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Sonic Comic Association Reborn!

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Not sure if anybody would actually be interested in doing this again but might as well give it a try? For those who don't know what this is, it's pretty much rewriting the Sonic comics from #1 with us as the writers!

Rules, as borrowed from last time
* Please wait AT LEAST one day or thereabouts after posting to post again.
* All content of the previews should be as in the comic. That means NOTHING over PG.
* Try not to purposely destroy the flow of the stories, even if you don't like someone's plot twist. Just deal with it.
* If someone spams the thread or does something blatantly wrong, first tell them what they did wrong (especially if they are new). If the person doesn't listen, then alert a mod/admin.
* Use this template for all stories:
Comic Name #?
Story Name (Or Part)
Description here

For Freedom! (Part 1 of 2)

Sonic is the world's most way past cool hedgehog and together with his friends, the Freedom Fighters (Tails, Sally, Rotor, Antonie, and Amy Rose.) they defend their village, Knothole from the clutches of Doctor Robotnik! But when Robotnik captures Sally, the village's princess, can Sonic and his friends save the day and the girl?

Posts: 528
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Oh, I am SO in.


For Freedom! (Part 2 of 2)

Sonic makes it to Robotnik's HQ after surviving may robotic baddies on the way, coming to the realization that Sally has been roboticized. While trying to turn Sally back to normal, while combating Dr. Robotnik, they make a new Freedom Fighter friend... Bunny Rabbit.

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Rabbot in a Half Shell! (Part 1 of 3)

Sonic, the Freedom Fighters, and their new friend Bunnie escape back to Knothole Village, where Rotor and Tails work on a way to deroboticize Sally. Meanwhile, Sonic, Antoine, Amy, and Bunnie return to Robotnik's HQ, Metropolis Zone, to find a part for Rotor - but for one Freedom Fighter, the mission will end in tragedy.

Posts: 528
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Rabbot in a Half-Shell (Part 2 of 3)

The team continues on their quest to a fight to the finish against Dr. Robotnik's Egg Beetle, where Amy is sneakily kidnapped by Snively as a feat to demonstrate his lone power to Robotnik, who discovers Snively's plan and uses it to draw Sonic away from the team in a side-plot that will mysteriously introduce Metal Sonic. Meanwhile, Antoine gains a lead on the location of Rotor's part and takes Bunnie along with him to find it.


Also, for funzies, out of being bored, I began to write a short story based off of Swanson's first issue, with the idea of maybe continuing to write issues on the other ideas that are submitted, perhaps turning a portion of them into a full fan-fiction, as long as thats OK with you as I will give credit where it is due.

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"Rabbot in a Half-Shell" (Part 3 of 3)

Antoine and Bunnie locate Rotor's spare part being guarded by someone whom all thought was dead - Sonic's Uncle Chuck! Chuck is roboticized, but tells the two where they can find the part - however, one of their lives will be changed forever. Meanwhile, Robotnik unleashes his greatest creation - Metal Sonic! Destined to destroy Sonic, Metal instead kidnaps Amy and flees Metropolis Zone, leaving only two mysterious words in his wake: "Never Lake."

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"Never Say Never" (Part 1 of 2)

The ultimate confrontation is here! Sonic vs Metal Sonic with Amy Rose's life in the balance, can Sonic overcome this his greatest enemy yet and what does Never Lake have to do with Sonic's past? Plus, Antoine comes face to face with his roboticized father, General DeCoolete, who is under the command of Doctor Robotnik, does Antoine have what it takes to take down his father and what side is Uncle Chuck really on?

Posts: 36
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"Never Say Never" (Part 2 of 2)

As Uncle Chuck explains, Never Lake is where Sonic developed his fear of water! When he was a young hedgehog, he almost drowned in the Lake when he saw something shining in the water, and Uncle Chuck had to pull him out. But, Sonic still remembered the object in the Lake, and how it seemed to be calling his name...

But Metal Sonic, and Robotnik, overheard this. Sonic's robotic counterpart intends to exploit his weakness, holding Amy over the water to force him to come after him. Things are looking grim, until...

Something shines from the Lake. Something gold, and circular, with a hole in the middle. A Ring, if you will. Sonic can feel some sort of connection to it; maybe this can help him save Amy. He tries to take it, but he can't reach it with Metal in the way.

So when Metal draws near the ring, Amy grabs the mysterious object and tosses it towards him. Sonic takes it...

