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sonic fear of water
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sonic fear of water

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how this come about in the SHtam and the comic he not afarid to swin so how this start anyway?

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

I believe they decided on this due to the fact that Sonic doesn't swim in the video games. He just sinks straight to the bottom where he runs along the surface. Since he can't swim and is non-bouyant, it would be natural for him to have a fear of water. This is also true to his character in Sonic X as the same rules apply.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I'd still have liked to've seen a Sonic Kids story (remember them? :)) where Sonic had a nasty experience in water - probably whilst saving someone - which left him paranoid to the present day.

That or just a story about Bernie and Jules trying to give a young or even a present-day Sonic swimming lessons. I can just picture an extremely phobic seventeen year old Sonic being thrust into arm bands and a rubber ring by Bernie and coaxed like a toddler, whilst Jules gets an excuse to stand on the bank and snigger.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

I don't recall Sonic ever actually saying or mentioning that he was ever afraid of water. It must have been silly Sonic X that started it.

Posts: 1583
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Sonic X?

Sonic has hated water in Archie for a long time. I remember him specifically saying so in #115 and that came out before the Sonic X series started in Japan.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Yep. I forget exactly where I saw it first, but that's been around since the Mega Drive/Genesis days and before I even knew that Archie existed - and my first issue was #75.

Fleetway used it as a plot point, too - but they weren't the first to bring it up, either. I think it only really started getting foregrounded when Sonic 3 actually showed Tails swimming whilst Sonic just sank, but it was around before then.

I should check my copy of Stay Sonic...

Posts: 981
Noble Member

Oh. My bad. Never read that one. :^^; But my point was that in the earlier days it was true that Sonic at least RESENTED water, but never actually had a phobia towards it(like they showed in Sonic X and the current Sonic).

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Where is it that Sonic actually shows water phobia? I've never seen Sonic freak out over water in STH. Usally he just says something abount him not being able to swim, and when he actually has to hit the drink he sure takes it pertty calm for someone with a phobia! Even in #115 which he almost drowned!

Posts: 981
Noble Member

Once again, I am saying that Sonic X has showed him to have this phobia. The episode when Sonic and Knuckles first fight, I think, when they land in the water. It was only knee deep and Sonic was splashing around like an idot trying to get out. I hereby hate the show now.

And yes, this phobia is not really present in the comics. He would rather stay away from it since he can't swim, but if he has to do something life-threatning he would jump in. Understand my point now?

Ok I'll stop typing.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Got'cha! However, I don't think you start hating the show because Sonic was splashing aorund like a sissy!

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

And he does the same thing in Sonic X when he really needs to. 🙂

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

I find Sonic having a phobia of water actually adds a little character to him, seeing as he has so little, and it's for comedic value. I don't want to have to take a blue rodent who runs fast seriously.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Sam's right, Sonic X has shown plenty of times that Sonic's willing to risk getting a little water in his ears if it means it'll help his friends. And since it's Sonic X playing up the comedy and not getting too serious with it is probably the best way to go.

But in Archie... one could say that it's not the water per se, but his inability to utilize his best trait that scares him. I'm sure he's had a nightmare or two where he wakes up in a hospital bed to discover his legs no longer work. And if not, someone needs to get on that. *winks @ Ian*

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Been done. Sonic can't run with broken legs. =p

Posts: 337
Reputable Member

""That or just a story about Bernie and Jules trying to give a young or even a present-day Sonic swimming lessons. I can just picture an extremely phobic seventeen year old Sonic being thrust into arm bands and a rubber ring by Bernie and coaxed like a toddler, whilst Jules gets an excuse to stand on the bank and snigger.""

That would be so sweet, and Sonic's phobia actually gives him more character.

Posts: 38
Eminent Member

Hey if Sonic hates water then how was he able to check the power stone in Satam? I hear hes a bad swimmer.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

He seems to be able to swim, but he's not great at it. I like the idea that there's a bit of ego and/or insecurity in there. Speed is his talent, and being in water takes him out of situations where he can use that.

And we all know how much Sonic likes situations where he has to think or try something other than running or spinning his way out of trouble.

Sonic likes to be seen as the best at what he does - it's why he has creations like Nicole or the Brain Trust do his thinking for him, rather than try himself: because he knows that he's no good at it.

Spoilers (Select To Read): (Witness the spat between him and Tails in the 176 preview pages, because he just doesn't want to consider anything other than a strategy that's already failed once.

It's the only one he knows.)

He can't be that in water. There's an element of control freakery there, and I wonder if that's the phobia rather than water itself.

Again, there's a nice little Sonic's Nightmare-esque character development story in there somewhere.

Maybe even Tails joining in the lesson by being his swimming buddy and Sonic being the tagalong behind for once... *giggle* It might even teach him what it's like being the sidekick, and get him to give a little moreconsideration. 😉
