonic encounters inside the Hidden Palace. That someone is a red echidna; behold the debut of Knuckles the Echidna!

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #12

Invasion Part 3 (3 of 4)

Robotnik's desperate attempt at unearthing ancient echidna weaponry have completely failed. Unfortunately, that's the worst thing that could've happened as the advance guard of the Black Arms have invaded Mobius, preparing the way for the planet's extermination! Can Sonic & Knuckles trust each other long enough to find a way of averting doomsday - and before an unwilling Antoine is turned into an avatar for the Source?

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

EDIT: ARGH, Rocketboy beat me to the punch.


I had a really good one, too. ;_; Now, I don't have enough time to post another one.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #13

Invasion Part 4 (4 of 4)
Its the unbelievable conclusion to the Invasion saga! As things become critical, Sonic and Knuckles find that there is only one other way of surviving the Doomsday and that involves the collective fighting of everyone, including Dr. Robotnik! Will their temporary truce last long enough to save the entire planet, or is the world doomed to the Black Arms?

Plus, Antoine's fate and connection to the source is revealed. What role will he play in the escalating battle?

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

Sonic The Hedgehog #14

The Haunting Of Sally Acorn

Black Doom's invasion has been thwarted and everything should be back to normal - but not if Uma Arachnis and her spider-ninjas have anything to say about it! Their plan to turn Antoine into an avatar for the mysterious Source has succeeded - but Knothole doesn't know this yet. Now, ghostly manifestations are trying to drive Sally towards a legacy she never knew she had, as the Source moves to put Mobius back on a predetermined track. Can Sonic save his friend from an enemy he can't fight?

The Last Guardian part 1 (1 of 3)

Robotnik is a vengeful man, and the mysterious Knuckles is going to learn that first hand! But what is the truth behind the legends of the Angel Island and the significance of the Hidden Palace - and why is Knuckles alive when the rest of his kind are dead?

Posts: 7
Active Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #15

The Source of All

Sonic and Sally invade Robotropolis during the dead of night in order to find the hidden chamber containing the Source of All. As Sally attempts to navigate her childhood home, now a robotic fortress, Arachnis provides an obstacle and opponent for Sonic. Meanwhile, Antoine begins his assimilation into the source. He discovers a shocking secret regarding the fate of King Maximillion from none other than the Source's current puppet; Prince Elias! What has happened to the king? Will Sonic and Sally make it to the chamber in time to stop Antoine's complete assimilation?

The Last Guardian part 2 (2 of 3)

As Robotnik gathers the seven chaos emeralds in the Hidden Palace, they become infused with the power of the Master Emerald, morphing into seven Super Emeralds. Robotnik, using an energy syphon, uses this unlimited power to charge his newest creation, Metal Knuckles! Can Knuckles harness this raw energy to defeat this new creation, and save angel island?

EDIT: changed the 'I' to an 'E'

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

OOC: It's Elias, not Ilias.

Sonic the Hedgehog #16

The Source Cannot be Denied

Even though Sonic and Sally remove Antoine from the Source before it can assimilate him, it cannot be denied; to save itself from being without a host, half of the Source's power is transferred into its old host - Prince Elias - and the other half into its new host, Antoine. They journey back to Knothole, Elias seeing the new home of the refugees for the first time since Robotnik took over. However, the actions of the Source are troubling...and so Sally calls upon Charmy, Mighty, and Espio of the Chaotix Detective Agency to investigate the matter! Their investigation on matters concerning the Source lead them to some old echidna ruins at an island in the ocean...

The Last Guardian Part 3 (of 3)

Metal Knuckles is an unstoppable force, thrashing away at Knuckles with the power of the Super Emeralds. However, Knuckles is determined...but it seems to not be enough. But when three detectives arrive, they join him in battle! Knuckles finally draws out his innate ability to manipulate the emeralds' raw power by siphoning the power of Metal Knuckles, becoming Hyper Knuckles! He forces Robotnik to retreat...but when he returns the raw power back to the Master Emerald, it reacts strangely to him...and suddenly, Angel Island rises into the sky!

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

Sonic The Hedgehog #17

The Long Game

The return of Prince Elias causes a constitutional crisis in Knothole - but not as bad as the knowledge that King Acorn is alive and on the Angel Island! Whether he likes it or not, Knuckles is going to have to put up with having a whole bunch of strangers from Knothole wandering around his island. What nobody expects to find, however, is evidence that not all the echidnas are gone and that Knuckles isn't alone by accident. The Source has been playing a long game and it's preparing to make its final move to get rid of Robotnik, the one thing standing in its way of shaping Mobius... Speaking of Robotnik, guess who's launching an assault on Angel Island with his new Combots!

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #18


While the Freedom Fighters and the CDA hold off Dr. Robotnik's Combot assault force, Knuckles is perturbed to find a dazed, semi-conscious Antoine making his way to the Hidden Palace, home of the Master Emerald. The Source needs the power of the Master Emerald to help finish off Robotnik for good, but the last of the echidna doesn't care why Antoine wants the Master Emerald; he isn't getting it! Despite being under the control of the Source, will Antoine be mauled by Knuckles? And once the battle concludes...something will happen that redefines the role of the Source forever.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

Sonic The Hedgehog #19

As Dead I Well May Be

Sonic is dead, fallen defending his friends, and the shattered refuge of Knothole is in mourning. But Sally is unable to join - she needs to prepare Knothole for invasion. The Source has joined forces with Robotnik, working with him to create a new destiny for Mobius, and an all-out assault can't be far behind! Luckily, Knothole has a new champion - Knuckles! He's mad as hell at discovering his own father was manipulating his path along with the Source, and he's out to bust some heads!