And feels a burst of energy that seems to flood his entire body!

With newfound speed and power, Sonic uses the water against his opponent, running on top of the waves, so fast he creates a waterspout! Metal Sonic is lifted into the air and flung away; Amy slips from his grasp and is caught by Sonic.

Everything seems okay on Sonic's end.

But for Antoine...Though a robot, General DeCoolette still holds to a code fo honor. he challenges his son to a duel to the death. Even if Antoine wins, he loses. Can the heroes stop the duel before someone falls?

Posts: 528
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Jailbreak (Part 1 of 4)

A Duel to the Death!

Robotnik learns of the duel from Gen. D'Coolette and uses it as a trap to subdue the freedom fighters. When they attempt to intervene between Antoine and his father's fight, Robotnik captures them and prepares them for roboticization. Just in time, though, Antoine shows up, and rescues the rest of the Freedom Fighters, supposedly winning the duel.... they come to find out that Metropolis Zone has been locked down.

Meanwhile, Tails and Rotor have figured out that at this point, disaster is very much possible. Tails goes on a mission to see whats going on in Metropolis Zone. Could this spell disaster in fact for Tails? Will the Freedom Fighters escape on their own? WHAT WILL HAPPEN!?

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Jailbreak (Part 2 of 4)

Tails discovers something odd, Metropolis has seemingly vanished. The question is, if it's not here, where is it?

As Tails tries to discover this our captured heroes discover that escaping is currently not an option, so they use plan B, destroy as much of Metropolis as they can. Robotnik eventually shows up revealing that he had nothing to do with the lockdown. If not Robotnik than who?

Posts: 36
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Jailbreak (Part 3 of 4)

As it turns out, the Badniks in the Zone have revolted! Angered at being ignored by Robotnik, they put the Zone on lockdown to force him to give them attention. And they're doing a pretty good job of keeping it that way. Robotnik is puzzled; surely, his Badniks aren't _that_ strong...

And they're not. As Sonic anf friends find out, someone was leading the renegade robots. Someone sneaky. Someone who wants to carve a piece of his own empire.

Enter Nack the Weasel!

Posts: 528
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Jailbreak! (Final Part)

In the thrilling conclusion, a final battle is waged! Sonic and Robotnik make a temporary alliance, in which Metropolis Zone will be returned to normal, in Robotnik's favor, whereas Sonic is freed. This happens because Sally finds Nack and catches him in the act, and Robotnik finds out, so the deal is that Robotnik takes his robot and catches Nack, and Sonic handles the Badniks. Everything goes as plan, but of course, Robotnik comes at Sonic with the Metal Sonic that one of his servants found during the commotion. Mysterious "TO BE CONTINUED..." leaves the outcome of the fight to the next issue.

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(How is Sally able to find Nack if she's still robticized?)

Posts: 528
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(She found him WHILE roboticized and then reported him to Robotnik, because she serves him. I know thats not what I put down, but thats what I meant.)

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(That works.)


"The End is Never the End"

Sonic and Metal Sonic do battle one more time, meanwhile the rest of the Freedom Fighters escape with Sally, however Uncle Chuck opts to stay behind as a spy, as he reveals he got his freewill when Robotnik was testing out his latest weapon, the long-thought lost, Sword of Acorns. Sonic meets up with the gang at the entrance to Metropolis having seemingly destroyed Metal Sonic. The FF's return to their base and Rotor finishes construction on his De-Roboticizer, but will it be enough to turn Sally back to normal?


While Snively escorts Nack to his cell in the Metropolis Prison, Nack explains his motives. Nack had heard a prophecy that the fighting between Robotnik and the FF's would eventually cause the end of the world and decided he had to do something to stop it. As Nack explains it, "Looks like you can't stop fate."

Posts: 528
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Solo Story (Part 1 of 4)

After being inspired by his Uncle Chuck's idea to stay behind in Metropolis Zone as a spy for Robotnik, Sonic comes up with the idea that Rotor creates some sort of neuro-overrider (with a built communicator) able to allow Sonic to keep his freewill, and then work on destroying Metropolis Zone. The plan is accepted, and Sonic begins his mission... but the neuro-overrider is a dud and doesn't work, and NOW Sonic is a roboticized servent to Robotnik. The Freedom Fighters are unaware of this, but they talk to him through the Neuro-Overriders built in communicator, and get no reply. Tails is sent on a plane to see if he can see anything while hes above, and notices the roboticized Sonic. He goes in to try and solve things himself, underestimating Mecha-Sonic's power.

