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Sonic for 2009 - Sneak Peek Info

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Posts: 398
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Ian has revealed some cool news about things to come for Sonic in 2009 and on!

Alrighty! I just got the go ahead to drop some tasty tidbits your way.

First off, let's talk about artists. We've got a few of 'em, and they're all awesome.

You like Steve Butler? Of course you do. He's doing the lead story for STH#202.

We've got a new-comer named Jamal Peppers and he'll be tackling most of the back-ups. I've seen his work, and I'm very happy with what he's producing. He's definitely an exciting up-and-comer in the book.

Tracy Yardley isn't going anywhere. He's more-or-less the visionary for Sonic Universe - covers and interiors.

Oh, and some guy called "Spaz" will be doing most of the covers for STH#203 onward. I haven't seen his stuff, but I hear he's okay. We'll see. 😉

Ah, but what about the stories? We're obviously heading into some new territory here, but just what's going to happen?

"Iron Dominion" is going to dominate the book for the foreseeable future. It has a planned end, but we're really devoting ourselves to it. We're doing a ton of world-building here; creating viable heroes and villains to return to in the distant future.

As seen, Monkey Khan will be returning. Yes, I'm taking a gamble in bringing back one of the least favorite characters, but I made it my mission to flesh him out and make him - if not likable - then respectable.

Folks have been puzzling over how the Iron King / Iron Queen / Snively dynamic is going to work. Rest assured that it will be spelled out clearly and quickly.

Who is "Coolie-Hat-Maybe-Rabbit-Lynx Girl?" Some folks are already pretty close. She ties directly into the the meaning behind "Bride of Four Houses" and will prove to be a pivotal character in a pre-established character's life.

By the end of "The Iron Dominion," we'll have a much clearer idea on what the Dragon Kingdom is and how its societies are laid out.

When you look at the top tier villains - Robotnik, Mogul, Finitevus, Naugus - you'll note a serious lack of female persuasion. Just like I'm making Monkey Khan a viable hero, this arc is set to make Iron Queen a viable villain. By the end of this, I want her to be considered on the same level as the "big boys."

NINJAS! Everyone likes ninjas, right?

We haven't seen the last of the good doctor. There will be a story that makes Sonic face what he's created. It'll be a surprisingly light-hearted encounter on the surface (remember: kids' book), but I think you guys will be able to see the subtle, richer subtext. You'll see.

And while you guys can usually brainstorm a lot of my thinking - which is no fair, y'all outnumber me - I really think there will be some reveals and happenings that will catch you off-guard.

As for Sonic Universe . . . it's hard not to give everything away. So I'll just toss some points at you and let you muse over them:
- new character is coming unrelated to "The Iron Dominion"
- partial origin story for someone close to Knuckles
- the return of a Freedom Fighter group
- a duel that's been a long time in coming

I think that's enough to stoke the fires for the year. Enjoy!

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Just the fact that there will hopefully be a powerful villainess is something nice to see.

And please please please improve Monkey Kahn. I have like a guilty pleasure for liking his character, even though he's done very little. Okay nothing.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

Awww Ian you made my day! I'm exited to get my comics! I'm liking the world building Ian and the team are doing.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

MK isin't BAD, he just got shafted with dumb storylines in the past. I believe you can fix that. Khan as a hero would be awesome.

SU sounds fantastic, can't wait for that.

I might get a subscription finally, instead of living issue to issue. But there's back issues to worry about right now >.>...

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

Oh, and some guy called "Spaz" will be doing most of the covers for STH#203 onward. I haven't seen his stuff, but I hear he's okay. We'll see. 😉

To me, that's the best news on the page!

Posts: 136
Estimable Member

Spaziante!!!! Great to hear he's finally working on Sonic on a consistent basis again! Now if Ian could only get Axer back as well!

Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Steve Butler's coming back! That's wonderful! I hope Art Mahwhinney returns, too!

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i love steven butler, could care less for art mawhinney though. i think the style that tracy yardley does is probably the best representation of not being too kiddy, but at the same time not too serious either. butler kinda borders on the serious side, but it's not that bad.