But while his body is dead, Sonic's mind lives on in the otherdimensional oddity known as the Special Zone... and he's not planning to stay dead!

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #20

The Twilight Zone Part 1 (1 of 6)

Sonic's mind has now been solidified into a corporeal shell, thanks to the machinations of Zonic the Zone Cop, an alternate Sonic. Zonic has been paying heavy attention to Sonic's Mobius, known as Mobius-1. Sonic is willing to do anything to get back to his Zonic enlists his help. The mission? Trace the Source of All to its source (lolpun) in the Prime Zone, where the doors to all zones lie...and where the Source is based. Why? Because something has tampered with it at its very core...thus beginning the six-part Twilight Zone saga, culminating in Sonic's 25th issue!

All You Need is a Bunny...

As Knothole prepares for battle once more, Antoine lingers on the sidelines, moping and depressed. The Source's power has left both him and Elias in the aftermath of the last issue, and the son of a Mobian war hero is wondering if he belongs. Cue the half-roboticized Southern belle, Bunnie Rabbot, who is also dealing with her life as a half-furry/half-robotic 'freak'...what happens when these two meet?

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #20
The Twilight Zone Part 1 (of 6)
In this issue, after Zonic the Zone Cop has enlisted Sonic's help, they enter the first likely place where the Source of All is based. The first thing they see there? A blue hedgehog decked out in leather, with an attitude to match! Enter Anti-Sonic, and the Anti-Freedom Fighters! Instantly the two hedgehogs hit it off, with fists! Sonic can't be affored to be side-tracked by this anti-version of himself. But, what is their role in the grand scheme of things?

Gathering the troops.
Sally, and Elias, both know that they need troops if they are to save Knothole. So, what's the best way? Use the global communication network set up by Rotor and Nicole. With this, the two royals are able to contact other Freedom Fighters within the network, including the Lupe and the Wolf Pack, Walt and the Downunda Freedom Fighters, and others. With this, Sally and Elias can draw help from all sides!

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #22

The Twilight Zone Part 3 (3 of 6)

Discovering the Anti-Sonic was weird enough, but when Sonic finds a whole host of other alternate Sonics heading towards the Prime Zone, he starts to get suspicious. Could the whole tampering of the Source just be one massive trap? When the Source unleashes psychic warfare to destroy the Sonic's very identities, it seems the answer is "yes"! But who is powerful and malignant enough to invade the Prime Zone & tamper with the Source just to trap Sonics'?


Knuckles is the new hope for a Sonic-less Knothole - and he's not sure he can rise to the challenge. Tails is now a premier defender of Knothole that people look up to - and he misses Sonic & is scared of the responsibility? Can the two of them help each other?

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Spiner, you goofed on your numbering. It should be Sonic the Hedgehog #21 and Twilight Zone part 2.

Sonic the Hedgehog #23

The Twilight Zone Part 4 (4 of 6)

Sonic of Mobius-1 has finally entered the Prime Zone, a strange zone that looks like it came straight out of an M.C. Escher painting. Can he navigate the confusing pathway to find the door to the Source? He finally succeeds...but finds a big surprise waiting for him: Metal Robotnik! An alternate version of his enemy, whose attempts at siphoning off the power of the Source explains its strange behavior (tampering with all-powerful mystical energies is a big no-no)...and why? To power an ultimate weapon, created to destroy all Sonics: Metal Sonic!

Calm before the Storm

Knuckles doubts are settled when he has a talk with Mighty the Armadillo, who's come to admire the echidna for his dedication to guarding Angel Island. Tails, likewise, is comforted by Sally, who tries to assure him that Sonic would be proud of him. However, Charmy returns after a secret recon...and he shows photos of a robotic body being built for the that could be infinitely more powerful than any other robot in Robotnik's arsenal...

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

Sonic The Hedgehog #24

The Twilight Zone Part 5 (5 of 6)

Hundreds of alternate Sonics have been lured into Metal Robotnik's trap and taken down, ready to be exterminated by the terrifying Metal Sonic. Only our Sonic and Anti-Sonic remain free to save the day, and they can't even stand each other! Beating Metal Robotnik is the easy part; stopping the driven-insane Source before Metal Sonic becomes strong enough to shatter planets, that's another matter altogether! The only option is to destroy the Source... and then just hope Metal Sonic can be beaten!

Knothole's Finest Hour?

Knothole and its allies stand ready and make their collective peace, while Robotnik's forces storm towards the refuge and Metal Sonic nears activation.

Be here next issue for the explosive, winner-takes-all conflict!

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

I was testing you, Ultra. =P

Sonic the Hedgehog #25
The Twilight Zone Part 6 (of 6)
The stunning conclusion to the Twilight Zone story arc, and Sonic's 25th issue, starts here with have Sonic and Anti-Sonic, two 'hogs who can't stand one another, but are the key to saving the entire megaverse. They need to be able work in unison to be able to defeat Metal Sonic, and the Source, and bring Metal Robotnik's plans to a halt! The fate of the rest of the Sonic's, and the worlds, rest in their hands.

Never Surrender.
The battle between Knothole and Robotnik's forces has begun! Each sides are exchanging blows with each other during the entire conflict, but when Robotnik's lastest creation, Metal Sonic, arrives, it wreaks havoc for the Freedom Fighters. Knothole's two champions, Tails and Knuckles, aren't capable of defeating it, and things are looking bleak! Thus, Sonic returns from the 'dead'. Not even being able to rest from his last battle (in the first story), is he able to defeat this Metal Sonic as well?