To be continued.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

OT: COMIC ASSOCIATION!!!!! And i thought I would never see it again.

Solo Story (Part 2 of 4)

Tails confronts the mindless mecha-Sonic, whose speed has been enhanced by the robotization process, only to find himself entangled in a losing battle. Tails realizes the grim fate at hand and desperatley tries to reach out to the Sonic inside. His plan fails and the Mecha-Sonic takes Tails' outcold body back to his master Dr. Robotnik.Uncle Chuck sees his Robotnik controlled nephew making a delivery and makes a desperate call to the Freedom Fighters. It looks as if their De-roboticizer will be getting a field test very soon. However, Uncle Chuck wasn't aware that Robotnik had the entire communication systems in Metropolis monitored. Robotnik has found a traitor and launched a squad of SWAT-bots to apprehend Uncle Chuck! Meanwhile: curious as to what his uncle is planning, Snively snoops around on Metropolis' computer database and uncovers secret plans for a massive battlestation. The Death Egg!


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Solo Story (Part 3 of 4)

Uncle Chuck is on the run from the SWAT-bots when he runs into General DeCoolette! The General seems to have been hiding out since "losing" the fight against his son, it turns out that the Sword of Acorns isn't the only thing that can bring a Robian back to his senses, love is just as strong! Meanwhile, the Freedom Fighters gear up for a confrontation with Sonic when a mysterious visitor shows up on their doorstep.

Posts: 528
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Solo Story (Final Part)

Knuckles arrives, and explains that he was alerted by Tails while in Metropolis Zone to go tell the Freedom Fighters about what's happened, neither Tails nor Knuckles with the knowledge that Uncle Chuck had already notified them, and they were ready to go. WITH Knuckles' help, they head to Metropolis Zone, hoping that they aren't too late and that Tails is OK. On the way, they bump into Uncle Chuck and General D'Coolette, who agree to assist them in this battle. Right before they make it to MechaSonic and Tails, Uncle Chuck and Gen. D'Coolette have to run because Swat Bots are back on their tail... Rotor takes Tails away from the fight and brings him back to Knothole to wait.... Sally, Antoine, Knuckles, and Bunnie reluctantly fight against Sonic... the battle goes on for hours... finally, Uncle Chuck makes it back and reminds them that the key to subduing Mecha Sonic whilst getting back the hedgehog they know and love, is simply love. Sally manages to plant a kiss upon Mecha Sonic's metal lips, and he is no longer under Robotnik's control. But now, Robotnik has closed down all enterances and exits in Metropolis Zone...

What now?

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What Happened Next

Sonic's mind is now free from Robotnik's control, but he is still a robot. Rotor leaps at the oppurtunity to use his new De-roboticizer. If it works the freedom fighters will have a new weapon to counter Robotnik's spread of evil. It works. Sonic is now his normal hedgehog self again! However, the device broke in the process. Rotor can build a new one, he still has the plans, but it will require spare parts. Parts found only in Metropolis. With Metropolis locked down, getting those parts will be no easy task!


Robotnik has begun construction on his new battlestation, The Death Egg. However he needs a power source to fuel the massive ship. A powerful fuel source. One that can only be obtained through a former sorccerer to the former king Acorn. Having been the one who dished out the fate on this wizard, Robotnik knows exactly where to look. Leaving Snively in charge of Metropolis Robotnik heads into the Zone of Silence to find the wizard Ixis Nagus!

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"The Calm Before"

The gang takes a break from the action while Rotor, Tails, and Uncle Chuck decide how to break into Metropolis. When questioned, Knuckles reveals that he is from the Floating Island, a mysterious island where he guards the Master Emerald. He says that he was in Metropolis Zone after finding one of Robotnik's scout bots on the island and tracing it back. Turns out Robotnik has his eye on the Master Emerald. Knuckles states that if he'll be in touch and leaves back to the island. Meanwhile Antoine reunites with his father and Sonic confronts Sally about the kiss that saved his life.

