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Sonic FCBD review .........SPOILERS

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Since I normally buy and don't subscribe, this will probably be my only chance to do a STH comic review that isn't Sonic X.

"Unburying The Hatchet"

Writing and art by the usual gang.

Eggman has finally captured Sonic thanks to Metal Sonic. But instead of killing him (which would be the most logical), he puts a transciever in his ear and controls his body.

As the the SatAm crew prepares to spring him out, Sonic arrives and begins to attack his friends. Although Eggman has control over his body Sonic can still talk. He apologizes for beating his friends up and warns them he's going after the king next. Sally uses Nicole to track down "The one guy who's been able to take him down".

The Chaotix arrive including Safron, and get the living stuffin' knocked out of them by Sonic. Finally that "one guy" arrives. It's Knuckles. "Who were you expecting? Shadow?" Sonic fights him, but tells him what's up. Knuckles tells him the best solution is to punch Sonic hard in the face in hopes to knock the circutry loose. Sonic really objects to this, but Knuckles doesn't care, and seems almost too happy to try.

Meanwhile Eggman is back at the base controlling Sonic with a game controller. "The controls are horrendous! I should've spent more time in development!" (Is this a tiny knock at Sega?) Snively has had enough of Eggman's silly plan and ACTUALLY CHEWS HIM OUT!! He tells him he should be cocentrating on the upcoming war instead of playing silly games. He storms off and talks to himself about how one day, his empire will be ripe for the picking. He then sees Metal Sonic standing in recharge mode and decides, "Why wait at all?". He pulls out a USB device to attach to the back of Metal Sonic's head. Metal Sonic stops him and grabs him by the throat. Eggman then informs Snivley that he knows he will be loyal from now on because he has put a self-defense program in all of his machines that will keep them from being sabotaged by the little weasel. Eggman puts Sonic on auto brawl and decides that he will have to finish this situation with Metal and himself personally.

Meanwhile Sonic and Knuckles bust through the wall of the palace still fighting. Knuckles tells Sonic to try his best to hold still so he can knock his block off. Sonic absolutely refuses. (In fact he's really acting like a sissy over Knuckles plan. I mean, I wouldn't want to get punched in the head either but if it kept me from hurting others, I'd do whatever I could to stop myself.) Sonic suggests some alternative plans, but before they can be discussed further, Tails comes in from behind and kicks Sonic in the back of the head. This dazes Sonic enough for Knuckles to finally land a good punch. Knux plan works. The circuitry comes out of Sonics ear and he's back to normal.

Just then Eggman and Metal Sonic come charging through the hole Knux left behind. He sicks Metal Sonic on them but Team Sonic makes short work of the devilish die-cast doppelganger. Eggman then notices that he's surrounded by all the freedom fighters and Chatoix and hightails it out of there.

Tails apologizes for kicking Sonic, but Sonic tells him it was the right thing to do and says that he's glad to have such friends that will still look out for him. But he did accuse Knuckles of enjoying it too much.

Back at Eggmans base he says that it's no more fun and games. It's time for him to settle the score and asks Snivley if the fleet is ready. He then opens a door to reveal a large robot under a cloak. "Here I come, Sonic."


WOW! Quite an action packed issue with Sonic fighting everyone. Plus, I loved the scene where Snivley finally tells Eggman off. That took some grapefruits. The art is awesome as always. We also get to see almost all the regulars from the comic with the exception of Shadow and Rouge.

Some minor quibbles. Up until Snivley started to chew him out, Eggman was acting more like he does on Sonic X. He was more about having fun than getting revenge. It's pretty forgivable though, as he's acted like this in the regular book before.

Sonic on the other hand, was acting like a total sissy when it came to Knuckles trying to punch him in the face. I think it was done for comedy's sake, but it was slightly out of character.

Overall though a solid issue and a fun read. A newbie could jump in and read it without having to know all of the characters, and that's what a good FCBD comic is all about. Having a one-shot issue that helps to bring in new readers. I think this one works.

Overall 8.5/10

While you're out picking up the Sonic book, make sure to get the free Peanuts comic with 150 super-rare strips that were never re-printed before.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

sounds like fun. i'm going today.

Posts: 378
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ugh. Knuckles fights Sonic who is under Robotnik's control. Deja vu, anyone:ohbrother

Posts: 1127
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Good grief, it's a free comic, don't complain.

Posts: 128
Estimable Member

Besides, it was under different circumstances last time. (See STH 39, and Mecha Madness. Great artwork by Spaz.)

Posts: 1583
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Knux: Hold still and let me knock some sense into you!
Sonic: NO!

Massive love to Ian for that one.

And Knuckles did enjoy it more than necessary... 😉

Sally complaining that Knux hit Sonic too hard was funny too. ^^

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

This was a great issue. It got some of my friends who had never read the comic interested in issue #175, which I suppose was one of the goals.

Posts: 1446
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Of the two comic stores I went to, this was easily the best"seller". The first store was completely out of stock of it within two hours, and I had to specifically ask for it at the second store because they had none out on the shelves either. While I'm sure a lot of the "sales" were due to little kids seeing Sonic and wanting it, I'm really kinda proud that our little comic was outselling some of the bigger names like Batman and Spiderman.

Posts: 1413
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"It's not my fault! The controls are horrendous! I should've spent more time in development."

LOL surprised no one mention this. Heck I am surprised this appear in the comic book at all. Guess SEGA wasn't paying attention.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Man, I'd to have to import to get this, but I think it's the only way.

Though, I guess I'm not missing out on anything important canon-wise.

Posts: 1583
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No, you didn't miss anything important, Spiner.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Well, the last page kind of hinted at something spoilerish.

Spoilers (Select To Read): Looked like the machine on 177's cover

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

Wonderful. I missed it. -_-

Posts: 981
Noble Member

This seems to take place right before the wedding.

On a different note, some HI-larious pics:

1. Snively is missing a leg when Metal picks him up
2. Knuckles face when Sonic says " seems that Knuckles likes his part more than necessary." "What! Me, No! You're imagining things.":lol

Posts: 378
Reputable Member

Oh, but I am complaining. By the time I got to the store, they were all out. Now If I want it, I'll have to pay. But I don't want it. It seems to bee full of repetitive plots.

A. Sonic's had something in his ear/head/whatever implanted by Robotnik controlling him before, and Antoine knocked him out so the chip could be removed. This story was right before Tails went to the island to get Fiona.

B. In Mecha Madness, Sonic is turned into Mecha Sonic, and was brought back to normal after fighting Knuckles.

Old plots, new stories :rolleyes

Posts: 1127
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The only difference? This story was actually good.

Posts: 526
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The "more time in development" line was mentioned in Kotaku. I hope Sega doesn't bring anything down on Archie for that line. I doubt it though.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

The script was approved by them, though. Even then, it doesn't specify anything, so I doubt that even if someone just didn't notice the meaning of the line anything could really be said.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


Old plots, new stories

That can be said about every story.