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #26

No Rest for the Weary

Sonic is back (thanks to the power of Zonic), and Knothole is celebrating in the aftermath of a victorious battle. However, even as Robotnik hides in Robotropolis to lick his wounds, there's no rest for the recently returned Blue Blur...because a certain skunk has come to avenge the Police Force, which he had served in with great loyalty. His name? Geoffery St. John. And although he was one of the good, straight cops, he won't rest until he's beaten Sonic to a pulp! But Sonic - even when tired and weary from a tumultuous battle - should have no problem dealing with this former cop. A rivalry is about to be made!

The Master Source

Knuckles is back home on the Floating Island, and he is back to protecting the Master Emerald. He reflects on his past...and amidst wondering about his species and their apparent disappearance (and, apparently, his father had a hand in it...), he realizes that the Master Emerald contains a new power; the Source of All! Now fully rejuvenated and sane, the Source - weakened from being used and abused by the Robotniks - has relocated itself into a suitable shell: the Master Emerald. Is Knuckles pleased? Of course not! But apparently, the Source can help Knuckles find out about his heritage...but only if he'll let the Source remain inside the Master Emerald!

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #27
Geoffrey St. John is now part of Knothole's Freedom Figher group, much to Sonic's dismay. This is Sonic's first time to catch his breath since he's returned, and to spend some time with Sally and the others, and catch up to speed on what's happening. It's also the perfect time to just relax and eat a chilli dog. Meanwhile, in Robotropolis, Robotnik is recovering from the loss at the Battle of the Great Forest in another way. His factories are pumping out more SWATbots and Badniks everyday, working triple-time so he can rebuild his forces, yet running through his resources. With his greatest project, Metal Sonic, defeated at the hands of his foe, Robotnik and his assistant, Snively, begin work on a new type of robot design, the COMbot!

Honour Amongst Thieves? Part 1 (of 2).
Nack the Weasel, and his gang, Rouge the Bat, Bean the Dynamite Duck, and Bark the Polar Bear have learnt of an airship belonging to a band of thieves, the Babylon Rogues, which houses amazing treasures, and these nefarious crooks want it! Nack and the others must use every trick in the book, and then some, to get what they want from this band of thieves!

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

(The Combots have already shown up)

Sonic The Hedgehog #28

Return Of The Living Badniks

Sonic's plan of taking out Sally on a romantic date have hit two snags. The first is Geoffrey St. John coming with them. The second is the date is being held in an area near where Robotnik dumps all his old rusting Badnik designs he doesn't use anymore... and all those old Badniks have just risen up from the scrapheap to obey their core programming!

Honour Amongst Thieves? Part 2 (of 2)

Nack's gang have penetrated the Rogues fortress, and Nack's just taken out his gang so he can get all the treasure for himself. Victory, right? Not when it turns out the whole thing was an elaborate trap by the Babylon Rogues and their Freedom Fighter allies to snare Nack!

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

(Indeed they have. So let's just spice them up a bit.)

Sonic the Hedgehog #29

Heart of a Dragon

Even as Robotnik and Snively work feverishly on the new COMbot model, the COMbot-X, the mad Doctor sends a force of SWATbots and COMbots to a mountainous region of Mobius. Their purpose? To capture dragons to roboticize into killing machines! The Dragon Clan has had a good relationship with the House of Acorn for generations...and now they send a female dragon named Dulcy to Knothole, to ask for help! Will Dulcy make it back in time with reinforcements? And all the while, Geoffrey St. John's first task as a Freedom Fighter is to interrogate Nack the Weasel...

Knuckles the Echidna #1

To the Forbidden Zone Part 1 (of 5)

With all the action surrounding Knuckles, it's only fair he gets his own series! Knuckles, having agreed with the Source, is now searching through the Mushroom Hill Zone in search of the Fire Ants...particularly, one named Archimedes. Apparently, according to the Source, he had been alive when the great echidna civilization had disappeared from the face of Mobius...

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

(Well, so they have. Oh well.)

Sonic the Hedgehog #30
The Devil's Gulag.
Geoffrey St. John has learned valuable information from Nack the Weasel, his gang has a hidden treasure trove of stolen goods and artifacts in what used to be the Acorn Kingdom's prison island, the Devil's Gulag. Having saved the dragons in the previous issue, and recruiting Dulcy the Dragon to the Freedom Fighters, Sonic and the gang now head off towards this prison fortress, in an attempt to find something which might help them in the fight against Robotnik. Though, upon their arrival, all is not as it appears to be! Meanwhile, Dr. Robotnik's COMbot-X is nearing completion!

Knuckles the Echidna #2
To the Forbidden Zone Part 2(of 5)
After having finding Archimedes, the Fire Ant, Knuckles enlists the help of the CDA, and his friends, Mighty the Armadillo, and Ray the Flying Squirrel. With Archimedes' guidance, the group each must undergo a series of tasks to perform before they can learn the secret about what happened to the Echidna civilisation.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #31

Uncanny X-Force!

The Combot-X has been unleashed! Can Sonic and the gang defeat a robot designed to adapt to and replicate any & all powers, abilities and strategies they use against it? They better find a way, especially if they want to keep Robotnik from discovering Devil's Gulag is being used as a sanctuary for Robians who've broken their programming... and if Sonic wants to protect his Uncle!

Can't You Hear The Thunder? (1 of 3)

The Downunda Freedom Fighters, returned home after the Battle For Knothole, are getting back to business as usual - fighting Robotnik's general Crocbot! That, they can handle. A major oncoming storm threatening to hit their area of Downunda, that's another matter...