"Plan B"

Waiting for Robotnik to return, Snively launches a plan of his own. Believing Nack's talk of Robotnik and Sonic ending the world. Snively shuts off communication to the Zone of Silence and destroys Robotnik's means of getting back. He frees Nack and tells him that Robotnik has been taken care of and he, Snively is now the new ruler of Metropolis. He unveils his new creation, Silver Sonic and unlocks Metropolis waiting for the FF's to fall into his new trap.

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Mission Nearly Impossible (Part 1 of 3)

Snively, with full knowledge of the freedom fighters trying to find their way into Metropolis, unlocks it, but Uncle Chuck smells a rat. He thinks that they are in fact being led into a trap, and goes in himself, risking his life for his FF friends. The Swat Bots capture him and bring him back to headquarters, where he finds out that Robotnik is gone and Snively is taking his place. He uses a communication device to notify the FF of this, and they all meet back at Knothole where they develop a plan to infiltrate Metropolis, find Rotor's spare parts, and rescue Uncle Chuck. They leave on the mission, where Sonic finds 1 of the 3 spare parts, Rotor constructs a disguise to portray Bunnie as being completely roboticized, Bunnie uses it to find Uncle Chuck, and Antoine gets kidnapped by Gen. D'Coolette who had earlier been caught and returned to full roboticization.

Posts: 1044
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Mission Nearly Impossible (Part 2 of 3)

Two down one to go. Sonic finds the second sapre part, but before he can regroup and search for the next one, he is confronted by Snively's dastardly Silver Sonic. Naturally assumeing Silver Sonic is just a second rate copy of Metal Sonic, Sonic goes into full attack mode, unaware of Silver Sonic's hidden potential. Escorting Uncle Chuck to safety Bunnie runs into Gen. D'Coolette with the unconsious Antoine in tow. Bunnie, still in her robo disguise, manages to trick the general into releasing custody of Antoine over to her. Bunnie tells D'Coolette that Snively requests his presence imediately, and the robo general believes her. Sniovely decides that Nack may be a valuable asset to his plans, and frees him from his cell and appoints him second in command (for the right price of course)! Nack's first order of buisness: Find and destroy Knothole Village.

Posts: 528
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Sonic the Hedgehog 21

Mission Nearly Impossible (Final Part)

Sonic vs. Silver Sonic in a raging battle... and only ONE can win! Sonic is almost in critical condition... but Sally shows up at just the right time, and with a power ring! Sonic overcomes Silver Sonic, and Snively discovers what happened. He takes out every Swat Bot and they are all on the search for Sonic. Bunnie is discovered to have remaining free will when she's the only robot under Snively's control that hasn't gone after Sonic, and she is captured and roboticized fully, along with the K.O.ed Antoine who was with her. But Sonic finds the third part, and Sonic runs them all to Knothole where the DeRoboticizer is repaired and the Freedom Fighters prepare for their next mission... de-roboticizing Antoine and Bunnie!

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The Battle for Knothole (part 1 of 4)

Nack has found the location of Knothole and is leading all of the Swat-bots to that location. Sonic having heard the news gathers his own troops. The FF's, but can the heroes defeat the massive army or are they doomed from the start? Plus, Antonie is deroboticized along with Uncle Chuck and a now powerless Bunnie. How can Bunnie help without any of the strength she once had? Meanwhile, Snively tries to finish The Death Egg and General DeCoolette steals the Sword of Acorns, but for what purpose?

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The Battle for Knothole (Part 2 of 4)

Snively had ran into the same problem that Robotnik encountered during the construction of the Death Egg, no energy source. Snively had came to the same conclusion that it would aquire mystical energies to power the vessel, but seeks his alt energy source in the form of the Sword of Acorns, knowing it has some connection to the former wizard Ixis Nagus. Having dispatched Gen. D'Coolette to obtain the sword it is now just a matter of time before Snively can accomplish what his uncle could not. Meanwhile the battle rages across the village of Knothole, with Snively's forces gaining the advantage. Rotor sustains several injuries during the fight, as Uncle Chuck tries to desperately get the Walrus to safety. Bunnie scared as to what to do convinces herself that she is no longer of any use to her comrades, and locks herself inside her hut waiting for the inevitable!

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The Battle for Knothole (Part 3 of 4)

With Snively getting his hands on the Sword of Acorns there seems to be nothing stopping his plan, except General DeCoolette himself, it seems Snively was not aware of the free will the the Sword gives to Mobians. With his free will established DeCoolette takes on Snively, in one of his newly created mech-suits, who will win? Meanwhile, Sonic takes measures into his own hands by going on a suicide mission to find Nack, while Antoine tries to convince Bunnie that there's still much she can do. Also, Rotor is in critical condition at the hospital, will he be saved or will he be the first FF to fall?