Knuckles the Echidna #3

To the Forbidden Zone Part 3(of 5)

Knuckles and his allies have proven themselves, and now it's time to learn the truth. He's about to learn that how his own father left him alone on the island and why, and just what happened to all the echidnas. For a start, they didn't willingly leave Angel Island - they were fleeing from something...

Posts: 4336
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Sonic the Hedgehog #32

Tales of a Future Dictator Part 1 (of 4)

After safely returning the Robians from the Devil's Gulag to Knothole (and fending off the COMbot-X), Sonic decides to catch up with Uncle Chuck. As it turns out, Chuck knows how Robotnik rose to power...for none of the other Freedom Fighters know the truth, as Robotnik rose to power when they were children. Behold, the story of Dr. Ivo Robotnik of the House of Kintobor...who was rescued by two hedgehogs during the Great War between humans and Mobians...and those hedgehogs happened to be Jules and Charles, Sonic's father and uncle!

Can't You Hear The Thunder? (2 of 3)

The typhoon has hit Downunda! The ferocious storm slams into the land, forcing the Downunda Freedom Fighters to separate due to the harsh weather. Crocbot and his robotic minions, however, have no problem braving the elements...can the Downunda Freedom Fighters survive a Crocbot assault when they're split up?

Knuckles the Echidna #4

To the Forbidden Zone Part 4 (of 5)

It is to Knuckles' great shock that he learns of why his kind left Angel Island; the Dark Legion, a group of echidnas that worshipped technology and the powers it brought them. However, after great conflict with the Guardians and the rest of the echidnas, they were banished by Locke - Knuckles' father - into an alternate dimension called the Negative Zone. However, during this long and terrible battle, the rest of the echidnas scattered across Mobius...Locke was left alone with his son Knuckles on Angel Island, to raise him as the next guardian of the Master Emerald. As Archimedes' finishes his tale, they arrive at the edge of the barren wasteland known as the Forbidden Zone...and Knuckles is told he must jump into the same wall of fire that he saw his father jump into long ago!

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Sonic the Hedgehog #33
Tales of a Future Dictator, Part 2 (of 4)
Uncle Chuck continues his story with of how Robotnik came to power to his nephew, Sonic, from during the Great War when Robotnik became Warlord after the previous Warlord, Kodos, had supposedly been "KIA"'ed. Uncle Chuck reveals how Robotnik had been scheming and plotting against everyone in the Kingdom of Acorn to get what he desired, and that included conflicting with the sorceror, Ixis Naugus.

Can't You Hear the Thunder? (3 of 3)
In the finale to this 3-part story, the Downunda Freedom Fighters must brave the storm and get back together if they have any chance of defeating Crocbot and his minions, and send him packing back to his hideout!

Knuckles the Echidna #5
To the Forbidden Zone, Part 5 (of 5)
Knuckles, alone and without the aid of the others, jumps through the wall of fire. And boy, does he get the surprise of his life! It's the Brotherhood, the Guardians of the Master Emerald. It is there that he is told the entire story, of what happened, why he protects the Master Emerald, his legacy as the Guardian of the Master Emerald.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

The 'ess' at the end implies female. It should be Sorcerer.

Sonic the Hedgehog #34

Tales of a Future Dictator Part 3 (of 4)

It is now when Charles the Hedgehog recalls his greatest shame...and to Sonic's great shock, he discovers the inventor of the roboticizer - the greatest weapon against all Freedom Fighters - was his uncle! But he had invented it only to cure injuries and wounds on the battlefield...and Jules was his first test subject. But to Charles' horror, the roboticizer had instead roboticized ALL of Jules, not just the wound. And wouldn't you know it; Warlord Robotnik, having just banished Ixis Naugus to the interdimensional prison known as the Negative Zone, steals the roboticizer in preparation for his coup!

Inventors At Large

Tails has proven to have quite a knack with machines, so Rotor decides to give the two-tailed fox a tour through his workshop. What happens when you combine an inquisitive Tails, a wrench carelessly laid down by Rotor, a new food-maker machine, and a WHOLE lotta chili? The answer: chaos. Yummy chaos, but chaos nonetheless.

Knuckles the Echidna #6

The Road to Albion Part 1 (of 3)

In light of the truth, Knuckles wants to see the rest of his kin...particularly, his mother, Lara-Le. His ancestor, Sabre, instructs him to go to Athair, the only Guardian who lives upon the surface of Mobius...because he, and only he, knows the way to Albion...the lost city of the echidna, hidden from even the Brotherhood's eyes. So with regret, Knuckles leaves his post - a post he's guarded his whole life - to that of the Brotherhood and his friends Charmy, Mighty, Espio, and Ray to find Athair!

Meanwhile...elsewhere on the Floating Island...a portal opens, due to a powerful magic...and a familiar sorcerer steps out, accompanied by echidnas in black cloaks...behold...having broken out of the Negative Zone (due in part to the multidimensional chaos wrought by Metal Robotnik's tampering with the Source)...Ixis Naugus and the Dark Legion have returned to exact vengeance on those who banished them!

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Picky, picky. I was having a bad day at school. Plus, I didn't even spell it right. =P

Sonic the Hedgehog #35
Tales of a Future Dictator, Part 4 (of 4)
In the last issue, Uncle Chuck had just revealed the shocking revelation to Sonic that he was the original creator of the roboticizer. In the rest of this story arc, Uncle Chuck sheds the light on how Robotnik came to power, and the tale of how Robotnik's forces, then only Badniks, with prototypes of the SWATbots, managed to sweep through Mobotropolis in a single night, and how the children, before they formed the Freedom Fighters, were escaped out of the fallen city.

Knuckles the Echidna #7
The Road to Albion, Part 2 (of 3)
Following rumours, Knuckles heads towards his first destination on his quest to find Athair, his path taking him to the Kingdom of Mercia, a part ruled by one of Robotnik's generals, General D'coolette. There, he meets one of the local Freedom Fighters, Rob O' the Hedge, and his valley-girl cousin, Amy Rose, whom Knuckles finds out the hard way that she's a Sonic fan-girl. The Blue Blur's reputation has spread far and wide across Mobius! Rob may know how to help the Guardian to find Athair, as their are a group of Echidnas nearby.

Meanwhile, back on Angel Island, Ixis Naugus and the Dark Legion make their presence felt with a big impact, an attempt to defeat the Guardians of the Master Emerald, and steal the precious jewel which keeps the island aloft!

Posts: 462
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Sonic the Hedgehog #36

The Great Train Breakout

Sonic and the gang are planning to rescue the next batch of unfortunates about to be Roboticised. That's going to be harder than usual, because they're being transported by armoured train! The gang are going to have to use all their skills for this mission!

The Casino Night Job Part 1 (1 of 2)

The Babylon Rogues - Freedom Fighters, thieves and joyriders - are back, and out for their biggest mission yet: to steal all of Robotnik's money from the Casino Night Zone!

Knuckles the Echidna #8

The Road to Albion, Part 3(of 3)

Knuckles enters the hidden city of Albion and is reunited with his mother... and step-father and baby brother? There's a lot to take in, especially when he discovers Albion has data on all the various echidna hiding places across Mobius, all cut off from the others and afraid of attack. He's to his work cut out if he wants to unite them all and return them to Angel Island!

Speaking of Angel Island, Naugus and the Dark Legion have just taken full control of it! The Brotherhood and Chaotix are imprisoned, now they want Knuckles out of the way and the full power of the Master Emerald is theirs! Which is why the Guardian Spectre has activated the Brotherhood's last-ditch resort - releasing the entity known as Chaos...

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Sonic the Hedgehog #37

Crash Landing

It's just another normal day at Knothole. Tails is working with Rotor. Antoine is trying to work up the courage to ask Bunnie out on a date. Geoffrey St. John is trying to get between Sonic and Sally. Sonic is being chased by Amy Rose, who's visiting from Mercia. But then, everything goes to heck when an escape pod crashes in Knothole, holding Knuckles' father, Locke! He tells of how the Dark Legion and the sorcerer Ixis Naugus escaped the Negative Zone, and are now seeking revenge...and of how, in a last-ditch attempt to save the Master Emerald, Spectre released from the Master Emerald the one known as Chaos, the god of destruction...and, due to the fact the Master Emerald was holding the Source of All, Chaos is now the host of the Source! It's the beginning of a mega-crossover between Sonic the Hedgehog and Knuckles the Echidna!

Meanwhile, at Robotropolis, Ixis Naugus pays a surprised Robotnik a visit...but can the sorcerer beat the dictator? Especially when he's being attacked by FIVE COMbot-Xs?

Knuckles the Echidna #9

The Ancient Walkers

Knuckles, unknowing of the chaos happening on Angel Island, journeys with Athair towards a hiding place of echidnas, which is set on top of a mountain. As he journeys, Athair decides to reveal to him the existence of the Ancient Walkers - powerful, mystical beings who travelled from zone to zone in ancient times - and how he - and, surprisingly, the ones known as Sonic and Tails - tie into things! It looks like the Ancient Walkers, long gone from any world, are about to return...and it's because of a threat with more power than they!

Meanwhile, back on Angel Island, Chaos has broken loose from the Master Emerald, sending shards of it flying everywhere across Mobius! The island falls into the ocean, no longer kept afloat. The Dark Legion immediately begins a furious battle against the entity, but to no avail. They have no choice but to retreat...but to their leader, Enerjak, that's just fine.

He still has a bone to pick with the Brotherhood...

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Sonic the Hedgehog #38

United We Stand Part 1 (1 of 4)

Snively's betrayal has left Naugus in control of Robotropolis and sent Robotnik fleeing for his life. The Dark Legion are laying siege to Albion. The terrifying Chaos is cutting a swathe through Mobius in pursuit of the Legion and may be planning to annihilate the planet. Mobius' darkest hour is here and the Freedom Fighters are powerless! According to the mysterious Ancient Walkers, only Sonic, Knuckles and Tails united can save the planet... but don't count on it!

Knuckles the Echidna #10

United We Stand Part 2 (2 of 4)

Continuing the apocalyptic events! Sonic, Tials & Knuckles head out to defend Albion and get rid of the Dark Legion before Chaos arrives & destroys obliterates the whole area. But while they can succeed there, Naugus and his attempts to turn Mobius into a magical realm may be beyond them! Meanwhile, Enerjak is systematically destroying the Brotherhood and hoping that Chaos arrives soon to destroy him, so he can absorb the beast's energy for himself. It's a world-shattering plan - because Enerjak has no comprehension of just how powerful and dangerous Chaos is...

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Sonic the Hedgehog #39

United We Stand Part 3 (of 4)

Even though the Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles - the Triple Threat - managed to ward Chaos away from Albion, Ixis Naugus is slowly corrupting Mobius with his magic! The three regroup at Knothole to come up with a new plan...and Knuckles takes the opportunity to talk to his father Locke, who gives him a more accurate picture of what's happening on the Floating Island.

Meanwhile, back on Angel Island, Enerjak has already killed the Guardians Thunderhawk, Sojourner, Mathias, Hawking, and Sabre. The Brotherhood, now backed into a corner, are helpless against the might of Enerjak...who reveals to them his true name: Dimitri, the brother of the first Guardian Edmund...and the founder of the Dark Legion! Before he can contine his killing spree though, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles arrive!