Roses are Red

The first of a series of origin stories on the Freedom Fighters delves into the origins of Amy Rose. Born and raised in the village of Knothole, Amy's parents were killed when Robotnik started his takeover, learning how to properly fight and using the Piko Piko Hammer, a family heirloom given to her by her mother, she's has sworn revenge on Robotnik and his army.

Posts: 163
Estimable Member

(Ah, I'm sure I made my first post on the MoFo in one of these topics. Nostalgia...)

The Battle for Knothole (Part 4 of 4)

The climactic clash begins in earnest in the sordid streets of the Metropolis Zone! While Snively and D'Coolette slug it out, Nack chooses to help Sonic, but only if Sonic will give him information on a set of seven mysterious stones said to be able to create miracles. Banded together as an unlikely duo, Nack and Sonic take to Metropolis Zone only to find that the battle for the Sword of Acorns has been already won, but not by Snively or the General...

A City of Two Tails

Centuries ago, wizards from an old fox culture sought the magic gems that could give them ultimate power. The most learned among them, Merlin Prower, reportedly came into contact with the magical shrine that contained all of them; the overwhelming energy generated a mutation in him in the form of a second tail. Generations later, with the whole civilization having developed this physical quirk, the foxes vanished without a trace. The scion of this culture, Miles Prower, does not remember much, but his earliest memories are of his ancestors' city burning and two faces: those of Merlin Prower and a certain mustachioed scientist...

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Extreme Measures

The Freedom Fighters have won, Metropolis Zone lies in ruins and as Sonic and Nack head into the command center they find Merlin Prower, wielding the Sword of Acorns. Merlin quickly knocks out both Nack and Sonic and makes his escape. Sonic wakes up in the hospital at Knothole, next to Rotor, who survived his near death experience. Sally informs him that Snively is in custody, but Nack and the General were nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, Bunnie leaves to prove to herself that she can still be a hero, but what does she have in mind?

Posts: 1446
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"Fire Island" (Part 1 of 3)

Two weeks after the destruction of Metropolis, Sonic and Tails take a break and travel to the mysterious Angel Island, to formally meet Knuckles and try and recruit him as a Freedom Fighter. When they arrive, the island is under siege and Knuckles is nowhere to be found - who is this mysterious enemy, and why are they firebombing the island? And what's up with all the strange puddles of water?

Posts: 327
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"Fire Island" (Part 2 of 3)

Much to the astonishment of everyone (not the least of which being Tails), Merlin Prower has utilised the Sword of Acorns to unlock the Zone of Silence, liberating, among others, Doctor Robotnik! The mad scientist has set about corrupting Knuckles's mind with lies and trickery while corrupting the Floating Island with his maniacal, mechanical presence. Sonic and Tails are baffled by the echidna's actions as he sets them up for one trap after another. Their harrowing adventure takes them to the site of a rocket pad, where a massive machine the likes of which has never before been seen awaits them: the completed Death Egg! Will Robotnik win? Will Knuckles come to his senses? Has Merlin betrayed all that is good and right?

"I Am The Eggman, I Am The Walrus"

In the origin story of Rotor, Doctor Robotnik is seen working on perfecting the Prison Egg. One of his captives, the young Rotor, demonstrates an unusual adeptness at technology and manages to break the locks on the Prison Egg. Intrigued by this talent, Robotnik offers the walrus a place by his side when he conquers every last inch of the world. The temptation for Rotor is great, with the promises of power and comfort surpassing anything offered to him in his life before. Ultimately, he chooses to reject the offer, motivated by a sense of empathy for his fellow captives, and flees into the forests and the welcoming embrace of a small group of guerrilla fighters...

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"Fire Island" (Part 3 of 3)

Sonic convinces Knuckles to help, after Knuckles witnesses the chaos Robotnik has brought to his island, he agrees. Together they team up to take down the Death Egg, but can they defeat Robotnik's new robotic creation? (Sonic 2 Final boss, it doesn't have a name to my knowledge.) Meanwhile, Tails pursues Merlin only to discover the other people released from the Zone of Silence, Jules and Bernie (Sonic's parents), Amadeus and Rosemary (Tails' parents), and King Acorn, all unconscious. Merlin explains that he will right all his wrongs and disappears with Amadeus and Jules. Before Tails can comprehend what has happened, he is attacked by the Ixis Nagus!