Knuckles the Echdina #11

United We Stand Part 4 (of 4)

Naugus has banished Robotnik to the Negative Zone. The Dark Legion has returned. Enerjak has killed the Guardians. Chaos - a beast that even the Source has no control over - continues its rampage, eventually arriving in Robotropolis, which it floods without pause. Everything is going to heck.

So it falls to the Triple Threat to do something. But first they must subdue Enerjak! Fortunately, the Ancient Walkers - three masked entities of great power - finally arrive, bearing a gift: a key. Then, they plunge this key into Tails, unlocking his hidden power...for he was prophesied to be the Chosen One by the Ancient Walkers! The two-tailed fox becomes Turbo Tails, and immediately begins giving Enerjak whatfor! Sonic and Knuckles use this opportunity to quickly race across Mobius to find the shards of the Master Emerald...and any Chaos Emeralds or power rings they can find! It's a race against time for Sonic and Knuckles...and it's a test of courage for Tails! It all a massive Super Special...

Sonic & Knuckles Super Special

United We Fall

Chaos, imbued with the power of the Source, is battling Ixis Naugus in Robotropolis. Enerjak has been subdued, his body stripped of the technological armor keeping him mobile and alive. The Brotherhood places his decrepit body in a life support system, where he'll be of no harm...and as Sonic and Knuckles return with a bunch of shards, emeralds, and rings, the Ancient Walkers speak in riddles to the trio.

By the light of three,
Will the fate of all be deemed.
Deemed to live, deemed to die,
In the end, only you three will decide.

The Ancient Walkers disappear, leaving Athair in their place. He calmly explains to the three that the reason the Ancient Walkers returned to Mobius is because of the innate power that Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles both possessed...Sonic as the fastest thing alive...Knuckles as the Guardian of the Master Emerald, genetically enhanced before birth...and Tails, the Chosen One! Knuckles grafts the Master Emerald back together, just as a call comes in from Sally; Ixis Naugus' battle with Chaos is creating a backlash of power that could eventually tear a hole in the planet!

So Sonic and Knuckles absorb the power of the Chaos Emeralds and the power rings to become Super Sonic and Hyper Knuckles! It all comes down to a tremendous battle in a flooded Robotropolis against a powerful sorcerer and a watery beast powered by the Source! And yet, as the five combatants collide in one final flash...they disappear. Where have they gone? Nobody knows...and thus, Snively, now takes the place of both Robotnik and dictator of Mobius.

OOC: Ooh. That was a wee bit long. Oo

Posts: 462
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Sonic The Hedgehog #40

Rebel Yell Part 1 (1 of 2)

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles are gone, but the Freedom Fighters can't wait for them to return. Snively is the new dictator of Mobius, but his position is still weak and Robotropolis is a wreck - now is the time to cause some serious damage! A co-ordinated assault, led by Sally backed up by allies the Babylon Rogues and the Wolf Pack, is destroying as much of Robotropolis' factories & military targets as possible, while Uncle Chuck breaks the programming of as many Robians as possible in order to free them! But Snively's not going to stand for that, and neither will his new Egg Pawn hordes...

Master Of Nothing

Robotnik is trapped in the Negative Zone. He has no resources, no servants and no way to do anything. He appears to be alone and he knows no way of escaping. Can Robotnik find out a way he might be able to escape, or will being alone with his thoughts drive him into defeat?

Knuckles The Echidna #12

25 Years Later Part 1 (1 of 3)

The Triple Threat, Naugus and Chaos have vanished from Mobius... and appeared on Mobius? Welcome to the Mobius of the future, and it's a dying mess. The spawn of the Black Arms are dotted about the wastelands, a directionless and decadent Dark Legion rule the Angel Island, and a myriad of little gangs and fiefdoms are scattered about the planet, all facing entropy and collapse. Sonic, Knuckles and Tails have to return to their own time to avert this, but how? While they desperately look for a way, Knuckles finds he's been turned into a religious icon known as the Avatar, who will return to save Mobius in its time of need; and Sonic faces the road warriors known as the Nasty Hyenas, run by... Antoine? And if you think that's bad, wait till you see what's happened to Knothole.

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Sonic the Hedgehog #41

Rebel Yell Part 2 (of 2)

Egg Pawns. SWATbots. COMbots. And a whole legion of mass-produced COMbot-Xs. Snively is retaliating against the Freedom Fighter assault in a big way, intending to make the Freedom Fighters pay for attempting to show him up. Finally, the rebels are forced to retreat, although they've caused great damage to Snively...and they'ved freed countless Robians from Robotropolis, including Sonic's mother and father!

Then, to Rotor's great shock upon return to Knothole, his entire Workshop had been looted. Weapons, blueprints, vehicle designs, anti-robot ordnance, and more...and also, Nack has escaped from the prison! Seeking favor (and cash), Nack the Weasel has stolen all of Rotor's cutting-edge technology for the new dictator!

Evil Meets His Face

Robotnik is suddenly extracted from the Negative Zone to the world designated as Mobius-371. It is from this Mobius that Metal Robotnik - the one who instigated the crisis with the Source-powered Metal Sonic - originated! Now the roboticized dictator is intrigued with his 'fleshy' counterpart...and he proposes a partnership. Dr. Robotnik is only too happy to agree. It's a duo of deadly proportions: Robotnik and Robotnik!

Knuckles the Echidna #13

25 Years Later Part 2 (of 3)

Knothole is a wasteland. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles (in disguise after being forced to throttle the Hyenas in the previous issue) see that the remnants of the Great Forest and Knothole have become a refugee camp for everyone on Mobius. There is no law or order here, but everyone is obligated to protect each other. As for Sally...apparently, she died long ago in the Freedom Fighters' last battle against Snively, who has renamed himself 'King Vile-Syn'. The Freedom Fighters are no more, and the only territory King Vile-Syn controls is Robotropolis and its outskirts. Everything else is divided among those with power to control...and it's all horrible.

Tails nearly breaks down at the sight of his home reduced to this. Sonic vows to get back home at any cost...and that's when Zonic - who doesn't look a day older, as he lives outside of time - appears, telling Sonic of a grave danger that affects the past, present, and future! Knuckles, meanwhile, is suddenly ambushed by a group of echidnas...and one of them is his father, Locke, who feverishly chants out his name as 'Avatar'. The refugees flock to the Avatar...thus putting Knuckles in a big pickle.

As for is returning to Angel Island. Its power was expended in the fight with Naugus and the Triple Threat, and now the Source can force its will upon the watery entity...but when it encounters the Dark Legion on Angel Island, it is attacked by an old Chaos Syphon...commanded by none other than a roboticized Dimitri! Will the decrepit and rusting echidna be able to finally suck away the power of Chaos - as he intended to do so long ago - and revitalize the Dark Legion?

And what of Naugus? Simple: he seeks to conquer and command the Black Arms, for use as his army. Why? To conquer Robotropolis of course...and King Vile-Syn is in the way!

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Sonic the Hedgehog #42

Guess Who's Back?

Nack's data theft means Rotor & Uncle Chuck have only one option - come up with a whole new bunch of better designs, fast! The other Freedom Fighters are going to have to return to Robotropolis, this time by stealth, and throw a monkey-wrench into Snively's attempts to use Rotor's designs. Luckily, Sonic is back on Mobius, restoring hope and giving them the edge over Nack & Snively! But what they don't know is that this is actually Anti-Sonic...

Bad King Snively

Robotnik is gone and now Snively reigns! Everything he's ever wanted is his... so why doesn't he feel like he's won? Why is the job so much harder than he expected? Why does his grip seem to be slipping slightly? And can Snively escape from under the shadow of Robotnik?

Knuckles the Echidna #14

25 Years Later Part 3 (of 3)

Zonic has the means for the Triple Threat to return to their home time, and they need to do it if they want to prevent this nightmarish future from occuring and stop the upcoming threat of the Robotnik Alliance. However, our heroes have some loose ends to tie up first! Sonic & Tails are gathering together all the gangs and refuge colonies they can find, and leading them into battle to bring down Naugus, Vile-Syn and the Black Arms for good! Knuckles, on the other hand, has to find and retrieve Chaos, and try not to succumb to the urge to remain in the future.

Things get a bit more complicated when Chaos goes on the rampage once more! Dmitri's Siphon didn't drain the Chaos Energy into him, it drained the Source, and now the entity is trapped within a crumbling metal shell while Chaos is cut loose! The only option left to Knuckles is to draw the Source into himself and use it to help him, subduing Chaos and using him to take out Naugus' armies... but while this has worked, who knows what the long term effects on Knuckles might be...

Sonic: Time Warp Special

The Triple Threat are going home, Naugus has been arrested by Zonic, and Chaos is contained. Now they set off through the timestream, and as they go they see tales from the past flash before them...

How The Band Got Together

Sonic and his chums are just 10 years old, living in fear of the horrifying Robotropolis that is so close to their home. But when their ward Rosie is captured, these young Mobians will have to take the first step on the road to being Freedom Fighters!

The Origin Of Chaos

There was a time when Chaos was a peaceful being guarding a tribe of Chao, and would hurt no-one... until the ancient echidna's decided to conquer the area and kill everything standing in their way! Witness the event that turned Chaos into the rage-driven nightmare he is today...

Cry Freedom

How did Uncle Chuck break his Robian program and establish the sanctuary for free Robians in Devil's Gulag? Find out here, and how a young Sonic inadvertently had a hand in it!

Posts: 4336
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Sonic the Hedgehog #43

Crisis on Infinite Mobiuses Part 1 (of 8)

Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles return to their time, resulting in much confusion when Anti-Sonic and Sonic meet. The resulting brawl is put to rest when Zonic emerges in Knothole, saying he sent Anti-Sonic here (with payment in power rings) to stabilize the Freedom Fighters' presence in preparation for the coming crisis. But before he can explain it, something happens in Robotropolis! Above the sky emerges an airship accompanied by flying COMbots and SWATbots on hoverbikes...and Snively is terrified, for that design is one he knows: the Egg Carrier!

Zonic explains that Robotnik of Mobius-1 and Metal Robotnik of Mobius-371 have joined forces to conquer every Mobius in existence...and eventually, the entire megaverse! His only advice is to prepare for his return, as he has something to take care of first...

Thus begins the Crisis on Infinite Mobiuses...culminating in Sonic's 50th issue!

Knuckles the Echidna #15

Plight of the Ancient Walkers

Zonic emerges in a mountainous region, where Athair is once again wandering the world. Apparently, the former Guardian had been expecting the Zone surprise, seeing as how Athair is the only one on Mobius who can speak with the Ancient Walkers at will. Apparently, the reason they came to Mobius-1 was to warn Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles of the great power they wielded...because it would either save everyone from the threat of the two Robotniks, or doom them should the power consume them. Zonic needs to speak with the Ancient Walkers themselves...for he knows they might have a potential solution to the Robotniks, who are already conquering the megaverse at a lightning pace!