"Honor and Tradition"

Antoine's origin is revealed, born into the richest family in Knothole, Antoine's father was stern always telling Antoine to train and work hard. Antoine found himself distanced from his father and found love from his mother. Sadly, when Robotnik first took over his parents were one of the first taken down, his mother did not survive the roboticization process and Antoine was heart broken, swearing revenge on Robotnik.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

BIG THE CAT in "The Really Big Fish" (Part 1 of 2)

Big the Cat and Froggy are just spending another lazy day fishing when Big snags a fish -- but this fish is really big! In fact, this one might be too big!

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Knew it would only be a matter of time before that ended up appearing, I read the old version before making this. I suppose I'm more disappointed that you didn't think of something new. Anywhoo...

Editor's Note: Whooops, looks like one of our editors got a bit typsy last night and threw this preview out, Rest assured, Sonic is not being taken over by Big...yet.

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OT: Whoops forgot about this topic! So SORRY! Hahaha, Big! Love that guy! ^_^ Well if he's not taking over we'll just start at...

The Death Egg Saga (part 1 of 4)

The battle between Sonic, Knuckles, and Robotnik commences. Robotnik gives his best, but his battlesuit is no match for the combined might of our heroes. Robotnik is defeated and his battle suit in shambles. It seems all of Robotnik's careful planning has been for nothing! Robotnik admits defeat, but before Sonic and Knuckles can take the hefty doctor in their custody, the Death Egg begins to accelerate. Robtnik didn't give the command? Who could be controlling his mecha marvel? The answer comes from the Wizard known only as Ixis Nagus. Seein as the Death Egg is powered by energy he created, Nagus can control the Death Egg at will. It will make a fine instument in riding Mobius of the troublesome two-tailed fox once and for all!

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The Death Egg Saga (part 2 of 4)

Tails wakes up to discover that he has been taken to safety by a mysterious echidna named Locke. Locke calls Tails the Chosen One and begins to talk about his Uncle Merlin. It appears his uncle made a horrific mistake by joining forces with Robotnik in attempting to save his people from a horrible plague. Robotnik turned on him and killed most of the two-tailed civilization, with the help of Merlin's arch-nemesis, Ixis Nagus. Meanwhile, Sonic, Knuckles, and Robotnik join forces to try and stop the mad wizard, but how exactly do they get off the Death Egg?


The Science of Chaos

Princess Sally was born to the royal family of Acorn who ruled over the village of Knothole. She grew up sheltered and protected, unlike her brother Elias, who was given more freedom. Jealous of her brother she snuck out one day and met none other than, Sonic the Hedgehog! Sonic takes the princess home to his parents, Jules and Bernie, eventually the king's men find Sally and take her home. Later, the King himself pays a visit to the Hedgehogs and thanks them for keeping his daughter safe. He extends a hand to both Uncle Chuck and Jules to join the science team at Castle Acorn. The team of Amadeus Prower, Jules and Charles Hedgehog, and Julian Kintobar begin testing the effects of the mysterious Chaos Emerald, a gem Amadeus brought with him. They discover that the gem only works on select few Mobians, mainly Jules and Amadeus. However, when Merlin, Amadeus' brother shows up claiming that he needs help to fight a disease spreading in their people, the team, with King Acorn in tow, leave with the emerald.


As they enter the mysterious City of Two-Tails, the team discovers that the disease is turning civilians into mindless robots, fascinated by this, Kintobar spends his every waking hour to discovering how to harness this power. The team discover that the disease is magical in nature and Merlin discover that Ixis Nagus was behind it the whole time. Revealing himself, Nagus and Merlin begin to brawl, with King Acron and Amadeus fighting off Nagus' mindless slaves. Meanwhile, Jules and Charles experiment with the seven chaos emeralds located in the shrine. Jules becomes mad with power, his fur turns bright yellow and he begins to start emitting large amounts of energy destroying parts of the city, his rampage comes to an end when a young fox named Miles begs him to not kill his mother. With the city in ruins and the fight at it's most brutal. The comic ends with Kintobar showing up, calling himself Robotnik and telling Ixis that "it is time."