Meanwhile, Knuckles and Locke - the latter having been in Knothole since STH #37 - finally returns to the Floating Island, much to the joy of the Chaotix and the Brotherhood, who are in the midst of burying their dead kin. The current Guardian is told that Dimitri is unconscious in life support, and the rest of the Dark Legion have been imprisoned in the holding cells of the Brotherhood's center of operation, Haven. Knuckles decides to investigate (or perhaps interrogate?) the interlopers...when one, having cleverly hidden an electronic lock-picker within her mouth, escapes right in front of Knuckles! The Guardian quickly puts a stop to the Legionnaire...only to discover she can put a good fight! Who is this pink-faced echidna? Her name: Julie-Su, the second hand of Enerjak!

OOC: The (of 8) turns into an emoticon. Make sure to disable emoticons.

Posts: 462
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Sonic the Hedgehog #44

Crisis on Infinite Mobiuses Part 2 (of 8)

Mobius is at war, as Snively and Robotnik battle over who is going to be the Big Bad - and Snively is getting his butt kicked! The Freedom Fighters are now in the uncomfortable position of having to help Snively in order to ward off the greater evil. Tails, still reeling from the horrors of the future Mobius, is fighting with a vengeance! Meanwhile, Sonic and Anti-Sonic are consumed by rivalry, both feeling heavily possessive over Sonic's newly-found parents. Despite that, they're forced to work together on a mission to the southern jungles of Mobius, to fend off an advance party of Shadowbots... and they discover the last remaining Overlander city, Station Square! But why are the Robotniks so interested in it? And in the megaverse, more Zones are falling...

Knuckles the Echidna #16

Knuckles' Quest Part 1 (1 of 5)

Knuckles is back on the road, partnered with Julie-Su against his (and her) will, as he plans to unite all the scattered echidna refuges and return the people to Angel Island! His first stop is Albion, where they're already on the move, to gain the neccessary data and see his mother & family once more - the cataclysmic events he's been through have made him determined to get as close to her as possible. That done, he's off to the first settlement, down in Downunda - where the refuge leaders are considering forming an alliance with Crocbot! Knuckles has to convince them otherwise, and all the while watching his back around Julie-Su...

Posts: 4336
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Sonic the Hedgehog #45

Crisis on Infinite Mobiuses Part 3 (of 8)

Station Square: last city of humans. It has now been besieged by an army of COMbots, searching for something buried beneath the city. Apparently, it was a weapon developed during the Great powerful it was never used. It's power is indicated by the fact that Metal Robotnik is leading the excavation process!

Meanwhile, Zonic returns to the Freedom Fighters, saying the two Robotniks are already conquering the megaverse at an extreme rate...and this weapon is a key to destroying unruly planets all at once! Sonic and Anti-Sonic, though they have no love lost between them, don't want their own worlds to they begrudgingly agree to go on a mission alone with Snively to sabotage the weapon, whilst Zonic takes the rest of the Freedom Fighters to his center of operations in the Chrono they can catch a glimpse of the Prime Zone. Within it is a massive floating fortress, designed and built by the combined genius of both Robotniks: the Death Egg!

Knuckles the Echidna #17

Knuckles' Quest Part 2 (of 5)

Knuckles finally gets a lucky break; Crocbot, under orders from Metal Robotnik, begins rounding up all of the Mobians - rebels and sympathizers alike - to convert them into servants for the Robotniks' war machine! With this, Knuckles convinces the echidna settlement to break out; with the help of the Downunda Freedom Fighters, the Guardian of the Master Emerald (and the hesitant aid of Julie-Su) delivers a deadly one-two knockout combo to Crocbot and his forces! It's off to the next settlement!

And all the while, Knuckles is getting some odd it the Source within him?

Posts: 462
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Sonic the Hedgehog #46

Crisis on Infinite Mobiuses Part 4 (of 8)

It's Sonic, Anti-Sonic and an Egg Walker-driving Snively VS Metal Robotnik and his Combot-X hordes! The battle is shorter than expected though, when Metal Robotnik finds his army and resources have been sabotaged... leading to Snively terminating him with extreme prejudice! There's no cause for celebration though, as it turns out the ancient weapon known as the Ultimate Annihilator was dug up years ago and put in Station Square's museum... and a group of Badniks stole it just a few hours ago. The entire excavation was just Robotnik tricking his alternate-reality counterpart and putting him in a position to be killed - and now Robotnik has full control of their armies and the Ultimate Annihilator!

As the Death Egg moves through interdimensional space and destroys a defiant Zone, Sally comes to a hard decision - on behalf of Mobius, she's declaring a surrender. Snively caves in pretty quick after that, handing Robotropolis back to his uncle. But that's just a front, for while this Zone surrenders, Sonic, Anti-Sonic and a small dedicated team - Tails, Antoine, Bunnie, Amy Rose and Geoffrey - are being sent on a suicide mission into the Prime Zone to find a way of shattering Robotnik's power! And they've got a last-ditch weapon with them - Chaos...

Knuckles the Echidna #18

Knuckles' Quest Part 3 (of 5)

Knuckles is facing some real problems with the next settlement - in response to the Dark Legion, they've reverted back to the society of the ancient echidnas circa Pachamac! He's is going to have to convince them that technology is not neccessarily an enemy, as well as stopping them carving up Julie-Su. But when the refuge's leaders cave in earlier than expected, Knuckles knows that something is up - he subconsciously used the power of the Source to influence minds! Is he in danger of becoming just another Avatar of the Source?

Posts: 4336
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OOC: Wait.


It's Sonic, Metal Sonic and an Egg Walker-driving Snively

I thought it was Anti-Sonic.

Posts: 462
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*hurriedly edits it to Anti-Sonic*

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